Саске на экзамене мем

Саске Мем

Дата: 02-03-2022
Смотрели: 2 154
70 фото

1Саске Учиха мститель

Саске Учиха мститель

2Боруто Саске мемы

Боруто Саске мемы

3Наруто упоротый Саске

Наруто упоротый Саске

4САС мемы

САС мемы

5Саске Учиха

Саске Учиха

6Мем про Итачи Наруто и Саске

Мем про Итачи Наруто и Саске

7Саске Учиха мини

Саске Учиха мини

8Саске из Наруто Мем

Саске из Наруто Мем

9Смешные лица из Наруто Саске

Смешные лица из Наруто Саске

10Удивлённый Саске

Удивлённый Саске

11Наруто душит Саске

Наруто душит Саске

12Саске кун из Наруто

Саске кун из Наруто

13Мем из Наруто Итачи

Мем из Наруто Итачи

14Саске веселый

Саске веселый

15Наруто для важных переговоров

Наруто для важных переговоров

16Саске ахегао

Саске ахегао

17Динозаврик Саске

Динозаврик Саске

18Саске смешной

Саске смешной

19Боруто Саске мемы

Боруто Саске мемы

20Саске Twixtor

Саске Twixtor

21Саске и Какаши разговор

Саске и Какаши разговор

22Наруто Саске и Итачи приколы

Наруто Саске и Итачи приколы

23Аниме Наруто и Саске смешные кадры

Аниме Наруто и Саске смешные кадры

24Саске мемы

Саске мемы

25Кот Саске кричит Наруто

Кот Саске кричит Наруто

26Саске моменты из Наруто

Саске моменты из Наруто

27Мадара Саске и Итачи мемы

Мадара Саске и Итачи мемы

28Упоротый Саске

Упоротый Саске

29Наруто Саске и Сакура смешные

Наруто Саске и Сакура смешные

30Мини Саске Мем

Мини Саске Мем

31Сакура Харуно Мем

Сакура Харуно Мем

32Мемы Наруто Итачи и Саске

Мемы Наруто Итачи и Саске

33Наруто смешные кадры Саске

Наруто смешные кадры Саске

34Саске в Коноху

Саске в Коноху

35Саске Учиха смеется

Саске Учиха смеется

36Аниме Наруто Саске 1 сезон

Аниме Наруто Саске 1 сезон

37Итачи душит Саске Мем

Итачи душит Саске Мем

38Наруто и Итачи приколы

Наруто и Итачи приколы

39Смешные коты Наруто

Смешные коты Наруто

40Итачи душит Саске

Итачи душит Саске

41Саске младенец

Саске младенец

42Итачи смеется

Итачи смеется

43Какаши смешные стоп кадры

Какаши смешные стоп кадры

44Саске усуратонкачи

Саске усуратонкачи

45Саске Мем

Саске Мем

46Саске шлёпает Наруто

Саске шлёпает Наруто

47Подбородок Саске

Подбородок Саске

48Саске с чебуреком

Саске с чебуреком

49Мемы про Саске из Наруто

Мемы про Саске из Наруто

50Итачи Учиха и Тоби

Итачи Учиха и Тоби

51Саске дебил

Саске дебил

52Саске Учиха

Саске Учиха

53Саске бежит

Саске бежит

54Наруто мемы Гаара

Наруто мемы Гаара

55Саске Учиха веселый

Саске Учиха веселый

56Наруто пикчи для важных переговоров

Наруто пикчи для важных переговоров

57Итачи Джоунин

Итачи Джоунин

58Саске напуган

Саске напуган

59Попа Саске

Попа Саске

60Саске Мем

Саске Мем

61Наруто и Саске стоп кадры

Наруто и Саске стоп кадры

62Наруто для ВП

Наруто для ВП

63Саске лох

Саске лох

64Саске Учиха смех

Саске Учиха смех

65Я Саске

Я Саске

66Учиха Сасуке ъстопкадры

Учиха Сасуке ъстопкадры

67Задумчивый Саске

Задумчивый Саске

68Итачи Учиха фейспалм

Итачи Учиха фейспалм

69Наруто и Саске приколы

Наруто и Саске приколы

В соцсетях стал популярен мем с героем «Наруто» Саске, которого держат за горло и президенты, и животные, и даже сам Бог. Пользователи создают мем, совмещая фото из аниме-сериала и снимок любого другого персонажа, но такие коллажи нравятся далеко не всем. Некоторые фанаты Саске жалеют персонажа и создают с ним собственные мемы, в которых парня не душат, а обнимают.

Оригинал мема с Саске — скриншот из 85-й серии аниме-сериала «Наруто» под названием «Глупый брат, сила ненависти и злости!» В ней Итачи держит своего брата Саске за горло и прижимает к стене со словами: «Ты слаб. Почему ты слабый? Потому что в тебе недостаточно ненависти!»

Для тех, кто не смотрел «Наруто», немного поясним предысторию и значение этого момента. По сюжету Итачи убил всех членов клана Учиха, к которому принадлежал сам с братом, и с тех пор единственная цель Саске в жизни — отомстить за гибель своих родных и близких и убить брата. Когда в 85-й серии он в очередной раз пытается это сделать, Итачи отбивает его атаку и хватает за горло. Этот кадр сериала и стал шаблоном для мема.

В начале января одна из пользовательниц твиттера отразила этот кадр, обрезала его и совместила со снимком кота, причём фото животного она подобрала так, чтобы рука Итачи была практически идеальным продолжением лапы. А в подписи разместила цитату из аниме.

Твит набрал всего 30 тысяч репостов и лайков, но стал, как пишет Know your meme, первым из множества мемов, в которых другие пользователи пытались красиво совместить кадр из аниме с Саске и любое другое фото. Какого-то метафорического смысла во всех этих мемах не было, люди лишь придумывали всё новых и новых персонажей, которые прижимали бы Саске к стене. Таким образом, получилось, что против персонажа ополчился практически весь мир. И у каждого из душащих Саске героев была своя мотивация.

Парня пытался задушить сам Барак Обама.

И Владимир Путин не остался в стороне. Правда, причин для ненависти не указал.

Гордон Рамси был недоволен кулинарными навыками аниме-персонажа.

Душили Саске даже, казалось бы, самые безобидные персонажи. Например, Карлсон.

Тони Старк умудрялся делать это даже двумя руками.

Ну и куда же без немного откровенных версий мема.

Даже сам Бог приложил руку.

Правда, мемы с Саске, которого душат, понравились далеко не всем.

Один из пользователей российского твиттера даже сделал альтернативную версию мема для всех тех, у кого душение Саске вызывает некомфортные чувства, за что десятки (если не сотни) пользователей его поблагодарили.

Если вам тоже стало грустно после нового мема с Саске, вас точно развеселит гитаристка, которая не только играет со скоростью света, но и делает при этом такое лицо, которое вы долго не сможете забыть. Кажется, даже герой мема «Еее рок» мог бы ей позавидовать.

После такого зрелища вам тоже захочется стать круче. И правильно, а то даже Джона Хилл уже занялся джиу-джитсу. Да, тот самый, который когда-то был толстеньким, а теперь похудел, покрасился и вполне может дать сдачи кому угодно.

Sasuke meme (Sasuke choke meme) – is a meme from the anime series “Naruto” in which Itachi Uchiha chokes his brother Sasuke. Twitter users replace Itachi with other characters.

Origin of Sasuke meme

An exploitable screenshot is taken from the 85th episode of the series “Naruto” – “Hate Among the Uchihas: The Last of the Clan!” In one scene, Itachi pushes his brother to the wall, takes him by the neck and accuses him of weakness.

On January 13th, 2019 Twitter user @kirikocult posted two pictures. The first one is a Sasuke cut from screenshot. The second is a photo with a cat stretching its paw. Thus, it turned out that the cat is stifling Sasuke.

sasuke choked meme

The tweet scored 10000 retweets and became viral. Other users began to repeat reception and substitute other characters instead of a cat.

In some pictures, the combination turned out almost perfect:

sasuke choked meme


The meaning of the meme with Sasuke, who is choked, is to perfectly combine two pictures. Users of Twitter and other social networks are competing, who will get it better.

Often the pictures include a quote from the anime. It sounds like this:

You’re weak, Sasuke … you lack seasoning

The format with the combination of different pictures previously met in the other memes like “Monkey haircut”.


Sasuke choked meme


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Sasuke may be a pretty serious character, but he gives us plenty of great meme material. Here are some great ones.

Naruto fans know the show is full of humor and eccentric characters. It might be one of the biggest animes in existence which means that it also has a vast library of memes. The show follows a group of kids from the Hidden Leaf Village who undergo training to become full-fledged ninjas.

The two most important characters are, of course, Naruto Uzumaki, and his long-time rival, Sasuke Uchiha. The internet has a love/hate relationship with Sasuke, for a good reason. He has been both someone to root for on the show and a villain. Most of the time he’s acting like a total jerk. Here are some hilarious Sasuke memes that fans of the show should enjoy.

The internet’s reaction to Sasuke

As mentioned in the introduction paragraph, the internet has mixed reactions to Sasuke. What is great about this meme is it works on multiple levels. The main level is the infamous «choking Sasuke» meme that has become incredibly popular as of late. It shows various characters from all types of media «choking» Sasuke in various mash-ups.

It also works in the sense that many fans of the show don’t like Sasuke, or, at the very least, are frequently frustrated with him due to his behavior and the way he treats the other beloved characters on the show like Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, and more.

People lining up to choke Sasuke

Again, people really don’t like Sasuke! But also, this hilarious Spongebob image is yet another reference to the popular choking meme. It starts to get increasingly funny when you see people like Gordon Ramsey and Big Bird from Sesame Street all in the mash-up taking Itachi’s place in one of the infamous early Naruto scenes.

If you google the choking Sasuke meme you’ll be able to see an entire gallery of various meme creations people have made. The image in this picture comes from an episode of Spongebob involving a long spanking machine, you can see how it fits perfectly.

Mom, it’s not a phase

We’ve all seen the jokes online about what happens when people go through their «emo phase.» The thing is, for Sasuke Uchiha, it was never a phase. He was always a moody kid. That’s not exactly his fault seeing as the entire Uchiha clan was brutally massacred by Itachi Uchiha.

We find out the truth of the incident later on but for starters, all Sasuke cares about is revenge and it reflects in his appearance. You might think he’d grow out of it but as he gets older in the series it appears his «emo phase» and style is just a permanent fixture of his personality.

When Sasuke threatens to leave again

One of the driving plotlines of Naruto is all about Sasuke Uchiha initially leaving the Hidden Leaf Village to receive training from Orochimaru. He hopes to become more powerful so he can finally get revenge on Itachi. But he never returns. Naruto’s whole mission always revolves around trying to bring Sasuke back to the village which is what this meme pokes fun at.

That and Naruto’s infamous shadow clone jujitsu which he uses with extreme frequency throughout the entirety of the series. What better way to make Sasuke come back then by sending an army of Narutos after him?

When you’re taking a test

This hilarious meme spawned from one of the early story arcs in Naruto. During the Chunin exams, the characters are forced to go through various rounds of testing and the first is a written test.

Sasuke discovers that he doesn’t understand any of the questions, the moment is actually a smart one where he realizes the true nature of the test but out of context it just leads to Sasuke looking confused, but confident in his confusion. Who can’t relate to feeling like that when faced with a difficult test during school?

When everything in your life is going wrong

This photo of Sasuke maniacally laughing is particularly relatable in many ways. When you get tons of bad news and it feels like you’ve hit rock bottom and think things can’t get any worse until something in the universe proves you wrong, it’s hard to not just laugh at the circumstances.

It might not be the healthiest type of laughter, but it helps you realize the ridiculousness of your situation. In this image of Sasuke, he’s laughing for evil purposes more so than anything else.

Am I joke to you?

This meme is more about Itachi than it is about Sasuke but the two pretty much go hand in hand. In regards to Sasuke and his brother, there is a lot of hatred there when the series begins. Sasuke knows that Itachi killed his clan and he wants to get revenge on his brother for that.

Except the first time Sasuke faces off with Itachi, he’s not nearly strong enough to compete against Itachi and it’s kind of hilarious he thought he would be at such a young age.

I may seem like an angry person to you

Some of the best memes are text post memes that have photographs with a text post pasted over top of them. Sasuke is one of the angriest characters in all of Naruto and with good reason, his whole family was murdered after all.

It isn’t an excuse for his later behavior but initially, you understand where he’s coming from. That said, this meme is pretty funny in that many people might have a heart of gold under their angry exterior, that’s not really the case where Sasuke is concerned.

You lack seasoning

We’ve talked frequently about the Sasuke choking memes in this article, so it felt right to ensure we included an example of one! Fans of the series will recognize the screenshot of Sasuke from the initial fight between Sasuke and Itachi. In this meme, Gordon Ramsey gets to go head-to-head with Sasuke because he lacks seasoning.

Anyone who watches Gordon Ramsey’s reality shows knows how angry he can get when people are underperforming or when they have a messed up kitchen. Although it’s unlikely that Sasuke would ever be in the kitchen, it’s a funny scenario to imagine.

Don’t worry your time will come

In this meme, another one of the text post memes, the user is poking fun at the fact everyone eventually starts to hate Sasuke. Even Sakura, who was in love with Sasuke from the beginning, at one point wanted to kill him. They wind up married but still, it goes to show that Sasuke got on everyone’s bad side eventually.

His bad attitude and penchant towards murder didn’t exactly win him any favors. Then you have to remember his whole plan to eradicate the Hidden Leaf Village, if people didn’t hate him by them then they definitely did after.

Next: 10 Changes Boruto Makes To The Naruto Canon

Sasuke may be a pretty serious character, but he gives us plenty of great meme material. Here are some great ones.

Naruto fans know the show is full of humor and eccentric characters. It might be one of the biggest animes in existence which means that it also has a vast library of memes. The show follows a group of kids from the Hidden Leaf Village who undergo training to become full-fledged ninjas.

The two most important characters are, of course, Naruto Uzumaki, and his long-time rival, Sasuke Uchiha. The internet has a love/hate relationship with Sasuke, for a good reason. He has been both someone to root for on the show and a villain. Most of the time he’s acting like a total jerk. Here are some hilarious Sasuke memes that fans of the show should enjoy.

The internet’s reaction to Sasuke

As mentioned in the introduction paragraph, the internet has mixed reactions to Sasuke. What is great about this meme is it works on multiple levels. The main level is the infamous «choking Sasuke» meme that has become incredibly popular as of late. It shows various characters from all types of media «choking» Sasuke in various mash-ups.

It also works in the sense that many fans of the show don’t like Sasuke, or, at the very least, are frequently frustrated with him due to his behavior and the way he treats the other beloved characters on the show like Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, and more.

People lining up to choke Sasuke

Again, people really don’t like Sasuke! But also, this hilarious Spongebob image is yet another reference to the popular choking meme. It starts to get increasingly funny when you see people like Gordon Ramsey and Big Bird from Sesame Street all in the mash-up taking Itachi’s place in one of the infamous early Naruto scenes.

If you google the choking Sasuke meme you’ll be able to see an entire gallery of various meme creations people have made. The image in this picture comes from an episode of Spongebob involving a long spanking machine, you can see how it fits perfectly.

Mom, it’s not a phase

We’ve all seen the jokes online about what happens when people go through their «emo phase.» The thing is, for Sasuke Uchiha, it was never a phase. He was always a moody kid. That’s not exactly his fault seeing as the entire Uchiha clan was brutally massacred by Itachi Uchiha.

We find out the truth of the incident later on but for starters, all Sasuke cares about is revenge and it reflects in his appearance. You might think he’d grow out of it but as he gets older in the series it appears his «emo phase» and style is just a permanent fixture of his personality.

When Sasuke threatens to leave again

One of the driving plotlines of Naruto is all about Sasuke Uchiha initially leaving the Hidden Leaf Village to receive training from Orochimaru. He hopes to become more powerful so he can finally get revenge on Itachi. But he never returns. Naruto’s whole mission always revolves around trying to bring Sasuke back to the village which is what this meme pokes fun at.

That and Naruto’s infamous shadow clone jujitsu which he uses with extreme frequency throughout the entirety of the series. What better way to make Sasuke come back then by sending an army of Narutos after him?

When you’re taking a test

This hilarious meme spawned from one of the early story arcs in Naruto. During the Chunin exams, the characters are forced to go through various rounds of testing and the first is a written test.

Sasuke discovers that he doesn’t understand any of the questions, the moment is actually a smart one where he realizes the true nature of the test but out of context it just leads to Sasuke looking confused, but confident in his confusion. Who can’t relate to feeling like that when faced with a difficult test during school?

When everything in your life is going wrong

This photo of Sasuke maniacally laughing is particularly relatable in many ways. When you get tons of bad news and it feels like you’ve hit rock bottom and think things can’t get any worse until something in the universe proves you wrong, it’s hard to not just laugh at the circumstances.

It might not be the healthiest type of laughter, but it helps you realize the ridiculousness of your situation. In this image of Sasuke, he’s laughing for evil purposes more so than anything else.

Am I joke to you?

This meme is more about Itachi than it is about Sasuke but the two pretty much go hand in hand. In regards to Sasuke and his brother, there is a lot of hatred there when the series begins. Sasuke knows that Itachi killed his clan and he wants to get revenge on his brother for that.

Except the first time Sasuke faces off with Itachi, he’s not nearly strong enough to compete against Itachi and it’s kind of hilarious he thought he would be at such a young age.

I may seem like an angry person to you

Some of the best memes are text post memes that have photographs with a text post pasted over top of them. Sasuke is one of the angriest characters in all of Naruto and with good reason, his whole family was murdered after all.

It isn’t an excuse for his later behavior but initially, you understand where he’s coming from. That said, this meme is pretty funny in that many people might have a heart of gold under their angry exterior, that’s not really the case where Sasuke is concerned.

You lack seasoning

We’ve talked frequently about the Sasuke choking memes in this article, so it felt right to ensure we included an example of one! Fans of the series will recognize the screenshot of Sasuke from the initial fight between Sasuke and Itachi. In this meme, Gordon Ramsey gets to go head-to-head with Sasuke because he lacks seasoning.

Anyone who watches Gordon Ramsey’s reality shows knows how angry he can get when people are underperforming or when they have a messed up kitchen. Although it’s unlikely that Sasuke would ever be in the kitchen, it’s a funny scenario to imagine.

Don’t worry your time will come

In this meme, another one of the text post memes, the user is poking fun at the fact everyone eventually starts to hate Sasuke. Even Sakura, who was in love with Sasuke from the beginning, at one point wanted to kill him. They wind up married but still, it goes to show that Sasuke got on everyone’s bad side eventually.

His bad attitude and penchant towards murder didn’t exactly win him any favors. Then you have to remember his whole plan to eradicate the Hidden Leaf Village, if people didn’t hate him by them then they definitely did after.

Next: 10 Changes Boruto Makes To The Naruto Canon

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