Scottish castle егэ ответы




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 For more than 800 years the castle was a fortress against the English and rival Scottish clans. For the most part it was in a state of neglect since then. About 150 years ago it became a luxurious farm house and then in the early part of the ______ century it became a hunting and fishing lodge.



Wealthy visitors paid good money trying to catch Atlantic salmon — the Scotland’s ______ sporting fish.



The inspiration to restore the castle came to John Faulkner when he ______ in the sea on an unusually warm August afternoon.



Now, ten years after that summer swim, he is in the mood for celebration as he finally ______ his biggest ambition. All the difficult and expensive restoration is finished and his first guests are due to arrive this evening.




The Rapid River Camp is a huge family style restaurant. Food ______ and even the cooking is done by staff in period costume.



One ______ to choose one of the big, high calorie dishes loved by real forest workers. In fact there is a large menu to suit all tastes and appetites.



On Tuesdays and Fridays you can also see demonstrations of a steam powered saw, ______ up the wood just as it did 100 years ago.


esse edit

For more than 800 years the castle was a fortress against the English and rival Scottish clans. It originally (STAND) on the banks of the river on a hill top overlooking the sea.

For the most part the castle was in a state of neglect since then. About 150 years ago it became a luxurious farm house and thousands of (SHEEP) were kept on the surrounding hillsides.

Then in the early part of the twentieth century it became a hunting and fishing lodge. Wealthy visitors paid good money trying to catch Atlantic salmon — Scotland’s (STRONG) sporting fish.

The inspiration to restore the castle came to John Faulkner when he (SWIM) in the sea on an unusually warm August afternoon.

Seeing the castle’s walls and towers over the sparkling water, he imagined how it must have looked in (THESE) glorious far off days.

Now, ten years after that summer swim, he is in the mood for celebration as he finally (REALISE) his biggest ambition.

All the difficult and expensive restoration was finished, and his (ONE) guests are due to arrive this evening.

Задание составлено на основе пособия «Практикум по английскому языку» Е.Н. Соловова, John Parsons, «Центр изучения английского языка Елены Солововой», Москва, 2011

Английский язык (Вариант 2)

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напеча­танные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19—25, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните поля ответа получен­ными словами в соответствующем порядке. 

Scottish Castle


For more than 800 years the castle was a fortress against the English and rival Scottish clans. For the most part it _____ in a state of neglect since then.


About 150 years ago it became a luxurious farm house and then in the early part of the century it became a hunting and fishing lodge.


Wealthy visitors _____ good money trying to catch Atlantic salmon — Scotland’s the strongest sporting fish.


The inspiration to restore the castle _____ to John Faulkner when he


_____in the sea on an unusually warm August afternoon.


Now, ten years after that summer swim, he is in the mood for celebration as he finally his biggest ambition.


All the difficult and expensive restoration _____ and his first guests are due to arrive this evening.

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Scottish castle егэ ответы

Задание № 2676

Scottish Castle

TwentyFor more than 800 years the castle was a fortress against the English and rival Scottish clans. For the most part it was in a state of neglect since then. About 150 years ago it became a luxurious farm house and then in the early part of the ___ century it became a hunting and fishing lodge.

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Scotland is a popular tourist destination. To me, the main attraction of Scotland is its castles.



The landscape in Scotland is more dramatic than in England and the castles look very impressive there.



One doesn’t need to be a poet or an artist to see their beauty.



Visiting Edinburgh Castle was an unforgettable experience. Its location is remarkable — it was built on top of a volcanic rock. Luckily, the volcano has never disturbed the Castle.



But it has been seriously damaged by people. Like most ancient castles, Edinburgh Castle was built as a fortress. It has been involved in many military conflicts, ruined and restored several times. The oldest part of the Castle dates from 12th century, the other parts were constructed and reconstructed later.



Now the Castle houses several museums, including the national War Museum.


Это прохождение пятого уровня игры Adventure Escape: The Scottish Castle (первого уровня третьего эпизода). Сначала забираем свечу со стола. Отодвигаем тарелки и забираем кристалл. На стене есть отверстие, скрытое тканью. Нужно вновь пройти игру, наклоняя телефон в разные стоны и не давая мячику упасть в ямку. Нужно коснуться всех зеленых кубиков. Находим порох. Снимаем со стены меч. Отодвигаем полку с книга и запоминаем цифру и букву. Запоминаем и те, что находятся на столе (отодвигаем стул). Кликаем по бочке и получаем кружку. Нажимаем на животное — оно хочет пить и есть.

Идем в соседнюю комнату. Убираем с бочки траву и запоминаем цифру/букву. Еще одни написаны на заборе. Мечом срезаем нитки, на которых весит картина. Порохом натираем замок и подносим свечу. Подбираем кристаллы. Теперь двигаем часы вверху до характерного звука. Подставляем кружбу под кран и наполняем ее.

Возвращаемся в первую комнату. Отдает кружку животному. Составляем из полученных цифр пароль, где буква — положение цифры в порядке. Это 9257. Отодвигается стол и появляется ключ, которым мы открываем сундук. В нем зелень, которую мы отдаем животному. Все!

Помогите со словообразованием по английскому, очень нужно

. очень нужно!
B4 For more than 800 years the castle was a fortress against the English and rival Scottish clans. It originally ______ on the banks of river on a hill top overlooking the sea. STAND
B5 For the most part the castle was in a state of neglect since then. About 150 years ago it became a luxurious farm house and thousands of ______ were kept on the surrounding hillsides. SHEEP
B6 Then in the early part of the twentieth century it became a hunting and fishing lodge. Wealthy visitors paid good money trying to catch Atlantic salmon — Scotland’s ______ sporting fish. STRONG
B7 The inspiration to restore the castle came to John Faulkner when he______ in the sea on an unusually warm August afternoon.SWIM
B8 Seeing the castle’s walls and towers over the sparkling water, he imagined how it must have looked in ______ glorious far off days.THESE
B9 Now, ten years after that summer swim, he is in the mood for celebration as he finally ______ his biggest ambition. REALISE
B10 All the difficult and expensive restoration was finished, and his ______ guests are due to arrive this evening.ONE

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