Seasons and weather егэ

1) What is your favourite season? Why do you like it?

2) What season is the best for visiting the place where you live? Why?

3) Do you think the winter is a good season for doing sport? Why?


Task 3. You are going to give a talk about the seasons and weather. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes
(10-12 sentences).

 Remember to say:

  • what season is the best time in the region where you live
  • whether you agree with the proverb “There is no bad weather, there are only bad clothes”
  • what you usually do when it is nasty and cold
  • what your attitude to the seasons and weather is.

 You have to talk continuously.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about weather and seasons. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes
(10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

  • which of the four seasons you like most, and why
  • how the Earth’s climate has changed recently
  • whether you trust the weather forecast, and why
  • what your attitude to the seasons and weather is.

You have to talk continuously.

Если у вас возникли вопросы по подготовке к ОГЭ, прочитайте статьи о том, как готовиться к этому экзамену.

Если вы хотите индивидуально подготовиться к модулю «Говорение» с нашим экспертом, напишите нам в WhatsApp. В сообщении напишите: «Hello! Хочу подготовиться к говорению».

  • Взрослым: Skillbox, Хекслет, Eduson, XYZ, GB, Яндекс, Otus, SkillFactory.
  • 8-11 класс: Умскул, Лектариум, Годограф, Знанио.
  • До 7 класса: Алгоритмика, Кодланд, Реботика.
  • Английский: Инглекс, Puzzle, Novakid.

You are going to give a talk about weather and seasons. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:

  1. which of the four seasons you like most, and why
  2. how the Earth’s climate has changed recently
  3. whether you trust the weather forecast, and why


I’m going to give a talk about weather and seasons.

My favourite season is summer of course as we have a chance for longer holidays. Also I like when the weather is sunny and warm and we can swim and sunbathe. I’ve got my birthday in July and this is one more reason to love summers.

Earth’s climate has changed recently. We all know about the global warming. It causes a lot of problems – hurricanes, for example. In my country there were cases of the snow in the middle of the summer and green grass in the middle of the winter.

I do not believe in the weather forecasts because they are very often wrong. I usually check the temperature outside in the Internet before going out. I’m sometimes interested in the forecast for the weekend if we plan a picnic or a camping trip.

That’s all that I wanted to tell you about weather and seasons.

  • Взрослым: Skillbox, Хекслет, Eduson, XYZ, GB, Яндекс, Otus, SkillFactory.
  • 8-11 класс: Умскул, Лектариум, Годограф, Знанио.
  • До 7 класса: Алгоритмика, Кодланд, Реботика.
  • Английский: Инглекс, Puzzle, Novakid.



You are going to give a talk about weather and seasons. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
  • which of the four seasons you like most, and why;
  • how the Earth’s climate has changed recently;
  • whether you trust the weather forecast, and why
  • what your attitude to the weather in your city, town or village is
You have to talk continuously.


А — сложный

I’m going to give a talk about weather and seasons.

I’m a schoolboy/schoolgirl now and of course I prefer summers as we have a chance for longer holidays. Also I feel much better if the weather is sunny and warm and you can swim and sunbathe. I’ve got my birthday in July and this is one more reason to love summers.

It should be mentioned that Earth’s climate has changed recently. We all know about the global warming and the problems which it causes such as hurricanes, droughts and so on. In my country there were cases of the snow in the middle of the summer and green grass in the middle of the winter.

I do not believe in the weather forecasts for the next day, week or month because they are very often wrong. I usually check the current temperature outside in the Internet before going out just to choose the right clothes. To be honest I’m not sure if it’s also a weather forecast or not.

Usually the weather in the region where I live is not so bad. So my attitude to it is neutral.

That’s all that I wanted to tell you about weather and seasons.

В — простой

I’m going to give a talk about weather and seasons.

My favourite season is summer of course as we have a chance for longer holidays. Also I like when the weather is sunny and warm and we can swim and sunbathe. I’ve got my birthday in July and this is one more reason to love summers.

Earth’s climate has changed recently. We all know about the global warming. It causes a lot of problems – hurricanes, for example. In my country there were cases of the snow in the middle of the summer and green grass in the middle of the winter.

I do not believe in the weather forecasts because they are very often wrong. I usually check the temperature outside in the Internet before going out. I’m sometimes interested in the forecast for the weekend if we plan a picnic or a camping trip.

The weather in the city where I live is not usually bad. So my attitude to it is neutral.

That’s all that I wanted to tell you about weather and seasons.

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Краткое описание документа:

Итоговая работа по теме «Seasons and weather»

  1. Translate into Russian.

1 variant

  1. Weather

  2. Cold

  3. Warm

  4. Hot

  5. Rain

2 variant

  1. Frost

  2. Wind

  3. Fog

  4. Snow

  5. Nature

  1. Read the text and complete the sentences.

My…… season is spring. It……. comes early in my region. The nature wakes up in spring, I …… the blooming flowers and chirping birds. The…… shines brightly, but it’s not hot. I don’t like ……. heat, though I like to swim in the sea. I’m always …… when there is a small summer rain and when the fresh wind blows from the sea. I prefer ……. autumn without strong wind and heavy rains. It often comes late. Hazy days are very common during this season in my town, everything around me looks as if it was painted in grey. The weather can be very changeable in the beginning of winter. The days can be rainy, windy and foggy. We often …… snow only in the end of December. I don’t like early winter and I always expect New Year ……..


(have, always, like, sun, glad, warm, , holidays, favorite, summer)

  1. Insert the missing letter.






    w …nter,




  2. Agree or disagree. Put plus or mines:

There are ten months in a year.

There are thirty days in February.

Christmas is in June.

School begins in May.

The spring months are March, April, May.

The weather is frosty and cold in winter.

The leaves are yellow, red and brown in autumn.

There are many leaves in the trees in March.

    1. Birds sing songs in autumn.

    2. The winter months are December, January and February.

    3. There are seven days in a week.

    4. There are four seasons in a year.

    5. There are six weeks in a month.

    6. Summer holidays begin in September.

    7. There is much snow in summer.

    8. It often rains in autumn.

  1. Crossword


По горизонтали

2. Облако, пасмурный

4. Солнечный

5. Куртка

7. Температура

11. Кататься на коньках

12. Кататься на санках

13. Ветреный

По вертикали

1. Ураган

3. Туманный

4. Шторм

6. Морозный

8. Торнадо

9. Дождливый

10. Мокро

11. Светить, сиять

  1. Прочитайте текст

  Many Americans talk about the weather. They have a lot of talk about. People have always tried to forecast the weather. In the old time they only guessed or based it on what the weather was like in the past

 Today people use radars, satellite (спутниковые) pictures and computers. All these instruments help them to make weather pictures. Some people try to forecast the weather for a whole( целый) year or a whole season. Each November, the United States Weather Service forecasts what the weather will be like. And each year The Old Farmer’s Almanac publishes (публикует) a forecast for the whole year.

  Both the Weather Service and the Almanac use information about past years. They combine (соединяют) it with information from satellites, balloons, radar stations and ships at sea. Then a computer gives a report. This report is very important for many Americans.

  Americans may not like a lot of their weather, but they certainly like to talk about it.

6А Согласитесь или опровергните утверждения

1 Americans don’t mind what the weather is like

2 Americans rarely talk about the weather

3 They use information from different sources (источников)

4 The Old Farmer’s Almanac publishes a forecast for the year

5Only specialists give information for a full weather report

6В Выберите нужный вариант продолжения предложения

1 If it’s rainy,…                         a) many schoolchildren will ski

2 If it is very could,…              b) we won’t go on excursion

3 If it snows,…                          c) people will stay at home

4 If there’s storm tomorrow,… d) people will not   go to the countryside in such weather

5 If it’s foggy,…                       e) people will wear warm clothing

6 If it freezes,…..                      f) the dog will not go for a walk


1 задание

1 variant

Weather погода

Cold холодно

Warm тепло

Hot жарко

Rain дождь

2 variant

Frost мороз

Wind ветер

Fog туман

Snow снег

Nature природа

2 задание

Favorite, always, like, sun, summer, glad, warm, have, holidays.

  1. Insert the missing letter.






w …nter,




4 задание Agree or disagree. Put plus or mines:

— There are ten months in a year.

— There are thirty days in February.

— Christmas is in June.

— School begins in May.

+ The spring months are March, April, May.

+The weather is frosty and cold in winter.

+ The leaves are yellow, red and brown in autumn.

-There are many leaves in the trees in March.

— Birds sing songs in autumn.

+ The winter months are December, January and February.

+ There are seven days in a week.

+There are four seasons in a year.

— There are six weeks in a month.

— Summer holidays begin in September.

— There is much snow in summer.

+ It often rains in autumn.

5 задание


6 задание

6АСогласитесь или опровергните утверждения


2 —


4 +


Выберите нужный вариант продолжения предложения

Key: 1 d 2e 3a 4c 5b 6f

There are four seasons
in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Every season lasts
about three months.

Winter usually begins
in December and ends in March. It is cold in winter and often snows.
There is much snow on the ground. It gets dark early in the evening.
It gets light late in the morning. In winter we have the shortest
days and the longest nights. It is difficult and unpleasant to get up
early in the morning in winter because it is dark and cold.

But winter is a good
time for sports. In winter we can go in for such kinds of sport as
skating and skiing. It is very pleasant to go skiing in the country
on a bright sunny day. At the end of winter the sun begins to shine
as brightly as in spring, but it is not so warm as in spring yet.

Spring comes at the
end of March. The sun begins to shine more brightly, the days become
longer and the first spring flowers appear everywhere. Everything is
so fresh and so beautiful, even people look younger. Everybody enjoys
the beginning of spring. Most people say that spring is the best
season of the year.

At the beginning of
spring it is still cold, but at the end of it, it gets much warmer.
Sometimes it rains. Of course, in spring it is much warmer than in
winter but it is not so warm as in summer.

Summer is the warmest
season of the year. It begins in June and ends in August. In summer
it gets light early in the morning and it gets dark late in the
evening. In summer we have the longest days and the shortest nights.
It often rains but the rain is warm and does not last long. Most
people have their holidays in summer and spend a lot of time in the
open air. It is not pleasant to stay in town in summer, and most
people leave town for the country. We can swim and bathe, we can play
tennis and football. We enjoy our holidays if the weather is fine.

After summer comes autumn. Autumn is a beautiful season. Many people
say that autumn is the most beautiful season of the year. Autumn is
very beautiful at the beginning when it is still warm and the trees
are getting yellow and red. They look so beautiful. There are a lot
of brown, yellow and red leaves everywhere on the ground. Little by
little the days become shorter and the nights become longer. It gets
colder and colder. In October and November is often rains. Sometimes
it even snows. It gets windy. There appear dark clouds in the sky. Of
course, it is not so cold as in winter yet, but we know that winter
is coming. It is more pleasant to stay inside than to be outside.
Some people say that this is the worst time of the year.

  1. Ответьте на вопросы
    по тексту:

How many seasons are there in a year? 2. What are they? 3. How
long does every season last? 4. When does winter begin (end)? 5. Is
it warm or cold in winter? 6. Are the days long or short in
winter? 7. Does it often snow in winter? 8. Is there much snow on the
ground? 9. Is winter a good time for sports? 10. What kinds of
winter sports do you know? 11. When does spring come? 12. Is it as
cold in spring as in winter? 13. Summer is the warmest season of the
year, isn’t it? 14. When does it begin (end)? 15. How long does
summer last? 16. Do people spend much time in the open air in
summer? 17. Is summer a good time for sports? 18. What kinds of
summer sports do you know? 19. What is the first autumn month? 20.
What colour are the trees in autumn? 21. Do the days get shorter in
autumn? 22. Does it often rain in autumn? 23. What season do you like
best? Why? 24. What is the weather like today? 25. What weather are
we having today?

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    Seasons and weather



    One of the main reasons that I started to travel in Europe

    and to spend so much time away from England is that the climate there is so bad.

    Even in the middle of summer, you can often experience short spells of rain for a few days at a time

    and during spring, autumn and winter

    there are often dark clouds, cold air and rainy weather for days and days on end.


    Одной из причин, по которым я поехал путешествовать в Европу и столько много времени провожу вне Англии, является плохой английский климат.

    Даже в середине лета бывают периоды дождей по нескольку дней подряд,

    а весной, осенью и зимой

    на небе часто темные облака,

    холодный воздух и дождливая погода много-много дней подряд.


    However, I’ve heard that last summer was the hottest for a hundred years

    and it was gloriously sunny.

    I’m a bit sad that I missed it.

    Maybe there is hope yet for the English weather.


    Тем не менее, я слышал, что прошлое лето было самым жарким за последние сто лет,

    и было по-настоящему солнечно.

    Мне немного грустно, что я не был там в это время. Может быть, есть надежда, что английская погода станет лучше.


    I believe that to a degree the weather affects people’s temperaments.

    I’ve certainly seen that in England when the weather becomes downcast for a few days people do as well.

    I used to find winter in England depressing more for that reason than because of the cold wet climate.

    Some people don’t seem to mind it,

    indeed some of my friends are even content living all the year round there in tepees.

    A tepee is a North-American style open-fire heated tent.

    Some of my friends live all the year round in tepees in a valley in Wales,

    which is a notoriously cold and rainy country.


    Я верю, что погода до некоторой степени влияет на темперамент людей.

    В Англии я видел, что когда погода становилась хмурой на несколько дней, то люди тоже хмурились.

    Зима в Англии мне казалась гнетущей больше из-за холодного и сырого климата.

    Некоторые люди, похоже, не обращают на это внимания, и в самом деле, некоторые мои друзья даже довольны тем, что живут в палатках-типи.

    Это что-то вроде индейских вигвамов, где можно внутри жечь костер для обогрева.

    Некоторые живут в таких палатках весь год в какой-нибудь долине в Уэльсе,

    который печально известен своими дождями и холодом.


    When I left England for Israel,

    after a miserable winter the year before,

    I was really looking for a break from the English climate.

    I was surprised to find that not all of Israel is warm in winter,

    although the area which I headed for when I got there, the Negev desert in the south was still roasting hot and of course very dry in November.

    Israel is a funny country for weather,

    because even though it’s so small,

    the environment, the terrain and the climate can be completely different at the same time in different parts of the country.


    Когда я уехал из Англии в Израиль,

    после проведенной ужасной зимы,

    мне очень хотелось отдохнуть от английского климата.

    Я удивился тому, что не по всему Израилю зимой бывает тепло,

    хотя там, куда я ехал, в Негевской пустыне на юге, было в ноябре все еще обжигающе жарко и, конечно, сухо.

    Израиль — нтересная страна с точки зрения климата, потому что, хоть она и маленькая,

    ландшафт и климат могут резко отличаться друг от друга в разных частях Израиля в одно и то же время.


    In the south it’s just desert,

    while in the north the terrain is more Mediterranean as is the climate, something like Greece.


    На юге это просто пустыня,

    в то время как на севере климат более средиземноморский, как в Греции.


    After being in the desert for a while, I moved to Jerusalem

    and there, being so high in the mountains, it became very cold, even snowy sometimes.

    The cold that I experienced in Jerusalem was colder than I would have expected it to be in England at that time.

    Because of this, I left for Tel-Aviv,

    where there was still a warm mild climate,

    and there it was more like I was used to in springtime in Europe.

    I think that Tel-Aviv never really gets very cold in the winter.

    I mean, if it rains once they complain that it is wintry weather.


    Побывав некоторое время в пустыне, я переехал в Иерусалим,

    и там, из-за того, что он расположен в горах, иногда становилось холодно и даже снежно.

    Холод в Иерусалиме был сильнее, чем он мог бы быть в это время в Англии.

    Из-за этого я поехал в Тель-Авив,

    где погода была все еще мягкая,

    больше похожая на ту, к которой я привык весной в Европе.

    По-моему, в Тель-Авиве никогда не бывает холодно зимой.

    Я имею в виду, что если там хоть раз пройдет дождь, они уже жалуются, что погода уже зимняя.


    In countries with a lot of trees, I enjoy the colors and the atmosphere that come with autumn.

    I feel that for a time nature teaches us as a lesson. We can learn how beautiful it can be

    to experience the sadness of letting go of the old in order to make way for the new.

    I think that in the southern parts of Europe,

    from what I can gather from my experience,

    seasons tend to break up into two long seasons,

    summer and winter,

    and two shorter transitional seasons,

    spring and autumn,

    whereas in Britain the four seasons seem to be more equal in length.


    В странах, где много лесов, мне нравятся цвета и атмосфера, которая приходит с осенью.

    Мне кажется, природа дает нам урок.

    Мы узнаем какой, красивой она может быть, и испытываем грусть, от того, что уходит старое, чтобы уступить дорогу новому.

    Мне кажется, что в Южной Европе,

    на сколько я понял из своего опыта,

    времена года разделяются на два долгих сезона — лето и зиму, и два коротких, традиционных времени года —

    весну и осень, в то время как в Британии все четыре времени года примерно одинаковой продолжительности.


    Having said that, I’ve now learned to enjoy the winter,

    I’m now in my second winter in Hungary,

    and I must admit that I wouldn’t mind if spring started poking its head around the corner soon.

    However, I do really love the snow

    and very much appreciate seeing how places change when they’re covered with this woolly blanket that winter drops over them.

    I like to spend time in forest or mountain environments when it’s snowing

    or if it’s just recently snowed,

    and I find a lot of inspiration in the sight of a frozen waterfall

    or snow-covered woodland glade.


    Поняв это, я теперь научился любить зиму,

    я уже провожу вторую зиму в Венгрии,

    и должен признаться, что не возражал бы, если бы поскорее пришла весна.

    Тем не менее, мне нравится снег,

    и мне нравится смотреть, как изменяется местность, когда она покрывается белым зимним покрывалом.

    Мне нравится проводить время в лесу или в горах, когда идет снег

    или когда он только что выпал,

    у меня появляется вдохновение при виде замершего водопада

    или покрытой снегом лесной поляны.


    At this time of year,

    I can’t help thinking about the poor souls who don’t have anywhere to live

    and have to rest their heads at night at metro stations, or hostels for the homeless.

    It must be a very difficult time of year for these people.

    We have to try and think of those who are less fortunate than ourselves in such difficult times.


    В это время года

    я не могу не думать о несчастных, которым негде жить,

    и которым приходится ночевать в метро или в приютах для бездомных.

    Для этих людей зима наверняка очень тяжелое время года.

    Мы должны стараться думать о тех, кто менее удачлив, чем мы, в такие трудные времена.


    My favorite environment for experiencing the weather, and my favorite climate, is the desert,

    or the very dry parts of Greece,

    as I like the sensation of being in a dry heat,

    as it feels so comfortable and clean,

    as opposed to wet heat such as I’ve experienced in the summer in hot but very green countries such as Italy, or even Hungary to a degree.

    The wet, humid type of heat is almost too sweaty and uncomfortable for me to bear.

    I just want to go back into the shower again and again and again throughout the day when the weather’s like this.

    What I like about the dry heat is that the sweat evaporates off immediately,

    so you don’t feel sticky, or this sort of muggy feeling that you get in wet heat.


    Мои любимые погодные условия и климат — пустынные,

    или засушливые места Греции,

    потому что мне нравится ощущение сухой жары, Когда чувствуешь себя удобно и чисто, в противоположность влажной жаре, которую я испытываю летом в очень зеленых странах, таких как Италия или даже, до некоторой степени, Венгрия.

    Я почти не переношу влажную жару, потому что чувствую себя дискомфортно и потею.

    При такой погоде хочется весь день снова и снова принимать душ.

    Что мне нравится в сухой жаре, это то, что пот сразу испаряется,

    и вы не чувствуете себя таким липким,

    как во влажную, жаркую погоду.


    I mean these countries with a very humid summer can be really OK,

    if you are by the sea and you have the opportunity to swim a lot,

    even then, it’s nicer to be on the beach in a drier environment such as there is along the Red Sea.


    В общем-то, лето в странах с влажным климатом может быть нормальным,

    если вы на берегу моря, и можете много купаться,

    но даже в этом случае лучше находиться в сухом месте, как, например, на побережье Красного моря.


    My favorite natural phenomenon is rainbows,

    which I always take as a sign that some kind of miracle is happening somewhere nearby.

    When I stayed on the edge of the French Alps last October,

    the weather was such that there were rainbows over the mountains almost every day,

    and it was really beautiful traveling back from the local town and seeing the tops of the mountains crowned with color.

    This was something very magical.

    I wish that I’d had a camera at the time.


    Мое любимое природное явление — радуга,

    которую я воспринимаю как знак того, что рядом происходит чудо.

    Когда в октябре прошлого года я стоял на краю горы во французских Альпах,

    погода была такой, что над горами почти каждый день были радуги,

    и было приятно возвращаться из местного городка и смотреть на вершины гор сияющих разными цветами.

    Это было что-то волшебное.

    Жаль, что у меня тогда не было с собой фотоаппарата.


    Now that Christmas has passed and we’re coming into January,

    there aren’t too many months to wait before we can start to expect some sunny weather again.

    I’m really looking forward to spring coming back now,

    as the middle of winter is the most difficult time to get through, I think, for me,

    physically and also emotionally.

    I think that winter is a little bit like a journey inside and the middle of winter is the deepest point.

    After that, the days start to get a little bit longer, the sun starts to come out a little bit more and it’s like the light is returning to fill the darkness.


    Сейчас, когда Рождество прошло, и наступает январь,

    уже не надо много месяцев ждать, чтобы снова наступила солнечная погода.

    Я очень жду, когда вернется весна,

    потому что середина зимы самое трудное время,

    по крайней мере для меня, как мне кажется,

    и физически и эмоционально.

    Мне кажется, зима — это путешествие внутрь себя, а середина зимы — самая глубокая точка.

    После нее дни становятся чуть длиннее,

    немного раньше восходит солнце,

    и, кажется, будто возвращается свет и заполняет темноту.


    As I said, in Hungary there seem to be two long seasons and two short seasons

    and it seems that as soon as the little leaves start to appear on the trees,

    the weather plunges headlong  into summer

    and it becomes very warm and hot, and sometimes very sweaty,

    whereas in England, for example, the springtime could be seen as an extension of the winter really.

    Flowers start to come out and the trees start to grow their leaves again,

    but even at the end of April

    and sometimes at the beginning of May, it can be very rainy.

    We call these end-of-spring bursts of rain «April showers».


    Как я уже сказал, в Венгрии два долгих и два коротких времени года,

    и, кажется, как только на деревьях появляются маленькие листочки,

    погода тут же становится летней,

    становится очень тепло и жарко, и тогда потеешь очень сильно,

    в то время как в Англии, например, весна может считаться продолжением зимы.

    Появляются цветы, на деревьях молодая листва,

    но даже в конце апреля,

    а иногда и в начале мая, может быть очень дождливо.

    Мы называем эти дожди в конце весны »апрельским душем».


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