Скрипты текстов для аудирования к экзамену по английскому языку 11 класс 2018

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Номер билета Задание аудирования № аудио
1. II. Listen to the story about a girl and answer the questions below.

  1. Why was Whitney worried about going to college?
  2. How did she find a friend?
  3. What lesson did Whitney learn?
2. II.   Listen to the speaker speaking about choosing a career and answer the questions below.

  1. Why is choosing the right job very important?
  2. Which jobs are popular among young people at present?
  3. What advice does the speaker give?
3. II.   Listen to the conversation and answer the questions below.

  1. What is wrong with the accommodation?
  2. Why did the boy oversleep?
  3. What agreement did he reach with the person on Reception?
4. II. Listen to Alice speaking about her first job and answer the questions below.

  1. What job did Alice do?
  2. What difficulties did she have?
  3. What did she learn at work?
5. II.  Listen to the conversation and answer the questions below.

  1. Where does the conversation take place?
  2. What is the man interested in?
  3. How much do you need to pay monthly?
6. II.  Listen to three teenagers talking about homework and answer the questions below.

  1. Why does the first speaker dislike doing homework?
  2. What does the second speaker regret about?
  3. What are the benefits of doing homework according to the third speaker?
7. II. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions below.

  1. Where was Tina going?
  2. What happened at the airport?
  3. Why was Tina scared during the flight?
8. II. Listen to the member of the Greenpeace organisation telling a story about whales and answer the questions below.

  1. How did Uncle Roger explain to the boy why the whales were on the beach?
  2. How did the people help them?
  3. How did this event affect the story-teller’s life?
9. II. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions below.

  1. Where does the action take place?
  2. What happened to the furniture in the grandmother’s room?
  3. Why were Martin and his friend scared?
10. II. Listen to the girl speaking about her eating habits and answer the questions below.

  1. What problem does the girl have?
  2. Why is it a harmful habit?
  3. Why can’t she stop eating chocolate?
11. II. Listen to the interview taken by the “Youth Magazine” with Mr Ron Cansler and answer the questions below.

  1. How old is Mr Cansler?
  2. What helped him to stay healthy?
  3. What does he recommend listeners should do?
12. II.  Listen to the conversation between Nancy and her mum.

  1. What do Nancy’s parents worry about?
  2. Why does Nancy refuse to do household chores?
  3. What arguments does Mum use to make Nancy clean the room?
13. II. Listen to the advice how to make a good friend and answer the questions below.

  1. How do people feel if they have no friend?
  2. What qualities does a good friend have?
  3. Why is it good to be a real friend?
14. II.  Listen to Huan, a Chinese man, speaking about moving out and answer the questions below.

  1. Why do young people prefer to live with their parents in Hong Kong?
  2. How did Huan’s parents react to his decision?
  3. What are the advantages of living on your own?
15. II. Listen to the tour guide and answer the questions below.

  1. What sort of tour is it?
  2. What will the tourists see on the tour?
  3. Why does the tourist ask to return the money?
16. II. Listen to a part of the interview with a thirteen-year old writer, Sally Myers, and answer the questions below.

  1. What made Sally write the book?
  2. What did Sally’s Dad think about the book?
  3. How did Sally’s life change after publishing the book?
17. II. Listen to the interview and answer the questions below.

  1. What does Jackie want to become?
  2. Why has she chosen this profession?
  3. Why is it important for students to do sport at school?
18. II. Listen to the conversation between two friends and answer the questions below.

  1. What does Christian want to become?
  2. Why does Kate need to learn English?
  3. What piece of advice does Christian give to his friend?
19. II. Listen to the young man describing where he lived and answer the questions below.

  1. Why did the man’s family have to rent a flat for about a year?
  2. What was their flat in the capital like?
  3. How many people is he sharing the flat with at present?
20. II.  Listen to Tom speaking about his day off and answer the questions below.

  1. How did Tom spend his day off?
  2. What went wrong?
  3. What made Tom feel frightened?
21. II. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions below.

  1. What is the flat like?
  2. What do Anna and Carlos like and dislike about the flat?
  3. What have they decided to do?
22. II.  Listen to three people talking about their favourite countries and answer the questions below.

  1. What country does the first speaker like most?
  2. What makes Italy a favourite place for the second speaker?
  3. Why does the third speaker like Argentina?
23. II. Listen to the conversation between two friends and answer the questions below.

  1. Why doesn’t Margaret like her new job?
  2. What problem does Peter have?
  3. What piece of advice does Margaret give to her friend?
24. II.  Listen to the three people speaking about how they met their partners and answer the questions below.

  1. Why was the first speaker surprised?
  2. When did the second speaker ask the girl out?
  3. Why did the third speaker think that the girl was awful when they first met?
25. II.  Listen to three people speaking about their work-life balance and answer the questions below.

  1. What does the first speaker complain about?
  2. How has the life style of the second speaker changed?
  3. What does the third speaker think about his way of life and the typical Japanese work-life balance?

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It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

муниципальный этап

Готовимся к Всероссийской олимпиаде школьников по английскому языку. Начнем с аудирования. Выполните два задания раздела Listening в режиме онлайн, ответы для самопроверки сразу после прохождения тестов. Далее смотрите Reading 1-2

Task 1

Дважды прослушайте текст и щелкните по выбранному варианту ответа для каждого вопроса. Подсчитайте ваши баллы.

For items 1–10 listen to a passage from a lecture and decide whether the statements (1–10) are TRUE (A), or FALSE (B) according to the text you hear. You will hear the text twice.

Task 2

For items 11–15 listen to the dialogue. Choose the correct answer to answer questions 11–15. You will hear the text twice.

Listening 2


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Тип 1 № 38

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

1.  Using the Internet is a good way of studying English.

2.  The Internet has all kinds of interesting forums.

3.  The Internet helps with shopping.

4.  The Internet is ideal for being a freelance worker.

5.  The Internet helps to learn about different cultures.

6.  The Internet can be dangerous for users.

7.  The Internet gives quick access to the information you need.

Говорящий A B C D E F


Тип 1 № 84

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

1.  The speaker feels unhappy about changes in her/his former classmates.

2.  The speaker thinks that uniforms give students a tidier look.

3.  The speaker is unhappy with his rich classmates’ attitude to expensive gifts.

4.  The speaker says that his school building is inconvenient because of its size.

5.  The speaker says that students prefer casual clothes to school uniform.

6.  The speaker thinks it depends on the person what type of school is better for her/him.

7.  The speaker thinks private school gives better opportunities to study different subjects.

Говорящий A B C D E F


Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

1.  The speaker was glad when she/he was given more serious work to do.

2.  The speaker learned nothing important at work.

3.  The speaker did not want to take any responsibility.

4.  The speaker didn’t mind doing a lot of things during work practice.

5.  The speaker wants to do the same kind of work in the future.

6.  The speaker has a different idea of the profession after completing the practice.

7.  The speaker felt rather nervous before starting work.

Говорящий A B C D E F


Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

1.  The speaker had a lot of arguments and fights with her/his classmates.

2.  The speaker thought that she/he was going to be a student forever.

3.  The speaker learned very important social skills in high school.

4.  The speaker found school to be a hiding place in times of trouble.

5.  The speaker thought of her/his class in high school as a family.

6.  The speaker showed little interest in her/his studies in high school.

7.  The speaker enjoyed studying with her/his classmates.

Говорящий A B C D E F


Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.

1.  When reading these books, the speaker sees the world in an unusual way.

2.  Thanks to these books, the speaker started to enjoy reading.

3.  These books made the speaker feel better when she/he was away from home.

4.  Thanks to these books, the speaker found many new friends.

5.  These books helped the speaker during a difficult period of study.

6.  The things said by some of the characters help the speaker in difficult situations.

7.  These books showed the speaker that friends are very important.

Говорящий A B C D E F

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Тексты для аудирования и чтения с тестовыми заданиями


I woke up late yesterday. I only got up at a quarter to eight and I haven’t got enough time to do my morning exercises or take a shower. I washed my face and hands and dressed quickly. I had a light meal and gave my son some money for his school lunch. “Can I have some money for an ice-cream, too, Daddy” he asked. “Don’t ask silly questions”, I said angrily. “Why did I say that?” I thought as I drove to the office, I went through the red light, and a policeman stopped and fined me. I was five minutes late to work and met my chief at the door. He saw me but didn’t talk to me. I didn’t have much to do, but I was very tired in the afternoon. When I got home I spoke angrily to my wife and son.

I had supper, watched a football match on the telly and went to bed.

1. Choose the correct title for the text.

a) The Best Day in my life
b) A Bad Day
c) A Bad Chief
d) Some Money for an Ice-cream

2. Put the sentences into the correct order.

a) The chief met me at the door.
b) My son asked some money for an ice-cream.
c) I got up late yesterday.
d) I watched TV after supper.
e) I was fined by the policeman.

3. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences.

1) The text tells about … .

a) a bad father
b) a brave policeman
c) an angry chief
d) an unlucky day

2) The man in the story told about … .

a) a bad dream
b) his great talents
c) a day in his life
d) his son and chief

3) The day was not good that’s why….

a) he broke his leg
b) fell ill
c) his chief punished him
d) at home he was not kind to his wife and son

4) The man drove to his office… .

a) five minutes earlier
b) just in time
c) at the wrong time
d) and was stopped by his chief

4. Write short answers to the questions.

1. What did the man do in the morning?
2. Who met the man at the door of the office?
3. Why did he speak angrily to his wife and son?
4. Was it a good or a bad day for the author?

2. How a Sparrow Set Off for Warm Lands

Once a sparrow decided to see warm lands. “Perhaps,” he thought, “the birds know what they are doing when they fly there. Perhaps, I too will go and see what they look like.” So he left home. He flew till dusk. And then he thought, The next day the same thing took place. On the third day the sparrow again flew till dusk. And then he thought, “Perhaps it’s time to see how far I have gone from my home. He never reached those warn lands. Winter came, he felt the cold, yet there he was at home.

1. Choose the correct answer to the questions.

1) What did a sparrow once decide to see?

a) Warm seas.
b) Cold lands.
c) Warm lands.
d) Strange lands.

2) How long did he fly?

a) Till night.
b) Till dusk.
c) Till dawn.
d) Till sunset.

3) What took place the next day?

a) An accident.
b) The unusual thing.
c) The usual thing.
d) The same thing.

4) Did he reach those warn lands?

a) No, he didn’t.
b) Yes, he did.
c) He didn’t want to do that.
d) They were too far.

2. Mark the following statements “True” (T) or “False” (F).




The sparrow went back home because he was tired.


He flew till dawn.


The sparrow went to the seaside.


He wanted to see how far he had gone from his home.

3. Match the words with their descriptions. There is one variant you don’t need to use.


A sparrow


A crow


Warm land






Time of a year when birds fly to warm lands.


A place where it is not cold.


A bird who wanted to see warm lands.


Time just before night.

Write short answers to the questions.

1. Who decided to see warm lands?
2. What did the sparrow leave?
3. He never reached those warn lands, did he?
4. Where was the sparrow in winter?

3. The King and the Painter

Once there was a king, who liked to paint pictures, but his pictures were bad and nobody liked them. The people to whom the king showed his pictures were afraid of him and they said that the pictures were good. One day the king showed his pictures to a great painter who lived in that country and said, “What do you think of my pictures? Am I a good painter or not?” The painter looked at the king’s picture and said, “My king, the pictures are bad and you will never be a good painter.” The king was very angry and sent the painter to prison. After two years the king wanted to see the painter again. When the painter came the king gave him a good dinner and said, “Now you are a freeman and I am your friend.” So he talked kindly to the painter. After dinner the king showed his pictures to the painter again and asked, “Well, how do you like them now?” The painter did not answer. He turned to the soldiers and said, “Take me back to prison!”

1. Choose the correct answer to the questions.

1) What did the king like to do?

a) To do morning exercises.
b) To write short stories.
c) To paint pictures.
d)  To buy pictures.

2) Who said the pictures were good?

a) The people who were afraid of the king.
b) The people who liked the pictures.
c) The great painter.
d) The soldiers.

3) Whom did the king show his pictures one day?

a) To the soldiers.
b) To a great painter.
c) To his servants.
d) To the prisoners.

4) Why did the painter ask to send him back to prison?

a) Because the king gave him a good dinner.
b) Because he liked the pictures.
c) Because the truth was more important to him than freedom.
d) Because he wanted to paint pictures there.

2. Mark the following statements “True” (T) or “False” (F).




Once there was a king, who was a great painter.


The people were afraid of the president.


The painter spent two years in the prison.


The king was a kind man.

3. Match the words with their descriptions. There is one variant you don’t need to use.


A king


A painter


A soldier


A servant


A prison


A person who was not afraid of the king.


A place where the painter spent two years.


A person who was a bad painter.


A person whom the painter asked to take him back to prison.

4. Write short answers to the questions.

  1. Who liked to paint pictures?
  2. The people were afraid of the King, weren’t they?
  3. What did the painter look at?
  4. When did the king show his pictures to the painter again?

4. What a test!

A poor young artist was asked to paint the portrait of a rich lady and he did his best to make a good picture. When the portrait was finished it was shown to lady’s friends. Some of them thought it was too realistic. They were afraid the lady would not like the picture. But the painter felt that he had been successful. He didn’t want to change anything. Then one of his friends suggested the following: “We’ll leave it to the lady’s dog to decide if the picture is good or bad.” The next day the picture was sent to the lady’s house. The friends gathered to see the result of the test. As soon as the dog was brought before the portrait it began to lick it all over. Everybody congratulated the painter. Nobody knew that the painter had spread some bacon all over the picture!

1. Choose the correct answer to the questions.

1) What was a poor young artist asked to paint?

a) The portrait of a king
b) The portrait of a rich lady.
c) A landscape
d) A portrait of a rich lady’s dog.

2) Who thought the portrait was too realistic?

a) The painter.
b) Lady’s friends.
c) Lady’s dog.
d) The lady.

3) What did the painter feel?

a) He was happy.
b) He felt he had painted a good picture.
c) He felt ill.
d) He felt sorry.

4) Why did the dog like the picture?

a) The dog saw a piece of bacon in the picture.
b) The dog was silly.
c) It was not the lady’s dog.
d) The painter had spread some bacon all over the picture.

2. Mark the following statements “True” (T) or “False” (F).




When the portrait was finished it was shown to the lady.


The painter wanted to change the picture.


The lady’s dog was to decide if the picture was good or bad.


The dog liked the picture.

3. Match the words with their descriptions. There is one variant you don’t need to use.


An artist


A rich lady


A dog


A portrait


A friend


A woman who has much money.


A picture of a person.


A person who paints pictures.


A pet that licked the picture.

4. Write short answers to the questions.

  1. Who did his best to make a good picture?
  2. When was the portrait shown to lady’s friends?
  3. What was sent to the lady’s house?
  4. Did the dog really like the picture?  

5. The Cunning of an Astrologer

An astrologer once foretold something unpleasant to the King. The next day the King sent for the astrologer. He came to the palace. The King turned to his servants and ordered them to throw the astrologer out of the window at his signal. Then the King turned to the astrologer and said; “You are such a wise man and know so perfectly the fate of others. What will your own fate be? How long will you live? ” The astrologer was afraid of the King but answered with great presence of mind; “I know my fate. I will die three days before your Majesty!” Now the King didn’t want to throw the astrologer out of the window. He took good care for him.

1. Choose the correct answer to the questions.

1) What did an astrologer once foretell to the King?

a) Something pleasant.
b) Something bad.
c) Something interesting.
d) Something stupid.

2) Where did the astrologer come?

a) To a strange place.
b) To the house with many windows.
c) To the palace.
d) To the servant’s house.

3) When will the astrology die?

a)  In three days.
b) Three days before the King.
c) He will never die.
d) Three days after the King.

4) Did the King want to die three days after the astrologer?

a) Yes, he did. And he ordered to throw the astrologer out of the window.
b) No, he didn’t. He took good care of the astrologer.
c) No, he didn’t. He gave the astrologer much money.
d) Yes, he did. He sent astrologer to prison.

2. Mark the following statements “True” (T) or “False” (F).




 The King didn’t like the astrologer’s prediction.


The King was a wise man.


The astrologer knew his fate.


The astrologer died three days before the King.

3. Match the words with their descriptions. There is one variant you don’t need to use.


An astrologer


A King


A servant


A window


A fate


One of the people who were to throw the astrologer out of the window.


A person who didn’t like the astrologer’s prediction.


 The development of events beyond a person’s control.


A wise man who knew the fate of others.

4. Write short answers to the questions.

1.  Whoforetold something unpleasant to the King?
2.  What did the king order his servants to do?
3.  Was the astrologer afraid of the King?
4.  Who did the King take good care for?

6. A Real Mother

Once upon a time there lived two sisters. The elder sister had a son. The boy was one year old. The two women loved the baby dearly. One day the sisters quarrelled and at night the younger sister tried to leave house with the boy. The elder sister saw it and stopped her. “You cannot take the boy. He is my son!” said the elder sister. But the younger sister wanted to have the boy very much and she said, “I`ll tell the judge the boy`s mine. I love the baby so much that the judge will believe me.  In the morning they were before the judge. Each woman told him that the baby was hers. The judge thought a little and then called his servants. “Cut the child into two halves and give each woman a half of the body,” he said. The younger sister didn`t say a word, but the elder told the judge, “I`m not the child`s mother. Give him to my sister and let him live.” The judge then said to his servants, “Give the boy to the elder sister. She is a real mother.”

1. Choose the correct answer to the questions.

1) How many sisters were there in the story?

a) Seven
b) Three
c) Five
d) Two

2) Who had a son?

a) The younger sister
b) The elder sister
c) Both sisters
d) None of them

3) Why did the younger sister try to leave the house with the boy at night?

a) because the child was ill
b) because the sisters quarrelled
c) because the younger sister was ill
d) because the boy’s mother died

4) What was the judge`s decision?

a) To give the boy to the elder sister
b) To give the boy to the younger sister
c) To give the boy to his father
d) To give the boy to the servants

2. Mark the following statements “True” (T) or “False” (F).




The two women hated the baby.


The judge told the servants to divide the child into two halves.


The younger sister told the judge that she was not the boy`s mother.


The elder sister was a real mother.

3. Match the words with their descriptions. There is one variant you don’t need to use.


A baby


A judge


A servant


A half


A real mother


One of two equal parts.


One of the people who was to cut the boy into two halves.


A person who had to decide whose son it was.


A little boy of one year old.

 Complete the sentences with the information from the text.

  1. Once upon a time there________________________________.
  2. The two women______________________________________.
  3. The judge told his servants to cut___________________________.
  4. The elder sister told the judge she was ______________________.

7. The Donkey and his Tricks

One day a farmer and his donkey went to town. The donkey carried two bags of salt. Soon they came to a small river. There was a bridge across the river. The donkey stepped on the bridge but stumbled and fell into the river. He came out very happy: there was no salt in his bags. Some days passed. The farmer loaded the donkey with two bags of salt and they again went to town. When the donkey was in the middle of the bridge he did not stumble but jumped into the river. He was very happy again: there was no salt in his bags. Next day the farmer loaded the donkey with sponges. He wanted to see Mr. Donkey’s tricks. They went to town again. When they were in the middle of the bridge the donkey jumped into the water. But this time he was not happy. The bags were very heavy!

1. Choose the correct answer to the question.

1) What did the donkey carry?

a) Two bags of salt.
b) Two bags of sugar.
c) Two bags of sponges.
d) Two boxes of salt.

2) Why did he fall into the river?

a) He slipped.
b) He stumbled.
c) It was very hot that day.
d) He wanted to make a trick.

3) Who was very happy?

a) The farmer.
b) The donkey.
c) The people
d) The author.

4) What did the farmer want to see?

a) Mr. Donkey’s trucks.
b) Mr. Donkey’s tricks.
c) Mr. Donkey’s traps.
d) Mr. Donkey’

2. Mark the following statements “True” (T) or “False” (F).




One day a farmer and his monkey went to town.


One day a farmer and his wife went to town.


The donkey was sly.


The farmer was smart.

3. Match the words with their descriptions. There is one variant you don’t need to use.


A farmer


A donkey


A bridge


A sponge


A bag


A very light soft substance which absorbs water.


A person who wanted to sell salt in town.


An animal which liked to make tricks.


A structure that is built over the river.

4. Complete the sentences with the information from the text.

1. One day a farmer and his_____________________________________.
2. The donkey stepped on the bridge but stumbled___________________.
3. Next day the farmer loaded___________________________________.
4. This time the donkey was not happy because_____________________.

8.  Last Will

Mr. Brown was a very rich and mean man. When he died he had 10 million pounds in the bank.  He had only two relatives, his sons Joseph and Oliver who pretended to get this money. They were twins. They were so alike that nobody could tell who was who. Joseph and Oliver left home when they were 20 years old. When the two brothers heard about their father’s death, they went to his house right away. Their father’s lawyer Miss Smith met them. She said; “Come into the library, I must read you your father’s will. Your father made a very short will. It is in three parts. Part one says: I leave all my money to my son Oliver.” The lawyer turned to the twin brothers and asked, “So which one of you is Oliver?” Both of the sons said;“I am. I’m Oliver!”
Miss Smith was angry; “One of you must be a liar”. Then she began reading the second part of the will. It said: “If there is any argument about which son is real Oliver, then I leave all my money to Joseph!” Once again the lawyer asked; “Which one is Joseph?” “I am!” cried the two sons with one voice. The lawyer was very angry. She cried; “But a minute ago you both were Oliver!”You are liars!” Then she began reading the third part of the will. It said;“If both my sons turn out to be liars then I leave all my money to Miss Smith, my faithful lawyer.”
So the twins left the house without a penny. The clever will had shown that both of them were liars. But it was Miss Smith, who tricked them, because Mr. Brown had never made a will!

1. Choose the correct answer to the question.

1) How much money did Mr. Brown have?

a) Ten million dollars.
b) Ten million rubles.
c) Ten million pounds.
d) Ten thousand pounds.

2) Who was very rich and mean?

a) Oliver.
d) Joseph.
c) Mr. Brown.
d) Miss Smith.

3) Where did Miss Smith read the will?

a) In the kitchen.
b) In the living room.
c) In the cafe.
d) In the library.

4) Who got the money?

a) Miss Smith.
b) Oliver.
c) Nobody.
d) The twins.

2. Mark the following statements “True” (T) or “False” (F).




Many people pretended to get Mr. Brown’s money.


Both brothers were liars.


Mr. Brown’s will was very clever.


Miss Smith was very smart.

3. Match the words with their descriptions. There is one variant you don’t need to use.


A lawyer


A rich man


A  library


A liar


A will


A man who has much money.


A room where the will was read.


A person who reads the will.


A person who is not honest.

4. Complete the sentences with the information from the text.

1. Mr. Brown was___________________________________________________.
2. Joseph and Oliver were ____________________________________________.
3. The clever will had shown_________________________________________.
4. Miss Smith_____________________________________ the twins.

9. Whose dog was it?

A lady who was driving through the country in a car saw an old man followed by an old dog. As the car approached near the dog suddenly crossed the road. He was hit by the car and killed. The lady stopped the car at once and came to the man. “I am awfully sorry that this has happened”, she said, “Will two pounds settle it?” “Oh, yes”, replied the man. Pocketing the money as the car disappeared in the distance he looked down at the dead animal. “I wonder whose dog it was?”

1. Choose the correct answer to the question.

1) Whom did a lady who was driving through the country in a car see?

a) An old dog followed by an old man.
b) An old dog followed by an old lady.
c) An old man followed by an old dog.
d) An old lady followed by an old dog.

2) Who suddenly crossed the road?

a) The old lady.
b) The old man.
c) The lady who was driving a car.
d) The old dog.

3) How much money did the lady offer to the old man?

a) Two dollars.
b) Ten pounds.
c) Two pounds.
d) Two gryvnyas.

4) Whose dog was it?

a) It was the old man’s dog.
b) It was the lady’s dog.
c) Heaven knows!
d) It was the young man’s dog.

2. Mark the following statements “True” (T) or “False” (F).




The old man was killed.


The old dog was hit by the car and killed.


The old man put the money into the pocket.


The old man was awfully sorry.

3. Match the words with their descriptions. There is one variant you don’t need to use.


A dog


A lady


An old man


A car


A pocket


A vehicle that hit the dog.


A person who got two pounds.


An animal which was hit by the car.


A person who was driving a car.

4. Complete the sentences with the information from the text.

1. A lady who was driving through the country in a car________________________.
2.  As the car approached near the dog suddenly_____________________________.
3.  The lady stopped the car at once and ____________________________________.
4.  “I wonder_________________________________________________________?”


Once an Englishman went to Paris and stopped at a hotel. First of all he sent a telegram to his wife and told her the address of the hotel. Then he decided to see the city. He left the hotel and walked along the street.  He passed several blocks then turned to the right and walked along another street. At the corner he crossed the street and turned to the left. He liked Paris very much. In every street there was something interesting. He saw a lot of ancient buildings, cathedrals, monuments. He walked a long way, crossed many streets and turned many corners. When it was evening he decided to go back and only now he realized that he lost his way. He didn’t remember the name of his hotel. He tried to remember the way back but could not. He didn’t know what to do. It was already late and he was very tired. The Englishman went into the first hotel he saw and took a room there. Before going to bed he sent another telegram to his wife. The telegram said; “Send me my Paris address!”

1. Choose the correct title for the text.

a) A new dress.
b) A Bad Day.
c) New Address.
d) At the post office.

2. Make the following sentences true to the text.

1) Once a Frenchman went to Paris and stopped at a hotel.
2) First of all he bought a new dress for his wife.
3) He left the hotel and saw a long street. 
4) In every street there was nothing interesting.
5) In the  evening he realized that he lost his money.
6) Before going to bed he got a telegram from his wife.

3. Choose the correct answer to the questions:

1) Where did an Englishman stop?

a) In a motel.
b) In a hostel.
c) In a hotel.
d) In a camp.

2) What was there in every street?

a) Something interesting.
b) Nothing interesting.
c) Many places of interest.
d) Many interesting books.

3) Where did the Englishman go?

a) To the first restaurant
b) To the first hotel
c) To the post office
d) To the cinema

4) What did the Englishman send to his wife?

a) His new Paris address
b) A nice new dress
c) A telegram
d) A letter

4. Give short answers to the following questions.

a) Who went to Paris and stopped at a hotel?
b) What did he decide to see?
c) Did the Englishman lost his way or money?
d) Whom did the Englishman send a telegram?


  1. Панченко Л.М. Your guide in English. Сборник текстов для учеников. Киев: «Шлях», 2003.
  2. Панченко Л.М. Your guide in English. Part II. Сборник текстов для учеников. Луганск: «Шлях», 1999.

Образцы заданий:

  1. Евчук О.В. Английский язык 7 класс, Итоговые контрольные работы, издательство «Ранок» 2011.
  2. Мясоедова С.В. Английский язык 6 класс, Итоговые контрольные работы, издательство «Ранок» 2011.
  3. Доценко И.В. Английский язик 8 класс, Итоговые контрольные работы, издательство «Ранок» 2011.
  4. Панченко Л.Н. Your Guide in English. Сборник текстов для учащихся 5-6 классов, Киев, Шлях, 2003.


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Билет 1.


  1. It is about beauty of our motherland Belarus, its nature and traditions. The author is proud of being Belarusian and loves our country.

  2. 1 абз.

  3. He is proud of its wonderful nature, rich heroic history, national holidays and traditions and its people.

  4. If he were a talented painter, he would draw pictures with its beautiful landscapes, if he could compose verses, he would write lyric poems.


  1. Whithny was going to college. She was a bit shy and reserved. She had to share a room with a complete stranger, she didn’t have friends there. So she was nervous.

  2. When she was asked about her goal at college, she was honest and answered, she wanted to have at least one true friend. One boy came to her, introduced himself and offered to become friends. Their friendship lasted for many years and brought them together in marriage.

  3. She learned to be honest, openhearted and take actions.

Билет 2.


  1. This article is about fruitful and dynamic cooperation between Belarus and such international organizations as UNESCO. And about attractions of Belarus which have been included into the UNESCO World Heritage List.

  2. 1 абз.

  3. The Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park, The Mir Castle Complex, The Nesvizh Palace and The Struve Arc are included on the list for protection.

  4. Belarusian government wants to propose to add Independence Avenue in Minsk for inclusion into the UNESCO World Heritage List.


  1. Choosing the right job is very important as it influences all our life like choosing a wife or a husband, a friend you can rely on.

  2. In our materialistic world young people choose well-paid jobs connected with business, modern technologies and politics and so on.

  3. The speaker advises us to take into consideration our talents, interests and abilities.

Билет 3.


  1. This text is about the children’s opinions about ideal school and what they want to change in their school. Different pupils have different ideas.

  2. 1 абз.

  3. They want their school to be creative, valuable for their sociable and educational experience. Teachers should help them develop their individuality.

  4. Everybody has the right to be free, to choose what to be or not to be. So the children want more freedom.


  1. The heating doesn’t work properly and the breakfast is very early in the morning.

  2. There was another boy in this room, he was snoring on the night and Peter couldn’t sleep.

  3. The man on reception promised to send an engineer to fix the heating.

Билет 4.


  1. It’s about a 13yearold girl, who decided to keep a diary. She didn’t have a true friend, who can share her thoughts with. She wants her diary to be a patient friend.

  2. 2 абз.

  3. There are a lot of people around her, but she has only few close ones. They love parents, aunts and her 16yeraold sister.

  4. Anna started writing in a diary, because she felt alone, she didn’t have a true close friend, who she could trust her thought, dreams and ideas.


  1. Alice worked in her uncle’s shop as a shop assistant in Australia.

  2. It was difficult to deal with customers, but the most difficult thing was money, as she made a lot of mistakes, but her uncle helped her to get out of trouble.

  3. She learned to understand people’s behaviors better; she has become more tolerant, serious and responsible.

Билет 5.


  1. This article is about cyber bulling and the ways, who to avoid it. The author tells us bout SID which is organized every year in 74 countries.

  2. 1 абз.

  3. We should follow the tips given in the article, treat people online as you do in the real life, don’t ever post personal information.

  4. SID is a good way to stop abuse the Internet, because it helps people to use the Internet.


  1. The conversation takes place at Abbey Health Club.

  2. The man is interested in where the gum is, if they have a yoga class, if there is a car park.

  3. 50 a month need to pay.

Билет 6.


  1. It tells us about friendly loving family, they were going to celebrate Christmas, but the author brother Clifton didn’t get go for Christmas, as he saved the army, during the World War 2 and asked his family to keep Christmas tree, but he arrived. They did all the best to do it.

  2. 1 абз.

  3. He was one of the Tuskegee Airmen and was responsible for maintaining the airplanes flying off to fight in the World War 2.

  4. Clifton was eager to celebrate Christmas with his family, but he didn’t his manage , so he asked his family to leave the Christmas up until he made it back.


  1. Homework puts her in a bad mood. She wants to relax instead of doing homework.

  2. She did very little homework in high school and didn’t get used to doing homework how at college.

  3. It develops a sense of logic, makes us more disciplined, intelligent and ready for future career.

Билет 7.


  1. It is about Sam, a teenager girl; her mum didn’t let her go out anywhere, because there was a terrible mess in her room, until her room was tidy.

  2. 3 абз.

  3. Sam’s room was piled with a lot of things. There was a terrible mess. Her mum thought her room was condemned.

  4. She is not going to clean her room, because instead of it she decided to paint her fingernails.


  1. Tina was going to Hong Kong from London.

  2. Tina’s flight was delayed from one hour to nine hours.

  3. There was a huge stormed the place stared bouncing. She was scared. Then the oxygen makes dropped down, she put it on and sat in absolute terror.

Билет 8.


  1. It is about a girl who had a problem with algebra. Her granddad helps her to cope with algebra. She understands that it was possible to enjoy it. She discovered granddads inner world and they became friend.

  2. 1 абз.

  3. Her granddad loved algebra. He explained algebra is useful. It is mental fitness for people. The girl stopped been afraid of algebra.

  4. She learnt that granddads world is full of miracles. He was fascinated by riddles, by labyrinths. He was a lot of interests. So she discovered her granddad.


  1. Whales sometimes throw themselves on the beach dirty water makes them that crazy as plants and factories throw rubbish into the water.

  2. People brought ropes and began to pull him into the water. It was hard and the wale began moving in the water.

  3. The memory stared in his heart forever, he decided to study the ocean and protect animals, he is a member of Greenpeace.

Билет 9.


  1. It is about the importance of modern technology for communication. Now our life depends on it. We used phones, mobiles, Internet, they save our time and space. They have greatly changed all spheres of our life.

  2. 1 абз.

  3. For us they have changed everything. We can do time-consuming tasks in minutes; a lot of information is stored on tiny disks. Access to the Internet lets us keep up with global and current issues.

  4. Many people spend hours just chatting about silly, an important things, looking through sites for no reason, play computer games in hours.


  1. The action takes place in the author’s grandmother’s big old house near London.

  2. All the furniture’s in my grandmother’s bedroom was on the left side of the room, and the carpet was on the other side of the room.

  3. They were scared, because the furniture was really heavy and they heard just a tiny noise. And granny said it had happened before and she didn’t maid.

Билет 10.


  1. This article is about a successful family, about time that families should spend together, traditions which unite the family and about the importance of love in families.

  2. 1 абз.

  3. Traditions which include different norm, customs and views make a family united.

  4. That various from family to families. Families with young children spend most of their time together, families with teenager may spend less time together, but healthy families keep a good balance between «too much» and «not enough» time together.


  1. The girl can’t stop eating chocolate.

  2. The girl things that her habit is harmful, because there are a lot of sugar and fat in all types of chocolate, that’s why she has many spots on her face and she is a little overweight too.

  3. She can’t stop eating chocolate, because there is always chocolate for sale wherever she is. And because when she tries to stop if she doesn’t have any chocolate, she gets very bad headaches.

Билет 11.


  1. It is about a famous mathematician, astronomer and philosopher. Pythagoras and his achievements, his teaching methods and believes. But today he is still a mysterious figure.

  2. 2 абз.

  3. The people of Samous didn’t appreciate his teaching methods, they treated him improperly, wanted to involve him in local politics against his will, so he went to Italy.

  4. There are three types of people those who love wisdom, those who love honor and those who love wealth.


  1. He is 99. He will be 100 in 2 weeks.

  2. His life was hard: he had to work much, he didn’t have enough to eat and he didn’t do exercises and spent a lot of time outside.

  3. He recommends to be active and to have a positive attitude.

Билет 12.


  1. This article is about the most famous female pilot Amelia Earhart and about her difficult childhood, the way of life, which land her to unusual for women. She took several records and become famous and found her future love due to her passion.

  2. 2 абз.

  3. One day Amelia received an invitation to be the first woman ever to make the flight across the Atlantic from Canada to Britain.

  4. She became famous, because she broke several records when she flew the Atlantic solo.


  1. They worry about the pollution in her bedroom.

  2. She thinks that it is not important, it is her own room.

  3. Father is afraid of plague. Her parents are old-fashioned and they get used to cheating their rooms so mother asked Nancy to place them.

Билет 13.


  1. This text is about the stress of commuting. People are looking for ways to avoid stress and improve their life. The author gives us the idea how to avoid stress and reduce pollution.

  2. 2 абз.

  3. To reduce a pollution we can use environmentally friendly means of transport such as trains, met no system and carpooling.

  4. Carpooling is convenient, because it saves a people time and money, helps avoid stress.


  1. If they have no friend, people feel lonely and unhappy. They have no friend to talk and shake sad or happy moments.

  2. A good friend should be shoving, caring, listening, doing something for another person, honest.

  3. It is good to be a real friend, because your life is full of meaningful, interesting, you feel the joy, and you will never be along.

Билет 14.


  1. It is about an English boy named Ch. MrDonnell who was bored and decided to make his video blog and post it on YouTube. Soon he became popular and his audience grew, he used his famous to help people less fortunate than himself.

  2. 1 абз.

  3. He became popular when Oprah Winfrey, the famous American TV host, showed one of Charlie’s comedy videos called «How to be English» on her program.

  4. People like Charlie, because he is honest, modesty, he is a talented song writer, actor and singer, and he helps people less fortunate than himself.


  1. Young people prefer to live with their parents in Hong Kong, because it is expensive to rent a flat, they must good care of their parents and spend more time with them.

  2. They supported his decision, because they thought it was a good idea to understand how good it was to live with parents.

  3. He gaved his personal space and freedom, saved travelling cost and time.

Билет 15.


  1. It is devoted to ecological problems, residential building consume 27% of the total energy. It gives us an idea how to save energy and to save a builds. Everybody is responsible for reducing emissions.

  2. 4 абз.

  3. We can block up draughts, switch off unnecessary, light, make sure cold and hot water taps are not left running, and we also should use energy efficient light bulbs.

  4. Water of drinkable quality that used to flush the toilets unnecessary waste of energy used in water purification.


  1. It is a fantastic of London by open-top bus.

  2. They will see M. T. museum, Oxford Street, Westminster Abbey, The House of Parliament, The London Eye, Tower Bride and Buckingham Palace.

  3. They don’t have any extra umbrellas, but the guide promised that it couldn’t rain as it is going to rain heavily he asked to return money.

Билет 16.


  1. It tells us about MR Womack’s cottage, his attitude to it. His home is the castle for him; he does everything himself there so it is so dear for him.

  2. The last.

  3. He is very busy at home; he looks after domestic animals, works in the garden, grow cucumbers. He is skillful and does a lot of work in his house by himself.

  4. He calls himself Jack of all Trades, because he is a craftsman and he is able to do everything about his house himself.


  1. Sally loved writing. She wrote some advice to her friend who was moving and her pen-friend advised her to write a book.

  2. Sally’s dad thought it was good, but he didn’t advise her to send it to publishers not to be disappointed if they didn’t like it.

  3. Her life didn’t change a lot. But she became more confident and was planning to write one more book.

Билет 17.


  1. It tells us about M. T., her life was devoted to poor people, she was a simple nun, she did all the best to help the sick and the poor.

  2. 2 абз.

  3. One day she was on a train, she looked out of the window and saw dirty children sleeping in a doorway. Sick and dying people were lying on streets. She was shocked and decided to work with the poor. She is kind-hearted.

  4. She opened a school for the kids from poor families, she stared her own group of nuns who cared about poor and dying people. She also stared homes for children without families.


  1. Jackie wants to become a PE teacher.

  2. She has chosen this profession, because she likes explaining things, helping people, she likes to work with young people, also she likes challenge.

  3. It is good for our mental well-being, for health, it keeps physically fit, beaches young people important life lessons: the importance of teamwork, discipline, fairness.

Билет 18.


  1. It tells us about one of the most magnificent work of art, The Mona Lisa by L. da Vinci. Every hour about 1.500 people visit the Louvre Museum in Paris. It tells us what makes the ML. so special.

  2. 3 абз.

  3. Mona Lisa’s mysterious smile has fascinated everyone who has ever seen the painting. People find her smile divine; the portrait seems alive and real.

  4. It is a masterpiece; it is placed in a specially built area in a room with other great 16th century Italian paintings. Visitors have a better chance to appreciate the painting as a work of art rather than as a tourist attraction.


  1. Christian wants to become a businessman.

  2. Kate needs to learn English for future career. She is going to be a tourist manages.

  3. He advises her to speak much as possible when she travels, because practice is important.

Билет 19.


  1. It is about the Guinness Books of Work Records. There is a wide range of amazing facts on these pages. There is a helpful index in the back of the book, where we can find subjects of interest in an alphabetical order.

  2. 1 абз.

  3. The collection of records is divided into chapters on Space, Human Achievement, Sports and others. We can read about extremes in these spheres.

  4. This book can be interesting for the reader, because there are a lot of amazing facts in this book. It can motivate people to develop their skills and talents.


  1. When he was 3, his brother was born; his parents decided they needed a larger name so they moved into a rented flat.

  2. The flat was not really large. But there were enough places for them and there were two bedrooms, a cozy-living room with a balcony and a bathroom.

  3. He is sharing the flat with are person at present.

Билет 20.


  1. This text is about Dr. Rowland and her test of independent. From this text we find out that modern teenager are not ready for independent life and are not able to do the simplest things around the hour.

  2. 1 абз.

  3. Parents took the plug off the microwave and took out some good lights bulbs and put in light bulbs that didn’t work. They also made sure that there were other problems in the house: with an Italian coffee machine and one of the taps in the bedroom.

  4. On the one hand the children manage solve all the problems, but on the other hand they did in only using money and professional help. So we can say that they are not ready to independent life.


  1. Tom visited his cousins, who rented a cottage near the seaside. They went water-skilling and had a lot of fun.

  2. While the boys were pulling Tom along, the engine suddenly stopped. The boat slowly began to drift out to sea. There was going to be a storm. The sky was dark, the boys were frightened, but soon they saw a life boat.

  3. There was going to be a storm, the see was dark and angry it makes him frightened.

Билет 21.


  1. This text is about using technology in our everyday. We can’t imagine our life without technology devices. We can also learn some facts about online volunteering and how it helps people around the world.

  2. 1 абз.

  3. The author often uses TV. DVD game his favourite console. He always used his mobile phone or laptop.

  4. This work can support the poor and help charities who over wise would not have the funding to play for staff.

Билет 22.


  1. This text is about a girl Jessica Winters and how she took part in a famous TV show «The Pretenders». We can read about the work she had to cope with during the show and about the result she achieved.

  2. 1 абз.

  3. She didn’t know that 2 of her friends had sent her name to TV Company to take part in the Pretenders.

  4. It is an exciting and useful experience for Jessica, because she gained a lot of confidence and she understood that she is capable of many thing decides her guilt job.


  1. The first speaker likes China.

  2. Fabulous history, wonderful variety of nature, friendly people, and deli shies food make Italy his favourite place.

  3. There is a fantastic music, dancing, unusual nature and his favourite is the beef. He has never eaten food anywhere.

Билет 23.


  1. It is about Spanish restaurant – Mi Luna. It represent us the atmosphere, the food, the service there. This place is popular with visitors; they enjoy Spanish cuisine, music, the decoration.

  2. 5 абз.

  3. People can feel a Spanish atmosphere it is painted with classical colors that are used in Spain – the red, yellow, white, and black, on the walk there are photos of Spanish bullfighters. You can enjoy Spanish music and dancing.

  4. It is popular with visitors; it is very busy they should book a table first.


  1. She works hard all day, she is tied, and she hasn’t any time to enjoy Italy.

  2. Peter wants to make the best expression at his job interviews. He is looking for a job.

  3. She advices him to join networking groups, they are also looking for work and help each other.

Билет 24.


  1. It is about Elderhostel, the educational and travel organization for older adults. It offers a large member of programs to keep fit, mental and physical well-being. They prevent them from illnesses.

  2. 1 абз.

  3. People study history, literature, art, modern issues. They do sports. They are involved in adventure programs.

  4. People keep a positive self-image; they are active take part in various activities. So the work has a very positive meaning.


  1. The girl so Terry at a local dance he was so handsome. She was surprised when Terry asked her to dance instead of her best friends.

  2. They were in a lift. The boy was going to the first, but he stead with her all the way to the sixth and asked her out.

  3. He thought Amy was awful, because she ignored him, spent all night chatting and laughing with Tim.

Билет 25.


  1. This text is about the Internet and its role in the modern world. It gives us many opportunities, but only when we used Internet sensibly. It is very important not to forget about other activities, important of our development.

  2. 2 абз.

  3. It is important to use the internet sensibly, because it gives people tools and we should use them within reasonable limits.


  1. She works a lot and doesn’t have time for her, to enjoy hobbies, to see her children. She earns a lot, but has no free time.

  2. She enjoy his personal life, he plays tennis, works much better and feels happier.

  3. His lifestyle gives him a lot of freedom, he is happy. A lot of people in Japan get ill and die, because they work too much and hard.

Экзамен 2018. Задания по аудированию

Аудиоприложение по английскому языку

Скрипты аудирования по английскому языку

Скрипты с ответами (1-15)

Аудиоприложение по немецкому языку

Билеты по немецкому языку 2018г.

Пособие с устными темами по немецкому 

Билеты  Билеты по английскому языку 2018г.

Чтение (1-12)

Are you proud of being Belarusian?

1.    This text is mostly about Belarus and author’s
feelings to his/her country. We can find information about wonderful nature of
Belarus, its rich heroic history, national holidays and traditions. And
finally, we understand, that all this makes the author be proud of his/her

3.    Frankly speaking, several things make the author be
proud of his/her Motherland. These are the wonderful nature of Belarus, its
rich heroic history, national holidays and traditions, and of course Belarusian

4.    If the author were a creative person he/she would
describe Belarus indifferent ways. If he/she could draw he/she would start
drawing pictures with its beautiful landscapes; if he/she could write he/she
would write lyric poems about it.

Unesco World Heritage List

1.    This text is about Belarus as a member of UNESCO. We
can find information about famous Belarusian sites which are in the Unesco
World Heritage List. We can also read about other sites which the Belarusian
government wants to be on the UNESCO List.

3.    Today four Belarusian sites have already been included
into the UNESCO World Heritage List. These are the
following: the Belovezhskaya Pushcha National
Park (added in 1992), the
 Mir Castle Complex (added in 2000),
2005, two more sites were included into the UNESCO
World Heritage List
. They are the Architectural,
Residential and Cultural Complex of the Radziwills in Nesvizh
 and the Struve
Geodetic Arc

4.    Belarus is going to propose to add Independence
Avenue in Minsk
 for inclusion into the UNESCO
World Heritage
 List as part of the Socialist
Postwar Architecture in Central and Eastern Europe

My ideal school (сложный текст)

1.    In this text we can read students’ opinions on ideal school.
They speak about the disadvantages of modern schools. They also share with us
their ideas about what should be done to make schools better for studying.

3.    The children want to change many aspects at school:
some of them want to change the impersonal attitude of some teachers; some
children want the freedom to ask questions and get help to find answers and
some of them think that schools should develop creativity and dreams and not
try to make everyone normal.

4.    The children want more freedom to ask questions and
learn more from their experience. They are sure that has the right to be free
and choose what to be and what not to be.

1.    This text is about a girl Anna and her experience of
writing in a diary. Anna tells about close people she has and about true
reasons why she started keeping a diary.

3.    Anna has loving parents and a sixteen­year­old sister,
and there are about thirty people she can call friends. She also has a bunch of
admirers. She has a family, loving aunts and a good home.

4.    Anna started writing in a diary because she didn’t
have a true close friend whom she could trust all her secrets and with whom she
could share her real feelings and emotions.

1.    This text is about how to stay safe online. We can
find some useful tips on being safe in the Internet. We can also learn about
Safer Internet Day and its aims.

3.    To stay safe online we should be polite, should always
check the security settings, we shouldn’t post our personal information. We
sholdn’t post anything online that we wouldn’t want people in real life to see.
And if we see something online that worries or upsets us, we should tell an

4.    Safer Internet Day tries to help people to use the
Internet correctly. It is organized to promote safe and responsible use of
online technology and mobile phones.

This text is about a very close-knit
family, who tried to save the Christmas tree as long as they could so that
their beloved family member Clifton could see it and enjoy Christmas.

2.    Clifton was one of the Tuskegee Airmen and was
responsible for maintaining
 the airplanes flying off to fight in World War II.

3.    All the family members tried to save the Christmas
tree as long as they could. Every day they took turns sweeping pine needles and
moved the ornaments to the stronger branches on the tree. They managed to keep
the tree till March. These facts show that all the family loved Clifton very

1.    This text is about a girl Sam and her messy room. We
can find the description of Sam’s room and the room of her brother. We can also
read Sam’s thoughts about the situation and learn her final decision.

2.    It wasn’t fair. She was always getting the Condemned
sign. Her brother hardly ever did. And his room was really disgusting, with
posters of rock stars and basketball stars and movie stars wearing tiny bikinis
covering every inch of his walls. But, her mother pointed out, his floor was
clean and his desk as well.
That was all she cared about.

3.    For days Sam’s mother never came up to her room. But
one day she found of that Sam’s room was very messy.
That made
Sam’s Mum write a message.

4.    From my point of view Sam isn’t going to clean the
room in the near future because it is not easy to do the cleaning with the
freshly painted finger nails.

1.    This text is about authors problems with algebra. We
can read how the girl’s Grandad helped her understand the subject. We can
also find out what the author discovered about her Grandad.

3.    He compared algebra with PE. He explained the use of
the subject in a simple way. He made the author see that it was possible
to enjoy algebra and made it interesting for her.

4.    She learnt that Grandad’s world was full of miracles
and mazes
3, mirrors and misleading signs. He was fascinated by
riddles and codes and labyrinths
4, by the origin of place names, by grammar, by slang,
by jokes, by anything that might mean something else.
discovered Her Grandad.

1.    This interview is about the use of technological
means of communication. We can find information about the benefits of the
computers. We can also find out how technological means of communication help
businessmen. And there are also some thoughts about misusing the technologies.

2.    абзац I think the benefits of the computers cannot be
denied. They save valuable time and space. Time­consuming tasks such as
checking bank accounts can now be done in a matter of minutes and a large
volume of information is economically stored on tiny disks. In addition, with
immediate access to the Internet, we can always keep up with global and current
issues and explore the world from the comfort of our homes.

3.    For those working in the world of business, life would
be much more difficult as it would take much longer to get in touch with other
companies and to come to agreement on important matters.

4.    Many people spend hours just chatting about silly, unimportant
things or looking through sites for no special reason even at work.

1. This text is
about family. The author explains what makes a successful family, what unites
family, makes families strong, how to be healthy and happy.

3. Nothing unites a family more than its traditions which
include different norms, ways of behavior, customs and views. In united
families these traditions are deep-rooted and passed from generation to

4. That varies from family to family. Families with
young children usually spend most of their time together because young children
need a great deal of physical care and guidance. Families with teenagers may
spend less time together because teens naturally want to spend more time with
their friends. Healthy families keep a good balance between ‘too much’ and ‘not
enough’ time together. They spend enough time to satisfy all family members.

1.This text is
about Pythagoras  as a very important
mathematician, an astronomer, and a philosopher. We can read about his life,
about the three types of men according to Pythagoras.

3. Pythagoras went
 to Italy because the people of Samos did
not appreciate the teaching methods of Pythagoras and they treated him rudely
and improperly. Furthermore, they wanted to involve Pythagoras in local
politics against his will.

4. There
are three types of men: those who love wisdom, those who love

honour and those who love wealth

1.This text is
about the most famous female pilot ever, Amelia Earhart. We find out how she
got interested in flying, that she became the first woman to fly the Atlantic
solo, the only person to have flown it twice and she established a new
transatlantic crossing record of 13 hours and 30 minutes.

3. One day
Amelia received an invitation to be the first woman ever to make the flight
across the Atlantic from Canada to Britain.

4. Amelia became famous because she
became the first woman to fly the Atlantic solo, the only person to have flown
it twice and she established a new transatlantic crossing record of 13 hours
and 30 minutes. Understandably, she became even more famous as a result earning
respect for women pilots all over the world by proving that women could fly as
well as men, if not better.

1. This  text is about commuting, about  the public transport. We find out the ways  of reducing levels of both stress and
pollution. We are interested in carpooling,  a relatively new and convenient system  when several people arrange to share one
private car to get to work.

3. We  can help reduce pollution by an introduction
of an environmentally friendly network of cycle tracks. The aim of building
cycle tracks is to motivate people to use their bicycles instead of their cars.

4. Carpooling is a relatively new and convenient system  because several people arrange to share one
private car to get to work. And some companies have already introduced a plan
where those who carpool get preferential parking in the company garage.

Card 14

1.This text is about a 16­year­old English boy
named Charlie McDonnell .We find out how he became famous and why people liked

2. paragraph 1

3.He became popular when Oprah Winfrey, the
famous American TV host, showed one of Charlie’s comedy videos called How to be
English on her programme.

4. People liked him for his  honesty and modesty . And of course, he is a
talented song writer, camera man, actor and singer.

Card 15

1.This text is about how to make your home
greener, how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We find out how to save
energy. We also find information about efficient light bulbs, a ‘grey’ water
recycling system.

2.paragraph 4

3. The first things we can do are
simple and easy. We can block up draughts2, switch off unnecessary lights and
make sure cold and hot water taps are not left running. The next step requires
more planning and some expense, but as well as saving energy, we will also save
on bills. Many homes have window and
roof insulation3 but it is rarely enough. Full insulation can have a dramatic
effect on energy consumption.  We should use energy efficient light bulbs.
Also, thermal solar panels are very
efficient. They are capable of providing all the hot water you need.

4. At present water used to flush
the toilets is of the same drinkable quality that comes out of the taps. This
is an unnecessary waste of energy used in water purification.


1.This text is about MR WEMMICK’S “CASTLE”,
howthe house had been built . We find out why Wemmick calls himself Jack of all
Trades. We understand the phrase ‘An Englishman’s home is his castle’.

2. ‘Look,’ said Wemmick, ‘after I
have crossed this bridge, I raise it so that nobody can enter the Castle.’

The ‘bridge’ was a plank1 and it crossed a gap
about four feet2 wide and two feet deep. But I enjoyed seeing the smile on
Wemmick’s face and the pride with which he raised his bridge. The gun on the
roof of the house, he told me, was fired every night at nine o’clock. I later
heard it. Immediately, it made an impressive sound.

3.He has  got chickens, ducks, geese, and rabbits and  in his little vegetable garden he grows
cucumbers. He likes to do everything himself.

4. Wemmick calls himself Jack of all
Trades because he is his own engineer, his own carpenter, his  own plumber and his own gardener.


In this text he author writes about
Mother Teresa’s family. We find out  how
Mother Teresa decided to devote her life to people in need and what she did for

Paragraph 2

One day in 1946 Sister Teresa was
riding on a train to Darjeeling5. She looked out of the window and saw dirty
children wearing rags and sleeping in doorways. Sick and dying people were
lying on dirty streets. At that moment, she believed God sent her a message.
From that moment she decided s to devote her life to people in need.

She started homes for children
without families. She also started clinics.
people sent her donations of money, others came to work with her. By 1990 the
Missionaries of Charity were working in 400 centres around the world.

Card 18

1.This text is about the
famous painting the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. From this text we find out
what makes the Mona Lisa so special and why  the painting is displayed in an exceptional

3. The portrait
seems alive and real. She seems to change before our eyes. Even in photographs
we can experience this strange effect.

4. The Mona Lisa is
certainly a masterpiece, a magnificent work of art, but it is also a part of
modern popular culture. Her image appears on plates, T­shirts, mouse pads and
in advertisements. Perhaps for this reason, officials at the Louvre Museum
placed the painting in a specially built area.

Card 19

  1.In This text the author describes how The Guinness Books of  World Records changed with time.

We get information what facts we can find in this book and why  it can be interesting for the reader.

2.paragraph 1

3. Here you will see and read about extremes: for example, the world’s
tallest, oldest, shortest, and tiniest — people, plants, animals, buildings.
Some have set records for pulling buses, kissing, swimming, ironing clothes,
running, and for having the longest legs, the smallest waist, etc.

4. This book can  be interesting for
the reader because there’s a wide range of amazing facts contained on these


1. This text is about Dr Rowlands and her
test of independence. From this text we find out that modern teenagers are not
ready for independent life and are not able to do the simpliest things around
the house.

3. Parents took the plug off the
microwave and took out some good light bulbs and put in light bulbs that did
not work. They also made sure that there were other problems in the house: with
an Italian coffee machine and one of the taps in the bathroom.

4. On the one hand the children managed to
solve all the promlems, but on the other hand they did in only using money and
professional help. So we can say that they are not ready for independent life.

1. This text is about using technology in
our everyday routine. The author proves that we can’t imagine our life without
technological devices. We can also learn some facts about online volunteering
and how it helps people around the world.

3. The author often uses his TV, DVD, game
console, laptop and mobile phone when he is at home. And he almost always uses
his mobile phone or laptop connecting to wireless networks when he is out of

4. There is so much that so many people
can do to help people in their own countries and across the world, from using
your language skills to do translations, to developing and managing projects
and helping with IT work. This work can support the poor and help charities who
otherwise would not have the funding to pay for staff.

From librarian to political reporter

1. This text is aboy Jessica Winters and
how she took part in a famoust TV show «The Pretenders». We can read
about the work she had to cope with during the show and about the results she

3. She didn’t know that two of her friends
had sent her name to the TV company to take part in The Pretenders.
First she said No but hen agreed.

4. It as an exciting and useful experience for Jessica
because she gained a lot of confidence and she understood that she is capable
of many thing becides her quiet job.

1. This text is about a wonderful Spanish
restaurant with a lively atmosphere — Mi Luna. We can find the description of
an interior. We can also read about the menu and about nice and pleasant

2. The service is pleasant, caring and
quick. It makes you want to come back. The waiters just keep looking at your
table to find out if you need something. If they see an empty glass, they
immediately ask you if you want something else to drink. At all time, they are
friendly and ready to clear all the used dishes from your table. They are
always smiling because they are trying to make you feel comfortable and happy.
They know each dish, so they are able to explain it to you.

3. First it is painted with the classical
colours that are used in Spain — red, yellow, white, and black. On the walls,
there are photos of Spanish bullfighters, taken at the perfect moments of their
performances. You can also enjoy a photo of the famous classical Spanish dance
called Flamenco.

4. People are sure to be entirely satisfied and have very
good memories of the visit to Mi Luna. It is a great place for any occasion,
but it is very busy, so visitors should make reservations in Mi Luna in


1. This text is about the world’s largest
educational and travel organisation for older adults — Elderhostel. We
can learn about the programmes and activities it provides to elderly people. We
can also find information about how it 
helps people to keep a positive
self­image and contributes to the sense of well­being both mental and physical.

3. Elderhostel offers a
large number of programmes in a huge variety of areas. People study ancient
history, literature, and art. It also offers a lot of sport activities. There
is also a group of adventure programmes involving activities like hiking,
kayaking, biking and studying whales. There are also programmes which give
people the chance to help communities in different ways, such as protecting
endangered species, tutoring school children and building affordable housing.

4. The word ‘old’ have a positive meaning
in Elderhostel because it means «experienced». And
you could never be too old to do things that give you pleasure and joy of life.

1. This text is about the Internet and the
opportunities it gives to young people. The author also gives some tips on how
to use the Internet carefully and how to stay safe in a dangerous world of

3. The Internet nowadays is compared to a
huge city full of many different kinds of places and people. As in a real city,
there are certain places which are suitable for youngsters and others which
need to be avoided.

4. The Internet neither belongs to nor is
controlled by any one person, organisation or government. And there are those
who might use it for illegal purposes. And youngsters can also spend all their
free time in front of the computer, isolating themselves from other people
their age. That’s why it is important to use the Internet sensibly.

Аудирование (ответы 1-15)

Билет 1

II. Listen to the story about a girl and
answer the questions below.

1. Why was Whitney worried about going to

— Whitney was a bit shy and she was
nervous because she was going to share a room with a complete stranger and live
far from her parents. And she has no idea how she was going to make friends.

2. How did she find a friend?

— In her first English class she was asked
to tell something about herself. And she said that her goal for that class was
to make just one good friend. And one of the students came to Whitney and
introdused himself and asked if she would be his friend.

3. What lesson did Whitney learn?

— Whitney learned the power of asking of
what she wanted, being honest and taking action.

Билет 2

II. Listen to the career counsellor
speaking about choosing a career and answer the questions below.

1. Why is choosing the right job very

— Choosing the profession influences all
our life. It is like choosing a wife or a husband, or choosing friends to rely

2. Which jobs are popular among young
people at present?

— Young people usually try to get jobs
that are paid well. These are jobs connected with buisiness, information
technology, politics and so on.

3. What advice does the speaker give?

— While choosing a job you should take
into concideration such things as talent and personal interest. You should have
the ability to the profession you have chosen and your job should bring you joy
and satisfaction.

Билет 3

II. Listen to the conversation and answer
the questions below.

1. What is wrong with the accommodation?

— The hotel is OK but not perfect. The
heating doesn’t always work and the breakfast in very early in the morning.

2. Why did the boy oversleep?

— There was another boy in that room and
he snored realy badly and he couldn’t sleep at all.

3. What agreement did he reach with the
person on Reception?

— The receptionist said that she would
send an engineer if there were any that day to fix the problem.

Билет 4

II. Listen to Alice speaking about her
first job and answer the questions below.

1. What job did Alice do?

— Alice worked as a shop-assistant in her
uncle’s shop.

2. What difficulties did she have?

— The most difficult things were dealing
with customers and working with money.

3. What kind of knowledge and skills did
she get at her first job?

— She became more tolerant and open, more
serious and responsible. And she also managed to become more relaxed and

Билет 5

II. Listen to the conversation and answer
the questions below.

1. Where does the conversation take place?

— The conversation takes place at the
health club (or «Be Health» club)

2. What is the man interested in?

— The man is interested where the jym is,
if there is a yoga class and if there is a car park there.

3. How much do you need to pay monthly?

— You need to pay 50 pounds a month.

Билет 6

II. Listen to three teenagers talking
about homework and answer the questions below.

1. Why does the first speaker dislike
doing homework?

— The first speaker dislike doing homework
because it affects his family. They can go out with a family because he has to
do his homework and it puts them in a bad mood.

2. What does the second speaker have
regrets about?

— The second speaker have regrets about
copying her homework at school and now she has problems with doing homework at

3. What are the benefits of doing homework
according to the third speaker?

— It develops our sense of logic. It makes
you more intelligent and enhances your personality. It makes us more
disciplined and ready for future working obligations.

Билет 7

II. Listen to the conversation and answer
the questions below.

1. Where was Tina going to?

— Tina was going to Hong Kong from London.

2. What happened at the airport?

— She came late to the aiport thinking
that she had missed the flight. But the flight was delayed and Tina had to wait
for nine hours.

3. Why was Tina scared during the flight?

— There was a huge storm, the plain
started bouncing around all over the place and the oxigen masks dropped down.

Билет 8

II. Listen to the member of the Greenpeace
organisation telling a story about whales and answer the questions below.

1. How did Uncle Roger explain to the boy
why the whales were on the beach?

— somtimes whales go crazy and throw
themselves on the beach. Dirty water makes them that crazy. Plants and
factories throw rubbish into the water.

2. How did the people help them?

— Some people brought ropes and they
pulled the whale into the water.

3. How did this event affect the
story-teller s life?

— He decided to study the ocean and
protect animals. He became a member of GreenPeace and his priority is to
protect whales.

Билет 9

II. Listen to the conversation and answer
the questions below.

1. Where does the action take place?

— The action took place in the author’s
grandmother’s big old house near London.

2. What happened to the furniture in the
grandmother’s room?

— All the furniture in his grandmother’s
bedroom was on the left side of the room and the carpet was on the other side.

3. Why were Martin and his friend scared?

— They were crared because the furniture
was really heavy and they heard just a tiny noise. And grannny said it had
happened before and she did’t mind.

Билет 10

II. Listen to the girl speaking about her
eating habits and answer the questions below.

1. What problem does the girl have?

— The girl can’t stop eating chocolate.

2. What makes the girl think that her
habit is harmful?

— Chocolate contains a lot of sugar and
fat so the girl has a lot of spots on her face and she is a little overweight.

3. Why can’t she stop eating chocolate?

— First the chocolates are sold
everywhere. Then if she doesn’t eat them she had very bad headackes and if she
eats she feels better and happier.

Билет 11

II. Listen to the interview with Mr Ron
Cansler taken by the Youth Magazine and answer the questions

1. How old is Mr Cansler?

— Mr Cansler is 99

2. What kind of life did he have when he
was young?

— He was one of 10 children. They were
happy if they had enough to eat and they worked hard on a farm.

3. What does he recommend listeners to do?

— He recommends to be as active as
possible and have a positive attitude.

Билет 12

II. Listen to the conversation between
Nancy and her mum and answer the questions below.

1. What do Nancy’s parents worry about?

— Nancy’s parent are worried because Nancy
hasn’t cleaned her room for 3 day already.

2. Why does Nancy refuse to do household

— Nancy said that she didn’t have to clean
up her room at college. And the parents shouldn’t worry because its her room.

3. What arguments does Mum use to make
Nancy clean the room?

— Her father said that the plague will
start in her room. And her mother insisted on an idea of making beds in the
morning and asked Nancy to do it to please them.

Билет 13

II. Listen to the advice how to make a
good friend and answer the questions below.

1. How do people feel if they have no

— People who don’t have friends feel
lonely and unhapy.

2. What qualities does a good friend have?

— Compassion, attention, honesty and
carying are the main qualities of a good friend.

3. Why is it good to be a real friend?

It will make your life different: full,
meaningful and interesting. You feel the joy you can’t experience being alone.

Билет 14

II. Listen to Huan, a Chinese man,
speaking about moving out and answer the questions below.

1. Why do young people prefer to live with
their parents in Hong Kong?

— First it is expensive to rent a flat in
Hong Kong. Secondly the Chineese traditional value of family supposes you to
take care of your parents.

2. How did Huan’s parents react to his

— They supported his idea but they thought
that he would understand how good it is to live with them.

3. What are the advantages of living on
your own?

— First he saves his travelling time to
work and his travelling cost. Then has his personal space and freedom. He can
make his own decisions and he can also invite friends to stay late.

Билет 15

II. Listen to the tour guide and answer
the questions below.

1. What sort of tour is it?

— It is a fantastic tour of London by an
open-top bus.

2. What will the tourists see on the tour?

— The torists will see all the famous
sites: Madam Tussaud’s Museum, Oxford Street, Westminster Abbey, The Houses of
Parliament, The London Eye, Tower Bridge and the Tower of London and Buckingham

3. Why does the tourist ask to return the

The tourist asked to return the money
because it was going to rain heavily and the guide didn’t have any extra


  Card 16

      1.What made Sally write the book?

She loved writing. She wrote about
her day, poems, stories. One day she wrote some advices for her pen -friend  and she said that Sally should write a little
book about it for other kids.


     2.What did Sally’s Dad think about the

Sally’s Dad thought it was good? But
he tried to stop her from sending it to any publishers.



How did Sally’s life change after
publishing the book?

She didn” t make a lot of money, but
she became more confident.

Card 17

1.                  What does Jackie want to become?

Jackie wants to become a PE teacher.

2.                  Why has she chosen this profession?

She  has chosen this profession because she loves sport and believes it is very important for young people to do sport at school.

       3.            Why is it important for students to do sport at school?

First of all we all know its important for our health to keep physically fit. Secondly,physical exercise is good for our mental well being and self-esteem. Finally, playing sport teaches young people important life lessons, like the importance of teamwork, discipline and fairness.


1.            What does Christian
want to become?

Christian wants to become a successful businessman

2.            Why does Kate need to
learn English?

Kate needs to learn English for her future career.

3.            What piece of advice
does Christian give to his friend?

When you travel, try to speak English as much as possible. Practice is
very important if you want to speak English well.



Why did the man’s family have to
rent a flat for about a year?

The man’s family had to rent a flat for about a year while the new block
of flats they were going to move to was being completed.


What was their flat in the capital

Their flat wasnt really large? Only 68
square metres, but there were two bedrooms, a cosy living-room with a balcony,
a small bathroom and a kitchen.

3.            How
many people is he sharing the flat with at present?

 He is sharing the flat with just
one person  at present.

Card 20

1.            How did Tom spend his day off?

He spent
his day off with his cousins, who had recently rented a summer cottage near the

2.            What went wrong?

It was
getting dark and it was time them went back. While his cousins were pulling him
along, the engine suddenly stopped.

                3.            What made Tom feel frightened?         

As they
were sitting there wondering what to do, there was loud crash of thunder and a
flash of lightning lit up the evening sky. The sea was dark and angry. Paul and
Bob looked worried and that made him frightened.

Card 21

II.            Listen
to the conversation and answer the questions below.


What is the flat like?

There is a big mirror and a telephone in the hall, a dining room with a
nice big table and six chairs, bathroom with washbasin and a shower, kitchen
and the bedroom in the flat.


What do Anna and Carlos like and
dislike about the flat?

They like the big wardrobe in the bedroom  and dislike small bathroom.


What have they decided to do?

They decided to move in the flat.



What country does the first speaker
like most?

The favourite country of the first speaker  is China.


What makes Italy a favourite place
for the second speaker?

Italy has got the most wonderful mountains, coasts, beaches and lakes.
Its towns are fabulous and the people are lively and friendly.


Why does the third speaker like

Argentineans are really friendly. There is fantastic music and dancing.
The country is wonderful with its huge prairies, mountain ranges, waterfalls
and glaciers.


to the conversation between two friends and answer the questions below.


What does Margaret complain about?

Margaret complains about her new job, that she is very tired at work.


Why does Peter need new clothes?

Peter needs a new suit because he wants to make the best impression possible
at his job interviews.


What piece of advice does Margaret
give to her friend?

Margaret advices her friend to go to some networking groups, where
people are also looking for work.

Card 24

1.            Why was the first
speaker surprised?

The first speaker was surprised because Terry asked her to dace instead
of Vera Mills.

2.            When did the second
speaker ask the girl out?

The second speaker asked the girl out that night.

3.            Why did the third
speaker think that the girl was awful when they first met

The third speaker thought that the girl was awful when they first met
because she practically ignored him and she spent all night chatting and
laughing with Tim

Card 25

II.            Listen
to three people speaking about their work-life balance and answer the questions


What does the first speaker complain

He complains about his work-life balance. He does not have any time for
himself to enjoy hobbies or to see children and spend time with them.


How has the life style of the second
speaker changed?

He plays tennis twice a week and has long weekends.


What does the third speaker think
about his way of life and the typical Japanese work-life balance?

He thinks that the typical Japanese work-life balance is madness because
they have to work 70 hours a week.

Ситуации общения

Card № 1

III. Let’s talk about accommodation.

1)Let’s talk about
accommodation.   Tell me about the
house/flat you live in.

2)Do you want to move into a new house/flat? Why or why not?

3)What questions will you ask your
landlord/landlady about the room you are going to rent?

4)Your friend wants to decorate
his/her room and make it look more modern. Give him/her some advice on how to
do it.

5)They say that living in the city is better than
living in the country. What do you think about it?

Card № 2

III. Let’s talk about the education.

1) Tell me about the system of education in Belarus

2) Do you like your school? Why or why not?

3) Ask me about education in Canada.

4) What advice can you give me on how to prepare for
exams well?

5) If you were the Minister
of Education in Belarus, what would you change in our school system?

Card № 3

III.Let’s talk about the environment.

1) Let’s talk about environment. People
say that our planet is in danger. Do you share this opinion?

2) What do you think people should do to protect
the environment?

3)What would you like to ask your British friend
about measures that are taken to protect the environment in Britain?

4) A friend of yours wants to develop a
programme to protect the city where he lives. Give him a piece of advice.

5) Green School of the Year contest is held in
the country and you want your school to enter it.
ideas for some ’green events’.

Card № 4

III.Let’s talk about Belarus.

1) What attracts
tourists to Belarus?

2) Are the symbols of Belarus
known to foreigners? Why or why not?

3) What questions will you ask a
journalist from the BelTA News Agency?

4) What advice will you give to
people who want to visit Belarus?

5) They say that the Belarusian
language is losing its popularity. What do you think about it?

Card № 5

III. Let’s talk about Great Britain.

1. Let`s talk
about Britain. What do you know abut this country?

2. What are the
state symbols of Great Britain?

3. What would
you like to ask a British teenager about Britain?

4. What sights
in England would you advise me to visit?

5. They say it`s
important for a person to speak English nowadays because it is popular all over
the world. What is your opinion?

Card № 6

III.Let’s talk about science and modern technologies.

1)  Let`s talk about science and modern technologies. Tell
me about the latest scientific achievements and discoveries

2)  Do you want to be a scientist?

3)  What questions will you ask a most outstanding scientist?

4)  My niece is not very good at science. Give her a piece
of advice on how to achieve better results.

 People are becoming more dependent on
high-tech devices. Is it good or bad?

Card № 7

III. Let’s talk about art.

Let`s talk about arts.
What kind of art do you enjoy most?

Do you agree that
people of different age prefer different kinds of art?

Ask me about the
performance or the concert I have visited recently.

Give me some advice on
what museum or exhibition to visit.

Explain why a lot of
people don`t understand modern art.

Card № 8

III.     Let’s
talk about your future career.

1)Let’s talk about your future career. What
would you like to become?

2)Does a person need to possess special
qualities to become a good specialist in this or that particular field? Why?

3)What questions will you ask your future
employer at a job interview?

4)Give me some advice on how to behave at a
job interview to create a positive impression on the employer,

5)Some people think that it is necessary to
have a good command of a foreign language to get a good job. Do you agree with

Card № 9

III.     Let’s talk your family.

1)Let’s talk about family. What does your immediate
family mean to you? 

2)Are there any family traditions that you follow?

3)What questions will you ask a British teenager about
his/her extended family?

4)What can you advise people who want to have a close
and happy family?

5)They say that parents and children have difficulties
understanding each other because of the generation gap. What do you think about

Card № 10

III. Let’s talk about youth and society.

1) Let’s talk about youth and society. Do many young
people in Belarus take an active part in the life of modern society?

2) Not all
Belarusian teenagers have joined youth organizations. What stops them?

3) What would
you ask a leader of a youth organization about?

4) What Belarusian youth organization would you recommend
your friend to join?

5) Explain why
young people organize clubs and societies?

Card № 11

III. Let’s talk about the mass media.

1)  Let’s talk about the mass media. What is
implied under the term «mass media»?

2) Do you agree that thanks
to mass media the whole world has become a «global village»? Prove your point
of view.

3) Ask me about
the mass media I prefer and their role in my life.

4) Convince me that a mobile is a
necessity for every teenager.

5) Explain why
many people say that newspapers, radio and TV will lose their popularity and
importance soon.

Card № 12

III.     Let’s
talk about the mass media.

1) Let’s talk about the mass media. What is the
role of mass media in the life of contemporary society?  

2) Do you agree that all means of communication are very effective?
Prove your point of view.

3) What can you ask a British teenager about the mass media in his/her

4) My cousin spends a lot of time chatting online; it makes all the
family angry. What can you advise in such a situation?

5) Can the Internet replace other mass media? What is your opinion?

Card № 13

III.     Let’s talk about international cooperation.

1) Let’s talk about international cooperation. Why do people create international

2) Do you agree that our republic has contributed a lot to the
resolution of global issues and builds up mutually beneficial relations with
other countries? Prove your point of view.

3) Ask me about the activities of our country on the international

4) Which cultural event
held in Belarus would you recommend your foreign friends to visit?

5) Explain why contacts between countries are
necessary for their development.

Card № 14

III. Let’s talk about national character and

Let’s talk about
national character and stereotypes. Do you have any associations with “a
typical British”, “a typical American”, “a typical Belarusian”?

2) Do you agree that stereotypes give a true picture of a national
character? Prove your point of view.

3) Ask a
British teenager what British people are like.

4) Your friend
is going to visit the USA, advise himher how to behave and treat the

5) How would you describe
Belarusian people?

Card № 15

III.     Let’s
talk about outstanding people.

Let’s talk about
outstanding people.
Would you like to be famous?

2) Do you agree that
nowadays a lot of teenagers want to become famous?
Prove your point of view.

3) What would
you ask a well-known person about?

4) What can you advise a
person who wants to get success and become famous?

5) Society has a special
attitude to great and famous people. How can you comment on it?

Card № 16

III.     Let’s
talk about tourism.

1) 1.  Let’s talk about tourism.
What role does it play in modern life?

2) Do you agree that travelling with friends is much more interesting
than travelling with parents? Prove your point of view.

3) Imagine you are going to another country on holiday. What would you
ask a travel agent about?

4) What can you advise a person who doesn’t know where to spend his/her

5) What opportunities does tourism around Belarus give to foreign

Card № 17

   III.     Let’s
talk about accommodation.

 What types of houses do the British people live in?

Do we
have the same types of houses in Belarus

 Your family is
going to move into a new house/flat.What quesyions will you ask your parents
about your new house/flat?

cousin is going to share a room with another student in a hostel. Give him/ her
some advice on how to get on with his/her roommate.

 What does your ideal house look like?

Card № 18

III.     Let’s
talk about your family.

1)  Let’s talk
about  family. Why is family important
for you?

2) Are there any family traditions that you follow?

3) What will you ask a British teenager about his/her

4) What can you advise people who want to have a good relationship with
their parents and grandparents?

5) They say that parents and
children have difficulties understanding each other because of the generation
gap. What do you think about this problem

Card № 19

III. Let’s
talk about your future career.

1)   What do you
want to do in the future?

2)   Do you prefer
to work by yourself or in a team? Why?

3)  What questions do you expect from your future employer
at a job interview?

 Give me some advice on what I have to think
about when choosing a job.

Some people think that
an applicant should be computer literate to get a good job. What do you think
about it?

Card № 20

III. Let’s talk about Belarus.

1) Let’s talk about the Republic of Belarus. What can you
tell me about our Motherland?

2) What famous Belarusian people do you know?

3) What questions about Belarus do you expect to hear from a
British teenager?

4) What Belarusian sights would you advise a foreigner to

5) You are to write a short article about Belarusian people
for a foreign newspaper. How would you describe our people?

Card № 21

III. Let’s
talk about any English-speaking country.

Let’s talk about the USA/Canada/Australia. What do you know about this

Do you agree that this
country is worth visiting? Explain why.

What would you ask a
teenager from this country about?

Advise me what places
of interest to visit in this country.

Explain why this
country is so popular among tourists.

Card № 22

III.     Let’s
talk about national character and stereotypes

1)Let’s talk about national character and stereotypes. Do you follow any
stereotypes or prejudices?

2)Do you agree that people belonging to one nation have a lot in common?
Prove your point of view.

3)Ask an American teenager what American people are like.

4)Your friend is going to visit Great Britain, advise himher
how to behave and treat the British.

5)What stereotypes connected with the
Belarusians do you know?

Card № 23

III.     Let’s
talk about youth and society.

1) Let’s talk about youth and society. Today young people take an active part
in the social life of the country. What youth organizations do you know?

2) Have you ever joined a youth organization? Why

3) What questions would you like to ask a person who
has joined a new international organization?

4) What issues would you recommend to
discuss at a monthly meeting of a debate club?

5) A lot of young people in Europe work in
hospitals and kindergartens as volunteers. What do you think attracts them to
this kind of work

Card № 24

III.     Let’s
talk about education.

1)Let’s talk about education. What can you tell me
about studying at school?

2) Do you agree that Belarusian secondary school
provides a person with good knowledge? Why (not)?

3)Ask me whether I liked school when I was a pupil.

4) What ideas from Belarusian school can you advise a
teacher from Great Britain to use in British school?

5) Today some young people think that having a good
education is not very important. Do you agree with them?

Card № 25

III. Let’s
talk about tourism.

1) Let’s talk about travelling and tourism. What role do they
play in your life?

2) How do you like to travel?

3) What questions should you ask a travel agent to learn more
about a tour?

4) What can you advise a person who doesn’t know where to
spend his/her holiday?

5) What difficulties can you have when visiting a foreign
country? Is it possible to avoid them?

Cитуации общения

 Accommodation, Card 1

1.  Let’s talk about accommodation.
  Tell me about the house/flat you live in.
We have a nice flat in a new block of flats. Our
flat is on the fourth floor. It has all modern conveniences: central heating,
gas, electricity, cold and hot running water, but it hasn’t got a lift.

     There is a living
room, two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet in our flat.

     ​The living-room
is the largest room in the flat. It is nicely furnished. My mum likes to watch
TV there, it’s her favourite room.

     My parents’
bedroom is smaller than the living-room, but it is light and cozy. In this room
there are two beds and a wardrobe.

    The third room is my
bedroom. It is not large and there isn’t much furniture in it: my bed, a
writing table, some shelves and a computer.

     The best room in
our flat is the kitchen. In the kitchen we have dinner together and discuss our
family matters.

2.Do you want to move into a new house/flat? Why or
why not?
I am very much satisfied with the place where I live now, I would like to move
into a new house. New houses are usually more modern and have improved layouts.
I would like each member of our family to have more space.

§ 3.
What questions will you ask your landlord/landlady about the room you are going
to rent?

Does the rent include the
costs for water and heating?

Is there a telephone

Is there a washing
machine/dishwasher in the kitchen?

§  Are pets allowed?

Do I have to pay a security

4. Your friend wants to decorate his/her room and make
it look more modern. Give him/her some advice on how to do it.
First of all, organize your ideas.
Then look for photos of rooms, colours and fabrics that inspire you. After that
take measurements of your room and plan your space. Finally, set a budget.

5.  They say
that living in the city is better than living in the country. What do you think
about it?

I think nowadays most people prefer living in a city area and few enjoy living
in the country. Cities offer more educational and working opportunities. There
are a lot of places of entertainment in the city, too. But when people become
older, the countryside appeals to them more.

Card 2 Let’s talk about education.

me about the system of education in Belarus.
We can say that
Belarus has a developed its own system of education. Scientific and
intellectual potential is the main strategic resource of Belarus. The republic
guarantees its citizens the right to universal secondary education and creates
means for further professional education. It tries to pay much attention to
common human values, developing independent critical thinking instead of simple
perception of information.  

       In Belarus there are 4 stages of education: preschool education, primary
school education, secondary school education, and higher education. Primary and
secondary school education is compulsory. All in all it last 11 years. Children
come to school at the age of 6 or 7. School year begins on September 1st and
ends at the end of May. It’s divided into 4 terms. At the end of each term
pupils have holidays.

The basic goal of school is to provide pupils
with knowledge of particular subjects: Russian and Belarusian Language and
Literature, Maths, a foreign language, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History,
Geography, IT, PE.

After the 9th form pupils can
either enter a college or lyceum or continue education at school.

To receive the Certificate of Secondary
Education pupils have to take 4 compulsory exams in Russian or Belarusian
Language, Mathematics, History of Belarus and Foreign Language. After
graduation from secondary school pupils usually take part in the Centralized
Testing the results of which afford them to enter a higher educational establishment
or to get a profession at college.

The main principles of the
educational system in Belarus are the priority of human values, national
culture as the basis of education, humanism, sense of ecological purpose,
scientific basis, support of gifted children and others.

Do you like your school? Why or why not?
 Of course, yes. 
like my school
 very much. Happiness, sadness and
other emotions, or even love sick, we all can find in our school time. That’s
why school life is the best time in human life. During this time, we develop
many things like physical development, emotions, relationships, and especially
knowledge. Various subjects are studied at school. So we have a great variety
of things to choose for our future interest in our professional life.

Our school provides children not only with
knowledge. It’s also a place where we spend our free time. There are many
amateur groups or circles and sport sections in my school. Special teachers
help children to develop their creative abilities either in sport sections, a
school choir or theatre, or to improve English after classes. Ecology and
tourism are also very popular today. So, schoolchildren can also be engaged in
these activities. Going to school also means you will have a lot of
friends. There is nothing better than belonging to a great group of friends and
nothing worse than feeling like an outcast. Friends are important. They are
shoulders for you to cry on when you are sad or happy so your sadness will be
less, and your happiness will be twice.
Talking about school time, you can
never forget the time you share your sweet dreams to your friends, and they
tell you theirs; the time you have fun with them playing on the school yard or
going shopping or even playing truant together! … No matter how good or bad
those memories are, school time is still unforgettable with sweet friendship
and platonic love. Going to school also means you will have new family, new
moms who teach you many things about life.School is our second home. No one can
ever forget it.  I think I will never forget my school, teachers,
classmates and our school traditions.

3. Ask me about education in

At what age do schoolchildren
start school in Canada?

How many grades do they have?

How many terms and vacations
is the school year divided into?

§  What are compulsory subjects?

Do they have to do hometasks?

What exams do they pass?

4. What advice can you give me
on how to prepare for exams well?

First of all I think you should

be hard-working and
self-organized and make an effort every day.

make notes while
studying; Surely these notes will help you in the last minute revision
and save you time than going through all the pages in the text book.

develop your skills in the
subjects you are to pass every possible minute.

master your knowledge and
remember that practice makes perfect.

And I’d like to wish you good luck at your exams

5. If you were the Minister of
Education in Belarus, what would you change in our school system?

If I were the Minister of Education in Belarus I
would cancel homework. Pupils must learn at school.In my
opinion only some creative work may be done at home. Moreover I would punish
the teachers who would give any additional homework to pupils.

I would give students at higher grades an
opportunity to choose the subjects they want to study. Personally I feel pity
to the time I’ve wasted on economical geography or chemical formula I’ll never
need in future.

I’d provide school and pupils with modern
equipment like  e-books, smart boards,laser pointers. I’m absolutely sure
it would make the process of learning more enjoyable and  efficient.

№ 3 Environment

1.Let’s talk about environment. People say that our
planet is in danger. Do you share this opinion?

Environment is the nature around us: air, water,
trees, flowers, animals, birds and insects. Nature has served people for many
years, but people’s interference in nature has increased and the results are
dramatic. Nowadays mankind faces numerous problems which threaten our
environment. The most serious ecological problems are: noise from cars and
buses; destruction of wildlife and countryside beauty; shortage of natural
resources; the growth of population; pollution in its many forms

understand that the planet needs their immediate help if they want to survive
and they take measures to protect nature.

2.What do you think people should do to protect the

People should stop wasting paper to save trees and
limit unnecessary car journeys to prevent air pollution.  People shouldn’t use gas and water

3.What would you like to ask your British friend about
measures that are taken to protect the environment in Britain?
What measures are taken by your
government to protect rare animals and birds? 
Are there any civil societies in Britain that aim at nature
protection?  What does your government do
to protect marine species?  Do your mass
media share knowledge on nature protection?

4. A friend
of yours wants to develop a programme to protect the city where he lives. Give
him a piece of advice.
If I were you I would carry out a research on the use
of private cars and their bad influence on the atmosphere and then, with the
results, I would draw people’s attention to the problem.

5.Green School of the Year contest is held in the country and you want
your school to enter it. Give ideas for some ’green events’.
I think shooting a 2-minute video
about animals in danger and people’s help to them would be a good idea.

Belarus, Card 4

To my mind, Belarus is not very tourism-oriented
though each region of the country can offer something interesting and

First of all, there are landmarks included in
the World Heritage List, such as Belovezhskaya Pushcha with
majestic aurochs, the Struve Arc, the castles in Mir and Nesvizh.Then
there are places connected with the names of world famous people Kazimir
Malevich, Ilya Repin, Zhores Alferov, numerous art galleries and museums.

1.     What
attracts tourists to Belarus?
Belarus is a home to unique natural landmarks
which include Braslav Lakes National Park, the amazing Belarusian Polesye and

A number of old
towns such as Turov, Zaslavl, Polotsk, and villages like Dudutki, Strotchitsy
are a great way to learn about Belarusian everyday life and history.I can’t but
mention how hospitable and welcoming Belarusian people are.

I hope tourism in
Belarus will develop and my country will take advantage of it.

2.     Are the
symbols of Belarus known to foreigners? Why or why not?
I am not sure that the official
symbols are known to foreigners, but I suppose they know about its floral and
animal symbols: the bison, the stork and the cornflower. These realities from
Belarusian nature and wildlife have turned into the symbols of the country due
to the contribution of Belarus into the world heritage.

3.     What
questions will you ask a journalist from the BelTA News Agency?

1. When was the
Agency established?

2.Is it difficult to deliver news in real time?

3.Is your news available in foreign languages?

4.What foreign languages do you speak?

4.What advice will you give to people
who want to visit Belarus?
would advise to visit Grodno and Brest regions first of all. Belovezhskaya
Pushcha where you can see a lot of rare species of animals and birds, the
famous Mir castle and the city of Grodno with its unique architecture are
really worth visiting.

5.They say that the Belarusian
language is losing its popularity. What do you think about it?

Russian and
Belarusian are two official languages, but very few people speak Belarusian in
their day-to-day lives. This is the reality, but it doesn’t mean that the
language is losing its popularity. As there are practically no schools or
universities that teach in Belarusian, independent courses are conducted
across Belarus. People want to know their language to be proud of who they

Card №5
Great Britain

1. Let`s
talk about Britain. What do you know abut this country?

2. What are
the state symbols of Great Britain?

3. What
would you like to ask a British teenager about Britain?

4. What
sights in England would you advise me to visit?

5. They say
it`s important for a person to speak English nowadays because it is popular all
over the world. What is your opinion?

1. Let`s
talk about Britain. What do you know abut this country?

The United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles
consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and a great number of
small islands. The UK consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and
Northern Ireland.

The British Isles are separated from
the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The northern
and western parts of the country is mountainous and is called the Highlands.
All the rest is a vast plain which is called the Lowlands.

Most of the rivers flow into the
North Sea. The Thames is the deepest and the longest of the British rivers.

Great Britain is a highly
industrialized country. The main industrial centres are London, Birmingham,
Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Glasgow and Bristol.

The population of the United Kingdom
is over 58 million people.

The capital of the country is
London. The United Kingdom is parliamentary monarchy and the Queen is the head
of the state.

2. What are
the state symbols of Great Britain?

The flag of the United Kingdom, known as the
Union Jack
, is made up of three crosses. It is made up of the individual
Flags of three of the Kingdom’s countries — the countries of ‘England, of
‘Scotland’ and of ‘Northern Ireland’.The Welsh flag, called the Welsh dragon,
represents a red dragon on a white and green background.

A red rose is the
national emblem of England from the time of the Wars of the Roses (15th
century).The thistle is the national emblem of Scotland. The national
emblem of Ireland is shamrock. The leek is the emblem of Wales.

3. What
would you like to ask a British teenager about Britain?

— What places can I visit in London
if I want to go shopping?

— What is the weather usually like
in summer?

— What are the biggest cities in the

— Where can I go in London if I want
to listen to an opera or to watch a consert?

4. What
sights in England would you advise me to visit?

London itself is a great city to
visit. Start your London tour from Westminster Abbey. Every monarch since
William the Conqueror has been crowned here.

Buckingham Palace is The
Queen’s official residence.The Changing of the Guard at Buckingham
is a free display of colourful Royal pageantry.

Take a look at the Houses of
and the famous clocktower. The famous Big Ben is not the
whole clock tower. It is just the name of the bell that rings inside of it.

The Houses of Parliament is the
place where the House of Commons and the House of Lords conduct their sittings.

Tower of Londonhas been a treasury,
armory, and royal residence, but it has also been a prison for enemies of the

British Museumis the
country’s largest museum and one of the oldest and finest in the world.

A river cruise along the Thames
will give you a nice experience and view of the city.

Of course, you have to ride on the
London Eye
— the new landmark for London!

5. They say
it`s important for a person to speak English nowadays because it is popular all
over the world. What is your opinion?

First, English helps you to improve
friendship and maybe include our knowledge around the world. Nowadays, many
people have a wider friendship around the world. Learning English can help you
to make more friends, we can exchange with a lot of people, improve our

Second, English helps you to connect
our country to the world or we can learn more about another countries’s
tradition. Learning English, we can introduce every beautiful things, places to
internaional friends from another countries. Foreigners wil be curious and they
will travel to our country.

Finally, we can find jobsmore
easily. Today, all companies need their wokers know at least on language,
especially English. In some international companies, every person have to know
English well.


Tell me about the latest scientific achievements and discoveries.
1. I’d like to highlight some of the latest
achievements in technology connected with space and genetics made in 2017.

2. First of all, it’s reusable rockets. Reusable
rockets aim at cutting down the cost of space travel.

3. Everyone knows that some time ago, NASA
launched a Space Shuttle called Discovery.

4. In 2017 another great thing happened: a new
reusable rocket Falcon 7 was launched by SpaceX team.

5. We are all interested if there is life on
other planets.

6. In 2017 seven new Earth-like planets in a
remote star system were discovered.

7. A very interesting discovery was made in
Portland, Oregon, where researchers successfully edited a one-cell human

8. It means that we will be able to cure
heritable diseases or defective genes in the future.

9. I think that scientific achievements are very

10. Our life depends a lot on them.

2. Do you want to be a scientist? Personally I have never thought of
being a scientist. It’s not my cup of tea. To be a scientist means to devote
your whole life to science. I think I am not ready for this way of life. And I
haven’t got passion for it. ​

3. What questions will you ask a most
outstanding scientist?

How do you generate new ideas?

Have you made any discoveries?

Do you prefer to work alone or
in a group of scientists?

​What devices do you use in
your research work?

4. My niece is not very good at science. Give her a
piece of advice on how to achieve better results.
Probably, it will be useful for her
to read some popular information on Physics or Chemistry. Maybe, she will be
able to find something unusual that will motivate her.

5. People are becoming more dependent on high-tech
devices. Is it good or bad?
On the one hand, high-tech devices are useful, they
make people’s lives easier. On the other hand, some things can only be done
with a device. I think, people have to be careful and not to overuse devices.
They should remember that there are  things they can do themselves.

is short, art is long

Our world has become a very visual one – we have art all around us.
Understanding art is understanding our world! A good first step is to try to
understand what we mean by art. The arts include 
visual artsliterary arts and
performing arts, like musictheatre, and film, among others.

The types of visual art include architecture, animation, collage, comics,
design, drawing, graffiti, illustration, installation art, photography,
sculpture and so on.

The first time that the question of what art is came up in the 19th century
in an essay by Leo Tolstoy. In his work he argues against numerous 
theories which define art in terms of the good, truth, and especially beauty. In Tolstoy’s opinion, art at the time was much more than that. According to him, art must
create an emotional link between artist and audience, one that “infects” the

But of course there are people who view the art as a commercial idea. As
Frank Zappa once said, “Art is making
something out of nothing and selling it.”

For someone art can be therapy. There is even a term “art therapy”. The aim
of art therapy is to improve or maintain mental health and emotional

In my opinion art plays a large part in making our lives infinitely rich.
Art stimulates different parts of our brains to make us laugh or cry, calm down
or start shouting. You could say “Art is something that makes us more
thoughtful and well-balanced humans.”

The most frequent association with the word art is
painting. Painting has had a long and glorious world history as an independent
art. From Giotto to Picasso, painting has never ceased to produce great
exponents who have expressed not merely the taste but the aspirations, the
concepts of space, form, and color, and the philosophy of their respective

Belarusian artists have made an enormous contribution to the development of
world culture. In the 12-18th centuries
the most popular genres of fine arts in Belarus were frescos, icon and portrait
painting. The 16th century portraits created
in Belarus were influenced by the Italian and German Renaissance. Ivan Chrutsky
(1810-1885) is considered to be the greatest figure in Belarusien art of the 19th century. His sentimental portraits and
luminous (
светящиеся) still-life paintings had been assiduously (усердно) collected by Russian and
Polish art galleries.

An important role in the formation of young artists in Belarus was played
by the opening of art schools in Vitebsk (1898) and Minsk (1906).

Among the various genres of Belarusian fine arts water-colour painting is
of undoubting importance and interest. Here we should mention V. Tsvirko, one
of the leading Belarusian artists. His water-colours Willows Have Burst into Blossom, The Melted Snow and April are superb.

The most famous Belarusian artists who painted in oils are M. Savitski, E.
Zaitsev and I. Akhremchik. The war theme predominates in their pictures,
though, of course, they also painted landscapes and portraits. The series Figures on the Heart by M. Savitski has become a
specific phenomenon in Belarusian art.

At the beginning of the 20th century a
new trend of abstract painting developed in Vitebsk. Among the artists who
belonged to that trend were the world famous M. Chagal, K. Malevich, G. Pen and
others. Some of them had to leave Belarus and live abroad.

Here I would like to insert some words about abstract art. Understanding
abstract art does not come naturally for everyone but it can’t leave people
indifferent. To understand abstract art you have to open up your intuition and
see where the painting takes you.  Abstract art allows the viewer to
decide what the artwork is about, on a very personal level. It requires an open
mind and a big imagination. What people don’t realize is that the best abstract
artists have excellent drawing skills, a fine sense of composition, and a deep
understanding of the workings of color. Instead they choose to express their
emotions by creating a piece that is more free, free of the weight of objects.
If you want to fully understand an artwork, it’s important to know the artist’s
intention behind it. Knowing the artist’s thought process for creating a
certain work of art adds to the meaning and value of a painting.

Pablo Picasso once said: “Everyone wants to understand art. Why not try to
understand the song of a bird?” Picasso has a point. Art can’t be explained in
words, because its influence on people is very personal.

Art echoes the natural world. Art is a means of communion as well as
communication. Art creates awareness of social issues. Art may express and
reflect the religious, political, and economical aspects of cultures. Art is
and can be what ever a culture says it is or what ever they want it to be. Art
also helps us to express our sentimental relations. It can beautify, surprise,
inspire, stimulate imagination, inform, tell stories, and record history. As
someone once said, “Art is life.”

Future Career

1. Let’s talk about your future career. What would you
like to become?
It’s a very difficult decision to choose the right job. Of course, I
want a profitable job, but I also want to enjoy the profession in which I’ll be
engaged. I want a creative job, no matter what the profession will be. Maybe
I’ll become a specialist in business matters like my mother.

1/Сhoosing  a kind of career is a hard task that all
school leavers have to do. The profession a person chooses determines his
future life in many ways. It takes time to choose the career that matches your
interests. If you choose the wrong profession this might  lead to miserable life. The properly chosen
career makes a person happy and successful for the rest of his life.

As for me I’ve made my choice long ago. I
decided to be a _historian. People think that it is possible to live without
looking back at the historical past. But it is a mistaken view. We cannot live
without history because it is around us. By analyzing the past we can avoid the
mistakes in the future. If people do not use the experience of the past they
will inevitably make mistake in the present. Historians have always tried to
understand past human lives and societies. History helps to understand the
global historical process.

2. Does a person need to possess special qualities to
become a good specialist in this or that particular field? Why?
Yes, each profession needs special
qualities. To become a good specialist one should analyze whether the job is
suitable for him or whether he is suitable for the job. Otherwise the job may
later turn into a nightmare.

3. What questions will you ask your future employer at
a job interview?
What are the working hours? How much is the salary? Do I have to travel
on business? Do you provide your employees with accommodation?

4. Give me some advice on how to behave at a job
interview to create a positive impression on the employer.
Sit upright with your shoulders back
and relax. Make eye contact. Smile – give the impression of being happy to be
there. Keep your answers simple, relevant and interesting.

5. Some people think that it is necessary to have a good command of a
foreign language to get a good job. Do you agree with this?
 I agree. Though not all jobs
require a good knowledge of a foreign language, it’s absolutely necessary if
you are going to become a specialist in business matters.

Family, Card №9

1. What does your immediate family mean to you? 
My home is
the best place in the world for me and my family are the dearest people for me.
I’m happy to have a close and friendly family. In my family I can speak freely
about my problems, share my joys and sorrows with my parents and with my
sisters. I can say that my family is an emotional centre of my life. My family
members never ignore me; I always get support and understanding from my family.
I can’t live without my family’s help and respect. I understand that my family
members also need my attention and support. So I, in my turn, love and respect
my family and try to obey my parents.

I have no doubt that family is very important so
its members should do their best to keep it going

2. Are there any family traditions
that you follow?
1)Yes, there are. We usually celebrate family
holidays together and it’s a tradition in our family to have dinner together
and chat about the events of the day.

2)Unfortunately, there aren’t but I’d like we have some. Family traditions
are very important as they create specific memories which form our personality
when we grow up.  

What questions will you ask a British teenager about his/her extended family?

Have you got any cousins or

Do your grandparents live with

How old are your grandparents?

What traditions have you got
in your family?

What can you advise people who want to have a close and happy family?
If you want to have a close and happy
family, support, love and respect your family members, avoid quarrels, sort out
problems together and be willing to compromise.

They say that parents and children have difficulties understanding each other
because of the generation gap. What do you think about it? 
I think, the talk about the generation gap is exaggerated. Of course, there
is some misunderstanding between generations and always was. To my mind, this
is because people don’t try to understand each other. They don’t talk over
their problems, hurt each other’s feelings and then find an excuse in a
generation gap.

The Mass
Media, Card 11

1) Let’s talk about the mass media. What is implied under the term «mass

When we
speak about the mass media we usually mean newspapers, magazines, radio,
television and the Internet which use different technologies to communicate
with large numbers of people.  Every day a huge amount of information is
given by newspaper articles, TV news and the radio. It is evident that the mass media has become an essential
part of everyone’s life. They
inform, educate and entertain people. But
we should remember that we are
the main target of the mass media. It is a huge industry, which spends
millions, even billions of dollars to win our hearts and minds, and to
influence our choices towards their products and ideas. So every time we switch
on TV, the radio, or open a newspaper we have to remember not to be naive. We
should learn how to choose between different sources of information, in other
words we should be selective.

2) Do you agree that thanks to mass
media the whole world has become a «global village»? Prove your point of view.
The term “global village” describes
the world in which people use modern electronic media to stay connected. Thanks
to such mass media as the email, the Internet, different messengers and social
networks people are able to
communicate quickly and easily. They can also get the latest news in no time.

3) Ask me about the mass media I prefer and their role
in my life.

-Which mass media do you prefer: radio,
television, newspapers or the Internet?

— Can you imagine your life without the

-Which newspapers do you subscribe to?

— Where do you get information from?

4) Convince me that a mobile is a
necessity for every teenager
A mobile is a device every teenager must have. It has dozens of useful
functions for communication, studying and entertainment. With the mobile you
can keep in touch with your friends and family, surf the Internet and get
information. You can use it as a watch, an alarm-clock or a calculator. You can
use it as a reader, a navigator or you can simply entertain yourself by
listening to music, watching videos or playing games.

5) Explain why many people say that
newspapers, radio and TV will lose their popularity and importance soon.
I think this is because of the
Internet which is “three in one”. When I want to read the daily news, I go
online. When I want to listen to music or watch a new film, I turn on my
computer. Still there are places where the Internet is not available and where
people, I guess, continue using traditional mass media.

The Mass Media, Card 12

)   Let’s talk about the mass media. What is
the role of mass media in the life of contemporary society?
We live in the era of information. It’s
impossible to imagine our life without media. The mass media
includes newspapers, magazines, radio, television and the Internet. These
media have become as important for people as food or clothing.

Media is the best way to spread knowledge,
information and news from one part of the world to another. It is also a source
of entertainment. Companies use the media to promote their company product.  The
mass media has become one of the main instruments of political change.

The mass media has the power to shape our
values. As Jim Morrison famously said, “Whoever controls the media,
controls the mind.” There is no doubt that mass media has a huge
impact on our life. We should be vigilant [
бдительный] about
the impact of the mass media and have our own beliefs and opinions.

Do you agree that all means of communication are very effective?
Prove your point of view.

I disagree. Let’s take telephones and mobiles, for example. Telephones
are static whereas mobile phones can be carried anywhere.
Mobiles are quicker, more
convenient and more effective.

 What can you ask a British teenager about the mass media in his/her

What mass media are most
popular in your country?

What is the main broadcasting
company in the UK?

Is it true that The BBC is the
most objective in news reporting?

Do people in your country
subscribe or buy newspapers?

   My cousin spends a lot of time chatting online; it makes all the
family angry.
can you advise in such a situation?

I would advise the family to spend more time together. It will show your
cousin that family relations are more important than the Internet.

 Can the Internet replace other mass media? What is your opinion

Maybe yes, maybe no. The Internet
is a great source of information and entertainment for many people. But there
are always those who prefer reading a newspaper or watching TV.
We’ll live and see.

16. Tourism

Let’s talk about tourism. What role
does it play in modern life?

Nowadays tourism has become very
popular and turned into a prosperous business. Today it is the world’s second
largest industry.

More and more people travel every year for different reasons. Some people
travel to experience a whole new environment, to see new places and meet new
people. Others travel on business, trying to get information about the
achievements of other companies and make their own business more
successful. Some people travel for educational purposes, or they visit
their distant relatives and friends.

As an industry, tourism can be very profitable so each country is trying to
attract more tourists.

Tourism has bad effects too.  Most popular resorts are becoming polluted.
A lot of ancient monuments are being destroyed. Great cities, occupied by
tourists, are left by local residents except for the souvenir sellers.

​As for me, I enjoy travelling very much because travelling broadens my mind.
It’s always interesting to see other countries and continents, to discover
different ways of life, to meet different people and to try foreign food. I
don’t travel a lot nowadays but I hope I will travel more in future. In my
opinion, we shouldn’t reject tourism because of the bad effects it has.
But I am for tourism that minimizes its own environmental impact. 

2. Do you agree that travelling
with friends is much more interesting than travelling with parents?
Prove your point of view.

I should say, travelling with parents is not
bad. First of all, it is safe and you don’t need to think about where to stay
or which route to choose or where and what to eat. On the other hand, holidays
with family can be hard work and there can be many arguments.

Holidays with friends are not usually as cheap
as holidays with parents, you have to plan your budget and this inevitably
causes problems. Nonetheless, travelling with friends can be incredible fun.
When on holiday with friends you do different things than you do with family.
From this point of view, if you are looking for adventure, travelling with
friends is better.

3. Imagine you are going to another
country on holiday. What would you ask a travel agent about?

What documents do I need to carry
with me when I travel? 

Do I need a passport or visa?

What excursions do you suggest?

What is the best time to travel to this destination?

can you advise a person who doesn’t know where to spend his/her holiday?

If I were you, I would spend my
holiday travelling.  There are a lot of places to visit in Belarus, such
as Mir and Nesvizh castles, Belavezhskaya pushcha, Brest fortress and others.
You will learn more about your country, get new impressions and relax at the
same time.

opportunities does tourism around Belarus give to foreign tourists?

I can’t say that Belarus attracts crowds of foreign
tourists. Belarus has plenty of attractions, but ranks near the
bottom in terms of tourism. Most tourists come to Belarus from Russia with the
aim of having a rest at Belarusian resorts. They can enjoy beautiful Belarusian
nature and the hospitality of Belarusian people.

Accommodation, Card 17

1.What types of houses do the British people live in? Houses are an important part of British life.
To my mind there is no other nation that is so fond of houses. I`d like to tell
you about different types of housing the British live in.

The first type is a detached house. A detached
house is one that is not joined to any other house. Many British people think
that a detached house is the best type of house to have. Such houses have
privacy from neighbours, they are ideal for keen gardeners and big families
with children.

The second type of houses is a semi-detached
house. A semi-detached house is joined to another house on one side. A house of
this kind is less expensive than a detached house, but still offers a goods
standard of privacy and comfort.

 The third type of houses is a terraced
house. It is one of a continuous row of similar houses, joined together by
their side walls. This kind of houses is usually small.

The next type is blocks of flats. Blocks of
flats provide accommodation for a lot of city dwellers. But these buildings are
not very popular. Only about 20% of the population live in flats.

Then there are cottages. A cottage is a small
house, especially an old one in the country. These are often thought of in a
very romantic way as being cozy and safe, and having a thatched roof and roses
round the door.

The next type of houses is bungalows. Bungalows
are one-storied houses which are particularly popular with older people. They
don`t have to cope with stairs and so on.

In conclusion I would like to add that British
homes reflect the British national character and help us to
understand this nation better.

2. Do we have the same types of
houses in Belarus?

No, we don’t. The variety of types of houses in Belarus is smaller.
 People in urban areas of Belarus live in blocks of flats and in the
country people live in cottages. In agro-towns people live both in cottages and
in blocks of flats.

Your family is going to move into a
new house/flat. What questions will you ask your parents about your new

1. What’s our
new flat like?

2.How many rooms are there in the flat?

3.What floor is it on?

4.Is there a lift in the block of flats?

Your cousin is going to share a room with another student in a hostel. Give
him/ her some advice on how to get on with his/her roommate.
Sharing your place with another
person is never easy. Remember,
that no one is perfect. Be flexible and ready to compromise.

What does your ideal house look like?
When I think of my ideal house, I imagine a cottage in
the suburbs. There are two floors in it. It is spacious and catches a lot of
sunshine. In front of the house I have a small garden with different flowers.
I also have a garage for my car. Inside the house there are six room for all
the family. There is a big living-room with a comfortable sofa downstairs. The
bedrooms are upstairs. My bathroom is very good-looking: the walls are tiled,
the washbasin and the toilet are my favourite colours. My kitchen has all
modern appliances. It is always pleasant to cook in it, have breakfast and
welcome guests. My house is so nice that it makes me think “There is no place
like home”.

Card№18 Family

1. Let’s talk about
your family. Why is family important for you?
My home is the best place in the
world for me and my family are the dearest people for me. I’m happy to have a
close and friendly family. In my family I can speak freely about my problems,
share my joys and sorrows with my parents and with my sisters. I can say that
my family is an emotional centre of my life. My family members never ignore me;
I always get support and understanding from my family. I can’t live without my
family’s help and respect. I understand that my family members also need my
attention and support. So I, in my turn, love and respect my family and try to
obey my parents.

2. Are there any
family traditions that you follow?
Yes, there are. We usually celebrate
family holidays together and it’s a tradition in our family to have dinner
together and chat about the events of the day.

3. What will you ask
a British teenager about his/her relatives?

Have you got any brothers or sisters?

What are their names?

Do your grandparents live with you?

How old are your parents?

4. What can you
advise people who want to have a good relationship with their parents and
If I were you, I would spend more time with my
family, love, respect and obey my parents and grandparents.

They say that parents
and children have difficulties understanding each other because of the
generation gap. What do you think about this problem?
I think, the talk about the
generation gap is exaggerated. Of course, there is some misunderstanding
between generations and always was. To my mind, this is because people don’t
try to understand each other. They don’t talk over their problems together,
hurt each others feelings and then find an excuse in a generation gap.

Card 19

Let’s talk
your future career

1. What do you want to do in
the future?

Сhoosing  a kind of career is a hard task that all school leavers have
to do. The profession a person chooses determines his future life in many ways.
It takes time to choose the career that matches your interests. If you choose the
wrong profession this might  lead to miserable life. The properly chosen
career makes a person happy and successful for the rest of his life.

Generally speaking it’s not easy for a
school-leaver to decide on his future career. There are some frivolous people
who enter an institute thinking whether they like the profession they had
chosen or not. But occupation you want to devote your life has to bring you
satisfaction. So it should be something you can do and you really want to.

As for me I’ve made my choice long ago. I
decided to be a ____________ . This job matches my interests and abilities. I’m
sure it will provide me with respect of others, good pay and independence, job
security,  meeting other people, chances of promotion, seeing the results
of my work and so on.

As for me…

I am going to be a
. Lawyers don’t only punish people for different crimes but try to
prevent them. They help people to find the right road in life. The lawyers
protect the rights and interests of citizens and organizations.

I’d like to be a journalist.
They tell people the truth and provide them with news and true information. A
journalist must be interested in many subjects and must be a well-educated
person. They try to solve different problems with the help of mass media.

I have a dream to be a
 This is an interesting and noble profession. I want to help
people who face health problems. Doctors should be kind and attentive to
people. It’s one of the most demanded professions in the world.

I’d like to be a
. Teaching can be called the greatest of the arts. It’s a great
responsibility to bring up children. Teachers should be well-educated and
well-informed. They help their pupils to understand the world we live in.

I have a dream to be an
. I am good at mathematics. I have an aptitude for working with
people and have good social skills. I have good analytical abilities and I am
good at problem-solving.

As for me I think that…

To be a designer is
rather attractive. This profession can fit creative people who know how to make
things around them look nice.

For those young adults who
choose the profession of a chemist, a mathematician or a physicistthe
determinant factor is not prestige but interest and inclination.

§  To be a biologist is very prestigious and interesting
today, because  biologists are at the forefront of cloning.
They are on the threshold of great

I think that to be a
 is also very important today. People think that it is
possible to live without looking back at the historical past. But it is a
mistaken view. We cannot live without history because it is around us. By
analyzing the past we can avoid the mistakes in the future. If people do not
use the experience of the past they will inevitably make mistake in the present.
Historians have always tried to understand past human lives and societies.
History helps to understand the global historical process. Historians interpret
the processes of the past to explain the processes of the present and foresee
the processes of the future.

One of the most fashionable
and prestigious professions of today is that of an IT operator.
Today our life is entirely connected with computers. With the help of computers
people can do a lot of wonderful things from controlling spaceship up to buying
books and participating in virtual conferences. New programs are needed all the
time to meet the increasing demands of our time. The roots of computer science
lie primarily in the related fields of electrical engineering and mathematics.
Electrical engineering physics and mathematics became the source of the
development of computers. I have to study hard to pass my tests successfully so
as to make my dream come true in future.

As for me I want to be a
physician. Physicians help people to be healthy and live a long life. They save
the lives of their patients. This profession requires well-educated people.
Mistakes are impossible in this profession. Physicians should be very patient
and attentive with their patients. In spite of all difficulties I think this
profession is very interesting and useful. I’ll do my best so as to make my
dream come true in future.

As for me I’ve got a wide
range of interests. I like History, I’m interested in Literature, and I read
periodicals regularly. I know something about economics and politics. I have
read a lot of books about famous politicians from different countries and I’ve
decided to try to explore international relationships. It may seem
too ambitious but the thing is that the people of this profession should be determined,
brave and hard-working. They should be good orators, understand other people
and know foreign languages. But first of all they should love their Motherland
and be ready to devote much of their personal time for the benefit of their
country, their city or town. Now I’m going to study hard to pass my tests
successfully so as to make my dream come true in future.

I think that to be a
sociologist or a psychologist is very interesting and useful. Psychologists try
to help people to cope with their spiritual problems. Sociologists study the
health of the society. I decided to enter the department of sociology and
qualify as a sociologist. And I think it is very interesting.
Sociologists are supposed to work with people, to render them real help in
difficult situations.

§  This year I’m leaving school. I have already decided what career to choose.
I would like to be a psychologist. I want to help people to solve
their problems. I want to help them to understand their inside world, to help
them to be confident. I love working with people and children.
      I think it’s a difficult job, because one
should love people, take care of them, support them.This profession is rather
new and hence very interesting.
Psychologists work with people from different layers of

I realize that my dream can come true only if I
work hard. In conclusion I should say that our life in our hands. We should go
and try.

2. Do you prefer to work by
yourself or in a team? Why?

 I can work both in a team and alone. It depends on the project to be done.
I can work individually to complete my tasks on time, but I also enjoy
brainstorming and cooperation with my mates. During my school years most
projects required a combination of independent work and brainstorming. I really
loved the results of  joining my classmates’individual projects in one
whole when we shared information on the same topic and learnt from each other.

3. What questions do you
expect from your future employer at a job interview?

What qualifications have you

What are your strengths and

Do you prefer to work by
yourself or in a team?

Why would you like to have
this job?

Why have you chosen this

4. Give me some advice on what
I have to think about when choosing a job.

When you have to make a choice you should think
the following

—  realistically consider your
abilities and make self-assessment;

—  think over how and in what spheres you can apply them;

—  study labour market information and reference literature;

—  ask yourself the question if you like this job.

5. Some people think that an
applicant should be computer literate to get a good job. What do you think
about it?

I absolutely agree that nowadays it’s almost
impossible to imagine any prestigious profession without such computer skills
like communication, downloading, making presentations and doing lots of other
necessary things on computer. Surely one of the first questions of any employer
will be about your computer skills. As for me I had a good teacher of
Informatics and more or less I’m ready for the questions of the type


1.Let’s talk about the Republic of Belarus. What can
you tell me about our Motherland?

is my Homeland. It is a country with unique history and rich cultural heritage.
Officially it is called the Republic of Belarus, a sovereign independent state
with its own government, constitution, state emblem, flag and anthem. Belarus
is situated nearly in the centre of Europe and borders on Poland 
Lithuania, Latvia, Russia  and the Ukraine.

territory of Belarus is 207.6 thousand square kilometres. Its population is
about 12 mln people. The largest cities are Minsk, the capital, Gomel, Vitebsk,
Mogilev, Grodno and Brest.

Belarus is a country of rivers, lakes and
forests. The longest river is the Dnieper. The largest lake is Lake Naroch. The
largest forest is Byelovezhskaya Pushcha. The climate of Belarus is temperate
and mild.

country is a developed industrial state. Its enterprises produce tractors and
automobiles, motor-cycles, TV-sets and many other goods.Beautiful Belarusian
scenery and unique history attract a lot of tourists.

2. What famous Belarusian people do
you know?

There are a lot of famous people among Belarusians: writers and poets,
politicians and cosmonauts, artists and sportsmen. They are historic figures
and our contemporaries. I would like to mention the names of Kolas and
Kupala, Masherov and Gromyko, Domrachova and Mirny.

3.What questions about Belarus do you expect to hear
from a British teenager?

Where is Belarus situated?

2. What city is the capital?

3. Do people of Belarus speak Belarusian?

4. What places are worth seeing in Belarus?

4. What Belarusian sights would you advise a foreigner
to visit?

If I were you I would visit the National Library of Belarus, Mir and Nesvizh
castles and Lake Naroch.

5.You are to write a short article
about Belarusian people for a foreign newspaper. How would you describe our

Our people are talented, hard-working, patient and

Card№ 23 YOUTH AND

Today young people take an active part in the social life of the country. What
youth organizations do you know?

 It’s quite natural that young people want to socialize with their equals so
as to express their views on several political and social issues. They join
youth organizations and societies. The main aim of these organizations is to
involve young people into socially useful activities such as sporting events,
volunteering at hospitals, taking care of war veterans, assisting the old and
the handicapped, carrying out some ecological projects and doing other things.

There are a lot of youth
organizations in Belarus. The most authoritative of them are: the Belarusian
Republican Youth Union (BRSM), the Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization,
the Association of Belarusian Scouts, the Belarusian Organizations of Falcons,
the Belarusian National Scout Organization, the Association of Belarusian
Guides, etc.
The aforementioned organizations take an active part in the
formation of the basis and implementation of the state policy in respect of
youth. These activities are managed and directed by the State Committee on the
Affairs of Youth.

At the same time there are a lot of informal youth movements that want to
express themselves in different ways. Usually they are organized on the base of
common interests or preferences in music styles or in arts priorities. Some try
to express their political views others are searching for their own answers to
universal problems: ecological, religious or philosophical. Anyway all young
people want to express themselves and find their place in this world.

One more interesting phenomenon
is sub-culture. It is generally held that sub-culture is the culture of those
who are dissatisfied with their place in society. On the whole Teds, Mods,
Rockers, Bikers, Skinheads and Punks are the sub-cultures of the politically or
economically weak segments of the society.

It is interesting to note that
sub-cultures follow a cycle. At first they shock then provoke a strong
response. As soon as the sub-culture gains momentum it magnetizes youth in
search of rebel unity. Many adopt it for fun, and play at rebellion in their
leisure time. The sub-culture rapidly ceases to express serious dissent. In the
end it becomes another recognized and colourful part of urban culture.

2.     Have you ever joined a youth organization? Why

 I have never joined any youth organizations, probably, because I haven’t
found anything special or interesting for my personal development. I’m very
busy with my studies, besides I’ve got a lot of interests and hobbies. I learn
Polish, visit fitness club and dancing classes. I read a lot and I like going
to the cinema with my friends. By the way, I’m a very sociable person and have
got some close friends and a lot of schoolmates or just mates. I’m fond of
travelling and like to meet new people. I can express myself in various
activities organized at school: concerts, sports competitions, class meetings
and parties, and of course at my everyday classes. Thus I don’t feel intention
to join any organization.

I joined the Belarusian
Republican Youth Union (BRSM) some years ago.

3.     What questions would you like to ask a person
who has joined a new international organization?
Really it’s interesting to find out something about these people: What is
the name of your organization? Why have you joined this organization?
 What activities does your organization organize?

4. What issues would you recommend to discuss at a monthly meeting of a
debate club?
I think there  are so
many things to talk about for young people. For example I would recommend to
discuss: the ecological situation in our town, our modern national music
styles, modern arts, some fashion issues. Maybe such questions will be
interesting for discussions: Is there any threat from the space? Would you like
to change the system of our education? Do you know your history well? What is
the role of colours in our life? Is it possible to avoid all bad habits in the

So I can say that the topics
and questions for discussions are unlimited.

 5.     A lot of young people in Europe work in
hospitals and kindergartens as volunteers. What do you think attracts them to
this kind of work?
Volunteer movement is a very
unique phenomenon in a society. It shows the level of the development of the
society. In this kind of work people have no any material motivation. The
people who work as volunteers have some spiritual intentions and motivation.
Some of them want to help other people, others hope to get some experience in
this kind of work because they want to connect their lives with this sphere of
activity. Also there are people who have overcome some situations or
difficulties in their lives and now they want to help others.

In Belarus we also have
volunteer movement. For example in Grodno you can work in the organization
taking care about homeless animals. Some young people go to hospitals with
Christian priests. Also there are people who ride bicycles around Belarus to
clean the countryside.

№24 Education

1. Let’s talk about education. What can you tell me
about studying at school?
Children in Belarus start going to school at the age
of 6. They spend 4 years at  primary school and 7 years at secondary
school. At the age of 16, when pupils finish the 9th form, they can either
leave school or continue their education for another two years. Most schools in
Belarus are secondary comprehensive but there are lyceums and gymnasiums, where
pupils get more profound knowledge in various subjects. Marks in Belarusian
schools are given out of 10. All schools have rules, such as to be neatly dressed,
not to smoke or to avoid casual hair styles. In general, pupils are satisfied
with their school as they get good knowledge in all subjects.

2. Do you agree that Belarusian secondary school
provides a person with good knowledge? Why

I agree. I think that all children are provided with equal opportunities to get
good knowledge. My idea is that good knowledge depends not only on school and
teachers but on pupils themselves.

3. Ask me whether I liked school when I was a pupil.

Did you like to go to school in your childhood?

What was your favourite subject?

Who was your favourite teacher?

Did you have to take your English exam?

4. What ideas from Belarusian school can you advise a
teacher from Great Britain to use in British school?
I can advise a teacher from Great
Britain to have a wide range of subjects on the timetable.

5. Today some young people think that having a good
education is not very important. Do you agree with them?
It has always been important to have
a good education. Unfortunately, these days the values have changed and a
person with a good education very often can’t find a place in the society


1.Let’s talk
tourism. What role do they play in your life?
must admit that nowadays tourism has become very popular and turned into a
prosperous business.

 More and
more people travel every year though the motivation for this is different. If
you want to experience a whole new environment, to see new places and meet new
people, travelling is the right way.

 Travelling on business allows people to get
more information about achievements of other companies and helps them to make
their own business more successful.

Some people travel for educational purposes, or
they visit their distant relatives and friends.

As for me, I don’t travel much, but I hope to
travel a lot in future.

2. How do you like
to travel?
I prefer travelling by car. Travelling by car is convenient. You don’t
depend on the timetable. You are free to stop and change the direction whenever
you want.

3.What questions
should you ask a travel agent to learn more about a tour?

What documents do I need to carry with me when I
travel?  Do I need a passport or visa? What excursions do you suggest?
What is the best time of year to travel to this destination?

4.What can you advise a person who
doesn’t know where to spend his/her holiday?
If I were you, I would travel around
my own country first and then travel abroad.  There are a lot of places to
visit in Belarus, such as Mir and Nesvizh castles, Belavezhskaya pushcha, Brest
fortress and others.

5. What
difficulties can you have when visiting a foreign country? Is it possible to
avoid them?
Visiting a
foreign country, people usually come in touch with culture, traditions and ways
different from their own. To avoid possible difficulties one should get
acquainted with this or that country beforehand and then follow the proverb
“When in Rome, do
as the Romans do”.

Коротко об экзамене

Испытание проходит в устной форме. Его цель — проверить навыки общения на английском, которые ты приобрёл за время изучения языка. Подготовиться к экзамену можно заранее: билеты по английскому языку продаются в книжных магазинах или заказать на сайте OZ.by, аудиоприложение к билетам можно скачать на сайте издательства «Аверсэв». В аудиторию, где проходит экзамен, приглашают по четыре человека. Если ученик затрудняется ответить по билету, он может перетянуть его. Снижается ли в таком случае отметка? Это остаётся на усмотрение комиссии.

Помни: испытание начинается с того момента, когда ты вошёл в кабинет. Переступил порог — забудь русский язык, представь себя коренным англичанином. Поздоровайся с присутствующими: «Good morning!» Никаких «Hello!» и «Hi!». Ещё один важный момент: экзаменационный билет по-английски звучит как «examination card», а не «ticket». И не забудь назвать номер своего билета: «My examination card is number five» or «The number of my examination card is number five».

Экзамен по английскому языку состоит из трёх этапов

Последовательность этапов определяет комиссия. Каждый блок заданий оценивается отдельно, итоговая отметка выводится как средняя арифметическая.

Беседа по прочитанному тексту

По номеру билета, который ты вытянешь, комиссия предлагает текст (научно-популярный, публицистический или художественный). Даётся примерно 20 минут на его прочтение и осмысление, так что будь внимателен. Перечитай текст несколько раз, обрати внимание на пояснения к нему (при наличии таковых), спроси себя, всё ли ты понял. Если увидел незнакомое слово, попробуй определить его значение по контексту.

Когда пойдёшь отвечать, листок с текстом будет у тебя перед глазами — сможешь подсматривать структуру предложений и отдельные слова. Комиссия может спросить, о чём этот текст, какова его основная мысль, задать уточняющие вопросы.

Если не понял вопрос или отдельное слово, переспроси. Воспользуйся следующими выражениями: «Could you repeat the question / that, please?», «Could you say it once again, please?», «I didn’t understand / get it». Нужна буквально секунда, чтобы сориентироваться по ответу — не впадай в ступор, фразы «May I have a minute», «Let me think» помогут учителям понять, что ты собираешься с мыслями. Давай развёрнутые ответы, опираясь на содержание прочитанного. Но не сиди уткнувшись в текст, это произведёт плохое впечатление на комиссию.


Перед тем как приступить к прослушиванию записи, ты получаешь листок с вопросами, на которые потом будешь отвечать комиссии. Аудиозапись длится полторы минуты и представляет собой фрагмент радиопередачи, диалог, рассказ или интервью. На подготовку отводится 10 минут. Имена собственные и сложные для распознания на слух слова даются в печатном виде.

Внимательно прослушай текст два раза: первый — для общего понимания, второй — найди ответы на вопросы. Чтобы не тратить время на дословную запись, делай пометки, по которым сможешь дать развёрнутый ответ.

Беседа на предложенную тему

К разговорной части экзамена по английскому ты не готовишься заранее. На данном этапе проверяется умение излагать свою точку зрения, поддерживать беседу.

Не употребляй те слова, в значении или произношении которых ты не уверен, — замени синонимами или перестрой фразу. Старайся продемонстрировать непринуждённый разговор: улыбайся, внимательно слушай вопросы учителей, переспрашивай, когда не понимаешь, отвечай развёрнутыми предложениями.

Практически каждый человек в устной речи грешит словами-паразитами («типа», «ну-у-у-у», «э-э-эм-м-м», «вот») — замени их англоязычными, если избавиться совсем не можешь: «well», «so».

Вот как примерно проходит экзамен по английскому

В конце экзамена поблагодари комиссию за внимание и попрощайся: «Thank you for your attention», «Thank you for taken time», «See you!», «Bye!», «Have a nice day!». Вежливость сыграет в твою пользу!


Если материал был для тебя полезен, не забудь поставить «мне нравится» в наших соцсетях ВКонтакте, Instagram, Facebook, ASKfm и поделись постом с друзьями. А мы сделаем ещё больше материалов, которые пригодятся тебе для учёбы.

Перепечатка материалов с сайта adukar.by возможна только с письменного разрешения редакции. info@adukar.by

Рекомендации учащимся по подготовке к экзамену по иностранному языку

 Данные рекомендации подготовлены с целью сориентировать учащихся на успешную сдачу экзамена по иностранному языку. Рекомендации содержат примерные тесты по лексике и грамматике, чтению, восприятию и пониманию речи на слух, на проверку навыков письма, а также перечень основных литературных и интернет-источников, необходимых для подготовки к экзамену. Тестовые задания распределены по степени сложности, что соответствует критерию оценки знаний учащихся. Приведённые примерные образцы тестов требуют знаний английского языка за весь курс обучения в средней школе. Содержание и тематика тестов примерна и может быть скорректирована в дальнейшем.


 Заранее продумайте свое сообщение, составьте примерный план своего высказывания. Отработайте отельные слова и устойчивые фразы в материале по теме. Материалом для подготовки устного высказывания могут служить готовые темы, которые можно найти в учебных пособиях. Темы для высказывания желательно составлять самому или компилируя из нескольких пособий — так больше шанс избежать ошибки и проявить индивидуальность. Чем больше топиков на стандартные темы («Моя семья», «Работа», «Путешествия») вы выучите, тем больше вероятность, что при получении нестандартной темы вы наберете по несколько готовых фраз из каждой темы и продемонстрируете приличный ответ. К примеру, кроме учебных пособий с устными темами, вы можете найти информацию на сайте http://lengish.com/topics/ и умело ее редактируя ,вы составите свою тему, избежав кальки и выражений типа «London is a capital of Great Britain …». Выучите список слов-связок типа «in fact», «to my mind», «for example», «at the same time», чтобы избегать пауз, когда будете собираться с мыслями. Накопите определенный запас коммуникационных единиц, которые впоследствии будете использовать в речи. Чтобы расширить ваш синонимический словарный запас, есть простое, но очень эффективное упражнение. Вы выписываете несколько слов (для этого можно даже скачать частотный словарь английского языка (например здесь www.en365.ru/top200.htm)- самые частые прилагательные, глаголы и наречия, а также существительные), потом стараетесь к каждому из них придумать столько синонимов, сколько можете. После этого открываете любой тезаурус, или словарь синонимов, в интернете (например, словарь синонимов на wordreference.com), и дописываете остаток синонимов, что будет там. Сколько именно изначальных слов выписывать — зависит только от вас и вашего желания учиться, у кого-то лучше пойдет по одному слову в день, у кого-то — по два-три, главное тут — не переборщить. Работа над одним словом и его синонимами должна заканчиваться только тогда, когда вы полностью уверены, что знаете, где и когда какое слово нужно применять. Занятия наспех, ради количества, в ущерб осознанию и пониманию, скорей отбросят вас назад, нежели продвинут вперед. Это нехитрое упражнение, выполняемое регулярно (в идеале — как дополнение к каждому вашему уроку английского,) через некоторое время даст плоды, и вы с приятным удивлением обнаружите, насколько лучше вы стали выражать свои мысли. Для примера можно процитировать одно известное кембриджское пособие для изучающих английский:

 «Instead of repeating everyday words like very, good or nice, you will be able to exploit a wider range of language.

 ‘We had a blissfully happy holiday in a picturesque little village surrounded by spectacular mountains’

 ‘We had a very happy holiday in a nice little village surrounded by beautiful mountains’,

 Для подготовки к аудированию слушайте радио и смотрите фильмы в оригинале. Начинать лучше с чего-нибудь знакомого, чтобы не впадать в отчаяние: «не понимаю ничего — ни диалогов, ни сюжета вообще!» Постарайтесь, чтобы радио или телевизор с английскими новостями работали фоном, когда вы занимаетесь домашними делами или едете в машине. Не стоит, разве что, одновременно слушать и читать что-либо: психолингвисты доказали, что воспринимать тексты по двум каналам одновременно невозможно. Способы совершенствования навыков восприятия и понимания речи на слух приведены ниже в таблице:

 Чтобы улучшить навыки восприятия и понимания на слух, нужна практика: слушайте больше и чаще английскую речь. Далеко не у всех есть возможность разговаривать и слушать носителей языка каждый день, тут на помощь нам приходит Интернет.

 В первую очередь рекомендуется сайт http://www.esl-lab.com/. Там вы найдете множество аудиофайлов с упражнениями, которые распределены по уровням: легкий, средний и сложный.. После первого прослушивания с помощью мини-тестов, вы определите свой уровень восприятия в процентном отношении. Во время второго прослушивания вы можете посмотреть текст записи, а потом сделать упражнения на закрепление лексики. Кроме того, используйте информацию следующих сайтов:

http://ezslang.com (разговорный английскийв диалогах, с разъяснениями и упражнениями),

 На сайте www.elllo.org. Вы можете прослушать интервью людей из разных уголков земли, так что со временем вы начнете слышать акценты и диалекты.

audioenglish.net – аудио-блог со скриптами, материалы распределены по уровням владения английским, а также по курсам Разговорный английский, английский для путешествий, бизнес английский и др.

 Упражнения на заполнение пропусков в сенсационных новостях во время прослушивания вы найдете на englishclub.com.

 На http://5minuteenglish.com несколько аудио-файлов со скриптами, объяснение устойчивых словосочетаний, мини-тесты на понимание услышанного.

 Сайт history.com также предоставляет видео и аудио материалы известных речей.

 На 1-language.com бесплатные аудио-материалы со скриптами, без упражнений (в формате Flash Player).

FocusEnglish.com – аудиокурс английского языка, состоящий из озвученных диалогов на темы Eating, Fashion, Friendship, Housing, Money, Romance, Time, Traffic, Traveling, Shopping, Vacation, Weather, Work и др.

 Разговорный аудиокурс по темам: Как вести беседу (знакомство, дружба, семья, хобби, языки, работа), За границей (который час, ориентирование по карте, как брать такси, в автобусе, здания, покупка билетов, заказ номера) По телефону (договор о встрече, в тур агенство, заказ билетов в кино, заказ номера в гостинице, скорая помощь, вызов доктора, заказ столика в ресторане, как оставить сообщение на автоответчик), Короткие разговоры (Зигмунд Фрейд, образование планеты Земля, этимология английского и др.). http://www.learnenglishfeelgood.com/eslvideo/ предоставляет отрывки из фильмов и мультфильмов для аудирования и просмотра, и мини-тесты на проверку понимания. Упражнения на знаменитые фразы из кинофильмов вы найдете здесь http://michel.barbot.pagesperso-orange.fr/hotpot/movies.htm . Интересные новости и шоу смотрят на http://www.thedailyshow.com/. Есть в сети и старинные фильмы, которые можно смотреть бесплатно. Люди также делятся фильмами на http://en.englishyappr.com//welcome/VideoList.action

 Слушать запись, записывая весь текст, все, что слышите, потом проверять себя по готовому тексту.

 Повторять слова, имитируя интонацию за диктором.

 Желательно слушать файлы с открытыми упражнениями и выполнять их.

 После выполнения упражнений и проверки, не торопитесь переключаться на следующую аудиозапись. Выпишите все незнакомые слова, составьте с ними свои предложения, потренируйтесь повторять за дикторами, попробуйте пересказать общую идею и т.д.

Предлагаются следующие рекомендации для учащихся по выполнению экзаменационных заданий:

 1. Непосредственно перед началом экзамена внимательно читайте инструкцию и извлекайте из неё всю полезную информацию. Внимательное чтение формулировки заданий позволит вам быстро ориентироваться в теме аудиотекста.

 2. Одно из важнейших умений, которым вам необходимо овладеть для экзамена — это способность выделять при прослушивании ключевые слова в заданиях и подбирать к этим словам соответствующие синонимы.

 Например, аудирование с пониманием основного содержания не предполагает полного понимания всего текста, поэтому следует вырабатывать в себе умение концентрироваться в тексте на ключевых словах и не обращать внимание на слова, от которых не зависит понимание основного содержания. Если от вас требуется извлечь запрашиваемую информацию, учитесь концентрировать своё внимание только на этой информации, отсеивая информацию второстепенную. При этом следует помнить, что в аудиотексте основная мысль, как правило, выражена словами синонимичными тем, которые использованы в тестовом вопросе.

 3. Давайте ответы во время звучания аудиозаписи.

 4. Запомните: выбор ответа в заданиях на полное понимание прослушанного текста должен быть основан только на той информации, которая в тексте звучит.

 Прежде чем приступить к прослушиванию, надо внимательно прочитать инструкцию и разобраться, что требуется сделать в задании. После первого прослушивания надо постараться отметить наиболее вероятные ответы, выделяя в звучащем тексте ключевые слова и соотнося с теми, что уже подчеркнуты в утверждениях. Во время второго прослушивания рекомендуется сконцентрировать внимание на той информации, которая была пропущена в первый раз или в правильности которое есть сомнения. Задача – проверить правильность первоначальных ответов. 

 Читайте как можно больше. Учитесь читать без словаря сложные тексты, выделять основную идею текста, отделять ключевые моменты от второстепенной информации. В ход могут пойти как газеты, так и книги. Да, и помните, что адаптированные для русскоязычного читателя книги — не ваш вариант. Подойдут, к примеру, книги издательства Oxford University Press. Главное — не занижайте планку и не берите тексты слишком простого уровня. Слагаемые успеха чтения английских текстов

 1. Читайте много — самое меньшее 8 часов в неделю!

 2. Читайте часто — лучше всего каждый день! Во всяком случае, не меньше трех дней в неделю.

 3. Читайте долго — по меньшей мере, два месяца подряд!

 4. Задавайте себе время на страницу! Под этим я подразумеваю, что день за днем — или, если хотите, ночь за ночью — нужно записывать, сколько страниц той или иной английской книги вы прочитываете за час. Первая большая цель — прочесть 5 страниц книги среднего формата за один час (это будет примерно 10 — 15 минут на каждую страницу). Точнее, в самом начале на одну страницу может уйти и до двух часов упорных занятий, но нужно стремиться постепенно уменьшать это время — сначала до одного часа, потом до получаса — и так далее, соревнуясь в английском с самим собой.

 5. Усложняйте свои цели! Предположим, что вы уже достигли первой поставленной цели и читаете по 5 страниц в час. Для вас это стало нормальной скоростью. Поставьте себе теперь цель перейти на 10 страниц в час — и добейтесь ее. Конечно, придется работать

 интенсивнее. В частности, постарайтесь быстрее находить незнакомое английское слово в словаре, выписывайте переводы только тех слов, которые вам действительно нужны. Вообще, пристальнее вглядывайтесь в содержание английского текста — для того, чтобы выбирать в нем подлинно ключевые слова. В этом случае ваше чтение английских текстов станет подлинно экстенсивным. 

 Постоянно повторяйте изученный лексико-грамматический материал по всем темам, выполняйте тренировочные тесты в учебных пособиях, заучивайте устойчивые фразы и выражения. Список необходимого грамматического материала:The English Verb(The Active Voice,The Passive Voice),Modal verbs,Conditionals,Infinitive and Gerund,The English Noun,The Article,Pronouns,Adjectives and Adverbs,The English Numeral.Prepositions,Word Formation,Word Order.Теоретический и практический материл по данным темам можно найти в учебных пособиях по гшраммаитике, например, Карневская Е.Б. Курочкина З.Д. Мисуно Е.А. On the Way to Success (На пути к успеху) 

 Заученные конструкции на заданные темы пригодятся и при написании небольшого эссе. Помните, что хорошее эссе — это не обязательно длинное эссе, а эссе логичное, аргументированное и связное. Перед тем, как браться за написание текста, надо обдумать план, понять, какими тезисами вы будете пользоваться, какими примерами их подкреплять и какие выводы делать. 

 Помните, что на любом экзамене время на подготовку ответа будет ограничено. Учитесь работать в сжатые сроки: ставьте перед собой часы, засекайте время и начинайте читать-писать-переводить. Уложились в час? В следующий раз попытайтесь уложиться в 50 минут. Потом в 40. Чем меньше времени будет уходить на задание — тем лучше. Разумеется, не в ущерб качеству.

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