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Словообразование ОГЭ и ЕГЭ

05.10.2018 22:32

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В данной таблице собраны все слова раздела «Лексика» с ФИПИ. Так же даны все необходимые формы слов для подготовки к ОГЭ. Основное преимущество — ничего лишнего, только языковой материал с ФИПИ. Отлично подходит для второго полугодия, когда времени на подготовку практически не остается.

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«Словообразование ОГЭ и ЕГЭ»

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После грамматики идут заданиям 25 – 29, которые проверяют знание лексики и словообразовательных элементов. За них можно получить 5 баллов и это – задание повышенного уровня сложности (B1).

Общая информация

Эта часть раздела “Грамматика и лексика” Единого государственного экзамена по английскому языку также почти не отличается от аналогичного раздела ОГЭ, только слова в ней посложней и приставки-суффиксы разнообразнее.

Преподаватель, уже знакомый с форматом экзамена, про себя подумал “не то слово, посложней и разнообразнее”, потому что в этих заданиях ЕГЭ по английскому языку проверяется лексика уровня В1/В2 и умение образовывать от нее однокоренные слова при помощи разнообразных аффиксов. Кстати, есть сайт, который позволяет посмотреть уровневую принадлежность того или иного слова. Посмотрите, как удобно – вводишь интересующую лексическую единицу, а вам – и ее уровень, и все части речи, которые можно от нее образовать, и устойчивые выражения с ней. 

Очень бы рекомендовала ученикам выписывать слова именно таким образом.

Задания 26 – 31

Как и в ОГЭ, при прорешивании этого раздела рекомендую следующий алгоритм действий:

  1. Прочитать все предложение и внимательно посмотреть, что окружает пропуск. На основании окружения делать выводы о частеречной принадлежности (подробнее об этом самом “окружении” в параграфе “Лайфхаки” ниже).
  2. Желательно еще перевести, чтобы быть точно уверенным в части речи и смысле слова (он, то есть смысл, может оказаться прямо противоположным, тогда нам потребуется отрицательная приставка или суффикс).
  3. Если необходимое слово неизвестно, советую воспользоваться приведенной ниже таблицей суффиксов и приставок. Ее даю ученикам в самом начале занятий и при обнаружении “неизвестного” слова, смысл и часть речи которого понятны, обращаемся к схеме и пытаемся вычислить нужную приставку или суффикс. Да, она выглядит мудрено и ученики поначалу путаются, но после 2 месяцев работы по ней ситуация улучшается.
  4. Проверить орфографию! Увы и ах, правильно угаданное слово, написанное неправильно, баллов не принесет.
  5. Перенести ответы в бланк ЗАГЛАВНЫМИ буквами

Не рекомендую никому полагаться только на перевод слова, потому что он может подсказать нам неправильную часть речи.
Например, предложения “Learning languages is becoming a popular hobby with children and adults. It’s not only interesting but very __________________, too. USE” переводятся как “Изучение языков становится популярным хобби среди детей и взрослых. Это не только интересно, но и очень ПОЛЕЗНО”. На основании перевода можно сделать ошибочный вывод, что в пропуске стоит наречие usefully. На деле же нам нужно прилагательное useful. Об этом можно догадаться по нескольким факторам: связке is, после которой следует именная часть, то есть имя прилагательное или существительное, однородному прилагательному interesting и наречию very (а наречия у нас определяют прилагательные или глаголы) перед пропуском.


А вот подсказки, которые помогут сделать вывод о нужной части речи:


  1. В самом начале предложения перед сказуемым (________ is a sign of bad character. RUDE)
  2. После прилагательного (She has a very pleasant ________. PERSONAL)
  3. После существительного в притяжательном падеже (This is everyone’s _____________. RESPONSIBLE)
  4. После артикля (I love autumn because of the _________ of its coour. RICH).
  5. После предлога (People complain about the lack of ____________. CREATIVE)
  6. После местоимения (I love her _________. BEAUTIFUL)
  7. После числительного (There were more than 1000 _________. COMPETE)

Если образовываете существительное, важно объяснить себе,  в единственном или множественном числе оно стоит. Это можно понять по артиклю (неопределенный артикль “а” будет перед существительным в единственном числе), форме глагола (отсутствие или наличие окончания -(e)s в настоящем времени) и местоимениям (this, that будут указывать на единственное число, these, those, some – на множественное).


  1. После существительного в роли подлежащего (Travel _______ the mind. BROAD)
  2. В начале повелительного предложения (Let’s _________ and make a conclusion. SUMMARY)
  3. После вспомогательного глагола (We will _______ all your dreams. REAL)
  4. После частицы to (We are going to _________ it.  FULFILLMENT)


  1. Перед существительным и обычно после артикля (It was a _______ road. DIFFICULTY), после другого прилагательного (My brother likes wearing big ______ trousers. BAG) или после предлога (Everything is ready for __________ elections. PRESIDENT)
  2. Как составное именное сказуемое после глагола-связки быть (It was absoutely _______. TASTE) или после другого глагола (The food looks __________. TASTE)


  1. После глагола (We arrived ________ on the shore. SAFE)
  2. В начале предложения как вводное слово (____________, we were lost. OBVIOUS)
  3. Перед прилагательным (He was ___________ right. ABSOLUTE)

Еще раз для учеников, которые не понимают “Что делать, если я не знаю слова, которое написано справа?!”

  • Подумать, какая часть речи должна быть в пропуске.
  • Подумать, не имеет ли это слово противоположного значения.
  • Если существительное, задуматься о числе.
  • Подбирать из известных суффиксов тот, который “звучит” лучше.
  • Проверить написание.

Пример из демоверсии 2023

В задании 25 перед пропуском стоит определенный артикль the, после – предлог of, то есть нам остается только существительное – population.

В 26-м после связки is стоит situated, а мы знаем, что разорвать две части глагола способно только наречие conveniently.

Связка is перед пропуском в следующем номере намекает на прилагательное comparable.

То же самое и в 28-м, правильный ответ здесь friendly, которое НЕ наречие, а прилагательное.

В 29-м прилагательное inhabited заставляет нас написать существительное location.

Вот так выглядит правильно заполненный бланк для заданий 25 – 29:

Советы по подготовке

  1. При прохождении новой лексической темы выписывать слова в специально заведенный словарь сразу со всеми производными и зависимыми предлогами, если таковые имеются.
  2. Купить книгу по лексике, в ней как раз соблюден этот принцип работы со словами.
  3. Забивать в Quizlet и повторять.
  4. Составлять с ними тесты для проверки на уроке, рассказы, употреблять в письмах и графике, подчеркивая новую лексику, выписанную по этой теме. (В идеале, прошли тему – написали сочинение или письмо по ней.)
  5. Читать адаптированные (если позволяет уровень, и неадаптированные) книги, выписывать оттуда новые слова (около 10 за главу) и пересказывать на занятии с употреблением этих самых новых слов.

Если вы этого еще не сделали – покупайте план ЕГЭ, который помог более 1.000 преподавателей по английскому подготовить своих учеников на высокие баллы

P.S. Про разделы и стратегии выполнения заданий ЕГЭ можно почитать статьи:

Аудирование или задания 1 — 9
Чтение или задания 10 — 18
Грамматика или задания 19 — 25
Словообразование или задания 26 — 31
Лексика или задания 32-38
Личное письмо или задание 39
Проект или задание 40
Устная часть. Задание 1
Устная часть, Задание 2
Устная часть, Задание 3
Устная часть, Задание 4

ELTgram от Ирины Кузнецовой

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце

строк, обозначенных номерами 2732, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали

содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует

отдельному заданию 2732.

People spend hours talking on their mobile phones. There is an opinion that it may be _____HARM_____ to

their health, but it is difficult to know for sure. Some research shows that mobile phones may cause brain

problems. On the other hand, some doctors say mobiles are not ____DANGER____ at all. No matter what

doctors say, it’s just _____POSSIBLE____ to live without a mobile phone today. It has become a very

_____USE_____ device and people can’t do without it. It makes our life _____COMFORT_____ and saves

time. People can get in touch with each other quickly. Mobile phones make ______COMMUNICATE____


Learning languages is becoming a popular hobby with children and adults. It’s not only interesting but very

______USE____, too. Foreign languages improve memory and develop _____IMAGINE____. People who are

able to speak two or more languages ______FLUENT____ are usually more successful than their monolingual

colleagues. They are better in making business and ____PERSON___ contacts. They are more

_____CREATE______ and they are better in solving conflicts as they are able to accept new ideas and different

points of view. Foreign languages make life more _____INTEREST_____ and colourful.

British cuisine is simple. Puddings, stews, pies and breads are _____TRADITION___ British dishes. Many of

them are cooked and eaten on holidays. The choice of dishes has been influenced by the climate, history and

____GEOGRAPHY____ position of the country. England is ____FAME_____ for its butter and cheese. The

most popular of them is, of course, cheddar. Scotland is known for its _____TASTE_____ meat dishes and

cakes. Wales has a strong fishing culture. As a result, Welsh cookery includes a lot of seafood, such as shrimps

and crabs. However, nowadays most British restaurants offer food from ______DIFFER____ parts of the world.

The choice depends only on your pocketbook and your _____IMAGINE______.

How do people learn the news? About a century ago people got _____INFORM___ from newspapers since they

were the only mass media that existed in those times. Radio and television seemed ____WONDER____

inventions as they broadcasted audio and visual images. The Internet has changed the situation dramatically.

Now the audience has an opportunity to create the news, share their ____PERSON____ knowledge and express

their opinions. The Internet supposes interaction, which makes it very ____ATTRACT_____ to people. And

what about the newspapers? Will they _____APPEAR____ in the near future? I wish they wouldn’t as I like

starting my day with a cup of coffee and a ____TRADITION____ newspaper.

atatouille is an American cartoon. The name of the cartoon comes from a ____TRADITION____ French dish

made of vegetables. The main character is a rat Remy, who is interested in cooking and dreams of becoming a

____SUCCESS___ chef. Remy is separated from his family at the _____BEGIN____ of the movie. So he finds

himself in Paris, France. There his unusual ___FRIEND____ with a poor boy begins. They both don’t care that

most people hate rats and try to get rid of them. Remy wants to help the boy. He tries to teach him how to cook

_____TASTE____ dishes. The story ends ___HAPPY___ and the friends start a new restaurant.


Dublin is the capital city of the Republic of Ireland. It has an ____NATIONAL____ airport with flights from

London and European capitals. Dublin is a _____BEAUTY____ and cosmopolitan city. If you walk along its

different central streets, you will find a wide range of _____DIFFER____ shops, bars and restaurants. If you like

sightseeing, you can also visit the famous Dublin castle, one of the most _____IMPRESS_____ buildings in the

city. Dublin is a green city. It is such a pleasure to walk there on a hot ______SUN____ day. In the evening you

can listen to ____TRADITION_____ Irish music played in the streets and in the pubs.

What do you think is the most stressful and ___DANGER_____ job in Britain? Is it a police officer, a detective

or a news ____REPORT____? Well, statistics say it is a London taxi driver. It is a ____REAL_____ hard job as

traffic is getting worse. If we sit in a traffic jam for a few minutes, we start feeling ____NERVE_____ and

irritated. But imagine you had to do that every day as your job! And you have to remain ____CARE_____ and

attentive in spite of everything. London taxi drivers have to have a good memory to be able to take a

_____TRAVEL___ from A to B without looking at the map or asking for directions.

My first job was working at a bakery. When I walked from my house to the bakery I could smell the

____WONDER___ fresh bread. I loved it. I worked ____DAY___ after school and at weekends. It made about

twenty hours a week. One of the most _____FANTASY___ things about the bakery was that I could eat all I

wanted there. I couldn’t stop eating the fresh buns, rolls and cakes. They were so ___TASTE____. Mrs. Bradley,

the _____OWN____ of the bakery, was a very nice woman. She had no children and she treated me like her own

granddaughter. I liked her too and did my best to be as ___HELP____as possible.

In Andorra people live longer than in any other European country. It seems they have discovered the secret of a

long and ____HEALTH______ life. People in Andorra stay active and __ENERGY___ at old age. They attend

gyms and public _____SWIM______ pools for free. Exercise is one reason, the others are clean air and a diet

based on vegetables and olive oil. People of all ages in Andorra are cheerful and ____FRIEND______. They

think that life is ____FANTASY______ and they do their best to enjoy it. Andorra is the most

____PEACE______ country in Europe they haven’t had a war for 700 years.

Ballroom dancing in the UK is making a comeback. For the past five years the popularity of ballroom dancing

has grown thanks to the TV show ‘Strictly Come Dancing’. In the show a professional ballroom

____DANCE____ has a celebrity for a partner. They learn ___DIFFER____ ballroom dances and perform them

live on TV. Four judges and the public decide who stays in the ____COMPETE___ and who leaves. The show

demonstrates how glamorous ballroom dancing is. The celebrities wear ____COLOUR____ dresses and suits

and the show looks very ____IMPRESS____. According to the ratings, the ___PERFORM_____ is becoming

more and more popular with TV audiences.


10 страница

The best thing about shopping in London is that there really are hundreds of cool shops selling

____FASHION____ clothes. Only here you can find a wide choice of _____ORIGIN____ and unique shops.

Sometimes you can buy _____FANTASY____ things there. You can spend a whole day in a shopping centre,

have lunch in one of the European or ____ENGLAND____ restaurants, see a new film in the cinema and even

enjoy a ___PERFORM____. But be ___СARE____ London shops are expensive! Don’t leave all your money

in the shopping centre.

London is famous for its history and its sights. It is also a wonderful place for shopaholics. There are lots of

_____DIFFER_____ places to go. For example, you can go to Oxford Street. Sometimes it gets too

___CROWD_____ and noisy, especially during the sales. If you don’t like it, go to Covent Garden. There you

can have a _____LOVE_____ cup of tea or a cappuccino in a quiet coffee house. You can also watch a street

_____PERFORM___. Portobello Road is the right place to go if you want to buy unique and ____USUAL_____

things. Shopping in London is always an ___EXCITE___ experience and it’s worth trying.

Every year the world goes dark for one hour, the Earth Hour. The event is organised by the ___NATION____

World Wildlife Fund. At tourist destinations, in offices and private homes, lights are switched off for one hour at

____EXACT____ 8:00 pm. The idea is to show that our planet is in danger and it needs care and

____PROTECT____. It’s ____POSSIBLE____ to remain indifferent to changes in the climate which go on and

on. The Earth Hour is not about saving an hour’s electricity. It’s about realising that we live on a

____WONDER____ planet and need to look after it not just for an hour a year but every day. The Earth Hour

is a part of an ____ECOLOGY___ education whose aim is to make people understand their responsibility to the


The Turners were not used to snow. The most they ever got in Birmingham was an inch or so each winter. Even

that happened quite _____RARE_____. The _____FUN_____ thing was that a tiny bit of snow was enough to

cancel school and even to close some businesses. One night, in March of 1993, something very

___EXCITE_____ happened. Very cold air from Canada created the «Storm of the Century». When the Turner

kids woke up on Saturday morning, there were 17 inches of ____WONDER_____ snow as far as the eye could

see. The Turners were in shock. They had no idea what to do. Though Mr. Turner was an experienced

____DRIVE____ he chose to leave his car in the garage. He wanted the whole family to stay at home but it was

natural for the kids to ______AGREE____ with him. They put on the warmest clothes they had and ran outside

to enjoy the snow.

Dr Michael Werner says that he has eaten nothing for four years. The German ____SCIENCE______ explains

that he gets all his energy from sunlight. He says he drinks only water and ____DIFFER______ fruit juices. Dr

Werner has written an ____EXCITE______ book about his experiences. In it he says that when he started the

experiment he even put on weight.

He says: «I can’t really give an _____EXPLAIN_____ of what’s happening to me; perhaps I just believe in my


Dr Werner’s colleagues say that only plants can produce energy from the sun, and they cannot explain how he is

able to stay _____HEALTH_____.

“This case ,____PROBABLE____, needs a lot more research before we will be able to explain it,” they say.

Many tourists find they don’t like staying in city hotels. They prefer to avoid _____NOISE____ cities

completely. They are attracted instead to dramatic views of mountains and _____PEACE____ valleys. If you like

this sort of tourism, Mountain View Camp is for you. You’ll have an ____FORGETTABLE___ vacation there.

The Camp has a view over the ____IMPRESS____ Hampson Valley. In the camp, tourists can rent either tents or


bungalows. All the guests have free access to different facilities such as kitchens, bathrooms and playgrounds for

children. The camp is a successful ____COMBINE____ of both comfort and a green environment. The tourists

can also have lunch in one of the many restaurants and try European or ____NATION_____ cuisine.

Millions of people want to learn English. There are lots of ____DIFFER___ methods and the main problem is

how to choose the best one. Some people believe that the most ____EFFECT____ way is to study English in

Britain or in any other English-speaking country. The advantage of going to Britain seems obvious. Everyone

around you speaks English. It’s practically ____POSSIBLE____ to avoid communication, so you’ll learn English

____QUICK____. On the other hand, one can learn English at home. There are lots of possibilities there too: a

good _____TEACH_____, a language school or an on-line course. There are many ways to get a good language

____EDUCATE___ now.

If someone asks what your nationality is, how do you answer? For British people _____NATION_____ identity

is a complex issue. Take me for example. I carry a passport issued by the British ____GOVERN____. I was born

in England, but my Mum is Scottish and my Granny is from Northern Ireland. So what am I?

____ACTUAL____, I am really all of them: English, Irish, Scottish and British. Each of the “nations” has a lot in

common but they also have their own unique culture and ___TRADITION____ lifestyle. They ___LIKE_____ it

when people call them English. And perhaps the most important ____DIFFER____ of all each nation has its

own football team!

The city of St Davids is situated on the south-west coast of Wales. If you’re looking for an ____USUAL_____

place to go, this is your destination. It was granted city status by Queen Elizabeth II but in reality St Davids looks

like an ____ATTRACT______ small village. It is actually the smallest city in Britain with a

______POPULATE____ of just over 1,600. St Davids has a ______BEAUTY_____ medieval cathedral which

dates back to the 12th century. Today it is a _____CHARM_____ place with narrow streets filled with cafes,

hotels and art galleries but only one pub! St Davids is famous for its sandy beaches and clear water.

Whitesands Bay is a regular ____WIN_____ of the prestigious European Blue Flag award.

Reading is one of the most popular pastimes and books are one of the main sources of knowledge. Everyone

knows this but, _____FORTUNATELY____, there are many young people who don’t like to read. They say it is

not cool but I firmly _____AGREE_____ with them. Books have the ability to take you to another world, to

wake up your _____IMAGINE____ and transport you to places you’ve never been to. Books can be

____DIFFER_____ in size and content. Their stories can be ____EXCITE____, scary, romantic or funny but

above all, books are just interesting. I’m absolutely sure that books by a good ____WRITE____ will always be



11 страница

Siem Reap is a small town in Cambodia, a country in southeast Asia. It is built around a ___FAME____

cathedral. The town is charming with some fine examples of French colonial architecture. A legend says that a

French ____WRITE_____ once called the town “a pearl of Cambodia”. Nowadays, this town is quite popular

with tourists. They often use it as a starting point for their _____EXCITE____ travellings. The town is really

remarkable. There you will find some _____IMPRESS_____ stone monuments and statues, ancient buildings

and picturesque ruins. Note that it’s ___USUAL_____ hot there in the summer. Please ensure that you take

____COMFORT______ walking shoes, light clothing and plenty of water to drink.

Piranhas are South American fish. There are lots of scary stories about them. Most people think that piranhas are

very _____DANGER____ creatures. However, a ____SCIENCE___ from St Andrews University, Anne

Magurran, has recently announced that to call piranhas cruel killers is not fair. They ____USUAL____ eat fish,

plants and insects. According to Professor Anne Magurran, piranhas attack people and animals only when they

want to defend themselves. However, most travellers strongly __AGREE_____ with this point of view. They

recommend keeping away from the water where piranhas live. When the fish attack in groups, it is practically

___POSSIBLE_____ to survive. Whatever your opinion of piranhas, this is a _____USE______ piece of advice

one should follow.

Have you heard of a Tadeus Bodnar? He is a ____FAME_____ Hungarian hairdresser. Not long ago he stopped

using the _____TRADITION_____ scissors and comb. Now his instruments are axes, irons and vacuum

cleaners. Now he is very _____SUCCESS_____ and happy because with his innovative techniques he can

express himself better. He cuts hair in his shop in Budapest by chopping it with an axe. Then he styles the hair

using a vacuum cleaner, or straightens it with an iron. It’s difficult to believe but the extravagant hairdresser is

very popular. Many people find him very _____CREATE____. Every day there’s an ____END____ line of

people streaming to his shop. They wish to change their ___APPEAR_____ and have a thrilling, new


Axel is a 9-year-old Bulgarian orphan (сирота). He was adopted by a ____WEALTH_____ western family. His

new father works as a _____BANK____ in Sweden and he is quite rich. Axel ____REGULAR____ wrote e-

mails to the director of the orphanage, Jane Smitova. He told her that he was saving his Christmas and birthday

money to help his friends. Axel said that he wanted the money to be spent on presents for his former playmates.

Later Jane said “I understood that ____FRIEND_____ meant a lot to a small boy but I would never have

imagined that Axel could be talking about such an __POSSIBLE____ sum of money. It’s so touching and we

are going to spend it in a very _____CARE____ way.» The boy saved £6,000.

People are afraid of lots of things. There are many _____DIFFER____ kinds of fears called phobias. They affect

at least a quarter of the ____POPULATE_____. The _____TRADITION_____ treatment for people with strong

phobias is some kind of therapy. In most cases it doesn’t work but doctors still believe that phobias can be cured.

___RECENT______ they have discovered a drug which can help people to overcome their phobias. It doesn’t

work for everybody but when it does, it is very ___EFFECT_____. People, who take the pill feel much better

most of their fears ____APPEAR_____.

People travel a lot nowadays. Planes are considered to be the most ____COMFORT____ means of transport but

for some people airports can be a nightmare. There are ___END_____ queues when you check in and you waste

lots of time if your flight is delayed. However, there are some airports where you can ____ACTUAL_____ enjoy

yourself. For example, you’ll never be bored at Hong Kong’s international airport. There are thousands of people

from _____DIFFER____ countries here but the passengers never experience any problems because everything is


well organised. There are attendants in red coats, who help you to get from one place to another. It’s very good

for people with no sense of ____DIRECT_____. The attendants are always very polite and _____HELP_____

Can people live without friends? Most of us would say «no». Friends make our lives enjoyable and

___INTEREST____. Friendship is something you can’t buy. It is a ____WONDER____ and valuable gift. It is

____POSSIBLE____ to live without people who care for you and who are always ready to help. However, to

find a true friend is not easy. Friendship requires honesty, trust and ____KIND___. Being a friend means not

only having fun together but helping each other in a difficult _____SITUATE_____. A true friend not only

praises you but tells you when you are not right too. If you have already found such a person, you’re


Last spring my best friend Isabelle and I booked a holiday in Venice. We rented a small apartment for a week

with a _____WONDER_____ view of the town. At the last moment another friend, Linda, asked if she could

come with us. She was a ___FRIEND___, cheerful girl and we were glad to have her join us. Venice was a

______FANTASY______ place and we enjoyed our trip greatly. Linda was fond of history and she told us lots

of _____INTEREST_____ facts about the town. We also liked the Italian food very much. The waiter in the

nearby pizzeria was a boy from Britain, so we never had any problems with _____COMMUNICATE____. The

only _____PLEASANT____ thing about Venice was the weather. It was unusually cold and windy that week.

Last year my friend Mia and I went on holiday to Thailand. We stayed in a _____FAME______ resort which is

popular with tourists. We were very ____LUCK______ with the weather and we spent most of our days on the

beach. The ocean was _____FANTASY_____ the water was clear and warm. Thailand is a former French

colony and that’s why French is very popular there. Mia was delighted with this fact because she learns French,

she wants to be a ____TEACH_____ of French, and she was able to practise the language there. She is also

interested in architecture and she found some fine examples of the French colonial style in Thailand. It was an

_____FORGETTABLE____ trip for me too. I am a photographer and I took lots of pictures of people and nature.

Several magazines found my photos ____INTEREST______ enough to publish. I feel very proud of that.

I unexpectedly met my old friend Natalie at a metro station in Paris. I recognised her at once though we hadn’t

seen each other for ten years. Now she works as a ____REPORT_______ for Le Figaro newspaper. Our

____FRIEND________ began when we were at school. After school, Natalie left Britain. French was her

favourite subject and she went to university in Paris. It is one of the most ___FAME_________ opera houses in

the world. Now she is a very ____SUCCESS________ journalist. Her life is busy and exciting. I was

____LUCK________ that she managed to find some time for me. Natalie made my visit to Paris

___FORGETTABLE________. She took me to the most interesting places in the city. In the evening we even

watched a performance at The Grand Opera House.


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Jenny doesn’t have many friends, but she has lots of books. Jenny likes fantasy stories best. She has a rich

____IMAGINE_____ which takes her to magical lands. Jenny often feels like she is a part of the story. She

enjoys being in someone else’s shoes, living in an _____ABSOLUTE____ different world. When reading, Jenny

may turn into a princess or become a mountain ____EXPLORE______. She can see _____FANTASY_____

creatures and amazing places with her own eyes. Books are ideal friends for Jenny. They are entertaining and

helpful. They can give her some _____PRACTICE_____ advice when she needs it and keep quiet when she

doesn’t want to communicate. Books never _____AGREE____ with her and they never argue.

Sam went to the giant aquarium near his house at least three times a week. He liked the fish and crabs, but the

most ____WONDER____ creatures there were sharks. Sam could watch them for hours. He took photos through

the glass and collected ____INFORM_____ about them. It surprised him how fast a massive shark could be.

Before the aquarium opened, Sam thought it was ___POSSIBLE____ for sharks to be so quick and graceful. He

knew that sharks were _____DANGER____ but they seldom attacked people. Many people, however, had

hunted them and sharks had become endangered. ____FORTUNATE___, now there were laws protecting sharks.

In the future, Sam wanted to be a ____SCIENCE_____ and study sharks in the wild.

It all started in 1865. A group of Frenchmen were having dinner in one of the most _____FASHION____

restaurants near Paris. They talked about the democratic changes in the USA and wanted to support the American

people. After a short ___DISCUSS___ they agreed on an original idea. The idea was suggested by Frédéric-

Auguste Bartholdi, a sculptor and _____DESIGN____. He said they could make a statue of a woman holding

the torch of freedom. It was an ambitious project and it was ___POSSIBLE____ to complete it quickly. It

actually took 21 years for this idea to become a reality. The French people raised money to build the statue, and,

______FINAL____, in 1886 it was ready. On July 4, 1886 the United States received their ____AMAZE_____

gift — the Statue of Liberty!

Father’s Day in the UK is on the third Sunday in June. We enjoy this day very much and always arrange a

_____CELEBRATE_______ at home. Our dad deserves it he is the most _____AMAZE________ person I’ve

ever met. He works as a train ___DRIVE______ and he loves his job, though it takes time and energy. He cannot

spend lots of time with us, but when he is at home, we have a ____FANTASY_______ time all together. Dad is

a very ____CREATE______ person and often invents new games for us. There are three children in our family

and we always prepare a present for our dad together. Last time it was a large, ______COLOUR_______ book

about the history of trains. The book starts with the invention of the first train and tells the whole story of the

railway up to the present day.

livia got a camera for her birthday. Her family was going on a trip to Washington D.C. and Olivia wanted to take

pictures of the _____WONDER_______ places she would see. The first place where they stopped was a sandy

beach. Olivia took pictures of the ocean and the _____NOISE______ seagulls. The birds seemed to enjoy being

photographed, but it was ______POSSIBLE________ to go too close to them. Olivia had to take pictures from a

distance. Next, the family moved on to the centre of Washington D.C. Olivia’s heart was beating with

______EXCITE______. She got great shots of the White House, the Capitol and some other

______FAME______ buildings. ___FINAL_____, it was time to head home. Olivia thought about how her

friends would be surprised to see her pictures.

The Grand National is a horse race which is held every year in Liverpool. This _____COMPETE___ involves a

four-mile race, during which the horses have to go over 30 fences. The most ______FAME______ horse in the


Grand National was called ‘Red Rum’. He was the ___WIN____ of the race three times during the 1970s. The

race is not only a sporting event but a _____FASHION____ social event too. Men and women wear beautiful

clothes, and the tickets to the race are very _____EXPENSE_____. The Grand National is broadcast all over the

world and around 500 to 600 million people watch it. However, though there are lots of horse racing fans, many

people think it’s ______FAIR______ and cruel to make the animals race and jump for people’s entertainment

Last year, I became a volunteer in a charity shop. It was an ___USUAL___ job for me — I had never been

involved with charities.

Our shop raised money to provide medical care for anyone suffering from any ____ILL____. The job was not

easy but I enjoyed it very much. All my colleagues were very helpful. Their ____FRIEND_____ and support

meant a lot to me. Andrew, my boss and ____MANAGE____, was a smart and well-organized person. He kept

saying that we had no right to be indifferent or ____CARE____ because people’s lives depended on us. Working

in the charity shop, I have met some very interesting people and have learnt a lot of practical skills. Volunteering

has equipped me with experience which I’m sure will be ____USE____ for my future.

Lots of companies do business online. They sell goods and services, or provide ____INFORM____ to the

general public. Doing business online is less ____EXPENSE___ and more convenient than running a traditional

business, with offices and lots of employees. Surprisingly enough, there are lots of very young people among

online businessmen. In spite of their age, they are quite _____SUCCESS____ and professional. For example,

Ben Collins started his own online company when he was ____REAL_____ young. He was only 17. He says,

“My business is _____NATIONAL____ — we work with people from different countries. In a real office, some

people would ______AGREE____ that someone of my age could be a boss, but when I work online, nobody

cares how old I am.”

Last year I learnt Spanish in Barcelona. Spain is an ____AMAZE____ country and I enjoyed my time there very

much. My flatmates were two girls from Germany. They were nice but ___COMMUNICATE____ was a real

problem for us because I didn’t speak German and they didn’t speak English, my first language. Sometimes we

felt absolutely _____HELP_____ because we were not able to understand each other. However, it gave us

additional motivation to learn Spanish! Very soon my teacher told me that I was speaking it ____FLUENT____.

He was happy with my progress. My flatmates’ grades were ______IMPRESS_____ too! It proved that practice

is very important and if you want to speak a foreign language like a native ___SPEAK____, you should practise

it a lot.

At school, writing essays was a real problem for me, and my grades were always low. _____NATURAL_____

enough, I didn’t like writing and tried to avoid writing lessons at all costs. I thought I didn’t have enough

____IMAGINE______ for any kind of writing.

I only understood what my problem was after school. In a ______SCIENCE_____ journal I saw an article about

children’s writing problems. The author claimed that anyone could become a good _____WRITE______ if they

learned some rules. I read and reread the article several times. Then I tried to use the information in practice. I

have never become a professional journalist but from time to time I publish some pieces of my

_____CREATE______ writing on my blog. My friends find these essays and stories very _____ENJOY____.


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Last year I decided to take an English course in Britain. When I called the language school, the

___MANAGE_____ explained to me everything about the school and the courses. They had an

_____IMPRESS_____ range of courses — for all levels and ages. As for the accommodation, there were two

options: staying in a student hostel or living with a host family. Naturally enough, I wanted to choose the

_____NATIONAL____ community of the hostel. However, because of my parents’ strong

______AGREEMENT______ with my choice, I had to stay with the host family. And I didn’t regret it! My host

family was ____WONDER______. They told me a lot about their country and were very curious about mine.

We talked a lot and when I came back home, I could speak English ____FLUENT____!

Yoga is a very popular activity and lots of people practise it nowadays. There is an opinion, however, that to be

___SUCCESS________ in this activity you should start yoga in early childhood. This is not true! You can start

yoga at any time in your life. What you really need is enthusiasm and a good ____TRAIN_______ yogis often

call them a guru. Yoga is not a ______COMPETE_______. You can choose any pace that is

____COMFORT______ for you. The aim is not to win but to make your body flexible and strong. It’s definitely

_____POSSIBLE_______ to improve your body in a few days. t may take lots of time but it’s worth the time and

effort. Yoga is an _____EFFECT______ way to relax your mind. So it’s useful not only for your body.

I arrived in Liverpool in the afternoon. It was a ______RAIN______ day but the weather couldn’t spoil my

excellent mood — I was in Liverpool! Many people associate this city with the _____FAME_______ musical

band, the Beatles. It’s true, the Beatles are everywhere, but today it’s also _____POSSIBLE________ to imagine

Liverpool without its other great passion: football!

The city is home to two teams: Liverpool and Everton. Everton is older and was more ____SUCCESS_______

in the past, but since the 1990s it has been Liverpool’s time to shine.

I’ve been Liverpool’s _____SUPPORT______ since I was a small boy. The team is based at the Anfield

Stadium. I have watched games there twice. It was very ______EXCITE_______ and it was one of the most

important memories of my childhood.

The 5th of November is Guy Fawkes Night. This holiday is also known as Bonfire Night as lighting bonfires is

an essential part of the ____CELEBRATE___. _____NATURAL____, it’s one of the favourite holidays for

children they simply can’t miss the firework display. Most parents allow their children to stay outdoors till late

at night. It would be ____FAIR______ to make them stay at home when the sky is lit up with colours. However,

children should never be left on their own — bonfires and fireworks are potentially ____DANGER___.

Emergency reports say the number of people needing medical care increases on this night. Some of them are

____CARE______ with fire. In spite of the excitement, the children may also catch a cold on this November

night. Warm jumpers, coats and gloves are more ______USE____ than ever.

Choosing a career is one of the most difficult choices we have to make in our lives. There are lots of interesting

and ____EXCITE_______ professions, but which of them is the right choice for you? Researchers who work in

____EDUCATE_______ and sociology asked people across the UK what their dream job would be. And the

results were quite _____EXPECTED______. According to the survey, people find modest jobs like charity work

or gardening the most ____EXPECTED_______. Often at the top of their list are jobs such as a nurse or a

____TEACH_______. The study also shows that people in the UK are very _____PRACTICE________ and

focus on the dream jobs they have a realistic chance of getting.


I’ve worked in an office for many years. It’s a very ____STRESS_____ job and recently I’ve taken up a new

hobby — gardening. My grandmother was a very good ____GARDEN_____. She never did gardening as a job

but for pleasure and ______ENTERTAIN_____. She had the so-called green fingers — the flowers and fruit trees

she planted grew very _____QUICK_______. I wish I were as skillful as she was. It’s a pity my family does not

share my interest. My children ____LIKE____ working outdoors. They prefer using the computer indoors. I

don’t argue with them. Arguing and quarrelling makes me feel ___NERVE_____ and unhappy but cannot

change the situation. I hope one day they will join me in the garden.

Recently my neighbour Michael Wilkins got a job in sales. However, soon he found out that being a sales

_______MANAGE______ did not make him happy. He had to work long hours, and the job was

____STRESS______ and demanding. The atmosphere in the office was very ____FRIENDLY______ and the

workers often quarreled with each other. So Michael decided to look for a more ______ATTRACT_______ job.

In the local newspaper, he saw an ______ADVERTISE_______ from a pizzeria. It was close to his house and

they needed a waiter. Michael decided to apply and didn’t regret it. “It’s good to feed people. I enjoy seeing them

smile it’s important, isn’t it?” Michael says. Next week he’s going to take a cooking course. On completing it,

he will be able to make ____TASTE________ pizzas himself!

There is a popular opinion that all children are talented. It’s true — children are curious and have a good

_____IMAGINE_____. It helps them make ____AMAZE____ things from very routine objects like stones,

leaves, or strips of fabric. Coloured paper, watercolours and pencils stimulate their ______CREATE____ minds

a lot too! However, sometimes parents may ____APPROVE___ of their children’s artistic activities like drawing

on the walls and indoor experiments with fireworks. But _____PUNISH______ is not a good solution! Any art

activity develops children’s brains and stimulates their ability in science. Be _____CARE_____ with your

children’s natural talents. Never stop them doing an activity but instead create an appropriate and safe

environment for it.

Early in her reign, Queen Victoria and her husband, Prince Albert, had a plan to hold a great world-wide

exhibition of modern art and design. Sir Joseph Paxton, a botanist and landscape ___DESIGN_____, won the

competition to create the central exhibition hall. The _____BUILD____ he produced is still admired by

architects today. Although at that time many thought it was ________POSSIBLE_____ to realize such a project.

In 1851, Paxton constructed his Crystal Palace an ____AMAZE_____ glass and iron pavilion, over a third of a

mile long, with 800,000 square feet of floor space. The construction was an ultramodern iron frame with glass

panels. The exhibition was very _______SUCCESS____ it drew over six million visitors.

_____UNFORTUNATE_____, it was taken apart in 1854.

Ray Kurzweil is a very popular figure in the field of science. He is a leading computer _____SCIENCE_____

who has made lots of predictions about the future of humanity. So far he has written six books about artificial

intelligence, and four of them have become ___NATION____ best sellers in the USA. Ray strongly believes that

soon computer intelligence will be a billion times more ___POWER_____ than the human brain. However, lots

of experts don’t believe it and say that it is absolutely ___POSSIBLE_____. Kurzweil disagrees with them and

says that we are already a human-machine civilization. We already use high level technology to diagnose

diseases, provide ____EDUCATE____, and develop new technologies. Kurzweil thinks that by 2030, computers

will do more ___IMPRESS____ tasks. They will be able to understand ordinary spoken language and show



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‘Surfers Against Sewage’ (SAS) was founded in 1990 by water sports enthusiasts in the UK. They are an

environmental ______ORGANIZE______ that tries to protect the UK’s oceans and beaches. They say that it

may be really _____RISK______ to swim in the seas, and even sunbathe on the beaches because of the pollution.

When SAS appeared, it informed people about the problem in quite an _____USUAL______ way. They went to

public events with their surfboards and handed out leaflets. They _____QUICK____ attracted the attention of the

media and people of Britain. They even managed to put pressure on the _____GOVERN_____ to forbid

dumping waste in the sea, rivers and lakes. The campaign was indeed ______SUCCESS_____. Officials agreed

to spend 8.5 billion pounds on cleaning up Britain’s seas and rivers.

Shepherd’s pie started as an old English recipe. The pie gained _____POPULAR_____ in the middle ages.

During the reign of Elizabeth I, mince meat pie became a must-have food, probably, because it was easy to cook,

____HEALTH______ and tasty. Until the 16th century potatoes were ____MAIN______ known as pig food. But

later they were accepted as a ____BASE____ food in Europe. The Shepherd’s pie recipe changed to include

potatoes as an ingredient. And the fame of the dish doubled. Now Shepherd’s pie is considered to be a

____TRADITION_____ British food but similar recipes can be found in other countries, although they may have

different names. In Canada, for example, a ____WAIT____ in a restaurant would present it to tourists as Chinese


St Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. St Patrick is _____FAME_____ for his heroic deeds. People gladly

believe in ______AMAZE____ tales about St Patrick and don’t look for any historical evidence to prove them.

And the facts often _____AGREE______ with the tales. For example, an old legend says that St Patrick drove all

the snakes out of Ireland. This myth is actually untrue. At the time snakes appeared on the planet, Ireland was

_____COMPLETE_____ covered by water. Now it is an island which means it is surrounded by water. The

water makes it ____POSSIBLE____ for snakes to get to the island. The same _____SITUATE____ is true for

New Zealand, Greenland, and many other islands.

The festival of Halloween has its roots in Celtic traditions.

Over 2,000 years ago the Celts in Britain had a special holiday in late October to mark the _____BEGIN_____ of

winter. Another autumn _____CELEBRATE____ was connected with the passing of the dead. These two events

later became Halloween. On Halloween children often dress up as ghosts, witches and monsters and go around

people’s houses, asking for sweets. In most cases the ghosts and witches are not frightening at all, they are even

_____FUN______! But remember that if the children don’t get the sweets, they may play some

____PLEASANT_____ joke, for example splash some water on you. Pumpkins also ______SYMBOL_____

Halloween. People ____USUAL____ make lanterns from them.

here are lots of products that help us fight bad moods and depression. If you feel down and ____SLEEP____, just

get a bar of dark chocolate from the fridge. Chocolate will improve your mood and you’ll feel

______CHEER_____ and happy again. This ____INFORM____ is often used in chocolate adverts.

Unfortunately, we can’t use this method too often. The positive effect does not last long. Meanwhile chocolate is

not _____HARM_____ food. It contains fat and sugar which can make you overweight. Some people may also

be allergic to chocolate and it can affect their _____APPEAR______, causing skin problems. The alternative and

_____ABSOLUTE___ safe method to fight depression is doing sport. It can be recommended to everyone!

It’s not at all surprising that weather is a favourite topic for many people around the world. It affects where we

choose to live, what we wear, our moods, and perhaps even our _____NATION____ character. A

_____SUN_____ day can blow away the deepest depression. And a gloomy rainy day can make you feel lonely

and ____HAPPY____. ‘I’m feeling a bit under the weather’ is a common complaint in Britain,


_____ESPECIAL_____ on Monday mornings. The weather can really be ____RESPONSE___ for moods and

scientists have proved this fact. There is a ____CONNECT____ between our mood and the weather we are

having. But remember that good weather will have good effects on your mood only if you spend more than 30

minutes outdoors a day.

Scientists have found that there is a direct _____CONNECT____ between sunshine and our good mood. They

noticed that people are kinder and more ____HELP____ and easy-going when the sun is out. Sunlight

____DEFINITE____ improves negative moods and makes us feel less tired and more energetic. On the other

hand, very hot weather may cause strong _____COMFORT____. As a result, we may feel depressed, irritated

and even aggressive. On ______RAIN______ days people say they’re less satisfied with their lives. But whatever

the weather is, it’s important to spend enough time outdoors. Fresh air and sports can make any day feel


People in Britain often talk about climate and weather. They usually complain about their ____CHANGE____

weather. However, there are parts of the world where extreme weather causes real dangers to the

_____POPULATE____. Sandstorms, tornadoes and floods ____REGULAR____ cause massive destruction.

Lots of people become ____HOME____. To prevent this destruction, it’s important to forecast disasters in

advance. Japan is the world ____LEAD______ in using new technology for this purpose. The Japanese have also

worked out an _____EFFECT_____ system of informing people: phone companies automatically notify their

customers about emergencies and disasters. These warnings are very efficient, and free of charge.

In 2005 the rock group The Rolling Stones released an album called ‘A Bigger Bang’. Many critics chose it as

their favourite. This isn’t very ____SURPRISE___, but just think, it’s their 25th album, and the Rolling Stones

have been on the stage for more than 40 years! The lead ____SING____, Mick Jagger, the guitarist Keith

Richards and the other musicians are over 60! And they are not losing their ___POPULAR____, even nowadays.

However, they are still much more ____FAME____ for the songs they made in the 1960s and 70s. But, you

know what? Young people _____REGULAR____ listen to the Rolling Stones with their fathers and granddads.

Isn’t that_____IMPRESS____? In all aspects, theirs has been a remarkable career.

They say that pop music is created by and for young people. It often happens this way. A young ____SING_____

makes one or two good records at the start of their career. Every year, lots of new stars become ____FAME____

but for a short time. And just a year or two later they either ____APPEAR___ or make less interesting records. It

is difficult to find musicians who could make great records for a long time. Lots of popular groups from the

1970s, for example, are still better known for the songs they made in their ____SUCCESS____ past than for

their more recent recordings. Some performers leave the stage but don’t lose their ____POPULAR____. They

continue to appear ___REGULAR___ on TV as presenters, or in chat and reality shows.


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In Moscow, there are approximately 35,000 dogs living on the streets. Some of these ____HOME____ animals

were born there. Others are just _____LUCKY____ pets that have been abandoned by their owners. For many

dogs the city may be a ____DANGER___ place to live in. However, scientists were surprised to find out how

____EASY____ some animals can adapt to urban life. Some dogs have even learnt to use the city’s metro

system! We still don’t know how the dogs find out when to get off the train. One ___SUGGEST___ is that they

use their excellent sense of smell to recognise the scents of their favourite destinations. Another idea is that they

are able to remember the design of ___DIFFER___ stations and find the station they need.

Most graffiti street artists are anonymous. However there are some artists who have become globally

___FAME___. Like the twin brothers from Brazil who call themselves Os Gemeos. They paint everything from

small images to huge, ___COLOUR___ pictures of people on buildings. Another celebrity among graffiti artists

is Blek le Rat from Paris. He paints pictures of ___HOME___ people. In this way he hopes to encourage

residents to think ____SERIOUS___ about the problems of these people. Another well-known artist is Faith 47

from Cape Town. She paints big bright pictures of people and animals. The works of this ___PAINT____ can be

found on pavements, empty factory buildings, and abandoned cars. It is ____POSSIBLE____ to predict how

street art will develop in the future but we can be sure that it is here to stay!

Kelly’s family loved to watch football together. Sometimes they watched college games, but normally they

watched ____PROFESSION_____ teams play. This evening was special. Two teams were playing in the final

match of the ___CHAMPION____. Kelly’s favourite team had actually got to the final this year, which

____RARE_____ happened. «They’re going to win for sure! It will be ___FAIR_____ if they lose!» Kelly

thought. Watching the football game needed the presence of the whole family and lots of tasty food. So Kelly’s

mum had made barbecue meatballs. Uncle Jolyon had brought a ____SPICE___ cheese sauce and chips. Aunt

Katie brought some cakes. When the game started, everyone cheered. It seemed to Kelly that every

____PLAY_____ of her team was doing their best to win-win-win! And they did!

The Nobel Prize is a very prestigious award. Alfred Nobel, a successful businessman and the

_____INVENT_____ of explosives, established prizes for achievements in science, literature and economics.

Another award, the Oscar, is ____PROBABLE____ the most famous prize in the film industry. The ceremony is

an ____IMPRESS____ event with lots of film stars. There are lots of musical awards Grammies, Brits, and the

MTV awards for music, the list is ____END_____. In Britain, a writer who wins the Booker prize can expect to

see their novel at the top of the bestseller lists and compete with ‘The Da Vinci Code’ for _____POPULAR____.

The Turner Prize is an award for British contemporary artists, and each year it causes heated discussions. Artists

get lots of money for their ____USUAL____ and sometimes even strange works.

Ecotourism is getting more and more popular. It offers two things at once: ____EDUCATE____ and

entertainment. Most people agree that ecotourism is the most _____HARM_____ branch of tourism. It makes

profit without destroying ______NATURE_____ resources. When tourists choose eco trips, they stay in local

houses with local people, not in _____EXPENSE_____ hotels. They travel on foot, by boat, bicycle or elephant

to avoid pollution. However, such trips are not at all cheap. This is ____PROBABLE____ the only

disadvantage. But you can apply the principles of ecotourism every time you go on a normal holiday. You should

remember that you’re only a ____VISIT_____ and be as careful as possible.

Ireland is the country of myths and legends. Even the local people are not sure which of them were based on

facts and which are the product of someone’s ____CREATE____ imagination. Leprechauns are

____PROBABLE____ the most famous characters from Irish mythology. They are depicted as old bearded men.

Their ____RESPONSIBLE____ is to guard the treasure of the fairies. Unfortunately, rainbows always point to


the _____LOCATE____ of the treasure and the Leprechaun must rehide it. And there are plenty of rainbows in

Ireland! Leprechauns are always busy. They are always very ____CARE____ and try to be invisible to people.

But if you manage to catch some ____LUCKY___ Leprechaun, he must either give you his treasure or grant you

three wishes.

It’s obvious that language skills are essential for everyone today. Foreign languages are very _____USE_______

not only for travelling, but also for studying and building a career. There are lots of ___DIFFER_____ ways to

learn a new language. However, everyone agrees that learning languages is ____POSSIBLE____ without

dictionaries. The main job of any dictionary is to explain what words mean. This can be done via

____TRANSLATE_____ or the unknown word can be explained in other words. It’s also good if the dictionary

contains some examples of how the word is used it helps to understand the ____MEAN_____ much better. If

you are a busy _____LEARN_______, you probably prefer online dictionaries to paper ones. Online dictionaries

are very convenient to use if you have Internet access.

My friend, Mary, is an extraordinary girl. She has always tried new things new sports and new hobbies. She

says life should be _____INTEREST_______ and it should change all the time. Now she has a new idea she

wants to be a firefighter. You may say that it is not a job for girls, but Mary will ___AGREE_____ with this. In

her opinion, putting out fires is a ____DANGER_____ job but women are able to do it too. She has enrolled in a

special training school where they learn skills and study firefighting ____EQUIP_____. The teenagers in the

camp also learn how to work as a team, which is a very ___USE_____ skill wherever you work. And Mary is

sure her team will be effective in any ___SITUATE_____.

There is a belief that some jobs suit men better than women and some other jobs are more appropriate for women

than for men. Nowadays, women more and more often take jobs that ______TRADITIONAL________ were

done by men. A lot of women do ___DANGER_____ and difficult jobs, becoming astronauts, pilots, and

firefighters. No one is surprised when a girl wants to be a police officer or a train _____DRIVE____. In sports

you can see a similar ____SITUATE____. Girls play football, ice hockey, go boxing and do other sports that

seem to be ______USUAL_________ for women. But the girls say that it is ____EXCITE_____ and they cannot

see any reason why they should not go into the sport they like.

Mark is an old friend of mine. I’m very proud of our friendship because Mark is a very ____INTEREST_____

person. He is very talented and ____CREATE_____. He can play the piano and the violin and the guitar but he

is not a professional ____MUSIC_____. He plays only for his family and friends. We have encouraged Mark to

try singing too, but he refuses and says he has an ___PLEASANT_____ voice. That is certainly not true he has

a nice voice, though he cannot sing very ______LOUD_________. Now we are arranging a school band and I

want to ask Mark to join it. I think if he starts performing in public, he’ll become a more confident and more

____SUCCESS____ person.


16 cтраница

Russia is a large country with great diversity in flora and fauna. There are several large ____NATION_________

parks in Russia. A lot of different animals live there. Wolves are probably the best known, and are very well studied

animals, so we have enough ______INFORM________ about their diet and behaviour. The wolf is a good

______HUNT_________. They usually hunt wild animals like deer and hares, but sometimes they can attack sheep,

goats, and cows. The wolf tries to avoid people and only goes into villages when he is _______REAL______ hungry.

In some ______RUSSIA________ tales, the wolf is often represented as a clever animal that helps the main character,

Ivan. The wolf is usually direct and _____CREATE________ and helps Ivan to cope with many difficult problems.

Learning languages is important nowadays. It is interesting and ___USE____. Language skills help people to travel,

study, and establish ___PROFESSION____ links with colleagues from other countries. Some people say that

learning languages is easy but others strongly ___AGREE____. They say that learning languages takes a lot of time

and they are not happy with their progress anyway. Meanwhile, there are some strategies that can make you a

successful language _____LEARN____ and save your time. The first idea is watching films in the original. If the

films are ____INTEREST____, learning is just fun, not hard work. Online and live ___COMMUNICATE____ with

people in the language you are learning also helps a lot.

I’m not a child but I still like cartoons and animated films. ___RECENT____, I enrolled in an animation course in our

university. The ____TEACH_____ of the course explained to us how animated films are made. Basically, animation

is just a series of pictures with a character. Each picture is a little ____DIFFER_______. When you show the pictures

really fast, it looks like they are moving. Some people say animation is not a serious thing. I strongly

___AGREE_____. Animated films may be ___FUN_____ but clever and useful to learn new skills. I believe they can

be used in many spheres, and most importantly of all in ___EDUCATE_____.

Not everyone likes street art. ____USUAL________ nobody asks owners’ permission before drawing graffiti on their

houses. Sometimes the drawings may be ___INTEREST_____ and nice but sometimes messy and ugly. What is

graffiti a form of art or vandalism? It depends on the drawing, I think. A friend of mine, John, is a street

__ART____. He says that street art is a form of ____COMMUNICATE____. A person can tell you nice or rude

things, can’t he? As for John, he is a really nice and ___CREATE_____ person. He enjoys drawing

_____VARY_______ characters from animated films. When my neighbours saw his drawings, they asked him to

paint some pictures on the wall of their house. Just to make it look brighter and more positive.

What is the most eco-friendly transport? I believe it’s the bicycle. There are a lot of bicycles on the streets of our town

and that is probably why it looks so green and ____BEAUTY___. There are cycle lanes all over the town so using

your bike to get to school or to the office is safe and convenient. ___FORTUNATELY____, some people still prefer

driving cars even for short distances. They make the environment less _____HEALTH_____. As for me, I enjoy

riding my bike very much and all my friends say that I’m a good ____RIDE____. Next month I’m going to take part

in a regional cycling _____COMPETE_____ and I hope to win it. I don’t think I will stop riding my bicycle till I’m

____REAL____ old.

Koalas are cute animals. _____FORTUNATELY_______, it causes them lots of problems. There are people who

want to keep the cute exotic animal as a pet which may put the koala in a really ____DANGER_____ situation. The

problem is that the koala’s diet is very specific. To stay ______HEALTH______ they should only eat eucalyptus

leaves. The leaves need to be young and fresh, which means a person who keeps a koala should also have a lot of

eucalyptus trees. Andrew Page, a ___SCIENCE_______ who has been studying koalas for years, says that it’s a bad

idea to keep this animal as a pet. According to him, people who try to do it usually have very little

_____INFORM________ about koala’s lifestyle. And their ignorance can often cost the ___BEAUTY______ animal

its life.

1) _________place – место, существительное, перед ним, как известно должно стоять описательное прилагательное: какое место? – Смотрим на слово в задании: BEAUTY – красота, сущ., нам необходим суффикс –FUL, чтобы изменить его на прилагательное. 
Ответ: BEAUTIFUL (place)

2) That’s _____________ how the monastery was started. (Вот как ____ монастыри начали своё существование).

Не забывайте, что глагол будет характеризоваться наречием.

Были образованы как? – На самом деле. Работаем с суффиксом, для наречий нам требуется суффикс –ly.

3) Wooden church and other ____________ – однородные члены, церковь и другие…, необходимо сущ. CONSTRUCT – CONSTRUCTIONS

Не забывайте про множественное число, когда подставляете существительное.

4) Remained both a ____________and popular – опять смотрим на однородные члены. Popular – прилагательное, значит и слово перед “and” тоже будет прилагательным. Ключевое слово FAME – существительное, на нужен суффикс –ous, получаем

5) Enjoy its _____________frescoes… – пропуск перед существительным, как мы помним, существительное характеризует прилагательное. AMAZE – AMAZING
Ответ: AMAZING (frescoes) – восхитительные фрески

6) It may seem ________, but… – Вот мы и увидели случай, когда ключевое слово подходит под пропуск, т.е. нам нужна именно эта часть речи, в которой ключевое слово уже стоит. It may seem – это может казаться (каким?) – необходимо прилагательное. Possible – возможный (прил). Значит, работаем с приставкой, которая не меняет часть речи. Possible – impossible (возможный – невозможный)
Ответ: IMPOSSIBLE – невозможный.

(Word Formation)

В английском языке, как и в других,
словообразование является инструментом обогащения речи.

В этом материале рассмотрены
наиболее распространенные способы, с помощью которых образуются новые слова:

  • префиксы (prefixes);
  • суффиксы (suffixes);
  • конверсия (conversion);
  • словосложение (compounding);
  • сокращение (abbreviation).

Знание основ образования новых слов
значительно ускорит процесс изучения английского.

Таблица 1.

Префикс – часть слова, которая ставится
перед корнем. С помощью префикса слово принимает новое значение. В большинстве
случаев слово не переходит в другую часть речи, но бывают исключения.

Префикс + Корень =
Новое слово


  • re +
    build (строить) = rebuild (перестроить
    по новой)
  • mis +
    conduct (поведение) = misconduct
    (плохое поведение)

В таблице рассмотрены префиксы,
которые встречаются наиболее часто.

Приставки и их значения


un- , dis- , in- ,
non- , il- , im- , ir-
: указывают на отрицание, делают слово
противоположным по значению

o    belief
(вера, доверие) – unbelief (неверие)

  • claim
    (утверждать) – disclaim
  • dependence
    (зависимость) – independence
  • admission
    (допущение) – nonadmission
  • logical
    (логичный) – illogical
  • patience
    (терпение) – impatience (нетерпение)
  • reality
    (реальность) – irreality
  • sub- :
    придает значение «под»
  • over- :
    «сверх», «чрезмерно»
  • under- :
  • address
    (адрес) – subaddress (подадрес)
  • boil
    (варить) – overboil
  • feed
    (кормить) – underfeed
  • ex- :
    значение «из», «вне», «бывший»
  • en-
    «делать», используется для образования глаголов от существительных и
  • prisoner
    (заключенный) – ex-prisoner (бывший заключенный)
  • tract
    (трактат, брошюра) – extract
    (фрагмент, отрывок)
  • code (код)
    encode (кодировать) 
  • crimson
    (малиновый цвет) – encrimson (красить
    в малиновый цвет)
  • pre- :
    указывает на значение «до», «перед»
  • post- :
  • historic
    (исторический) – prehistoric (доисторический) 
  • production
    (постановка напр. кинокартины) – postproduction
    (обработка отснятого видеоматериала)

mis- : меняет смысл слова на «неверный», «ложный»

  • apply
    (применить) – misapply (неправильно использовать) 
  • fortune
    (удача) – misfortune (неудача) 
  • guide
    (направлять, вести) – misguide
    (неправильно направлять)

re- : «снова», «вновь»; сделать что-либо повторно

  • book
    (бронировать) – rebook (бронировать повторно)
  • educate
    (воспитывать) – reeducate
  • join
    (соединяться) – rejoin

co-: аналог приставки в русском языке «со»

  • worker
    (рабочий) – co-worker (сотрудник, коллега) 
  • author (автор) – co-author (соавтор
  • owner
    (владелец) – co-owner (совладелец)

Таблица 2.

Суффикс – часть слова, которая
ставится после корня. Суффикс придает слову новое значение и обычно
преобразовывает его в другую часть речи.

Корень + Суффикс = Новое


  • teach + er = teacher
  • child + hood = childhood

В таблице рассмотрены суффиксы,
которые встречаются наиболее часто.

и его значения


Образование существительного

-er, -or, -ar: из глагола переходит существительное в
значении «исполнитель действия»

  • avenge
    (мстить) – avenger (мститель) 
  • narrate
    (рассказывать) – narrator
  • lie (лгать)
    – liar (лжец)

-age, -ure, -dom, -tion, -sion
глагол > существительное

  • advertise
    (рекламировать) – advertisement
  • use
    (использовать) – usage
  • depart
    (уезжать) – departure (отъезд) 
  • bore
    (скучать) – boredom (скука) 
  • hesitate
    (сомневаться) – hesitation
  • impress
    (производить впечатление) – impression

-hood, -ship: образуют существительные от других

  • false
    (ложный, ошибочный) – falsehood (ложь,
  • owner
    (владелец) – ownership (владение)

-ist: используется для указания принадлежности к
профессии или политическому званию

  • archeologist (археолог) 
  • federalist (сторонник принципов федерализма)

-ian: указывают на национальность, реже профессию

  • Bulgarian (болгарин, болгарка) 
  • historian (историк)

-ness: преобразовывает прилагательное в существительное

  • cheerful
    (веселый) – cheerfulness
  • awkward
    (awkward) – awkwardness
  • good
    (добрый) – goodness (доброта)

Образование прилагательного

-ful: образует прилагательные от существительных и
означает наличие качества

  • colour
    (цвет) – colourful (полный цвета,
  • thought
    (мысль, мышление) – thoughtful
  • delight
    (предмет восхищения) – delightful

-able, -ible: образуют прилагательные от глаголов и
выражают возможность подвергнуться действию, выраженному соответствующим

  • accept
    (принимать) – acceptable (приемлемый;
    можно принять) 
  • force
    (сила) – forcible (насильственный,
  • compare
    (сравнивать) – comparable

-less: образует прилагательные от существительных и
означает отсутствие качества

  • worth
    (стоящий) – worthless (ничего не
    стоящий; никчемный)
  • home
    (домашний) – homeless (бездомный)
  • use
    (польза) – useless (бесполезный)

-ish: национальная принадлежность; качество

  • Flemish (фламандский) 
  • modish (модный)

-y: образует прилагательные от существительных

  • air
    (воздух) – airy (воздушный)
  • rock
    (скала) – rocky (каменистый,

Образование глагола

-en: образует глаголы от прилагательных и

  • fasten (пристегивать) 
  • listen (слушать) 
  • shorten (укорачивать)

-fy, -ify: обычно образует глаголы от

  • notify (извещать) 
  • horrify (ужасать, шокировать) 
  • glorify (восхвалять)

-ise, -ize: обычно образует глаголы от

  • realize (осуществлять)
  • patronise (покровительствовать)

Таблица 3.

Конверсия – переход слова в другую
часть речи, без изменения его структуры.

Глагол > существительное

to call
(кричать, звонить)

(крик, телефонный звонок)

to hope


attack (атаковать)


Глагол > существительное (с
изменением ударения и произношения)

ac’cent (акцентировать)


to use
(использовать): буква s читается как
русская з

(использование): буква s читается как
русская с

excuse (извиняться): буква s читается как
русская з

(извинение): буква s читается как русская с

pre’sent (дарить)


Существительное > глагол


to love


to trip
(отправляться в путешествие)


to film
(снимать фильм)

Прилагательное > существительное




(чёрный цвет)



Таблица 4.

Словосложение – соединение двух
слов и более в сложное слово. Такие слова пишутся как через дефис, так и

Сложные существительные

(зубная паста)

(tooth) + существительное (paste)

(большая дорога, шоссе)

(high) + существительное (way)


(under) + существительное (world)

(стрижка, причёска)

(hair) + глагол (cut)

Сложные глаголы

babysit (присматривать за ребенком)

(baby) + глагол (sit)

window-shop (рассматривать витрины)

(window) + существительное (shop)

downgrade (понижать)

(down) + существительное (grade)

blackwash (клеветать)

(black) + существительное (wash)

Сложные прилагательные


(smoke) + прилагательное (free)

(занимающий меньше стандартного времени)

(part) + существительное (part)


(short) + глагол (sighted)

Сложные наречия


(out) + существительное (side)

(везде, всюду)

(every) + наречие (where)

Таблица 5.

Усеченные слова










Аббревиатуры и сокращения






между, в

Nations Organization


Объединённых Наций (ООН)

Слова-гибриды (образование нового
слова путем сочетания частей нескольких слов)

+ drama



+ fiction



smoke +


туман с дымом и копотью; смог

нетрудоспособность able
способный, умелый
искалеченный; инвалид enable
дать возможность
делать неспособным, калечить ably
умело, искусно absurdity
абсурдность absurd
абсурдный acceptability
приемлемость acceptable
неприемлемый accept
принимать, соглашаться access
доступность accessible
доступный accessibly
доступно accident
случай, случайность accidental
случайный accidentally
нечаянно, случайно action
представление active
действующий, работающей act
действовать actively
активно achievement
достижение achieve
достигать addiction
привычка, приверженность, увлеченность
увлеченный человек, имеющий стойкую привычку addictive
способный вызывать привычку addict
увлекаться, предаваться admiration
восхищение admirable
восхитительный admire
восхищаться admirably
восхитительно advice
совет advisable
рекомендуемый advise
советовать affectation
притворство, искусственность
привязанность, любовь affected
эмоциональный affect
воздействовать, влиять; притворяться agreement
соглашение, согласие
разногласие, несогласие agreeable
соответствующий, приятный agree
не соглашаться agreeably
соответственно aggression
агрессору зачинщик aggressive
агрессивный aggress
нападать aggressively
агрессивно aim
цель aimless
бесцельный aim
целиться, намереваться aimlessly
бесцельно affordable
то, что может быть позволено
то, что невозможно себе позволить afford
позволять себе amusement
развлечение amused
приятно изумленный
забавный amuse
развлекать, забавлять amusedly
изумленно appearance
внешность; появление
исчезновение appear
исчезать appointment
назначение; деловая встреча
разочарование, досада appointed
разочаровывающий appoint
разочаровывать approval
одобрение approved
одобрительный approve
одобрять approvingly
одобрительно arrangement
соглашение; расположение arranged
приведенный в порядок arrange
приводить в порядок, организовывать argument
аргумент, довод
аргументация arguable
доказуемый (в споре)
спорный, конфликтный argue
утверждать, спорить, ссориться argumentatively
доказательно appropriation
присвоение; ассигнование appropriate
подходящий, соответствующий
несоответствущий, неуместный appropriate
присваивать, предназначать appropriately
соответственно, подходяще arrival
прибытие arrive
прибывать, приезжать attraction
притяжение, привлекательность attracted
привлекательный attract
привлекать attractively
привлекательно avoidance
избежание, отмена avoidable
то, чего можно избежать
неизбежный avoid
избегать unavoidably
неизбежно beauty
красота; красавица beautiful
красивый beautify
украшать beautifully
красиво bearing
роды bearable
сносный, допустимый
невыносимый bear
носить; терпеть unbearably
невыносимо belief
вера believable
вероятный, правдоподобный
невероятный believe
верить benefit
выгода beneficial
выгодный benefit
получать выгоду bore
скука bored
испытывающий скуку
скучный, надоедливый bore
надоедать boringly
скучно breath
дыхание, дуновение
короткая передышка breathing
бездыханный breathe
дышать breathlessly
затаив дыхание business
деловой мужчина
деловая женщина busy
деловой, практичный busy
занимать делом busily
деловито, по-деловому саrе
забота, уход careful
небрежный саrе
заботиться, любить carefully
небрежно celebration
знаменитость celebrated
знаменитый, прославленный celebrate
праздновать, прославлять certainty
неопределенность, неуверенность certain
неопределенный certainly
определенно, уверенно change
изменение; мелочь, сдача changeable
не изменившийся change
менять; обменивать(ся) changelessly
неизменно character
характер characteristic
характерный, типичный characterise
характеризовать choice
выбор choosy
разборчивый choose
выбирать child
дети childish
детский; ребяческий clearance
очистка; устранение препятствий clear
четкий, ясный clear
очищать, расчищать clearly
четко, ясно cloud
облако cloudy
безоблачный collection
собрание; коллекция
сборщик collective
коллективный, совокупный collect
собирать; коллекционировать colony
колония colonial
колониальный colonise / colonize
колонизировать colour
цвет colourful
разноцветный colour
раскрашивать comfort
комфорт; утешение
беспокойство; неудобство comfortable
удобный, комфортабельный
неудобный comfort
утешать, успокаивать comfortably
неудобно community
община, общество communal
общественный, коллективный communication
коммуникатор, переговорщик communicative
использующийся в общении; коммуникативный communicate
сообщать; общаться comparison
сравнение compared
сравнительный compare
сравнивать comparatively
сравнительно, относительно competition
соревнование; конкуренция
конкурент, соперник competitive
соревновательный compete
соревноваться, конкурировать competitively
в форме соревнования, конкуренции completion
завершение, окончание completed
полный, завершенный
неполный, назавершенный complete
заканчивать, завершать completely
полностью congratulation
поздравление congratulate
поздравлять connection
соединение, объединение connected
связанный, соединенный connect
разъединять consideration
внимание; рассмотрение, обсуждение considerable
внимательный, деликатный, тактичный
неосмотрительный; невнимательный к другим consider
считать, полагать; рассматривать considerably
значительно conscience
совесть conscientious
совестливый, добросовестный
бессовестный conscientiously
добросовестно consciousness
сознание conscious
без сознания consciously
сознательно, осознанно consultation
консультант consulting
консультирующий consult
консультировать container
вместилище, контейнер containing
содержащий contain
содержать, вмещать continuity
непрерывность continuous
продолжающийся, длящийся continue
продолжать continuously
непрерывно control
управление, руководство controllable
поддающийся управлению
неподдающийся управлению
неуправляемый control
управлять, регулировать uncontrollably
бесконтрольно conviction
убеждение convincing
убежденный convince
убеждать convincingly
убедительно cook
плита, духовка over-cooked
недоваренный cook
готовить еду correction
корректор correct
неправильный correct
исправлять correctly
правильно counter
бухгалтер countable
неисчисляемый count
считать uncountably
немеряно, без счета courage
храбрость courageous
обескураженный encourage
приободрять, поддерживать
отговаривать, обескураживать courageously
смело, храбро creation
творец, создатель
творение; живое существо creative
творческий create
создавать, творить creatively
творчески credit
вера, доверие credible
вероятный, заслуживающий доверия
невероятный credibly
невероятно critic
критика critical
критический; переломный; рискованный criticise
критиковать critically
критично, критически cultivation
культивация, обработка cultivated
культивированный, обработанный cultivate
обрабатывать culture
культура cultured
культурный, воспитанный
культурный (как часть культуры) culturally
культурно cure
лекарство; лечение curable
неизлечимый cure
вылечивать, исцелять incurably
неизлечимо danger
опасность dangerous
опасный endanger
угрожать dangerously
опасно day
день daily
ежедневный daily
ежедневно deception
обман, заблуждение deceptive
обманчивый, лживый deceive
обманывать deceitfully
обманчиво, предательски decision
решение decided
определенный, явный
нерешительный, неясный
решительный, убежденный, убедительный decide
решать, принимать решение decisively
решительно, определенно definition
определение definite
четкий, определенный
неопределенный define
определять, давать определение definitely
определенно, ясно
нечетко, неопределенно delight
восторг, наслаждение delightful
польщенный delight
восхищаться delightfully
с восторгом delivery
доставка, поставка delivered
доставленный deliver
доставлять dependence
независимость dependent
независимый depend
зависеть independently
независимо depression
депрессия, подавленность depressive
депрессивный, вызывающий депрессию
подавленный depress
подавлять description
описание descriptive
описательный, наглядный describe
описывать design
проект, дизайн
дизайнер, проектировщик design
проектировать desire
желание, стремление desirable
желательный, желаемый
нежелательный desire
желать, стремиться desirably
желательно destruction
разрушение destroyed
разрушенный destroy
разрушать, уничтожать determination
решительность; определение determined
решительный determine
решать, определять development
разработчик developed
неразвитый develop
развивать(ся) dying
умирающий die
умирать difference
разница, различие
безразличие different
другой, отличающийся
безразличный differ
отличаться differently
с безразличием disturbance
тревога, беспокойство; нарушение тишины, порядка disturbed
беспокоящий disturb
беспокоить, мешать doubt
сомнение doubtful
бесспорный doubt
сомневаться doubfully
с сомнением
не сомневаясь
без сомнения ease
легкость, свобода
болезнь easy
неловкий, тревожный ease
облегчать, ослаблять easily
неловко economy
хозяйство economic
экономный economise
экономить economically
экономически; экономно educator
воспитатель, педагог
образование educated
образовательный educate
воспитывать, давать образование effect
следствие, результат
эффективность effective
эффективный, действующий effect
производить, выполнять effectively
эффективно, действенно electricity
электрик electric
электрический electrify
электрифицировать empire
император empire
empiric / empirical
исходящий из опыта, эмпирический employment
служба, работа
наниматель, работодатель
работающий по найму employed
нанятый, занятый
безработный employ
нанимать end
конец, окончание endless
нескончаемый end
конец, окончание endlessly
бесконечно environment
окружающая среда environmental
природный entertainment
развлечение entertaining
развлекательный entertain
развлекать enthusiasm
энтузиазм, восторг
энтузиаст, восторженный человек enthusiastic
восторженный enthusiastically
с восторгом equipment
оборудование equipped
снаряженный, оборудованный equip
снаряжать essence
сущность essential
главный, основной essentially
главным образом examination / exam
экзамен; медосмотр examined
проэкзаменованный; осмотренный врачом examine
экзаменовать; осматривать excitement
возбуждение, волнение exciting
возбужденный, взволнованный excite
возбуждать, волновать excitedly
взволнованно, возбужденно expectation
ожидание, предчувствие expected
неожиданный expect
ожидать, предчувствовать expence(s)
расход(ы), затраты expensive
недорогой expend
тратить, расходовать expensively
дорого experience
опыт, опытность
эксперимент experienced
эспериментальный experience
испытывать explosion
взрывчатое вещество explosive
взрывчатый explode
взрываться expression
выражение expressive
выразительный express
выражать expressively
выразительно extent
пространство, степень extended
обширный extend
простираться, тянуться extensively
обширно, протяженно extreme
крайняя степень, крайность extreme
крайний, чрезвычайный extremely
крайне fascination
очарование, обаяние fascinating
очарованный fascinate
очаровывать fairness
справедливость; порядочность fair
порядочный, справедливый
несправедливый fairly
справедливо, честно; довольно-таки finance
финансы financial
финансовый finance
финансировать financially
финансово firmness
твердость firm
твердый affirm
утверждать firmly
твердо fitness
физическая форма, физическое состояние fit
находящийся в хорошей форме; подходящий
неподходящий fit
подгонять, подстраивать following
следующий follow
следовать fool
глупыш, дурак foolish
глупый fool
обманывать foolishly
глупо forgettable
забытый forget
забывать forgiveness
прощение forgiving
непростительный forgive
прощать forgivingly
с прощением fortune
судьба, счастье; богатство, состояние fortunate
несчастный fortunately
к счастью
к сожалению freedom
свобода free
свободный; бесплатный freely
свободно frequency
частота frequent
частый frequent
часто посещать frequently
часто friend
дружелюбие friendly
дружеский, дружелюбный
недружеский in a friendly way / manner
дружелюбно fright
страх, испуг frightful
пугающий frighten
пугать, устрашать frightfully
страшно; испуганно generosity
щедрость generous
щедрый generously
щедро gentleman
джентльмен gentle
мягкий, нежный gently
мягко, нежно ghost
привидение, призрак ghostly
похожий на привидение grass
трава grassy
травяной habit
привычка, обычай
естественная среда
жилище, обиталище habitual
привычный habituate
приучать habitually
обычно hand
рука; рабочий
горсть handy
удобный (для использования)
изготовленный вручную hand
вручать happiness
несчастье happy
несчастный happily
несчастливо harm
вред harmful
безвредный harm
повредить, навредить harmfully
вредно health
здоровье healthy
нездоровый home
дом, жилище homeless
бездомный honour
честь honourable
почетный honour
почитать, чтить honourably
почетно hope
оптимизм, надежда hopeful
безнадежный hope
надеяться hopefully
с надеждой humanity
человечество human
гуманитарный humour
юмор humorous
юмористический humorously
с юмором hurry
спешка hurrying
торопливый, спешащий
торопливый hurry
торопиться hurriedly
торопливо ice
лед icy
ледяной importance
важность important
незначительный importantly
важно impression
впечатление impressed
безучастный impress
производить впечатление impressively
впечатляюще improvement
улучшение improved
улучшенный improve
улучшать impulse
толчок, побуждение impulsive
импульсивный impulsively
импульсивно incident
несчастный случай; конфликт, инцидент incidental
случайный incidentally
случайно increase
рост, увеличение increasing
растущий increase
увеличивать(ся) increasingly
с ростом industry
промышленность industrial
трудолюбивый. усердный industrialise
индустриализовать industrially
в промышленном отношении information
сообщение, информация
формальность informed
знающий, хорошо информированный
неверно информированный
формальный, официальный
неофициальный inform
неверно сообщать; дезинформировать informationally
информационно intensity
интенсивность intensive
интенсивный intensify
интенсифицировать intensively
интенсивно interest
интерес interested
интересный interest
интересовать inventor
изобретение inventive
изобретательный invent
изобретать inventively
изобретательно invitation
приглашение invited
приглашенный invite
приглашать inspiration
вдохновение inspired
вдохновляющий inspire
вдохновлять knowledge
признание; расписка acknowledged
признанный acknowledge
признавать, подтверждать legality
законность, легальность legal
юридический, законный
незаконный, подпольный legalize
легализовать legally
незаконно likeness
сходство, подобие likeable
аналогичный like
относиться хорошо
относиться отрицательно likely
в отличие life
жизнь lively
оживленный, веселый
актуальный, реальный live
жить in a lively way
оживленно literature
литература literal
неграмотный literally
буквально location
место, поселение local
местный locate
размещать locally
в определенном месте loneliness
одиночество lonely
одинокий; один luck
удача lucky
неудачливый, неудачный luckily
к счастью luxury
роскошь luxurious
шикарный majority
большинство major
главный, основной manager
управляющий, руководитель managerial
управленческий manage
управлять; справляться marriage
женитьба married
женатый / замужняя
неженатый / незамужняя marry
жениться meeting
встреча; собрание meet
встречать, знакомиться memory
мемориал memorial
памятный memorise
заучивать наизусть misery
нищета miserable
нищенский, ничтожный month
месяц monthly
ежемесячный monthly
ежемесячно motion
движение motionless
неподвижный motion
показывать жестом mystery
тайна, загадка mysterious
таинственный, загадочный mysteriously
таинственно, загадочно necessity
необходимость necessary
ненужный necessarily
необходимо nerve
нерв nervous
нервный ennerve
нервировать nervously
нервно number
число; количество numerous
умеющий считать
неумеющий считать number
обозначать цифрами object
объект, предмет
цель; возражение objective
объективный object
возражать objectively
объективно obstinate
упрямый obstinately
упрямо occurrence
случай, происшествие occur
происходить operation
операция; оперирование, приведение в действие operate
управлять, действовать opportunity
оппортунист opportune
своевременный, подходящий opposition
оппозиция, противостояние
оппонент, противник opposite
противоположный oppose
противопосталять owner
владелец, хозяин own
собственный own
владеть pain
боль painful
безболезненный painfully
безболезненно patience
пациент patient
нетерпеливый patiently
нетерпеливо participant
участие participating
участвующий participate
принимать участие particulars
подробности particular
особенный particularly
особенно perfection
совершенство perfect
совершенный, идеальный
несовершенный perfect
совершенствовать, улучшать perfectly
отлично, безупречно period
период, срок periodical
периодический periodically
периодически performance
представление; исполнение
исполнитель perform
исполнять, выполнять, совершать peace
мир, спокойствие peaceful
мирный peacefully
мирно permission
пропуск permissive
позволяющий permit
позволять permissively
с позволением pleasure
удовольствие pleasant
недовольный please
доставлять удовольствие pleasantly
приятно point
точка; пункт pointed
остроконечный, нацеленный
уместный, удачный
бесцельный point
указывать, направлять pointedly
остро, по существу politeness
вежливость polite
невежливый politely
вежливо popularity
популярность popular
непопулярный popularise
популяризировать possession
владение, собственность
обладатель, владелец possessive
собственнический possess
владеть, обладать possibility
вероятность, возможность possible
невозможный possibly
возможно power
сила, мощь powerful
бессильный empower
уполномочивать preference
предпочтение preferable
пользующийся препочтением prefer
предпочитать preferably
предпочтительно preparation
подготовка prepared
неподготовленный prepare
подготовить preparedly
с готовностью prestige
престиж prestigious
престижный prestigiously
престижно profession
профессия professional
профессиональный professionally
профессионально profit
выгода profitable
не приносящий выгоды profit
получать выгоду profitably
выгодно progress
прогресс, продвижение progressive
прогрессивный progress
продвигаться вперед progressively
постепенно, продвигаясь вперед proposal
предложение proposed
предложенный propose
делать предложение prosperity
процветание prosperous
процветающий prosper
процветать prosperously
процветающе public
общественность public
общественный publicise
разглашать publicly
открыто, публично quickness
быстрота quick
быстрый quicken
убыстрять quickly
быстро reality
реализация, осуществление real
реальный, настоящий
нереальный realize
реализовать, осуществлять really
действительно, в самом деле recognition
признание, узнавание recognised
признанный recognise
узнавать; признавать reduction
снижение, понижение reduced
уменьшенный; сниженный reduce
снижать; сбавлять relaxation
отдых, расслабление relaxed
отдыхающий; расслабляющий relax
отдыхать, расслабляться relaxedly
расслабленно reliability
надежность reliable
ненадежный rely
доверять, полагаться reliably
надежно religion
религия religious
религиозный reluctance
нежелание, неохота reluctant
неохотный reluctantly
неохотно regularity
нерегулярность regular
регулярный, правильный
неправильный; нестандартный regulate
регулировать regularly
регулярно remark
замечание remarkable
замечательный remark
замечать, отмечать remarkably
замечательно representation
представитель representative
представительный represent
представлять reproach
упрек irreproachable
безупречный reproach
упрекать reproachingly
с упреком reputation
репутация reputated
имеющий хорошую репутацию, почтенный
имеющий плохую репутацию repute
давать репутацию
компрометироватъ resistance
сопротивление resistible
прочный resist
сопротивляться irresistibly
неотразимо respect
уважение respectful
уважительный respect
уважать respectfully
с уважением rest
отдых restless
беспокойный rest
отдыхать restlessly
беспокойно reward
награда rewarding
стоящий награды
невознагражденный reward
награждать riches
богатство rich
богатый enrich
обогащать richly
богато risk
риск risky
рискованный risk
рисковать sadness
грусть sad
грустный sadden
огорчать sadly
грустно safe
безопасность safe
опасный save
спасать; экономить safely
безопасно satisfaction
неудовлетворенность; недовольство satisfied
неудовлетворительный satisfy
разочаровывать; огорчать research
исследование search
искать, осуществлять поиск security
безопасность secure
находящийся в опасности secure
охранять, гарантировать securely
безопасно seriousness
серьезность serious
серьезный seriously
серьезно science
ученый scientific
научный scientifically
научно sense
отсутствие чувствительности sensitive
нечувствительный, неосознающий sense
ощущать sensitively
разумно service
услуга, обслуживание
слуга served
обслуженный; поданный на стол serve
служить, обслуживать, подавать на стол significant
незначительный signify
иметь значение significantly
значительно similarity
сходство, похожесть similar
похожий, подобный similarly
похоже, подобно sincerity
искренность sincere
неискренний sincerely
искренне shorts
шорты short
короткий shorten
укорачивать shortly
кратко sleep
спящий; спальный вагон sleeping
бессонный sleep
спать sleeplessly
без сна solution
решение; раствор solved
решенный; растворенный solve
решать; находить выход; растворять speciality
специальность; фирменное блюдо
особенность special
особенный; специальный
специфический specify
точно определять
специализировать(ся) specially
специфично strength
сила strong
сильный strengthen
укреплять strongly
сильно stress
стресс stressful
стрессовый stress
ударять, ставить ударение stressfully
в состоянии стресса success
успех successful
безуспешный succeed
преуспевать successfully
успешно sufñcience
недостаточность sufficient
недостаточный suffice
быть достаточным sufficiently
достаточно suitable
неподходящий suit
подходить, устраивать suggestion
предложение suggest
предлагать suspect
подозреваемый suspicious
подозрительный suspect
подозревать suspiciously
подозрительно swimmer
плавание swimming
плавающий, плавательный swim
плавать sympathy
сочувствие, понимание sympathetic
сочувствующий sympathize
сочувствовать sympathetically
с пониманием; сочувственно sureness
уверенность sure
обеспеченный; уверенный
уверенный в себе ensure
обеспечивать; гарантировать
уверять, обеспечивать surely
конечно; уверенно
с уверенностью surrounding
окружение surrounded
окруженный surround
окружать talk
беседа, разговор talkative
разговорчивый talk
беседовать taste
отсуствие вкуса tasteful
сделанный со вкусом; обладающий вкусом
безвкусный taste
пробовать tastefully
со вкусом
без вкуса terror
террорист terrible
напуганный terrify
ужасать terribly
потрясающе thirst
жажда thirsty
испытывать жажду tights
колготки tight
плотный, тесный tighten
сжимать, натягивать tightly
тесно, плотно thought
мысль thoughtful
бездумный think
думать, иметь мнение thoughtfully
задумчиво tragedy
трагедия tragic
трагический tragically
трагично travelling
путешественник travelling
путешествующий travel
путешествовать truth
неправда true
правильный; настоящий
неверный, не соответствующий действительности
правдивый truly
по-настоящему, искренне
правдиво value
ценность valued
ценный value
ценить, оценивать variety
изменчивость, непостоянство variable
неизменный vary
менять, разнообразить invariably
неизменно year
год yearly
ежегодный yearly
ежегодно understanding
непонимание; недоразумение understandable
понятный understand
понимать use
неправильное использование;
использование useful
неиспользованный use
использовать, пользоваться usefully
бесполезно week
неделя weekly
еженедельный weekly
еженедельно width
ширина wide
широкий widen
расширять widely
широко will
воля, желание; завещание willing
жаждущий, желающий
не желающий will
проявлять волю, желать willingly
охотно, с удовольствием
неохотно wind
ветер windy
безветренный wisdom
мудрость wise
неблагоразумный wisely
неблагоразумно worth
стоимость, ценность worthy
не имеющий ценности

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