Сочинение капитанская дочка на английском языке

Александ Пушкин написал повесть Капитанская дочка. Она была опубликова перевод - Александ Пушкин написал повесть Капитанская дочка. Она была опубликова английский как сказать

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Александ Пушкин написал повесть Кап

Александ Пушкин написал повесть Капитанская дочка. Она была опубликована в 1836. Жанр Капитанской дочки историческая повесть. События происходят при Екатерине второй ,когда появляется первый крупный бунт.Приехав на службу в пограничную Белогорскую крепость, Пётр влюбляется в дочь коменданта крепости, Машу Миронову. Друг Гринёва, офицер Швабрин тоже неравнодушен к капитанской дочери и вызывает Петра на дуэль, в ходе которой наносит Гринёву ранение. О поединке становится известно отцу Петра, который отказывается благословить брак с бесприданницей. Повесть закончилась тем что Швабрин проиграл а Гринев завоевал сердце Маши.Моё мнение о книге положительное Так как в реальной жизни может случится такая ситуация , Я посоветовал прочитать эту книгу тем кто интерисуется историей росии


Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]


Alexander Pushkin wrote the tale kapitanskaya dochka. It was published in 1836. The genre of the captain’s daughter historical novel. Events happening at Catherine the second, when the first major rebellion Came to serve in the border fortress of Belogorskuû, Peter falls in love with the daughter of the Commandant of the fortress, Masha Mironov. Each Hrinova, officer Shvabrin too partial to the captain’s daughter and calls Peter to a duel, during which causes Grinëvu. The duel becomes aware of his father Peter, who refuses to bless the marriage with bespridannicej. The story ended so that Shvabrin lost and won the heart of Masha Grinev. My opinion of the book positive because in real life can happen to such a situation, I advise to read this book for those who like history of Russia

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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]


Aleksandrov Pushkin wrote the novel The Captain’s Daughter. It was published in 1836. The Captain’s Daughter Genre historical novel. Events taking place at the Catherine the second, when there is the first major bunt.Priehav to serve in the Border Fort Belogorsk, Peter falls in love with the daughter of the commandant of the fortress, Masha Mironov. Friend Grinyova officer Shvabrin too partial to the captain’s daughter and calls Peter to a duel, during which deals Grinyova injury. About the fight becomes aware of his father Peter, who refuses to bless the marriage with Dowry. The story ended with that Shvabrin lost and won the heart of Grinyov Mashi.Moё opinion about the book a positive example in real life can happen to such a situation, I recommend to read this book to those who interisuet History of Russia

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]


alexander pushkin wrote the story the captain»s daughter. it was published in 1836. the genre»s daughter historical tale. events that occur in the move, when it becomes the first major бунт.приехав to serve in the border белогорскую fortress, peter falls in love with the daughter of the commandant of the fortress, swing миронову. each гринёва, officer швабрин too partial to the captain»s daughter and calls peter to a duel, which is гринёву wound. the contest is the father of peter, who refuses to bless the marriage of бесприданницей. the story ended that швабрин lost and гринев won the heart of маши.моё opinion about the book positive as in real life can be such a situation, i had to read this book to anyone who is interested in the history of russia

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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A. S. Pushkin «The Captain’s Daughter»: essay essay 118 words Automatic translate

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The work “The Captain’s Daughter” belongs to the pen of the great classic of Russian literature and belongs to the genres of the novel and novel. The writer studied a large number of historical sources, so that the description of the rebellion of Emelyan Pugachev was presented to the reader reliably and as plausibly as possible.

The work was first published in 1836, despite the fact that the author’s name was kept secret. At the beginning of each chapter there is an epigraph, which gives instructiveness to this Pushkin creation.

The plot was based on the events of 1773-1775, when in Russia under the reign of Catherine the Second, a Peasant War took place under the leadership of a famous rebel.

The main character is a young nobleman Peter Grinev. Initially, he is called Petrusha, but throughout the novel the hero grows morally, develops as a person and is transformed into Peter. The young man has to overcome the difficulties that arise before him in order to prove fidelity to the Fatherland.

The work of Alexander Sergeevich teaches us to cherish honor and love the Motherland.

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Кому понравилось

The Captain’s Daughter by A. S. Pushkin (English Edition)

А. С. Пушкин «Капитанская дочка». Перевод на английский язык

The Captain’s Daughter. A. Pushkin (English)Информация о книге:

Автор /Author: Александр Сергеевич Пушкин / Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (1799—1837)
Оригинальное название / Original title: Капитанская дочка
Перевод / Translated by N. Duddington and T. Keane
Страна / Country: Российская империя / Russian Empire
Язык оригинала / Language original: русский /Russian
Язык этой книги / Language this book: английский / English
Опубликовано/Published: 1836

Жанр /Genre: исторический роман /Historical novel


This novel is dedicated to the events of the Pugachev’s Rebellion in Russia in 1773-1775.

It tells the story of a 17-years-old officer, Peter Grineff, sent by his father into military service. Peter was assigned to a small fortress of Belogorsk, where he fell in love with Maria, the daughter of the commandant…


Перевод  романа «Капитанская дочка» А.С. Пушкина:

Русский (Original) Капитанская дочка

Français  La fille du capitaine

Deutsch  Die Hauptmannstochter

Italiano  La figlia del capitano

Español  La hija del capitán


Alexander Pushkin. The Captain’s Daughter in English

А. С. Пушкин «Капитанская дочка» на английском языке

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