Сочинение ласточкино гнездо на английском

Ласточкино гнездо – памятник архитектуры и истории, расположенный над  перевод - Ласточкино гнездо – памятник архитектуры и истории, расположенный над  английский как сказать

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Ласточкино гнездо – памятник архите

Ласточкино гнездо – памятник архитектуры и истории, расположенный над пропастью отвесной 40-метровой скалы, названной в честь римской богини утренней зари Авроры, мыса Ай-Тодор (Святой Федор); находится в Большой Ялте на территории поселка Гаспра.

Этот изящный готический миниатюрный замок, словно парящий на кромке отвесной скалы, Ласточкино гнездо — символ не только Южного берега, но и всего Крыма, его визитная карточка.
Трудно поверить, но в 19 веке Ласточкино гнездо было дачей для генерала, фамилия которого не сохранилась в истории. Постройка была сделана из дерева, потому довольно быстро обветшала. Затем, переходя от одного владельца к другому, в начале 20 века, здание перестраивают, благодаря которому оно и приобретает известный нам сейчас облик.
С тех пор это романтичное строение с восстановленными шпилями будто парит между небом и землей, завораживая посетителей со всего мира своей красотой.


Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]


Swallow’s nest-a monument of architecture and history, located over the precipice a steep 40-meter cliff, named after the Roman goddess of dawn Aurora, Cape AI-Todor (St. Theodore); in the big Yalta is situated in the village of Gaspra.This graceful Gothic Castle as if hovering on the edge of the cliff, the swallow’s nest, a symbol not only of the southern coast, but also the whole of the Crimea, its visiting card.Hard to believe, but in 19 century swallow’s nest was a summer residence for the General, whose name has not survived in history. The building was made of wood, because hopefully quite quickly. Then, turning from one owner to another, at the beginning of the 20th century, the building is rebuilt, thanks to which it becomes known to us now.Since then, this romantic building with the restored spires though hovering between heaven and Earth, bewitching visitors from all over the world for its beauty.

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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]


Swallow’s Nest — a monument of architecture and history, located over a precipice steep 40-meter cliff, named after the Roman goddess of dawn Aurora Cape Ai-Todor (St. Theodore); It is located in the Big Yalta, in the village of Gaspra. This elegant Gothic miniature castle, as if floating on the edge of a cliff, Swallow’s Nest — a symbol not only of the Southern coast, but also the whole of Crimea, its business card. It’s hard to believe, but in the 19th century Swallow’s Nest was cottage for the general, whose name has not been preserved in history. The building was made ​​of wood, because pretty quickly decayed. Then, passing from one owner to another, in the early 20th century, the building is rebuilt, thanks to which it becomes known to us now look. Since it is a romantic building with restored spiers if hover between heaven and earth, bewitching visitors from around the world for its beauty .

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]


swallow’s nest is a monument of architecture and history, located over the edge a 40 metre cliff, named after the roman goddess of the dawn of the aurora at ai todor (sacred feodor);is a set in the village of gaspra.

this elegant gothic miniature castle like floating on a cliff edge, swallow’s nest is a symbol not only of the southern bank, but all ofhis business card. it’s hard to believe, but in the 19th century, swallow’s nest was making for the general, whose name was not kept in the history. the building was made of wood, so it’s pretty fast обветшала. then,moving from one owner to another, in the early 20th century, the rebuild, through which it becomes known to us now appearance.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

The nest of the swallow, built in a pseudo-Gothic style, resembles a knight’s castle. Toothed walls with lancet windows rise to the crown of the whole design of a round three-tiered tower with spires.

The first construction built on the top of the Aurora rock was a small house. It was in 1877, according to the legend, the Russian general chose this place because of its silence and loneliness.

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Ласточкино гнездо – памятник архитектуры и истории, расположенный над пропастью отвесной 40-метровой скалы, названной в честь римской богини утренней зари Авроры, мыса Ай-Тодор (Святой Федор); находится в Большой Ялте на территории поселка Гаспра.

Этот изящный готический миниатюрный замок, словно парящий на кромке отвесной скалы, Ласточкино гнездо — символ не только Южного берега, но и всего Крыма, его визитная карточка.
Трудно поверить, но в 19 веке Ласточкино гнездо было дачей для генерала, фамилия которого не сохранилась в истории. Постройка была сделана из дерева, потому довольно быстро обветшала. Затем, переходя от одного владельца к другому, в начале 20 века, здание перестраивают, благодаря которому оно и приобретает известный нам сейчас облик.
С тех пор это романтичное строение с восстановленными шпилями будто парит между небом и землей, завораживая посетителей со всего мира своей красотой.

Swallow’s nest-a monument of architecture and history, located over the precipice a steep 40-meter cliff, named after the Roman goddess of dawn Aurora, Cape AI-Todor (St. Theodore); in the big Yalta is situated in the village of Gaspra.This graceful Gothic Castle as if hovering on the edge of the cliff, the swallow’s nest, a symbol not only of the southern coast, but also the whole of the Crimea, its visiting card.Hard to believe, but in 19 century swallow’s nest was a summer residence for the General, whose name has not survived in history. The building was made of wood, because hopefully quite quickly. Then, turning from one owner to another, at the beginning of the 20th century, the building is rebuilt, thanks to which it becomes known to us now.Since then, this romantic building with the restored spires though hovering between heaven and Earth, bewitching visitors from all over the world for its beauty.

Swallow’s Nest — a monument of architecture and history, located over a precipice steep 40-meter cliff, named after the Roman goddess of dawn Aurora Cape Ai-Todor (St. Theodore); It is located in the Big Yalta, in the village of Gaspra. This elegant Gothic miniature castle, as if floating on the edge of a cliff, Swallow’s Nest — a symbol not only of the Southern coast, but also the whole of Crimea, its business card. It’s hard to believe, but in the 19th century Swallow’s Nest was cottage for the general, whose name has not been preserved in history. The building was made ​​of wood, because pretty quickly decayed. Then, passing from one owner to another, in the early 20th century, the building is rebuilt, thanks to which it becomes known to us now look. Since it is a romantic building with restored spiers if hover between heaven and earth, bewitching visitors from around the world for its beauty .

swallow’s nest is a monument of architecture and history, located over the edge a 40 metre cliff, named after the roman goddess of the dawn of the aurora at ai todor (sacred feodor);is a set in the village of gaspra.

this elegant gothic miniature castle like floating on a cliff edge, swallow’s nest is a symbol not only of the southern bank, but all ofhis business card. it’s hard to believe, but in the 19th century, swallow’s nest was making for the general, whose name was not kept in the history. the building was made of wood, so it’s pretty fast обветшала. then,moving from one owner to another, in the early 20th century, the rebuild, through which it becomes known to us now appearance.

Castle «Swallow’s Nest» is a romantic building, resembling Western European castle –it dominates the coast between the resort village of Big Yalta — Mishor and Livadia. This small castle in the Gothic Revival style, bravely dangling on the edge of a cliff Aurora middle spur of Cape Ai-Todor, at an altitude of 40 meters above sea level, has long been an emblem of the Southern coast and the «hallmark» of the Crimea.

The first wooden house on a cliff Aurora — giving «Castle of Love» — belonged to one general, members of the Russian-Turkish war of 1878 (the name is preserved). And, perched on a rugged rock, house attracted the attention — he even captured in his paintings Ivan Aivazovsky, LF Lagorio.

In 1911, it bought a large place oilman Baron von Stengel, and already in 1912 he commissioned renowned architect AB Sherwood built a small palace, reminiscent of a medieval knight’s castle. The boldness of his engineering solutions — to construct a building on a high cliff with a memorable excellent view — in the latter appreciated by many generations of people.

Презентация к уроку страноведения Architecture of the Crimea

When two years later (with the beginning of World War I) German baron went to Germany, he sold his castle Shelaputina Moscow merchant who opened a restaurant there called «Swallow’s Nest.» At the same time the castle was rebuilt, decorating it with turrets and spiers sharp. In 1927, on the southern coast was a strong earthquake. Castle «Swallow’s Nest» is almost not affected, only the part of the rock beneath it collapsed under the building and formed a deep crack. room, recognized the emergency, soon closed. And forty years «Swallow’s Nest» was not available to the public.

Restoration work at the castle were a few years (1968 to 1971) — crack concreted; part of the building was dismantled and then strengthened reinforced concrete slab rock, reassembled and restored.

Now the castle is expensive European restaurant. Log in to the site, with three sides surrounding the castle, paid.

At any time, the tourists come in Gaspra on Cape Ai-Todor. The castle «Swallow’s Nest» is always crowded — tourists want to see with their own eyes this unique monument of architecture, admire the views from the surrounding area beautiful views, experiencing a sense of dizzying heights.

Содержимое разработки

Architecturе of Crimea

Architecturе of Crimea

Castle «Swallow’s Nest»

Castle «Swallow’s Nest» is a romantic building, resembling Western European castle –it dominates the coast between the resort village of Big Yalta — Mishor and Livadia. This small castle in the Gothic Revival style, bravely dangling on the edge of a cliff Aurora middle spur of Cape Ai-Todor, at an altitude of 40 meters above sea level, has long been an emblem of the Southern coast and the «hallmark» of the Crimea.

The first wooden house on a cliff Aurora — giving «Castle of Love» — belonged to one general, members of the Russian-Turkish war of 1878 (the name is preserved). And, perched on a rugged rock, house attracted the attention — he even captured in his paintings Ivan Aivazovsky, LF Lagorio .

In 1911, it bought a large place oilman Baron von Stengel, and already in 1912 he commissioned renowned architect AB Sherwood built a small palace, reminiscent of a medieval knight’s castle. The boldness of his engineering solutions — to construct a building on a high cliff with a memorable excellent view — in the latter appreciated by many generations of people .

When two years later (with the beginning of World War I) German baron went to Germany, he sold his castle Shelaputina Moscow merchant who opened a restaurant there called «Swallow’s Nest.» At the same time the castle was rebuilt, decorating it with turrets and spiers sharp. In 1927, on the southern coast was a strong earthquake. Castle «Swallow’s Nest» is almost not affected, only the part of the rock beneath it collapsed under the building and formed a deep crack . room, recognized the emergency, soon closed. And forty years «Swallow’s Nest» was not available to the public .

Restoration work at the castle were a few years (1968 to 1971) — crack concreted; part of the building was dismantled and then strengthened reinforced concrete slab rock, reassembled and restored .

Now the castle is expensive European restaurant. Log in to the site, with three sides surrounding the castle, paid.

At any time, the tourists come in Gaspra on Cape Ai-Todor . The castle «Swallow’s Nest» is always crowded — tourists want to see with their own eyes this unique monument of architecture, admire the views from the surrounding area beautiful views, experiencing a sense of dizzying heights .

В 1911 году это местечко купил крупный нефтепромышленник барон фон Штенгель, и уже в 1912 году по его заказу известный архитектор A. B. Шервуд построил здесь небольшой дворец, напоминающий средневековый рыцарский замок. Смелость его инженерных решений — построить здание на высоком обрыве с незабываемым прекрасным обзором – в последствие оценили многие поколения людей…

Восстановительные работы в замке шли несколько лет (с 1968 по 1971 годы) – трещину забетонировали; часть здания разобрали, а затем, укрепив скалу железобетонной плитой, собрали заново и отреставрировали…

To the north-east of Yalta, in Upper Yalta there is a beautiful palace of Emperor Alexander III (Massandra Palace) — a magnificent monument of architecture of the nineteenth century with an interesting story of creating .

First in 1829 in the Upper Massandra Palace appeared first, which belonged to the powerful governor-general of the Novorossiysk Territory Mikhail Vorontsov, but at the end of the 1870s the palace suffered from severe storms and its owner, the son of Mikhail Vorontsov — Count Vorontsov Simon — decided to build a new building Palace. By order of Prince SM Vorontsov Palace project developed by French architect ME Bouchard, who for a more complete sense of the area settled in Yalta .

Construction began in 1881, and soon from the surrounding gray rocks and green forests here came the romantic era of the French Renaissance chateau with a square and two round towers, attic and front semi-circular staircase . However, in the third year of construction Bouchard died suddenly, leaving the palace without a roof and interior. SM Vorontsov decided to continue the construction, but a year later also died .

For several years the construction of the palace stopped . Only in 1889 in Massandra estate Vorontsov, along with the unfinished palace acquired special departments for the Emperor Alexander III.

For completion and partial reconstruction of the palace was invited a renowned architect Maximilian Messmacher, who gave the building even more expressive, adding to its terraces, balconies, open galleries, twisted staircase and balustrade . Under his leadership, the palace walls covered with yellow tiles and roof — scaly slate, unusually issued and chimneys .

Three years later, construction of the palace was almost complete, were not finished just finishing work. But to live in the palace of Tsar Alexander III never had the chance — in 1894, he died . And only in 1902, his son — Emperor Nicholas II — brought the construction of the palace until the end.

But in Massandra Palace family of Nicholas II did not live at all. The royal family has chosen landscaped Livadia Palace, as well as the Massandra Palace was not landscaped, park in his often held picnics, games and tea .

In Soviet times many years Massandra Palace was closed as an «object», and in 1947 even became a closely guarded state dacha, where stayed on holiday party and government leaders of the former socialist camp. Only after the collapse of the USSR in 1992 Massandra Palace was opened to the public .

Currently, the Massandra Palace of Alexander III opened a popular museum dedicated to the Romanov dynasty. Before entering the palace we can see two huge redwoods planted back in the 1890s.

К северо-востоку от Ялты, в Верхней Массандре находится прекрасный дворец императора Александра III (Массандровский дворец) – великолепный памятник архитектуры ХIХ века с интересной историей создания…

Сначала в 1829 году в Верхней Массандре появился первый дворец, который принадлежал могущественному генерал-губернатору Новороссийского края Михаилу Воронцову, но в конце 1870-х годов дворец пострадал от сильной бури и его хозяин, сын Михаила Воронцова — граф Семён Воронцов — решил соорудить новое здание дворца. По заказу князя С. М. Воронцова проект дворца разрабатывал французский архитектор М. Э. Бушар, который для более полного ощущения местности поселился в Массандре.

Строительство начали в 1881 году, и вскоре на фоне окружающих серых скал и зелёного леса здесь возник романтичный замок эпохи французского Возрождения с квадратной и двумя круглыми башнями, мансардами и парадной полукруглой лестницей… Однако на третьем году строительства Бушар внезапно умер, оставив дворец без крыши и интерьера. С. М. Воронцов решил продолжить строительство, но год спустя тоже умер…

На несколько лет строительство дворца приостановилось. Только в 1889 году имение Воронцовых в Массандре вместе с недостроенным дворцом приобрело Удельное ведомство для императора Александра III.

Для доработки и частичной перестройки дворца был приглашён известный архитектор Максимилиан Месмахер, который придал зданию ещё большую выразительность, дополнив его террасами, балконами, открытыми галереями, витыми лестницами и балюстрадами… Под его руководством стены дворца покрыли жёлтой плиткой, а крышу — чешуйчатым шифером, необычно оформили и дымовые трубы…

Через три года строительство дворца было почти завершено, не были закончены только отделочные работы. Но пожить во дворце царю Александру III так и не довелось — в 1894 году он скончался… И только в 1902 году его сын — император Николай II – довёл строительство дворца до конца.

Но жить в Массандровском дворце семья Николая II так и не стала. Царская семья облюбовала обустроенный Ливадийский дворец, а так как Массандровский дворец не был благоустроен, в его парке часто проводились пикники, игры и чаепития…

В настоящее время в Массандровском дворце Александра III открыт популярный музей, посвящённый династии Романовых. Перед входом во дворец растут две огромные секвойи, посаженные ещё в 1890-х годах.

Nikita Botanical Gardens

Nikita Botanical Gardens is — one of the oldest botanical gardens in the world –it is located in the Crimea, on the picturesque shore of the Black Sea, just to the east of Yalta.

It was founded back in September 1812 near the village Nikita (botanical), where 375 acres of land and made the first landing.

The founder and first director of the Nikitsky Botanical Gardens was a famous scientist, researcher of the Crimean flora Christian Hristianovich Steven, who, with the support of the Duke Armand de Richelieu (then Governor-General of Novorossiysk region) for 12 years of its activity «collected» more than 450 species of exotic plants .

The second director of the Garden — Nicholas Gartvis — 33 years of work in office made an enormous contribution to the development of the Garden . Now visited area of ​​ the garden is about 80 m (a square with branches and subsidiaries — 1,100 hectares), and the coastal strip is — about 6 km.

State Nikita Botanical Gardens is — one of the oldest academic institutions in Ukraine, which in 2000 was granted the status of the National Research Center.

In the Garden of the flora collected from almost all over the world –there are more than 15 thousand species, forms and varieties of plants, not counting hybrid fund, and, among them there are many unique plants and the oldest Aboriginal and alternately different flowering plants (i.e. trees, the roses, the chrysanthemum) you can see actually before winter .

To the south-east of the Lower Park there Is a younger — Seaside Park. It grows tender and thermophilic subtropical plants: myrtle, feijoa, orchid tree, palmetto (hamerops) .

To the West of the Seaside Park, there is the youngest — Cape Montador Park, where, along with native species, a number of relic coniferous exotic grows .

In the garden there is a science museum, which presents more than 3 thousand exhibits telling the story of the Garden . The museum’s tasting room, which hosts traditional wine tasting and tasting exotic fruit garden .

Никитский ботанический сад — один из старейших ботанических садов мира — расположен в Крыму, на живописном берегу Чёрного моря, чуть к востоку от Ялты.

Он был заложен ещё в сентябре 1812 году у деревни Никита (Ботаническое), где на 375 десятинах земли и были сделаны первые посадки.

Второй директор Сада – Николай Гартвис – за 33 года работы на своём посту внёс огромный вклад в развитие Сада… Ныне посещаемая площадь Сада составляет около 80 га (а площадь с отделениями и филиалами — 1100 га), а береговая полоса – около 6 км.

Государственный Никитский ботанический сад – одно из старейших научных учреждений Украины, которому в 2000 году был предоставлен статус Национального научного центра.

В Саду собраны представители флоры практически со всех континентов — более 15 тысяч видов, форм и сортов растений, не считая гибридного фонда, причём, среди них немало уникальных и старейших растений-аборигенов, а различные поочерёдно цветущие растения (то деревья, то розы, то хризантемы) здесь можно увидеть фактически до зимы.

Никитский ботанический сад разделён на Верхний, Нижний, Приморский парки и парк мыса Монтадор… В Верхнем парке, гуляя вдоль красиво оформленных аллей, можно встретить не только крымские реликтовые растения, но и экзотических представителей флоры, завезённых с разных континентов Земли… Здесь растут: секвойя гигантская (мамонтово дерево), ливанские кедры, рощи ягодного тиса и дуба пушистого, возрастом более 500 лет, а также — 1000-летняя фисташка… Здесь находится розарий, имеются беседки, фонтаны и мостики, бассейны и гроты…

Наиболее старую часть Никитского сада — Нижний парк — украшают живописные уголки с фонтанами, беседками и скульптурами… Здесь растут: почти 200-летние рощи маслины европейской, магнолии крупноцветковой, кипариса пирамидального, лавра благородного… и множество теплолюбивых растений. Здесь же находится знаменитая пальмовая аллея, фонтан слёз и 700-летняя олива…

К юго-востоку от Нижнего парка находится более молодой — Приморский парк. В нём растут нежные и теплолюбивые субтропические растения: мирт, фейхоа, орхидейное дерево, карликовая пальма (хамеропс)…

Западнее Приморского парка, у моря расположен самый молодой — парк мыса Монтадор, где, наряду с аборигенными видами, произрастает ряд реликтовых хвойных экзотов…

На территории Сада есть научный музей, в котором представлено более 3 тысяч экспонатов, рассказывающих об истории Сада… При музее работает дегустационный зал, в котором проводятся традиционные винные дегустации и дегустации экзотических плодов Сада.


Напишите по английски сочинение примерно 60 слов на тему Достопримечательности Крыма ; например как — Ай — Петри, Ласточкино гнездо.

Vorontsov Palace – a jewel of Tauris.

A visit to a small South coast town of Alupka just to stroll through the mysterious Park surrounding the famous castle.

Its walls keep many secrets.

The Palace was designed by court architect of Queen Victoria of England, here under the veil of mystery met members of the Masonic Lodge, here of the legendary Winston Churchill, rested the great of this world famous film.

Vorontsov Palace illustration 0

Only some 20 years.

Since the story of the Vorontsov Palace, not mention the man who created this architectural masterpiece.

A descendant of the old Russian noble family, Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov was famous for the wit, erudition and refined taste.

In the tradition of his time, he since birth has been recorded in the regiment, and in four years «made» to warrant!

With 19 years of Vorontsov has really waging a war with the Turks, the Swedes and the French.

In the famous battle of Borodino, a young Earl gets injured.

In the years 1815 — 1818, Vorontsov commanded the Russian occupation corps in France.

Also takes part in the campaigns of the Caucasus, and in 1845 erected in princely advantage.

Vorontsov Palace illustration 1

Fruitful activities of Prince Vorontsov in peacetime.

A significant mark on himself, he left the new Russia, which was ruled by being in the rank of Governor from 1823 to 1844 — the year.

In those days edge, trusted him, included a considerable part of the Northern black sea, including Crimea.

Vorontsov was also a great handyman.

In the period of his reign cost increased Odessa, Kherson, Nikolaev, Sevastopol.

The Governor manages to hold the road, including the magnificent South coast highway in the Crimea.

At this time there shall be a shipping company on the Black sea, the foundations of viticulture and fine — fleeced sheep.

«He possessed great wealth – his and his wife, Countess Branitskaya, and we get huge content as Governor and spent most of their funds for the construction of the Palace and gardens on the southern coast of the Crimea», – wrote about count Leo Tolstoy «Hadji Murad».

Vorontsov Palace illustration 2

For the construction of your dream Vorontsov spared no expense, nor time, nor human resources.

The construction of the Palace lasted 20 years – work was carried out from 1828 to 1848.

To create the project invited Edward Blore, is a court architect of Queen Victoria.

He owned many famous buildings – castle Walter Scott in Scotland and Buckingham Palace in London.

Still unknown, did Blore to Alupka, but he miraculously managed to perfectly combine the architecture with the surrounding mountain scenery.

Perhaps the schemer lit up with inspiration, but it is possible that he came to the Crimea to get acquainted with the local terrain.

By the time of implementation of the project Blore foundations and first walls of the portal niche of the Central building was ready.

The Palace was originally built by architects Francesco Boffo and Thomas Harrison.

Vorontsov Palace illustration 3

To build the Palace come hereditary masons and stone — cutters, who had experience in the construction and relief decoration of white — stone cathedrals.

Thus, elegant residence was built on obrok serfs from the Vladimir and Moscow provinces.

A wonderful architectural piece was built by hand using primitive tools.

The first rose dining Cabinet then was built the Central.

In 1842 to the dining room was added a billiard room.

And in the years 1838 — 1844 shaped courtyard, was built guest building, Eastern wings, all Palace towers, the Pentagon of commercial buildings.

The latter was built the library building.

Vorontsov Palace illustration 4

The architecture of the Palace has elements of various periods, styles, architectural eclecticism, however, looks very harmonious.

The architects boldly combine the English style with Moorish.

A vivid example : the Gothic chimneys resemble minarets of the mosque.

The South entrance demonstrates Oriental splendor.

It is very similar to the Spanish Alhambra Palace, once owned by the Arab rulers.

On its facade the inscription is repeated six times, in Arabic, stating : «there is No Victor but Allah».

The Western part of the facade is in neo — Gothic style.

From the mountains of the Palace resemble the harsh outlines of the castles of the English aristocracy.

The Palace tower are very diverse.

The building is decorated with all sorts of spires and domes, carved eaves and openwork balustrades, staircases and chimney.

It is not Surprising that here in the twentieth century created the film adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson and Shakespeare, starred the famous «Heavenly swallows», «Crazy day or the Marriage of Figaro» and many other paintings.

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Данная презентация содержит информацию об одной из самых известных достопримечательностей Крыма — Ласточкино гнездо. Презентация выполнена на английском языке.


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Swallow’s Nest Castle Подготовил ученик 5 «В» класса Колотило Игорь

Слайд 2

Swallow’s Nest is a tiny medieval castle. It was built between 1911 and 1912 on the top of the 40-metre high Aurora Cliff right over the Black Sea.

Слайд 3

It was built by the Russian architect Leonid Sherwood.

Слайд 4

At first the structure was a wooden cottage romantically named the «Castle of Love».

Слайд 5

The Swallow’s Nest is one of the most popular visitor attractions in the Crimea. It is the symbol of Crimea’s southern coastline.

Слайд 6

I was there with my mother and my football team 2 years ago in spring. It was very windy and quite cool.

Слайд 7

I saw pelicans near the Nest. They simply walked, and they were not afraid of people. I really liked it.

Слайд 8

I think the Swallow’s Nest is a very beautiful and interesting place to visit.

Слайд 10

Thank you for your attention

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