Сочинение на английском camping

Camping is a very popular form of living outdoors. It gives people the opportunity of spending their free time in nature or in the wilderness. Camping may start by spending the night in a tent in your own back yard and end up by going on a trip that may last for several weeks.

Some campers stay in one place for days, a week or even longer. From there they visit tourist attractions, go fishing or hunting, play games and do active sports like mountain biking or just simply relax. Others prefer to tour areas and spend every night in a different place. They travel by car or motor homes.

Each year millions of people go camping. They can explore new surroundings and be close to nature at the same time.

Types of camping

Most people drive to a campsite and set up a tent there. This is easy because you can take everything you need for your camping holiday in your car with you. In most cases you will choose a campsite that is near the road.

Travelling in recreational vehicles (RV) is more comfortable but also much more expensive. These RVs range from small trailers to large mobile homes. They have all the luxuries that you would also have at home, like refrigerators, showers sinks or toilets.

Boat campers travel with a canoe, kayak or even a small houseboat. They spend days on lakes or rivers and usually camp on the water’s edge nearly every night.

In Western Europe, especially Holland, Belgium or Ireland you can rent a boat and travel on one of the hundreds of canals and smaller rivers that crisscross these countries.

Backpackers are hikers who carry their belongings on their backs. They usually go to places that you cannot reach by car. Special equipment is usually extremely light and can be carried on longer trips.

Campers who travel by bike usually can stay at normal campsites. On one side cyclists can get to places that you can’t get to by car and on the other side they travel longer distances than hikers do. They pack their things in waterproof saddlebags which they strap to the frame of the bike.

Organized camping holidays usually take place during the summer and are attended by girls and boys. They combine outdoor activities with other kinds of training or with learning. Boy and girl scouts are groups of children who go on special camping trips.

Camping equipment

If you go camping and want to spend the night in a tent you will need certain items.

Today’s tents are normally made of nylon, canvas or other light material. They are not so expensive and easy to fold together and carry around with you, especially if you are backpacking. The material has to be waterproof and is easy to put up.

If you want to sleep in a tent you will need a sleeping bag. It protects you from the outside cold and is warmer than a blanket. Sleeping bags come in different sizes, colours and shapes.

Sleeping on the ground however is not always very comfortable. Some campers have foam pads or air mattresses which they lie on.

Clothing is an important aspect when you go on a camping holiday. Be sure to take clothes with you that will protect you from the sun, rain and insects. Take along some lightweight trousers, comfortable shoes and warm shirts or a jacket for cold evenings. Always carry a raincoat or poncho with you. Hiking boots are good if you walk a lot.

You will also need other everyday items such as a toothbrush, toothpaste and soap. Take along sunglasses, maps, and a compass or maybe even a GPS device.

Campers should also have waterproof matches, extra batteries, a knife and a lantern or torch with them.

The campsite

Choosing the right place to set up a tent is not always an easy task. First choose a dry place. The open side of the tent should face away from windy and stormy directions. Remove stones and sticks from the ground. Sometimes it is necessary to dig a ditch around the tent so that water from rainfall can flow away.

If you camp in your RV make sure you have the necessary facilities you need. Many campgrounds supply you with energy and water connections. Sometimes, however, campsites require you to reserve a place in advance.

Organized campgrounds are areas that are mostly enclosed by a fence. They often provide picnic tables, grills and parking space for cars and offer extra activities for their guests.


There are some safety precautions you must take when camping outdoors.

A campfire is one of the many enjoyable parts of a camping experience, but you should do it right. Never leave your fire unattended Always have water nearby so that you can put out the fire if it gets out of control.

Safe drinking water is also something important. Public campgrounds usually provide good water but if you camp in the wilderness make sure you have fresh and clean water supplies with you. You can also buy tablets that purify water.

If you go hiking on your camping trip be aware of other dangers. Don’t touch poisonous plants like poison oak or poison ivy. If you get caught in a thunderstorm look for shelter. If you can’t find a house or another building sit under trees in a forest. Avoid tall trees that stand alone in open areas. Get out of the water if you are swimming.

Before you leave home tell someone where you are going and when you will probably be back. If you have never been to a place before don’t go there alone. Stay calm and remain in one place in case you get lost and wait until help arrives. Carry matches with you to light a fire and keep warm. Do not rely on cell phones to call someone. Chances are that you won’t have a good reception if you are in a remote area.

Clean up your campsite when you leave. Fill all the holes that you have dug. Save your waste until you can put it in waste bins.

It is quite natural to have different opinions on various problems. As the saying goes, «So many men, so many minds». Some people claim that camping is the best opportunity for young people to spend their summer holidays. Others disagree with it. I am going to look upon this issue and express my own point of view.

In my opinion, camping is really the greatest way for teenagers to spend summer holidays. Firstly, while camping you can learn more about the nature and about your planet. Secondly, camping teaches you to be self-organized. Thirdly, there are a lot of fun things to do while camping during summer holidays for young people. For example, you can swim in the river.

As I respect my opponents’ opinion, I would like to show on alternative point of view. Advocates of this opinion say that camping is not the greatest way for teenagers to spend summer holidays. First of all, campling can be dangerous for youngsters. Moreover, there are better ways for teenagers to spend their summer weekends, such as studying at a summer school etc.

However, I can hardly agree with such an opinion because everything in our life can be dangerous, you just should be careful and everything will be good. I think that children should not study during summer. It is their time to relax.

In conclusion, I would like to state once more that in spite of different opinions my point of view is that there is no better way to spend summer holidays for teenagers than camping.

Обновлено: 11.03.2023

Лови))) )
In the following I’m going to write about the frustrating problems of tent camping. Nothing can dampen the excited anticipation of camping more than bad weather. Even the most adventurous campers can lose some of their enthusiasm on the drive to the campsite if the sky is dark. After reaching their destination, campers must then put up their tent in the downpour. The tent is often far too small so that you don’t have enough space for your luggage. Another problem is cooking. Minor inconveniences include mosquitos and ants. The swarming of mosquitos can literally drive you crazy. You spend the whole night scratching, which will of course only worsen the itching. Ants do not usually attack campers, but keeping them out of the food can be quite an inconvenience. You arrive at the campsite at night, set up your tent and settle down for a peace¬ful night’s rest. Sometime during the night you are awakened by a huge crash. The tent has fallen down. Sleepily, you set up the tent in the rain. In the morning, you can’t get out of your sleeping bag because the zipper has got caught. And then you realize that your sleeping bag and all your clothes are drenched because they touched the sides of the tent. All in all camping can be very frustrating.

The Joy of Camping
Each year, a lot of people choose to spend their vacations camping outdoors in tents. Camping is much cheaper than a hotel and you are close to nature. However, tent camping can be an extremely frustrating experience.
Nothing can dampen the excited anticipation of camping more than bad weather. Even the most adventurous campers can lose some of their enthusiasm on the drive to the campsite if the sky is dark. After reaching their destination, campers must then put up their tent in the downpour. This includes keeping the inside of the tent dry and free from mud, getting the sleeping bags situated dryly, and protecting food from getting wet. Also strong wind can spoil the fun. More than a few campers have had their tents blown down or even damaged because of strong wind.
Another problem are encounters with wildlife. Minor inconveniences include mosquitos and ants. The swarming of mosquitos can literally drive you crazy. You spend the whole night scratching, which will of course only worsen the itching. Ants do not usually attack campers, but keeping them out of the food can be quite an inconvenience. Moreover ants inside a tent can crawl into sleeping bags and clothing. Snakes present a much bigger danger, so the tent must never be left open. An encounter between an unwary camper and a surprised snake can even prove to be fatal.
Finally there are annoying equipment failures. You arrive at the campsite at night, set up your tent and settle down for a peaceful night’s rest. Sometime during the night you are awakened by a huge crash. The tent has fallen down. Sleepily, you set up the tent in the rain. In the morning, you can’t get out of your sleeping bag because the zipper has got caught. And then you realize that your sleeping bag and all your clothes are drenched because they touched the sides of the tent.
In spite of all those problems camping continues to be a favorite pastime for many people. With the right attitude you can have a wonderful vacation. You simply have to see all the problems as a challenge and learn to laugh at bad weather, bugs and leaky tents.

Camping is a very popular form of living outdoors. It gives people the opportunity of spending their free time in nature.

Some campers stay in one place for days, a week or even longer. From there they visit tourist attractions, go fishing or hunting, play games and do active sports like mountain biking or just simply relax.

Most people drive to a campsite and put up a tent there. This is easy because you can take everything you need for your camping holiday in your car with you. There are some types of camping.

Boat campers travel with a canoe, kayak or even a small houseboat. They spend days on lakes or rivers. In Western Europe, especially Holland, Belgium or Ireland you can rent a boat and travel on one of the hundreds of canals and smaller rivers that crisscross these countries.

Backpackers are hikers who carry their things on their backs. They usually go to places that you cannot reach by car. Special equipment is usually extremely light and can be carried on longer trips.

Campers who travel by bike usually can stay at normal campsites. On one side cyclists can get to places that you can’t get to by car and on the other side they travel longer distances than hikers do.

Each year millions of people go camping. They can explore new surroundings and be close to nature at the same time.

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Summer Camps

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English camp for primary school students

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Camping is a very popular form of living outdoors. It gives people the opportunity of spending their free time in nature or in the wilderness. Camping may start by spending the night in a tent in your own back yard and end up by going on a trip that may last for several weeks. Some campers stay in one place for days, a week or even longer. From there they visit tourist attractions, go fishing or hunting, play games and do active sports like mountain biking or just simply relax. Others prefer to tour areas and spend every night in a different place. They travel by car or motor homes. Each year millions of people go camping. They can explore new surroundings and be close to nature at the same time.

Types of camping

Most people drive to a campsite and set up a tent there. This is easy because you can take everything you need for your camping holiday in your car with you. In most cases you will choose a campsite that is near the road.

Travelling in recreational vehicles (RV) is more comfortable but also much more expensive. These RVs range from small trailers to large mobile homes. They have all the luxuries that you would also have at home, like refrigerators, showers sinks or toilets.

Boat campers travel with a canoe, kayak or even a small houseboat. They spend days on lakes or rivers and usually camp on the water’s edge nearly every night.

In Western Europe, especially Holland, Belgium or Ireland you can rent a boat and travel on one of the hundreds of canals and smaller rivers that crisscross these countries.

Backpackers are hikers who carry their belongings on their backs. They usually go to places that you cannot reach by car. Special equipment is usually extremely light and can be carried on longer trips.

Campers who travel by bike usually can stay at normal campsites. On one side cyclists can get to places that you can’t get to by car and on the other side they travel longer distances than hikers do. They pack their things in waterproof saddlebags which they strap to the frame of the bike.

Organized camping holidays usually take place during the summer and are attended by girls and boys. They combine outdoor activities with other kinds of training or with learning. Boy and girl scouts are groups of children who go on special camping trips.

Camping equipment

If you go camping and want to spend the night in a tent you will need certain items.

Today’s tents are normally made of nylon, canvas or other light material. They are not so expensive and easy to fold together and carry around with you, especially if you are backpacking. The material has to be waterproof and is easy to put up.

If you want to sleep in a tent you will need a sleeping bag. It protects you from the outside cold and is warmer than a blanket. Sleeping bags come in different sizes, colours and shapes.

Sleeping on the ground however is not always very comfortable. Some campers have foam pads or air mattresses which they lie on.

Clothing is an important aspect when you go on a camping holiday. Be sure to take clothes with you that will protect you from the sun, rain and insects. Take along some lightweight trousers, comfortable shoes and warm shirts or a jacket for cold evenings. Always carry a raincoat or poncho with you. Hiking boots are good if you walk a lot.

You will also need other everyday items such as a toothbrush, toothpaste and soap. Take along sunglasses, maps, and a compass or maybe even a GPS device.

Campers should also have waterproof matches, extra batteries, a knife and a lantern or torch with them .

Camping is a popular way of spending a holiday. It has so much to offer. You enjoy absolute freedom. You don’t think about booking hotels in advance. There are no hotel breakfasts. If you don’t like the place, you can get up and go. You can stay in one place as long as you can. You sleep in the open air. It’s so exciting to arrive at a site, put up your tent and start getting a meal ready. You can use a gas stove and your tent can have a kitchen and a porch. Portable furniture is light and comfortable.

You are always active and close to nature. Thanks to camping you can see really beautiful places which you can’t reach by train or by bus. Imagine yourself beside some clear stream in the forest. Night is falling, everything is peaceful, the fire is cracking and a nice song is heard.

Camping provides you with a real change from every-day living. You get up earlier, go to bed earlier, develop a good appetite. You make friends with many people and sometimes they become your friends for a life.

Some people say that there are lots of inconveniences connected with camping: you can be bitten to death by mosquitoes, you must live on canned food, freeze in a sleeping-bag, carry huge weights on your back. But all these inconveniences are not very important for people who look forward for a few precious weeks in the year when they can really adopt a completely different way of life. For them a camping holiday is true recreation and real enjoyment.


camping — отдых на природе (обычно в палатке)

to put up — зд. поставить

porch — зд. веранда, крыльцо

portable — портативный, переносной,

inconveniences — неудобства

to bite (bit, bitten) — кусать

canned food — консервы

to freeze (froze, frozen) — замерзать

precious — ценный

enjoyment — удовольствие, радость, наслаждение

to take great enjoyment ( in) — получать большое удовольствие

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Nowadays summer camps are an actual way to spend your time and have a rest. There are also some summer schools integrating rest and studying, what is helpful for students of high school. But some people see minuces in going there. So, somebody says that visiting a such place is a good idea indeed. Others cannot agree with this opinion.

To my mind, summer camps are wonderful. Firstly, children have a lot of physical activities there, and it is helpful for their health and mood. It is important to make children to be not lazy and passive. Secondly, there are a great number of culture events and everybody can show something he can do better than others: show their drawings, dance, sing, read poems, everything else! Besides that, it is always interesting to look at adoring talents of other people.

And thirdly, you can make friends, it is always pleasant to meet cool persons, to talk about different things with them, to share secrets and believe each other. A summer camp is a nice place to find a friend to share your memories about this place.

But camps are really awful on the other side because you meet wonderful, adoring people, you love them and want them to be near, but you have to go home while you live in different towns or cities, and you feel so upset about that! Unfortunately, this sense is a neccessary part of each camp and it is terrible. No one can get used to it, somebody even refuses going to camps because of it. And secondly, everybody who have been in camps knows that you can hardly eat food that are cooked there because it is not tasty, but the same time you want to eat and have to. It is funny.

But, th be honest, there is nothing horrible in distance. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

Living far away from each other doesn’t make you aliens. You can still be best friends and maybe even meet one day. So, all considered above, I would like to say that everybody can decide himself if he wants to go to a summer camp or not, but I still believe it is a wonderful place to have a rest.

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I would think twice before going on a camping holiday. First of all, it is an occupation for a company, while I like to spend free time alone. Second, you should sleep in a tent. Personally I find it uncomfortable. Third, you can get food poisoning because of the forest food, I find it awful. More than that there are a lot of mosquitos outside at night. They will irritate you much. At last, you can get lost in the forest. It`s the worst thing which can happen. In general I wouldn`t enjoy such kind of holiday at all.

Версия для печати

Топик (сочинение) по английскому языку на тему «Туризм / Tourism»

Поход — это настоящее приключение

Весь список топиков на тему «Туризм / Tourism» смотрите здесь

I like to go camping very much. I like it because only in camping I can relax. When I go camping, I can chat with my friends, play different games and take the air.

I take my backpack with a lot of food. I always take my camera with me because I like to take pictures of animals. To my mind, all animals are beautiful. I like to watch their photos that are why I hang them on the walls.

At night I like to sit at the campfire and sing songs with my friends. I think camping is a real adventure.


Я очень люблю ходить в поход. Ведь только в походе ямогу расслабиться. В походе я могу поболтать с друзьями, поиграть в игры и подышать свежим воздухом.

Я беру с собой много еды. И всегда беру фотоаппарат, потому что люблю фотографировать животных. По-моему, они красивые. Мне нравится рассматривать фотографии животных, поэтому я развешиваю их на стенах.

Вечером я люблю сидеть с друзьями костра и петь песни. Я думаю что поход — это настоящее приключение.

Васильчикова Юлия

Другие топики по английскому языку на тему «Туризм / Tourism» раздела Путешествия / Travelling:

просмотров: 96319

  • •  Поход — это настоящее приключение

I would think twice before going on a camping holiday. First of all, it is an occupation for a company, while I like to spend free time alone. Second, you should sleep in a tent. Personally I find it uncomfortable. Third, you can get food poisoning because of the forest food, I find it awful. More than that there are a lot of mosquitos outside at night. They will irritate you much. At last, you can get lost in the forest. It`s the worst thing which can happen. In general I wouldn`t enjoy such kind of holiday at all.

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Pre-Reading Warm Up Questions: 

  1. Which do you prefer, camping or staying in hotels?
  2. What is the most enjoyable part about camping?
  3. What activities do campers enjoy?
  4. If you could camp anywhere, where would you like to camp?


Whatever happened to “roughing it”?

Once upon a time, camping was all about roughing it in the bush. People set up tents and cooked meals on an open fire. Children played in the forest, adults sat at picnic tables, and pets got tied to trees. When it rained, family and friends gathered under tarps to play games. These days, camping is more about luxury . Many people use tent trailers or motorhomes.

Their house on wheels is a mini version of their home in the city. If they do use tents, they bring air mattresses to cushion their bodies from the hard ground. Many campers bring their own stoves for cooking meals and brewing coffee. Beach and sand toys fill up overhead bins. SUV ’s allow campers to pack extra supplies, including bicycles, spare clothes, comfortable bedding, and emergency supplies. Some people refuse to camp, regardless of how comfortable it is.

They don’t like sleeping outdoors and they hate the smell of bug spray and skunks. These people may stay in hotels or cottages , but you won’t catch them dead on a campsite. On the other hand, there are still a handful of people who prefer roughing it . They love being out in the bush. Water, instant noodles, and a change of underwear is sufficient for those who want to be one with nature. You won’t catch these people dead checking their smart phones at camp!

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