Сочинение на английском что такое счастье

Топик (сочинение) по английскому языку на тему «Я в этом мире / I am in this world»

Что такое счастье?

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I think it`s impossible to describe such idea as happiness. You can describe only your feelings, your condition.

You may become happy, when you simply watch somebody`s eyes and they show joy.

To my mind, happiness is when a person wants to fly up and embrace all our land.

Person is a strange being. He can remember harm for a long time, but he can forget good the next day. People create their lives themselves and they «paint» these lives in their own colours.

Some people have nothing. They don`t have wealth, but they are «open» and can share everything they have with other people.

People can be happy at any age, at any time.

Inner worlds of people are different that`s why they feel the happiness differently. For example, for me the sun is the happiness. It warms all people, gives life for nature. It is common. It is one for everybody. So, the more people feel this wonderful sensation, the richer they`ll be.


Я думаю описать понятие «счастье» невозможно. Можно описать только чувства, состояние.

Ты можешь стать счастливым, когда ты просто смотришь в чьи-то глаза, а они излучают радость.

По-моему счастье — это когда человек хочет взлететь, когда хочет обнять всю землю.

Человек — странное создание. Он может долго помнить зло, а добро забыть на следующий день. Человек сам создает свою жизнь, раскрашивает ее своими красками.

У некоторых нет ничего. Они не имеют состояния, но они «открыты» и готовы поделиться малым.

Люди могут быть счастливыми в любом возрасте, в любое время.

Внутренний мир людей разный, поэтому они по-разному понимают счастье. Для меня, например, счастье — это солнце. Оно обогревает всех людей, дает жизнь природе. Оно общее. Оно одно на всех. Поэтому, чем больше людей охвачено этим невероятным ощущением, тем богаче они проживут свои жизни.

Старкова Алёна

Другие топики по английскому языку на тему «Я в этом мире / I am in this world» раздела Люди и общество / People and society:

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Учитель английского языка, к. филол.н.

МБОУ «Школа №37», г. Ростов-на-Дону


                                              What is Happiness

     Happiness is a wide
philosophic conception and every human being puts different sense in it. We
will try to show basic ingredients of happiness which can be applied to all the

     First and mostly
wide spread and doubtful understanding of happiness is connected with wealth,
and acquisition of material things. Many people spend their lives to acquire as
many things as possible. Eventually this wish transforms into obsession of
greed and accumulation of money. But material objects provide enjoyment which
is usually short-lived. Happiness in this way occurs more in recognizing the
things you have and appreciating them, rather than getting more things. 

     With aspiration to
wealth is connected the global desire of comfort. It is also a dubious type of
happiness. Comfort bears physical laziness and leads to incapacity of
adaptation to the changing in life conditions and environment.

     Another doubtful
understanding of happiness concerns getting body pleasures. It is normal if we
get pleasure from natural things: food, drinks, good aroma, good music,
beautiful pictures or landscapes, feeling of nature, opposite sex. But in these
natural enjoyments also must be moderation. Otherwise liking to some of the
pleasures or abuse of them can cause aggravation of psychological and physical
health. Moreover it concerns using artificial means of enjoyments like
narcotics, alcohol or desire of adrenaline buzz. Such errors lead to suffering
and death.  

     Health is essential
key contributor to happiness. A healthy diet is crucial and so is regular
exercise. Physical exercises have a doubtless effect on a person s mood. Sleep
is also important. Without good sleep you will be tired, irritated and moody.
If you want to be happy try to sleep at least eight hours a night.

     People who have the
support of family members or a strong friendship are more likely to be happy.
It provides the state of defense. And it is very important to feel the necessity
for close friends and relatives, to feel belonging to the society. Loneliness
causes the lack of joy, passivity and depression.     

     Love plays the main
role in real absolute happiness. It means that you have to be able to give and
take. It refers to your good will in giving and taking. You must take what is
offered with gratitude in order not to be proud and arrogant. And of course you
must give. Performing acts of kindness and generosity on a regular basis will
make you feel on the top of the world. Even a simple sincere smile can work
wonders and your real help to other people will give you the effect of joy and

     The last but not the
least in the register of happiness ingredients is the human s ability to
creation. In every work you can find the possibilities for creativity. Making
material things, intellectual issues or creating the works of art a person absorbs
high cosmic energy. Any labor evolves us and makes more perfect. Every kind of
creation makes us feel really happy.

     So what is happiness?
We can say that it is a complex idea including such crucial ingredients as
love, labor, creativity and health. These segments provide the constant sense
of happiness while other dubious components like acquisition, wish of comfort
and aspiration to body pleasures are short-lived and can ruin our life.   

All happy people are happy identically. But for each person the meaning of this word is different. Sometimes they understand that their life is coming to an end, but they can’t explain what happiness is.

For one person it means a family with a lot of children. For another it means a chic cottage on a beach near the ocean. I know a couple who are quite happy although they live in a poor village and they work hard from early morning till late at night. They have six children, their education is only thru the eight class.

They haven’t any opportunity to travel and they haven’t been even in Moscow. But they are happy because they breathe fresh air and eat ecological products.

As for me, I don’t know what happiness is. Some years ago I thought I could be happy only if I’d have a

Family and a child. Now I understand that it isn’t enough for me and I need something else.

We all know the stories when people begin to appreciate

what they have only after a terrible or dramatic accident has happened. And they understand that they need nothing to be happy, only to be healthy.

So, does it mean that happiness is health? I don’t know yet.

Все счастливые люди счастливы одинаково. Но для каждого человека значение этого слова различно. Иногда они понимают, что жизнь заканчивается, а объяснить, что такое счастье они не могут.

Для одного человека счастье – это семья и ребенок. Для другого – шикарный коттедж на берегу океана. Я знакома с парой, которая вполне счастлива, хотя живут они в деревне, работают с утра до вечера. У них шестеро детей и образование

8 классов.

У них нет возможности путешествовать, и они никогда не были даже в Москве. Но они счастливы, потому что дышат свежим воздухом и питаются экологически чистыми продуктами.

Что касается меня, я не знаю, что такое счастье. Несколько лет назад я думала, что могу быть счастлива только при наличии семьи и ребенка. Теперь я понимаю, что этого недостаточно и мне нужно что-то еще.

Мы все знаем истории, когда люди начинают ценить то, что имеют, только после того как с ними произойдет что-либо трагическое. И они понимают, чтобы быть счастливыми, им не нужно ничего, только быть здоровыми.

Итак, значит ли, что счастье есть здоровье? Я пока не знаю.


Что такое счастье? – Happiness – What Does It Mean?

метки: Английский, Счастие, Person, Счастливый, Человек, Realize, Состояние, Начинать

Перминов Павел. Пермский Институт ФСИН, Пермь, Россия

Я в этом мире

What is happiness? Where we should found it? Such questions come to our mind very often. But though the answers to these questions are simple they are not so easy to find out.

As a general rule, people looks after happiness in the world that surrounds them, but not in themselves. They suppose a happy event must pass or they must meet somebody on their life’s way and do something extraordinary to them and then this long-expected happiness will come.

But we do not realize that on a such way we do not participate in achieving this desirable sense that is why we often rest only unhappy watchers, other word persons waiting constantly their own miracle. In my opinion that is this constant waiting of happiness that transforms automatically in a specific feeling, — “present future”. And what feels a person in this case? Discontent! Anxiety! Our expectations give no results while time passes. And these desired events stay away from us and come to the people that least of all worthy of them as it seem to us. Therefore we begin to think we did not approach to our happiness in the life and have nothing besides some moment in the past where we felt happy but did not remark it.

On the other hand we begin to realize we should struggle for own happiness thanks to this dissatisfaction. Then we start to labour with patience and look backward over earlier mistakes leaving no any time for sorrowful reflections. Otherwise we could not avoid the most painful state of mind, — depression. While feeling distraction we should maintain our firmness in realization of all our wishes as soon as we would reachour aim, — to build a career, to become honorable, significant person. And these aims are in the future.

But with what is filled each day of our aimless life as it seems to be at first sight? The answer is evident – with the desire to reach everything we want as soon as possible. But a paradox appears! As soon as we have reached it we do not feel these pleasant senses we expect and then we begin to desire more things or we do not desire anything and do not strain after anything in the life.

So, what is the way to follow? Perhaps we should learn to associate happiness not as the aim of life, but as more positive identity and perception of the world that is around us.

We are born to be happy! We should not possess anything special to feel harmony. And happiness is not a permanent compartment, but distinct moment of joy, pleasure, harmony that we can see in our everyday life if we want it.

11 стр., 5282 слов

Английский топик Студенческая жизнь – Student Life (с переводом)

… university. I spend there almost the whole day and in the evening I have to cook dinner. After dinner I do my … страдает заниженной самооценкой. Подобрать для сочинения правильные слова поможет приведенная … Английское выражение Русский перевод First of all let me … help my parents and make some money. Student’s life is … My family always supports me. Моя семья всегда поддерживает меня. I am happy …

The majority of us are happy indeed!We should only learn to appreciate the things we already have: our loved ones, beloved persons that do very important things to us. Happiness is to be occupied with favorite deeds.

Pay attention to small pleasant things that fill every day of our life. And then every event will enrich you with positive or negative but still life’s experience! This is a real happiness.

Что такое счастье? Где его найти? Подобные вопросы часто приходят к нам в голову, но как бы просто не звучали они, ответ найти совсем не просто.

Люди ищут счастье в окружающем мире, а не в себе. Они думают, что должно произойти какое-то приятное событие, или что им должен встретиться кто-то на их пути и сделать для них нечто необыкновенное, вот тогда и наступит это долгожданное счастье.

Но мы не понимаем, что тем самым мы никак не участвуем в достижении этого заветного чувства, поэтому мы часто остаемся лишь несчастными наблюдателями,а точнее постоянными ожидающими своего чуда. По моему мнению, именно это постоянное ожидание счастья перерастает автоматически в некое специфичное состояние, — настоящее будущее. Что же при этом чувствует человек? Неудовлетворенность! Тоску! Наши ожидания не приносят со временем ничего. Эти самые долгожданные события обходят стороной, и одаривают тех людей, которые, как нам кажется, наименее всего заслуживают этого. Поэтому мы начинаем предполагать, что так и не приблизились к своему счастью в жизни. И имеем лишь считанные моменты из прошлого, когда мы чувствовали себя счастливыми, но не замечали этого.

С другой стороны, мы можем понять, осмыслить, что нам необходимо бороться за свое счастье именно благодаря этой неудовлетворенности. Тогда мы начнем упорно трудиться и учиться на собственных ошибках, не давая себя времени на грустные размышления. Иначе не избежать самого тяжкого состояния души, — депрессии. В минуты отчаяния нужно поддерживать свою уверенность в том, что все свои желаниямы реализуем, когда достигнем своей цели: построить карьеру, стать уважаемым, значимым человеком. И эти цели – в будущем.

Чем же заполнен каждый день нашей бесцельной на первый взгляд жизни? Желанием быстрее всего добиться, к чему стремимся … Но парадокс! Как только мы достигаем этого, нам это не приносит столь ожидаемого радостного чувства, и мы начинаем, или хотеть большего, или мы уже ничего кроме этого не желаем и ни к чему не стремимся в жизни.

Каков же выход? Возможно, нам надо научиться относиться к счастью не как к цели, а как к более положительному самоощущению и восприятию того, что нас окружает.

Мы рождены, чтобы быть счастливыми! Нам не нужно чем-то обладать, чтобы ощутить гармонию. И счастье – это не постоянное состояние, а как раз отдельные моменты радости, удовольствия, гармонии, которые при желании можно увидеть в своей повседневной жизни.

74 стр., 36757 слов

Научная работа: Сопоставление понимания смысла и счастья жизни …

… изучение рассказов Бориса Екимова. 2. Выявление раскрытия темы и смысла жизни в этих произведениях. 3. Изучение критической литературы по творчеству Бориса Екимова. 4. Анализ, осмысление решения проблемы счастья и смысла жизни героями рассказов Бориса Екимова. 5. …

Большинство из нас счастливы! Нужно лишь ценить то, что у нас уже есть: близкие, любимые люди, которые столько важного делают для нас. Счастье – это заниматься любимыми делами.

Обращайте внимание на приятные мелочи, которыми наполнен каждый день нашей жизни. И каждое событие вас обогатит положительному или отрицательному, но все-таки опыту! Это и есть счастье.

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Happiness is a state of mind when we are satisfied with our life and full of energy. But how can it be reached?

First of all, we have to make the people who surround us happy. In particularly, they are our relatives and friends. As it is known, positive emotions (as well as negative) can be communicated to the others. So, a person can scarcely be happy looking at miserable faces.

As for personal success, everybody have different opinion on this score. For the ones it is a lucky career, but for the others – an affectionate and understanding family or just a quiet life in the countryside.

One of theuniversal ways to happiness is an ability to define a purpose and to make all the necessary efforts to reach it. As I have already assured, that gives an opportunety to feel Relative freedom and self-sufficiency.

Anyway, all the people use their own means to gain happiness. At the same time, we do not always manage to fulfil all the designed plans. Despite this fact, we should not give way to dispair, since belief in success is not less important.

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Updated: Feb 13th, 2023

What is happiness? We can ask hundreds of people, and each of them would probably give different answers. One would say that happiness is to be with a loved one, the second would say that happiness is the stability, and the third, on the contrary, would say that happiness is the unpredictability. For someone, to be happy is to have a lot of money while for others – to be popular. All in all, there are plenty of different understandings of happiness.

Personally, I consider happiness as simplicity and peace when my family and friends are healthy and happy as well. I recognize that they all are dear to me and able to understand what is going on inside me. I know that they will support me in any situation doing everything that depends on them. In return, I am also ready to do much for them. What we do for others, helping them when they need our help, advice, or support and obtaining appreciation, is happiness because helping others, we are doing something very significant and necessary.

What does it mean to be happy? I think it is, primarily, a state of mind, it means to have harmony with yourself and the people around. Happiness is multi-faceted. Perhaps, the word “love” is the most appropriate one to describe my happiness as love is driven by our world. People create wonderful things concerning their job, hobby, or family. Love is life, and I am happy when I realize that I live up to the hilt.

However, some people might be unhappy even though they should be. For example, teenagers who have everything to live a happy life, including healthy family, close friends, and enough money to satisfy basic needs, ask their parents to buy the latest model of IPhone. In the case, parents could not afford it, some teenagers tend to feel unhappy. After all, one can be a successful leader and have millions as well as prestige, but do not have a loving family and emotional harmony.

In my opinion, material values are not a true measure of happiness. Happiness is the ability to be optimistic in spite of difficulties and the ability to overcome them successfully. Finally, challenges should be taken as the lessons that life presents us. Even the negative things teach something, give a new experience, or refer to the correct direction.

I believe that happiness is not a gift and not a given right as every person has its own happiness inside. Moreover, it is never too late to become happy. We can inspire and motivate ourselves and others to be happy. A stranger’s passing smile, warm rays of the sun penetrating the window, or a cup of freshly brewed coffee – happiness is in detail. Everyone chooses and prefers different sources. It is of great importance for people to enjoy moments of life, even the most insignificant ones.

We need to appreciate every moment in our lives remembering that happiness is within us. After all, time passes, and we are getting hurt by the fact that we did not appreciate the time when we had a chance. Therefore, living in peace and harmony with others, helping those who need your help, and avoiding things that you would regret about in future are paramount ways to find happiness and make others happy.

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