Сочинение на английском дорожная безопасность

Представлено сочинение на английском языке ПДД (Правила дорожного движения)/ Traffic Laws с переводом на русский язык.

Traffic Laws ПДД (Правила дорожного движения)
Modern life is full of traps and dangerous situations. If centuries ago there were only horse carriages on the streets and there was no real danger of being hit, nowadays we must obey a number of rules to be safe on roads. Современная жизнь полна ловушек и опасных ситуаций. Если несколько столетий назад на улицах были только конные экипажи, и не было никакой реальной опасности, в настоящее время мы должны соблюдать ряд правил, чтобы обезопасить себя на дорогах.
Even if you live only five minutes away from school but there is still one traffic light to be crossed, you should be very careful. The main thing we learn from the young age is to cross the street when there is a green light and to wait when there is a red or yellow light. In my opinion, that’s the most important traffic rule for the pedestrians. It is also important to remember that street crossing is allowed at the parts where there is a “zebra”. I mean the white stripes on the carriageway. Даже если вы живете всего в пяти минутах ходьбы от школы, но все же нужно перейти дорогу на один светофор, вы должны быть очень осторожны. Главное, что мы узнаем с малых лет это то, что нужно переходить улицу на зеленый свет, и переждать, когда горит красный или желтый свет. На мой взгляд, это самое главное правило дорожного движения для пешеходов. Важно также помнить, что улицу можно переходить только на тех участках, где есть «зебра». Я имею в виду белые полосы на проезжей части дороги.
Generally speaking, traffic laws are designed to protect the drivers and the pedestrians on the streets. If we don’t follow them, we are not only putting ourselves at danger, but we are putting at risk other people’s lives. By knowing a certain set of rules on the road, we help to prevent crashes, which plays a vital role. Many factors play a role in road safety. Drivers should be highly qualified to avoid accidents. Pedestrians should be extra careful and attentive. В целом, законы движения предназначены для защиты водителей и пешеходов на улицах. Если мы не будем следовать им, мы подвергнем опасности не только себя, но и поставим под риск жизнь других людей. Зная определенный набор правил на дороге, мы помогаем предотвратить аварию, что жизненно важно. Многие факторы играют определенную роль в обеспечении безопасности дорожного движения. Водители должны быть высокой квалификации, чтобы избегать несчастных случаев. Пешеходы должны быть очень осторожными и внимательными.
If everyone took responsibility for their actions and behavior, there would be less road accidents. The actual participants in traffic are drivers of cars or other vehicles and those people who cross the street. Every day we use buses, minibuses, trams, taxi cabs, local trains and other public transportation to get to work place or to school. As soon as we step out of our homes, we become traffic participants and we should remember about it during the day. Если бы все взяли на себя ответственность за свои действия и поведение, было бы меньше дорожно-транспортных происшествий. Фактическими участниками дорожного движения являются водители автомобилей или других транспортных средств и те люди, которые пересекают улицу. Ежедневно мы пользуемся автобусами, маршрутками, трамваями, такси, электричками и другим общественным транспортом для того, чтобы добраться до места работы или школы. Как только мы выходим из дома, мы становимся участниками дорожного движения, о чем должны помнить в течение дня.
Unfortunately, there are so many accidents these days on the streets. Some end only with the car damage, others can end with someone’s death. I’m sure if all the traffic participants were responsible people and followed the rules, the number of accidents would notably decrease. К сожалению, сегодня на улицах слишком много аварий. Некоторые заканчиваются всего лишь повреждением автомобиля, а другие чьей-нибудь смертью. Я уверена, что, если бы все участники дорожного движения были ответственными людьми и следовали правилам, количество аварий бы заметно снизилось.

дорожные знаки

Today, people’s lives can not do without transport, which in addition to convenience and a source of danger. Every day more and more cars, buses, trams and fixed-route taxis appear on the streets. To ensure that traffic on the road does not pose a threat to both drivers and pedestrians, there are rules of the road. It is very important to know how, when and where to cross the road. If you do not know or do not follow the rules of the road, it can lead to accidents and accidents. Thanks to these rules, pedestrians and vehicles do not interfere with each other to make a move. To help pedestrians and drivers on the roads are installed traffic lights, road signs and markings.

Very often, traffic jams or dense traffic flow are formed on the roads. As a rule, such situations arise at intersections or narrow streets, and a policeman-regulator comes to the aid of cars and pedestrians, who suggests the correct direction.

The rules of the road should know everything, including children. Pupils on their way to school cross the road and use the vehicle. It is important to know which light you can cross a road, from which side to go, how to get into the transport correctly, how to get out of it correctly, which way to go around. Unfortunately, traffic lights are not everywhere on the roads, there are not sidewalks and street lighting. In such cases, you should be especially careful on the street. You can cross the road to the green traffic light account, to the red one — to stand. You can not fool around the road or play the ball. The road can go strictly on the zebra.

Unfortunately, a lot of accidents on the roads occur through the fault of pedestrians who are in a hurry and cross the road in the wrong place. Be very careful, and do not neglect the traffic laws, because it can cost your life.


На сегодняшний день жизнь людей не может обходиться без транспорта, который кроме удобства представляет собой и источник опасности. С каждым днем на улицах появляется все больше и больше автомобилей, автобусов, трамваев и маршрутных такси. Для того, чтобы движение на дороге не представляло угрозы как для водителей, так и для пешеходов, существуют правила дорожного движения. Очень важно знать как, когда и где можно переходить дорогу. Если не знать или не соблюдать правила дорожного движения, это может привести к авариям и несчастным случаям. Благодаря этим правилам пешеходы и транспортные средства не мешают друг другу совершать движение. В помощь пешеходам и водителям на дорогах устанавливаются светофоры, дорожные знаки, разметки и указатели.

Очень часто на дорогах образуются автомобильные пробки или плотный транспортный поток. Как правило подобные ситуации возникают на перекрестках или узких улицах, и на помощь машинам и пешеходам приходит милиционер-регулировщик, который подсказывает правильное направление.

Правила дорожного движения должны знать все, в том числе и дети. Школьники по пути в школу переходят дорогу и пользуются транспортным средством. Важно знать на какой свет светофора можно переходить дорогу, с какой стороны идти, как правильно садиться в транспорт, как правильно выходить из него, с какой стороны обходить. К сожалению не везде на дорогах стоят светофоры, имеются тротуары и уличное освещение. В таких случаях следует быть особо внимательными на улице. Переходить дорогу можно на зелёный свет светофора, на красный — стоять. Нельзя баловаться рядом с проезжей частью или играть мячом. Дорогу можно переходить строго по зебре.

К сожалению очень много аварий на дорогах происходят по вине пешеходов, которые торопятся и перебегают дорогу в неположенном месте. Будьте очень внимательны, и не пренебрегайте правилам дорожного движения, ведь это может стоить вам жизни.

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Road safety

You can travel by car, by bus, by bike or by ship. It is very important to know the

road safety rules. When you travel on foot, you must walk on the pavement. It’s

dangerous to run onto the road and cross the road between parked cars. Look

both ways before you walk straight across the road. It’s dangerous to lean out of

the window. Don’t talk to the driver. It’s safe to wear a seat belt when you travel

by car. The traffic warden can help you with the traffic signs.

Road safety

You can travel by car, by bus, by bike or by ship. It is very important to know the

road safety rules. When you travel on foot, you must walk on the pavement. It’s

dangerous to run onto the road and cross the road between parked cars. Look

both ways before you walk straight across the road. It’s dangerous to lean out of

the window. Don’t talk to the driver. It’s safe to wear a seat belt when you travel

by car. The traffic warden can help you with the traffic signs.

Road safety

You can travel by car, by bus, by bike or by ship. It is very important to know the

road safety rules. When you travel on foot, you must walk on the pavement. It’s

dangerous to run onto the road and cross the road between parked cars. Look

both ways before you walk straight across the road. It’s dangerous to lean out of

the window. Don’t talk to the driver. It’s safe to wear a seat belt when you travel

by car. The traffic warden can help you with the traffic signs.

Road safety

You can travel by car, by bus, by bike or by ship. It is very important to know the

road safety rules. When you travel on foot, you must walk on the pavement. It’s

dangerous to run onto the road and cross the road between parked cars. Look

both ways before you walk straight across the road. It’s dangerous to lean out of

the window. Don’t talk to the driver. It’s safe to wear a seat belt when you travel

by car. The traffic warden can help you with the traffic signs.

Road traffic safety refers to
methods and measures for reducing the risk of a person using the road network
being killed or seriously injured. The users of a road include pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, their
passengers, and passengers of on-road public transport, mainly buses and trams. Best-practice road safety
strategies focus upon the prevention of serious injury and death crashes in
spite of human fallibility (which is contrasted with the old road
safety paradigm of simply reducing crashes assuming road user compliance with
traffic regulations). Safe road design is now about providing a road
environment which ensures vehicle speeds will be within the human tolerances
for serious injury and death wherever conflict points exist. Furthermore, the
highest possible degree of safety shall be ensured when transporting goods by
road. It is of vital importance to monitor and validate the road transportation
safety, including comprehensive checks on drivers, vehicles and safety processes.

Car accident essay in English where you will find information about car accidents and we will also know the most important reasons ,and you will find many guidance to avoid car accidents or minimize it as much as possible. All of this will be found here in the car accident essay.

Car accident essay

Car accidents have become widespread in all countries of the world and cause significant loss of lives each year as well as material losses. Here we will learn about the most important causes of car accidents and also the guidance to be followed to avoid car accidents. All of this will be found here in the car accident essay in English.

Car accidents

Despite the system that spreads in the streets ,in addition to the strict laws and violations issued by traffic police and various penalties, which may sometimes reach prison,  however, many problems occur, causing material losses and loss of lives, in so-called car accidents, which cause many deaths throughout the world each year, and the causes vary.

The accidents have many causes, including: crazy speed, youth races and reckless challenges, disturbances in certain parts of cars, such as brakes, etc., and do not repair or neglect them and lack of attention to the signs and lines of pedestrians .

Drugs and drinks which make the driver is unconscious and loses his concentration which leading to car accidents; driving requires a high concentration of driver.

Non-compliance with the traffic lights, not using seat belts , sudden stand without warning, using the phone while driving and lack of focus and distraction ;all these are causes of accidents.

There are many behaviors that will stop the accidents that cause many problems and losses including: Stay away from drinking alcohol and drugs. Do not use the phone especially during driving. Adhere to traffic signs. Periodic inspection of brakes in the vehicle. Moderation in speed and responsibility. Safety belts that limit injuries and deaths when serious and serious accidents occur.

Car accident paragraph

Of course, not everyone likes to be involved in car accidents.
The car is one of the advanced means of transportation that helps us spend our needs faster and easier.
But it is also in many cases a source of pain for us or for others.
No matter how much we find driving, there are still some accidents that happen.
Because of its heavy iron structure and the speed at which it travels, it remains dangerous and causes many deaths all over the world.
Therefore, half of the world’s population may have had an accident in one way or another with the car, whether a minor or major accident, or exposure to the threat of an imminent collision.
In all experiences we remember one thing: intense fear and lack of nerve.
The car is not something that can be avoided because of its speed.
So there is certainly an experience or a memory of witnessing an accident in which every person suffers physical pain with just a mere ticket.

A car accident paragraph

There is no doubt that accidents are a thing that may occur without any ability to avoid them. The more a person is in a hurry, or lacks focus, the more mistakes he makes.

There are also natural causes external to humans abilities that may contribute to causing accidents, so when a car accident occurs, we may find one of the reasons we mentioned causing this accident.

The painful thing about car accidents is that their impact is great with harm and dangers to humans and animals.
And it can cause significant material damage to the outer periphery of it.

Last year, while we were passing through a street, we saw a tree fall on the road, and in an attempt to avoid hitting the tree from one of the drivers, he caused a lot of damage to people passing by the road.

In the end, he crashed into a restaurant whose exterior facade is made of glass, all of this happened in a very short time.

Seeing all this damage caused by a car accident makes me so afraid of it. But it remains important and helps us in moving and shortening the time. As I always say, nothing is safe and accidents happen everywhere.

How to prevent car accidents essay

Car accidents are taken for granted in many times, there is always a percentage of mechanical errors and human errors, so preventing car accidents is one of the difficult things.

However, car accidents can be reduced by adopting more advanced means of protection, or by providing cultural dissemination and a great awareness of paying attention to several matters such as maintenance before travelling, regular review of monthly and annual checks and maintenance, continuous examination of people who abuse alcohol and drugs, road development and the establishment of better protection methods inside the car.

However, the biggest danger that occurs and causes accidents is the lack of alertness of drivers due to lack of sleep.
Laws must be followed that prohibit driving for those who drive for a long time on the road without sleep, or provide supervision for people who drive on highways without getting enough sleep.

Many international roads are famous for accidents occurring on them as a result of one of the drivers sleeping on these roads.

Monitoring and alerting can reduce accidents on these roads, or provide a dedicated service for a driver, as there are in many river channels.

The state provides a dedicated captain whose job is to pass ships through the waterways because of his experience, preparation and training.

Such a matter can solve the problem of continuous accidents due to the driver’s inexperience on the road or because of constant sleep.

Or it is possible to put test points on the road that make the driver drive while he is attentive to them, and if he misses one without registering himself, this shows that he is not awake enough and does not pay attention to the road.

A few simple ideas can prevent car accidents and reduce the rate dramatically.

Paragraph on car accident

We often hear about car accidents, and about the occurrence of many injuries, and sometimes there may be some deaths, whether for people we do not know anything about, or one of our relatives.

Not long ago we had a car accident, and I can confirm that it was a scary and fast experience at the same time, and I remember my body in a state of shock and I could not move it, and all my nerves were confused and shaking greatly, and I could not gather my strength and walk normally even though we did not have an accident .

One day my family and I were on our way back from a market and a motorbike passed by, trying to avoid a car in front of us, but he could not do so, and he collided with it from behind and fell in front of us.
My father tried to avoid the accident, and we all looked at the bike and the driver, and we were terrified.

We drove the car to the side of the road and the car turned and hit the side of the road and all this in a few moments. Thank God we didn’t hit the person who fell off the bike, but the situation was terrifying and had a lot of hard feelings. I hope no more accidents happen to us.

Car accident essay in English

Car accidents are among the things that happen to us every day, especially in cities. Almost daily I witness one or two accidents around me, and more than once I am inside a car and have an accident.

The reason for this is due to severe overcrowding, urgency and recklessness on the part of many people, lack of respect for road etiquette, and failure to pass through the places designated for pedestrians, as we were surprised by the passing of a person who cut off the road in front of cars, and there is a large pedestrian bridge, or a tunnel that can cross through it.

Such things happen daily and almost frequently in the same areas, and lead to car accidents mainly in an attempt to avoid collision with pedestrians.

We also see many problems of not checking the car before driving on the roads, and we see smoke coming out of the engine as a result of ignoring the measurement of the water percentage in the car, or not checking the oil or other things.

All of these things I hope we will develop and follow the sound and safe guidelines that prevent us from causing car accidents.

In this way we have provided you with car accident essay in English, and you can read more topics through the following link:

  • Essay on car
  • Essay on travelling

In Russia, too much is made of accidents. But the blame is not only the human factor, but also bad roads. Or rather, even, perhaps, all together. What they should be, safe roads? The first thing we will do on the roads of the future — put the exemplary and perfectly smooth asphalt. Also on the roads we will have perfectly smooth, clear and bright markings. It should be done high enough to hit her with a car in the wrong place, Kant markup recorded the accident and was transferred to «e» patrol, and that one can adequately according to the rules and the current legislation, control and monitoring activities aimed at compliance of traffic participants with established standards and regulations, take appropriate penalties. . Secondly, we don’t have traffic jams in the future, we will make a lot of underpasses, so the traffic lights are not impeded traffic. Thirdly, we will not rely on the consciousness of drivers to requirements of road signs, and take and equip almost all of the intersections and road electronic «employees» who at the slightest violation will be fined careless drivers… And the money will be used for improvement and repair of highway slopes… And the construction of new… The problem of drunk drivers is very serious… They should not only be involved in administrative responsibility, but at work, I think they should be punished… to Apply not only the penalties, but everyone should know that this man. To some extent, criminal… Also there must be mutual respect of pedestrians and drivers — the problem of frequent violations by pedestrians (crossing the carriageway in an unspecified place) and drivers (pedestrians on pedestrian crossings) , often at pedestrian crossings, children suffer, so. So must be the improvement of work on prevention of child road traffic injuries. I think the roads should not post advertising of chocolates, and should be submitted to the electronic slides with a text design in large letters, and possibly accompanied by a text on the rules of the road… I think, to the future of the road was safe, one of the methods of safe movement is the improvement of the road signs, markings, technical systems and other devices…


В России слишком много совершается аварий. А в этом виноват не только человеческий фактор, но и плохие дороги. Вернее, даже, наверно, все вместе. Какими же они должны быть, безопасные дороги?

Первое, что мы сделаем на дорогах будущего — положим образцовый и безукоризненно ровный асфальт. Также на дорогах у нас будет безупречно ровная, чёткая и яркая разметка. Её надо сделать достаточно высокую, чтобы при наезде на неё машиной в неположенном месте, кант разметки фиксировал аварию и передавался «электронному» патрульному, и, тот, сможет адекватно, согласно правилам и ныне действующему законодательству, контрольно-надзорной деятельности, направленной на соблюдение участниками дорожного движения установленных нормативов и правил, принять соответствующие меры наказания. . Во-вторых, чтобы у нас не было пробок на дорогах будущего, мы сделаем много подземных переходов, чтобы светофоры не тормозили движение транспорта. В-третьих, мы не станем возлагать надежду на сознательность водителей к требованиям дорожных знаков, а возьмём и оснастим почти все перекрёстки и дороги электронными «сотрудниками» , которые при малейшем нарушении будут штрафовать нерадивых водителей… А вырученные деньги пойдут на благоустройство и ремонт шоссейных трасс… И на строительство новых…

Проблема пьяных водителей стоит очень остро… Они не только должны привлекаться к административной ответственности, но и на работе, я думаю, их должны наказывать… Применять не только штрафные санкции, но и все должны знать, что этот человек. В какой-то мере преступник…

Также должно быть взаимоуважение пешеходов и водителей — проблема частых нарушений со стороны пешеходов (переход проезжей части в неустановленном месте) и водителей (наезды на пешеходов на пешеходных переходах) , часто на пешеходных переходах страдают дети, поэтому. Поэтому должно быть совершенствование работ по профилактике детского дорожно-транспортного травматизма. Я думаю, на дорогах должны стоять не столбы с рекламой шоколадок, а должны быть представлены электронные слайды с текстовым оформлением большими буквами, и, возможно, сопровождалось, текстом по правилам дорожного движения…

Я думаю, для того, чтобы дороги будущего были безопасными, одним из методов организации безопасного движения является усовершенствование дорожных знаков, разметки, технических систем и прочих приспособлений…

1) Cross the road only if the traffic lights shows green.

Переходи дорогу только на зелёный свет светофора.

2) If there is no traffic lights first find a safe place to cross, then look all around and listen for traffic before crossing.

Если светофора нет, первым делом найди безопасное место для перехода, затем оглядись и прислушайся, перед тем, как переходить дорогу.

3) Use the crossing if there is any. It is safer to cross using a subway.

Используй переход, если он есть. Безопаснее пользоваться подземным переходом.

4) Remember that traffic lights may let traffic move in some lanes while traffic in other lanes has stopped.

Помни, что светофор может разрешать одим рядам ехать, в то время, как другие ряды стоят.

5) Get on or off a bus only when it has fully stopped.

Заходи и выходи из автобуса только в случае его полной остановки.

6) Never cross the road directly behind or in front of a bus. Wait until it has moved off and you can see the road clearly in both directions.

Никогда не переходи дорогу прямо перед или за автобусом. Дождись, пока он уедет и ты сможешь увидеть дорогу во всех направлениях.

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