Сочинение на английском изобретения 20 века

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Изобретения/ Inventions с переводом на русский язык.

Inventions Изобретения
Over the years scientists have invented a great number of things, which we now use in everyday life, for example, computers, printing machines, telephones, radio, television, automobiles, photography, electricity, steam engine, planes etc. За много лет ученые изобрели большое количество того, что мы сейчас используем в повседневной жизни, например, компьютеры, печатные машинки, телефоны, радио, телевидение, автомобили, фотографию, электричество, паровой двигатель, самолеты и т.д.
One of the most useful and handy devices today is the computer. It is a comparatively new invention, which came into use in the 20th century. However, the form of computer was designed already in the mid- 1830s by the British mathematician Charles Babbage. Today, people simply can’t imagine their lives without computers. There is a whole generation which has grown up with calculators, computer games, word processor, Internet and else. Одним из наиболее полезных и удобных устройств на сегодняшний день является компьютер. Это сравнительно новое изобретение, которое вошло в обиход в 20-м веке. Однако внешний вид компьютера был разработан еще в середине 1830-х годов британским математиком Чарльзом Бэббиджем. Сегодня, люди просто не могут представить свою жизнь без компьютеров. Существует целое поколение, которое выросло на калькуляторах, компьютерных играх, текстовых редакторах, интернете и прочем.
Another vital device is the TV. This invention has truly changed the leisure habits of millions of people worldwide. Television was pioneered in the 1920s by Scottish electrical engineer John Logie Baird. He was the first to realize that light could be converted into electrical impulses, which are then transmitted over a distance. Другим важным устройством является телевизор. Это изобретение действительно изменило привычки времяпрепровождения миллионов людей по всему миру. Телевизор был впервые введен в 1920-х годах шотландским инженером-электриком Джоном Логи Бэрдом. Он был первым, кто понял, что свет может быть преобразован в электрические импульсы, которые затем передаются на расстояние.
Electricity, perhaps, is even more important. We wouldn’t be able to use computers and TVs without it. The invention of electricity dates back to the 19th century and is connected with such renowned names as Michael Faraday, Alessandro Volta, Humphry Davy and Andre Marie Ampere. Электричество, пожалуй, еще более важно. Мы не смогли бы использовать компьютеры и телевизоры без него. Изобретение электричества восходит к 19 веку и связано с такими известными именами, как Майкл Фарадей, Алессандро Вольта, Хэмфри Дэви и Андре Мари Ампер.
For the invention of telephones we should be grateful to Alexander Graham Bell. He is an Edinburgh-born scientist who patented the invention of telephone in 1876. A year later a great American scientist Thomas Edison produced the first working telephone. За изобретение телефонов мы должны быть благодарны Александру Грэхему Беллу. Он ученый, родившийся в Эдинбурге, который запатентовал изобретение телефона в 1876 году. Год спустя великий ученый американского происхождения Томас Эдисон выпустил первый рабочий телефон.
The invention of different types of transport has also changed the world, for example, airplanes and motor cars. Planes have brought distant lands within easy reach of ordinary people. American-born Wright brothers were the first to make the flight in 1903. The first petrol-driven car was produced in 1885 by the German engineer Carl Benz. Whether we like them or not, cars have given people great freedom of travel. Изобретение различных видов транспорта также изменило мир, к примеру, самолетов и автомобилей. Самолеты сделали далекие земли близкими для обычных людей. Родившиеся в Америке братья Райт были первыми, кто совершил полет в 1903 году. Первый бензиновый автомобиль был произведен в 1885 году немецким инженером Карлом Бенцем. Нравится нам это или нет, но автомобили дали людям большую свободу передвижения.

Топик (сочинение) по английскому языку на тему «Научные открытия / Scientific discoveries»

Television (1920s)
The invention that swept the world and changed leisure habits for countless millions was pioneered by Scottish-born electrical engineer John Logie Baird. It had been realised for some time that light could be converted into electrical impulses, making it possible to transmit such impulses over a distance and then reconvert them into light.

Motor Car (Late 19th Century)
With television, the car is probably the most widely used and most useful of all leisure-inspired inventions. German engineer Karl Benz produced the first petroldriven car in 1885 and the British motor industry started in 1896. Henry Ford was the first to use assembly line production for his Model Т car in 1908. Like them or hate them, cars have given people great freedom of travel.

The name came from the Greek word for amber and was coined by Elizabeth I’s physician William Gilbert who was among those who noticed that amber had the power to attract light objects after being rubbed. In the 19th century such great names as Michael Faraday, Humphry Davy, Alessandro Volta and Andre Marie Ampere all did vital work on electricity.

Photography (Early 19th Century)
Leonardo da Vinci had described the camera obscura photographic principle as early as 1515. But it was not until 1835 that Frenchman Louis Daguerre produced camera photography. The system was gradually refined over the years, to the joy of happy snappers and the despair of those who had to wade through friends’ endless holiday pictures.

Telephone (1876)
Edinburgh-born scientist Alexander Graham Bell patented his invention of the telephone in 1876. The following year, the great American inventor Thomas Edison produced the first working telephone. With telephones soon becoming rapidly available, the days of letter-writing became numbered.

Computer (20th Century)
The computer has been another life-transforming invention. British mathematician Charles Babbage designed a form of computer in the mid-1830s, but it was not until more than a century later that theory was put into practice. Now, a whole generation has grown up with calculators, windows, icons, computer games and word processors, and the Internet and e-mail have transformed communication and information.


The plane was the invention that helped shrink the world and brought distant lands within easy reach of ordinary people. The invention of the petrol engine made flight feasible and the American Wright brothers made the first flight in 1903.


Телевидение (1920)
Изобретение, которое охватило мир и изменило привычки проведения досуга для миллионов людей, было впервые показано инженером-электриком шотландского происхождения Джоном Логи Бэрдом. Было выяснено втечении некоторого времени, что свет может быть преобразован в электрические импульсы, что позволяет передавать такие импульсы на расстояние, а затем вновь обращать их в свет.

Автомобиль (конец 19-го века)
Наряду с телевидением, автомобиль, вероятно, является наиболее широко используемым и самым полезным из всех изобретений. Немецкий инженер Карл Бенц создал первый автомобиль с бензиновым двигателем в 1885 году и британской автомобильная промышленность началась в 1896 году. Генри Форд был первым, кто использовал конвеерное производство своей Модели Т автомобиля в 1908 году. Любим мы их или ненавидим, автомобили дали людям большую свободу передвижения.

Название произошло от греческого слова » янтарь» и было придумано врачом Елизаветы I Уильямом Гильбертом, в который был в числе тех, кто заметил, что янтарь может притягивать легкие предметы, после того, как его потереть. В 19 веке такие великие имена, как Майкл Фарадей, Гемфри Дэви, Алессандро Вольта и Андре Мари Ампер сделали все жизненно важные работы по электричеству.

Фотография (начало 19 века)
Леонардо да Винчи описал фотографические принципы камеры-обскуры в начале 1515. Но только в 1835 француз Луи Дагер создал камеру для фотографий. Системы постепенно совершенствовались в течение многих лет, на радость счастливых любителей фотогрфировать и отчаяние тех, кто вынужден преодолевать просмотры бесконечных фотографий праздников друзей.

Телефон (1876)
Рожденный в Эдинбурге, ученый Александр Грэхем Белл запатентовал свое изобретение телефона в 1876 году. На следующий год великий американский изобретатель Томас Эдисон произвел первый рабочий телефон. С доступностью телефонов, написание писем стало исчезать.

Компьютер (двадцатый век) 
Компьютер стал еще одним изобретением, преобразующим жизнь. Английский математик Чарльз Бэббидж разработал форму компьютера в середине 1830-х годов, но только более чем столетие спустя, теория была введена в практику. Теперь, целое поколение выросло с калькуляторами, окнами, значками, компьютерными играми и текстовыми процессорами, а также Интернет и электронная почта изменили общение и информацию.

Самолет изобретение, которое помогло уменьшить мир и сделать далекие земли в пределах легкой досягаемости для обычных людей. Изобретение бензинового двигателя сделало возможным полет, и американские братья Райт совершили первый полет в 1903 году.

The 20th century is, undoubtedly, the century that changed the world entirely. Now, this has had both, positive and negative, impacts. But, for the most part, the lives of humans have vastly improved.

Although there have been hundreds of remarkable inventions, this list has only covered 23. These include some of the most used items along with a few miraculous inventions that no one had ever even imagined of.

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Hold tight as this is going to be a venturesome ride through the 20th century!

1. Airplanes

In the 20th century, humankind touched the sky, literally. The credit is given to the Wright brothers who made the first flying airplane in 1903. Now, this is a confusing topic in other parts of the world, such as Brazi. The reason behind this is that even though the Wright brothers initially invented the airplane, a lot of other scientists from other parts of the world contributed to the improvement of the aviation industry. One such example is Alberto Santos-Dumont who was a Brazilian expert. He was the first to build a heavier-than-air aircraft in the European countries, although this was an unsuccessful invention.

As for the works of the Wright brothers, they did lay roots of the craft that has made it a piece of cake to travel to the other side of the world. The mere invention of airplanes contributed to the increased rates of trade, tourism, and lots of other good things. You may also blame this invention for wars and chaos, but overall, it won’t be wrong to say that the entire future of this world has been altered with this miraculous creation.

2. Personal Computer

Computers were not something that only one scientist was working on. There were many experts who were putting in efforts to create a successful final product around the same time. However, the first-ever computer that was programmable and worked effectively is said to be the Z1. This computer came into existence between 1936 and 1938. But, the works in this industry didn’t stop.

Alan Turning is regarded as the person who introduced the concept of a personal computer. He suggested that a machine should be invented that would be able to solve any problem as long as the problem was entered in the form of certain instructions. Alongside this, Konrad Zuse was working on creating similar machines. He is the one who made the Z3 computer. Other than that, the US Army sponsored the creation of Eniac. This was an all-electronic computer, run by a program, but without any storage space. After WW2, the US Army made this machine public. This is when Manchester University introduced an improved prototype that could store programs. You may consider this prototype the closest to today’s computers. However, the improvements did not stop and continue to this day.

3. Radio

You may think that radios are not as useful. But, the truth is, radio waves are used continually, all around you. The transmission of your mobile’s signals is also a form of radio waves. Keeping this in mind, it is clear that radio is a vital part of today’s world. Yet, it is unclear who really invented the radio.

The name most commonly associated with the invention of the radio is Marconi. He was the first to have sent a transatlantic radio message. This happened in 1901. However, before Marconi cashed it, Tesla had already introduced the idea of a radio. Moreover, the idea of wireless communication was not new at this point. Back in the 1800s, scientists were working on the concepts of electromagnetic waves. This led to the discovery of what we know as radio waves now. This long-wavelength light was discovered a long time ago, but yes, the practical implementation did not happen until the 20th century. Now, we don’t know which one point to name the real inventor. But we do know that this invention had been in the works for long and has surely been a life-changing addition to this world.

4. Television

Can you imagine your life without television? No entertainment, news updates, movies or background music through your chores. How boring would that be? Luckily, that is just a thought because back in 1927, Philo Taylor Farnsworth invented the first TV. Before this, a few people had come up with mechanical TV systems but they were a fail. This invention was the first electronic television that could also capture moving images. Although, this device was very different from what we know TV as of today.

The works of this 21-year old have helped educate the world beyond imagination. Word spreads from one side of the world to the other within seconds through TV transmissions. It has been a source of information in times of urgency. The whole broadcast media industry has flourished based on this invention alongside the radio. Moreover, it is a part of every household which is enough to explain its importance in this age.

5. Nuclear Power

It all started in the 1940s when some genius minds started working on the idea of nuclear power. The world awaited brilliant inventions that could possibly make the world an easier place to live in. Nuclear energy operated cars, free power generation, and other similar ideas started emerging. Everything was going great until the practical aspect of the work began. There was a lack of funds since sponsors had a hard time trusting this new, unknown idea. They much rather prefer the good old coal, oil, and gas instead of a risky investment. However, with the war in middle-east during the 1970s, the oil prices boosted immensely.

Within the next decade, people started showing way more interest in the idea and nuclear reactors started emerging all across the world. There is most definitely the risk of destruction. Radioactive emissions can make an area unsuitable for living things. However, the long list of pros of nuclear power cannot be ignored either.

6. Antibiotics

Considering the high rate of illnesses, it won’t be wrong to say that antibiotics have saved humankind. Had it not been for these bacteria fighters, the death rate would be way higher. The history behind antibiotics is pretty interesting. The discovery of this life-changing substance was more of an accident than an invention. Alexander Fleming, in 1928, first noticed the presence of a ‘mold’ that was killing the bacteria that he was studying. This was researched further and in 1941, Howard Florey and Ernst Chain presented this substance as a medicine named Penicillin.

Penicillin was only named as antibiotic 30 years later. Antibiotics played a huge role in not just saving human lives, but also in increasing the production of meat and milk. It came with the side effect of killing good bacteria along with the bad ones. Now, this exposed everyone who consumes meat or dairy to the risk of a lower resistance against diseases even if they have never consumed antibiotics themselves. The governments of many countries have banned the use of antibiotics in farms today which has lowered this risk while maintaining the positive effects of antibiotics.

7. Cell Phones

You’re probably reading this article on a smartphone right now. Although smartphones did not come into the picture until the end of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st century, the roots were laid down with the invention of the first cell phone. You probably have a very different image in your mind than what the first cell phone actually looked like. It did not have a touch-screen, internet or tens of entertainment options. All that this device could do was make phone calls. The cell phone had an antenna, actual buttons to dial the number, and a small display to show notifications. Unlike today’s compact and smart designs, this cell phone was huge, bulky, and not pretty at all.

As for the brains behind this invention, the credit is given to the company Motorola. Like most creations, the cell phone was only in the works simultaneously in multiple companies. However, Motorola was the one who made the first successful phone call from their invention. Ironically, Martin Cooper, an executive at Motorola, made this first legendary phone call to a rival company to inform them of their success. This was on April 3, 1973. Ever since then, the device has improved and to this day, the updates haven’t stopped.

8. Rocketry

One thing this world is very proud of is that humans have been able to reach the moon. Without the invention of rockets, this would never have been possible. Not only that, but rockets are also to be credited for a lot of other things we use on a daily basis. The only reason we have access to GPS is that rockets put satellites in space. Moreover, the majority of what our cell phones offer is all because of rockets.

Although rockets have been around in China since the 10th century, the true use of rockets only began in the 20th century. The earlier rockets were mere weapons of war, used to shoot arrows. However, after the 20th century, they became much bigger and stronger. Newton’s cradle and the second law of motion were just some of the theories used by scientists to explain that reaching the moon was possible. But, the first one to ever implement these was Robert Goddard who built the first liquid propelled rocket in 1926. Though, his rocket’s first flight was only up to a height of 12.5 meters.

9. Automobiles

The 20th century really did make commute possible. A world without automobiles may have been less polluted, but would be as advanced as it is today? From the everyday ease of traveling to the boom in trade, automobiles have helped this world move forward, literally. The first automobile invented was the motor car designed by Carl Benz in1879. This car ran on a gasoline-powered engine. However, the automobile that made this invention more accessible and user-friendly only came into existence in the 20th century.

Henry Ford is the man who made Model T in 1908. This car was affordable for an average middle-class American. Although the brains behind this invention were someone else’s, it was only due to Henry Ford that this industry flourished. Hence, Henry Ford is the man associated with the boom of automobiles. His company was able to sell millions of automobiles and to this day, Ford is a world-famous and successful business.

10. Submarine

Who knew that one day, humans will be able to survive underwater? Like many other 20th century inventions, the submarine has also been in the works long before it was officially announced. The use of submarine vessels in the Civil War back in the 1880s is proof that the idea was not new. But, the base of the modern submarines was nothing like the submarines of this time.

Submarines got a glow-up in the 20th century. They became an important weapon during the WW2. Today, the submarine paired with nuclear power is more powerful than one can imagine. The submarines used by the navy forces worldwide have an unlimited shooting range. Other than their use during wars, submarines also play a huge role in scientific research.

11. Internet

I can confidently say that the internet is ultimately the most important invention of all times and I’m sure you’ll agree. This ‘network of networks’ was initially assembled in 1983 by Robert E. Kahn and Vint Cerf. But, it became more accessible in the 1990s after the ‘world wide web’ was created.

The internet shrunk the world to the size of whatever device you own. Yes, airplanes and automobiles brought places closer, but the internet literally put them in your palm. Today, the entire world is dependent on this invention. From business to economy to politics to entertainment, you name it and it is somehow connected to the internet in one way or another. People from all across the world can connect with just one click. It has promoted the development of this world, in general. A huge money-making industry has flourished on the roots of the internet. This genius invention shook the world to its core like nothing else ever has!

12. Xerography

Xerography, or electrophotography, came into existence in 1938. All the ‘xerox’ copies you are able to make are because of the works of Chester Carlson. He was mostly inspired by the publications of Pal Selenyi, as I’m sure many more were too. However, Chester Carlson was the one to receive the patent for this invention.

Now, xerography has played a huge role in offices as well as in educational institutes. Like most American shows depict, xerography has also served as an easy excuse to meet up with your office fling in the xerox room. All jokes aside, the invention of xerography reduced handwork immensely. Prior to the availability of a photocopying device, people had to make exact copies of the printed documents by hand in order to reduce the printing expenditure. Xerox machines are also used for the printing of books and magazines in bulk. Although xerography was only available in grayscale at first, with time it was developed enough to produce colored prints too.

13. Vacuums

Have you ever noticed the amount of dust that gathers in your home when you don’t vacuum it for a few days? Now imagine how worse it would’ve been if there were no vacuum cleaners at all. Manually cleaning surfaces is way harder and time-consuming too. Fortunately, Hubert Cecil Booth and David T. Kenney created the masterpiece that we call a vacuum cleaner in 1901.

The general idea on which this machine operated was pretty similar to the vacuum cleaners we use today. However, famous names such as Kirby and Hoover continued to improve this machine. Daniel Hess was the man who came up with the idea of a vacuum that could be used on carpets. The bottom line is that over time vacuums have become more and more efficient.

14. Robots

A lot of people are afraid that someday robots will be smarter than humans and take over the world. Then there is also the hassle of filling out security checks on websites to confirm that you’re not a robot. These and all other robot-related issues cannot be blamed on one person since robots have been in the making for centuries. It all started with simple automated devices that eventually turned into human look-alikes that can talk, feel, and understand.

A modern robot with complex behavior was made by William Grey Walter in 1949. His robot had more similarities with a human, mainly because that is what his aim was. He wired up this robot to portray how brain cells work. Later, George Devol created the first programmable digital robot in 1954. This was called the Unimate and is credited for laying roots of the modern robotics industry.

15. Microwave Oven

The machine that heats up your pizza, pops your corn kernels and warms your hot chocolate was born in the 20th century too. The well-loved, well-used device in every kitchen, the microwave oven, was invented by Percy Spencer after the WW2. It was called a Radarange instead of a microwave oven back then. The first Radarange was sold in 1946.

You may not believe this but this invention only happened due to candy. Spencer was an American engineer. He noticed that some sort of waves on the radar that he was working on were cooking the candy in his pocket. Of course, he experimented here and there to finally find out that if microwaves were concentrated on food, the food will heat up and cook.

Here’s a fun fact:

To test his invention, the first thing he cooked in his microwave oven was popcorn!

16. Tea Bags

If you’re a tea lover, it might be hard for you to imagine a time when there were no tea bags. Yes, tea leaves didn’t always come in a permeable paper that you could dip into warm water. Before this time, and in some places even today, tea leaves are cooked in boiling water on flames. However, some tea enthusiasts who craved tea on the go came up with the brilliant idea of tea bags.

We don’t know who the mastermind behind this invention is. But, we do know who the first importer was. It was Thomas Sullivan who shipped tea bags all around the world. The sacks full of tea leaves were around since 1904. However, the rectangular tea bags we see today came into existence in 1944.

17. Safety Razor

Before the 20th century, people used a sharp metal blade to shave. Since there was no safety shield around it, it was a very tricky and dangerous tool to use. Luckily, King Camp Gilette, along with William Emery Nickerson, came up with a disposable razor in 1901. This invention was a huge success from the get-go due to its feasibility and safe use. These disposable safety razors were sold under the company name of the American Safety Razor Company. In 1904, the company was renamed to the Gilette Safety Razor Company. King Camp Gilette quickly became a millionaire. Who would have guessed that safety razors were the beginning of this world-famous company?

18. Compact Disc

Compact discs came in the 20th century and pretty much disappeared by the 21st. Although there isn’t much use of CDs in this day and age, they were once in a phase of a boom. It all started with James Russell’s love for music. Vinyl records just wouldn’t satisfy him. They had a low sound quality and would also damage easily. He started by replacing the needle on the record player with different items. However, none of them worked. That is when it hit him, what if the record player read the disc without touching it?

In 1965, Russell introduced his idea of digitized music to the Battelle Memorial Institue. After some hesitation, Russell got the heads up to start working on his project. He first created an audio CD, then he perfected the CD-ROM, and by 1973, there was a video disc in his hands.

19. Ballpoint Pen

A ballpoint pen is a writing instrument that works on pretty much all surfaces. Unlike a fountain pen, a ballpoint pen can write on leather, wood, coarse paper, etc. It dries quickly and is smudge-proof too. The phenomenon behind this device is a free-moving ball on the nib of the pen which cannot come out or go in but can rotate in its place easily. Based on this idea, John J. Loud invented the first ballpoint pen in 1888. However, it was not a practical invention.

The first ballpoint pen to be sold was one created by Laszlo Biro, hence the alternative name ‘Biro’ used for ballpoint pens. This happened in 1938. The ballpoint pens manufactured today are based on Biro’s invention.

20. Polio Vaccine

Did you know that there has been a 99% decline in polio cases since 1988? Had it not been for the polio vaccine, 17 million people who are healthy today would have been affected by polio. The credit for this lifesaving invention goes to Jonas Salk. His vaccine was approved in 1955. Later, an oral vaccine was introduced by Albert Bruce Sabin in the 1960s. This new vaccine quickly replaced Salk’s since it was commercially viable and also easier to treat patients with.

21. Helicopter

The first helicopter that this world saw was designed by Igor Sikorsky with a single main rotor and a tail rotor. It was built by the Vought-Sikorsky Aircraft Division in 1939. In September of the same year, this helicopter flew for the first time, although it was only for a couple of seconds. However, in 1940, an improved version of this helicopter flew at a speed of around 300mph. This VS-300 helicopter is still on display in the Henry Ford Museum.

22. Toaster

The crispy bread you enjoy in your breakfast is a luxury that only the people who came after the 20th century have enjoyed. There were no toasters before the 20th century. Actually, there was the Eclipse Toaster that was invented in 1893 by Alan MacMaster in Scotland. However, the first official toaster in the USA was made by Frank Shailor in 1909 and he is the one who got the patent for it. These toasters did not pop-up automatically. In fact, the user had to turn over the bread himself and once the bread was toasted, the device had to be turned off by hand too. A pop-up toaster only came in the market in 1919 after being invented by Charles Strite.

23. Electricity

The best was saved last. Most of the inventions mentioned above are useless without electricity. Fortunately, in the early 20th century, the concept of electrical power generation and distribution was expanded, which is what led to thousands of other creations. Originally, electricity was invented in the 1700s by Benjamin Franklin. However, the use of electricity was neither feasible not accessible.

The major work regarding electricity generation had been done in the late 19th century. The transmission of larger electricity units began within the first decade of the next century. Slowly but gradually, coal and oil generated power sources were replaced with electricity. Eventually, the feasible distance of transmission increased, the technology improved, and today, the entire world is lit by this invention.

  • Inventions


    The progress is a very important thing. Over the history of mankind people have been inventing many useful and important things. The names of the great scientists are well-known: T. Edison, Galileo Galilei and many others.
    Прогресс очень важен. За всю историю человечества людей было изобретено много полезных и важных вещей. Имена великих ученых хорошо известны: Т. Эдисон, Галилео Галилей и многие другие.
    Sometimes the names of inventors are lost and we do not know whose particular invention is. Especially, it concerns the Ancient times. We think that invention is something special and extremely difficult. However, for example, such trivial for modern people things as axe and soap were great inventions for the time when they were invented.
    Иногда имена изобретателей теряются во времени, и мы не знаем, кто является автором того или иного изобретения. Особенно это касается древних времен. Мы считаем, что изобретение – это нечто особенное и очень сложное. Однако, например, такие банальные для современных людей вещи, как топор и мыло, были великими изобретениями для того времени, когда они были изобретены.
    Scientists always try to create something new and useful. Each invention becomes a significant step in the world history. It is hard to imagine our life without electric light. However over many centuries people used candles. From 1761 many researchers had been trying to invent a bulb. In 1878 an incandescent light bulb was invented by British physicist and chemist Joseph Swan. The first lit by an incandescent light bulb street in the world was lit by his bulb. One more invention was made by German inventor Dr. Ernst Werner Siemens. It was a trolleybus. In 1807 the first commercially successful steamboat transported people along the Hudson river.
    Ученые всегда пытаются создать что-то новое и полезное. Каждое изобретение становится важным шагом в мировой истории. Трудно представить нашу жизнь без электрического света. Однако на протяжении многих веков люди использовали свечи. С 1761 года многие исследователи пытались изобрести лампочку. В 1878 году лампа накаливания была изобретена британским физиком и химиком Джозефом Сваном. Первая в мире освещенная электрической лампочкой улица была освещена лампочкой, изобретенной им. Еще одно изобретение было сделано немецким изобретателем Э. В. Сименсом. Этим изобретением был троллейбус. В 1807 году первый коммерчески успешный пароход перевез людей по реке Гудзон.
    Of course, not all inventions are used for the good purpose. Some of them may be used for doing harm. However it depends on people. If inventions are used for the good, many great things may be done for progress.
    Конечно, не все изобретения используются для хороших целей. Некоторые из них могут быть использованы для причинения вреда. Однако это зависит от людей. Если изобретения используются на благо, много замечательных вещей может быть сделано для достижения прогресса.
    Автор — Ирина Селезнева

  • Television (1920s)
    The invention that swept the world and changed leisure habits for countless millions was pioneered by Scottish-born electrical engineer John Logie Baird. It had been realised for some time that light could be converted into electrical impulses, making it possible to transmit such impulses over a distance and then reconvert them into light.
    Motor Car (Late 19th Century)
    With television, the car is probably the most widely used and most useful of all leisure-inspired inventions. German engineer Karl Benz produced the first petroldriven car in 1885 and the British motor industry started in 1896. Henry Ford was the first to use assembly line production for his Model Т car in 1908. Like them or hate them, cars have given people great freedom of travel.
    The name came from the Greek word for amber and was coined by Elizabeth I’s physician William Gilbert who was among those who noticed that amber had the power to attract light objects after being rubbed. In the 19th century such great names as Michael Faraday, Humphry Davy, Alessandro Volta and Andre Marie Ampere all did vital work on electricity.
    Photography (Early 19th Century)
    Leonardo da Vinci had described the camera obscura photographic principle as early as 1515. But it was not until 1835 that Frenchman Louis Daguerre produced camera photography. The system was gradually refined over the years, to the joy of happy snappers and the despair of those who had to wade through friends’ endless holiday pictures.
    Telephone (1876)
    Edinburgh-born scientist Alexander Graham Bell patented his invention of the telephone in 1876. The following year, the great American inventor Thomas Edison produced the first working telephone. With telephones soon becoming rapidly available, the days of letter-writing became numbered.
    Computer (20th Century)
    The computer has been another life-transforming invention. British mathematician Charles Babbage designed a form of computer in the mid-1830s, but it was not until more than a century later that theory was put into practice. Now, a whole generation has grown up with calculators, windows, icons, computer games and word processors, and the Internet and e-mail have transformed communication and information.
    The plane was the invention that helped shrink the world and brought distant lands within easy reach of ordinary people. The invention of the petrol engine made flight feasible and the American Wright brothers made the first flight in 1903.
    Телевидение (1920)
    Изобретение, которое охватило мир и изменило привычки проведения досуга для миллионов людей, было впервые показано инженером-электриком шотландского происхождения Джоном Логи Бэрдом. Было выяснено втечении некоторого времени, что свет может быть преобразован в электрические импульсы, что позволяет передавать такие импульсы на расстояние, а затем вновь обращать их в свет.
    Автомобиль (конец 19-го века)
    Наряду с телевидением, автомобиль, вероятно, является наиболее широко используемым и самым полезным из всех изобретений. Немецкий инженер Карл Бенц создал первый автомобиль с бензиновым двигателем в 1885 году и британской автомобильная промышленность началась в 1896 году. Генри Форд был первым, кто использовал конвеерное производство своей Модели Т автомобиля в 1908 году. Любим мы их или ненавидим, автомобили дали людям большую свободу передвижения.
    Название произошло от греческого слова ” янтарь” и было придумано врачом Елизаветы I Уильямом Гильбертом, в который был в числе тех, кто заметил, что янтарь может притягивать легкие предметы, после того, как его потереть. В 19 веке такие великие имена, как Майкл Фарадей, Гемфри Дэви, Алессандро Вольта и Андре Мари Ампер сделали все жизненно важные работы по электричеству.
    Фотография (начало 19 века)
    Леонардо да Винчи описал фотографические принципы камеры-обскуры в начале 1515. Но только в 1835 француз Луи Дагер создал камеру для фотографий. Системы постепенно совершенствовались в течение многих лет, на радость счастливых любителей фотогрфировать и отчаяние тех, кто вынужден преодолевать просмотры бесконечных фотографий праздников друзей.
    Телефон (1876)
    Рожденный в Эдинбурге, ученый Александр Грэхем Белл запатентовал свое изобретение телефона в 1876 году. На следующий год великий американский изобретатель Томас Эдисон произвел первый рабочий телефон. С доступностью телефонов, написание писем стало исчезать.
    Компьютер (двадцатый век)
    Компьютер стал еще одним изобретением, преобразующим жизнь. Английский математик Чарльз Бэббидж разработал форму компьютера в середине 1830-х годов, но только более чем столетие спустя, теория была введена в практику. Теперь, целое поколение выросло с калькуляторами, окнами, значками, компьютерными играми и текстовыми процессорами, а также Интернет и электронная почта изменили общение и информацию.
    Самолет изобретение, которое помогло уменьшить мир и сделать далекие земли в пределах легкой досягаемости для обычных людей. Изобретение бензинового двигателя сделало возможным полет, и американские братья Райт совершили первый полет в 1903 году.

  • From space shuttles to eye-glasses, from air-conditioning to the Internet – inventions of the last centuries have completely transformed our lives and our world. The era of fascinating discoveries has changed the way we communicate, the way we spend our free time. The machine gun has made our world more dangerous, the parking meter – more expensive and refrigerators have changed our eating habits. We can’t imagine our life without electricity and domestic electric appliances today such as microwave ovens, toasters, washing-machines, dish-washers, vacuum cleaners, irons and many others. Our world is also impossible without modern means of transport: cars, trains, ships or airplanes.
    I am really amazed by the greatest medical inventions of penicillin, anaesthetic, contact lenses, X-rays and many others.  Penicillin is the name of an antibiotic that is used to kill dangerous bacteria in our bodies. This medicine was discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming. Many people worldwide stopped dying when their wounds had got infected. Of course, it is impossible to count how many lives have been saved by penicillin, but some estimate that it is about 200 million.  As for X-rays, they were discovered by Wilhelm Rontgen in 1895 by accident. X-ray machines produced images of different parts in the human body. And since then they have been widely used for analyzing problems with bones, teeth and organs. Today they are also used at airports for luggage inspection.
    I must say that some inventions are quite strange and funny. Among them are food fans (for making your hot food cool enough to eat), heated toilet seats or devices that translate dog barking. As for weapons, cigarettes and fast food, I believe they are the worst mankind inventions. Modern inventions should make our life easier and better, but they must not cause health problems or destroy our planet.


    От космических кораблей до очков для глаз, от кондиционирования воздуха до интернета – изобретения последних столетий полностью изменили наши жизни и наш мир. Эра удивительных открытий изменила то, как мы общаемся, как мы проводим свободное время. Автоматы сделали наш мир более опасным, счетчики за парковку – более дорогим, а холодильники изменили наши привычки в питании. Мы не можем представить свою жизнь сегодня без электричества и бытовых электроприборов, таких как микроволновые печи, тостеры, стиральные машины, посудомоечные машины, пылесосы, утюги и многие другие. Наш мир невозможен и без современных видов транспорта: автомобилей, поездов, кораблей или самолетов.
    Меня просто поражают величайшие медицинские открытия пенициллина, анестезии, контактных линз, рентгеновских лучей и многого другого.  Пенициллин – это название антибиотика, который используется для уничтожения опасных бактерий в нашем организме. Это лекарство было открыто в 1928 г Александром Флемингом. Многие люди по всему миру перестали умирать после того, как их раны были заражены. Разумеется, невозможно подсчитать количество жизней, спасенных при помощи пенициллина, но по некоторым оценкам, это около 200 млн. Что касается рентген-лучей, их открыл случайно Вильгельм Рентген в 1895 г. Рентгеновские аппараты производят изображения различных частей человеческого тела. И с тех пор они широко используются для анализа проблем  с костями, зубами и органами.  Сегодня они также применяются в аэропортах для осмотра багажа.
    Должен сказать, что некоторые изобретения довольно странные и забавные. Среди них вентиляторы для еды (для того, чтобы охладить горячую еду), подогреваемые туалетные сиденья или приборы для перевода лая собак. Что касается оружия, сигарет и фаст фуда, я считаю, что это худшие изобретения человечества. Современные открытия должны делать нашу жизнь легче и лучше, но не должны вести к проблемам со здоровьем и разрушать нашу планету.

  • There are many other famous inventors from the USA. Bette Nesmith Graham ,being an inventor of liquid paper, has made the life of numerous office workers easier Исправлено: has made the life of numerous office workers easier being an inventor of liquid paper. Mark Twain being a close friend of Tesla has also patented three inventions such as a history trivia game, a scrapbook, which is self-pasting, and an “Improvement in Adjustable and Detachable Straps for Garments”. You must not forget about George Washington Carver, a famous botanist, who has managed to improve the crops of many farmers and create many useful products made from peanuts. Carrett Morgan experimented with hair care products and is the inventor of the safety hood and the Исправлено: the inventor of a safety hood and a traffic control device. John Philip Holland is a father of the first underwater vessel, which was a prototype of the modern submarine. George Westinghouse dealt with electricity distribution and the railway industry. Richard Feynman is a theoretical physicist formulating the basics of quantum mechanics, quantum electrodynamics and the principles of some liquids’ superfluidity. Many people have made a great contribution in today’s technology, but not everyone Исправлено: everyone of them has been mentioned here, as the number of the US inventors is very big and each of them worked hard to reach his or her goals.

  • The Englishman Alexander Graham Bell patented his invention of the telephone in 1876. Very soon in the 20th century the telephone was already in every office and almost every house.
    Nowadays the car is probably the most widely used and most useful of all the inventions. The German engineer Karl Benz produced the first petrol driven car in 1885.

    Some Famous Inventors

    At the beginning of every invention there is its author with his desire to change, create and improve. I would like to say a few words about some of the famous inventors.
    Alexander Popov was a Russian physicist who first demonstrated the practical application of radio waves. In 1894 he built his first radio.
    Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was the founder of cosmonautics. Initially, he was a Mathematics and Physics teacher. But he never gave up the idea about space travel. His drawings and calculations became the basis of practical space flights.

    Modern Inventions

    The progress never stops even for a minute. Modern inventors introduce more complex and more amazing ideas.
    Nowadays we widely use computers and cell phones which were invented not so long ago. Another wonderful example is laser with different technologies in medicine, industry and electronics.

    Величайшие изобретения прошлого

    С первых дней люди изобретают новые вещи, чтобы сделать жизнь проще. Изобретения чрезвычайно изменили мир.
    Многие путешествуют на самолетах. Но это было бы невозможно без братьев Райт, которые совершили первый полет в 1903 году.

  • Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. His first version of the Web was a program named “Enquire”. At the time, Berners-Lee was working at the European Particle Physics Laboratory located in Geneva, Switzerland. He invented the system as a way of sharing scientific data (and other information) around the world, using the Internet, a world-wide network of computers, and hypertext documents. He wrote the language HTML (HyperText Mark-up Language), the basic language for the Web, and devised URL’s (universal resource locators) to designate the location of each web page. HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) was his set of rules for linking to pages on the Web. After he wrote the first browser in 1990, the World Wide Web was up and going. Its growth was (and still is) phenomenal, and has changed the world, making information more accessible than ever before in history. Berners-Lee is now a Principal Research Scientist at the Laboratory for Computer Science at the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, Massachusett, USA) and the Director of the W3 Consortium. which develops and maintains these and other standards that enable computers on the Web to effectively store and communicate different forms of information
    At its core, the Web is made up of three standards:
    1. the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), which is a universal system for used for referring to resources (such as documents and images on the Internet) such as Web pages;
    2. the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which specifies how the browser and server communicate with each other; HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the method used to transfer or convey information on the World Wide Web;
    3. the HyperText Markup Language (HTML), used to define the structure and content of hypertext documents. ‘HyperText Markup Language’ (HTML) is a markup language designed for the creation of web pages with hypertext and other information to be displayed in a web browser.
    The World Wide Web is the combination of four basic ideas:
    hypertext, that is the ability, in a computer environment, to move from one part of a document to another or from one document to another through internal connections among these documents;
    resource identifiers, that is the ability, on a computer network, to locate a particular resource (computer, document or other resource) on the network through a unique identifier;
    • the client-server model of computing, in which client software or a client computer makes requests of server software or a server computer that provides the client with resources or services, such as data or files; and
    markup language, in which characters or codes embedded in text indicate to a computer how to print or display the text, e.g. as in italics or bold type or font.
    On the World Wide Web, a client program called a web browser retrieves information resources, such as web pages and other computer files, from web servers using their network addresses and displays them, typically on a computer monitor, using a markup language that determines the details of the display. The act of following hyperlinks is often called “browsing” the Web. Web pages are often arranged in collections of related material called “websites.” The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium where member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public, work together to develop standards for the World Wide Web. W3C’s mission is: “To lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing protocols and guidelines that ensure long-term growth for the Web”.
    Internet   The Internet, or simply the Net, is the publicly accessible worldwide system of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using a standardized Internet Protocol (IP). It is made up of thousands of smaller commercial, academic, domestic, and government networks. It carries various information and services, such as electronic mail, online chat, and the interlinked Web pages and other documents of the World Wide Web.
    From its creation in 1983 it grew rapidly beyond its largely academic origin into an increasingly commercial and popular medium.By the mid-1990s the Internet connected millions of computers throughout the world. Many commercial computer network and data services also provided at least indirect connection to the Internet.
    Contrary to some common usage, the Internet and the World Wide Web are not synonymous: the Internet is a collection of interconnected computer networks, linked by copper wires, fiber-optic cables, etc.; the Web is a collection of interconnected documents, linked by hyperlinks and URLs, and is accessible using the Internet.

    First of all it should be mentioned that television was invented in 1920s and it is considered one of the most important. It changed leisure habits for countless millions and was pioneered by Scottish-born electrical engineer John Logie Baird.
    It had been realised for some time that light could be converted into electrical impulses, making it possible to transmit such impulses over a distance and then reconvert them into light.
    After television, the car is probably the most widely used and most useful of all inventions. German engineer Karl Benz produced the first petrol-driven car in 1885 and the British motor industry started in 1896. Henry Ford was the first to use assembly line production for his Model T car in 1908. Like them or hate them, cars have given people freedom of travel.
    Leonardo da Vinci had described the camera obscura photographic principle as early as 1515. But it was not until 1835 that Frenchman Louis Daguerre produced camera photography. The system was gradually refined over the years, to the joy of happy snappers and the despair of those who had to wade through friends’ endless holiday pictures.
    In 1876 Edinburgh-born scientist Alexander Graham Bell patented his invention of the telephone. The following year, the great American inventor Thomas Edison produced the first working telephone. With telephones soon rapidly becoming available, the days of letter writing became numbered.
    Another life-transforming invention was the computer. British mathematician Charles Babbage designed a form of computer in the mid 1830s, but it was not until more than a century later the theory was put into practice. Now, a whole generation has grown up with calculators and computer games, the Internet and e-mail have transformed communication and information.
    And at last we should mention the invention of planes that помог положить shrink the world and brought distant lands within easy reach of ordinary people. The invention of the petrol engine made flight feasible and the American Wright brothers made the first flight in 1903.
    1. What are the inventions of the 19th century?
    2. Who invented the television?
    3. What did Karl Benz produced?
    4. When was camera photography produced?
    5. Is telephone the necessary invention?
    6. What is the role of computers in our life?
    to convert – преобразовывать
    to transmit – передавать
    to refine – улучшать
    to snap – щелкать
    despair – отчаяние
    available – доступный
    Прежде всего необходимо отметить, что телевидение было изобретено в 1920-х гг., и это открытие считается одним из важнейших. Оно изменило привычки отдыха многих людей и была изобретена шотландским инженером-электронщиком Джоном Лоджи Бэирд.
    Через некоторое время выяснили, что свет может превращаться в электрические импульсы, это делает возможным передачу импульсов на расстояние и снова превращение их на свет.
    После телевидения автомобиль, вероятно, наиболее широко распространенный и самый полезный из всех изобретений. Немецкий инженер Карл Бенц в 1885 г. изобрел первый автомобиль, работающий на бензине, а в 1896 г. началась британская автомобильная индустрия. Генри Форд первым использовал сборочную линию продукции для своего автомобиля модели Т в 1908 г. Любим мы их или нет, но машины дают людям свободу передвижения.
    Леонардо да Винчи первым описал принцип фотографической камеры в 1515 г. Но только в 1835 г. француз Луис Дегур сделал фотографическую камеру. Эта система постепенно улучшилась на радость счастливых фотографов и разочарование тех, кому приходится просматривать бесконечные выходные фотографии друзей.
    В 1876 г. ученый Александр Грэхем Белл, родом из Эдинбурга, запатентовал свое изобретение телефона. В следующем году великий американский изобретатель Томас Эдисон изобрел первый работающий телефон. С тех пор как телефоны стали доступными, дни написания писем были сочтены.
    Другое изобретение, что изменил жизнь, – это компьютер. Британский математик Чарльз Бэббидж сконструировал форму компьютера в середине 1830-х гг., но только через столетие после того теория перешла в практику. Сейчас целое поколение выросло с калькуляторами, компьютерными играми; Интернет и электронная почта изменили общение и информацию.
    И наконец, изобретение самолет сделал далекие страны доступными для обычных людей. Изобретение двигателя, работающего на топливе, сделал возможными полеты, а американские братья Райт в 1903 г. совершили первый полет.

  • Television (1920s)
    The invention that swept the world and changed leisure habits for countless millions was pioneered by Scottish-born electrical engineer John Logie Baird. It had been realized for some time that light could be converted into electrical impulses, making it possible to transmit such impulses over a distance and then reconvert them into light.
    Motor Car (Late 19th Century)
    With television, the car is probably the most widely used and most useful of all leisure-inspired inventions. German engineer Karl Benz produced the first petrol driven car in 1885 and the British motor industry started in 1896. Henry Ford was the first to use assembly line production for his Model Т car in 1908. Like them or hate them, cars have given people great freedom of travel.
    The name came from the Greek word for amber and was coined by Elizabeth I’s physician William Gilbert who was among those who noticed that amber had the power to attract light objects after being rubbed. In the 19th century such great names as Michael Faraday, Humphry Davy, Alessandro Volta and Andre Marie Ampere all did vital work on electricity.
    Photography (Early 19th Century)
    Leonardo da Vinci had described the camera obscura photographic principle as early as 1515. But it was not until 1835 that Frenchman Louis Daguerre produced camera photography. The system was gradually refined over the years, to the joy of happy snappers and the despair of those who had to wade through friends’ endless holiday pictures.
    Telephone (1876)
    Edinburgh-born scientist Alexander Graham Bell patented his invention of the telephone in 1876. The following year, the great American inventor Thomas Edison produced the first working telephone. With telephones soon becoming rapidly available, the days of letter writing became numbered.
    Computer (20th Century)
    The computer has been another life-transforming invention. British mathematician Charles Babbage designed a form of computer in the mid-1830s, but it was not until more than a century later that theory was put into practice. Now, a whole generation has grown up with calculators, windows, icons, computer games and word processors, and the Internet and e-mail have transformed communication and information.
    The plane was the invention that helped shrink the world and brought distant lands within easy reach of ordinary people. The invention of the petrol engine made flight feasible and the American Wright brothers made the first flight in 1903.
    Великие изобретения
    Телевидение (1920)
    Изобретение, которое охватило мир и изменило привычки проведения досуга для миллионов людей, было впервые показано инженером-электриком шотландского происхождения Джоном Логи Бэрдом. Было выяснено в течение некоторого времени, что свет может быть преобразован в электрические импульсы, что позволяет передавать такие импульсы на расстояние, а затем вновь обращать их в свет.
    Автомобиль (конец 19-го века)
    Наряду с телевидением, автомобиль, вероятно, является наиболее широко используемым и самым полезным из всех изобретений. Немецкий инженер Карл Бенц создал первый автомобиль с бензиновым двигателем в 1885 году, а британская автомобильная промышленность началась в 1896 году. Генри Форд был первым, кто использовал конвейерное производство своей Модели Т автомобиля в 1908 году. Любим мы их или ненавидим, автомобили дали людям большую свободу передвижения.
    Название произошло от греческого слова ” янтарь” и было придумано врачом Елизаветы I Уильямом Гильбертом, в который был в числе тех, кто заметил, что янтарь может притягивать легкие предметы, после того, как его потереть. В 19 веке такие великие имена, как Майкл Фарадей, Гемфри Дэви, Алессандро Вольта и Андре Мари Ампер сделали все жизненно важные открытия по электричеству.
    Фотография (начало 19 века)
    Леонардо да Винчи описал фотографические принципы камеры-обскуры в начале 1515. Но только в 1835 француз Луи Дагер создал камеру для фотографий. Системы постепенно совершенствовались в течение многих лет, на радость счастливых любителей фотографировать и отчаяние тех, кто вынужден преодолевать просмотры бесконечных фотографий праздников друзей.
    Телефон (1876)
    Рожденный в Эдинбурге, Александр Грэхем Белл запатентовал свое изобретение телефона в 1876 году. На следующий год великий американский изобретатель Томас Эдисон произвел первый рабочий телефон. С доступностью телефонов, письма стали исчезать.
    Компьютер (двадцатый век)
    Компьютер стал еще одним изобретением, преобразующим жизнь. Английский математик Чарльз Бэббидж разработал форму компьютера в середине 1830-х годов, но только более чем столетие спустя, теория была введена в практику. Теперь, целое поколение выросло с калькуляторами, окнами, значками, компьютерными играми и текстовыми процессорами, а также Интернетом и электронной почтой, которые изменили общение и информацию.
    Самолет – изобретение, которое помогло уменьшить мир и сделать далекие земли в пределах досягаемости для обычных людей. Изобретение бензинового двигателя сделало возможными полеты, и американские братья Райт совершили первый полет в 1903 году.

  • Перевод:
    Современный человек едва ли может представить свою жизнь без машин. Ежедневно или появляются новые устройства, или улучшаются уже существующие. Люди по-разному относятся к новым изобретениям. Некоторые полагают, что сложные гаджеты на самом деле полезны и необходимо, в то время, как другие считают их ужасными из-за их отрицательного влияния на людей. Что касается меня, я абсолютно уверена в том, что новые устройства делают нашу жизнь легче.
    Во-первых, они выполняют всю грязную и тяжелую работу, такую как уборка. Во-вторых, устройства экономят как время, так и место. Например, компьютерный диск может вмещать столько же информации, как несколько толстых книг. Итак, машины помогают людям в разных сферах деятельности.
    Однако противники этой точки зрения абсолютно уверены в том, что новые изобретения отрицательно влияют на людей. Люди не хотят работать из-за влияния устройств. Они становятся ленивыми и неорганизованными. Они ждут, когда их последние изобретения сделают всё за них. Более того, по мнению ученых, многие широко распространенные гаджеты обладают излучением, которое может вызвать серьёзные проблемы со здоровьем. Кроме того, всё больше и больше людей становятся зависимыми от компьютера, телевизора или мобильного телефона. Они игнорируют свои домашние обязанности, учебу или работу и проводят всё своё время перед ноутбуком или экраном телевизора.
    В заключение, я считаю, что, несмотря на все имеющиеся недостатки, достоинства гаджетов намного более занчительны, так как они экономят время и позволяют людям наслаждаться жизнью!
    Каменская Татьяна

  • На английском языкеПеревод на русский языкInventionsИзобретенияOver the years scientists have invented a great number of things, which we now use in everyday life, for example, computers, printing machines, telephones, radio, television, automobiles, photography, electricity, steam engine, planes etc. One of the most useful and handy devices today is the computer. It is a comparatively new invention, which came into use in the 20th century. However, the form of computer was designed already in the mid- 1830s by the British mathematician Charles Babbage. Today, people simply can’t imagine their lives without computers. There is a whole generation which has grown up with calculators, computer games, word processor, Internet and else. Another vital device is the TV. This invention has truly changed the leisure habits of millions of people worldwide. Television was pioneered in the 1920s by Scottish electrical engineer John Logie Baird. He was the first to realize that light could be converted into electrical impulses, which are then transmitted over a distance. Electricity, perhaps, is even more important. We wouldn’t be able to use computers and TVs without it. The invention of electricity dates back to the 19th century and is connected with such renowned names as Michael Faraday, Alessandro Volta, Humphry Davy and Andre Marie Ampere. For the invention of telephones we should be grateful to Alexander Graham Bell. He is an Edinburgh-born scientist who patented the invention of telephone in 1876. A year later a great American scientist Thomas Edison produced the first working telephone. The invention of different types of transport has also changed the world, for example, airplanes and motor cars. Planes have brought distant lands within easy reach of ordinary people. American-born Wright brothers were the first to make the flight in 1903. The first petrol-driven car was produced in 1885 by the German engineer Carl Benz. Whether we like them or not, cars have given people great freedom of travel.За много лет ученые изобрели большое количество того, что мы сейчас используем в повседневной жизни, например, компьютеры, печатные машинки, телефоны, радио, телевидение, автомобили, фотографию, электричество, паровой двигатель, самолеты и т.д. Одним из наиболее полезных и удобных устройств на сегодняшний день является компьютер. Это сравнительно новое изобретение, которое вошло в обиход в 20-м веке. Однако внешний вид компьютера был разработан еще в середине 1830-х годов британским математиком Чарльзом Бэббиджем. Сегодня, люди просто не могут представить свою жизнь без компьютеров. Существует целое поколение, которое выросло на калькуляторах, компьютерных играх, текстовых редакторах, интернете и прочем. Другим важным устройством является телевизор. Это изобретение действительно изменило привычки времяпрепровождения миллионов людей по всему миру. Телевизор был впервые введен в 1920-х годах шотландским инженером-электриком Джоном Логи Бэрдом. Он был первым, кто понял, что свет может быть преобразован в электрические импульсы, которые затем передаются на расстояние. Электричество, пожалуй, еще более важно. Мы не смогли бы использовать компьютеры и телевизоры без него. Изобретение электричества восходит к 19 веку и связано с такими известными именами, как Майкл Фарадей, Алессандро Вольта, Хэмфри Дэви и Андре Мари Ампер. За изобретение телефонов мы должны быть благодарны Александру Грэхему Беллу. Он ученый, родившийся в Эдинбурге, который запатентовал изобретение телефона в 1876 году. Год спустя великий ученый американского происхождения Томас Эдисон выпустил первый рабочий телефон. Изобретение различных видов транспорта также изменило мир, к примеру, самолетов и автомобилей. Самолеты сделали далекие земли близкими для обычных людей. Родившиеся в Америке братья Райт были первыми, кто совершил полет в 1903 году. Первый бензиновый автомобиль был произведен в 1885 году немецким инженером Карлом Бенцем. Нравится нам это или нет, но автомобили дали людям большую свободу передвижения.

  • Светило науки — 62 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи

    our world of technology and invention, are developing rapidly. We have instant access to information from around the globe. Advances in modern medicine have neutralized the dangerous disease. You can go a long way in a few hours or even get into space. All this is possible thanks to the invention and the desire of people.But many of today’s inventions was a modest beginning. Discovery of ancient times, became the source of modern inventions. Why invention becomes really important?Important elegant invention and their impact is huge. They do not just solve the problem taken separately, they open up the possibility of implementing many of the ideas. They open up new possibilities
    lektrichestvoSuch inventions as the wheel, often born by chance that people searching for solutions to their everyday problems. But the invention of electricity was the result of scientific research.Scholars of ancient Greece knew that if you rub amber, in Greek «electron», obtained a magnetic force that attracts birds feathers. They believed amber toy and did not know how to use it.Only 200 years ago, scientists have understood how electricity can be used. Widely known for the case of Benjamin Franklin, who in 1752 launched a kite during a thunderstorm. He saw that the ropes stood vertically. When he touched the metal key, I got an electric shock. This was proof that the clouds contain electricity.Franklin wrote in his journal, «Richard’s Almanac unfortunate» that the installation of lightning conductor can protect the house from the storm. Moreover, the electric charge will strike grounded metal rod rather than a building.When American homes began installing lightning rods, the priests began to vigorously protest, claiming that the thunder of God expresses anger and can not communicate with him.

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    Television (1920s)

    The invention that swept the world and changed leisure habits for countless millions was pioneered by Scottish-born electrical engineer John Logie Baird. It had been realised for some time that light could be converted into electrical impulses, making it possible to transmit such impulses over a distance and then reconvert them into light.

    Motor Car (late 19th Century)

    With television, the car is probably the most widely used and most useful of all leisure-inspired inventions. German engineer Karl Benz produced the first petroldriven car in 1885 and the British motor industry started in 1896. Henry Ford was the first to use assembly line production for his Model Т car in 1908. Like them or hate them, cars have given people great freedom of travel.


    The name came from the Greek word for amber and was coined by Elizabeth I’s physician William Gilbert who was among those who noticed that amber had the power to attract light objects after being rubbed. In the 19th century such great names as Michael Faraday, Humphry Davy, Alessandro Volta and Andre Marie Ampere all did vital work on electricity.

    Photography (early 19th Century)

    Leonardo da Vinci had described the camera obscura photographic principle as early as 1515. But it was not until 1835 that Frenchman Louis Daguerre produced camera photography. The system was gradually refined over the years, to the joy of happy snappers and the despair of those who had to wade through friends’ endless holiday pictures.

    Telephone (1876)

    Edinburgh-born scientist Alexander Graham Bell patented his invention of the telephone in 1876. The following year, the great American inventor Thomas Edison produced the first working telephone. With telephones soon becoming rapidly available, the days of letter-writing became numbered.

    Computer (20th Century)

    The computer has been another life-transforming invention. British mathematician Charles Babbage designed a form of computer in the mid-1830s, but it was not until more than a century later that theory was put into practice. Now, a whole generation has grown up with calculators, windows, icons, computer games and word processors, and the Internet and e-mail have transformed communication and information.


    The plane was the invention that helped shrink the world and brought distant lands within easy reach of ordinary people. The invention of the petrol engine made flight feasible and the American Wright brothers made the first flight in 1903.

    Версия для печати

    Inventions – Изобретения

    The Greatest
    Inventions of the Past

    Since the early days people have been inventing new things to
    make the life easier. Inventions have changed the world immensely.

    A lot of people travel by planes. But it would be impossible
    without the Wright brothers who made the first flight in 1903.

    The Englishman Alexander Graham Bell patented his invention of
    the telephone in 1876. Very soon in the 20
    th century
    the telephone was already in every office and almost every house.

    Nowadays the car is probably the most widely used and most
    useful of all the inventions. The German engineer Karl Benz produced the first
    petrol driven car in 1885. 

    Some Famous

    At the beginning of every invention there is its author with his
    desire to change, create and improve. I would like to say a few words about
    some of the famous inventors.

    Alexander Popov was a Russian physicist who first demonstrated
    the practical application of radio waves. In 1894 he built his first radio.

    Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was the founder of cosmonautics.
    Initially, he was a Mathematics and Physics teacher. But he never gave up the
    idea about space travel. His drawings and calculations became the basis of
    practical space flights.


    The progress never stops even for a minute. Modern inventors
    introduce more complex and more amazing ideas.

    Nowadays we widely use computers and cell phones which were
    invented not so long ago. Another wonderful example is laser with different
    technologies in medicine, industry and electronics.

    изобретения прошлого

    С первых дней люди изобретают новые вещи, чтобы сделать жизнь
    проще. Изобретения чрезвычайно изменили мир.

    Многие путешествуют на самолетах. Но это было бы невозможно без
    братьев Райт, которые совершили первый полет в 1903 году.

    Англичанин Александр Грэхем Белл запатентовал свое изобретение –
    телефон – в 1876 году. Очень скоро в 20-м веке телефон был уже в каждом офисе и
    почти в каждом доме.

    В настоящее время автомобиль, вероятно, – наиболее широко
    используемое и наиболее полезное из всех изобретений. Немецкий инженер Карл
    Бенц произвел первый автомобиль на бензине в 1885 году. 

    знаменитые изобретатели

    У истоков каждого изобретения находится его автор с его желанием
    изменить, создать и улучшить. Я хотел бы сказать несколько слов о некоторых
    известных изобретателях.

    Александр Попов был русским физиком, который впервые
    продемонстрировал практическое применение радиоволн. В 1894 году он построил
    свой первый радиоприемник.

    Константин Циолковский был основателем космонавтики.
    Первоначально он был учителем математики и физики. Но он никогда не отказывался
    от идеи о космических путешествиях. Его рисунки и расчеты легли в основу
    практических космических полетов.


    Прогресс не останавливается ни на минуту. Современные
    изобретатели представляют более сложные и более удивительные идеи.

    В настоящее время мы широко используем компьютеры и сотовые
    телефоны, которые были изобретены не так давно. Другой замечательный пример –
    лазер с различными технологиями в медицине, промышленности и электронике.

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