Сочинение на английском мой любимый фильм титаник

My favourite video film is “Titanic”. It tells the story of a famous ship, the “Titanic”, which sank in 1912. The “Titanic” was a colossal ship even by modern standards. Its tragic sinking will always be remembered, for the ship went down on the first voyage with heavy losses.

The director of the film is James Cameron. The main parts in the film are played by young actors Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet. To my mind their acting is superb. The camerawork is fantastic, too. I’ve heard that they made a full-size model of the “Titanic” for this film.

It’s a very spectacular film. It is also a moving love-story. I advise all my friends to see “Titanic”. The film was awarded 11 Oscars and I’m sure it deserves every one of them.

Перевод: Мой самый любимый фильм — «Титаник». Он рассказывает историю известного судна «Титаник», которое затонуло в 1912 году. «Титаник» был колоссальным кораблем даже по современным стандартам. Его трагическое крушение всегда будет помниться, поскольку корабль утонул во время своего первого рейса с большими потерями.

Режиссер фильма — Джеймс Кэмерон. Главные роли в фильме играют молодые актеры Леонардо ди Каприо и Кейт Уинслет. На мой взгляд, их актерская игра превосходна. Операторская работа является фантастической, тоже. Я слышал, что они сделали для этого фильма модель «Титаника» в натуральную величину.

Это очень впечатляющий фильм. Кроме того, это трогательная история любви. Я советую всем моим друзьям, посмотреть «Титаник». Фильм был удостоен 11 Оскаров, и я уверен, что он заслуживает каждого из них.

Сочинение «Мой любимый фильм — Титаник»

The film that left a deep and lasting impression on me is a great work of James Cameron direction – “Titanic”. This is feature colored film of more than 3 hours long. This film was released by Columbia Pictures associated with 20th Century Fox. For Russian audience it was doubled by several TV companies and channels.

Фильм, который оказал на меня глубокое и продолжительное впечатление, это великая работа режиссера Джеймса Кэмерона «Титаник». Это художественный фильм продолжительностью более трех часов. Фильм выпущен кинокомпанией «Коламбия пикчерс» совместно с «Двадцатым Столетием Фокс». Для русских зрителей он был дублирован несколькими телевизионными компаниями и каналами.

The director of “Titanic” is well-known Canadian James Cameron famous for his huge budget movie hits. “Titanic” deals with a tremendous disaster which happened on April, 14 1912 in the Atlantic Ocean when more than 15 hundred people died in freezing water after the enormously huge and luxurious passenger liner “Titanic” had sunk.

Режиссер фильма – хорошо известный канадец Джеймс Кэмерон, популярный своими крупнобюджетными кинохитами. В «Титанике» речь идет об ужасной катастрофе. Которая случилась 12 апреля 1912 года в Атлантическом океане, когда более 1500 человек погибли в ледяной воде после того, как невероятно огромный и роскошный пассажирский лайнер «Титаник» утонул.

On this background the love of two young people strongly separated by position they took in society was growing. This story is not quite typical, more likely it»s a story of prohibited feelings among the tragic events.

На фоне этого расцветает любовь двух молодых людей, жестко разделенных своим положением в обществе. Эта история не типична, скорее история запретной любви среди трагических обстоятельств.

The climax of the story is simultaneously the moment when Rose (American aristocrat betrothed to a rich and hopeful suitor) and Jack (free-spirited poor artist who won his 3rd class passage in a card game) despite of great difference between them understood that their love was true and the only thing really worth living. In the same time the liner collided with an iceberg and began to sink.

Кульминация истории – это одновременно тот момент, когда Роуз (американская аристократка, помолвленная с богатым и перспективным женихом) и Джек (свободомыслящий бедный художник, что выиграл свой билет в 3 классе в карточной игре) несмотря на различия между ними поняли, что их любовь настоящая, единственно стоящая того, чтобы жить. В этот же момент лайнер столкнулся с айсбергом и начал тонуть.

The end of the film is quite logical. Rose whose mind and soul have totally changed after Jack»s death hid from her suitor and begins a new life under the surname of the man who could never be her husband but whom she really loved. Rose refused the false glint of her aristocratic past.

Конец фильма достаточно логичен. Роуз, чьи мысли и душа полностью изменились после смерти Джека, скрылась от своего жениха и начала новую жизнь под фамилией мужчины, которому никогда не стать ее мужем, но которого она по-настоящему любила. Роуз отказалась от фальшивого блеска своего аристократического прошлого.

All the scenes in “Titanic” are skillfully directed and show the logical development of the events and changes in characters.

Все сцены в «Титанике» умело сняты и показывают логическое развитие сюжета, а также изменения в характере героев.

The photography of the film is brilliant. It includes indoor and outdoor scenes. Many high technologies and special effects were used. The exact copy of real Titanic was drowned in a special pool and computer graphics were in service to show it vividly. The crowd scenes are especially impressive as hundreds of people were involved in them.

Работа оператора в фильме прекрасна. Она включает в себя сцены в помещении и вне. Было использовано множество высоких технологий и специальных эффектов. Точную копия Титаника потопили в специальном бассейне, а чтоб все выглядело правдоподобно, использовали компьютерную графику.

“Titanic” has got an all-star cast for the main characters. Kate Winslet and Leo Di Caprio play the lead. The supporting roles help the plot to develop in natural way and emphases all the dramatic nature of the story to make it full of serious content. All the actors created the true to life images of their characters which is proved by the fact that the movie has won universal acclaim and has got a powerful impact on the public.

В «Титанике» снимался звездный состав актеров. Кейт Уинслет и Лео Ди Каприо в главный ролях. Второстепенные роли способствовали естественному развитию сюжета и усиливали драматизм истории, наполняя ее глубоким смыслом. Все актеры создали правдоподобные образы своих персонажей, что доказал тот факт, что фильм завоевал международное признание и оказал сильное влияние на зрителей.

Nowadays it»s hard to imagine the film with predominating of one component – acting or speaking. Naturally in “Titanic” they are perfectly combined and improve each other. The dialogues are not very long. They are right up to impress the audience in the way they should.

Сейчас трудно представить фильм, в котором доминировал бы только один компонент – игра или речь актеров. Естественно, в «Титанике» оба они идеально совмещены и улучшают друг друга. Диалоги не слишком длинные. Они как раз такие, чтобы произвести на зрителей нужное впечатление.

Music is another perfect contribution to the success of the film. It accompanies the development of the story and emphases the bright moments.

Музыка – еще одна безупречная составляющая успеха фильма. Она сопровождает всю историю и усиливает яркие моменты.

I don»t think critics should say badly about the film because its success contains great efforts of producer and director, perfect photography, costumes, acting, music.

Я не думаю, что критики могут плохо отозваться о фильме, потому что его успех состоит из огромных усилий продюсера и режиссера, отличной работы оператора, костюмов, игры актеров, музыки.

The plot reveals the power of love and destructive human vanity. The film is brilliant in both – serious content and technically perfect work.

Сюжет раскрывает силу любви и разрушительного человеческого тщеславия. Фильм бесподобен и по содержанию, и по идеальному техническому исполнению.

Due to everything said before I may conclude that “Titanic” makes us feel and think, helps us to release the best human features. The film allows us vividly imagine the drama that fills our world and, probably, let us wish well to each other.

Благодаря всему вышесказанному могу заключить, что «Титаник» заставляет нас чувствовать и думать, помогает раскрыть лучшие человеческие качества. Фильм позволяет нам живо представить драматизм, которым наполнен наш мир, и пожелать друг другу добра.

Обновлено: 11.03.2023

Мой самый любимый фильм — «Титаник». Он рассказывает историю известного судна «Титаник», которое затонуло в 1912 году. «Титаник» был колоссальным кораблем даже по современным стандартам. Его трагическое крушение всегда будет помниться, поскольку корабль утонул во время своего первого рейса с большими потерями.

Режиссер фильма — Джеймс Кэмерон. Главные роли в фильме играют молодые актеры Леонардо ди Каприо и Кейт Уинслет. На мой взгляд, их актерская игра превосходна. Операторская работа является фантастической, тоже. Я слышал, что они сделали для этого фильма модель «Титаника» в натуральную величину.

Это очень впечатляющий фильм. Кроме того, это трогательная история любви. Я советую всем моим друзьям, посмотреть «Титаник». Фильм был удостоен 11 Оскаров, и я уверен, что он заслуживает каждого из них.

My favorite film-Titanic. It tells the story of the famous ship the Titanic, which sank in 1912 year. The Titanic was a colossal ship even by modern standards. His tragic demise will always be remembered as the ship sank during its maiden voyage with heavy losses.The film’s Director James Cameron. The film is played by the young actors Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. In my opinion, the acting is superb. The camera work is fantastic, too. I heard that they did for this movie model «Titanic»-sized.This is a very impressive movie. In addition, this is a touching love story. I encourage all my friends to see «Titanic». The film was awarded 11 Oscars, and I’m sure he deserves every one of them.

My favorite movie — «Titanic». He tells the story of the famous ship «Titanic», which sank in 1912. «Titanic» was a colossal ship, even by modern standards. His tragic wreck will always be remembered as the ship sank during its maiden voyage with heavy losses. The film’s director — James Cameron. Starring in the film is played by young actors Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. In my opinion, their acting is superb. The camera work is fantastic, too. I have heard that they have done for this film model of «Titanic» in full size. This is a very impressive film. In addition, this touching love story. I advise all my friends to see «Titanic». The film won 11 Oscars, and I’m sure he deserves every one of them.

Titanic was released in 1997. It was directed, written and produced by James Cameron.

The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet . After this film both actors became famous all over the world.

Titanic remained the highest-grossing film of all time until Cameron’s Avatar surpassed it in 2010.

The film is based on the true story of Titanic, a huge passenger liner that sank after striking an iceberg on 15 April 1912.

The film tells us a story of two people, Rose and Jack, who fell in love with each other. Rose belonged to high society, while Jack was a penniless artist who won his ticket in a card game.

Their troubles began when the others found out about this love affair. Despite everything Rose and Jack stood by each other. Unfortunately, we will never know whether this beautiful love story would have a happy ending as Jack did not survive. Rose survived.

At the end of the film we realize that she will keep these feelings in her heart . And she did. She carried them through the rest of her life.

Titanic made a strong impression on me. To my mind, Titanic is one of those films after which no one will remain indifferent. After this film one can think a lot about happiness, love and tragic coincidence.

Перевод на русский язык

Главные роли исполняли Леонардо Ди Каприо и Кейт Уинслет . Этот фильм принес обоим актерам мировую известность.

Сюжет развивается вокруг двух людей – Розы и Джека, полюбивших друг друга. Роза была представителем высшего класса, а Джек – нищим художником, выигравшим свой билет в карты.

Их проблемы начались, когда другие узнали об их романе. Несмотря ни на что, Роза и Джек остались на стороне друг друга. К сожалению, мы никогда не узнаем, был ли у этой истории счастливый конец, потому что Джек погиб. Роза спаслась.

В конце фильма мы понимаем, что она будет хранить эти чувства в своем сердце . И она хранила. Она пронесла их через всю свою жизнь.



Favourite filmлюбимый фильм (британский вариант);

Favorite movieлюбимый фильм (американский вариант).

Жанры фильмов:

action боевик
adventure приключенческий фильм
animation анимационный фильм
biography биографический фильм
bromance Фильм о мужской дружбе
cartoon мультфильм
chick-flick мелодрама
comedy комедия
crime криминальный фильм
documentary документальный фильм
drama драма
family семейный фильм
fantasy фэнтези
feature film художественный фильм (полнометражный)
genre жанр
historical film исторический фильм
horror фильм ужасов (хоррор)
love story любовная история
musical мюзикл
post-apocalyptic постапокалипсис
romance фильм о любви
romcom романтическая комедия
science fiction научная фантастика
sci-fi (сокр. вариант) научная фантастика
short film короткометражный фильм
silent movie немое кино
thriller триллер
war Военный фильм
western вестерн

Как можно описать сам фильм?

amazing восхитительный
amusing развлекающий
bloody кровавый
boring скучный
breathtaking захватывающий дух
catchy цепляющий
creepy жуткий
disappointing разочаровывающий
enjoyable приятный
exciting захватывающий
fast-moving динамичный
frightening пугающий
insightful поучительный
interesting интересный
intriguing интригующий
ordinary обычный
petrifying ужасающий
pleasant приятный
romantic романтичный
sad печальный
sensitive нежный, чувствительный
silly глупый
thought-provoking заставляющий задуматься
total laugh/hilarious очень веселый и смешной
wacky дурацкий

1. Titanic (1997)


Интересные слова и выражения

  • To shoot a film – снимать фильм (обратите внимание, что shootonfilm – снимать на пленку);
  • Breathtaking – захватывающий дух;
  • To take one’s breath away – удивить, поразить кого-либо, захватывает дух;
  • Masterpiece – шедевр;
  • To portray – играть; изображать;

2. Avatar

My favourite film is Avatar, which was directed by James Cameron. He is also the author of another famous film Titanic. Avatar is an action and fantasy film.

Jack, the main character of the film, is a physically challenged person.

As his brother was ready to go to Pandora but he died before he could arrive, Jack got a chance to go there and take over his brother’s task in Pandora. Humans were going to get natural resources from Pandora and Jack was ordered to persuade the Pandora people to give them resources.

Later he becomes the leader of navi. He not only lives a full life, but also learns about local customs, culture and residents in general. The film shows a world in which there are many different unusual animals and plants. There is a divine tree that stores all the information about all living things on the planet. The main theme of the film is the struggle of good against evil. The avatar is thought-provoking. It makes us think about our actions and attitude to life. The film keeps in suspense.

There are many reasons for why you should watch this film. The special effects, a beautiful and meaningful story. I think everybody will enjoy the film and love it.


Джек, главный герой фильма, — человек с ограниченными физическими возможностями.

Позже он становится лидером нави. Он не только живет полноценной жизнью, но и узнает о местных обычаях, культуре и жителях в целом. В фильме показан мир, в котором обитает множество разных необычных животных и растений. Существует божественное древо, в котором хранится вся информация обо всех живых существах на планете. Главная тема фильма — борьба добра со злом. Аватар заставляет задуматься. Это заставляет нас задуматься о наших действиях и отношении к жизни. Фильм держит в напряжении.

Интересные слова и выражения

  • To direct a film – снимать фильм;
  • To take over one’s task – Взять на себя задачу другого человека;
  • Thought-provoking – заставляет задуматься;
  • An attitude to life – отношение к жизни;
  • the struggle of good against evil – борьба добра со злом;
  • to keep in suspense – держать в напряжении.

Есть много причин, по которым вам следует посмотреть этот фильм. Спецэффекты, красивая и содержательная история. Я думаю, что фильм понравится всем людям.

3. Harry Potter

This film was based on the book of the famous writer Joan Rowling. It tells about the story of the main character Harry Potter. He is a student of British boarding school of magic that is called Hogwarts. He fights the evil magician Lord Voldemort and his followers, the so-called Death Eaters. Each of the seven volumes describes a year of school life of Harry Potter. Volume 1 was published in 1997. Volume 7 was published on July 21, 2007 in English. There are 7 parts of the film. They are very interesting and breathtaking! The first, second and third parts (Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban) are my favorite parts. I watched these films in Russian. I also want to watch them in English.

In my opinion, the actors in this film are very talented: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, etc… And I think that this film is interesting not only for the children, but also for the adults.


Этот фильм был снят по книге известной писательницы Джоан Роулинг. В ней рассказывается об истории главного героя Гарри Поттера. Он ученик британской школы магии, которая называется Хогвартс. Он сражается со злым волшебником лордом Волан-де-Мортом и его последователями, так называемыми Пожирателями Смерти. Каждый из семи томов описывает год школьной жизни Гарри Поттера. Том 1 был опубликован в 1997 году. Том 7 был опубликован 21 июля 2007 года на английском языке. Фильм состоит из 7 частей. Они очень интересны и захватывают дух! Первая, вторая и третья части (Гарри Поттер и Философский камень, Гарри Поттер и Тайная комната, Гарри Поттер и Узник Азкабана) — мои любимые части. Я смотрел эти фильмы на русском языке. Я также хочу посмотреть их на английском языке.

На мой взгляд, актеры в этом фильме очень талантливы: Дэниел Рэдклифф, Руперт Гринт, Эмма Уотсон и другие. И я думаю, что этот фильм будет интересен не только детям, но и взрослым.

Интересные слова и выражения

  • to be based on a book – быть основанным на книге;
  • breathtaking – захватывающий дух;
  • an evil magician – злой волшебник;
  • Death Eaters – пожиратели смерти

4. Forrest Gump

One of the most important and brightest moments in Forrest’s life is the ability to run fast after having problems with his legs. Thanks to strong legs, the hero is able to run long distances and attract other people.

Interestingly, Forrest tells the story of his life, sitting on a bench and talking to passers-by. Some people leave and others come.

Forrest Gump is one of my all-time favorites. This film captivates with its naivety and touching. He is so soulful that it is difficult to convey in words! I recommend to everyone for viewing!


Одним из самых важных и ярких момент в жизни Форреста становится способность быстро бегать после проблем с ногами. Благодаря сильным ногам герой способен пробегать большие расстояния и притягивать других людей.

Интересно, что Форрест рассказывает историю своей жизни, сидя на лавочке и разговаривая со встречными прохожими. Одни уходят и приходят другие.

Форрест Гамп – один из моих самых любимых фильмов. Этот фильм подкупает своей наивностью и трогательностью. Он настолько душевный, что это сложно передать словами! Всем рекомендую к просмотру!

Интересные слова и выражения:

  • to face a challenge – столкнуться с трудностью;
  • indifferent – безразличный;
  • it is difficult to convey in words – сложно передать словами;

5. Star Wars

My favorite movie is Star Wars. It is an American space opera created and directed by George Lucas. It quickly became a pop-culture phenomenon. I’m interested in Jedi, androids and other unusual creatures. Especially I like the fourth, the fifth and the sixth episode of the cinematic universe.

The first parts of the film began shooting more than 40 years ago, and new film adaptations from this franchise are still being released in cinemas and gather full halls of people. The main theme of the film is the struggle of good against evil. This story is about the fact that good always wins.

I would like to underline that the movie teaches us about the importance of friendship and the value of being patient. This film universe is like a fairy tale about hope and faith in yourself and friends. And about self-sacrifice for the sake of others.


Первые части фильма начали снимать более 40 лет назад, а новые экранизации из этой франшизы до сих пор выходят в кинотеатрах и собирают полные залы людей. Основная тема фильма – борьба добра со злом. Эта история о том, что добро всегда побеждает.

Я хотел бы подчеркнуть, что фильм учит нас важности дружбы и ценности терпения. Эта киновселенная похожа на сказку о надежде и вере в себя и друзей. И о самопожертвовании ради других.

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Titanic – Титаник

“ Titanic” was released in 1997. It was directed, written and produced by James Cameron. The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. After this film Leonardo DiCaprio’s stage career soared. Both actors got to be famous all over the world. For a long time “Titanic” was the highest-grossing film of all times.

The film is based on the true story of Titanic, a huge passenger liner which wrecked during its first journey across the Atlantic.

The film tells us a story of two people, Rose and Jack, who fell in love with each other on shipboard. Rose belonged to a high-class society, while Jack was a penniless artist who won his ticket in a card game.

Their troubles began when others found out about this love affair. Despite everyone and everything Rose and Jack stood by each other and resisted obeying the rules and boundaries of class differentiation. Unfortunately, we will never know whether this beautiful love story would have the happy end as Jack died during the wreck of the Titanic. Rose survived. At the end of the film we realize that she will keep these feelings in her heart. And she did. She carried them through the rest of her life.

To my mind, “Titanic” is one of those films after which no one will remain indifferent. During the film we follow the story of two people, feeling for them. We don’t give up hope for the happy end, which was never meant to happen. The film impresses us to a great extent and we keep reflecting upon it afterwards. After this film one can think a lot about happiness, love, tragic coincidence and destiny’s predetermination.

В основе фильма лежит реальная история Титаника, огромного пассажирского лайнера, потерпевшего катастрофу и затонувшего во время своего первого рейса через Атлантический океан.

Сюжет развивается вокруг двух людей – Розы и Джека, полюбивших друг друга на борту лайнера. Роза была представителем высшего класса, а Джек – нищим художником, выигравшим свой билет в карты.

Их проблемы начались, когда другие узнали об их романе. Но, несмотря на это, молодые люди остались на стороне друг друга и отказались повиноваться нравам и границам классового расслоения. К сожалению, мы никогда не узнаем, был ли у этой истории счастливый конец, потому что Джек погиб во время крушения Титаника. Роза спаслась. В конце фильма мы понимаем, что она будет хранить эти чувства в своем сердце. И она хранила. Она пронесла их через всю свою жизнь.

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Сочинение на английском “Мой любимый фильм “Титаник” – My favorite film “Titanic”” с переводом

The film that left a deep and lasting impression on me is a great work of James Cameron direction – “Titanic”. This is feature colored film of more than 3 hours long. This film was released by Columbia Pictures associated with 20th Century Fox.

For Russian audience it was doubled by several TV companies and channels.

Фильм, который оказал на меня глубокое и продолжительное впечатление, это великая работа режиссера Джеймса Кэмерона “Титаник”. Это художественный фильм продолжительностью более трех часов. Фильм выпущен кинокомпанией “Коламбия пикчерс”

совместно с “Двадцатым Столетием Фокс”.

Для русских зрителей он был дублирован несколькими телевизионными компаниями и каналами.

The director of “Titanic” is well-known Canadian James Cameron famous for his huge budget movie hits. “Titanic” deals with a tremendous disaster which happened on April, 14 1912 in the Atlantic Ocean when more than 15 hundred people died in freezing water after the enormously huge and luxurious passenger liner “Titanic” had sunk.

Режиссер фильма – хорошо известный канадец Джеймс Кэмерон, популярный своими крупнобюджетными кинохитами. В “Титанике” речь идет об ужасной катастрофе. Которая случилась 12 апреля 1912 года в Атлантическом океане, когда более 1500 человек погибли в ледяной

воде после того, как невероятно огромный и роскошный пассажирский лайнер “Титаник” утонул.

On this background the love of two young people strongly separated by position they took in society was growing. This story is not quite typical, more likely it”s a story of prohibited feelings among the tragic events.

На фоне этого расцветает любовь двух молодых людей, жестко разделенных своим положением в обществе. Эта история не типична, скорее история запретной любви среди трагических обстоятельств.

The climax of the story is simultaneously the moment when Rose (American aristocrat betrothed to a rich and hopeful suitor) and Jack (free-spirited poor artist who won his 3rd class passage in a card game) despite of great difference between them understood that their love was true and the only thing really worth living. In the same time the liner collided with an iceberg and began to sink.

Кульминация истории – это одновременно тот момент, когда Роуз (американская аристократка, помолвленная с богатым и перспективным женихом) и Джек (свободомыслящий бедный Художник, что выиграл свой билет в 3 классе в карточной игре) несмотря на различия между ними поняли, что их любовь настоящая, единственно стоящая того, чтобы жить. В этот же момент лайнер столкнулся с айсбергом и начал тонуть.

The end of the film is quite logical. Rose whose mind and soul have totally changed after Jack”s death hid from her suitor and begins a new life under the surname of the man who could never be her husband but whom she really loved. Rose refused the false glint of her aristocratic past.

Конец фильма достаточно логичен. Роуз, чьи мысли и душа полностью изменились после смерти Джека, скрылась от своего жениха и начала новую Жизнь под фамилией мужчины, которому никогда не стать ее мужем, но которого она по-настоящему любила. Роуз отказалась от фальшивого блеска своего аристократического прошлого.

All the scenes in “Titanic” are skillfully directed and show the logical development of the events and changes in characters.

Все сцены в “Титанике” умело сняты и показывают логическое развитие сюжета, а также изменения в характере героев.

The photography of the film is brilliant. It includes indoor and outdoor scenes. Many high technologies and special effects were used. The exact copy of real Titanic was drowned in a special pool and computer graphics were in service to show it vividly.

The crowd scenes are especially impressive as hundreds of people were involved in them.

Работа оператора в фильме прекрасна. Она включает в себя сцены в помещении и вне. Было использовано множество высоких технологий и специальных эффектов.

Точную копия Титаника потопили в специальном бассейне, а чтоб все выглядело правдоподобно, использовали компьютерную графику.

“Titanic” has got an all-star cast for the main characters. Kate Winslet and Leo Di Caprio play the lead. The supporting roles help the plot to develop in natural way and emphases all the dramatic nature of the story to make it full of serious content.

All the actors created the true to life images of their characters which is proved by the fact that the movie has won universal acclaim and has got a powerful impact on the public.

В “Титанике” снимался звездный состав актеров. Кейт Уинслет и Лео Ди Каприо в главный ролях. Второстепенные роли способствовали естественному развитию сюжета и усиливали драматизм истории, наполняя ее глубоким смыслом.

Все актеры создали правдоподобные образы своих персонажей, что доказал тот факт, что фильм завоевал международное признание и оказал сильное влияние на зрителей.

Nowadays it”s hard to imagine the film with predominating of one component – acting or speaking. Naturally in “Titanic” they are perfectly combined and improve each other. The dialogues are not very long.

They are right up to impress the audience in the way they should.

Сейчас трудно представить фильм, в котором доминировал бы только один компонент – игра или речь актеров. Естественно, в “Титанике” оба они идеально совмещены и улучшают Друг друга. Диалоги не слишком длинные.

Они как раз такие, чтобы произвести на зрителей нужное впечатление.

Music is another perfect contribution to the success of the film. It accompanies the development of the story and emphases the bright moments.

Музыка – еще одна безупречная составляющая успеха фильма. Она сопровождает всю историю и усиливает яркие моменты.

I don”t think critics should say badly about the film because its success contains great efforts of producer and director, perfect photography, costumes, acting, music.

Я не думаю, что критики могут плохо отозваться о фильме, потому что его успех состоит из огромных усилий продюсера и режиссера, отличной работы оператора, костюмов, игры актеров, музыки.

The plot reveals the power of love and destructive human vanity. The film is brilliant in both – serious content and technically perfect work.

Сюжет раскрывает силу любви и разрушительного человеческого тщеславия. Фильм бесподобен и по содержанию, и по идеальному техническому исполнению.

Due to everything said before I may conclude that “Titanic” makes us feel and think, helps us to release the best human features. The film allows us vividly imagine the drama that fills our world and, probably, let us wish well to each other.

Благодаря всему вышесказанному могу заключить, что “Титаник” заставляет нас чувствовать и думать, помогает раскрыть лучшие человеческие качества. Фильм позволяет нам живо представить драматизм, которым наполнен наш мир, и пожелать друг другу добра.




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The Best Film I Have Ever Seen («Titanic»)

My favourite video film is “Titanic”. It tells the story of a famous ship, the “Titanic”, which sank in 1912. The “Titanic” was a colossal ship even by modern standards. Its tragic sinking will always be remembered, for the ship went down on the first voyage with heavy losses.

The director of the film is James Cameron. The main parts in the film are played by young actors Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet. To my mind their acting is superb. The camerawork is fantastic, too. I’ve heard that they made a full-size model of the “Titanic” for this film.

It’s a very spectacular film. It is also a moving love-story. I advise all my friends to see “Titanic”. The film was awarded 11 Oscars and I’m sure it deserves every one of them.

Лучший фильм, который я видел

Мой самый любимый фильм -«Титаник». Он рассказывает историю известного судна «Титаник», которое затонуло в 1912 году. «Титаник» был колоссальным кораблем даже по современным стандартам. Его трагическое крушение всегда будет помниться, поскольку корабль утонул во время своего первого рейса с большими потерями.

Режиссер фильма — Джеймс Кэмерон. Главные роли в фильме играют молодые актеры Леонардо ди Каприо и Кейт Уинслет. На мой взгляд, их актерская игра превосходна. Операторская работа является фантастической, тоже. Я слышал, что они сделали для этого фильма модель «Титаника» в натуральную величину.

Это очень впечатляющий фильм. Кроме того, это трогательная история любви. Я советую всем моим друзьям, посмотреть «Титаник». Фильм был удостоен 11 Оскаров, и я уверен, что он заслуживает каждого из них.

Другие материалы из раздела Топики по английскому языку


What’s your favorite film? Writing an essay on a movie that made an impact on your heart is a fun and memorable experience. It is a time of revisiting your emotional journey through a narrative that resonated with you.

This essay outlines one’s favorite film, which happens to be Titanic. It contains a summary of the author’s highlights of his immersive experience with the movie.

Got a movie you like that you want to write about? Contact us for essay writing help. We can match you with a writer who can help you come up with a well-crafted article.

Titanic will always be my favorite movie, not only because of the historical relevance of the movie’s storyline. The scenery featured in the movie and the assertiveness and brilliance of the actors makes the movie stand head and shoulder above all others.

Man with a Bowl of Popcorn Watching TV at Home

A 1997 hit, Titanic emotionally unveils the bittersweet story of two teenagers who encounter each other on a ship and are instantly smitten. Jack Dawson (Leonardo di Caprio) and Rose Bukater (Kate Winslet), while on the RMS Titanic on its maiden voyage from the coast of England to the United States, fall in love at first sight, despite their different social classes. Dawson, a young and talented artist from a poor background, and Rose, a young woman married to a wealthy but cruel older man who she does not love, have an intense whirlwind affair on the ship.

Directed by filmmaker James Cameron, Titanic reveals the nature of you-and-me-against-the-world relationships that exist in society, which continue to be mirrored in this day and age. While still frowned upon by more traditional segments of society today, a teenage girl from a wealthy family can get married to a poor boy from a humble background,  as long as the two are in love.

Why Titanic is The Ultimate Love Story

Apart from the power of love thriving and surviving in every situation as a dominant theme, Titanic reminds us that we can find love anywhere regardless of the prevailing situation.

A particularly poignant scene shows Rose about to jump off the back of the ship into the cold ocean water when Jack tells her, “I’ll be right after you.” He was ready to jump into the water to save her.  Another favorite moment of mine is when the ship’s crew’s attention is drawn to Jack and Rose as they make love on the ship’s deck, just as the ship hits an iceberg.

The death of 1500 out of 2200 people on board and the frantic effort to save some of the passengers add to the tragic beauty of the story. It was a heartbreaking backdrop to Jack trying to save his lover as the bitter-cold ocean water sweeps onto the deck, flinging many passengers out into the sea. Despite many people opposing their romance, most notably Rose’s mother, their courage to face the odds reinforces the theme of timeless and bold love.

Little details in the film’s cinematography make the story more compelling. The dance of the dolphins rhythmically aligns itself to the movement of the ship, the warmth of the glorious sunshine greeting the faces of excited travelers, and a masterful soundtrack create a glorious backdrop to a tale worth telling.


Few movies inspire as much emotion as Titanic. It definitely stands out for its combination of intelligent elements and perfect acting. The main actors bring out the message of the movie clearly, and they thoughtfully and sensitively embody the situation and life of the twentieth century as well as the modern times.

Finally, I love how Celine Dion interpreted the theme song, “My Heart Will Go On.” It achingly reflects the journey of the star-crossed lovers, and the resolve to move forward with life to do that love justice even when their time together has ended. The hopeful lyrics, penned by Will Jennings, are so well-written.

The 1997 movie Titanic remains to be my all-time favorite movie. Every aspect of the movie,  from casting to scene selection, is done flawlessly and the themes are woven into every scene clearly and perfectly.

Titanic Essay In 200 Words

No other Hollywood-made love story hits me just as much as that of Jack Dawson and Rose Bukator in the award-winning picture Titanic. I simply could not get through the whole movie without a box of tissues and a glass of wine.

The journey of these two characters and their evolution as lovers are beautiful to watch. Though hailing from opposite social classes, being stuck together on a ship caused them to see past their differences and fall head-over-heels in love.

Director James Cameron’s guidance of Kate Winslet and Leonardo di Caprio is commendable. Although the two actors are already brilliant and have good Hollywood track records to begin with, his oversight really helped them bring out the essence of the main characters. Billy Zane deserves recognition as well, as he played a villain with a believable motivation.

Though only Rose survived at the very end, I was satisfied with the way that Titanic ended. It had its own take on a heartbreaking but hopeful ending. It made me look back on the couple’s best moments together on the ship, but also wish Rose well on a new chapter of her journey without Jack.

What about you? What’s your favorite movie?


How To Start A Talk About Your Favorite Film?

Talking about something that has made such an incredible mark on your life should not be so difficult. It should, as a matter of fact, come quite naturally to us. In writing about something from the silver screen that you found unforgettable, before reviewing the actual scenes and lines, it is good to always begin first with your “Why.” Why did I find this film so thrilling? What was it about the movie that I connected with so passionately? How did the experience of the artists enrich the characters? How did the cinematography provide an interesting background for the journey to unfold? How did I see the director’s influence on the acting and styling of the set? How does it compare to some of the films in my list of favorites?

How To Write A Reaction Paper About Titanic Movie?

In order to excellently pen a reaction paper about Titanic, you should first recall your very own reactions to the film, especially during your first time watching it. What were the raw emotions that you felt, whether positive or negative? What roused you and what bored you? What parts of it satisfied you and what scenes left you hanging? Identifying the key elements that provoked you to react is crucial in figuring out how you’re going to write that paper. It is a process of you thoughtfully dissecting Titanic and pointing out the areas that you liked and didn’t like.

All of us love to watch movies. No matter it is Bollywood, Hollywood or Tollywood, every generation loves watching them. There are some movies which people watch again and again. They do not get bored of watching them no matter how many times they have watched it.

Some people watch the movie so many times because they must have liked the story or the emotion they are trying to show the audience. Some of the stories which are shown in the movie are real based, fictional, self creativity, history etc.

There are a few movies which are based on a real incident. Some of the movies which took inspiration from a real incident are Gandhi, Titanic, ABCD 2 (Any Body Can Dance), Final Destination, Bhaag Milkha Bhaag, Mary Kom, No One Killed Jessica, Border, Attacks of 26/11 and many more movies.

The movie ABCD 2 is directed by Remo D’ Souza. He made this film getting inspired by the life of two boys Suresh and Vernon who represented India in World Hip Hop Dance Championship. Their life story has been shown in this movie. At present they are the head of Kings United and V Company respectively.

Similarly, there are a few movies which have been based on what happened years back and they still make people emotional. One such popular movie is Titanic.

This was directed by James Cameron and was released in 1997. This movie is based on a real incident in which the luxury ship hit an iceberg and sank in the year of 1912. The movie has won the hearts of many people. Till today people become emotional when they watch this movie and tears roll down their eyes.

Summary of the Movie

The movie Titanic was released in the year 1997. It was directed and written by James Cameron. The main characters in this movie are Leonardo Di Caprio, Kate Winslet and Billy Zane.  In the movie Titanic, the old Rose is telling the story about the events whatever she remembers while she was on the ship.

This is a love story of Rose and Jack. This turned out to be a tragic one as Rose survived that day but Jack died after trying to save her. The old Rose tells about the events that took place when she was sailing on the ship. She recollects the events that took place when she was young.

She was travelling in the upper class of the ship and one fine day she met Jack Dawson. He was a poor man. He got the chance of sailing the ship by sampling winning a game in poker. He got the chance of sailing the ship by sampling winning a game in poker. Rose was troubled because of the problems in her life.

So, she decided to jump from the ledge. Jack saw her and saved from giving up her life. When he saved her, their eyes met with each other and at that immediate moment they fell in love with each other. But Rose was engaged to a rich man. His name was Caledon Hockley.

He was ignorant towards Rose. But still jack and Rose continued meeting each other. Rose’s mother did not like that Rose met Jack as he was a poor man. Her mother was just proud of herself as they were rich similar to Caledon. But this did not bother jack and Rose.

Anyhow they always managed to see each other. They spent many amazing moments with each other. One night Jack and Rose went to the lower levels of the ship. They were spending time with each other. Suddenly they saw an iceberg in front of the ship and they informed about it to others. But the ship hit the iceberg.

They could not stop from hitting it because below the sea the iceberg was actually big. This is how the ship started to sink after hitting the iceberg. Slowly water started to enter the ship. Everyone was asked to move towards the upper deck but when the condition became worse people started to choose other options to save the lives. So, first the women and children were being saved.

There were many smaller boats. They were shifted to those smaller boats. Meanwhile, when the condition was worse Rose could not find Jack. She went to look for Jack and found him handcuffed. He was handcuffed because of an evil plan by Caledon. By that time the ship sank more.

Most of the people in the lower deck could not move up and they were stuck there. Anyhow Jack and Rose managed to get to the upper deck. Rose was forced by Caledon to go to the smaller boat. But she was not ready to leave Jack and go. So she jumped back to the sinking ship.

When the ship sank fully, Rose was on a floating door and Jack was freezing in the cold water. But before someone came to help them Jack died and Rose survived.

Rose managed to be one of the survivors. While her fiancé was looking for her she did not go in front of him and managed to hide from him. She did not want to be with him anymore as she lost her true love. This movie keeps moving from present then to the past then future and again back to the same thing.

History of the Actual Incident

titanic essayIt was the year on 1912. The ship hit the iceberg on the night of 14th April. Looking at the structure of the ship no one expected that the ship would sink after hitting such a big iceberg. Above the sea the iceberg did not look huge, but below the sea it was actually huge. When the crew members of the ship came to know about the iceberg, they tried their level best to turn the ship in order to save the lives of so many people.

But they failed to do so. When the ship hit the iceberg with a bang the ship shook massively. Water started to enter the ship and slowly the ship was sinking into the sea. Meanwhile when this was going the passengers did not have any idea about the ship hitting the iceberg.

But they knew something was wrong. After some time everyone was rushing here and there to save their life. Some of them knew that the ship was going to sink. The crew members sent the news to other neighbouring ships to ask for help. Carpathia received their news and they were ready to help them.

But the condition became worse. By the time Carpathia would reach there would be more problems. So, without wasting any time people were shifted to the life boats. Many of them lost their lives. Only a few of them managed to survive this disaster.

Many people have different opinions about the sinking of the ship. They believe it would be better if the ship collided straight instead of turning the ship.

The effect would be less if the ship was not turned. It is also said that the crew members did not accept that reports from other ships that there would be an iceberg on the way. Their ignorance led to such a big disaster.

Similarities and Difference between the Movie and the Real Incident

There are many differences and similarities between the movie and the real incident that occurred in 1912. The stairs which are shown in the movie are wide. But in the incident they were not so wide. The wider stairs in the movie has been made for an easy shooting of the movie.

Moreover, the sinking of the ship in the movie is not the same way how it sank in reality. Some of the scenes which were shown in the movie did not happen in real. Like the love story of Jack and Rose. The paintings which are shown in the movie were present during the incident too.

But the life boats which save a few people did not have lights on them like the movie ones. Some of the characters in the movie are based on fiction but there were two characters in the movie who were there in the incident too.

Those two characters were Margaret Molly and Thomas Andrews. These two characters were played by Kathy bates and Victor Garber respectively. Most of the scenes are only the director’s creativity and imagination.

Today I want to tell you about my favorite movie. As I’m a big fan of romantic movies, one of the best movies I have ever seen is Titanic directed by James Cameron. This is one of the most successful movies ever. It got 11 Oscars. Аctors Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet  who played main parts became world stars. This movie appeared on the screen in 1997 but it’s still unforgotten.

The plot is based on the real event that happened in 1912. On the 14th of April the ship Titanic struck the iceberg and then sank, killing about 1500 people. At the beginning of the movie we see an old woman nowadays who survived the disaster. Her name is Rose and she tells us her story about what happened when she first stepped on the deck of the Titanic. She was a society woman who was moving to America with her mother and her fiancée. She was very unhappy as her mother forced her to get married. Her fiancée was a harsh man who wanted Rose to obey him in everything. So she felt trapped and lost. But then suddenly she met a young artist named Jack. Jack was poor, a social zero. But he was also charming, energetic and he made Rose feel free and happy. They fell in love very quickly and wanted to start their new life together in America. But unfortunately Jack died in the disaster.

That’s a very beautiful but tragic love story. It teaches us that love is stronger that money, social status and even death. Every time I watch it I can’t help crying.


Сегодня я расскажу вам о моем любимой фильме. Так как я большой любитель романтических фильмов, один из лучших фильмов, которые я когда-либо видела, это «Титаник», который создал Джеймс Камерон. Это один из самых успешных фильмов, когда либо снятых. Он получил 11 Оскаров. Актеры Леонардо Дикаприо и Кейт Винслет, которые играли главные роли, стали мировыми звездами. Этот фильм появился на экранах в 1997 году, но он все еще не забыт.
Сюжет базируется на реальном событии, которое произошло в 1912 году. 14 апреля корабль Титаник столкнулся с айсбергом и затем утонул, унеся с собой около 1500 человеческих жизней. В начале фильма мы видим старую женщину в наши дни, которая пережила катастрофу. Ее имя Ройз, и она рассказывает нам ее историю о том, что случилось, когда она впервые стала на палубу Титаника. Она была женщиной из общества, которая ехала в Америку с матерью и женихом. Она была очень несчастлива, так как мать заставляла ее выйти замуж. Ее жених был очень суровым человеком, который требовал от Роуз подчинения во всем. Так что она чувствовала себя в безвыходном положении. Но затем она случайно знакомится с молодым художником по имени Джек. Джек был бедным, «социальным нулем». Но он также был обворожительным, энергичным и он заставил Роуз почувствовать себя свободной и счастливой. Они влюбились в друг друга очень быстро и хотели начать новую жизнь вместе в Америке. Но к сожалению Джек утонул во время катастрофы.
Это очень красивая, но печальная история любви. Она учит нас, что любовь сильнее, чем деньги, социальный статус и даже смерть. Каждый раз, когда я смотрю ее, я ничего не могу с собой поделать и плачу.

romantic movie – романтический фильм
direct – режиссировать
successful – успешный
main part – главная роль
appear on the screen – появиться на экране
plot – сюжет
strike (struck) – столкнуться, ударить
sink (sank) – тонуть
nowadays – в наши дни
survive - пережить
disaster - катастрофа
society – (высшее) общество
force – заставлять, принуждать
fiancée – жених
feel trapped – чувствовать себя в западне
feel lost – чувствовать себя потерянным
charming – очаровательный, обворожительный
make somebody do something – заставлять кого-то делать что-то
fall in love – влюбиться
unfortunately – к сожалению
money - деньги
social status – социальный статус
death – смерть
can’t help doing – не могу не делать (этого)

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