Сочинение на английском my last holiday

My last summer holiday essay ,If you want to talk about your holiday at home, you can use the first topic, and if you want to talk about spending your holiday abroad, you can use the second topic. You’ll find it in My last summer holiday essay.

My last summer holiday essay

Everyone waits summer vacation to spend time to rest and enjoy after studying or work and you will find here ideas for the holiday in My last summer holiday essay in English.

 Summer vacation

Everyone is waiting for the summer vacation and taking a rest after a long year of study or work, but many people are wondering how they will spend their summer holidays whether at home or traveling abroad.

To facilitate this, we will give you a variety of ideas to spend the summer vacation either at home or anywhere else.

Spend the summer break at home  

Spend useful and enjoyable time on the Internet: Browse useful and useful sites to suit your hobbies and desires, such as reading e-books or browsing cooking sites or social networking sites.

Reading books: You can create a convenient and convenient place to spend time reading your favorite books.

Your hobbies: Everyone complains that there is not enough time to practice hobbies such as sports, walking, mountain climbing, swimming or even camping, so take advantage of the summer vacation to practice your favorite hobby, but some people may tell you that I do not have hobbies and I do not know what is The thing that fascinates me, in this case you should try different things like photography, writing or even learning a new language.

Spending time with the family There is no doubt that one of the most important things for a worker or student is to spend time with family and friends.

Family gatherings are one of the most important times a person can spend.

Various activities: Exercise, shopping, or even cleaning the house can improve your overall mood and give you psychological comfort.

So if you want to talk about spending your holiday at home, you can take the first topic, but if you want to talk about spending your holiday abroad, you can take the following topic:

Everyone is waiting for the summer vacation and taking a rest after a long year of study or work, but many people are wondering how they will spend their summer holidays whether at home or traveling abroad. To facilitate this, we will give you a variety of ideas to spend the summer vacation either at home or anywhere else.

Travel on summer vacation

 Budgeting: Providing enough money to cover travel expenses is something that you should think about in advance and determine where you are going to go, so you do not face any problems.

Pre-booking: If you want to spend your summer vacation outside the house, you must reserve your accommodation in advance, as most hotels are booked and you may not find for you or for your family the right place to spend this holiday.

Choosing the right place: You should think carefully about any vacation you are trying to spend. For example, if you are vacationing with family and children, you should choose places where there are children’s facilities and a family-friendly facility to make sure that everyone in the family has a good time.

Luggage arrangement: Many people overpay their things with things they will never use on the trip and may have to pay extra for the airport and also can not buy gifts and souvenirs from the area you visit.

My last summer holiday essay

My last summer vacation was very interesting, due to several reasons, the most important of which is that I was able to join my favorite sport, which is (……).

This was not the first vacation that I tried to join a club and be part of a team, so I had many previous attempts,
but I kept trying to raise my fitness level so that I could achieve my goal, and this holiday I was able to do so.

It is wonderful to reap the fruits of your efforts with the result you wanted to get. I can’t describe the amount of time I have devoted to training, or to a regular diet so that I can build strong muscle mass and increase my physical fitness. I am very eager to participate in official matches and appear in front of family and friends.

Of course, this vacation was not without fun either. So, after spending my training times, I would go out regularly to the beach with my friends, swim, relax and dance. And trying some new experiences on me. So I was able to divide my time and create a schedule where I could train, rest and have fun.

My last summer holiday

My last summer vacation I was able to spend some useful activities like running a marathon in our town every summer of the year. Everyone shares it. Dedicated to all townspeople. It aims at the importance of sport to society and the individual.

I really liked my subscription to it this year. There was a challenge between me and my friends over who could win.
Although we couldn’t complete it completely, we were happy to run a few miles  and maybe in the coming years we can win first place.

I also participated in a sports activity last holiday. Karate, which is one of the most famous martial arts sports. I loved a lot to join it to learn some defensive skills, which might benefits me in the future in defending myself.

I loved this sport because it brings out all the negative energy in my body and helps me to raise my physical fitness.
I hope in the future to participate in tournaments at school and get some prizes, that would be very nice.

Last summer holiday

Last summer I went on a camping trip in the woods, we were ten people, it was a really fun vacation and I learned a lot like self-reliance, I was cooking by myself, using some tree branches that my friend collected, as we divided the work, one of us collects branches The trees, the second cooks food, the third washes the dishes, the fourth cleans the place, and the rest have to hunt some animals such as rabbits, or catch fish. And in the evening we sit around the fire singing and tell about the strange events that happened to us.

Paragraph about last Summer Holiday

Last summer I went to the village, I love the calm and I like to watch the beautiful landscapes. In the village we can enjoy the tranquility and the beautiful scenery. I used to get up early and watch the sunrise, a sight that I cannot see in my city, where the tall buildings. I also watch the birds above the trees, and they make beautiful sounds in preparation for flying to search for food.

Of course there is the experience of doing some handicrafts as well. I helped my relatives to work in one of the farms they own, which is dedicated to raising chickens. My job was to feed them and monitor the room temperature. That made me feel more responsible.

It made me appreciate the life I live and how my father provides us with all comfort means. Through this experience, I was able to feel that other people of my age suffer from a great lack of all the requirements of life.

So I find the last vacation wonderful and I was able to benefit a lot from it and learn some new things.

Write a paragraph about your last summer holidays

I really liked the last summer vacation, during which I was able to participate in several new activities and hobbies, such as swimming and driving mini-racing cars.

I also learned some new skills such as making fire from different tools, through friction. I also learned some survival skills like catching small wild animals, or catching fish from the river and making traps for them.

Last summer vacation was filled with many experiences. I learned from other people and am now ready to teach my younger brother some of these skills and habits.

I will be very happy if this experience is repeated again.

My last summer vacation

My last summer vacation was very special because I was able to benefit from it more than any other vacation. Where I was able to volunteer in the Greenpeace organization to protect the environment. It is a non-governmental, compliant association of forty countries, with four million members in Europe, South and North America. It is concerned with protecting the seas and forests and preserving natural resources.

I really enjoyed the volunteer activities I did during my last summer vacation. Perhaps it is just simple works such as maintaining the cleanliness of the road and the city, and posting instructions to the people on how to preserve the forests and seas, but I felt that I was doing something beneficial to society and the whole universe.

It is good to do useful activities, not only think about ourselves, rather, the goal is to benefit all of humanity. That will certainly preserve us as well and bring benefit to us.

My last summer vacation essay

I live in the city of (type the city name here). I love it so much and I love to walk around and participate in the many activities that the city offers.

I really like learning to fish and go out fishing in the ocean. I always go on public holidays. I am in the class (write your class here). I look forward to the summer holidays every year to go fishing, enjoy the beach and swim.

Last summer I caught a lot of mackerel. I was very happy with that but I loved the new ways I learned and also the patience, planning and development I learned from fishing.

So I am happy about the last summer vacation and I love to learn new hobbies in the next vacation.

Last Summer Holiday Paragraph

There is no doubt that every one waits the summer vacation to rest a little and practice many of the activities that we prefer to rest and breathe a little from the continuous effort of study,

I can say that I enjoyed a lot in the last vacation with some sports activities, as I was able to participate in several sports with friends such as walking, tennis and swimming.

I had a lot of fun releasing the trapped energy inside me and relaxing, which helped me get back to studying with energy and energy.

My last summer vacation paragraph

This past summer vacation was really great and I was very happy to make new friends. I found that the coincidence that brought me together with my friend (type the name of a person) is very wonderful.

I feel that there is an understanding between us and that we think in the same way and we have common interests.
I never felt that someone understood me and listened to me like him before.

So it is great to meet our soul mate and be friends with him. It makes me very happy and I feel that this holiday I was able to achieve something wonderful for me.

Last Holiday Essay

I was very happy with the last vacation, where we went to a tourist country called (type the name of the country).
By traveling by plane, the travel took (type the number of hours).

Upon arrival, I was very excited to get to the hotel, change my clothes, and go out for a walk. We arrived at 6pm so I have a few hours to enjoy. So my sister and I went out to see the markets and streets near the hotel.

The first area we went to was (type the name of an area). The first thing we saw in front of us was a fast food area in a modern and sophisticated style. We liked this very much and wish there was a similar one in my city.

After that, we got acquainted with some people who come for tourism as well, like us, and they advised us to have a local drink in one of the cafes. We went there and ordered it, it calls Fakhfakhina.

The name may be strange, but it is very tasty and we liked it. Then we returned to the hotel to rest until we go out in the itinerary.

In the morning we woke up to ride the bus and go to some archaeological and tourist places. I enjoyed this experience a lot. Where you got acquainted with a civilization of (type the name of the country) and its history.

Then the next day we went to the beach. I liked very much the shape of the beach, the cleanliness of the sea, the organization of tables, and the fresh drinks that give activity and vitality. I really liked this atmosphere and we spent three days of our trip on the beach.

After that we went to the markets to buy some presents and take some pictures of the markets. I found many brands beside some beautiful local industries. We bought some local clothes and pieces, we still keep it and remember by seeing it this experience and journey.

My last summer holidays

On my last vacation, I took part in a hobby that I love very much, which is drawing. I joined the drawing center,
I have had a hobby since I was young, but I did not seek to develop and master it except during my last summer vacation.

So I went to a specialized center for learning, and I spent all my time, whether in learning and training, or watching after lessons through the Internet.

I can say that I benefited a lot from my last summer vacation because I learned a lot from it and I am definitely no longer a beginner like the past years. It will be easy in the upcoming summer holidays to learn more easily and conveniently.

I am so excited for the upcoming vacation and going to learn modern painting methods.

Last summer holiday essay

Last summer vacation was absolutely wonderful, as I enjoyed a lot as I got to know my family more and we could play together all the time.

When you are sure that there is no alternative and accept the reality, you will find yourself happy and no matter where you are or with whom, the most important thing is that they love you and see you a special.

During the last summer vacation, all the countries experienced a global epidemic, which required not to leave the homes. The epidemic was very dangerous and caused death, and spread rapidly, so everyone was afraid for himself and his family from infection, or transmitting the infection to them.

So last summer, I didn’t do many activities, but I enjoyed the traditional games with my family members. I found that we are having a nice time, I found myself relieving them and joking a lot and showing them some things that I learned from my friends so that they do not get bored of the house and decide to go out. The same thing happened to all of my family. Everyone tried to make the atmosphere happy and simple.

So although it was a difficult holiday for many people who were injured or someone of their family was injured, it was good for me and my family.

My last summer holiday text

It is great that we were able to go out a little and have a picnic during this holiday. After the Corona pandemic that affected the world in the past two years, there was no longer any kind of activities, so the last summer vacation may be the most valuable, because when we lose something from the life we ​​used to live, only then we appreciate it and know how much grace we were living with

So on this summer vacation even though we couldn’t do many activities but some simple things made us happy and made us feel that we still have freedom in life, and we are not so restricted as we felt in the past two years.

I enjoyed going out to the shops with my family members and shopping, and meeting some of my friends, and strolling on the beach, and I was very happy to return to some of the activities I used to do, such as the gym and restaurants.

It is wonderful to appreciate and enjoy life without fear and anxiety about something dangerous that may happen to you. I hope this crisis will pass and we will return to normal life.

Write a short paragraph about your last summer holiday

It is great to spend some quality time with family and friends. I really enjoyed spending my last summer vacation with my family.

I live in the city of (type the name of the city)I have two sisters, my father and mother work in the field of education, so the summer vacation is for all of us.

We gather to relax and spend some nice time on the beaches or take a stroll in the famous parks and streets. I enjoyed my last vacation a lot because I was able to get off on one of the fishing boats with my father. This is my first experience and it was really exciting, we were able to catch some famous types of fish, including tuna.

I felt great enthusiasm and a high flow of adrenaline, when I managed to get it out of the water and saw it in front of me, I felt a victory, which made me love this hobby and want to go back to fishing again as soon as possible.

Therefore, I describe this summer vacation as being very special and wonderful and with amazing things for the first time I do.

Writing about last summer holiday

Last summer was absolutely wonderful. I was able to get acquainted with a friend who I find very wonderful. I am very happy to be there and talk to her. We go to several places together, we met in the club.

Also, last summer, I was able to join the football team in my city, train with them, and maybe if I worked hard enough, I would move to the main team.

I also gained confidence in myself in the face of others, became more understanding, more proficient in persuasion and public speaking, and learned some new skills.

I also started to learn a new language, I am currently trying to learn the Italian language, I find it very attractive, I am trying to impress my friends with some famous romantic sentences in the Italian language.

They laugh a lot because of what I tell them, and they find it great, so I find that last summer vacation was great and everything is going well.

Write about your last summer holiday

In fact, I was not able to go out and participate in any activities last year, due to the mutation of the Corona virus, and the emergence of new forms of it that infected many and spread in my city, so I stayed at home most of the time to prevent and protect my family from this dangerous disease.

I did some individual sports from time to time in the early morning, and quickly came home. I also participated online in some language courses, trying to take advantage of my spare time.

I hope in the future that the summer holidays will be better and there are no dangers surrounding us , so that we can release the trapped energy inside us, and learn some new activities and hobbies, or some crafts that we learn if we work in the summer vacation.

My last holiday essay 150 words

My last vacation was absolutely wonderful because my dad was with us for longer time. In the recent period, many companies and labor offices have reduced working hours to half, and reduced the number of workers in offices, which helped my father to be among us for a longer time, and we became involved in many sports activities and hobbies that we both love, such as fishing and playing soccer.

We went a lot last summer vacation to fish and play soccer and practice some moves. I had so much fun because I learned some new fishing methods from my father, the ties that helped me not to lose big fish and how to deal with them. I found the whole vacation wonderful.

I was able to go out with my father and many of my friends, and I enjoyed a lot by joining some of the free voluntary associations that aim to preserve the environment and reduce pollution.

I attended some campaigns in which we go to areas that need intervention and attention so that the people who live in them stop throwing garbage in them, and spread some tips and volunteer to improve and clean the place until this bad habit stops.

Write a paragraph about your last summer holiday

My last summer vacation was very wonderful, I am one of the girls who loves to sit at home, and in light of the disease that is spreading now, I found myself sitting more than usual because of my safety and the safety of those around me.

I love going into the kitchen and learning some new recipes. I find myself in the kitchen and I feel happy when I prepare a meal and I hope everyone likes it, and they ask me for it again.

I love watching cooking movies, especially fantasy movies, in which the chef uses magic, and prepares imaginary meals. I like so much to imagine myself preparing amazing meals that will amaze everyone, I hope in the future when I grow up to learn in a dedicated school, become a famous chef and people from all over the world come to watch me.

Currently, I am content with learning from the Internet and television, and trying to present the recipes as they prepare them. In the future when I have the possibility to try adding new ideas for food development, I will definitely.

This is how I spent my last summer vacation, at home and watching cooking programmes. I hope in the next year normal life returns and I can go out and practice some activities and hobbies.

In this way we have given you My last summer holiday essay in English, and you can read more topics through the following link:

  • English essay
  • My aim in life essay

Представлена подборка сочинений о Каникулах на английском языке с переводом на русский язык.

О Летних каникулах

Summer Holidays Летние каникулы
Summer is the best period for holidays, so many people schedule their holidays for this time of the year. Schools are also closed during summer months till September. Many schoolchildren say that it’s their favourite season of the year.

I also enjoy summer holidays.

Лето – это лучший период для каникул, поэтому многие люди планируют свой отдых именно на этой время года. Школы также закрыты во время летних месяцев и до сентября. Многие школьники говорят, что это их любимое время года.

Мне также нравятся летние каникулы.

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My Summer Vacations Мои летние каникулы
In my opinion, summer months are the best, because of the longest holidays during the year. I think everyone needs a relaxing holiday after hard academic or work year. So, summertime gives this chance.

People have different opinion on how to spend their free time. Some prefer staying at the countryside, some simply watch TV and read books.

На мой взгляд, летние месяцы самые лучшие, потому что на этот период приходятся самые продолжительные каникулы в году. Я думаю, что каждый заслуживает расслабляющий отдых после тяжелого академического или рабочего года. И лето как раз дает такой шанс.

Мнения людей о том, как проводить свободное время расходятся. Некоторые предпочитают оставаться в сельской местности, некоторые просто смотреть телевизор и читать книги.

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How I Spent My Summer Holidays Как я провел летние каникулы
For most people summer is the best season of the year. That’s because they can go to the seaside, swim and sunbathe there, do the shopping for souvenirs, go out with friends. In that sense, I’m no exception.

One of my favouite pastimes is swimming in the sea.

Для большинства людей лето — лучшее время года. Это потому, что они могут съездить к морю, покупаться и позагорать там, совершить покупку сувениров, выйти в свет со своими друзьями. В этом смысле, я не исключение.

Одно из моих любимых времяпрепровождений это плавание в море.

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How I Spent My Summer Holidays Как я провёл лето
My name is Andrey. I’m twelve years old. My favourite season is summer. My holidays began and it’s not necessary to wake up early and go to school.

In June of this year I had a rest in the sports training camp. The time I spent there was very interesting and joyous. I made new friends and learnt much. We played football and volleyball.

Вариант 2

Almost everyone I know looks forward for summer holidays. It’s the longest period of time during the year when people can do whatever they like. Some of them prefer to spend time away from the city in their country houses. Others choose to spend most of their summer at the seaside or travelling. Any of these holiday plans are suitable for me.

Меня зовут Андрей. Мне 12 лет. Лето — моё любимое время года. Начинаются каникулы и не надо рано вставать и идти в школу.

В этом году в июне месяце я отдыхал в спортивном лагере. Там было очень весело и интересно. Я нашёл много новых друзей и многому научился. Мы играли в футбол и волейбол.

Вариант 2

Почти все, кого я знаю, ждут с нетерпением летних каникул. Это самый продолжительный период году, во время которого люди могут делать все, что им заблагорассудится. Одни предпочитают проводить время вдали от города в своих загородных домах. Другие предпочитают проводить большую часть лета на море или в путешествиях. Любой из этих планов для отпуска мне симпатичен.

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How I Spent Summer Как я провела лето
For a number of reasons summer is my favourite time of the year. First of all, it’s the time of the longest holidays. Secondly, I love sunny weather and travelling. And, thirdly, my birthday is in August. That’s why each year I look forward for summer.

This summer was full of new adventures and impressions.

По ряду причин лето является моим любимым временем года. Прежде всего, это время самых длинных каникул. Во-вторых, я люблю солнечную погоду и путешествовать. И, в-третьих, мой день рождения в августе. Вот почему каждый год я с нетерпением жду лета.

Это лето было полно новых приключений и впечатлений.

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My Summer Vacations Мои летние каникулы
In my opinion, summer months are the best, because of the longest holidays during the year. I think everyone needs a relaxing holiday after hard academic or work year. So, summertime gives this chance.

People have different opinion on how to spend their free time.

На мой взгляд, летние месяцы самые лучшие, потому что на этот период приходятся самые продолжительные каникулы в году. Я думаю, что каждый заслуживает расслабляющий отдых после тяжелого академического или рабочего года. И лето как раз дает такой шанс.

Мнения людей о том, как проводить свободное время расходятся.

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My Future Vacation Мои будущие каникулы
It’s May right now and I’m looking forward to the longest vacation this year. Now the sun is up so high and bright it makes me want to put aside all the books and play with my friends outside till the sun goes down. This is what I’m going to do for the first couple of days of my summer.

On weekends my parents, my sister and I will go to dacha. I have a lot of friends there and I haven’t seen them for several months.

На дворе уже май месяц, и я с нетерпением жду наступления самых длинных в году каникул. Сейчас, когда солнце светит особенно ярко, хочется скорее отложить учебники в сторону и гулять с друзьями во дворе до позднего вечера. Именно это я и собираюсь делать в первые дни своего летнего отдыха.

На выходные во время каникул мы с родителями и моей старшей сестрой также будем уезжать на дачу. Там у меня очень много друзей, с которыми я не виделся уже несколько месяцев.

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Where I Went This Summer? Куда я ездила летом?
My name is Anita and I’m 14 years old. I’m a high school student now at the school number 125. I live in Yekaterinburg with my parents and my younger brother. My grandparents live far from us. It takes an hour and a half to reach them by car. Our city is large and beautiful. I like living there. However during the holidays we often travel. It’s a good tradition in every way. We get to see new places and sights. At the same time after a week or two I understand how much I miss the city, the school and my friends. Меня зовут Анита и мне 14 лет. В настоящее время учусь в старших классах школы № 125. Я живу в Екатеринбурге со своими родителями и младшим братом. Мои бабушка и дедушка живут далеко от нас. Для того чтобы добраться до них на машине нужно ехать полтора часа. Наш город большой и красивый. Мне нравится жить в нем. Однако во время каникул мы часто путешествуем. Это хорошая традиция во всех отношениях. Нам удается посмотреть новые места и достопримечательности. В то же время после одной или двух недель я понимаю, как сильно скучаю по своему городу, школе и друзьям.
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Plans For The Summer Планы на лето
My name is Irina and I’m fifteen years old. This summer I’m planning to spend actively. I will try to combine my studies with the seaside holiday. I’m used to spending summers at the seaside, as my aunt lives in Sochi. She is a hospitable woman and she is always happy to have guests. She lives far from the beach, but it’s not a big problem. We have to take a minibus to get to the central part and such trip lasts about half an hour. On a way to the sea there are hundreds of interesting sights. Меня зовут Ирина и мне пятнадцать лет. Это лето я планирую проводить активно. Я буду стараться совместить учебу с отдыхом на море. Я привыкла проводить лето на берегу моря, так как моя тетя живет в Сочи. Она очень гостеприимная женщина, и она всегда рада гостям. Она живет далеко от пляжа, но это не самая большая проблема. Для того чтобы добраться до центральной части нам приходиться садиться на маршрутку и такая поездка длится около получаса. На пути к морю встречаются сотни интересных достопримечательностей.
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What I Will Do in Summer Что я буду делать летом
For me, as for many pupils and students, summer is the best time of the year. It is a time for recreation, long-awaited meetings with friends and trips to sea. Therefore, I’m looking forward to the time when I will have the opportunity to realize all my plans.

In June, I should go to the country camp. I go there by tradition each year together with my friends.

Для меня, как и для многих школьников и студентов, лето — это лучшее время в году. Это пора активного отдыха, долгожданных встреч с друзьями и поездок на море. Поэтому я с нетерпением жду, когда мне представится возможность осуществить все желаемые планы.

В июне я должен поехать в загородный лагерь. Там по традиции я бываю каждый год вместе со своими друзьями.

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My Dream Vacation Каникулы моей мечты
My name is Pavel and I live in Saint Petersburg. Last year I had my dream vacation. Long before my summer vacation my father offered me to go to the beautiful lake in Leningrad region for 10 days. Of course, I agreed because it was my dream but my mother was against it and did’t want to let me go. I tried to convince her for several months and she finally agreed. My father’s friend Misha and his son Lesha joined us I usually get along with them quite well. Меня зовут Павел, я живу в городе Санкт-Петербург. В прошлом году у меня были каникулы моей мечты. Ещё задолго до каникул мой папа предложил мне поехать летом на 10 дней на красивейшее озеро в Ленинградской области. Я, конечно же, согласился, так как это была моя большая мечта, но мама была категорически против и не хотела меня отпускать. Несколько месяцев уговоров и мама, скрепя сердце, отпустила нас. Вместе с нами поехал ещё папин друг дядя Миша и его сын Лёша, с которым мы хорошо ладим.
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Seaside Vacation Каникулы на море
Summer vacation is the best time for every schoolchild. It’s so great if you can spend it at the sea! Warm sun, salty water, hot sand and, of course, a lot of fun activities, nothing can beat that!

My parents and I are going to the seaside every year.

Летние каникулы — это самая долгожданная пора в жизни каждого школьника. А как же здорово провести их не где-нибудь, а на море! Жаркое солнце, соленая вода, горячий, обжигающий ноги песок и, конечно, множество веселых развлечений — ничего не может быть лучше такого отдыха!

Мы с родителями каждый год летом ездим на море.

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Seaside Vacation Каникулы на морском побережье
Last year in June when summer vacation just started, my parents and I went to Cypress. My father got lucky and bought last-minute tickets. We were going to stay at the seaside for 10 days, that was the best start of my summer vacation!

The place we came to was called Protaras, it sounds funny for the Russians.

В прошлом году, в июне, как только начались летние каникулы, я с родителями отправился на остров Кипр. Моему папе повезло, и он смог купить горящую путёвку. Целых десять дней нам предстояло прожить на морском побережье, отличное начало каникул!

Место, в которое мы поехали, называлось Протарас, что звучит смешно для русского слуха.

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My Vacation Plan Мои планы на каникулы
Long awaited summer vacation is almost here, what should I do? I’ve got so many plans I hope I will be able to do it all.

At the beginning of summer my mother and I are going to visit my grandmother in the Urals region. She lives in a very small town and at first you might think that there is nothing to do there but I always find a lot of interesting things to do.

Долгожданные летние каникулы, как же их провести? Впереди у меня так много планов, и, надеюсь, что мне удастся все их осуществить.

Вначале лета мы с мамой планируем на месяц поехать в гости к бабушке на Урал. Она живет в маленьком провинциальном городке, где, как на первый взгляд может показаться, абсолютно нечего делать, но для меня там всегда находится множество интересных занятий.

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О Зимних каникулах

Winter Holidays Зимние каникулы
My name is Anastasia. I’m thirteen years old. My favourite season is winter. My holidays began on the 28th of December. I am in a good mood because New Year’s Day and two weeks of the rest will come soon. I like festive bustle.

In the first day of our holidays I and my sister decorated our flat and we also decorated the Christmas tree in the evening.

Меня зовут Анастасия. Мне 13 лет. Моё любимое время года – зима. Каникулы начались 28 декабря, и у меня сразу поднялось настроение, так как впереди самый замечательный праздник: Новый год и две недели отдыха. Очень люблю праздничную суматоху.

В первый день каникул мы вместе с сестрой украшали квартиру, а вечером наряжали ёлку.

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How Will I Spend Winter Holidays Как я проведу зимние каникулы
Every year we have a week or two to relax during the celebration of New Year holidays. The schools don’t work and many companies also take a break. That’s why I and my parents can do whatever we like starting from the end of December.

This year we’ve decided to stay at home. Last year we spent our winter holidays in Saint Petersburg and had a wonderful time there with some of our distant relatives.

Каждый год у нас есть неделя или две, чтобы отдохнуть во время празднования новогодних праздников. Школы не работают, многие компании тоже делают перерыв. Вот почему мы с родителями можем делать все, что нам нравится, начиная с конца декабря.

В этом году мы решили остаться дома. В прошлом году мы были в Санкт-Петербурге во время зимних каникул и замечательно провели там время с нашими дальними родственниками.

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How I Spent Winter Holidays Как я провел зимние каникулы
All schoolchildren look forward to having long holidays and I’m no exception. My favourite holidays are in summer and winter. Perhaps, winter holidays are even better, because it’s also the time for Christmas and New Year celebrations. Everyone is in cheerful mood, houses and stores in the streets are richly decorated and you get to receive lots of presents.

My winter holidays have started almost a week before the New Year.

Все школьники с нетерпением ждут длительных каникул, и я не исключение. Мои любимые каникулы зимние и летние. Возможно, зимние каникулы даже лучше, потому что это также время рождественских и новогодних праздников. Все вокруг в приподнятом настроении, дома и магазины на улицах роскошно украшены, и есть возможность получить много подарков.

Мои зимние каникулы начались почти за неделю до Нового года.

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My New Year Vacation Мои новогодние каникулы
Who doesn’t like the New Year vacation? I think it’s the happiest 2 weeks of winter for every schoolchild. It’s the happiest time not because you don’t have to study hard all day but also because we celebrate the main holiday of the year on the night of December 31 to January 1. Кто из нас не любит новогодние каникулы? Это, пожалуй, самые счастливые зимние две недели в жизни каждого школьника. И счастливые они не только потому, что в это время не нужно с утра до ночи сидеть за учебниками, но и потому, что в ночь с 31 декабря на 1 января мы отмечаем самый главный праздник в году.
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My Winter Vacation Мои зимние каникулы
Winter vacation usually starts on December 26 at my school. This is the first day of the real freedom when you don’t have to wake up early and go to school, instead you can forget about studying and enjoy free time with your friends.

I spend most of my free time on vacation with my best friend Dasha.

В нашей школе зимние каникулы обычно начинаются 26 декабря. Это первый день настоящей свободы, так как не нужно просыпаться рано утром, чтобы собраться на занятия, и можно на время забыть об уроках и учебниках, наслаждаясь общением с друзьями.

Больше всего времени в каникулы я провожу с моей лучшей подругой Дашей.

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Vacation in Russia Каникулы в России
A lot of my friends are dreaming of going abroad on vacation. Of course, it’s great but I think you can have an awesome time in our country too.

For example, my parents and I went from Moscow to Saint Petersburg last winter. I used to think that this city looks good only in summer when you can enjoy rivers and canals of Venice of the North or the beach at Peter and Paul fortress.

Многие мои друзья мечтают об отдыхе за границей. Это, конечно, очень здорово, но мне кажется, что и в нашей стране тоже можно замечательно провести время на каникулах.

Например, в этом году зимой мы с родителями ездили из Москвы в Санкт-Петербург. Раньше я думал, что этот город хорош только летом, когда можно прокатиться по рекам и каналам Северной Венеции на катере или, например, посетить пляж у Петропавловской крепости.

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My Bad Holidays Мои неудачные каникулы
If someone told me that holidays can be bad, I wouldn’t have believed. Since I’ve experienced it myself, I know they can. Each year we go somewhere hot for a week or two. My mum thinks that seaside is the necessary component for a good family holiday. That’s why we choose to visit southern regions or countries.

Last year we went to Egypt.

Если бы кто-то сказал мне, что каникулы могут быть неудачными, я бы не поверила. Но так как я испытала это на себе, то знаю, что могут. Каждый год мы ездим в какие-нибудь теплые места на неделю или две. Моя мама считает, что морское побережье — это просто неизменный атрибут хорошего семейного отдыха. Вот почему мы ездим в южные регионы или страны.

В прошлом году мы побывали в Египте.

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Об осенних каникулах

Autumn Holidays Осенние каникулы
Seasonal holiday are simply necessary for our body and mind, as well as good sleep. That’s why four times a year we have a rest. Winter holidays last for almost two weeks. Summer holidays are the longest. They last up to three months. Autumn and spring holidays last for only one week. It is still enough time to relax and get ready for the new academic term. Сезонные каникулы просто необходимы для тела и ума, также как полноценный сон. Вот почему четыре раза в год мы отдыхаем. Зимние каникулы длятся почти две недели. Летние каникулы самые длинные. Они длятся до трех месяцев. Осенние и весенние каникулы длятся всего одну неделю. Всё же достаточно времени, чтобы расслабиться и подготовиться к новой учебной четверти.
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What I Did During My Automn Vacation Как я провёл осенние каникулы
Even though automn vacation is very short and lasts for a week only, schoolchildren still like it. This year I had an awesome vacation in October.

We were lucky because the weather was nice and the whole week it was sunny even though it had rained before that.

Несмотря на то что осенние каникулы очень короткие и длятся всего одну неделю, они все равно любимы всеми учениками. В этом году у меня был великолепный отдых в октябре.

Нам очень повезло с погодой, и неделя выдалась солнечной, хотя до этого несколько дней подряд на улице шел нескончаемый дождь.

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О Весенних каникулах

Spring Holidays Весенние каникулы
We all look forward for school holidays during the academic year. There are four major school breaks, in winter, spring, summer and autumn. The longest holidays are in summer, as they last for three months. Winter holidays last for almost two weeks.

Spring and autumn holidays last for only a week. It’s not a long term, but I always enjoy my holidays and try to spend them cheerfully.

Мы все с нетерпением ждем школьных каникул в течение учебного года. Существуют четыре основных вида школьных каникул: зимние, весенние, летние и осенние. Самые длительные каникулы приходятся на летнее время и длятся три месяца. Зимние каникулы длятся почти две недели.

Весной и осенью каникулы длятся всего неделю. Это не долгий срок, но я всегда наслаждаюсь своими каникулами и пытаюсь провести их весело.

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What I Did During My Spring Break Как я провёл весенние каникулы
Spring vacation is over. This week went by very fast and I’m surprised how fast time flies when you are doing something you are really interested in.

So what did I do during my spring break? Of course, I played outside a lot. I went to the park, to the city center with my friends and parents and walked my dog…

Вот и закончились весенние каникулы. Эта неделя пробежала совсем незаметно, и я удивляюсь тому, как же быстро летит время, когда ты занимаешься чем-то, что тебе действительно интересно.

Так что же я делала в каникулы? Конечно же, гуляла. Много и долго. Во дворе, в парке, по городу, с друзьями, с родителями, с собакой…

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Рассказ об отдыхе на английском — базовая тема, которую должны знать все школьники. Учителя начальных, средних и старших классов задают написать сочинение на тему «Как я провёл лето», чтобы помочь ученикам развить навыки письменной речи, продемонстрировать широкий словарный запас и знание основных временных форм. Ниже вы найдете главные секреты удачного сочинения с примерами эссе для разных классов и тематической подборкой слов.

Как написать сочинение про каникулы на английском

Чтобы написать интересное сочинение, разработайте его структуру. Подумайте, о чём бы хотели написать в вводной, основной и заключительной части.

Введение — визитная карточка вашего сочинения. Его задача — плавно подвести к теме. Оно должно быть небольшим, но интересным, чтобы читателю захотелось прочитать сочинение до конца. Важно, чтобы вводная часть была написана без ошибок и опечаток. Примеры введения к сочинениям:

  • I spent my summer vacation at the camp and I would like to share my experience with you.
  • Summer is a perfect time for traveling. Like many other students, I like visiting new places, towns and countries. Today I would like to tell you about my trip to Greece.
  • Summer is my favorite time of the year. Because we can enjoy the warm sunny weather and a lot of free time. During summertime some people prefer going to the sea or visiting grandparents in the country-side. As for me, I enjoy spending time in my hometown.

Основная часть — здесь вы раскрываете суть вашего сочинения и рассказываете о том, чем занимались в летние каникулы, описываете самые запоминающиеся моменты. Лучше всего использовать простые временные формы — так вы избежите лишних грамматических ошибок. Например, Present Simple или Past Simple. Для того, чтобы сделать сочинение динамичным и захватывающим, используйте вводные слова: at first, as a matter of fact, as far as I remember, finally, in conclusion. Одна мысль должна вытекать из другой, во всём сочинении должна сохраняться логика. Например, вы можете рассказать, чем занимались каждый летний месяц:

  • I visited my grandparents in June. I decided to help them and devote time to reading. July was the hottest month of summer, so my parents and I went to the seaside. We enjoyed time together, sunbathed, and swam in the Black Sea. The last summer month, August, I spent at home. I met my friends, relatives and had a rest in my sweet home.

Заключение — финальные несколько предложений, в которых вы делаете выводы о летних каникулах. Понравилось ли вам лето? Почему? Что было самым интересным? На все эти вопросы ответьте в последних предложениях — подведите итоги.

  • I can definitely say that summer is a wonderful time. Time to receive positive memories and energy for the new school year. I am happy to have such a thrilling summer vacation.

Другие топики на английском:

  • Монолог на тему «Путешествие» на английском
  • Topic «About Myself»: несколько предложений о себе на английском языке
  • Описание любимой профессии на английском
  • Как рассказать о своей семье на английском: примеры текстов с переводом
  • Небольшое сочинение с своем любимом питомце на английском
  • Топики на тему «Мое хобби»: готовые эссе с переводом
  • My Working (School) Day: как описать свой рабочий (школьный) день на английском
  • My Friend: Рассказ о лучшем друге на английском

«My summer vacations»: сочинение для младших классов

Summer is my favorite season, because I have the longest vacation. I am free from school and homework. I can do everything that I want. I’d like to tell you why I like this season so much and what I do every summer.

First of all, I like to spend time at home. I play computer games, read books, and watch TV. As I don’t go to school, I have a lot of free time to relax, chat with my parents and friends. I also try to help my parents. For example, I help my mother to cook meals, lay the table and wash dishes.

Secondly, I go for a walk with my friends. We play football and volleyball, ride bicycles and rollerblades. On the weekend my friends and I go to the waterpark, the zoo or the cinema.

Moreover, my parents and I always go to the country-side every summer. As usual, we visited our grandparents and went to the forest. I like picking up berries and mushrooms in the forest. I found it thrilling. It is also a pleasure for me to swim in rivers and lakes.

By the way, summer is a time full of small joys. We can eat ice-cream, strawberries, cherries, and watermelons. I adore summer fruits. Besides, we can go for a walk till eight o’clock in the evening and sleep till midday.

I really enjoy summertime and I always look forward to summer vacations.

«Мои летние каникулы» (перевод)

Лето — мое любимое время года, потому что в это время начинаются самые длинные каникулы. Я свободен от школы и домашних заданий, могу делать всё, что хочу. Я хотел бы рассказать вам, почему мне так нравится это время года и что делаю каждое лето.

Во-первых, я люблю проводить время дома. Я играю в компьютерные игры, читаю книги и смотрю телевизор. Поскольку я не хожу в школу, у меня много свободного времени, чтобы отдохнуть, пообщаться с родителями и друзьями. Я также стараюсь помогать своим родителям. Например, помогаю маме готовить еду, накрывать на стол и мыть посуду.

Во-вторых, я гуляю со своими друзьями. Мы играем в футбол и волейбол, катаемся на велосипедах и роликах. В выходные мы с друзьями ходим в аквапарк, зоопарк и кино.

Кроме того, каждое лето мы с родителями всегда ездим в деревню. Как обычно, мы навещаем наших бабушек и дедушек и ходим в лес. Мне нравится собирать в лесу ягоды и грибы. Я нахожу это захватывающим. Также я с удовольствием купаюсь в реках и озерах.

К тому же, лето — это время, полное маленьких радостей. Мы можем есть мороженое, клубнику, вишню и арбузы. Я обожаю летние фрукты. Кроме того, мы можем гулять до восьми часов вечера и спать до полудня.

Мне очень нравится летнее время, и я всегда с нетерпением жду летних каникул.

Полезная лексика на тему «Мои летние каникулы»

  • summertime — лето, летнее время, летний сезон
  • vacations, holidays — каникулы
  • have a rest — отдыхать
  • go abroad — поехать за границу
  • go to the country-side — поехать в сельскую местность
  • a holiday camps — лагерь отдыха в период каникул
  • stay indoors — оставаться в доме
  • wonderful impressions — неизгладимое впечатление
  • be outside — быть снаружи
  • pleasure — удовольствие
  • sand — песок
  • sea — море
  • river — река
  • seashell — ракушка
  • lake — озеро
  • grass — трава
  • travel — путешествовать
  • return home — возвращаться домой
  • be free from school and homework — быть свободным от школы и домашнего задания
  • strawberries — клубника
  • cherries — черешня
  • watermelons — арбуз
  • memorable — запоминающийся
  • filled with events — наполненный событиями
  • grow fruit and vegetables — выращивать фрукты и овощи
  • plants and nature — растения и природа
  • fishing rods — удилища
  • swim in the river — купаться в речке
  • go to the forest — отправиться в лес
  • to feed birds and animals — кормить птиц и животных
  • pick flowers, mushrooms, berries — собирать цветы, грибы, ягоды
  • visit grandparents проведать — бабушку и дедушку
  • far from noise and fuss of big cities — вдали от шума и городской суеты
  • small joys — маленькие радости
  • memorable — запоминающийся

«My trip to Crimea»: рассказ про отдых на море

My favorite part of my summer holiday is going to the sea. One of my most unforgettable experiences was a trip to Crimea with my parents. I’d like to tell you about this trip.

This journey was full of events. Crimea is not only a center for recreation, but it is also a center of a unique history. That’s why my parents and I mix seaside vacations with memorable excursions. We watched ancient monuments and terrific castles. I was impressed to visit The Swallow’s Nest. It is a castle perched over the Black Sea. It was the most beautiful view that I had ever seen.

Besides, we swam in the Black Sea and laid on the beach. This was the laziest part of our vacation. We relaxed on the beach, listened to the sounds of the sea, seagulls, built sandcastles, and read books. Sometimes my father and I played volleyball on the beach. It was very funny to run for the ball and compete with my Dad. We also enjoyed buying some kind of beach food — roasted sunflower seeds, sweetcorn, ice-cream and milk shake.

In the evening we went out, walked through beautiful streets, full of people, listened to the street musicians, and ate delicious food in Crimean restaurants. This was a splendid time that I spent with my parents. I am sure that I will always remember it.

«Моя поездка в Крым» (перевод)

Моя любимая часть летнего отпуска — это поездка на море. Одним из моих самых незабываемых впечатлений — поездка в Крым. Я бы хотела рассказать вам об этой поездке.

Это путешествие было насыщено событиями, ведь Крым — это не только центр отдыха, но и уникальный исторический центр. Поэтому мы с родителями совмещаем отдых на море с незабываемыми экскурсиями. Мы смотрели древние памятники и потрясающие замки. Меня очень впечатлило посещение Ласточкиного гнезда. Это замок, возвышающийся над Черным морем. Это был самый красивый вид, который я когда-либо видела.

Кроме того, мы плавали в Черном море и лежали на пляже. Это самая ленивая часть нашего отпуска. Мы расслаблялись на пляже, слушали шум моря, чаек, строили замки из песка и читали книги. Иногда мы с отцом играли в волейбол на пляже. Было очень забавно бегать за мячом и соревноваться с папой. Нам также нравилось покупать какую-нибудь пляжную еду — жареные семечки, сладкую кукурузу, мороженое и молочные коктейли.

Вечером мы гуляли по красивым улицам, полным людей, слушали уличных музыкантов и ели вкусную еду в крымских ресторанах. Это было прекрасное время, которое я провела с родителями. Уверена, что я всегда буду помнить эту поездку.

Полезная лексика для топика «Отдых на море»

  • sunbathe — загорать
  • dolphin — дельфин
  • stony beach — каменистый пляж
  • numerous excursions — многочисленные экскурсии
  • scuba dive — дайвинг
  • life of the seabed — жизнь морского дна
  • water park — аквапарк
  • make trips on a motor ship — кататься на водном судне
  • unforgettable — незабываемый
  • transparent water — прозрачная вода
  • go to the mountains — поехать в горы
  • seaside town — прибрежный город
  • ancient place — старинное (историческое) место
  • monuments and castles — памятники и замки
  • sandcastle — песочный замок
  • roasted sunflower seeds — жареные семечки
  • sweetcorn — сладкая кукуруза
  • compete — соревноваться
  • seagull — чайка
  • terrific — великолепный, потрясающий
  • The Swallow’s Nest — Ласточкино гнездо
  • perch over — нависать над
  • lay on the beach — лежать на пляже
  • visit grandparents — проведать бабушку и дедушку
  • far from noise and fuss of big cities — вдали от шума и городской суеты
  • small joys — маленькие радости

Эссе «How I spent my summer holidays» (от лица школьника старших классов)

I spent my summer vacation at the holiday camp and I would like to share my memorable experience with you.

That year I went to the holiday camp for the first time. Several days before this trip I was really excited. I worried whether I liked to stay in the camp and be far from home. I also was not sure whether I would meet new friends. Luckily, on the first day of camp I met several boys and girls with common interests. We quickly hit it off and became friends. As a result, after the first day in the camp I stopped worrying at all.

Then I had twenty unforgettable days full of events and adventures. We swam in the Black Sea, played beach volleyball, and took part in numerous activities. Every evening my friends and I went to discos, barbecue parties and cinema performances. We also took part in sports competitions. Besides, in the afternoons we had English lessons. So I could practice English everyday in the camp.

Two days a week we had thrilling excursions. We went to the water park, the zoo, and the fish tank. I really liked to see the underwater aquarium. The last day we had a farewell party. I exchanged phone numbers with my new friends. We had an unforgettable night, danced, sang favorite songs, and laughed a lot.

Twenty one days in the camp had flown so fast, and I returned home full of impressions and funny stories. I definitely want to visit this camp again.

«Как я провел(а) это лето» (перевод)

Я провел свои летние каникулы в лагере отдыха и хотел бы поделиться с вами своими незабываемыми впечатлениями.

В этом году я впервые поехал в лагерь отдыха. За несколько дней до поездки я был очень взволнован. Я волновался, понравится ли мне быть в лагере вдали от дома. Я также не был уверен, что встречу новых друзей. К счастью, в первый день в лагере я встретил нескольких мальчиков и девочек с общими интересами. Мы быстро нашли общий язык и подружились. В результате после первого дня в лагере я перестал волноваться.

Затем у меня было двадцать незабываемых дней, полных событий и приключений. Мы плавали в Черном море, играли в пляжный волейбол и принимали участие в многочисленных мероприятиях. Каждый вечер мы с друзьями ходили на дискотеки, барбекю и в кино. Мы также принимали участие в спортивных соревнованиях. Кроме того, во второй половине дня у нас были уроки английского языка. Так что в лагере я мог практиковать английский каждый день.

Два дня в неделю у нас были увлекательные экскурсии. Мы ходили в аквапарк, зоопарк и аквариум. Мне очень понравилось смотреть на подводный аквариум. В последний день у нас была прощальная вечеринка. Я обменялся номерами телефонов со своими новыми друзьями. Мы провели незабываемый вечер, танцевали, пели любимые песни и много смеялись.

Двадцать один день в лагере пролетел так быстро, и я вернулся домой с впечатлениями и веселыми историями. Я обязательно хочу посетить этот лагерь снова.

Полезная лексика по теме «Как я провел лето»

  • common interests — общие интересы
  • hit it off — подружиться
  • full of events and adventures — полный событий и приключений
  • exchange phone numbers — обменяться номерами телефонов
  • a farewell party — прощальная вечеринка
  • fish tank — аквариум
  • thrilling — захватывающий
  • definitely — точно
  • bathing suit — купальник, плавки
  • sunscreen — солнцезащитный крем
  • sun hat — шляпа от солнца
  • tan — загар
  • waterski — водные лыжи

«My bad summer vacation» рассказ о неудачном отдыхе на английском

Sometimes we look forward to summer vacations and count days before they start. However, it’s not always that they live up to expectations. I tell you about my bad summer vacation, when it all went wrong.

In June I was so glad to start my vacation! I spent a lot of time at home and went out with my friends. One day my cousins and I decided to go to the water park. It was a true adventure. I was so excited! But I forgot to take care of myself and spent a lot of time under the sun. I didn’t take a sunhat and didn’t use sunscreen. As a result my skin had burnt and I had gotten sunstroke. The next two weeks I had a high temperature, painful headaches, and a cough. Besides, my burnt skin was so painful! It was terrible.

Next month I went to the country-side and hoped to go fishing. But unfortunately, I forgot my fishing rods at home. And my hopes failed. Trustly speaking, it was boring to have a rest in the village because all my friends went to the camp.

So, it was a rather dull summer vacation. But I decided to learn from my mistakes. Take care of myself and avoid high-level sun rays. Be more careful and less forgetful. I hope the next summer vacation will be better.

«Мои неудачные летние каникулы» (перевод)

Иногда мы с нетерпением ждем летних каникул и считаем дни до их начала. Однако не всегда они оправдывают ожидания. Я расскажу вам о своем неудачном летнем отдыхе, когда всё пошло не так.

В июне я был так рада началу отпуска! Я много времени проводил дома и гулял с друзьями. Однажды мы с двоюродными братьями решили пойти в аквапарк. Это было настоящее приключение. Я был так взволнована! Но забыл позаботиться о себе и провёл много времени под солнцем. Я не взял солнцезащитную шляпу и не пользовалась кремом для загара. В результате моя кожа обгорела, и я получил солнечный удар. Следующие две недели у меня была высокая температура, мучительные головные боли и кашель. Кроме того, моя обожженная кожа была такой болезненной! Это было ужасно.

В следующем месяце я поехал в деревню и надеялся порыбачить. Но, к сожалению, забыл свои удочки дома. И мои надежды не оправдались. К тому же, отдыхать в деревне было скучно, потому что все мои друзья уехали в лагерь.

В общем, это были довольно скучные летние каникулы. Но я решил учиться на своих ошибках. Беречь себя и избегать высоких солнечных лучей. Быть более внимательным и менее забывчивым. Надеюсь, что следующие летние каникулы будут лучше.

Полезная лексика на тему «Мои ужасные каникулы»

  • live up to the expectations — оправдать ожидания
  • count days — считать дни
  • painful headaches — сильные головные боли
  • unfortunately — к сожалению
  • high-level sun rays — сильные солнечные лучи
  • sunstroke — солнечный удар
  • boring — скучный
  • it all went wrong — всё пошло наперекосяк



Английский для детей

Групповые и индивидуальные онлайн-уроки английского для детей с носителем языка. Попробуйте бесплатно!


I went to Milan last February with my boyfriend.We flew to Milan by WIZZ
AIR.We stayed for three days in a great hotel near Duomo.During the day we walked
around the city.We saw all the famous places like the Duomo and the theatre La
Scala.We took a lot of photos.At night we went to restaurants and had
fantastic pizza,salad and pana cota.

Our favourite restourant was in the via Montenapoleone.We bought some very expensive clothes, shoes and bags.We had a great time.Milan is  a very nice town with special atmosphere and the Italian food is wonderful.

V., A1.2, BL


Last year we went to the see in Bulgaria. We traveled by car.We were me and my husband. We stayed in hotel near the beach.There we had rest and fun.During the day we walked along the beach, in the evening we went to a restaurant and sometames to a bar. We spent our time very well, but it was very hot.

S., A1.2. BL


During my last holiday me and my family were on a visit in the house of friends of ours.
The house is at the foot of the Rila mountain.
Every day we woke up early in the morning, we had breakfast in the garden and
we went to Borovetz.
In Borovetz it was very quiet  because there were not so many people as in the winter.
One of the days we went to Yastrebetz by lift. There we sat in the restaurant of the mountain

hut and we ate beans soup and sausages and we drank some mountain tea.
The weather was nice and we had a great time.

S. D., A1.2., BL


I went to my village last holiday with my girlfriend. We stayed for  4 days in  my house.  There it was nice and cosy.  During the day we walked in the mountain and saw a beautiful river and meadows. After that we went to the restaurant. We had  pizza and beer. We had a great time. The weather was beautiful. We relaxed very well.

Best regards,

Y. G., A1.2, BL


My last holiday

I went to Kostenets last month with my girlfriend. We went to Kostenets by car.

We stayed for a weekend in a nice hotel near the river. The hotel was inexpensive.

On the first day we walked to the waterfall Kostenets and we took a lot of photos. For  dinner we were in the hotel’s restaurant and ate very tasty vegetables.

On the second day we stayed in the hotel because the weather was very bad.

We had a great time but we had a little problem: the time was  very short.

K., A1.2, BL


A.P. A1.2

I went to my village Janovo, which is in the municipality of Sandanski. I went with my mother and a lot of baggage.

I got by my old car. I stayed in my villa. I helped my grandmother in the vineyard.

I saw a beautiful landscape and a high mountain. I ate in the kitchen in my villa. The weather was warm.

I had a great time.

Regards from my village.


My last holiday
Last summer I went to London and Paris with my daughter, my sister and her son (my nephew).First, we flew to London by Easy Jett. In London we stayed at our friends’ home for one week. We saw all the famous places in London, we went to Stonehenge and also we went to the ocean beach. We took a lot of photos.

In the evenings we went to pubs. I liked listening to pub music  and I liked drinking English beer. The next week we went to Paris by train “Euro star”. We travelled through the Channel Tunnel. It’s the longest underwater tunnel in the world.

In Paris we stayed in a hotel near the Disneiland.It was my present for my daughter’s birthday. We had a great time. Paris is an amazing city. We took a lot of photos and bought a lot of souvenirs. We didn’t have any problems. It was a fantastic holiday.

P.. A1.2, BL


My last holiday was last summer.I went to the Black sea with my very best friends. We stayed for seven days in Albena. In the mornings we got up at 9:00 o’clock, had  breakfast and went to the beach. About 14:00 o’clock we had lunch in the hotel’s restaurant.

Every day after lunch we traveled to a variety of places near  Albena, for example, the Botanical garden and the King’s palace in Balchic, The Stone  monastery in Golden Sands , and the cape ” Caliacra”. Everywhere we took a lot of photos.

In the evenings we had dinner in the hotel, after that  we went to a piano-bar, where we sang and danced.

The weather was very hot, it was still summer.

This holiday was wonderful, we had a great time.


B., A1.2, BL


Last summer I went to the sea with my friends.

We went there by a car.We stayed for two

weeks in a  camp in different places and

slept in a  tent.There we rode surfed and kitesurfed.

In the evening played the guitar , sang songs and

told stories.There I found many friends. We took

a lot of photos and had a great time. It was

very hot.

I., A1.2

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