Сочинение на английском онлайн обучение или в классе

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Плюсы и минусы онлайн обучения/ Pros And Cons Of Online Studying с переводом на русский язык.

Pros And Cons Of Online Studying Плюсы и минусы онлайн обучения
More and more people today support the idea of studying from home, instead of actual attendance of schools or universities. It is very convenient, on the one hand. Все больше людей сегодня высказываются за обучение из дома, вместо привычного посещения училищ или университетов. С одной стороны, это очень удобно.
However, the question of online studying as every other topic has its pros and cons. Since the computer was invented, people knew they would be able to do some jobs with the help of it. All the data has been automatically stored in electronic format. It was much easier to keep the information on discs than in huge files. As the Internet was invented, things have become even easier. Однако вопрос онлайн обучения, как и любая другая тема, имеет свои плюсы и минусы. С тех пор, как был изобретен компьютер, люди знали, что смогут выполнять кое-какую работу с его помощью. Все данные автоматически переносились в электронный формат. Хранить информацию на дисках оказалось гораздо проще, чем в бесчисленных папках. А с изобретением Интернета все стало еще легче. Теперь люди могли обмениваться информацией в мгновенье ока.
From now on, people could exchange information in the blink of an eye. Soon it was clear that many things can be done online, for example, instant communication or video chatting. The later was especially handy in terms of studying. Вскоре стало понятно, что многое можно будет делать онлайн, например, мгновенно общаться или вести видео переговоры. Последнее было в особенности удобно в смысле обучения.
There are thousands of courses in numerous disciplines nowadays. It is especially convenient to study foreign languages, economics, biology, history, social science, psychology online. It is also important to mention that there are a few ways to get education from home. One can study with the help of such messengers like skype. In this case, the tutor and student can have video contact. There is also an option to study simply with the help of online notes, i.e. reading e-books and doing online exercises. В настоящее время существуют сотни курсов по различным дисциплинам. Онлайн в особенности удобно изучать иностранные языки, экономику, физику, биологию, историю, обществоведение, психологию. Также, важно отметить, что есть несколько способов онлайн обучения. Кто-то может учиться с помощью таких мессенджеров, как скайп. В таком случае, преподаватель с учеником связаны видео контактом. Есть также возможность обучаться с помощью онлайн материалов, а именно по электронным изданиям, и выполняя онлайн упражнения.
One of the main assets of distant learning is that people can choose how much time they want to dedicate to it and when. They are also allowed to use various computer programs while doing their home tasks. Одним из главных плюсов удаленного образования является то, что люди могут выбирать, сколько времени они хотят этому посвятить и когда. Они также могут использовать различные компьютерные программы в выполнении домашнего задания.
The disadvantage of e-learning, in my opinion, is the absence of group communication. However, I’m sure this is also being fixed. So, if I was asked to choose the type of studying, I would probably go with the one online. Минусом онлайн обучения, на мой взгляд, является отсутствие группового общения. Хотя я уверен, что над этим работают. Поэтому, если бы меня спросили, какой вид обучения мне по душе, я бы, скорее всего, выбрал онлайн обучение.

The modern world is experiencing great changes in almost every sphere of life including education. Nowadays, young people have a variety of educational systems. Online classes are becoming more and more popular.

As for me, I believe that studying online is better than going to a regular class. First of all, it allows you to choose the time when to take a lesson. For example, many people do not like to keep early hours, and it would be better for them to learn something in the afternoon or in the evening. Online education gives them such an opportunity. What is more, you can choose the place where to study. Whether it is a cosy room of yours or your grandparents’ country house, nothing can prevent you from learning.

It is also true that there are people who prefer going to a regular class. They need not only pure knowledge but also live communication with other students and teachers.

Nevertheless, I see no point in going to a regular school for keeping personal contacts. There are better places to meet friends and discuss things with them.

In conclusion, I want to draw your attention to the fact than the world is progressing at high speed, and online educational platforms are a wonderful result of this progress. People should use them as much as possible to their advantage.

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Космический квест


Обычная жизнь

В разработке


Продвинутый курс

Практичные советы по изучению английского языка

Текст ONLINE or IN class? с переводом.

ONLINE or IN class?
Онлайн или в классе?

Many people believe that there won’t be any schools in the future. Instead, students will learn at home with the help of a personal computer and the Internet. Многие люди считают, что в будущем не будет никаких школ. Вместо них ученики будут учиться дома с использованием персонального компьютера и интернета.
It is true that technology plays a big part in learning today. In many parts of the world, students use personal computers to write their school assignments or keep notes of lectures. What’s more, students go online to look up useful information or do an online course. Действительно, сегодня технология играет большую роль в образовании. Во многих частях света студенты используют персональные компьютеры, чтобы написать школьные задания или законспектировать лекции. Более того, ученики выходят в интернет, чтобы посмотреть информацию или пройти онлайн-курс.
However, computers will never be able to replace teachers. Teachers motivate their students, help them out with difficult tasks, answer their questions and give clear explanations. Moreover teachers show young children how to behave and act as role models for them. Однако, компьютеры никогда не смогут заменить учителей. Учителя мотивируют своих учеников, помогают им с трудными заданиями, задают вопросы и дают четкие объяснения. Более того, учителя демонстрируют детям, как надо вести себя, и выступают как образцы для них.
To sum up, technology can help students learn things. Unfortunately, it cannot offer them the inspiration and support that teachers can. Таким образом, технология может помочь ученикам в изучении различных вещей. К сожалению, она не может предложить им вдохновение и поддержку, что могут сделать учителя.

Источник: Spotlight, 7 класс, модуль 5c.

Comment on the following statement. What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

​​​Studying online is more interesting than studying at school

Write 200-250words

Use the following plan:

-make an introduction (state the problem paraphrasing the given statement),

-express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion,

-express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion,

-express why you do not agree with the opposing opinion,

-make a conclusion restating your position.

    Many people believe that distance learning is far more exciting than going to school. However, many others think that studying at school is better than studying online.
    From my point of view, distance learning is more beneficial. Firstly, it is more convenient – you do not need to wear uncomfortable uniform, you can eat whatever and whenever you want and you can take a break anytime. In addition, there is no need in direct contact with your teachers or classmates, so you can stay in comfort, relax and concentrate better.
    Nonetheless, many others insist that homeschooling is worse than school learning. Their argument is that attending school is the main way for a teenager to socialize. Also, they consider that when you study at home it is harder to concentrate and stay productive.
    I do not fully agree with my opponents. There are many ways for children and teenagers to socialize. For example, it could be some special courses or clubs like art schools or dancing classes. Hobbies are also good for socializing because you can meet people who share your interests. Furthermore, nowadays you can use many apps which can help you to be as concentrated and productive as possible.
    But it’s still up to you to decide whether you should go to school or study at home. For some people it is better to take online classes, while others prefer studying at school. As for me, I choose distance learning because it is more comfortable for me and I have enough time to study and entertain.

Автор материала: П. Батальщикова (11 класс)

Сочинение на тему “Онлайн обучение” на английском языке с переводом на русский язык

Online Studying

Онлайн обучение

Nowadays education is available for everyone. People can get education in a number of ways. They can go to schools and universities, attend different courses, conferences, seminars and workshop. We live in the time of high technologies and the Internet is a significant part of the modern life. So it is not necessary to be personally present at university, for example, to get an education.

В настоящее время образование доступно для всех. Люди могут получить образование несколькими способами. Они могут посещать школы и университеты, различные курсы, конференции, семинары и практикумы. Мы живем во времена высоких технологий, и Интернет является важной частью современной жизни. Поэтому нет необходимости лично присутствовать в университете, например, чтобы получить образование.

It means that online studying become very popular. It has many advantages though there are some disadvantages. First of all, it is a very convenient way to get an education. If you work till the night or just have no time to attend courses or classes, you can choose online studying. Often you have an opportunity to choose time and day for it. Besides, it can vary from week to week. Sometimes online studying is combined with full-time education. One more advantage is that you can choose any course you like. For example, some courses are held only in big cities so it is possible for people from small cities to get an education they want.

Это означает, что онлайн-обучение становится очень популярным. Это имеет много преимуществ, хотя есть и некоторые недостатки. Прежде всего, это очень удобный способ получить образование. Если вы работаете до ночи или просто нет времени для посещения курсов или занятий, вы можете выбрать онлайн обучение. Часто у вас есть возможность выбрать время и день для этого. Кроме того, время может варьироваться от недели к неделе. Иногда онлайн обучение сочетается с очной формой обучения. Еще одно преимущество – вы можете выбрать любой курс, который вам нравится. Например, некоторые курсы проводятся только в больших городах, поэтому люди из малых городов могут получить образование, которое им необходимо.

However there are some disadvantages. First of all, sometimes you need real teachers to control the process of education. For example, if you choose online dance classes, you can need the help of a teacher who can improve your mistakes while dancing.

Однако есть некоторые недостатки. Во-первых, иногда вам нужны настоящие учителя, чтобы контролировать процесс обучения. Например, если вы выбираете онлайн курсы танцев, вам может понадобиться помощь преподавателя, который поможет исправить ошибки в танце.

Though there are some disadvantages, online studying is popular and convenient way to get an education.

Хотя и есть некоторые недостатки, онлайн обучение – это популярный и удобный способ получить образование.



Essay Sample 06

ege 2

Comment on the following statement:

Studying online is more interesting than studying at school.  

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
—    make an introduction (state the problem)
—    express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
—    express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
—   explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
—    make a conclusion restating your position

pir 1

linking words 1

soch 001 001
There are people who consider learning subjects on-line more exciting than at school, whereas others say that getting an education at school is the best way to get an excellent education.

soch 001 002

In my opinionstudying at school is the most interesting way to get a good education. First of all, there are a lot of classmates who make the process of education really exciting. For example, when a person studies something in an environment of supportive company the interest increases due to student teamwork. Secondly, the contact between students and teachers is better. For instance, teachers can better see if students learn something or not when they see students face to face. Consequently, teachers can explain course materials most interestingly  in a physical classroom. 

soch 001 003

At the same time there are people who think that studying at school is not very effective because there are a lot of moments of distraction that do not support the class’s educational process. 

soch 001 004

I do not agree with the opinion mentioned above. Distracting moments are cancelled out by the positive spirit that any school atmosphere creates. Students get inspiration from each other as well.

soch 001 005

In conclusion, I would like to say there are opposing view points on this issue. At first sight studying at school might be boring but in actual fact it is more interesting than on-line furthermore it gives a lot of friends’ support since students help each other. Thus, I strongly believe that getting education at school is more interesting than online. 

Read by George William Dole

pir 1

linking words 1

soch 001 001
There are people who consider learning subjects at school more exciting than on-line, whereas others say that getting education on the Internet is the best way to get a good education.

soch 001 002

In my opinion, studying on-line is the most interesting way to get a good education. First of all, there are a lot of interesting e-books and educational materials on the Internet. For example, one can learn information from different sourses that actually increases efficiency of the learning process. Secondly, a person can choose convenient times when he or she needs to do studying and not waste time traveling to and from school. Moreover, people can choose a comfortable place to study which helps them focus.

soch 001 003

At the same timethere are those who think that on-line studying is not very good because people may feel that staying home alone without classmates makes them feel lonely and bored. 

soch 001 004

I do not agree with the opinion mentioned above. Classmates very often distract each other from studying. If he or she is absorbed in studying on-line they cannot be distracted or bored.

soch 001 005

In conclusion, I would like to say there are opposing view points on this issue. At first sight studying on-line seems boring and uncomfortable but in actual fact it is more interesting than in a classroom furthermore it creates a lot of opportunities as well.  Thus, I strongly believe that learning things on-line is more exciting than at school. 

Read by George William Dole






esse edit

What’s your opinion? Online or in class?

1. I am going to give a talk about
advantages of online learning /learning in class.

2. I think computers will replace
teachers in the future/ computers will never be able to replace teachers in the

3. It is true that technology plays a big
part in learning today. Students use computers to do homework, keep notes of
lectures, go online to look up useful information.

What is more, students can do online
courses. There are a lot of advantages in online learning. Firstly, children
can get knowledge without leaving home. Secondly, they can study wherever they
have access to the Internet. Thirdly, children do not have to spend time and
money to go to and from school. You can study in any other city or country.
Online learning gives you more freedom in your schedule. Also it is good for
people who do not go to school because of their health.

To sum up, online learning is a good option, but, of course, everyone chooses
what is better for him.

3. Teachers motivate their students, help
them out with difficult tasks, answer their questions, give clear explanations.
Moreover, teachers show young children how to behave and act as role models for
them. They give their students the inspiration and support.

     Learning in class has other
advantages. Children have the opportunity to communicate with other children
and adults. They learn how to behave in public. So they will not have any
social problems.

4. To sum up, technology can help students
learn things, but even the best online courses cannot fully replace the
personal contact with a teacher or the human relationships that develop in a

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