Сочинение на английском про архитектора

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Моя будущая профессия — архитектор/ My Future Profession Is an Architect с переводом на русский язык.

My Future Profession Is an Architect Моя будущая профессия — архитектор
There are no useless professions in the world because they are all important for the society. One of the oldest sciences that has been known since the primitive time is an architecture. It was formed when people started to build houses using their primitive knowledge about material and location of objects. Step by step architecture continued its development and led to construction of the Egyptian pyramids and the Colosseum and later on the construction of beautiful modern buildings. В мире нет бесполезных профессий, поскольку все они важны для общества. Одной из старейших наук, зародившихся еще в первобытную эпоху, является архитектура. Она появилась тогда, когда люди стали впервые строить свои жилища, используя примитивные знания о материалах и расположении предметов в пространстве. Постепенно развитие архитектуры привело к созданию таких шедевров, как великие египетские пирамиды или Колизей, а в дальнейшем и великолепных сооружений современности.
I admire this science and the results it helps to achieve. I’m learning drawing at art school that’s why I have good spatial awareness and I know a little bit about design. So I cannot imagine myself in any other profession but in architecture. Я поистине восхищаюсь этой наукой и теми результатами, которых удается достичь с ее помощью. Сам я обучаюсь рисованию в художественной школе, поэтому имею хорошее пространственное воображение и некоторые представления о проектировании. И я просто не вижу себя ни в какой иной роли, чем в роли архитектора.
Architecture is not just an interesting but also promising area. Architects are needed in every company that builds residential, industrial and public buildings. Архитектор — это не только очень интересная специальность, но и перспективная. Такие сотрудники нужны любой компании, занимающейся строительством жилых, промышленных или общественных зданий.
Besides, if you have a university degree in architecture you can restore different objects and make plans for renewing buildings. Although sometimes architects prefer interior design and they can do it as well if they have special skills. Кроме того, окончив архитектурный институт, можно заниматься реставрированием объектов или составлять проекты для осуществления работ по реконструкции зданий. Иногда, впрочем, архитекторам больше нравится вести деятельность, связанную с преобразованием интерьера, что также можно осуществить, имея соответствующие навыки.
I don’t know yet what area of architecture interests me the most. I think I will understand it later in the future when I have more experience. Right now my primary goal is to get ready for an aptitude exam that will help me to get accepted to the university and to get ready for state math exam. Я пока не знаю, в какой области архитектурного проектирования мне хотелось бы работать больше всего. Думаю, осознание этого должно прийти в будущем, вместе с опытом. Пока же моей главной задачей является подготовка к творческому экзамену для поступления в вуз и успешная сдача ЕГЭ по математике.

Обновлено: 11.03.2023

Louis Henry Sullivan was an American architect often called a “father of skyscrapers”. He was an influential architect to whom the phrase “form follows function” is often attributed. In 1944, Sullivan was the second architect awarded the American Institute of Architects medal after his death.

Louis Sullivan was born in Boston in 1856. At the age of sixteen, he entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he studied architecture briefly. A year later, he moved to Philadelphia and started to work there with architect Frank Furness. In 1873 Sullivan moved to Chicago where he worked for various architects, but his most productive years were since 1879 when Sullivan became a partner in Dankmar Adler’s firm.

Adler and Sullivan initially became popular as theater architects, but later they created the Auditorium Building, a mixed-use building that included a theater, a hotel, and an office building that brought them fame and sparked the public interest in other of their office buildings.

Prior to the late 19th century, massive and thick walls of the lower section were needed to support the weight of tall multi-story buildings. This changed with the development of cheap steel. The mass production of steel led to the ability to build skyscrapers. Sullivan simplified the appearance of buildings and created a grammar of form for skyscrapers (base, shaft, and cornice), and related the form of the building to its specific function and purpose. All this was revolutionary and appealing.

Among the most prominent works of Sullivan are the Guaranty Building in Buffalo, Carson Pirie Scott store, and the Auditorium Building in Chicago, the Chicago Stock Exchange, and others. In total, more than three hundred buildings were designed by Louis Sullivan.

Луис Салливан родился в Бостоне в 1856 году. В возрасте шестнадцати лет он поступил в Массачусетский технологический институт, где кратко изучал архитектуру. Год спустя он переехал в Филадельфию и начал работать там с архитектором Фрэнком Фернессом. В 1873 году Салливан переехал в Чикаго, где работал с различными архитекторами, но его самые продуктивные годы приходились на период с 1879 года, когда Салливан стал партнером фирмы Данкмара Адлера.

Адлер и Салливан изначально стали популярными как театральные архитекторы, но позже они создали Аудиториум, многофункциональное здание, в которое входили театр, гостиница и офисное здание, которое принесло им известность и вызвало интерес общественности к другим их офисным зданиям.

До конца 19 века массивные и толстые стены нижней части были необходимы, чтобы выдержать вес высоких многоэтажных зданий. Это изменилось с появлением дешевой стали. Массовое производство стали привело к возведению небоскребов. Салливан упростил внешний вид зданий и создал грамматику формы для небоскребов (основание, вал и карниз) и связал форму здания с его конкретной функцией и назначением. Все это было революционным и привлекательным.

Среди наиболее известных работ Салливана – Доходный дом в Буффало, магазин Карсона Пири Скотта, Аудиториум в Чикаго, Здание Фондовой биржи в Чикаго и другие. Всего Луис Салливан спроектировал более трехсот зданий.

Louis Henry Sullivan was an American architect often called a “father of skyscrapers”. He was an influential architect to whom the phrase “form follows function” is often attributed. In 1944, Sullivan was the second architect awarded the American Institute of Architects medal after his death.

Louis Sullivan was born in Boston in 1856. At the age of sixteen, he entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he studied architecture briefly. A year later, he moved to Philadelphia and started to work there with architect Frank Furness. In 1873 Sullivan moved to Chicago where he worked for various architects, but his most productive years were since 1879 when Sullivan became a partner in Dankmar Adler’s firm.

Adler and Sullivan initially became popular as theater architects, but later they created the Auditorium Building, a mixed-use building that included a theater, a hotel, and an office building that brought them fame and sparked the public interest in other of their office buildings.

Prior to the late 19th century, massive and thick walls of the lower section were needed to support the weight of tall multi-story buildings. This changed with the development of cheap steel. The mass production of steel led to the ability to build skyscrapers. Sullivan simplified the appearance of buildings and created a grammar of form for skyscrapers (base, shaft, and cornice), and related the form of the building to its specific function and purpose. All this was revolutionary and appealing.

Among the most prominent works of Sullivan are the Guaranty Building in Buffalo, Carson Pirie Scott store, and the Auditorium Building in Chicago, the Chicago Stock Exchange, and others. In total, more than three hundred buildings were designed by Louis Sullivan.

Louis Henry Sullivan was an American architect often called a “father of skyscrapers”. He was an influential architect to whom the phrase “form follows function” is often attributed. In 1944, Sullivan was the second architect awarded the American Institute of Architects medal after his death.

Louis Sullivan was born in Boston in 1856. At the age of sixteen, he entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he studied architecture briefly. A year later, he moved to Philadelphia and started to work there with architect Frank Furness. In 1873 Sullivan moved to Chicago where he worked for various architects, but his most productive years were since 1879 when Sullivan became a partner in Dankmar Adler’s firm.

Adler and Sullivan initially became popular as theater architects, but later they created the Auditorium Building, a mixed-use building that included a theater, a hotel, and an office building that brought them fame and sparked the public interest in other of their office buildings.

Prior to the late 19th century, massive and thick walls of the lower section were needed to support the weight of tall multi-story buildings. This changed with the development of cheap steel. The mass production of steel led to the ability to build skyscrapers. Sullivan simplified the appearance of buildings and created a grammar of form for skyscrapers (base, shaft, and cornice), and related the form of the building to its specific function and purpose. All this was revolutionary and appealing.

Among the most prominent works of Sullivan are the Guaranty Building in Buffalo, Carson Pirie Scott store, and the Auditorium Building in Chicago, the Chicago Stock Exchange, and others. In total, more than three hundred buildings were designed by Louis Sullivan.

Луис Салливан родился в Бостоне в 1856 году. В возрасте шестнадцати лет он поступил в Массачусетский технологический институт, где кратко изучал архитектуру. Год спустя он переехал в Филадельфию и начал работать там с архитектором Фрэнком Фернессом. В 1873 году Салливан переехал в Чикаго, где работал с различными архитекторами, но его самые продуктивные годы приходились на период с 1879 года, когда Салливан стал партнером фирмы Данкмара Адлера.

Адлер и Салливан изначально стали популярными как театральные архитекторы, но позже они создали Аудиториум, многофункциональное здание, в которое входили театр, гостиница и офисное здание, которое принесло им известность и вызвало интерес общественности к другим их офисным зданиям.

До конца 19 века массивные и толстые стены нижней части были необходимы, чтобы выдержать вес высоких многоэтажных зданий. Это изменилось с появлением дешевой стали. Массовое производство стали привело к возведению небоскребов. Салливан упростил внешний вид зданий и создал грамматику формы для небоскребов (основание, вал и карниз) и связал форму здания с его конкретной функцией и назначением. Все это было революционным и привлекательным.

Среди наиболее известных работ Салливана – Доходный дом в Буффало, магазин Карсона Пири Скотта, Аудиториум в Чикаго, Здание Фондовой биржи в Чикаго и другие. Всего Луис Салливан спроектировал более трехсот зданий.

Сочинение на английском на тему Архитектор / Architect

People feel satisfaction of the work when the results are visible and tangible. An architect is a great profession in this regard. But this job is also complex and demanding.

An architect is to have both artistic and technical abilities. Besides, this profession requires good communication skills, because he (or she) is a link between the client and construction workers.

Young people often consider this profession very creative. But they should be realistic about what takes most time. To start any construction the company needs to get permissions from administrative organizations. It means a lot of paper work.

Walk down any street in a residential district of a big city and look around. Most of the buildings are typical and standard. And the reason is not a lack of talents, but a lack of budget. You may have great ideas how to make the building beautiful and unusual, but if the project is not within the budget — it goes to the trash can.

It is a high responsibility to design buildings. Every object is to be safe and secure. The mistake may cause considerable inconveniences or even someone’s death. That is why it takes many years to get to the top of the career. No one will entrust big project to an unexperienced specialist. So a salary doesn’t grow fast as well.

And still it is a tempting prospect to be the one who shapes the cityscape, to create something that several generations will see and use — to be an architect.

Люди чувствуют удовлетворение от работы, когда результаты видны и осязаемы. Архитектор — отличная профессия в этом отношении. Но эта работа сложная и требующая большой отдачи.

Архитектор должен обладать как художественными, так и техническими способностями. Кроме того, эта профессия требует хороших навыков общения, потому что он (или она) является связующим звеном между клиентом и строителями.

Молодые люди часто считают эту профессию творческой. Но им следует быть реалистами в отношении того, что занимает больше всего времени. Чтобы начать любое строительство, необходимо получить разрешения от административных организаций. Поэтому много времени тратится на подготовку документации.

Пройдитесь по любой улице в жилом районе большого города и посмотрите вокруг. Большинство зданий — это типовая застройка. И причина не в недостатке талантов, а в недостатке бюджета. У вас могут быть отличные идеи, как сделать здание красивым и необычным, но если проект не вписывается в рамки бюджета — он отправляется в мусорное ведро.

Проектирование зданий — это большая ответственность. Каждый объект должен быть безопасным и надежным. Ошибка может вызвать значительные неудобства или даже чью-то смерть. Вот почему требуется много лет, чтобы добраться до вершины карьеры. Никто не доверит большой проект неопытному специалисту. Так что зарплата тоже быстро не растет.

И все же это заманчивая перспектива — быть тем, кто формирует городской пейзаж, создавать то, что увидят и будут использовать несколько поколений — быть архитектором.

Мне очень нравится профессия архитектора, который разрабатывает проекты будущих зданий, создает сначала маленькие макеты, а затем переносит задумку в реальность. Безусловно, эта профессия требует большой базы знаний и умений, поэтому до своего первого сделанного проекта предстоит много учиться и пробовать.

Еще одно очень важное преимущество этого вида деятельности – полезность и значимость для общества. Буквально своими руками повлиять на внешний вид города, в котором живешь, сделать свой двор, улицу, район такими, какими хотелось бы – все это может дать профессия архитектора. А что может быть лучше, чем дарить радость людям, которые впервые заходят в новое здание или квартиру? Я смогу делать здания удобными и практичными и, в то же время, красивыми и радующими глаз. Но до воплощения этих планов мне предстоит несколько лет учиться в институте, испортить горы бумаги для чертежей и килограммы картона для макетов.

I really like the profession of the architect, which develops projects of future buildings, creates the first small layouts, and then takes the idea a reality. Certainly, this profession requires great skill and knowledge base, so before his first project to be made much to learn and try.

The work of the architect combines creativity, and rationality, and knowledge and continuous development. After all, if you’re not going to over and over again to study, learn new construction techniques and other subtleties of profession you can for a long time «getting stuck» in the past, and to stay in place.

Another very important advantage of this type of activity is the usefulness and significance to society. Literally with their own hands affect the appearance of the city, where you live, make your backyard, street, area such What we can all give the profession of architect. And what better way than to give joy to people who come for the first time in the new building or apartment? I can make buildings comfortable and practical and, at the same time, beautiful and pleasing to the eye. But to translate these plans to me a few years to study at the Institute, spoil the mountains of paper drawings and kilograms of cardboard for layouts.

I love the profession of an architect who develops projects of future buildings, creating small models first, and then transfers the idea into reality. Of course, this profession requires a lot of knowledge and skills, so before their first project to be done a lot to learn and try. Employment architect combines creativity and rationality, and knowledge, and continuous development. After all, if you’re not going to learn over and over again, to learn new methods of construction, and other secrets of the trade, you can permanently «stuck» in the past and stay in place. Another very important advantage of this type of activity — the usefulness and significance to society. Literally with their own hands to influence the appearance of the city in which you live, make your yard, the street, the area so what I would like — all of which can give the profession of architect. And what could be better than to give pleasure to people who come for the first time in a new building or an apartment? I can make buildings comfortable and practical and, at the same time, beautiful and pleasing the eye. But to implement these plans, I will have a few years to study at the institute, to spoil the mountains of paper for drawings and pounds of cardboard for layouts.

I really like profession architect, which develops projects future buildings, creates a first small layouts, and then migrates tops in reality. Of course,This profession requires a large knowledge base and skills, therefore, prior to his first statement made by the project there is a lot to learn and try.

Work of the architect combines a and creativity, and rationality, and the knowledge,And the continuous development. Indeed, if you do not again and again to learn, learn new methods of construction and other intricacies occupations, you can permanently «stuck» in the past and stay in place.

Another very important advantage of this type of activity — the usefulness and importance to society. Literally their hands affect the appearance of the city, in which live, to do their yard, street, the area such asWhat I would like to — all of this can give profession architect. And what could be better than playful people who, for the first time entered into a new building or an apartment? I want to be able to make the building comfortable and practical and,At the same time, beautiful and радующими eye. But to translate these plans I am going to a few years to study at the institute, spoil mountains of paper for drawings and kilograms cardboard to layouts.

Architecture — the art of building in which human requirements and construction materials are related so as to furnish practical use as well as an aesthetic solution, thus differing from the pure utility of engineering construction. As an art, architecture is essentially abstract and nonrepresentational and involves the manipulation of the relationships of spaces, volumes, planes, masses, and voids. Time is also an important factor in architecture, since a building is usually comprehended in a succession of experiences rather than all at once. In most architecture there is no one vantage point from which the whole structure can be understood. The use of light and shadow, as well as surface decoration, can greatly enhance a structure.

The analysis of building types provides an insight into past cultures and eras. Behind each of the greater styles lies not a casual trend nor a vogue, but a period of serious and urgent experimentation directed toward answering the needs of a specific way of life. Climate, methods of labor, available materials, and economy of means all impose their dictates. Each of the greater styles has been aided by the discovery of new construction methods. Once developed, a method survives tenaciously, giving way only when social changes or new building techniques have reduced it. That evolutionary process is exemplified by the history of modern architecture, which developed from the first uses of structural iron and steel in the mid-19th cent.

Until the 20th cent. there were three great developments in architectural construction—the post-and-lintel, or trabeated, system; the arch system, either the cohesive type, employing plastic materials hardening into a homogeneous mass, or the thrust type, in which the loads are received and counterbalanced at definite points; and the modern steel-skeleton system. In the 20th cent. new forms of building have been devised, with the use of reinforced concrete and the development of geodesic and stressed-skin (light material, reinforced) structures.

See also articles under countries, e.g., American architecture ; styles, e.g., baroque ; periods, e.g., Gothic architecture and art ; individual architects, e.g., Andrea Palladio ; individual stylistic and structural elements, e.g., tracery , orientation ; specific building types, e.g., pagoda , apartment house .

Architecture of the Ancient World

In Egyptian architecture, to which belong some of the earliest extant structures to be called architecture (erected by the Egyptians before 3000 BC), the post-and-lintel system was employed exclusively and produced the earliest stone columnar buildings in history. The architecture of W Asia from the same era employed the same system; however, arched construction was also known and used. The Chaldaeans and Assyrians, dependent upon clay as their chief material, built vaulted roofs of damp mud bricks that adhered to form a solid shell.

After generations of experimentation with buildings of limited variety the Greeks gave to the simple post-and-lintel system the purest, most perfect expression it was to attain (see Parthenon ; orders of architecture ). Roman architecture, borrowing and combining the columns of Greece and the arches of Asia, produced a wide variety of monumental buildings throughout the Western world. Their momentous invention of concrete enabled the imperial builders to exploit successfully the vault construction of W Asia and to cover vast unbroken floor spaces with great vaults and domes , as in the rebuilt Pantheon (2d cent. AD; see under pantheon ).

The Evolution of Styles in the Christian Era

The Romans and the early Christians also used the wooden truss for roofing the wide spans of their basilica halls. Neither Greek, Chinese, nor Japanese architecture used the vault system of construction. However, in the Asian division of the Roman Empire, vault development continued; Byzantine architects experimented with new principles and developed the pendentive , used brilliantly in the 6th cent. for the Church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople.

The Romanesque architecture of the early Middle Ages was notable for strong, simple, massive forms and vaults executed in cut stone. In Lombard Romanesque (11th cent.) the Byzantine concentration of vault thrusts was improved by the device of ribs and of piers to support them. The idea of an organic supporting and buttressing skeleton of masonry (see buttress ), here appearing in embryo, became the vitalizing aim of the medieval builders. In 13th-century Gothic architecture it emerged in perfected form, as in the Amiens and Chartres cathedrals.

The birth of Renaissance architecture (15th cent.) inaugurated a period of several hundred years in Western architecture during which the multiple and complex buildings of the modern world began to emerge, while at the same time no new and compelling structural conceptions appeared. The forms and ornaments of Roman antiquity were resuscitated again and again and were ordered into numberless new combinations, and structure served chiefly as a convenient tool for attaining these effects. The complex, highly decorated baroque style was the chief manifestation of the 17th-century architectural aesthetic. The Georgian style was among architecture’s notable 18th-century expressions (see Georgian architecture ). The first half of the 19th cent. was given over to the classic revival and the Gothic revival .

New World, New Architectures

The architects of the later 19th cent. found themselves in a world being reshaped by science, industry, and speed. A new eclecticism arose, such as the architecture based on the Ecole des Beaux-Arts , and what is commonly called Victorian architecture in Britain and the United States. The needs of a new society pressed them, while steel, reinforced concrete, and electricity were among the many new technical means at their disposal.

After more than a half-century of assimilation and experimentation, modern architecture , often called the International style , produced an astonishing variety of daring and original buildings, often steel substructures sheathed in glass. The Bauhaus was a strong influence on modern architecture. As the line between architecture and engineering became a shadow, 20th-century architecture often approached engineering, and modern works of engineering—airplane hangars, for example—often aimed at and achieved an undeniable beauty. More recently, postmodern architecture (see postmodernism ), which exploits and expands the technical innovations of modernism while often incorporating stylistic elements from other architectural styles or periods, has become an international movement.

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ARCHITECT PERFORMED: Bobrysheva svetlana

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

ARCHITECT PERFORMED: Bobrysheva svetlana

ARCHITECT PERFORMED: Bobrysheva svetlana

Architect — a specialist in architectural design, development of plans for t.

Architect — a specialist in architectural design, development of plans for the rear, facades and interior spaces. Often the duties of a specialist include the calculation of building structures. The main task of the architect is to find solutions that optimally combine the safety of construction, rational use of space and features of the original design idea.

The pros of the profession High-profile employees are valued in the labor mar.

The pros of the profession High-profile employees are valued in the labor market and have a decent level of pay, which increases with the growth of experience and position. Due to the growing urbanization of the population, the relevance of the profession is growing. Simply put, becoming an architect, you will secure income and work. And with experience, not you, and the work will be looking for you.

Minuses large range of responsibility for the projects lies with their develo.

Minuses large range of responsibility for the projects lies with their developer. This can be an emergency amount of work on which you need to work.

Wages The maximum average earnings is 60 000 rubles

Wages The maximum average earnings is 60 000 rubles

My opinion This profession requires knowledge of architecture and General ind.

My opinion This profession requires knowledge of architecture and General industrial disciplines. That’s why I was interested in such subjects as mathematics, geometry and drawing. For me, architecture is a real art. It plays an important role in the formation of our emotions, desires, feelings; it affects our views, Outlook and mood. It enriches our inner world.

Thank you for listening!

Thank you for listening!

Краткое описание документа:

Данную презентацию подготовила к уроку английского языка ученица 9 класса Бобрышева Светлана. Она рассказала о своей будущей профессии — архитектор. Сначала она дает общие сведения и определение этой профессии, отмечает плюсы и минусы по ее мнению. Также Светлана касается вопроса заработной платы и в заключении высказывает отношение к профессии архитектора.

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I Want To Become An Architect Я хочу стать архитектором
There are many respected professions in the world, but I choose that of an architect. At the moment I study at the 10th form and I’m strongly convinced that I want to continue studying in the field of architecture. If you ask me why I chose this path, I’ll say that it was decided long before I was even born. My grandfather is a well-known architect in our city. My dad is also a promising architect, so there is no other profession that I’d prefer. I hope their knowledge and experience will be helpful for my future career. And, on this side I was lucky. Of course, having talented ancestors is not the only reason for me. Continuing family tradition is certainly good, but my love and respect for architecture isn’t just about that. I can’t imagine myself working as a bank clerk or a vet. Each profession requires certain qualities and abilities. At school my favourite subjects are maths and drawing. To be precise I’m rather good at draftsmanship and I know that graphical imagination and visualization are important for an architect. Some of my teachers say I’ll make a good architect. I just need to remember that this profession is a lifelong learning. Apart from imagination and drafting skills, I certainly need to be very positive and to maintain good communication with peers and clients. My father says personal integrity is also important. It walks hand in hand with respect. I clearly understand that it’s not an easy profession and I will need to study hard to become a real professional. Nevertheless, I’ll stay faithful and dedicated to our family business. В мире много уважаемых профессий, но я хочу стать архитектором. На данный момент я учусь в 10-м классе, и я знаю наверняка, что хочу продолжить обучение в области архитектуры. Если вы спросите меня, почему я выбрал именно этот путь, я скажу, что это было решено еще до моего рождения. Мой дед известный в нашем городе архитектор. Мой папа тоже перспективный архитектор, так что нет никакой другой профессии, которую бы я предпочел. Я надеюсь, что их знания и опыт будут полезны для моей будущей карьеры. И в этом плане мне повезло. Конечно, талантливые предки – это не единственная причина для меня. Продолжать семейную традицию, конечно же, хорошо, но моя любовь и уважение к архитектуре не только из-за этого. Я не могу представить себя работающим в качестве банковского клерка или ветеринара. Каждая профессия требует определенных качеств и способностей. В школе мои любимые – математика и рисование. А если быть точным, мне довольно хорошее дается черчение, и я знаю, что графическое воображение и визуализация важны для архитектора. Некоторые из моих учителей говорят, что я стану хорошим архитектором. Мне просто нужно помнить, что эта профессия требует пожизненного обучения. Помимо воображения и умения создавать наброски, мне, конечно, нужно быть очень позитивным и поддерживать хорошие отношения с коллегами и клиентами. Мой отец говорит, что целостность натуры тоже важна. Она идет рука об руку с уважением. Я четко понимаю, что это не простая профессия, и мне нужно будет много учиться, чтобы стать настоящим профессионалом. Тем не менее, я останусь верен и предан нашему семейному делу.

Я хочу стать архитектором/ I Want To Become An Architect

Мне очень нравится профессия архитектора, который разрабатывает проект перевод - Мне очень нравится профессия архитектора, который разрабатывает проект английский как сказать

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Мне очень нравится профессия архите

Мне очень нравится профессия архитектора, который разрабатывает проекты будущих зданий, создает сначала маленькие макеты, а затем переносит задумку в реальность. Безусловно, эта профессия требует большой базы знаний и умений, поэтому до своего первого сделанного проекта предстоит много учиться и пробовать.

Работа архитектора объединяет в себе и творчество, и рациональность, и знания, и постоянное развитие. Ведь если ты не будешь снова и снова учиться, узнавать новые методы строительства и другие тонкости профессии, можно надолго «застрять» в прошлом и остановиться на месте.

Еще одно очень важное преимущество этого вида деятельности – полезность и значимость для общества. Буквально своими руками повлиять на внешний вид города, в котором живешь, сделать свой двор, улицу, район такими, какими хотелось бы – все это может дать профессия архитектора. А что может быть лучше, чем дарить радость людям, которые впервые заходят в новое здание или квартиру? Я смогу делать здания удобными и практичными и, в то же время, красивыми и радующими глаз. Но до воплощения этих планов мне предстоит несколько лет учиться в институте, испортить горы бумаги для чертежей и килограммы картона для макетов.


Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]


I really like the profession of the architect, which develops projects of future buildings, creates the first small layouts, and then takes the idea a reality. Certainly, this profession requires great skill and knowledge base, so before his first project to be made much to learn and try.

The work of the architect combines creativity, and rationality, and knowledge and continuous development. After all, if you’re not going to over and over again to study, learn new construction techniques and other subtleties of profession you can for a long time «getting stuck» in the past, and to stay in place.

Another very important advantage of this type of activity is the usefulness and significance to society. Literally with their own hands affect the appearance of the city, where you live, make your backyard, street, area such What we can all give the profession of architect. And what better way than to give joy to people who come for the first time in the new building or apartment? I can make buildings comfortable and practical and, at the same time, beautiful and pleasing to the eye. But to translate these plans to me a few years to study at the Institute, spoil the mountains of paper drawings and kilograms of cardboard for layouts.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]


I love the profession of an architect who develops projects of future buildings, creating small models first, and then transfers the idea into reality. Of course, this profession requires a lot of knowledge and skills, so before their first project to be done a lot to learn and try. Employment architect combines creativity and rationality, and knowledge, and continuous development. After all, if you’re not going to learn over and over again, to learn new methods of construction, and other secrets of the trade, you can permanently «stuck» in the past and stay in place. Another very important advantage of this type of activity — the usefulness and significance to society. Literally with their own hands to influence the appearance of the city in which you live, make your yard, the street, the area so what I would like — all of which can give the profession of architect. And what could be better than to give pleasure to people who come for the first time in a new building or an apartment? I can make buildings comfortable and practical and, at the same time, beautiful and pleasing the eye. But to implement these plans, I will have a few years to study at the institute, to spoil the mountains of paper for drawings and pounds of cardboard for layouts.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]


I really like profession architect, which develops projects future buildings, creates a first small layouts, and then migrates tops in reality. Of course,This profession requires a large knowledge base and skills, therefore, prior to his first statement made by the project there is a lot to learn and try.

Work of the architect combines a and creativity, and rationality, and the knowledge,And the continuous development. Indeed, if you do not again and again to learn, learn new methods of construction and other intricacies occupations, you can permanently «stuck» in the past and stay in place.

Another very important advantage of this type of activity — the usefulness and importance to society. Literally their hands affect the appearance of the city, in which live, to do their yard, street, the area such asWhat I would like to — all of this can give profession architect. And what could be better than playful people who, for the first time entered into a new building or an apartment? I want to be able to make the building comfortable and practical and,At the same time, beautiful and радующими eye. But to translate these plans I am going to a few years to study at the institute, spoil mountains of paper for drawings and kilograms cardboard to layouts.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Architect — specialist in design and construction of buildings.

It engineer, a programmer and artist in one person. These people dream to build palaces, and in real life, design stores and homes. Architects are developing interior and working on the planning of buildings.

The main objective of the profession to safe, the original and unique architectural structure, which can be effectively used area of.

Varieties of profession architect

The position has several types in accordance with occupation:

  • lead architect of the project – manages the process of construction;
  • architect at landscape design – drafts the farmlands, gardens and parks, creating a unique design.
  • architect and urban planner – designing urban areas or large complexes, leads the development of planning documentation and master plans of settlements;
  • the restorer of architecture – revive architectural monuments;
  • the chief architect of the city or district a state employee, developing local regulatory documents and monitors its execution on the part of urban planning;
  • historian (theorist) architecture – engaged in scientific or teaching activities for parts of the architectural construction.

Architect – creates interesting ideas, developing project documentation and performs construction drawings. Monitors the project on an authentic level.

History of the profession

The architectural profession is very ancient and originates from the construction of churches, palaces and fortresses. The first known architect, Imhotep think, which presided over the construction of the Egyptian pyramid of Djoser.

The architecture starts to develop rapidly in the Renaissance, which came in 15 -16 century. This is an important period for Italy, which leads to the development of education in the arts, the formation of new styles of architecture.

To date, the office of the architect very much in demand. Contemporary architect no longer leads the construction of the facility, and only develops his project.

Professional holiday

World war II brought the devastation. To restore the monuments and buildings of enterprises in 1946 year was created the international Union of architects.

With 1996 year, the world architect’s Day is celebrated on the first Monday of October.

The pros and cons

Architect’s work is difficult to name easy.

  • Very often have to work in sitting position, that accompanied by pain in the neck and back.
  • Sometimes for the exercise of supervision have to travel to the construction site. Not safety can lead to injuries, as well as the poisoning of construction dust and other respiratory diseases.

Architects often complain of sleepless nights, for unscrupulous customers, on the negligence of the builders and not actual rules. However, very few people decide to change their profession: the calling of an architect remains with a person for life.

Have a profession and positive aspects.

  • The architects respected companies.
  • The fruit of Your creation is tangible.
  • The architect can build a good career.
  • The position provides extensive opportunities for freedom of expression and creativity.

Working as an architect can be run between the various spheres of activity: working for the benefit of large and small firms, to try residential, office technology or in designing interiors.

Requirements for the role

When applying for the position of architect for the applicant have the following:

  • the presence of higher professional education;
  • work experience of two years;
  • ability to work AutoCAD and other specialized programs;
  • reading and drafting of project documentation..

Duties of architect

Specialist should be engaged:

  • the design of buildings and structures;
  • design estimates and drawings;
  • elaboration of project documentation;
  • performing calculations and entering data into tables;
  • creating design layouts;
  • negotiations with sponsors and customers;
  • the implementation of author’s supervision of the building process.

In addition to the responsibilities of the architect may enter:

  • creating 3D visualization of construction projects;
  • work on the design – projects;
  • coordination of project documentation.


This profession requires from its owner a serious attitude to work. On the shoulders of one man has a great responsibility for the quality of the construction and subsequent operation of the object.

Offences and material damage, incurred in the course of official duties, punishable by law.


  • The architect has the right to negotiate with the management of the turnaround time and report the issues on its implementation.
  • To request the departments the necessary information, related posts.

A good architect does not wait until he will provide on a silver platter. He may require the leadership necessary documentation, as well as to make proposals and develop the designs.

The features of the profession

The most difficult thing in the work of the architect – constant load. Have to work in excess of the working days, but still need to come in on the weekends. Sometimes you want to sit on a project all night long, and in the morning again to go to work. The constant lack of time: whether You’re working on, hours half more, than allotted to complete the task.

For the architect to be inspired, but true talent should be able to create masterpieces, not having a state of mind.

Professional skills

The knowledge an architect should be impressive.

You need:

  • know building regulations;
  • work in automated design programs Autodesk, Graphisoft ArchiCAD;
  • to be able to develop the basic design solutions, the necessary working documentation, create architectural drawings;
  • to navigate in the method of designing and calculation;
  • a developed aesthetic and artistic taste;
  • know the basics of ecology, geodesy, cartography;
  • to have the artistic skills to create drawings, charts, songs;
  • have analytical mind and ability to mathematical calculations.

Preferred knowledge:

  • English language at a conversational level;
  • nuances of development of building projects for shops;
  • features of modern building materials.

Personal qualities

It is recommended to choose the profession of architect people with the craving to draw, which on the «short leg» with the computer and have developed spatial thinking.

In addition, appreciated:

  • ability to work in a team and have organizational skills;
  • responsibility, creativity and vigilance;
  • the sense of taste and harmony;
  • a good memory and punctuality.

For professional architect is important:

  • love watching and by drawing;
  • have developed color perception;
  • the ability to think abstractly;
  • have a good eye;
  • able to focus;
  • to be a stress;
  • to create images according to verbal description and Vice versa;
  • to be the owner of intuitive thinking.

Career architect

Eminent experts are not in one day. Many begin with a simple Builder or engineer. Then You can entrust the design of wooden houses and baths.

Well, if You do a bit of work assistant or architect to become a member of their team. To obtain a position as a senior architect, if you well-behaved zarekomenduete from a professional point of view, in about a 5 – 7 years.

In the architectural sphere of activity opened the way for the engineers and technologists, working in the field of construction. It is enough to pass courses of improvement of qualification.

Engineers – designers, interior designers and builders can be not only a successful architects, but they have the potential to be the heads of large construction projects.

Where to work

In small towns it is very difficult to be hired as a architect. But in large cities such people are valued and can be successfully employed in construction companies or project organizations.

Experienced architects also need the project organization and the design Studio.

People in this career can work in the state bodies:

  • in committees;
  • the city-planning commissions;
  • regulatory organizations.

How much money does an architect

In architecture, there are no low-paid posts. Of course, earnings depends on the region and level of projects under construction. On average, the amount earned is 850 dollars a month. An architect can receive from 500 to 1650 dollars a month depending on the qualifications of the specialist.

Successful architects can count on good fees.

How to become an architect

Professionals of this profession produced by many Universities. A great start – design or construction education.

Important items, which is not to shirk, drawing, visual art and math.

For the development of spatial thinking will be useful knowledge of history and literature.

The author of the article

The Director of recruitment Agency

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