Сочинение на английском про беловежскую пущу

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Many many years ago there were a lot of forests in Europe. Many wild animals lived in the forests: bison, bears and large boars, foxes, elks and wolves. Beavers and big pikes lived in the rivers. The people who lived there began to turn forests into fields. But some of the forests were too big. People couldn’t turn them into fields. Belovezhskaya Pushcha was one of them. The greater part of Belovezhskaya Pushcha is in Belarus. The smaller part is in Poland. Its territory is about 79 hectares. There is a tower there near the town of Kamenets. The Russian prince Vladimir ordered his men to build it. They built it of white stone. They called the tower “vezha”.

The Pushcha is a reserve today. A lot of different animals and birds live in it. People look after them, give them food and protect them. The most famous animals of the Pushcha are bison. The animals there walk free. People can’t kill animals in the Pushcha.

Scientists work in the Pushcha all the time. They study the life of wild animals, birds and plants. They even give animals medicine. The Pushcha is a kind of a museum of natural history and a zoo. Many people visit the Pushcha and look at the animals. They also walk and rest in this beautiful forest.

Let’s have a look at the Pushcha.

Deep silence! Suddenly a beautiful deer runs out of the forest. He is not afraid of anybody. He knows that people protect him. We shall protect you, deer!

turn — превращать

hectare — гектар

reserve — заповедник

I. Answer the questions.

1. When were there many forests in Europe?

2. What animals lived in the forests then?

3. Why didn’t people turn Belovezhskaya Pushcha into a field?

4. What did prince Vladimir order to do?

5. What animals live in the Pushcha now?

6. What is the Pushcha today?

II. Find and translate the sentences that say:

  1. What animals live in Belovezhskaya Pushcha today;
  2. What scientists do in the Pushcha;
  3. What people do in the Pushcha when they come there;
  4. What the animals know there.

III. Complete the sentences according to the text.

  1. ____________________________ lived in the rivers.
  2. The territory of the Pushcha is_____________________.
  3. They built the tower of___________________________.

4. The animals in the Pushcha_____________________.

5. Suddenly a deer_________________________________.

6. He is not_________________.

IV. Find the equivalents of the following words in the text.

  1. много лет назад
  2. некоторые леса
  3. один из них
  4. большая часть
  5. город Каменец
  6. назвали ее
  7. самый знаменитый
  8. все время
  9. жизнь диких животных
  10. даже

V. Describe Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Say:

  1. what its territory is;
  2. what tower is there;
  3. who and when built the tower;
  4. what it is today.

Обновлено: 11.03.2023

В английский Беловежская пуща означает: Białowieża Forest (мы нашли 1 переводов). Есть не менее 219 примеров предложений с Беловежская пуща . Среди прочего: Европа БЕЛОВЕЖСКАЯ ПУЩА, ПОЛЬША И БЕЛАРУСЬ. ↔ Europe BIAŁOWIEŻA FOREST, POLAND AND BELARUS. .

Беловежская пуща

переводы Беловежская пуща

Białowieża Forest


There is a broad network of good roads in the Pushcha. Moreover, many of these roads have hard cover.

Наша «Беловежская пуща» имеет все шансы быть Природным Чудом Света (одним из семи). Швейцарский фонд . Далее читайте здесь .

Под пологом Беловежской пущи хранятся уникальная колокольня, сработанная без единого гвоздя, и секреты знаменитой летописи.

Half a million visitor is expected next days off in an estate of Father Frost in Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

A photo album «Belovezhskaya Miracle» is just now on sale and has already excited interest of the readers.

However, the high-speed distribution of information and advertising possibilities offered by the Internet have opened new avenues in the fight to conserve islands of untouched nature like the Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

A hut heated by a chimneyless stove taken to log-pieces is rotten in a deep forest through the National Park «Belovezhskaya Pushcha» management’s fault.

In its two days of fighting in the forest of Bialowieza the 78th Infantry Division lost 114 killed and 125 wounded.

And otherwise. Otherwise we will miss the very moment of a destructive truth for Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

Это млекопитающее было почти полностью истреблено в XVIII в., и уцелело только в Беловежской пуще и на Кавказе.

By the 18th century, the European bison was almost extinct, with only small herds remaining in the Bialowieza Forest and the Caucasus.

25-27 февраля в Матта научно-исследовательский институт РАН состоялась международная конференция, «Защита европейских зубров в Беловежской пуще.

In this photo dated Feb. 2005, bison, Europe’s largest land mammal, forage in the recently fallen snow in the Bialowieza Forest in Poland.

Занятия также организованы поездки такие как крепость Осовец, Беловежской пуще, а Бебжанский Национальный парк и многие другие достопримечательности.

The classes are also organized trips such as Fortress Osowiec, Białowieża and Biebrza National Park and many other attractions.

Беловежская пуща — густонаселенный регион. В центре пущи есть деревни со всеми вытекающими отсюда последствиями.

The Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a densely populated region; there are many villages in the centre of forest, which has several consequences.

Через Беловежскую пущу проходит государственная граница между Республикой Польша и Республикой Беларусь.

Помогите плиз составить небольшое типо сочинения о любой достопримечательности Беларуси на английском языке!

Belovezhskaya Pushcha is one of the most valuable nature conservation sites of Belarus and one of the most «titled» nature reserves in Europe. In 1992, UNESCO included it in the list of World natural Heritage of humanity, becoming the first object on the territory of the former USSR, awarded such a high rank.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha is located within the Grodno and Brest regions. Rich and varied vegetation of this national Park creates favorable conditions for the habitat of numerous animal species, many of which are listed in the Red book of the Republic of Belarus. And the most famous among the wildlife of the forest is, of course, the owner of these woods bison. To see him come guests from around the world.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha is one of the most valuable nature protection objects of Belarus and one of the most «titled» nature reserves in Europe. In 1992, by the decision of UNESCO it was included in the UNESCO world natural heritage, becoming the first object on the territory of the former USSR to be awarded such a high rank.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha is located within the Grodno and Brest regions. Rich and diverse vegetation of this national Park creates favourable conditions for many species of animals, many of which are listed in the Red book of the Republic of Belarus. And the most famous among the animal world of the forest, of course, the owner of these forests, BISON. To see him come guests from all over the world.

Belovezhkaya Pusha is one of the last and largest remaining parts of the immense (огромный) primeval (первобытный, девственный) forest that once stretched (простирался) across the European Plain. The forest is home to many European bison, Europe’s heaviest animal.
Belovezhkaya Pusha is takes 2,162 sqare kilometers. The forest is located in Poland and Belarus. Now it is one of the most famous places for the tourists in Belarus

Я вижу кота и собаку.

The room was dirty. I am guilty. I didn’t clean the room. I wasn’t moved away. I scattered everything. Also I took a sponge in hand. While I wiped a dust, I found on shelves of 100 rubles. Having got and the vacuum cleaner the room, I found a favourite bracelet. And having washed a floor, I found a hairpin. It was so pleasant to me that every week now I tide up. Now in the room fresh air. Pleasantly simply to be in it. And as to live!

1)There are a lot of toys in the box.
2) There is a football under the chair.
3) There are beautiful flowers on the table.
4) There is a sofa behind the box of toys.
5) There is a scooter next to the chair.

His boss didn’t like it when anyone missed the morning meetings ..
«If you are late again, you will lose your job»
.. and he sometimes went on business trips abroad.
It was actually the best job he had ever had.
There was a sound like someone hitting a drum.
There were no policemen.
It took him 20 minutes to get to work.
I wish I knew who he was.
It was bought only a week ago.

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Рассказ про Беловежскую пущу на английском языке

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Б Białowieża Forest (Belarusian: Белавежская пушча, Biełaviežskaja Pušča; Polish: Puszcza Białowieska Polish pronunciation: [ˈpuʂt͡ʂa ˌbʲawɔˈvʲɛska] ( listen); Russian: Беловежская пуща, Belovezhskaya Pushcha) is one of the last and largest remaining parts of the immense primeval forest that once stretched across the European Plain. The forest is home to 800 European bison, Europe’s heaviest land animal.[2] UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) designated the Polish Biosphere Reserve Bialowieza in 1976[3] and the Belarusian Biosphere Reserve Belovezhskaya Puschcha in 1993.[4] In 2015, the Belarusian Biosphere Reserve occupied the area of 216,200 ha (2,162 km2; 835 sq mi), subdivided into transition, buffer and core zones.[5] The forest has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site[6] and an EU Natura 2000 Special Area of Conservation. The World Heritage Committee by its decision of June 2014 approved the extension of the UNESCO World Heritage site “Belovezhskaya Pushcha/Białowieża Forest, Belarus, Poland”, which became “Białowieża Forest, Belarus, Poland”.[7] It straddles the border between Poland (Podlaskie Voivodeship) and Belarus (Brest Voblast and Hrodna Voblast), and is 70 kilometres (43 miles) north of Brest, Belarus and 62 kilometres (39 miles) southeast of Białystok, Poland. The Białowieża Forest World Heritage site covers a total area of 141,885 ha (1,418.85 km2; 547.82 sq mi).[8] Since the border between the two countries runs through the forest, there is a border crossing available for hikers and cyclists.

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4 февраля, 02:08


Belovezhkaya Pusha is one of the last and largest remaining parts of the immense (огромный) primeval (первобытный, девственный) forest that once stretched (простирался) across the European Plain. The forest is home to many European bison, Europe’s heaviest animal.

Belovezhkaya Pusha is takes 2,162 sqare kilometers. The forest is located in Poland and Belarus. Now it is one of the most famous places for the tourists in Belarus

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Belovezhskaya Pushcha, the Queen of the woods
The kingdom of magic, the kingdom of wonders!
The land of the deers, boars and martens,
The fairy tales of the forests and margins!

Belovezhskaya Pushcha is always amazing
With it boundless, endless expanses.
Your rives are bubbling and oakery`s swaying
Your beauty are in songs and dances

Remember, Pushcha, you are great!
I love you deeply, dear land!
Your sunrise in a splendiol sight
Which gives me always such delight!

 Беловежская пуща — царица лесов,
Край чудес, край загадочный, древний.
Это родина робких косуль и могучих зубров,
Это сказка природных напевов.

Беловежска пуща нарядна всегда,
Просторы ее бесконечны.
Колыханье дубрав, шелест трав, блеск озер
В красоте твоей кажутся вечны.

Я горжусь тобой пуща, и верю: вовек
И красивей тебя в мире нету.
Я приеду сюда непременно затем,
Чтобы встретить с тобою расcвет.

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Many many years ago there were a lot of forests in Europe. Many wild animals lived in the forests: bison, bears and large boars, foxes, elks and wolves. Beavers and big pikes lived in the rivers. The people who lived there began to turn forests into fields. But some of the forests were too big. People couldn’t turn them into fields. Belovezhskaya Pushcha was one of them. The greater part of Belovezhskaya Pushcha is in Belarus. The smaller part is in Poland. Its territory is about 79 hectares. There is a tower there near the town of Kamenets. The Russian prince Vladimir ordered his men to build it. They built it of white stone. They called the tower “vezha”.

The Pushcha is a reserve today. A lot of different animals and birds live in it. People look after them, give them food and protect them. The most famous animals of the Pushcha are bison. The animals there walk free. People can’t kill animals in the Pushcha.

Scientists work in the Pushcha all the time. They study the life of wild animals, birds and plants. They even give animals medicine. The Pushcha is a kind of a museum of natural history and a zoo. Many people visit the Pushcha and look at the animals. They also walk and rest in this beautiful forest.

Let’s have a look at the Pushcha.

Deep silence! Suddenly a beautiful deer runs out of the forest. He is not afraid of anybody. He knows that people protect him. We shall protect you, deer!

turn — превращать

hectare — гектар

reserve — заповедник

I. Answer the questions.

1. When were there many forests in Europe?

2. What animals lived in the forests then?

3. Why didn’t people turn Belovezhskaya Pushcha into a field?

4. What did prince Vladimir order to do?

5. What animals live in the Pushcha now?

6. What is the Pushcha today?

II. Find and translate the sentences that say:

  1. What animals live in Belovezhskaya Pushcha today;
  2. What scientists do in the Pushcha;
  3. What people do in the Pushcha when they come there;
  4. What the animals know there.

III. Complete the sentences according to the text.

  1. ____________________________ lived in the rivers.
  2. The territory of the Pushcha is_____________________.
  3. They built the tower of___________________________.

4. The animals in the Pushcha_____________________.

5. Suddenly a deer_________________________________.

6. He is not_________________.

IV. Find the equivalents of the following words in the text.

  1. много лет назад
  2. некоторые леса
  3. один из них
  4. большая часть
  5. город Каменец
  6. назвали ее
  7. самый знаменитый
  8. все время
  9. жизнь диких животных
  10. даже

V. Describe Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Say:

  1. what its territory is;
  2. what tower is there;
  3. who and when built the tower;
  4. what it is today.


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Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park (Russian:[1][2][3] Национальный парк «Беловежская пуща», Belarusian: Нацыянальны парк Белавежская пушча) is a national park within parts of the Brest Region (Kamyanyets District and Pruzhany District) and Grodno Region (Svislach District) in Belarus adjacent to the Polish border. Since 1992 it is a preserved part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Białowieża Forest,[4] the last primeval forest fragment of the European woodlands that once stretched across the European Plain. It is home to a large population of European bison, the continent’s heaviest land animals. The border between the two countries runs through the forest with the Białowieża National Park on the Polish side of the border. Since May 2015 there has been a visa-free regime within the forest for hikers and cyclists at the Pierarova-Białowieża border crossing.[5]

Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park
Национальный парк «Беловежская пуща» (Russian)
Natsionalny park «Belovezhskaya pushcha» (Russian)
Нацыянальны парк Белавежская пушча (Belarusian)
Natsyyanal’ny park Byelavyezhskaya pushcha (Belarusian)

IUCN category II (national park)


Part of the forest at Pierarova, Brest Region

Map showing the location of Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park

Map showing the location of Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park

Location Brest Region and Grodno Region in Belarus
Coordinates 52°35′7.66″N 23°52′44.86″E / 52.5854611°N 23.8791278°ECoordinates: 52°35′7.66″N 23°52′44.86″E / 52.5854611°N 23.8791278°E
Area 1,500.69 km2 (579.42 sq mi) (2015)
Established 11 August 1932
Governing body Ministry of the Environment

UNESCO World Heritage Site

Part of Białowieża Forest (since 1992)
Criteria Natural: ix, x
Reference 33-001
Extensions 2014

Тропинка в Беловежской пуще.jpg


The Belovezhskaya Pushcha Biosphere Reserve occupies the area of 216,200 ha (2,162 km2; 835 sq mi) (2015), subdivided into transition, buffer, and core zones.[6]
The national park occupies 150,069 ha (1,500.69 km2; 579.42 sq mi) (2015).[7] It is located 70 km (43 mi) north of Brest. The nature reserves and the national parks cover 2.7% of the Brest Region territory and 2.6% of the Grodno Region.[8]


Most of the Białowieża Forest was declared a national park on August 11, 1932 during the Second Polish Republic. After World War II the forest was divided in accordance with the Polish–Soviet border agreement of August 1945 between the People’s Republic of Poland and the Byelorussian SSR of the Soviet Union. Poland reopened the Białowieża National Park in 1947. In 1957, the Belarusian part received a new status — “The State Reserve-Hunting Farm” (Russian: Государственное заповедно-охотничье хозяйство), intended for recreation of the top leaders of the Soviet state and their guests from friendly countries. In 1991, the forest acquired its current status as a state national park.

The park’s headquarters are in Kamieniuki. In 2009 the Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park celebrated the 600th anniversary of its reserve status. All of the hotels and cafes were rebuilt and new ones were added to the park. The Eco Education Center, which houses the Museum of Nature, was built. Approximately 300,000 people visit the park annually.[9]


  1. ^ Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park – Official Website of the Republic of Belarus
  2. ^ «Беловежская пуща — Министерство иностранных дел Республики Беларусь». mfa.gov.by.
  3. ^ «Białowieża Forest, Belarus, Poland» at the UNESCO official webpage. Retrieved May 27, 2015.
  4. ^ Białowieża Forest. UNESCO World Heritage Center.
  5. ^ Regulations on visiting Belovezhskaya Pushcha by foreign tourists approved in Belarus Archived June 29, 2015, at the Wayback Machine
  6. ^ «The structure of the Biosphere Reserve Belavezhskaya Pushcha». Archived from the original on 2015-05-24. Retrieved 2015-05-27.
  7. ^ «About the National Park». Archived from the original on 2015-06-03. Retrieved 2015-05-27.
  8. ^ «Nature reserves and national parks, wildlife preserves and nature sanctuaries». Land of Ancestors. Data of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus. 2011. Archived from the original on 29 September 2013. Retrieved 29 November 2013.
  9. ^ «Belavezhskaya Pushcha celebrates 600th anniversary of its reserve status».

External linksEdit

  • Belovezhskaya Pushcha dedicated conservation/environmental website
  • Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park on the official website of Belarus Archived 2020-04-02 at the Wayback Machine
  • Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park official reserve site

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Рассказ про Беловежскую пущу на английском языке

1 ответ:



Forest (Belarusian: Белавежская пушча<span>, Biełaviežskaja Pušča; Polish:
Puszcza Białowieska  Polish
pronunciation: [ˈpuʂt͡ʂa ˌbʲawɔˈvʲɛska] ( listen); Russian: </span>Беловежская пуща, Belovezhskaya Pushcha) is one of the last and largest remaining parts
of the immense primeval forest that once stretched across the European Plain.
The forest is home to 800 European bison, Europe’s heaviest land animal.[2]
UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) designated the Polish Biosphere
Reserve Bialowieza in 1976[3] and the Belarusian Biosphere Reserve
Belovezhskaya Puschcha in 1993.[4] In 2015, the Belarusian Biosphere Reserve
occupied the area of 216,200 ha (2,162 km2; 835 sq mi), subdivided into
transition, buffer and core zones.[5] The forest has been designated a UNESCO
World Heritage Site[6] and an EU Natura 2000 Special Area of Conservation. The
World Heritage Committee by its decision of June 2014 approved the extension of
the UNESCO World Heritage site “Belovezhskaya Pushcha/Białowieża Forest,
Belarus, Poland”, which became “Białowieża Forest, Belarus, Poland”.[7] It
straddles the border between Poland (Podlaskie Voivodeship) and Belarus (Brest
Voblast and Hrodna Voblast), and is 70 kilometres (43 miles) north of Brest,
Belarus and 62 kilometres (39 miles) southeast of Białystok, Poland. The
Białowieża Forest World Heritage site covers a total area of 141,885 ha
(1,418.85 km2; 547.82 sq mi).[8] Since the border between the two countries
runs through the forest, there is a border crossing available for hikers and

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<span>1. *I often lose my things
He says he often loses his things.
2. *I shall come to your party*
She says she will come to our (to my) party.
3. *We often write dictation*
They say that they often write dictation.
4. *You can ask me any questions*
He says (that) I can ask him any questions.</span>

1. велл, вотс зе мэттер виф ю?
2. Хэв ю тейкен юр темпреча
3. Ам сорри ту хир зет. Ам шур фингс арент эс бэд эс ю имейджен. Еврифинг вилл би олрайт. Лет ми экзамин ю. 
4. Велл, ай финк юв гат флю.
5. Тейк ит изи. итс онли флю. Тейк зе медисин энд стоп воррин. Ит мор фрут энд веджетеблс. Гив ап мит энд фаст фуд. Гудбай, энд чир ап.

1)You mustn’t interrupt when someone ‘s talking
2)You must be quiet ,when you’re in the library
3)You mustn’t talk on the phone very loudly
4)You mustn’t run in the shops/libraries/schools ,etc.(etcetere- и т.д.)
5)You mustn’t be rude with someone you don’t know,or even with someone whom you know
6)You must keep your mouth close,when you cough
7)You must say sorry,when you’re on someone’s leg)))
P.S я только 7 составить смогла,ничего больше в голову не приходит,good luck -удачи!:)

1. Participant
2. Represent
3. Interview
4. Thrilling
5. Были варианты faun и phone, но вроде не подходят

1. She is cooking dinner right now
2. My dog is barking at the post man
3. I am writing a letter
4. My friend is going for a walk
5. I am doing my homework right now

1. I was baking cookies yesterday
2. They were going to school last week
3. The cat was sitting on this tree yesterday
4. I was playing football last summer
5. He was running to school 

Речь идет о судьбе объекта всемирного природного наследия биосферном заповеднике «Беловежская пуща».

This talk is about the object of World Human Heritage — biosphere reserve «Belovezhskaya Pushcha».

В этом плане Беловежская пуща — не исключение.

The Belovezhskaya Pushcha, in this regard, is not an exception.

Центральный туристический комплекс Национального парка «Беловежская пуща» располагается возле деревни Каменюки, в южной части лесного массива.

The tourist center of the National Park «Belovezhskaya Pushcha» is situated near the village of Kamenyuki, in the southern part of the protected forest.

Национальный парк «Беловежская пуща» в последнее десятилетие активно развивает экологический туризм.

The National Park «Belovezhskaya Pushcha» quickly develops the ecological tourism last ten years.

Вся территория национального парка «Беловежская пуща» разделена на 4 функциональные зоны с различным режимом охраны.

The overall territory of the National Park «Belovezhskaya Pushcha» is divided into four functional zones in which the level of protection varies.

Важнейшей задачей Национального парка «Беловежская пуща» является ведение научных исследований.

A major task of the Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park is scientific research.

За два года до этого, в 1939 году, Беловежская пуща получила статус заповедника.

Two years before, in 1939, the Belovezhskaya Pushcha was given the status of Reserve.

Это и есть эталон леса Беловежская пуща?

Is this really a standard of the Belovezhskaya Pushcha forest?

Когда-то Беловежская пуща была единой (сегодня она наполовину разделена между Беларусью и Польшей) и площадь ее была побольше — около 130000 тысяч га.

In the past the Belovezhskaya Pushcha was not divided (today one half of it belongs to Belarus and the other to Poland) and the area of Pushcha was larger — about 130 million hectares.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha is located in the southwest of the Republic of Belarus at a distance of 340 km from the city of Minsk, the capital of Belarus.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha has seen many various animals under the canopy of the mighty trees for its centuries-old history. They were not only brown bears but also representatives of such extinct species as cave-bear.

Have you visited Belovezhskaya Pushcha in the Indian summer’s golden season? Even if you will nod «no», I am sure you agree that this time is the best to think up for «forest» celebrations.

At the 11th May of this year Mr. Heorhi Kazulka, a local environmental activist who defends the preservation of Belovezhskaya Pushcha, was detained on the territory of the National Park.

The Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a densely populated region; there are many villages in the centre of forest, which has several consequences.

They are attracted with places in the area of Belovezhskaya Pushcha and Telekhanskoe Lake.

A Gering’s plan. Since September of 1991 a status of Belovezhskaya Pushcha was changed from State Protected Hunting Game Ground to State National Park.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha is actually a top secret site.

The Kamenyuki village. The River of Pravaya Lesnaya (The Right Forest River) runs just a few hundred meters from the entrance to the State National Park «Belovezhskaya Pushcha»

Twelve journalists of Belarusian and Russian media addressed to Head of UN representative office in Belarus Neil Bune with proposal to organize join press-tour to Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park

Small sandy hills are next to the village of Kamenyuki, the administrative centre of the National Park «Belovezhskaya Pushcha», in a pine forest called «Shnipovka».

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