Сочинение на английском про божью коровку

Известно более 4000 видов божьих коровок, которые распространены во всех частях света. Одни из них встречаются на всех растениях: деревьях, кустарниках или травах, на которых только есть тля; другие держатся только на полевых травах; третьи — на лугах, прилегающих к ручьям; четвёртые — только на деревьях; наконец, некоторые виды живут на тростнике и на других водяных растениях; последние отличаются более длинными ногами, которые помогают им держаться на растениях, легко гнущихся от ветра. Самый обыкновенный вид — семиточечная божья коровка 
There are more than 4000 kinds of ladybirds, which are common in all parts of the world. Some of them are found on all plants: trees, shrubs or herbs on which only aphids are; others keep only on grasses; the third — on the meadows adjoining streams; the fourth — only on trees; finally, some species live on reeds and other aquatic plants; The latter differ with longer legs, which help them to hold on plants that easily bend from the wind. The most ordinary species is a seven-point ladybug

I want to tell you about ladybugs. They are the most popular bugs in many countries. Ladybugs are little bright and very beautiful beetles. The can fly. They are red, yellow and orange. They are able to give some orange liquid — milk. That’s why they are called ladybugs. They live from one month to one year. Their milk has got a pungent and disgusting smell, so nobody eats ladybugs.   In ancient times people considered that ladybirds were sacred because they destroyed depredators. And appetite of these bugs is really good. Can you imagine that one pair of the ladybirds for the life eats the whole army of pincers, about 4000! People grow these bugs on special farms in the USA. There is a special profession — the collector of ladybirds in the USA. Another interesting fact is that in 1927 the USSR bought in Egypt some bags of ladybirds.

Обновлено: 11.03.2023

Напиши рассказ по британскому про божью коровку с переводом плизз.

  • Тимур Ботвинник
  • Английский язык
  • 2019-09-11 06:12:39
  • 30
  • 1

Ladybug is a little bright and very beautiful beetle. They can fly. They are red, yellow and orange. They are able to give some orange liquid — milk. That’s why they’re called ladybugs!
Their milk has got a pungent and disgusting smell, so nobody eats ladybirds.
Ladybugs are very useful to humans. They eat aphid and save the whole farmers’ fields. Some farmers specially bred ladybirds in their fields and make special houses where bugs can live comfortably in winter.
Божья коровка — это маленький ясный и очень благовидный жук. Они могут летать. Они посещают красными, желтыми и оранжевыми. Они умеют давать оранжевую жидкость — молочко. Вот почему они зовутся коровками! Это молочко едкое и гадко благоухает, поэтому божьих коровок никто не ест. Божья коровка очень полезна для человека. Она ест тлю и выручает целые поля фермеров. Некие крестьяне умышленно разводят божьих коровок на собственных участках и устраивают особые домики, где жучки могут комфортабельно перезимовать.

. Где она живёт?
2. Какие этапы жизни имеет?
3. Как она выглядит?
4. Что она ест?
5. Как долго она живёт?
6. Удивительные факты о божьей коровке.

Ответ ↓

Известно более 4000 видов божьих коровок, которые распространены во всех частях света. Одни из них встречаются на всех растениях: деревьях, кустарниках или травах, на которых только есть тля; другие держатся только на полевых травах; третьи — на лугах, прилегающих к ручьям; четвёртые — только на деревьях; наконец, некоторые виды живут на тростнике и на других водяных растениях; последние отличаются более длинными ногами, которые помогают им держаться на растениях, легко гнущихся от ветра. Самый обыкновенный вид — семиточечная божья коровка
There are more than 4000 kinds of ladybirds, which are common in all parts of the world. Some of them are found on all plants: trees, shrubs or herbs on which only aphids are; others keep only on grasses; the third — on the meadows adjoining streams; the fourth — only on trees; finally, some species live on reeds and other aquatic plants; The latter differ with longer legs, which help them to hold on plants that easily bend from the wind. The most ordinary species is a seven-point ladybug

I want to tell you about ladybugs. They are the most popular bugs in many countries. Ladybugs are little bright and very beautiful beetles. The can fly. They are red, yellow and orange. They are able to give some orange liquid — milk. That’s why they are called ladybugs. They live from one month to one year. Their milk has got a pungent and disgusting smell, so nobody eats ladybugs. In ancient times people considered that ladybirds were sacred because they destroyed depredators. And appetite of these bugs is really good. Can you imagine that one pair of the ladybirds for the life eats the whole army of pincers, about 4000! People grow these bugs on special farms in the USA. There is a special profession — the collector of ladybirds in the USA. Another interesting fact is that in 1927 the USSR bought in Egypt some bags of ladybirds.

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How does the ladybug develop?

Выполнила: Главатских Елена

Ladybug can be seen only in the warm season – it’s hot in summer. But before she is born, she goes through a difficult stage of maturation. Ladybug can be completely different colors and sizes. You can often meet them with bright orange or red wings, on which there are black dots.

How the process of development of the ladybug itself takes place, we will consider further.

How does the process of laying eggs by a ladybug happen?

When the cold season comes, this bug goes into hibernation, and upon the onset of warm spring, when it wakes up, it actively begins to prepare for the creation of offspring. Before the onset of summer, the female lays a couple of hundred eggs, which look like elongated balls of bright color. Their location is often on the leaves of plants or a twig of trees.Ladybug can be seen only in the warm season – it’s hot in summer. But before she is born, she goes through a difficult stage of maturation. Ladybug can be completely different colors and sizes. You can often meet them with bright orange or red wings, on which there are black dots.

How the process of development of the ladybug itself takes place, we will consider further.

How does the process of laying eggs by a ladybug happen?

When the cold season comes, this bug goes into hibernation, and upon the onset of warm spring, when it wakes up, it actively begins to prepare for the creation of offspring. Before the onset of summer, the female lays a couple of hundred eggs, which look like elongated balls of bright color. Their location is often on the leaves of plants or a twig of trees.

Larvae are formed from the laid egg after a week. Their larvae are quite unlike the ladybug itself, it looks more like a caterpillar. It has a dark color with light spots located. It has an increased appetite. After a few weeks, it forms into a pupa.

How does the process of transformation from larvae to pupae occur?

Being already a doll, she becomes more like an adult well-known ladybug. In the cocoon itself, there is not a simple process of insect maturation, where it becomes similar to itself at the end of maturation.

At the moment of birth, the cow has slightly transparent yellow wings, but there are no dots on them. But after a while, the ladybug begins to grow up and change color to a darker one with black dots. It is important to note that the number of specks that appeared does not change from birth, in the process of growing up of the insect itself. The life span of an adult ladybug can range from several months to a year and a half.

How the ladybug develops report

The appearance of these cute creatures is very bright and unusual. The body of the beetle is very small, only 8 mm in length, round, the back is covered with red with black dots, there are also small wings on the back, which helps the insect to move freely. There are also types of ladybugs with yellow, orange, pink, black back color also with black spots. It is known that the bright color of the beetle has a reason, it serves as a warning about danger. If you accidentally click on the bug, then a drop of orange color will appear on your hand from it – this is cantharidin poison with a pungent smell. This liquid serves as a warning and protection from birds and other animals. Because a bird, having tasted a ladybug at least once, bypasses it. Also, this color helps the beetle to warm up better in the sun, since heat and sunlight help ladybugs to develop better, find food and produce offspring. The older the ladybug– the fewer spots on its back.

Ladybugs live in every corner of our planet. There is no child who does not know this little bug. There are about 4,000 species of ladybugs in the world. The most common and frequently occurring species in Russia is the seven–point cow, which has seven black dots on its back, respectively.

The ladybug begins to breed its offspring in the warm spring. These insects are loners, and during conception they begin to look for a mate for procreation. Laying smooth eggs of yellow, orange and white ladybug is done on the leaves of various plants. Egg laying takes place in small batches of up to 100 eggs. The ladybug is so smart and quick-witted that when laying eggs, it potentially looks for places on plants where aphids live. The ladybug thinks out food in advance for its future offspring. During its life, a ladybug lays up to 2000 eggs. Ladybugs spend the winter in places inaccessible to anyone, for example, under fallen leaves in the forest, in the bark of a tree.

After 7 to 9 days, brightly colored larvae hatch from the eggs. The larvae are very mobile and they need food to survive. Therefore, the larvae begin to feed on the shells of the eggs from which they emerged. After that, the larvae begin to feed on aphids that live nearby. All this time, the larvae are actively accumulating a supply of nutrients, and after a month they turn into pupae. In the form of a chrysalis, the ladybug is not for long, only a week. It is worth noting that when offspring from eggs appear, the older generation of ladybirds dies. After completing the pupal stage, a ready-formed ladybug emerges from the shell. Without wasting time in vain, the insect immediately goes on a trip around the world to repeat its cycle laid down by nature.

Напиши рассказ по английскому про божью коровку с переводом плизз.

Ladybug is a little bright and

very beautiful beetle.

They are red, yellow and orange.

able to give some orange liquid — “milk”.

That’s why they’re called

Their milk has got a pungent and disgusting smell, so nobody eats ladybirds.

Ladybugs are very useful to humans.

They eat aphid and save the whole farmers’

Some farmers specially bred ladybirds in their fields and make

special houses where bugs canlive comfortablyin winter.

Божья коровка — это маленький яркий и очень красивый жук.

Они умеют летать.

Они бывают красными, желтыми и оранжевыми.

Они умеют давать оранжевую

Вот почему они зовутся коровками!

Это молочко едкое и

отвратительно пахнет, поэтому божьих коровок никто не ест.

очень полезна для человека.

Она ест тлю и спасает целые поля фермеров.

Некоторые фермеры специально разводят божьих коровок на своих участках и

устраивают специальные домики, где жучки могут комфортно перезимовать.

Проэкт по английскому про божью коровку?

Проэкт по английскому про божью коровку.

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Ladybug is a little bright and
very beautiful beetle. They can fly. They are red, yellow and orange. They are
able to give some orange liquid — “milk”. That’s why they’re called
Their milk has got a pungent and disgusting smell, so nobody eats ladybirds. 
Ladybugs are very useful to humans. They eat aphid and save the whole farmers’
fields. Some farmers specially bred ladybirds in their fields and make
special houses where bugs can live comfortably in winter.
Божья коровка — это маленький яркий и очень красивый жук. Они умеют летать.
Они бывают красными, желтыми и оранжевыми.  Они умеют давать оранжевую
жидкость — “молочко”. Вот почему они зовутся коровками! Это молочко едкое и
отвратительно пахнет, поэтому божьих коровок никто не ест. Божья коровка
очень полезна для человека. Она ест тлю и спасает целые поля фермеров.
Некоторые фермеры специально разводят божьих коровок на своих участках и
устраивают специальные домики, где жучки могут комфортно перезимовать.

Рассказ про божью коровку на английском с переводом только маленький

  • 0

  • 0

Ladybug is a little bright and
very beautiful beetle. They can fly. They are red, yellow and orange. They are
able to give some orange liquid — “milk”. That’s why they’re called
Their milk has got a pungent and disgusting smell, so nobody eats ladybirds. 
Ladybugs are very useful to humans. They eat aphid and save the whole farmers’
fields. Some farmers specially bred ladybirds in their fields and make
special houses where bugs can live comfortably in winter.
Божья коровка — это маленький яркий и очень красивый жук. Они умеют летать.
Они бывают красными, желтыми и оранжевыми.  Они умеют давать оранжевую
жидкость — “молочко”. Вот почему они зовутся коровками! Это молочко едкое и
отвратительно пахнет, поэтому божьих коровок никто не ест. Божья коровка
очень полезна для человека. Она ест тлю и спасает целые поля фермеров.
Некоторые фермеры специально разводят божьих коровок на своих участках и
устраивают специальные домики, где жучки могут комфортно перезимовать.

RE: Рассказ про божью коровку на английском с переводом только маленький

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