Сочинение на английском про дзюдо

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Моё хобби — дзюдо/ Judo Is My Hobby с переводом на русский язык.

Judo Is My Hobby Моё хобби — дзюдо
Sport is the best way to help your child physically develop in the right way and to improve his or her immune system. That’s what my parents were thinking when they signed me up for judo. Занятия спортом — это самый лучший способ обеспечить ребенку гармоничное физическое развитие и укрепить его иммунитет. Именно этим руководствовались мои родители, когда записывали меня в секцию дзюдо.
They have chosen this martial art because when my father was little he used to go to the similar place. Besides, this sport club I’m going to is located very close to our house. Это боевое искусство они выбрали потому, что папа когда-то в детстве тоже ходил в подобный кружок. Кроме того, спортивный клуб, который я продолжаю посещать и сегодня, находится недалеко от нашего дома.
Honestly, I was never fond of sport before I went to school. I didn’t even like playing ball with my friends and my father. I preferred drawing and building Lego towers. But I have changed my mind about sport when I went to Arseny Victorovich’s group. Честно говоря, до школы я никогда не увлекался спортом, даже в мяч с друзьями и отцом на площадке играл неохотно. Мне больше нравилось рисовать или строить башни из конструктора. Но когда я попал на занятия дзюдо к Арсению Викторовичу, мое отношение к спорту резко изменилось.
I expected that he would teach us different fighting techniques straight away but instead, our trainer explained to us the philosophy and history of this Japanese martial art. It was very interesting. Я ожидал, что в секции нас сразу же начнут обучать различным приемам борьбы, а наш педагог начал с рассказа об истории и философии этого японского боевого искусства. Это меня очень заинтересовало.
It turned out that the physical strength, which I never had, is not important in judo. The important parts are your movement accuracy, battlefield tactics and the way you plan your actions beforehand. That’s something I’m good at! Оказывается, физическая сила, которой я никогда не обладал, для победы в дзюдо не имеет большого значения. Все дело в точности движений, тактике ведения боя и умении продумывать свои действия. А это как раз то, чем я могу похвастаться!
After sometime my hard training led me to good results and now I can call myself one of the best sportsman in out club. I have participated in the competitions and even won some. But I’m not proud of it, I take it as the next step of improving myself. Со временем упорные тренировки дали свой результат, и теперь я могу отнести себя к числу сильных спортсменов нашего клуба. Я не раз уже принимал участие в соревнованиях и побеждал в них. Но я не горжусь своими победами, а воспринимаю их как следующий шаг к работе над собой.
Judo also helped me to make a lot of new friends and our friendship is based on trust and there is no jealousy even though we compete with each other. Besides, combat techniques that I know now help me to be more confident in everyday life. Занятия дзюдо также позволили мне найти много новых друзей, отношения с которыми основаны на доверии и абсолютно лишены зависти, несмотря на спортивную конкуренцию. Кроме того, освоив боевые приемы, я стал более уверенным в себе, в принципе, и это очень помогает мне в повседневной жизни.
That’s why I’m thankful to my parents for signing me up for judo. At first I thought it was a strange decision but you never know what is waiting for you in the future! Поэтому я благодарен родителям за то, что они записали меня в секцию дзюдо. И пусть сначала их выбор казался мне очень странным, но никогда не знаешь, что ждет тебя в будущем!

My Favourite Sport

If we want to be fit and healthy we should do some sport. My favourite sport is judo, which is a modern Japanese martial art.

«Judo» means «gentle way». It is a popular sport in the world because it improves self-confidence and self-discipline, memory and attention. Besides, judo teaches us self-defence, respect and patience.  I started doing judo a few years ago. I have been training twice a week in our local sports centre. We wear a white uniform called a judogi. The lessons are physically hard but I enjoy them. Our sensei teaches us patiently and inspires us to become better people. I have already participated in a few competitions.  

I am glad that I chose to do judo because it gives me so much: I have become more patient and physically stronger.


Мой любимый спорт

Если мы хотим быть здоровыми, мы должны заниматься спортом. Мой любимый спорт — это дзюдо, современное японское боевое искусство.

«Дзюдо» означает «нежный путь». Это популярный вид спорта в мире, потому что он укрепляет уверенность в себе, самодисциплину, память и внимание. Кроме того, дзюдо учит нас самозащите, уважению и терпению.  Я начал заниматься дзюдо несколько лет назад. Я тренируюсь в местном спортивном центре два раза в неделю. Мы носим белую форму, она называется дзюдоги. Тренировки физически трудные, но мне они нравятся. Наш сэнсей учит нас терпеливо и вдохновляет нас стать лучше. Я уже участвовал в нескольких соревнованиях.

Я рад, что выбрал дзюдо, потому что оно дает мне много: я стал более терпеливым и физически сильнее.

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I would like to tell you about judo because It is my favourite sport . It is one of the most popular sports on the earth . Judo is Olympic sport. As to me I go in for judo , I play this sport about 3 year. I have got 8 medals, 1cup and 4 charter . I do it in the gym . My favourite sportsman is Elnur Memedli

History of Judo

Judo is considered a starting point in May 1882. At this time in Tokyo Buddhist temple Eysedzi 21-year-old Japanese Kano established a school under the name «Kodokan».

Judo was formed on the basis of ju-jitsu (iskazh. «jujitsu»), which in turn originates from an ancient form of national sumo wrestling.

Jiu-Jitsu (the art of gentleness) has arisen as a system of fighting without weapons.

Accord formulated by a doctor Sirobey Akiyama. One day while out walking early this morning in the garden, he noticed that the branches of large trees broken yesterday’s snowfall, and only a small tree stands proudly as if nothing had happened: his branches dropped heavy, Arch to the ground, and straightened up again. Seeing this miracle, Akiyama said: «Surrender to Win!»

Master of Jiu-Jitsu is distinguished not so much remarkable power as an amazing agility of the body, elastic compliance and the ability to use the power of the enemy for their own purposes. During the period of feudal wars of 17-19 centuries art of softness, log on combat training of samurai, flourished, and the number of schools close to a thousand.

However, beginning the era of the Meiji Restoration (1868), the opening of Japan to the world, and radical bourgeois reforms have led to the fact that ju-jitsu has fallen victim to civilization, and the soldiers have lost their jobs.

The art of softness is not allowed to sink into oblivion young scientist, educator and teacher of Jigoro Kano (1860-1938).

Gathering together the experience of different schools, systematized the best practices and eliminating life-threatening, he created Judo — a new struggle, which means «gentle way». In the opinion of Kano, judo was to become a «combat sport for physical training and general education of young people, philosophy, art, daily life, a repository of priceless national traditions.

In 1886, judo was recognized at the state level and has taught in the military and police academies, and soon became a program of physical training in secondary and higher education institutions.

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My sport judo (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)

I would like to tell you about judo because It is my favourite sport. It is one of the most popular sports on the earth. Judo is Olympic sport. As to me I go in for judo, I play this sport about 3 year. I have got 8 medals, 1cup and 4 charter. I do it in the gym. My favourite sportsman is Elnur Memedli

History of Judo

Judo is considered a starting point in May 1882. At this time in Tokyo Buddhist temple Eysedzi 21-year-old Japanese Kano established a school under the name «Kodokan» .

Judo was formed on the basis of ju-jitsu (iskazh. «jujitsu»), which in turn originates from an ancient form of national sumo wrestling.

Jiu-Jitsu (the art of gentleness) has arisen as a system of fighting without weapons.

Accord formulated by a doctor Sirobey Akiyama. One day while out walking early this morning in the garden, he noticed that the branches of large trees broken yesterday’s snowfall, and only a small tree stands proudly as if nothing had happened: his branches dropped heavy, Arch to the ground, and straightened up again. Seeing this miracle, Akiyama said: «Surrender to Win!»

Master of Jiu-Jitsu is distinguished not so much remarkable power as an amazing agility of the body, elastic compliance and the ability to use the power of the enemy for their own purposes. During the period of feudal wars of 17−19 centuries art of softness, log on combat training of samurai, flourished, and the number of schools close to a thousand [«https://westud.ru», 13].

However, beginning the era of the Meiji Restoration (1868), the opening of Japan to the world, and radical bourgeois reforms have led to the fact that ju-jitsu has fallen victim to civilization, and the soldiers have lost their jobs.

The art of softness is not allowed to sink into oblivion young scientist, educator and teacher of Jigoro Kano (1860−1938). Gathering together the experience of different schools, systematized the best practices and eliminating life-threatening, he created Judo — a new struggle, which means «gentle way». In the opinion of Kano, judo was to become a «combat sport for physical training and general education of young people, philosophy, art, daily life, a repository of priceless national traditions.

In 1886, judo was recognized at the state level and has taught in the military and police academies, and soon became a program of physical training in secondary and higher education institutions.

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