Сочинение на английском про эйфелеву башню

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Эйфелева Башня/ The Eiffel Tower с переводом на русский язык.

The Eiffel Tower Эйфелева Башня
They say “To see Paris and die”. Paris is really one of the most popular cities among tourists. People from all over the world come to this city to see its famous sights and feel the atmosphere of romantics, love and freedom. Говорят «Увидеть Париж и умереть». Париж – действительно один из самых популярных городов среди туристов. Люди со всего мира приезжают сюда, чтобы увидеть знаменитые достопримечательности и почувствовать атмосферу романтики, любви и свободы.
Among the most famous attractions of Paris are Arch of Triumph, Notre-Dame de Paris and of course its main symbol – the Eiffel Tower. It was named after Gustav Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower in 1889. This tower is made of iron. The tower stands on four legs and has a sharp peak on the top. The tower is the tallest construction in Paris and the most-visited monument in the world where you have to pay money to visit it. Millions of people go to the top of the Tower to get an amazing view of Paris. Среди самых известных достопримечательностей Парижа – Триумфальная Арка, Нотр-Дам де Пари, и, конечно, его главный символ – Эйфелева башня. Она была названа в честь Густава Эйфеля, чья компания создала дизайн башни в 1889 году. Эта башня сделана из железа. Она стоит на четырех опорах и имеет острый пик наверху. Она является самой высокой конструкцией в Париже и самой посещаемой достопримечательностью в мире, где нужно платить, чтобы посетить ее. Миллионы людей поднимаются на вершину башни ради замечательного вида Парижа.
The Eiffel Tower is 324 meters tall, about the same height as an 81-storey building. The tower has three levels for visitors, with restaurants on the first and second floor. The third level is a platform, it’s 276 meters above the ground. If you walk around Paris in the evening you can enjoy a wonderful view of the lighted Eiffel Tower. And at some particular moment you can see the lights blinking. Эйфелева башня имеет высоту 324 метра, примерно как 81-этажный дом. В башне есть три уровня для посетителей, на первом и втором этаже есть рестораны. Третий этаж – это платформа на высоте 276 метров над землей. Если гулять по Парижу вечером, можно насладиться прекрасным видом подсвеченной Эйфелевой башни. В один определенный момент можно увидеть, как огни мерцают.
I also want to visit the Eiffel Tower as it is one of the most well-known attractions in the world. Я тоже хочу посетить Эйфелеву башню, потому что это одна из самых известных достопримечательностей в мире.

Описание Эйфелевой башни

In the picture you can see the Eiffel Tower – the best known symbol of France and Paris. It was named after Gustav Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower in 1889. This lattice tower is made of puddle iron. The tower stands on four legs and has a sharp peak on the top. 

The tower is the tallest structure in Paris and the most-visited paid monument in the world; 6.98 million people ascended it in 2011. The tower received its 250 millionth visitor in 2010.

The tower is 324 metres tall, about the same height as an 81-storey building. Its base is square, 125 metres on a side. 

The tower has three levels for visitors, with restaurants on the first and second. The third level observatory’s upper platform is 276 m above the ground, the highest accessible to the public in the European Union. 

На картинке вы видите Эйфелеву башню – самый известный символ Франции и Парижа. Она была названа в честь Густава Эйфеля, чья компания разработала и построила башню в 1889 году. Эта решетчатая башня сделана из пудлинговой стали. Башня стоит на четырех «ногах» и заканчивается острой пикой.

Эйфелева башня – самое высокое сооружение в Париже и наиболее посещаемая платная достопримечательность в мире; в 2011 году на башню взобрались 6.98 миллионов человек. В 2010 году башню посетил 250-миллионный посетитель.

Высота башни – 324 метра – примерно как 81-этажное здание. Основание башни – квадрат стороной 125 метров.

Для посетителей открыто три уровня башни – с ресторанами на первом и втором. Верхняя платформа обсерватории на третьем уровне (высота 276 метров) – самая высокая общедоступная платформа в Европейском Союзе. 

Текст: Эйфелева башня

Эйфелева башня рассказ на английском - текст с переводом

The Eiffel tower is a metal construction located in the center of Paris. It is considered to be the most recognizable architectural landmark of the city and a whole country. The tower is named after its chief designer Gustave Eiffel, but Eiffel called it just «a 300-meter tower».

Today the tower is used as a TV and radio station. Tickets to visit the place can be bought on the Internet, but a long queue can not be avoided. Queues on the Elevator may be avoided by climbing on foot-1792 steps. But it costs about 5 euros. Here visitors can even reserve a table in a very expensive restaurant «Jules Verne». 

The majority of tourists admire it. Even after 120 years, it remains the tallest structure in Paris and the fifth highest in France. Despite its majestic size, its total weight does not exceed 10 thousand tons. 

Despite the fact that the tower is considered to be a symbol of the city, the French have a very ambiguous reaction on it. Many Parisians do not think it is a beautiful construction. It was planned to be destroyed, but then was used to get radio and TV signals.


Эйфелева башня — металлическая конструкция, расположенная в центре Парижа. Она считается самой узнаваемой архитектурной достопримечательностью города и всей страны. Башня названа в честь своего главного конструктора Гюстава Эйфеля, но Эйфель называл ее просто «300-метровой башней».

Сегодня она используется как теле-и радиостанция. Билеты на посещение достопримечательности можно купить в интернете, но длинной очереди избежать не удастся. Очередей на лифт можно пропустить, поднявшись пешком по 1792 ступеням. Но это стоит около 5 евро. Здесь посетители могут даже зарезервировать столик в очень дорогом ресторане «Жюль Верн». 

Большинство туристов восхищаются ею. Даже спустя 120 лет она остается самой высокой конструкцией в Париже и пятой по высоте во всей Франции. Несмотря на свои величественные размеры, ее общий вес не превышает 10 тысяч тонн. 

Несмотря на то, что башня считается символом города, у французов она вызывает не очень однозначная реакцию. Многие парижане не считают ее красивым сооружением. Ей планировали разрушить, но затем стали использовать для получения радио-и телевизионных сигналов.

Сочинение на тему «Эйфелева башня» на английском языке с переводом на русский язык

The Eiffel Tower 

Эйфелева башня 

I think anyone living on our planet will recognize the Eiffel Tower in the photo and tell you where it is. You do not have to visit Paris and see this architectural landmark to do so.

Я думаю, любой житель нашей планеты узнает Эйфелеву башню на фото и скажет, где она находится. Для этого вовсе не обязательно побывать в Париже и увидеть эту архитектурную достопримечательность.

This easily recognizable symbol of the French capital is more than a century old, although it was intended as a temporary construction. The tower bears the name of its creator Eiffel. His design was one of 700 projects that participated in the competition and it was voted the best. It may seem unbelievable, but at first the idea of installing a huge iron construction in the center of the capital was met with disapproval from the French public. But the aim was to demonstrate the country’s technological achievements.

Этому легко узнаваемому символу французской столицы уже более ста лет, хотя планировалась она как временное сооружение. Башня названа в честь ее создателя по фамилии Эйфель. Его проект был одним из 700 проектов, участвовавших в конкурсе, и был признан лучшим. Это может показаться невероятным, но сначала идея возведения огромной металлической конструкции в центре столицы не вызвала одобрения у французского общества. Но замысел заключался в том, чтобы продемонстрировать технологические достижения страны.

Numerous tourists visiting Paris tend not only to look at the tower at a distance and take a photo of it (by the way, it is the most photographed attraction on the planet), but also to get to the observation decks. They are available on all the three platforms of the tower. From there, we can assume, you get a great view of the city. There are two ways to get to the top – using the stairs and the elevator.

Многочисленные туристы, посещающие Париж, стремятся не только рассмотреть башню со стороны и сделать свое фото этого объекта (кстати, это самая фотографируемая достопримечательность на планете), но и взобраться на смотровые площадки. Они имеются на всех трех платформах башни. Оттуда, как можно предположить, открывается великолепный вид на город. Подняться наверх можно двумя способами – по лестнице и на лифте.

There are two restaurants and a bar there for the public. The higher the location of the restaurant is, the more expensive your visit will cost you. If you have no desire or opportunity to show off, you can check out one of the buffets.

В распоряжении посетителей два ресторана и бар. Чем выше расположено заведение, тем дороже обходится его посещение. Если нет желания или возможности шиковать, то можно заглянуть в буфет.

I certainly wish I could be among all those numerous tourists visiting Paris.

Конечно, мне бы хотелось оказаться среди тех многочисленных туристов, посещающих Париж.

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The Eiffel Tower (la Tour Eiffel) is an iron tower built on the Champ de Mars beside the River Seine in Paris, France. It is the tallest structure in Paris, the fifth-tallest structure in France and possibly the most recognized monument in Europe. Named after its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, it is the most visited monument in the world. Including the 24 m (78.7 ft) antenna, the structure is 324 m (1063 ft) high (since 2000). In 1902, it was struck by lightning, which meant that 300 feet of the top had to be reconstructed and the lights illuminating the tower had to be replaced, as they were damaged by the high energy of the lightning. The structure of the Eiffel Tower weighs 7300 tons. There are 1660 steps (360 to the first level, another 359 to the second). It is not possible for the public to reach the summit via the stairs, lifts are required beyond the second platform. Lift tickets may be purchased at the base or either platform. Maintenance of the tower includes applying 50-60 tons of three graded tones of paint every seven years to protect it from rust. On occasion, the color of the paint is changed — the tower is currently painted a shade of brownish-gray. However, the tower is actually painted three different colors in order to make it look the same color. The colors change from dark to light from top to bottom, but it looks the same because of the background (the sky being light and the ground being dark). On the first floor, there are interactive consoles hosting a poll for the color to use for a future session of painting. The co-architects of the Eiffel Tower are Emile Naugier, Maurice Koechlin and Stephen Sauvestre.

The structure was built between 1887 and 1889 as the entrance arch for the Exposition Universelle, a World’s Fair marking the centennial celebration of the French Revolution. Eiffel originally planned to build it in Barcelona, for the Universal Exposition of 1888, but they rejected it. The tower was inaugurated on 31 March, 1889, and opened on 6 May. Three hundred workers joined together 18,038 pieces of puddled iron (a very pure form of structural iron). The risk of accident was great, for unlike modern skyscrapers the tower is an open frame without any intermediate floors except the two platforms. Yet because Eiffel took safety precautions including use of movable stagings, guard-rails and screens, only one man died, during the installation of its elevator’s lifts. The tower was met with resistance from the public when it was built, with many calling it an eyesore. Novelist Guy de Maupassant — who claimed to hate the tower — supposedly ate lunch at the Tower’s restaurant every day. When asked why, he answered that it was the one place in Paris where you couldn’t see the Tower.

Today, it is widely considered to be a striking piece of structural art. One of the great Hollywood movie cliches is that the view from a Parisian window always includes the tower. In reality, since zoning restrictions limit the height of most buildings in Paris to a few stories, only the very few taller buildings have a clear view of the tower. Eiffel had a permit for the tower to stand for 20 years, meaning it would have had to be dismantled in 1909, when its ownership would revert to the City of Paris. The City had planned to tear it down (part of the original contest rules for designing a tower was that it could be easily demolished) but as the tower proved valuable for communication purposes, it was allowed to remain after the expiry of the permit. The military used it to dispatch Parisian taxis to the front line of the Marne, and it therefore became a victory statue of that battle. It was also used to catch the infamous «Mata Hari», and after this, its demolition became unthinkable.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the tower has been used for radio transmission. During the German occupation of Paris between 1940 and 1944 the tower was also used for German television broadcasts, which were apparently intended mostly for wounded German soldiers in local military hospitals. Since 1957, the tower has been used for transmission of FM radio and television. The tower has two restaurants: Altitude 95, on the first floor (95m above sea level); and the Jules Verne, an expensive gastronomical restaurant on the second floor, with a private lift.

Images of the tower have long been in the public domain; however, in 2003 SNTE installed a new lighting display on the tower. The effect was to put any night-time image of the tower and its lighting display under copyright. As a result, it was no longer legal to publish contemporary photographs of the tower at night without permission in some countries.

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Eiffel Tower essay , contains a lot of valuable  information about the Eiffel Tower and all the information you are looking for so you can learn about the details of this magnificent tower. All that information will be found here in Eiffel Tower essay.

Eiffel Tower essay

The Eiffel Tower is one of the seven wonders of the world and is one of the most important tourist attractions in France to which tourists come from all over the world. All that information and more you will find here in Eiffel Tower essay.

The Eiffel Tower, one of the most famous landmarks in Europe and the world, is located in Paris, in the north-west of Champ de Mars.

It is very close to the Seine and is considered one of the seven wonders of the world. It is the most famous tourist attraction in France.

It is visited by millions of tourists annually. It is a tourist destination that attracts visitors from all over the world.  It has remained since its construction in the year of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, and until the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty the tallest building in the world, that is, for forty-one years.

It took two years,  It was opened on March 31, 1991, and is mainly used as an observation tower, radio and television tower.

The body of the tower consists of iron, consisting of eighteen thousand and eighty-eight iron pieces, installed using two and a half million nails, and weighs the tower about ten tons.

The height of the antenna in the Eiffel Tower is three hundred and twenty-four meters, and the height of the surface is three hundred and sixty-five centimeters, while the height of the last floor is two hundred and seventy-three meters.

It consists of three floors, seven electric lifts, two restaurants to provide meals for visitors, and the elevator takes up to up to the top about eight minutes.

Designed by Stephen Sophistry, architect Maurice Coutcheln, and Emile Nogueire, it was sponsored by architect Gustav Eiffel, named after the tower.

It was used in the past to conduct scientific experiments by many scientists and experts, such as weather experiments, free fall of objects, and atmospheric monitoring.

Essay on Eiffel Tower

There is no doubt that the Eiffel Tower is a tourist and historical landmark that is studied all over the world as it is one of the fictional tourist attractions that represent the renaissance of the French people.

It was created to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution, which represents democracy. Therefore, the Eiffel Tower is an important icon with a very important meaning and history.

One of the wonderful things about the construction of the Eiffel Tower was that it was not planned on paper or prepared in advance. Rather, a competition was established for the best design, and the architect Gustav was able to win it.

It is surprisingly fast to build while maintaining strength and durability. The Eiffel Tower was erected in only two years, 1887-1889.

The Eiffel Tower was built of solid iron, consisting of eighteen thousand, and thirty-eight pieces of iron. It is wonderful to know the total weight of the tower, which is ten tons.

The tower consists of three floors, seven elevators and it contains a space dedicated to two distinct restaurants overlooking the entire Paris.

The length of the antenna in the Eiffel Tower is three hundred and twenty-four meters. The height of the surface is three hundred and sixty-five centimeters. The height of the last floor is two hundred and seventy-three meters.

The tower was used for several purposes, including weather-related experiments, free fall, or meteorology.

Essay about Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous archaeological and historical monuments. It was built to celebrate independence and the French Revolution. Many travel from different countries of the world to enjoy seeing this great historical monument.

The Eiffel Tower represents a great source of national income for France, as the number of annual visitors to the Eiffel Tower reached 6207303 and this is for the year 2017 only. As this rate increased in the following two years, then decreased slightly with the passing of the Corona virus crisis.

The Eiffel Tower is famous for containing two famous restaurants. The media or education contributed to the publicity of the Eiffel Tower, which made it an important destination for many people.

We can see many celebrities now going on their honeymoon in Paris to see the Eiffel Tower and enjoy the life and the distinguished services.

The Eiffel Tower is characterized by a sophisticated engineering design that was a boom that preceded its era. The Eiffel Tower was built by the engineer Gustave Eiffel, and the tower was named after him.

Eiffel tower description essay

The Eiffel Tower is a huge high-rise tower located in Paris, France. This monument has become a symbol of the city and the country. It became an attraction for many people.

The tower was built in 1889 for the World Exhibition, and this was done through a competition put forward by the government, in which many architects were able to participate and submit their projects.

To succeed in the end, the design of the engineer Gustave Eiffel, of French origin. It took about two years to build the tower, and nearly 2 million visitors attended the opening.

One of the amazing things that many do not know is that the initial idea of ​​the tower is to be dismantled after the completion of the event, but it remained in its place when it was met with enthusiasm and a great welcome, later becoming a strong attraction and a symbol of the city.

The Eiffel Tower is 324 meters high, consisting of three levels. When the tower opened, visitors climbed for the first time 1,700 steps on their feet. But now an elevator has been installed and visitors no longer need to go up in the traditional way.

Eiffel tower paragraph

There is no doubt that the Eiffel Tower is one of the favorite areas for many people who love to take great pictures, enjoy music and fine food, see the latest fashion trends, walk around and see the amazing Eiffel Tower with its pink colors during sunset.

Where the Eiffel Tower is one of the world’s sources of attraction, especially for girls, and certainly for men as well, but it has been proven that women love it more. Out of 10 women, 7 choose to visit the Eiffel Tower and enjoy the atmosphere.

Unlike men, they prefer to go to the stadium and watch football. Ratio of 8 out of 10. Therefore, the Eiffel Tower for women is of great importance and a popular tourist attraction.

Eiffel tower essay in English

The Eiffel Tower at the end of the nineteenth century was a celebration of the French Revolution of freedom, although the Eiffel Tower became famous in the 21st century, but it was not designed to remain throughout this period of time. Where it was designed for the purpose of display for a short period and is removed later. But due to the great demand and admiration for it, he was left to become the most important symbol of the country.

It is surprising that after choosing the engineering design of Mr. Eiffel, he faced a lot of criticism from artists, and it was said that it does not match the beauty and splendor of the city, and that it distorts the aesthetic form.

Despite that, the work continued for two years, and after the completion of the work, it turns from a temporary tower into a symbol of the capital and a famous and beloved around the world, to become one of the most important sources of tourist attractions, and becomes an icon of sophistication and amazing engineering grandeur that is ahead of its time.

It was said about the Eiffel Tower at this time that it was a symbol of French industrial power, and Mr. Eiffel also played a major role in not demolishing it. Where he did many experiments through it, such as astronomy, and physiology, but the strongest reason to save the tower is to use it as a wireless antenna. Its first use was for communications, to develop later for permanent radio communications.

Short essay on eiffel tower

The Great Eiffel Tower is one of the projects that has received many criticisms from writers and artists. Through it, a lot can be learned, whether for the final artistic creativity, which precedes its era, to become an icon of the world and a main source of attraction, or it is possible to learn through the stages of creation, development and vision.

In 1889 The Eiffel Tower project was born with a length of 300 meters. The aim of the competition was to study the possibility of constructing an iron tower. 107 engineers applied for this project, and the project submitted by Gustave Eiffel eventually succeeded.

Surprisingly, before this competition, two engineers from Eiffel’s company, Emile Nougier and Maurice Cochlin, were working on a high tower, consisting of four grid beams spaced at the base and meeting at the top.

Such ideas were already carried out by the Eiffel Company in constructing bridges, and the company obtained a patent on September 18, 1884. This is about a new ideal arrangement that can build high-rise towers exceeding 300 meters in height.

When applying for the construction of the tower from the Eiffel company, he was already fully prepared to build this tower and owns a patent for a strong and exciting design that applies to the desired project idea.

Which made him at the forefront of advanced engineers, to submit a preliminary drawing of the details of the tower.
But then he gives up some details and sticks to others, to become what we see today.

Certainly, the construction was not as easy as many expected, as the French street faced them with a lot of criticism for this construction and what is the need for it, especially that it will be placed for a short period of time.

The tower was built to suit the ease of change again, but because of Eiffel’s vision, he was able to convince everyone of its importance and its use in many uses, which made it more important for the city, to turn later not to be a world famous attracting millions of tourists and to change a lot of the fame and popularity of Paris.

Paragraph on Eiffel tower in English

It is amazing to see the icon of the past and the coming eras, especially this icon, which was designed to represent the celebration of the French Revolution and freedom, was temporary and will be removed after a short period, but it has proven its importance and the extent of its strength, to become one of the strongest and largest sources of tourist attractions, and millions come every year to see it and just enjoy it Eating out, or sitting and picnicking in its picturesque and wonderful lights.

This is truly the icon that is respected, a design that has been overdue, has become immortal and cannot be easily disposed of, and has become popular with everyone after it was a source of doubt and criticism for many famous personalities. This is how great works live and become immortal.

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  • English essay

Являясь самым высоким сооружением в мире, Эйфелева башня вероятно самая узнаваемая достопримечательность в Европе и самый известный символ Парижа.

Невозможно побывать в Париже, не посетив Эйфелеву башню.

Даже если Вы не хотите посетить это всемирно известное сооружение, Вы увидите ее вершину с любой точки Парижа.
Высота башни составляет 300 метров. Когда в конце 19 века ее строительство было закончено, она была в два раза выше, чем Монумент Вашингтона, в то время самого высокого сооружения в мире.

Мировая выставка 1889 года

Эйфелева башня была построена для Мировой выставки в 1889 году, состоявшейся в рамках празднования Великой французской революции 1789 года.

Конструкция изначально задумывалась как временное сооружение специально для выставки, но она стоит до сих пор, несмотря на все протесты художников той эпохи, боявшихся, что сооружение спровоцирует строительство других подобных сооружений с отсутствующей индивидуальностью и несмотря на многих людей, боявшихся, что такой громадный объект не впишется в общую архитектуру Парижа.

Сегодня, среди парижан больше нету такой антипатии в башне и никто больше не может представить Париж без Эйфелевой башни. В действительности, она стала символом Города света.

Густав Эйфель

Человек, ответственный за появление Эйфелевой башни был Густав Эйфель, известный своими революционными методами постройки мостов, используемых во время работы над виадуком Гараби.

Эти методы были положены в основу строительства Эйфелевой башни.

Он был также известен за создание железной рамки для Статуи свободы.

Сознание этой конструкции заняло более двух лет.

Каждый из около 12 тысяч железных фрагментов был создан отдельно, для придания именно той формы, которая была нужна.

Все фрагменты были собраны вручную и затем соединены с друг другом с помощью порядка 7 миллионов гвоздей.

После открытия 31 марта, 1889 года, Эйфелева башня должна была быть самым высоким сооружением в мире, до завершения строительства Крайслер-билдинг в 1930.

Being the tallest building in the world, the Eiffel tower is probably the most recognizable landmark in Europe and the most famous symbol of Paris.

You cannot visit Paris without visiting the Eiffel tower.

Even if You don’t want to visit this world-famous building, You will see its top from any point of Paris.
The height of the tower is 300 meters. When in the late 19th century, its construction was completed, it was two times higher than the Washington Monument, at the time of the tallest buildings in the world.

World exhibition of 1889

The Eiffel tower was built for the World exhibition in 1889, held in celebration of the French revolution of 1789.

The design was originally conceived as a temporary structure specifically for the exhibition, but it still stands today, despite all the protests artists of the era, fearing that the construction will provoke the construction of other similar constructions with missing individuality and despite many people feared that such a huge object does not fit into the overall architecture of Paris.

Today, among the Parisians no longer such antipathy in the tower and no one can imagine Paris without the Eiffel tower. In fact, it has become a symbol of the city of light.

Gustave Eiffel

The person responsible for the appearance of the Eiffel tower was Gustave Eiffel, famous for its revolutionary methods of construction of bridges used during the work on the viaduct Garabi.

These methods were the basis for the construction of the Eiffel tower.

He was also known for creating the iron frame for the statue of liberty.

The consciousness of this design took more than two years.

Each of about 12 thousand iron fragments was created separately, to give it the form that was needed.

All fragments were collected manually and then connected with each other by means of the order of 7 million nails.

After opening on March 31, 1889, the Eiffel tower was supposed to be the tallest building in the world until the completion of the construction of the Chrysler building in 1930.

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