Сочинение на английском про фильм человек паук

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Spider-Man is one of the most popular superheroes of modern times, although his image was created back in 1962 by Stan Lee and Steve Didko in comics of Marvel Comics. In ordinary life, a Spider-man is a teenager named Peter Parker, who is raised by his uncle and aunt. He is a very intelligent and capable student who loves physics and chemistry very much. He got his strength during a science exhibition, when a spider accidentally bit him. Peter was brought up as a hero, himself learning difference between good and evil, and realizing the responsibility for his actions. About him there were filmed a lot of movies and cartoons. The old hero still inspires modern children.

Человек-паук — один из самых популярных супергероев современности, хотя его образ был создан еще в 1962 году Стэном Ли и Стивом Дидко в комиксах Marvel Comics. В обычной жизни Человек-паук — это подросток по имени Питер Паркер, которого воспитывают дядя и тетя. Он очень умный и способный ученик, который очень любит физику и химию. Он набрался сил во время научной выставки, когда его случайно укусил паук. Петр воспитывался как герой, сам познавая разницу между добром и злом и осознавая ответственность за свои поступки. О нем снято множество фильмов и мультфильмов. Старый герой до сих пор вдохновляет современных детей.

Светило науки — 6314 ответов — 50283 помощи

                                              My Favourite Film

My favourite film is «Spider-Man: Far From Home». I saw it last summer in the cinema. I like this fantastic film for a few reasons.

The first one is that Tom Holland and Zendaya, who play the parts of Peter Parker and MJ respectively, are my favourite actors. In fact I believe Tom Holland is the best Spider-Man ever. The second reason is that I like the Avengers films, and after «Avengers: Endgame» I was looking forward to seeing the story continued. By the way this Spider-Man film is still a superhero movie, but it is a teen comedy, too. The third reason is the plot of the film which has a lot of action-packed scenes and funny moments (such as Happy’s  and Ned’s jokes), as well as sad moments. There are also a few twists in the plot that left me shocked in a good way.

I think this film is really good and I would like to watch it again some day.


Мой любимый фильм «Человек-паук: далеко от дома». Я смотрел(а) его прошлым летом в кино. Мне нравится этот потрясающий фильм по нескольким причинам.

Во-первых, Том Холланд и Зендая, которые играют роли Питера Паркера и MJ (соответственно), являются моими любимыми актерами. На самом деле я считаю, что Том Холланд — лучший Человек-паук. Вторая причина в том, что мне нравятся фильмы про Мстителей, и после «Мстители: финал» я с нетерпением ждал(а) продолжения этой истории. Кстати,  этот фильм про Человека-паука — еще один фильм о супергероях, но еще это комедия для подростков. Третья причина — это сюжет фильма, в котором есть множество динамичных сцен и забавных моментов (таких как шутки Хэппи и Неда), а также грустные моменты. Есть также несколько поворотов в сюжете, которые потрясли меня в хорошем смысле.

Я думаю, этот фильм действительно хорош, и я хотел(а) бы посмотреть его снова когда-нибудь.


There is such a wonderful movie Spider-Man I like it very nravitsya.Etot movie filmed with a soul. I understand that the spider does not happen in a persons life. If I was asked what I would put on the evaluation of the 10th scale I would put 10
есть такой замечательный фильм Человек паук мне он очень нравится.Этот фильм снят с душой. Я понимаю что в жизни человека паука не бывает. Если бы у меня спросили какую я бы поставил оценку по 10-ой шкале я бы поставил 10


Отв. дан
2021-11-14 00:00:00

Spider-man, real name Peter Parker is a fictional character, a superhero comic book publisher Marvel Comics, created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. Since its first appearance in the pages of the comic book Amazing Fantasy, he became one of the most popular superheroes. The character of the comics and later of a film is a teenage orphan, brought up by uncle and aunt, combining the life of a normal student and crime fighter. Spiderman got super-strength, enhanced agility, a «spider sense» and the ability to stay on vertical surfaces and produce spider web out of the hands using a device of his own invention.
At first, Peter Parker is a quiet and shy boy, he isn’t popular at school or somewhere else. He loves Mary Jane, the school idol. Peter thinks that he has no chance to have a date with her, so he doesn’t tell Mary about his feelings. But one day, on a school trip he is bitten by a modified spider. After that he feels awful but the next day he finds out that he became very strong and powerful. Since that time he helps people and becomes a super hero.
All teens like him. They say that the spider man is one of them. He is often sad, has lots of problems, but he manages to overcome all of them.

Spiderman Essay: Spiderman is a fictional character who became very famous among children and also in teenagers. He first appeared in the Amazing Comics in August 1962. He was introduced by Stan Lee in Marvel Comics. Since then, he appeared in many movies and video games and is still a favourite among many kids and adults. The story of Spiderman revolves around a boy Peter Parker who got bitten by a radioactive spider which gives him a superpower and a will to fight against the crimes in New York City. So let’s know more about the character

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Long and Short Essays on Spiderman for Students and Kids in English

A long essay of 450-500 words has been provided it is useful for students in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. For the reference of students in Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, a short essay of 100-150 words has been provided.

Long Essay on Spiderman 500 Words in English

Spiderman is one of the famous cartoon characters who is liked by everyone. It is a fictional character that was introduced by a comic artist known as Stan Lee in the year 1962. He first appeared in the Amazing comics and then he got praised and loved by children so much that they started his personalised comic series. The story of spiderman revolves around a boy named Peter Parker. He is a college student who also works in a media house that publishes newspaper as a photographer. The name of the company is Daily Bugle which is owned by J. Johan Jameson.

The parents of Peter Parker died in an accident which makes him stay and grow up with his uncle and aunt. His uncle’s name was Ben Parker and his Aunt’s name was May parker. Peter Parker got his superpowers from a radioactive spider as one day, a radioactive spider bit him and changed his DNA. As a result of a change in DNA, he got superpowers such as super strength, able to climb on the wall like a spider, can throw and swing on webs, sharp senses as he can now sense the danger around him.

One day, his uncle got killed by a thief whom he spares. Then at that moment, he decided to use his powers to fight crime and save others in need. To hide his identity, he made a suit which was red and blue in colour and had a spider symbol in the middle. He then starts catching thieves and criminals for the police but the police would only call him a vigilante. Then he faces and defeats many villains like doctor octopus, rhino, venom, vulture, and many more. The main villain in the Spiderman series was a company known as Oscorp Industries. Peter Parker’s father Richard Parker worked as a scientist in the same company. Spiderman got many allies like a black cat, spider woman, and many more.

Apart from being a super hero, Peter Parker is a brilliant student in his class and also likes to build tech for his suit. He builds web-shooters which helps to throw webs on the enemies. Parker’s girlfriend was Mary Jane Watson who was a student of the same college where Peter studied. They liked each other and ended up marrying each other. Later with all the good work, Peter was then recruited by the Avengers, a team of superheroes to stop the attacks of aliens.

The story of spiderman comics was inspirational and liked by people. Thus, they decided to make a movie on it. The first live-action cinematic movie of spiderman was released in the year 2002 which was hit and loved by everyone. Further, the director decided to make the sequels of the film and from that moment, there are so many live-action movies of spiderman. Many companies launched its merchandise and video games to attract more and more customers. From a cameo in a comic to making its franchise, this fictional character was and still is loved by everyone.

Short Essay on Spiderman 150 words in English

The story of Spiderman is about a boy who got bit by a radioactive spider which gave him superpowers. With the death of his uncle during a robbery, he decided to use his powers to stop and prevent crime and help people. The boy’s name was Peter Parker and he works as a photographer in a media house. The superpowers of Spiderman include super strength, senses danger, throwing webs like spiders, and climbing walls. Peter Parker lives with his uncle and aunt. His uncle was killed by a thief. He lived in New York City and was known as the Friendly Neighbourhood spiderman. There is a very famous quote in Spiderman comics which is ‘With great power comes great responsibility’. With popularity, many companies started selling their merchandise and many directors came up with the idea of making movies. He is loved by everyone and by every age group.

  1. Spiderman is a fictional character of Marvel Comics created by Stan Lee.
  2. It first appeared in August 1962 in Amazing Fantasy comics.
  3. The story revolves around a boy who got bit by a radioactive spider which gives him a superpower.
  4. His superpower was to climb like a spider and swing through webs and super strength.
  5. A famous quote from the Spiderman comics is ‘with great power comes great responsibilities’.
  6. Many villains that appeared in the Spiderman comics like the Vulture, Venom, and Kingpin.
  7. The original name of Spiderman is Peter Richard Parker.
  8. He lives with his uncle and aunt.
  9. He lives in New York and works as a photographer in a company called Daily Bugle.
  10. Spiderman later joined other heroic team known as The Avengers.

FAQ’s on Spiderman essay

Question 1: How did Peter Parker become Spiderman?

Answer: Peter Parker was bit by a radioactive spider that gave him superpowers.

Question 2: What is the profession of Peter Parker? 

Answer: The profession of Peter Parker is a Photographer at Daily Bugle.

Question 3: Where did Richard Parker used to work?

Answer: Richard Parker was a scientist in the Oscorp industries.

Письмо на английском языке о фильме человек паук

  1. Dear …,

    I watching film spiderman. I like this is film. This is film have very interesting storyline.

    Do you like film spiderman? Why?

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  2. Hello, my friend! I want to ask you about films. Which films do you like? Which is your favorite? My favorite film I «Spider Man». I like this film, because it’s very interesting, and this film has a lot of special effects.

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