Сочинение на английском про известного человека россии

Представлена подборка сочинений о Знаменитостях на английском языке с переводом на русский язык.

The Biography of Abraham Lincoln Биография Авраама Линкольна Abraham Lincoln is one of the most famous American presidents. He was the 16th president of the USA. Thanks to him the country successfully went through financial, military, moral and other types of crisis. He was also the person who put an end to the slavery. Авраам Линкольн является одним из самых известных американских президентов. Он был 16-м президентом США. Благодаря ему страна успешно прошла финансовый, военный, моральный и другие виды кризиса. Он также являлся тем человеком, который положил конец рабству. Читать полностью >>> The Biography of Alexander Pushkin Биография Александра Пушкина Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin is considered to be one of the greatest Russian poets of all times. He was a famous writer of Romantic era. Pushkin was born in 1799 and has lived a short but bright life. Many people regard him as the founder of Russian modern literature. Александр Сергеевич Пушкин считается одним из величайших русских поэтов всех времен. Он был известным писателем романтической эпохи. Пушкин родился в 1799 году и прожил короткую, но яркую жизнь. Многие люди считают его основателем современной русской литературы. Читать полностью >>> The Biography of Anton Chekhov Биография Антона Чехова Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was a famous Russian playwright and physician. He is also considered to be one of the greatest writers of short stories in the world. His best short stories are held in high esteem by other writers and critics. Throughout most of his literary career Chekhov practiced as a medical doctor. Антон Павлович Чехов был известным русским драматургом и врачом. Он также считается одним из величайших в мире писателей коротких рассказов. Его лучшие новеллы высоко ценятся другими писателями и критиками. На протяжении большей части своей литературной деятельности Чехов практиковал медицинское дело. Читать полностью >>> The Biography of Bill Gates Биография Билла Гейтса There isn’t a person in the world who doesn’t know about Bill Gates. He is the founder and co-leader of Microsoft Corporation. He is also an American business magnate, who is considered to be one of the richest people on the planet. Не существует в мире человека, который не знал бы Билла Гейтса. Он является основателем и одним из руководителей корпорации Microsoft. Он также является американским бизнес магнатом, который считается одним из богатейших людей на планете. Читать полностью >>> The Biography of George Washington Биография Джорджа Вашингтона George Washington was the first President of the United States of America. He was born on February 22nd, 1732 in Virginia. The Americans often call this man “The Father of our country”. And, indeed, he was one of the Founding Fathers of the USA. Джордж Вашингтон был первым президентом Соединенных Штатов Америки. Он родился 22 февраля 1732 года в штате Вирджиния. Американцы часто называют этого человека «Отцом своей страны». И, действительно, он был одним из отцов-основателей США. Читать полностью >>> The Biography of Elizabeth II Биография Елизаветы II Elizabeth II is the Queen of the United Kingdom. She was born on April 21st, 1926. Her full name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary and she is the monarch of sixteen sovereign states, their respective overseas territories and dependencies. Елизавета II является королевой Соединенного Королевства. Она родилась 21 апреля 1926 года. Ее полное имя Елизавета Александра Мэри, и она является монархом шестнадцати суверенных государств, их заморских и зависимых территорий. Читать полностью >>> The Biography of Lev Tolstoy Биография Льва Толстого Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was an outstanding Russian novelist and short story writer. He also wrote many plays and essays. He was born in 1828 and lived at the times of social crisis. This has greatly influenced his works and turned him into a social reformer and moral thinker. Лев Николаевич Толстой был выдающимся русским романистом и автор коротких рассказов. Он также написал много пьес и эссе. Он родился в 1828 году и жил во времена социальных неурядиц. Это значительно повлияло на его работы, превратив его в социального реформатора и морального мыслителя. Читать полностью >>> The Biography of Mark Twain Биография Марка Твена Samuel Langhorne Clemens was a famous American writer and humorist. He was better known by his pen friend Mark Twain. Perhaps, everybody knows about the adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. The author of these stories was Mark Twain. Сэмюэл Лэнгхорн Клеменс был известным американским писателем и юмористом. Он был более известен по своему писательскому псевдониму, как Марк Твен. Возможно, все знают о приключениях Тома Сойера и Гекльберри Финна. Автором этих историй был Марк Твен. Читать полностью >>> The Biography of Mikhail Lomonosov Биография Михаила Ломоносова Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was born on November 19th, 1711, in Arkhangelsk province. He was a famous Russian scientist, polymath and a writer, who had greatly contributed into national literature, science and education. Михаил Васильевич Ломоносов родился 19 ноября 1711 года в Архангельской губернии. Он был известным русским ученым, эрудитом и писатель, который в значительной степени способствовал развитию национальной литературы, науки и образования. Читать полностью >>> The Biography of William Shakespeare Биография Уильяма Шекспира Great Britain has given lots of prominent people to the world, but one of the noblest and most famous man of all was William Shakespeare. He was a famous English poet and playwright. Великобритания дала много выдающихся людей миру, но одним из самых благородных и самым известным человеком из всех был Уильям Шекспир. Он был известный английский поэт и драматург. Читать полностью >>> The Biography of Fyodor Dostoevsky Биография Фёдора Достоевского Fyodor Michaylovich Dostoevsky was an outstanding Russian write and is now regarded as one of the best novelists in the world. Федор Михайлович Достоевский был выдающимся русским писателем и в настоящее время считается одним из лучших романистов в мире. Читать полностью >>> The Biography of Charles Dickens Биография Чарльза Диккенса Charles Dickens was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world’s most memorable fictional characters and is considered to be one of the greatest novelists. Чарльз Диккенс был английским писателем и общественным критиком. Он создал некоторые из самых запоминающихся в мире вымышленных персонажей и считается одним из величайших романистов. Читать полностью >>> The Biography of Yuri Gagarin Биография Юрия Гагарина Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin was a prominent Russian cosmonaut. He was the first man who dared to make a journey into outer space. Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин был выдающимся русским космонавтом. Он был первым человеком, который рискнул совершить путешествие в космос. Читать полностью >>> My Favourite Celebrity Моя любимая знаменитость (Джонни Депп) There are many famous people that I admire. Most of them are talented in one or more fields. They lead a busy life, travelling from one place to another to meet their fans. My favourite celebrity is Johnny Depp. Я восхищаюсь многими известными людьми. Многие из них талантливы в одной или нескольких областях. Они ведут насыщенный образ жизнь, путешествуя из одного места в другое, чтобы встретиться со своими поклонниками. Моя любимая знаменитость – Джонни Депп. Читать полностью >>> My Favourite Actor Мой любимый актёр (Паттинсон) My name is Alexander. I like many actors but my favourite actor is Robert Pattinson. Robert was born on 13 May 1986 near London. From the childhood he was desirous of being a famous actor. Robert was spotted in the cinematography when Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire appeared in 2005. Меня зовут Александр. Мне нравятся много актёров, но самый любимый — это Роберт Паттинсон. Роберт родился 13 мая 1986 года недалеко от Лондона. С детства стремился стать выдающимся актёром. После выхода в 2005 году фильма «Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня» Роберта заметили в кинематографии. Читать полностью >>> My Favorite Actor Is Leonardo DiCaprio Мой любимый актёр — Леонардо Ди Каприо It’s not an exaggeration to say that Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the most famous Hollywood actors who has played many excellent roles. And I admire every single work he does. Леонардо Ди Каприо — это, без преувеличения, один из самых известных голливудских актеров, сыгравший множество прекрасных ролей. И каждая из его работ вызывает у меня чувство восхищения. Читать полностью >>> My Favorite Actor is Johnny Depp Мой любимый актёр Джонни Депп Johnny Depp is a wonderful Hollywood actor which name is well known to everyone regardless of your age. Adults know Depp thanks to his early works with a movie director Tim Burton in the late 90s. And for younger people he is, first of all, Jack Sparrow from «Pirates of the Caribbean» and Grindelwald from «Fantastic Beasts». Джонни Депп — это прекрасный голливудский актер, имя которого хорошо известно каждому человеку, вне зависимости от его возраста. Взрослые знают Деппа по его ранним работам с режиссером Тимом Бертоном в конце 90-х годов. А для молодежи он, прежде всего, Джек Воробей из «Пиратов карибского моря» и Гриндевальд из «Фантастических тварей». Читать полностью >>> My Favorite Actress Is Scarlett Johansson Моя любимая актриса — Скарлетт Йоханссон Being an actor looks attractive only at first glance. In fact, it is very complex. A person who has dedicated him/herself to it should not only have bright artistic qualities and excellent appearance, but also have a strong personality, take an active social position. This is the only way to build a successful long-term career in Hollywood, as my favorite actress Scarlett Johansson managed to do. Профессия актёра лишь на первый взгляд выглядит привлекательной. На самом деле она очень сложна. Человек, посвятивший себя ей, должен не просто обладать яркими артистическими данными и прекрасной внешностью, но и быть сильной личностью, занимать активную социальную позицию. Только так можно построить успешную многолетнюю карьеру в Голливуде, как это удалось сделать моей любимой актрисе Скарлетт Йоханссон. Читать полностью >>> My Favourite Actress Моя любимая актриса (Карпович) My name is Catherine. I like very many different actors and actresses but my idol is Miroslava Karpovich. Miroslava is wonderful young stage and screen actress. She was born in 1986. Miroslava has been playing in performances and acting in films since her childhood. Меня зовут Екатерина. Мне нравится очень много разных актёров и актрис, но своим кумиром я называю Мирославу Карпович. Мирослава замечательная, молодая актриса театра и кино. Она родилась в 1986 году. Мирослава с детства много играет в различных спектаклях и снимается в кино. Читать полностью >>> My Favorite Actress Is Jennifer Aniston Моя любимая актриса — Дженнифер Энистон My favorite TV genre is comedy. And I like actors who can play such roles because of course it requires special skill. It is very difficult to be funny, but at the same time charming, especially for a woman. But some actresses do it well. Unsurpassed Jennifer Aniston is among them. Мой любимый телевизионный жанр — это комедия. И мне нравятся актёры, умеющие исполнять подобные роли, безусловно, требующие особого мастерства. Быть смешным, но вместе с тем обаятельным очень сложно, особенно для женщины. Но некоторым актрисам это хорошо удаётся. В их числе и непревзойдённая Дженнифер Энистон. Читать полностью >>> My Favourite Singer Мой любимый певец (Тимберлейк) I like music very much. There are several bands and singers that I especially enjoy listening. However, if I were asked who my favourite singer is, I would answer – Justin Timberlake. In my opinion, he is not only a gifted singer but also a good actor. Я очень люблю музыку. Существует несколько групп и исполнителей, которые я особенно люблю слушать. Однако, если бы меня спросили, кто мой любимый певец, я бы ответила — Джастин Тимберлейк. На мой взгляд, он не только одаренный певец, но и хороший актер. Читать полностью >>> My Favourite Singer Моя любимая певица (Бритни Спирс) My name is Veronika. I’m 14 years old and I’m a pupil of the state secondary school. There are several activities I like doing in my free time and listening to music is one of them. I can say that I’m a music lover because I like almost all types of music. However, my favourite styles are pop and reggae. My favourite singer of all times is Britney Spears. Меня зовут Вероника. Мне 14 лет и я ученица средней общеобразовательной школы. В свободное время мне нравится заниматься несколькими видами занятий, и прослушивание музыки является одним из них. Я могу сказать, что я меломан, потому что мне нравятся практически все виды музыки. И все же, мои любимые стили – это поп и регги. Моей самой любимой певицей всегда была Бритни Спирс. Читать полностью >>> My Favourite Star Моя любимая звезда (Киану Ривз) Almost all teenagers have their idols or celebrities that they admire. I’m also a teenager and my favourite star is Keanu Reeves. He has always been the best actor for me. Почти у всех подростков есть свои кумиры или знаменитости, которыми они восхищаются. Я тоже подросток и моей любимой звездой является Киану Ривз. Он всегда был лучшим актером для меня. Читать полностью >>> My Favourite Musician Мой любимый музыкант (Боб Марли) My name is Maria and I’m 14 years old. My hobbies are listening to music and drawing. I would like to tell you a few words about my favourite musician — Bob Marley. He was a Jamaican reggae singer and songwriter. He was also a talented musician and guitarist. Меня зовут Мария и мне 14 лет. К моим хобби относятся слушать музыку и рисование. Я хотела бы рассказать вам немного о своем любимом музыканте — Бобе Марли. Он был ямайским исполнителем регги и автором песен. Он был также талантливым музыкантом и гитаристом. Читать полностью >>> My Favourite Sportsman Мой любимый спортсмен (Роналду) I am really fond of sport. I especially like tennis, swimming, skiing, basketball, and figure-skating. However, my favourite type of sport is football. I like both playing and watching it. Football is played in many countries, so I support foreign teams as well as the domestic ones. Я очень люблю спорт. Мне особенно нравятся теннис, плавание, лыжи, баскетбол, и фигурное катание. Однако, мой самый любимый вид спорта – футбол. Мне нравится, и смотреть игру, и играть в неё. В футбол играют во многих странах, так что я болею за иностранные команды, наряду с отечественными. Читать полностью >>> My Favourite Footballer Мой любимый футболист (Месси) My name is Andrey and I’m fourteen years old. In my free time I play football, volleyball, ping-pong and many other outdoor games with my friends. However, my favourite sport is football. I like watching all international matches. There are several football players that I admire, but my favourite one is Lionel Messi. Меня зовут Андрей и мне четырнадцать лет. В свое свободное время я играю в футбол, волейбол, настольный теннис и в прочие подвижные игры со своими друзьями. Тем не менее, мой любимый вид спорта — это футбол. Я люблю смотреть все международные матчи. А несколькими футболистами, я просто восхищаюсь, в особенности Лионелем Месси. Читать полностью >>> My Favourite Writer Мой любимый писатель (Лермонтов) Reading is the pleasant and useful part of our life. People like reading. I think so because a lot of books are bought and sold every day in different bookshops and in streets (or: outside) too. Of course, radio and television are more popular among people but books still play an important role for us. Чтение – приятная и полезная часть нашей жизни. Люди любят читать. Я так думаю, потому что много книг покупается и продается ежедневно в разных книжных магазинах и также на улицах. Конечно, радио и телевидение более популярны среди людей, но книги все еще играют важную роль для нас. Читать полностью >>> My Favorite Writer Is Chekhov Мой любимый писатель — Чехов In my opinion, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is one of the most outstanding and most unusual Russian writers and his works are very close to me. I enjoy reading both his early humorous stories from the times when he worked in «Strekoza» and «Budilnik» as well as his later serious works. Антон Павлович Чехов — один из выдающихся и самых необычных, на мой взгляд, русских писателей, чье творчество очень близко мне. Я с удовольствием читаю как его ранние юмористические рассказы времен работы в «Стрекозе» и «Будильнике», так и более поздние серьезные произведения. Читать полностью >>> My Favorite Writer Is Tolstoy Мой любимый писатель — Толстой Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is a great Russian writer and an expert on the human soul without a doubt. His works are fulfilled with deep psychologism and that I like most in the work of this prose writer. Лев Николаевич Толстой — это, без сомнения, великий русский писатель и знаток человеческой души. Его произведения проникнуты глубоким психологизмом, что больше всего нравится мне в творчестве прозаика. Читать полностью >>> My Favorite Writer Is Pushkin Мой любимый писатель — Пушкин Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is a great Russian poet and every person in our country knows his works very well from an early age. Just like many other children, I grew up listening to his wonderful fairy tales and started to love them with all my heart since I was little. Александр Сергеевич Пушкин — это великий русский поэт, творчество которого с ранних лет хорошо знакомо каждому человеку в нашей стране. Я, как и многие дети, вырос на его замечательных сказках и еще будучи ребенком всей душой полюбил их. Читать полностью >>> My Favorite Writer Is Gogol Мой любимый писатель — Гоголь Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol is one of the most mysterious figures in Russian literature. His work is filled with mysticism and original grotesque humor. And the writer’s realistic works shock you with their sharpness and merciless courage with which the author makes fun of the sins of his modern society. Николай Васильевич Гоголь — это одна из наиболее загадочных фигур русской литературы. Его творчество проникнуто мистицизмом и оригинальным гротескным юмором. Реалистичные же произведения писателя поражают своей остротой и беспощадной смелостью, с которой автор высмеивает пороки современного ему общества. Читать полностью >>> My Favourite Artist Мой любимый художник (Айвазовский) Pictorial art is one of my favourite types of art. I have been to many museums and galleries where there were art exhibitions. I should say I had a great time. Изобразительное искусство является одним из моих любимых видов искусства. Я побывал во многих музеях и галереях, где были художественные выставки. Должен сказать, что я прекрасно провел время. Читать полностью >>> My Favorite Artist Is Vasnetsov Мой любимый художник — Васнецов The name of Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is known to many of us since childhood because this wonderful artist created magnificent illustrations for Russian folk tales and epics. I think that’s why I like him so much. Имя Виктора Михайловича Васнецова знакомо многим из нас с детства, поскольку этот замечательный художник создавал великолепные иллюстрации к русским народным сказкам и былинам. Думаю, потому он так и полюбился мне. Читать полностью >>> My Favorite Painter Is Levitan Мой любимый художник — Левитан Isaac Levitan is perhaps one of the most mysterious and multifaceted Russian landscape painters. His paintings, although realistic, nevertheless are fulfilled with a sense of mystery, and sometimes his canvases are so different from each other that it is difficult to say that they belong the brush of one and the same master. Исаак Левитан — это, пожалуй, один из самых загадочных и многогранных русских пейзажистов. Его картины, хоть и реалистичны, тем не менее проникнуты ощущением тайны, а полотна порой, настолько отличаются друг от друга, что их сложно причислить кисти одного мастера. Читать полностью >>> My Favorite Painter Is Serov Мой любимый художник — Серов I really like the work of the artist named Valentin Serov. His paintings seem very special even for a sophisticated viewer. And it is not because of the fact that most of these works were painted in the technique of impressionism — different and new for the painter’s contemporaries. Мне очень нравится творчество художника Валентина Серова. Его картины даже для искушённого зрителя кажутся весьма необычными. И дело вовсе не в том, что большинство этих работ написано в технике импрессионизма — непривычной и новой для современников живописца. Читать полностью >>> My Favorite Painter Is Shishkin Мой любимый художник — Шишкин Fine art gives anyone lots of vivid positive emotions. Each artist creates a completely special world through his works, often forcing the viewer to look at the surrounding reality in a new way. I can also say that about my favorite artist named Ivan Shishkin. Изобразительное искусство дарит человеку множество ярких положительных эмоций. Каждый творец посредством своих произведений создаёт совершенно особый мир, нередко заставляя зрителя по-новому посмотреть на окружающую его действительность. Таков и мой любимый художник Иван Шишкин. Читать полностью >>> My Favourite Composer Мой любимый композитор (Вивальди) When I have a free time, I often listen to music of different genres. Classical music is the best remedy when I want to relax. My favourite composer is Antonio Vivaldi. I especially like his series of violin concertos known as “The Four Seasons”. Когда у меня есть свободное время, я часто слушаю музыку разных жанров. Классическая музыка является лучшим средством для расслабления. Мой любимый композитор Антонио Вивальди. Мне особенно нравится его серия скрипичных концертов, известная как «Времена года». Читать полностью >>> My Favorite Blogger Мой любимый блогер (Илья Варламов) About a year ago I accidentally came across the channel of the famous blogger Ilya Varlamov on the Internet. Earlier I had heard about him a lot, but somehow I hadn’t watched his videos. I immediately liked the information he gave the viewers, as well as the materials he showed. From his videos I learnt a lot of new and useful information. Около года назад я случайно наткнулся в интернете на канал известного блогера Ильи Варламова. Ранее я много слышал про него, но как-то смотреть его видео не доводилось. Мне сразу понравилась его передача информации зрителю, а также те материалы, что он показывает. Из его роликов я почерпнул много новой и полезной для себя информации. Читать полностью >>> My Idol Мой кумир (Майкл Джексон) I think almost everyone in the world admires someone. It is especially true for young people. Most of them have idols. They try to look and act like them. It is useful when a person looks up to someone with positive qualities or to someone who has done lots of good and worthy things. Я думаю, что почти все люди в мире кем-то восхищаются. Особенно это актуально среди молодежи. У многих из них есть кумиры. Они стараются выглядеть и вести себя, как они. Это полезно, когда человек подражает кому-то с положительными качествами или кому-то, кто сделал много хорошего и достойного. Читать полностью >>> First Woman In Space Первая женщина в космосе (Терешкова) On June 16, 1963 Soviet Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman to travel into space. She spent 71 hours there. Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova was born to a family of peasants in Maslennikovo, Russia, in 1937. 16 июня 1963 года советский космонавт Валентина Терешкова стала первой женщиной в космосе. Она провела там 71 час. Валентина Владимировна Терешкова родилась в крестьянской семье в Масленниково, Россия, в 1937 году. Читать полностью >>> Outstanding People of Russia Выдающиеся люди России The role of Russian scientists, writers, musicians, painters and other outstanding people in the development of modern world is undeniable. They have influenced almost all human spheres of life. Today everybody knows such names as Pushkin, Tolstoy, Lomonosov, Tchaikovsky, Gagarin, Tereshkova, etc. Роль российских ученых, писателей, музыкантов, художников и других выдающихся деятелей в развитии современного мира неоспорима. Они повлияли практически на все сферы человеческой жизни. Сегодня всем известны такие имена, как Пушкин, Толстой, Ломоносов, Чайковской, Гагарин, Терешкова, и другие. Читать полностью >>> Famous People of the USA Знаменитые люди США The United States of America is one of the largest countries in the world. It is also one of the most important English-speaking countries. With the population over 300 million people, the country has a great number of famous and outstanding people. Соединенные Штаты Америки является одной из крупнейших стран в мире. Они также являются одной из наиболее важных англоязычных стран. С населением более 300 миллионов человек, в стране есть большое количество известных и выдающихся людей. Читать полностью >>> Famous People of Great Britain Знаменитые люди Великобритании Great Britain is very rich with outstanding people and always was. There are lots of famous British musicians, sportsmen, scientists, writers, explorers and so on. Великобритания очень богата выдающимися людьми и всегда была. Есть множество известных британских музыкантов, спортсменов, ученых, писателей, исследователей и так далее. Читать полностью >>>

Outstanding personalities in RussiaThe names of many Russian scientists and inventors are known in all parts of the world. The contribution of many Russian biologists, physicists, chemists, physiologists etc. to the development of international science is really great. The names of Lomonosov, Mendeleyev, Sechenov, Popov, Tsiolkovski, Korolev, Pavlov, Sakharov are internationally acclaimed. There are very many branches of science where the Russian inventors and scientist have made great discoveries bringing the mankind to the whole new level of its development.

Имена многих русских ученых и исследователей известны во всем мире. Вклад многих русских биологов, физиков, химиков, физиологов в развитие международной (мировой) науки поистине огромен. Имена Ломоносова, Менделеева, Сеченова, Попова, Циолковского, Королева, Павлова, Сахарова являются всемирно известными. Существует очень много научных областей, где русские исследователи и ученые сделали великие открытия, выводящие человечество на совершенно новый уровень развития.

ЛомоносовThe first university in Russia was found by the first Russian philosopher of nature (natural scientist), historian, painter and literary figure at once. His name was Lomonosov. He has written many scientific works on different topics: on history, physics, astronomy, biology, geology, philology, chemistry, mineralogy. He also was a very important statesman.

Первый университет в России был основан первым российским естествоиспытателем, ученым, историком, художником и литературным деятелем одновременно. Это был Ломоносов. Он написал много научных трудов на различные темы: по истории, физике, астрономии, биологии, филологии, химии, минералогии. Он также был важным политическим деятелем.

МенделеевThe Russian scientist Mendeleyev discovered the Periodic Table of the Elements. It became the basic law for future discoveries in chemistry. In 1895 the Russian scientist Popov invented the radio. The names of such great Russian physiologists as Sechenov and Pavlov are known worldwide.

Русский ученый Менделеев открыл периодическую таблицу элементов. Она стала основой для будущих химических открытий. В 1895 русский ученый Попов изобрел радио. Имена таких русских физиологов, как Сеченов и Павлов, широко известны во всем мире.

The scientific theory of space flights was worked out by the Russian scientist Tsiolkovski. He also called into being a new research field – astronautic science (star navigation).

Научная теории космических полетов была разработана российским ученым Циолковским. Им также было создано новое научное направление – астронавтика.

Королев The Russian scientist, designer and manager of space system production Korolev constructed the first artificial satellite. Through his ideas and scientific inventions the first manned space flight became possible. The Russian spaceman Gagarin was the first human who orbited our Earth in 1961.

Русский ученый, конструктор и организатор производства космической техники Королев сконструировал первый искусственный спутник. Благодаря его идеям и научным открытиям стал возможным первый полет человека в космос. Русский космонавт Гагарин был первым человеком, которые в 1961 году облетел нашу Землю.


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Outstanding People of Russia. Выдающиеся люди России

Outstanding People of Russia

It is necessary to say that great contribution to the development of the world science and culture, literature, music and painting was made by the Russian people. The names of Russian scientists and writers, poets, composers and painters are world-famous — Pushkin, Lermontov, Chehov, Levitan. This chain can be endless.

It is almost impossible to name a branch of science in the development of which the Russian scientists haven’t played the greatest role. M.Y. Lomonosov, the founder of the Moscow University was an outstanding innovator both in the humanities and sciences. Mendeleev’s greatest discovery was the Periodic System of Elements. Popov invented radio. Sechenov and Pavlov were the world’s greatest physiologists. Russia is rightly called the mother of aviation and cosmounatics. Names of Tsiolkovsky, Korolov and Gagarin are symbols of new space era.

People in many countries admire paintings, portraits and landscapes created by Surikov, Levitan, Repin. Works of our Russian writes and poets are translated into many languages.

One of the greatest Russians is Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, an outstanding Russian composer, born in Votkinsk in 1840. He was fond of music since his early childhood. His mother sang him beautiful songs and taught him to play the piano. He graduated from the Petersburg Conservatoire only in 1866 because of his poor living conditions. He was the best pupil of Anton Rubinstein. When the Moscow Conservatoire was founded, Pyotr Ilyich became a professor there. He created wonderful music: 10 operas, 3 ballets, 6 symphonies, 7 large symphonic poems and many other musical pieces, a new type of opera, which was a great success all over the world.

One more person I deeply admire is Sakharov, an outstanding scientist and public figure. He worked on hydrogen bomb and came to conclusion that any atomic and nuclear weapon should be banned. He protested against the invasion in Afghanistan, against any violation of human rights. Abroad he was recognised as a civil rights activist and received the Nobel Prize. At home he was persecuted, deprived of all his titles and orders and exiled to the city of Gorky. Only in 1985 he was allowed to come back to Moscow. He was given back all his titles and was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet. He said that our society should develop in a new direction and foresaw the changes that are taking place now.

Выдающиеся люди России

Надо сказать, что большой вклад в развитие мировой науки и культуры, литературы, музыки и живописи было сделано русским народом. Имена русских ученых и писателей, поэтов, композиторов и художников всемирно известны — Пушкин, Лермонтов, Чехов, Левитан. Эта цепочка может быть бесконечной.

Почти невозможно назвать отрасль науки, в развитие которой русские ученые не сыграли большую роль.

М. Ю. Ломоносов — основатель Московского университета, выдающийся новатор и в области гуманитарных и естественных наук. Величайшее открытие Д. Менделеева- Периодическая система элементов. Попов изобрел радио. И. М. Сеченов и И. П. Павлов были наибольшими физиологами мира. Россию по праву называют матерью авиации и космонавтики. Имена Циолковского, Королёва, Гагарина стали символами новой космической эры.

Люди во многих странах любуются картинами, портретами и пейзажами, созданными Суриковым, Левитаном, Репиным. Работы наших русских поэтов и писателей переведены на многие языки.

Один из величайших русских — Петр Ильич Чайковский, выдающийся русский композитор, родился в городе Воткинске в 1840 году. Он любил музыку с раннего детства. Его мать пела ему красивые песни и учила его играть на пианино. Окончил Петербургскую консерваторию только в 1866 году из-за плохих жилищных условий. Он был лучшим учеником Антона Рубинштейна. Когда в Московсковская консерватория была создана, Петр Ильич стал профессором. Он создал замечательную музыку: 10 опер, 3 балета, 6 симфоний, 7 больших симфонических поэм и многие другие музыкальные произведения; новый тип оперы, который имел большой успех во всем мире.

Еще один человек, которым я глубоко восхищаюсь — Сахаров, выдающийся ученый и общественный деятель. Он работал над водородной бомбой и пришел к выводу, что любые виды атомного и ядерного оружия должны быть запрещены. Он протестовал против вторжения в Афганистан, против любого нарушения прав человека. За границей он был признан в качестве гражданского активиста защиты прав человека и получил Нобелевскую премию. Дома он подвергался преследованиям, был лишен всех титулов и орденов и сослан в город Горький. Только в 1985 ему было разрешено вернуться в Москву. Он получил обратно все титулы и был избран депутатом Верховного Совета СССР. Он сказал, что наше общество должно развиваться в новом направлении и предвидел те изменения, которые происходят сейчас.


Right IconThis ranking is based on an algorithm that combines various factors, including the votes of our users and search trends on the internet.

Russia. The very mention of this country brings to memory the image of a proud Yuri Gagarin as he became the first human to journey into outer space. Russians have always been the pioneers in space travel and launched the first human made satellite. Extending across northern Asia and Eastern Europe, Russia is the largest country in the world by area. Russians over the past several centuries have played a very important role in the development of the world’s art, science and technology, philosophy, music, politics and literature.

Vote For Your Favourite Russian Personality


Khabib Nurmagomedov

(Former Russian Mixed Martial Artist and the First Muslim to Win a UFC Title)

Khabib Nurmagomedov

Birthdate: September 20, 1988

Sun Sign: Virgo

Birthplace: Sil’di, Russia

Russian professional mixed martial artist, Khabib Nurmagomedov, is known for holding the longest active undefeated streak in MMA, with 28 wins and no losses. In September 2020, he was named #2 in the UFC men’s pound-for-pound rankings. He practices Islam and is the first Muslim to win a UFC title.


Vladimir Lenin

(Russian Revolutionary & Politician Who Served as the First Head of Government of Soviet Russia)

Vladimir Lenin

Birthdate: April 22, 1870

Sun Sign: Taurus

Birthplace: Ulyanovsk, Russia

Died: January 21, 1924

Vladimir Lenin played a key role in the history of Russian politics by developing a political ideology called Leninism. During and after his lifetime, Lenin had a massive influence over international communist movement. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential and significant personalities of the 20th century.

Catherine the Great

Birthdate: May 2, 1729

Sun Sign: Taurus

Birthplace: Pomeranian Dukes’ Castle in Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland

Died: November 17, 1796

The Empress of Russia for almost 35 years, Catherine the Great was the country’s longest-ruling female leader. An ambitious ruler, she rapidly expanded the Russian Empire and is credited with modernizing the country along Western European lines. She supported the ideals of the Enlightenment and the period of her rule—the Catherinian Era—is considered the Golden Age of Russia.

Maria Sharapova

Birthdate: April 19, 1987

Sun Sign: Aries

Birthplace: Nyagan, Russia

One of Time’s 30 Legends of Women’s Tennis, Maria Sharapova, the first Russian woman tennis player to top the singles rankings, earned three doubles and five Grand Slam titles. A failed drug test led to her temporary suspension. She bounced back with modeling and launched her confectionary brand Sugarpova.

Sergey Brin

Birthdate: August 21, 1973

Sun Sign: Leo

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Google co-founder Sergey Brin also served as the president of Alphabet Inc. The seventh-richest person in the world as of 2020, Brin earlier dropped his PhD plans at Stanford, following which he and Larry Page launched Google in a garage. He is a devoted philanthropist and a Democratic Party donor.

Leo Tolstoy

Birthdate: September 9, 1828

Sun Sign: Virgo

Birthplace: Yasnaya Polyana, Russia

Died: November 20, 1910

Russian writer, Leo Tolstoy, is widely considered as one of the greatest authors ever. After experiencing a profound moral crisis in the 1870s, Tolstoy went through a phase of spiritual awakening, which had a great impact on his subsequent works that incorporated ideas on nonviolent resistance. These works influenced personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, thereby effectively changing the course of history.


Mikhail Gorbachev

(Former General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union)

Mikhail Gorbachev

Birthdate: March 2, 1931

Sun Sign: Pisces

Birthplace: Privol’noe, Russia

Born into a poor peasant family, Mikhail Gorbachev went on to become one of the most influential figures of the Soviet Union. He served in various positions, most notably as the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He is regarded as one of the most prominent personalities of the 20th century.

Irina Shayk

Birthdate: January 6, 1986

Sun Sign: Capricorn

Birthplace: Yemanzhelinsk, Russia

Irina Shayk became the first Russian model to appear on the cover page of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in 2011. Widely regarded as an industry icon, Irina Shayk is the face of many international brands. Also a well-known philanthropist in Russia, Irina raises money for a charity organization called Pomogi, which helps sick children.

Peter the Great

Birthdate: June 9, 1672

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Moscow

Died: February 8, 1725

Peter the Great ruled the Tsardom of Russia, and then the Russian Empire, from 1682 to 1725. He ushered in the Enlightenment and cultural revolution in Russia. He also strengthened the Russian navy and launched the Russo-Persian War. Saint Petersburg, the capital of Russia till 1917, was established by him.


Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

(Russian Romantic Composer Best Known for His Ballet Compositions ‘Swan Lake’ and ‘The Nutcracker’)

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Birthdate: May 7, 1840

Sun Sign: Taurus

Birthplace: Votkinsk, Russia

Died: November 6, 1893

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was the first Russian composer to place Russian music on the international stage. Often described as a musician who transcended the stereotypes of classical Russian music, Tchaikovsky is credited with making the Western world take note of Russian music. Although he was criticized by the critics, his popularity among the public never faded.

Fedor Emelianenko

Birthdate: September 28, 1976

Sun Sign: Libra

Birthplace: Rubizhne, Ukraine

Russian mixed martial artist, judoka, and sambist Fedor Emelianenko, also known as “The Last Emperor,” competes for Bellator MMA and the Rizin Fighting Federation. He went from being a firefighter to Sports Illustrated’s top MMA fighter of the 2000s. He is also part of the Russian Presidential Council on sports.


Garry Kasparov

(Russian Chess Grandmaster and One of the Best Chess Players in History)

Garry Kasparov

Birthdate: April 13, 1963

Sun Sign: Aries

Birthplace: Baku, Azerbaijan

Garry Kasparov is a Russian chess player. A grandmaster, Kasparov is a former World Chess Champion who was ranked No. 1 for 255 months during his career that spanned 21 years. After his retirement, Garry Kasparov focused on writing and politics; he founded a social movement called the United Civil Front, which is part of an opposition coalition in Moscow.

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Birthdate: November 11, 1821

Sun Sign: Scorpio

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Died: February 9, 1881

Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky is remembered as one of the pioneers of existentialism. He is best known for psychological and philosophical themes in his works, such as Crime and Punishment and The Idiot. He was arrested for being critical of Tsarist Russia and spent a 4-year prison term in Siberia.

Ivan the Terrible

Birthdate: August 25, 1530

Sun Sign: Virgo

Birthplace: Kolomenskoye, Moscow, Russia

Died: March 28, 1584

Ivan the Terrible, son of Vasili III, served as the Grand Prince of Moscow from 1533 to 1547. The “Chosen Council” declared him the tsar at 16 and established the Tsardom of Russia. Ivan’s reign was known for wars such as the Livonian War, which damaged Russia’s economy. 

Leonhard Euler

Birthdate: April 15, 1707

Sun Sign: Aries

Birthplace: Basel

Died: September 18, 1783

Leonhard Euler was a Swiss physicist, mathematician, logician, geographer, astronomer, and engineer. He is credited with making influential and important mathematical discoveries, such as graph theory and infinitesimal calculus. Widely regarded as one of the greatest and most prolific mathematicians of all time, Leonhard Euler also made pioneering contributions to analytic number theory and topology.

Alexander II of Russia

Birthdate: April 29, 1818

Sun Sign: Taurus

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Died: March 13, 1881

Alexander II of Russia was the Emperor of Russia, Grand Duke of Finland, and King of Poland from 1855 to 1881. He became known as Alexander the Liberator for his most significant reform, which was the Emancipation Reform of 1861. He is also credited with reorganizing the judicial system, abolishing corporal punishment, and imposing universal military service in Russia.

Mikhail Baryshnikov

Birthdate: January 27, 1948

Sun Sign: Aquarius

Birthplace: Riga, Latvia

Latvian-born Russian-American dancer and choreographer Mikhail Baryshnikov was a prominent male classical dancer of the 1970s and 1980s. Born in Latvian SSR, he moved to America where he joined the New York City Ballet. Within years, he became one of the most widely recognized contemporary ballet dancers in the world. He is also a dramatic actor.

Anton Chekhov

Birthdate: January 29, 1860

Sun Sign: Aquarius

Birthplace: Taganrog, Russia

Died: July 15, 1904

Anton Chekhov was a Russian short-story writer and playwright. Widely regarded as one of the greatest writers of short fiction, Chekhov’s works have influenced the progression of the modern short story. As a playwright, Anton Chekhov is credited with influencing the rise of modernism in theatre, along with August Strindberg and Henrik Ibsen.

Dmitri Mendeleev

Birthdate: February 8, 1834

Sun Sign: Aquarius

Birthplace: Tobolsk

Died: February 2, 1907

Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev created the Periodic Law and his version of the Periodic Table of Elements that revolutionized the field of chemistry. His table was independent of German chemist Julius Lothar Meyer’s version of the table. Mendeleev also assisted in the development of the first oil refinery in Russia.

Georgy Zhukov

Birthdate: December 1, 1896

Sun Sign: Sagittarius

Birthplace: Zhukov, Kaluga Oblast

Died: June 18, 1974

Soviet general and Marshal of the Soviet Union, Georgy Zhukov, is remembered for overseeing some of the Red Army’s most decisive victories during the Second World War. As a young man, he served in the First World War and the Russian Civil War. The recipient of four Hero of the Soviet Union awards, he was made the defence minister.


Vladimir Putin

(President of Russia (2000 — 2008, Incumbent Since 2012))

Vladimir Putin

Birthdate: October 7, 1952

Sun Sign: Libra

Birthplace: Saint Petersburg, Russia

The current President of Russia, Vladimir Putin is a popular politician, with the highest approval rating of any leader in the world as of July 2020. As a high-level politician who has the support of his citizens, he is a powerful figure in world politics. He has been accused by human rights organizations of persecuting political critics and activists.

Wassily Kandinsky

Birthdate: December 16, 1866

Sun Sign: Sagittarius

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Died: December 13, 1944

Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky is considered the pioneer of abstract art. Known for notable works such as On White II and Study for Improvisation, he was a prominent artist of the Blue Rider Period and experimented with expressionism. He also earned a professorship at the University of Dorpat

Vladimir Nabokov

Birthdate: April 23, 1899

Sun Sign: Taurus

Birthplace: Saint Petersburg, Russia

Died: July 2, 1977

Russian author Vladimir Nabokov, also known by his pen name, Vladimir Sirin, is best remembered for his controversial novel Lolita. His other works include the novel Pale Fire and his memoir, Speak, Memory. He was also an entomologist, specializing in lepidoptery. He also liked composing chess problems.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Birthdate: December 11, 1918

Sun Sign: Sagittarius

Birthplace: Kislovodsk, Russia

Died: August 3, 2008

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was a Russian novelist, philosopher, historian, and political prisoner. An outspoken critic of Communism and the Soviet Union, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn helped raise awareness of the Gulag, a government agency that oversaw forced labor camps set up in accordance with Vladimir Lenin’s order. His non-fiction text The Gulag Archipelago was a highly influential work and sold millions of copies.

Nicholas II

Birthdate: May 18, 1868

Sun Sign: Taurus

Birthplace: Saint Petersburg, Russia

Died: July 17, 1918

Nicholas II reigned as the last Emperor of All Russia from 1894 until his abdication in 1917. His reign oversaw a series of reforms in Russia. These reforms included the introduction of literacy programs, civil liberties, and methods to modernize the empire’s infrastructure. However, these reforms were eventually undermined by Nicholas’ love for autocratic rule.

Sergei Rachmaninoff

Birthdate: April 1, 1873

Sun Sign: Aries

Birthplace: Starorussky Uyezd

Died: March 28, 1943

Sergei Rachmaninoff was a Russian composer, conductor, and virtuoso pianist of the late Romantic period. Credited with exploring the expressive possibilities of the piano, Rachmaninoff’s music continues to be featured in films. His four-year struggle with depression, which was followed by the critical failure of his Symphony No. 1, was depicted in the 2015 musical Preludes.


Alexander Pushkin

(The Greatest Russian Poet and the Founder of Modern Russian Literature)

Alexander Pushkin

Birthdate: May 26, 1799

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Died: January 29, 1837

Legendary Russian playwright, poet, and novelist Alexander Pushkin is considered one of the most prominent figures of the Romantic era and of Russian literature. He is remembered for his poem Ode to Liberty, one of his works that led him to be exiled by Tsar Alexander I. 


Rudolf Nureyev

(Choreographer & One of the Greatest Male Ballet Dancers of His Generation)

Rudolf Nureyev

Birthdate: March 17, 1938

Sun Sign: Pisces

Birthplace: Irkutsk, Russia

Died: January 6, 1993

Born into a Tatar Muslim family, Rudolf Nureyev grew up to gain fans both for his exceptional ballet skills and for his sharp cheek bones. One of the greatest male ballet dancers ever, he gained fame performing with stars such as Margot Fonteynhe. A closeted homosexual, he died of AIDS.


Leon Trotsky

(Russian Marxist Revolutionary Who Developed a Variant of Marxism Which Has Become Known as ‘Trotskyism’)

Leon Trotsky

Birthdate: November 7, 1879

Sun Sign: Scorpio

Birthplace: Bereslavka, Ukraine

Died: August 21, 1940

A Russian politician, political theorist, and revolutionary, Leon Trotsky developed a political ideology called Trotskyism, which eventually had a considerable impact on Russian politics. He also played a vital role in leading the Red Army to victory in the Russian Civil War.


Yuri Gagarin

(Soviet Pilot and Cosmonaut Who Became the First Man to Travel into Outer Space)

Yuri Gagarin

Birthdate: March 9, 1934

Sun Sign: Pisces

Birthplace: Klushino, Russia

Died: March 27, 1968

Yuri Gagarin was the first man to travel into outer space when he completed an orbit of the Earth aboard the Vostok 1 in 1961. Following this, he became a national hero in Russia. He had previously served as an Air Forces pilot. He tragically died in a MiG-15 crash.


Mariya Putina

(Russian Pediatric Endocrinologist and Eldest Daughter of Russian President Vladimir Putin)

Mariya Putina

Birthdate: April 28, 1985

Sun Sign: Taurus

Birthplace: Saint Petersburg, Russia

Maria Vorontsova, the eldest daughter of Russian president Vladimir Putin, is a pediatric endocrinologist and Putin’s advisor in genetic engineering. She has also co-written a book on idiopathic stunting in kids. She is currently a PhD candidate at Moscow’s Endocrinology Research Centre and is married to Dutch entrepreneur Jorrit Faassen.


Roman Abramovich

(Russian Billionaire Businessman and Former Owner of English Premier League Club ‘Chelsea’ )

Roman Abramovich

Birthdate: October 24, 1966

Sun Sign: Scorpio

Birthplace: Saratov, Russia

Roman Abramovich is an Israeli-Russian businessman and politician. Over the years, he has played an influential role as the primary owner of Millhouse LLC and as the owner of the popular Premier League football club Chelsea F.C. Roman Abramovich is one of the richest persons in the world and has donated over US$2.5 billion to various charitable causes between 1999 and 2013.


Anna Kournikova

(Russian Former Tennis Player and One of the Best-Known Tennis Stars Worldwide)

Anna Kournikova

Birthdate: June 7, 1981

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Anna Kournikova was once world no. 8 in singles tennis rankings, in spite of never having won a singles title. She was no. 1 in doubles, teaming up with Martina Hingis. Following her retirement from tennis due to a spinal issue, she became a popular TV personality.

Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia

Birthdate: June 18, 1901

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Peterhof, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Died: July 17, 1918

Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia was the youngest daughter of Tsar Nicholas II. She was assassinated by the Bolsheviks in July 1918. However, rumors of her escape sprung up later, with many imposters claiming to be Anastasia. Nevertheless, DNA tests have dismissed any chances of Anastasia’s survival.

Alexander Ovechkin

Birthdate: September 17, 1985

Sun Sign: Virgo

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Alexander Ovechkin is a Russian ice hockey player who currently captains the Washington Capitals, a popular team which competes in the National Hockey League (NHL). Considered one of the greatest players of all time, Alexander Ovechkin has won prestigious awards, such as the Rocket Richard Trophy, Art Ross Trophy, Hart Memorial Trophy, Lester B. Pearson Award, and Calder Memorial Trophy.


Lev Yashin

(One of the Greatest Goalkeeper in the History of Football)

Lev Yashin

Birthdate: October 22, 1929

Sun Sign: Libra

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Died: March 20, 1990

Legendary Soviet goalkeeper Lev Yashin was nicknamed the Black Spider or the Black Panther for his signature all-black attire. He played in four World Cups and later also served as the deputy chairman of the Football Federation of his country. He became the only goalkeeper to win the Ballon d’Or.

Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky

Birthdate: June 17, 1882

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Lomonosov, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Died: April 6, 1971

Four-time Grammy-winning Russian composer and pianist Igor Stravinsky is regarded as one of the greatest composers of the 20th century. He is remembered for his ballets The Firebird, Petrushka, and The Rite of Spring. He broke the traditional flow of music and incorporated his own style.

Lyudmila Putina

Birthdate: January 6, 1958

Sun Sign: Capricorn

Birthplace: Kaliningrad, Russia

Lyudmila Putina was married to Russian president and former prime minister Vladimir Putin from 1983 to 2013. Their divorce was publicly announced on national TV, during the intermission of a ballet performance. She has been associated with programs developing the Russian language and was previously a flight attendant for Aeroflot.


Andrei Tarkovsky

(One of the Greatest and Most Influential Filmmakers in Soviet and World Cinema)

Andrei Tarkovsky

Birthdate: April 4, 1932

Sun Sign: Aries

Birthplace: Zavrazh’ye, Russia

Died: December 29, 1986

Andrei Tarkovsky was a Soviet and Russian writer, theatre director, filmmaker, and film theorist. Renowned for making movies that explored metaphysical and spiritual themes, Tarkovsky is often regarded as one of the most influential and greatest directors in the history of world cinema. The recipient of many prestigious awards, Andrei Tarkovsky’s work continues to influence several filmmakers around the world.


Joseph Stalin

(Soviet Political Leader & Dictator Who Led the Soviet Union from 1922 Until His Death in 1953)

Joseph Stalin

Birthdate: December 18, 1878

Sun Sign: Sagittarius

Birthplace: Gori, Georgia

Died: March 5, 1953

Controversial Russian dictator, Joseph Stalin, ruled the Soviet Union for around 25 years from 1929 to 1953 and is credited for making it a prominent industrial and military power of the world. During the Second World War, his army defeated the Nazis too. However, his regime was also one of terror and brutality where numerous Soviet citizens lost their lives.

Aziz Shavershian

Birthdate: March 24, 1989

Sun Sign: Aries

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Died: August 5, 2011

Aziz Shavershian was a Russian-born Australian personal trainer, bodybuilder, and model. He started posting videos on YouTube in 2007, establishing a cult following. Aziz was the poster boy of aesthetics, a subculture of amateur bodybuilding. Before his death, due to a heart attack, Aziz Shavershian had established a clothing line and his own protein label called Protein of the Gods.

Ivan Pavlov

Birthdate: September 26, 1849

Sun Sign: Libra

Birthplace: Ryazan, Russia

Died: February 27, 1936

Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov is best remembered for his research in classical conditioning. He became the first Russian Nobel laureate after winning the 1904 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his study of the physiology of digestion. His experiment on conditioned reflex using dogs is still studied in colleges.

Boris Yeltsin

Birthdate: February 1, 1931

Sun Sign: Aquarius

Birthplace: Butka

Died: April 23, 2007

Boris Yeltsin served as the first president of Russia, from 1990 to 1999. He contributed to the dissolution of the Soviet Union. His regime was marked by capitalism, monopoly, inflation, and corruption. He introduced a modified constitution that increased the presidential powers. He later abruptly announced his resignation on TV.

Grigori Perelman

Birthdate: June 13, 1966

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Saint Petersburg, Russia

Russian mathematician Grigori Perelman is best known for his work on geometry, especially Riemannian geometry, geometric analysis, and geometric topology. He declined many prizes, such as the Fields Medal and the Millennium Prize. His proof of the Poincaré conjecture was named the Breakthrough of the Year by Science magazine.


Alexei Navalny

(Russian Opposition Leader, Lawyer, and Anti-Corruption Activist)

Alexei Navalny

Birthdate: June 4, 1976

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Butyn’, Russia

Described by The Wall Street Journal as the man Vladimir Putin fears most, Alexei Navalny is widely regarded as Russia’s opposition leader. He is famous for his accusations of corruption in Russia and Putin’s government. In 2011, he created the Anti-Corruption Foundation, which was dissolved in 2020. In August 2020, there was an attempt to assassinate him, when he was poisoned during a flight from Tomsk to Moscow.

Alexandra Feodorovna

Birthdate: June 6, 1872

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Darmstadt, Germany

Died: July 17, 1918

Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Emperor Nicholas II, was the last Russian tsarina and reigned from 1894 to 1917. She suffered from hemophilia. Alexandra and her entire family were murdered by the Bolshevik revolutionaries. In 2000, the Russian Orthodox Church canonized her as Saint Alexandra the Passion Bearer.


Marc Chagall

(Jewish-French Artist Who was a Pioneer of Modernism)

Marc Chagall

Birthdate: July 6, 1887

Sun Sign: Cancer

Birthplace: Lizona, Belarus

Died: March 28, 1985

Russian-French artist Marc Chagall, a key figure of modernism, had explored a wide range of media as an artist, from paintings and drawings to stained glass and ceramics. His major projects included the ceiling of the Paris Opéra, the Art Institute of Chicago, and the Jerusalem Windows of Israel.

Alexander Godunov

Birthdate: November 28, 1949

Sun Sign: Sagittarius

Birthplace: Sakhalin, Russia

Died: May 18, 1995

Russian ballet dancer Alexander Godunov was part of the Bolshoi Ballet. He defected to the U.S. in 1979, causing significant U.S.-Soviet tension. He had also appeared in many films, such as Anna Karenina and Die Hard. His final days were marked by alcoholism, which also eventually caused his death.

Alexander I of Russia

Birthdate: December 23, 1777

Sun Sign: Capricorn

Birthplace: Saint Petersburg, Russia

Died: December 1, 1825

Alexander I was the emperor of Russia and the eldest son of Paul I. While he was initially a friend of Napoleon Bonaparte, he later joined hands with his opponents to defeat him. He was also part of the Congress of Vienna and later contributed to the formation of the Holy Alliance.


Lev Vygotsky

(Soviet Psychologist Known for His Work on Psychological Development in Children)

Lev Vygotsky

Birthdate: November 17, 1896

Sun Sign: Scorpio

Birthplace: Orsha, Belarus

Died: June 11, 1934

Lev Vygotsky was a Soviet psychologist best remembered for his groundbreaking work on developmental psychology in children. He is also remembered for his work on the relationship between thought and language, which remains influential to this day. A man with various interests, Vygotsky’s work covered topics like the philosophy of science and the psychology of art.

Russians are credited with discovering and inventing the electric arc, Lenz’s law, lasers and holography. It was a Russian, Dmitry Mendeleev, who invented the Periodic Table which forms the foundation of modern chemistry. How can we forget the fine arts when we talk of Russians? Several famous composers of the 20th century like Alexander Scriabin, Igor Stravinsky, Sergei Prokofiev, and Alfred Schnittke were Russians. Novelists Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoyevsky are counted among the very best by critics. Russians are an innovative lot; they were among the first people to introduce radio and television in their country. There have been so many awesome Russians who have enriched the world in one way or the other.

The role of Russian scientists, writers, musicians, painters and other outstanding people in the development of modern world is undeniable. They have influenced almost all human spheres of life. Today everybody knows such names as Pushkin, Tolstoy, Lomonosov, Tchaikovsky, Gagarin, Tereshkova, etc. It is impossible to name a scientific branch in which the Russian scientists haven’t played a great role. For example, Dmitri Mendeleev, who was the creator of the Periodic System of Elements.

Another important scientist, who made important contributions to literature, education and science, was Mikhail Lomonosov. He discovered the atmosphere of Venus and influenced the formation of Russian literary language. He was also the founder of Moscow State University. People, who love listening to radio, should know that the inventor of this device was Russian physicist Alexander Popov. Art lovers admire paintings of Repin, Surikov, Aivazovsky, Levitan, Vasnetsov, Shishkin, Roerich and many

other outstanding Russian painters. World literature was largely influenced by Russian writers and poets.

Perhaps the most famous names are Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Gogol, Tolstoy, Marshak, Mayakovsky. Works of these writers have been translated into many languages. One of my favourite figures is a prominent Russian composer Mikhail Glinka. He lived and created his overtures in the 19th century. Glinka is often regarded as the father of Russian classical music. His famous pieces included many piano concerts and chamber music. There are, of course, other Russian composers who deserve respect. That includes Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Modest Mussorgsky, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and others.

Перевод топика на русский язык:

Роль российских ученых, писателей, музыкантов, художников и других выдающихся деятелей в развитии современного мира неоспорима. Они повлияли практически на все сферы человеческой жизни. Сегодня всем известны такие имена, как Пушкин, Толстой, Ломоносов, Чайковской, Гагарин, Терешкова,

и другие. Невозможно назвать научную отрасль, в которой русские ученые не играли бы большой роли.

Например, Дмитрий Менделеев, который был создателем периодической системы элементов. Другой важный ученый, внесший важный вклад в литературу, образование и науку, был Михаил Ломоносов. Он открыл атмосферу на Венере и повлиял на формирование русского литературного языка. Он также был основателем Московского Государственного Университета. Люди, которые любят слушать радио, должны знать, что изобретателем этого устройства был русский физик Александр Попов.

Любители искусства восхищаются картинами Репина, Сурикова, Айвазовского, Левитана, Васнецова, Шишкина, Рериха и многих других выдающихся русских художников. Мировая литература в значительной степени под влиянием русских писателей и поэтов. Пожалуй, самые известные имена – это Пушкин, Лермонтов, Достоевский, Тургенев, Гоголь, Толстой, Маршак, Маяковский. Произведения этих писателей были переведены на многие языки. Один из моих любимых деятелей – это выдающийся русский композитор Михаил Глинка. Он жил и создавал свои увертюры в 19-м веке. Глинку часто воспринимают как отца русской классической музыки. Его известные произведения включают много фортепианных концертов и камерной музыки.

Есть, конечно, и другие русские композиторы, которые заслуживают уважения. К ним относят Петра Чайковского, Модеста Мусоргского, Николая Римского-Корсакова и других.

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