Сочинение на английском про климат беларуси

10 вариантов

  1. Weather


    How often we complain about the weather! Sometimes it is so hot that you cannot move. Sometimes it is so cold that you put on many clothes. What about the rain? How often do you put aside your plans to walk because of the rain? However, maybe, we are in a bad mood and the weather has nothing to do with it.
    Как часто мы жалуемся на погоду! Иногда бывает так жарко, что невозможно двигаться. Иногда бывает так холодно, что надеваем много одежды. Как насчет дождя? Как часто откладываем свои планы погулять из-за дождя? Тем не менее, может быть, мы просто плохом настроении, и погода не имеет ничего общего с этим.
    There are many types of climate all over the world. Depending on the climate the weather may be different. For example, deserts are the areas where the weather is very hot: high temperatures, dry ground and lack of water, few plants and animals.
    Есть много типов климата в мире. В зависимости от климата погода может быть различной. Например, пустыни являются областями, где погода очень жаркая: высокая температура, сухая земля и отсутствие воды, мало растений и животных.
    I live in the city which is not far from Moscow. There are many sunny days in summer here. Sometimes the weather is very hot without any breath of wind. These days may be stuffy. I like warm weather but such days are real trial.
    Я живу в городе, который находится недалеко от Москвы. Здесь много солнечных дней летом. Иногда погода очень жаркая без единого дуновения ветра. В эти дни может быть очень душно. Мне нравится теплая погода, но такие дни являются настоящим испытанием.
    Rainy days are also possible in summer. However we have many rainy days in autumn. It is the period when sunny day is something we are waiting for. It is pouring all day long and huge puddles are everywhere.
    Дождливые дни также возможны в летнее время. Тем не менее, у нас много дождливых дней в осенний период. Это период, когда солнечный день – это то, что мы очень ждем. Льет в течение всего дня, и огромные лужи повсюду.
    I like winter. Frosty and sunny weather is something I like about winter most of all. However in February the snow is melting and it is getting warm. In April the wind is very strong and dust storms regularly happen.
    Я люблю зиму. Морозная и солнечная погода – это то, что мне нравится зимой больше всего. Однако в феврале снег тает, и становится тепло. В апреле ветер очень сильный, и пыльные бури случаются регулярно.
    Weather may be different but the mood should not depend on it.
    Погода может быть различной, но настроение не должно зависеть от нее.
    Автор — Ирина Селезнева

  2. Летом в Беларуси отмечают древнейший праздник Иван-Купала, посвященный летнему солнцестоянию. Традиционно в этот день собирают лекарственные травы, сжигают старые вещи, прыгают через костер и гадают. С 1996 года 3 июля отмечается День независимости Республики Беларусь. Это выходной день, на площадях проходят парады и концерты. В Беларуси сохранилась традиция праздновать начало сбора урожая Зажинки. Также летом проходит несколько экологических фестивалей и праздников.
    Город Минск (Беларусь)
    Средняя максимальная температура
    +22 °C
    +23 °C
    +22 °C
    Средняя минимальная температура
    +11 °C
    +12 °C
    +12 °C
    Количество солнечных часов (в день)
    10 ч
    9 ч
    8 ч
    Количество дождливых дней (в месяц)
    10 дн
    10 дн
    10 дн
    Осадки в мм (за месяц)
    63 мм
    63 мм
    82 мм

    Осень в Беларуси

    В начале осени часто держится теплая и ясная погода — по народному называемое бабье лето. Затем приходят туманы, пасмурные и дождливые дни. Средняя октябрьская температура составляет днем +8 – 12 °C, а ночью — +3 – 6 °C. В начале ноября уже держится отрицательная температура и выпадает снег. Как правило, он тает до начала декабря.
    В начале осени в Беларуси повсеместно отмечают окончание сбора урожая — Дожинки с ярмарками и гуляньями. Менее известны когда-то популярные праздники в честь важнейших профессий прошлых веков: День мельников 25 октября и День покровителя кузнецов 14 ноября. Официальный праздник и выходной — День Октябрьской революции 7 ноября. В середине осени в Минске, Полоцке и других культурных центрах начинается театральный сезон. Проводятся кинофестивали, вечера музыки и хореографии.
    Город Минск (Беларусь)
    Средняя максимальная температура
    +17 °C
    +11 °C
    +3 °C
    Средняя минимальная температура
    +8 °C
    +4 °C
    -1 °C
    Количество солнечных часов (в день)
    6 ч
    3 ч
    1 ч
    Количество дождливых дней (в месяц)
    9 дн
    10 дн
    13 дн
    Осадки в мм (за месяц)
    45 мм
    45 мм
    65 мм

    Зима в Беларуси

    В холодных северо-восточных районах Беларуси снег лежит с декабря до начала апреля, а в южных — тает в первых числах марта. Зимы обычно мягкие, с частыми оттепелями. На положительные температуры в среднем приходится от 25 до 50 зимних дней. Но изредка случаются морозы до -30°C под влиянием сибирского антициклона. Самая низкая зарегистрированная температура — -44°C. Почва промерзает на глубину от 0,5 до 1,1 м в зависимости от толщины снежного покрова. Глубина снега к весне редко превышает 0,5 м из-за частых оттепелей.
    Главные события зимы — Рождество и Новый год. Праздничные мероприятия проходят во всех городах, а также в резиденции Деда Мороза на территории Беловежской пущи. Комфортная январская температура позволяет проводить отпуска и каникулы на природе: в санаториях, домах отдыха или горнолыжных центрах. Еще один зимний праздник — День святого Валентина 14 февраля. В Беларуси его стали отмечать с начала 90-х, и сейчас он очень популярен среди влюбленных и всей молодежи.
    Город Минск (Беларусь)
    Средняя максимальная температура
    -3 °C
    -7 °C
    -4 °C
    Средняя минимальная температура
    -8 °C
    -13 °C
    -11 °C
    Количество солнечных часов (в день)
    1 ч
    2 ч
    2 ч
    Количество дождливых дней (в месяц)
    13 дн
    13 дн
    12 дн
    Осадки в мм (за месяц)
    42 мм
    30 мм
    40 мм

  3. Климат Белоруссии – континентальный, с холодной зимой и относительно теплым летом. Континентальный климат Белоруссии ощущается тем явнее, чем ближе регион находится к центру европейского континента и к Восточно-Европейской равнине. Тем не менее, страна подвержена разным воздушным массам, прибывающим из России или Арктики, атлантического региона или средиземноморья, поэтому в Белоруссии могут наблюдаться резкие изменения в температуре воздуха и климате.
    Количество осадков составляет около 700 миллиметров в год, и это количество равномерно выпадает на протяжении всего года, хотя летом осадков выпадает несколько больше – из-за гроз, проходящих в дневное время.
    Зима в Белоруссии
    Зима в стране холодная, со средней температурой воздуха обычно ниже нуля, даже в дневное время. Такая температура сохраняется несколько месяцев. В западных городах (Брест, Гродно) теплее, средняя температура воздуха в январе здесь составляет около -3°C, в восточных же регионах она составляет от -4,5°C (в Минске) до -7°C (самые восточные регионы).
    В восточной части страны снег держится примерно на месяц дольше (около четырех месяцев), чем в западной (три месяца).
    Самые холодные периоды – те, когда до страны добирается сибирский антициклон. В эти периоды температура воздуха может падать до -30°C.
    Весна в Белоруссии
    Весной температура воздуха в стране резко повышается. Таяние начинается в марте или апреле. В начале апреля еще может сохраняться лед и снег, а в конце месяца могут начаться первые настоящие теплые дни, с температурой воздуха в 25°C и выше.
    Лето в Белоруссии
    Лето в стране очень теплое, и, в отличие от зимы, в северо-восточных регионах оно еще теплее, чем в северо-западных. Средние максимальные температуры варьируются от 20-21°C в северо-западных городах, до 23-24°C в центральных регионах страны (включая Минск), и до 24-25°C на юго-востоке страны.
    В летнее время жаркие периоды, когда температура воздуха может достигать 30°C, чередуются с более прохладными периодами, которые регулируются прохладными и влажными атлантическими течениями.
    Осень в Белоруссии
    Осень в стране короткая. Осенью резко падает температура воздуха, и погода становится облачной, дождливой, и туманной. Первый снег выпадает обычно в ноябре, а иногда и в октябре.

    Климат Белоруссии в цифрах

    В таблице ниже приводятся средние минимальные и максимальные показатели температуры воздуха в столице Белоруссии, Минске, на протяжении года.
    Температура воздуха в Минске по месяцам
    Мин °C
    Макс °C

  4. Climate in Russia

    Климат в России

    Due to the fact that Russia is the largest country in the world, weather conditions there vary in different regions considerably. Mostly there is a continental climate on the territory of the Russian Federation.
    Foreigners believe that winters in Russia are really long and cold. Partially it is true, but there are some regions, where the weather conditions are not so unfavourable in winter time.
    Так как Россия является крупнейшей страной в мире, погодные условия значительно отличаются в различных регионах. На территории Российской Федерации преобладает континентальный климат.
    Иностранцы считают, что зимы в России очень долгие и холодные. Частично это так, однако есть и регионы, в которых погодные условия не настолько неблагоприятны в зимнее время года.
    The best weather conditions are considered to be in the south. Climate in this part of the country is really gentle. Summers are quite hot with some rainfall, while autumns and springs are warm and sunny, which stimulates agriculture in this area and makes it the most convenient to live in. Snow is unusual for south region even in winter. Normally it rains in this season and it is rather cloudy and gloomy. However, there is some snow in mountainous areas.
    Считается, что на юге страны наилучшие условия. Климат в данной части очень мягкий. Летом в данном регионе достаточно жарко и присутствуют небольшие осадки, в то время как осенью и весной тепло и солнечно, что стимулирует развитие сельского хозяйства в данном регионе и делает его наиболее комфортным для проживания. Снег несвойственен для южных регионов даже зимой. Обычно зимой дождливо, пасмурно и хмуро. Однако в гористых местностях встречается снежный покров.
    In northern regions weather conditions are extremely severe, especially in winter, when the temperature may reach even fifty degrees below zero. Winters are snowy and frosty there. Herewith in summer it is rather dry. Very few people are ready to live in such conditions, that`s why the majority of population prefer to live on the territory of European plain, where the climate is quite mild.
    В северных регионах погодные условия крайне суровые, в особенности зимой, когда температура может достигать даже пятидесяти градусов ниже нуля. Зимы
    морозные. При этом летом достаточно сухо. Крайне мало людей готовы жить в подобных условиях, поэтому большая часть населения России предпочитает жить на территории Европейской равнины, где климат достаточно мягкий.
    There is a common belief that Russia is the country of changeable weather conditions and extreme climate. I absolutely support this idea. Nowhere in the world there is such unbelievable combination of climatic conditions as in Russia.
    Считается, что Россия является страной переменчивых погодных условий и экстремального климата. Я полностью согласен с этим утверждением. Нигде в мире нет такого уникального сочетания климатических условий, как в России.

  5. Sometimes, people don’t know what they could talk about, especially if there is a language barrier between them. But there are some simple topics, which could be discussed even if you have small knowledge of the language you try to speak or culture, religion and some personal interest of your interlocutor. One of these topics is weather.
    The weather is uncertain, but people learned to forecast it. We can see the forecast on TV or in the Internet. Scientists get all data from planes, ships, space stations, etc. This information doesn’t let us forget to take an umbrella or a hat, gloves and scarf to avoid a flue.
    In the place where I live it’s very changeable and variable. Sometimes it’s not possible to predict the weather with no mistakes because it’s changing all time in spite of all special forecasts. It could bring cold and mist, rain and sunshine, thunder and clear sky on the same date. My city is situated in European part of the country and it’s considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in Russia.
    We have four seasons there. The summer isn’t too hot but so oppressively warm. Autumn brings a grand variety of rains, draughts and winds. When it starts it looks amazing: gold woods, honey grass, cozy atmosphere. But starting from the end of the October it’s getting muddy and gloomy. Winter is mild and brings a lot of snow. The spring comes with green grass and birds, which come back from the southern countries.
    There are a lot of English proverbs and idioms about the weather. For example, “When two Englishmen meet, they first talk about weather”, “There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes”, “fair-weather friends”, etc. There also many quotations of famous writers about the weather. My favorite one is quotation of M. Twain:” It is best to read the weather forecast before praying for rain.”
    Иногда люди не знают о чем поговорить, особенно если их разделяет языковой барьер. Но существует несколько разговорных тем, которые можно обсудить, даже если вы плохо знаете язык, на котором вы пытаетесь разговаривать, или культуру, веру и личные интересы своего собеседника. Одной из таких тем является погода.
    Погода очень непостоянна, но люди научились ее предсказывать. Мы можем увидеть ее прогноз по телевизору или в интернете. Все данные ученые получают при помощи самолетов, кораблей, космических станций и многого другого. Эта информация не дает нам забыть взять зонтик или надеть шляпу, перчатки и шарф, чтобы избежать гриппа.
    В месте, где я живу, погода изменчива и разнообразна. Иногда ее невозможно предсказать безошибочно, потому что, несмотря на особые прогнозы, она постоянно меняется. Она может принести холод и туман, дождь и солнце, гром и ясное безоблачное небо в тот же самый день. Мой город расположен в европейской части страны и считается самым красивым городом России.
    У нас есть четыре времени года. Лето очень жаркое, но слишком душное. Осень приносит огромное разнообразие дождей, сквозняков и ветров. Когда она только приходит, то выглядит потрясающе: золотые леса, медовая трава, уютная атмосфера. Но начиная с конца октября становится грязно и пасмурно. Зима мягкая и приносит с собой много снега. Весна приходит вместе с зеленой травой и птицами, которые возвращаются из южных стран.
    Существует множество английских пословиц и устойчивых выражений о погоде. Например, «Когда встречаются два англичанина, они начинают говорить о погоде», «Нет плохого сезона, есть неподходящая одежда», «друзья только в хорошую погоду» и многое другое. Еще об этом есть много известных афоризмов. Моя любимая цитата принадлежит Марку Твену: «Лучше прочитать прогноз погоды, прежде чем молиться о дожде».

  6. Climate is the weather a certain place has over a long period of time. Climate has a very important influence on plants, animals and humans and is different in different parts of the world. Some scientists think that the world is becomming hotter. If you compare Moscow winter and summer temperatures at the beginning of our century and at its end you will see that climate has really changed. Winters have become warmer. Sometimes there is little snow in January, and there were winters when it rained on the New Year’s Eve. Many people say that it is so because of the greenhouse effect. During the last 100 years people have produced a lot of carbon dioxide. This gas in the atmosphere works like glass in a greenhouse. It lets heat get in, but it doesn’t let much heat get out. So the atmosphere becomes warmer. Where does the carbon dioxide come from? People and animals breathe in oxygen, and breathe out carbon dioxide. We produce carbon dioxide when we burn things. Trees take this gas from the air, and produce oxygen. But in the last few years, people have cut down and burn big areas of rainforest. This means there are fewer trees, and, of course, more carbon dioxide! As we see the climate in different parts of the world changes a little from year to year. These changes can be dangerous for our planet, which needs protection. Earth is millions of years old, much older than the humans. We know many of its secrets. Yet there is still much to learn.

  7. The republic of Belarus is situated in the center of Europe on the watershed of the Baltic and Black Seas. The capital is Minsk. Belarus borders on Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and Ukraine. The total length of the state border makes up 2,969 km. Geographic and climatic conditions favor the development of transport and economic relations. The shortest ways from Russia to Western Europe and from the Baltic Sea to the Black sea run through Belarus.
    The territory of Belarus is 207.6 thousand sq km. It stretches from west to east for 650 km and from north to south for 560 km.
    The country’s relief is flat with hills. The climate of Belarus is moderate continental with mild and humid winters, warm summers and damp autumns.
    Forests constitute 33 % of the country’s area. In Belarus there are over 20 thousand rivers and lakes. The largest lake is Naroch. The navigation is carried out on the rivers Pripiats, Dnieper, Neman, Berezina and Western Dvina.
    Belarus consists of 6 regions: the Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Minsk and Mogiliov regions. Minsk, the capital, is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.
    The industrial potential of Belarus includes 20 thermoelectric power stations, 17 metallurgical works, 70 petrochemical plants (the concern “Belneftekhim”), 29 machine-tool construction enterprises, 36 automakers and so on. According to recent researches the number of small enterprises has exceeded 30 thousand. 6 economic zones are established. Foreign enterprises are created with participation of 80 countries.
    The financial market is represented by the National bank of Belarus, 29 commercial banks and 10 foreign ones.
    There are 27 state theaters, including opera and ballet theater, a musical comedy theater, etc. The Ministry of culture has 128 state museums. The sports facilities include almost 500 stadiums and swimming pools, more than 5000 outdoor sports grounds. In 2000 all regional centers had Ice palaces and skating rinks.
    Minsk citizens and all inhabitants of Byelorussia are especially proud of the new National Library being unique as in Europe, and all over the world.

  8. The summer is usually hot. In June it is warm and rainy. July is usually very hot, especially its second half. The weather is sunny. The first days of August are often the hottest. The daytime temperatures are often above 35 degrees. It doesn’t often rain in July and August. At the end of August the weather is not so boiling hot. But it is still very warm.
    September is usually warm and quite dry. Only at the end of September the weather becomes cool and sometimes rainy. October is usually cool and rainy. Mornings in October are cold and foggy. November is cold and rainy, it is often windy too. The daytime temperatures are usually above zero, but nights can be frosty.
    December is usually cold and windy. The beginning of the month can be rainy. We also usually have the first snow in December. Lakes in our city start to freeze. January is frosty and often snowy. We sometimes have blizzards in January and there is often ice on our roads. February is quite cold, but we usually have a thaw at the end of the months.
    The beginning of March is usually cold and snowy. But at the end of March and in April the weather becomes warmer. These months are usually windy and foggy. The beginning of May is often quite cool. There are heavy rains and thunderstorms. But the end of May is usually dry and often even hot.
    Я живу в Краснодаре. У нас умеренный климат с четырьмя сезонами. Погода здесь достаточно изменчивая.
    Лето обычно жаркое. В июне тепло и дождливо. Июль, как правило, очень жаркий, особенно его вторая половина. Погода солнечная. Первые дни августа самые жаркие. Дневные температуры часто превышают 35 градусов. В июле и августе дожди идут редко. В конце августа уже не так жарко, но все еще очень тепло.
    В сентябре, как правило, тепло и довольно сухо. Только в конце сентября погода становится прохладной, а иногда и дождливой. Октябрь обычно прохладный и дождливый. По утрам в октябре холодно и часто стоит туман. В ноябре холодно и дождливо, часто также бывает ветрено. Дневные температуры, как правило, выше нуля, но ночи могут быть морозными.
    В декабре обычно холодно и ветрено. Начало месяца может быть дождливым. Также в декабре обычно выпадает первый снег. Озера в нашем городе начинают замерзать. Январь морозный и часто снежный. В январе у нас иногда бывают метели, на дорогах часто образуется гололед. В феврале довольно холодно, но в конце месяца у нас, как правило, оттепель.
    Начало марта обычно холодное и снежное. Но в конце марта и в апреле погода становится теплее. Эти месяцы обычно ветреные и туманные. В начале мая часто бывает довольно прохладно. В это время бывают сильные дожди и грозы. Но конец мая, как правило, сухой и часто жаркий.

  9. The greenhouse effect

    Nowadays major changes in climate are taking place. They are closely connected with the greenhouse effect and global warming. The greenhouse effect is the absorption of energy radiated from the Earth’s surface by carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere, causing it to become warmer. So due to the greenhouse effect the temperature on the Earth is rising and this creates lots of problems that will begin to take place in the coming decades.

    Early indicators of climate change

    Today people are conducting an unplanned global experiment by changing the face of the entire planet. We are destroying the ozone layer which allows life to exist on the Earth’s surface. All of these activities are unfavourably changing the composition of the biosphere and the Earth’s heat balance. Average global temperatures have risen by 1 degree over the last century and they could rise by 5 to 10 degrees by the middle of the next century. Some areas, particularly in the Northern Hemisphere, will dry out and there will be more forest fires. At the present rate of destruction most of the rain forests will be gone. Evaporation rates will also increase and water circulation patterns will change. Decreased rainfall in some areas will result in increased rainfall in others. In some regions river flow will be reduced or stopped completely while others will experience sudden downpours that create massive floods.

    Arctic ice melting

    If the present arctic ice melting continues, the sea could rise by as much as 2 meters by the middle of the next century. Large areas of coastal land would disappear. The warming will rearrange entire biological communities and cause a number of species to become died out. In the end, the overheat of the air will result in the global warming effect.


    In conclusion, I’d like to say that it’s very important to start doing something now, so that our future and our planet will be safe.

  10. Every season is wonderful in its own way. In spring the air is refreshing, the trees are in blossom, the ground is covered with the first tender flowers. The birds start singing heavenly songs. In summer it can be really dry and sultry, there are thunders and lightnings during the heavy showers. People go sunbathing, fishing and sailing and enjoy all kinds of fruits and berries. In autumn the trees turn golden, it often rains cats and dogs and it’s quite muddy. The sky is overcast with grey clouds, sometimes it’s foggy and chilly and the days become shorter. In winter the snow covers the ground, the air is frosty, the roads are slippery. It is mainly freezing and there are periods of severe colds and heavy snowfalls. The temperature can fall down to 35 degrees below zero.
    I prefer not to complain about the weather but generally I enjoy mild and calm weather with a moderate breeze. I don’t quite like damp and gloomy weather and it’s hard for me to stand windy or hot summer days with mosquitoes and flies and oppressive heat. But so many men, so many minds.
    Our country is so huge and the weather is not the same in different parts of Russia. It depends on the geographical position and the type of climate. We must admit that the climate has changed much due to global warming and winters have become much warmer. It looks rather strange and disappointing when there is little snow in winter and sometimes it even sleets or drizzles.
    Frankly speaking, I don’t trust our misleading weather forecasts as they don’t come true as a rule. The weather is changeable and it is a thing that is beyond us, so it’s better to keep an umbrella in your bag all the year round.
    Каждое время года прекрасно по-своему. Весной воздух бодрит, деревья в цвету, земля покрыта первыми нежными цветами. Птицы начинают петь райские песни. Летом может быть очень сухо и душно, во время ливней случаются раскаты грома и молнии. Люди загорают, ходят на рыбалку или катаются на лодках и наслаждаются всеми сортами фруктов и ягод. Осенью деревья становятся золотистыми, часто льет как из ведра, и довольно грязно. Небо затянуто серыми облаками, иногда туманно и прохладно, а дни становятся более короткими. Зимой снег покрывает землю, воздух морозный, дороги скользкие. В основном, холодно, и случаются периоды жестоких морозов и сильных снегопадов. Температура может упасть до 35 градусов ниже нуля.
    Я предпочитаю не жаловаться на погоду, но, в основном, мне нравится мягкая и спокойная погода с легким ветерком. Я не совсем люблю влажную и мрачную погоду, и я с трудом переношу ветреные или жаркие летние дни с комарами и мухами и угнетающей жарой. Но сколько людей, столько и мнений.
    Наша страна такая огромная, и погода отличается в разных частях России. Она зависит от географического положения и типа климата. Мы должны признать, что климат сильно изменился вследствие глобального потепления, и зимы стали намного теплее. Выглядит довольно странно и печально, когда зимой мало снега, и иногда идет мокрый снег или моросит.
    Честно говоря, я не верю нашим обманчивым прогнозам погоды, так как они, как правило, не сбываются. Погода изменчива, и она не зависит от нас, поэтому лучше держать в сумке зонт круглый год.

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An important thing when planning a trip is to be aware of the climate and weather conditions of the country. In order not to spoil your trip, you should visit the country in the most comfortable weather conditions just for you. That is why we will tell you about the climate and its peculiarities in the Republic of Belarus, as well as talk about when it is best to go to our country.

Geography of Belarus

Geographical location of Belarus

The Republic of Belarus is located in the central part of Eastern Europe. This location allows Belarusians to get quickly to neighboring countries and their capitals. For example, the distance from Minsk to Warsaw is 500 km, to Moscow — 700 km, to Berlin — 1060 km and to Vienna — 1300 km. The country covers 207595 km2 and is divided into 6 regions: Minsk, Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno and Mogilev regions.

Borders with the states

The total length of the border of Belarus is almost 3000 km, while the neighboring countries are Ukraine, Latvia, Russia, Poland and Lithuania.

Landscape of Belarus

The relief of our country is predominantly flat and hilly, with an average altitude of 160 km above sea level, so if you wanted to see mountains like Everest, you will not see them here. The highest mountain in Belarus is Dzerzhinskaya Mountain (345 m) in Dzerzhinsky district, Minsk region.

The surface of Belarus is characterized by an alternation of elevated, flat and lowland areas with swamps and lakes.

Inland waters

The most important part of the internal waters of Belarus is the river. There are over 20 thousand of them in the country, and the total length is about 91 thousand km. However, only three rivers are over 500 km long: the Dnieper and its tributaries, the Pripyat and the Berezina. The others are short. Their current is smooth due to the absence of sharp slopes.

Another feature of the nature of Belarus is the presence of a large number of lakes. There are more than 10 thousand lakes. The largest lakes are Vileyskoe, Zaslavskoe, Krasnoslobodskoe, Soligorskoe, Lyubanskoe, Osipovichskoe and Chygrynskoe.


On the territory of Belarus, there are more than 12 thousand plants and fungi, and the plant cover occupies about 70% of the country. These are mainly forests, meadows, swamps and shrubs, and quite a few plant species are found in water bodies.

Forests in Belarus are rich in mushrooms and fruit-berry plants. Among the edible mushrooms in the forests, one can find chanterelles, aspen mushrooms, white mushrooms, etc. The forests of Belarus are rich in mushrooms and fruit-berry plants. In addition, about 38 species of inedible mushrooms.

Among the fruit-berry plants in the forests, you can find blueberries, cranberries, blueberries, cowberries, mountain ash, etc.

In the meadows, you can find cereals and medicinal herbs, as well as those plants that are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus.

Animal world

There are about 457 vertebrate species and more than 30 thousand invertebrates in Belarus.

On the territory of our country, you can see more than 70 mammal species: wild boars, wolves, beavers, bison and others.

Characteristics and type of climate in Belarus

Belarus has a moderate continental climate with warm summers and cool winters. Due to the moderate climatic conditions, winters in Belarus are not cold and summers are not hot.

Features of the climate of Belarus

Thermal Mode

The average temperature changes depending on the regions of Belarus. In July, the average temperature ranges from +17°C in the north to +18.5°C in the south. The average temperature in January ranges from -4.5°C in the south-west to -8°C in the northeast. In some regions of Belarus, the temperature remains below zero for more than a third of the year.

Air humidity, cloudiness, precipitation

On average, 600-700 mm of precipitation falls per year. 70% of precipitation in the form of rain falls in April – October. The number of snow days in Belarus ranges from 75 in the south-west to 125 in the northeast. The maximum height of snow cover is from 15 to 30 cm, respectively.

Cloudiness during the year ranges from 135 overcast days in the southeast to 175 in the north-west.

Winds in Belarus

The average wind speed is 3 m/s. In winter, the wind blows more often from the southwest and in summer from the northwest. Wind speeds increase during the cold period, and there are about 5-10 days a year, during which there is an increase in wind speed up to 15 m/s and more in open areas. Storms and tornadoes are occasionally observed.

Weather and average temperature in Belarus


Winters in Belarus are mild with frequent thaws, but occasional frosts as low as -30°C. The lowest temperature ever observed in Belarus is -44°C. The average temperature is -4°C to -9°C.


In spring, snowmelts in southern Belarus in early March and temperatures rise above 0°C, while in the north the snow melts only by the end of March. March and April account for the largest number of sunny days per year.

The average temperature in spring is 5°C.

In summer

Summer in Belarus starts depending on the location of the region. For example, in the northeast, it lasts three months, and in the south it lasts 4 months (it starts in mid-May and ends in mid-September).

The warmest month at this time of year is July. The average temperature is +18-20°C, but it can rise up to +30°C.

The most part of rains is in the second half of summer. Most often it is short, but heavy downpours in August.

In autumn

In early autumn, Belarus always keeps warm and comfortable weather (about +17 ° C). By the end of September, fogs, cloudy days and rain come and continue throughout October. Moreover, in early November, the first frosts begin and snow falls.

The average temperature in autumn in Belarus is from +3°C to +10°C.

Climate of Belarus by month

Weather in January in Belarus

The average minimum temperature in January is -13°C and the average maximum temperature is -7°C. The number of sunny hours is 2 hours and the number of rainy days per month is 13. Rainfall is 30 mm per month.


The average minimum temperature is -11°C and the maximum temperature is -4°C.

The number of sunny hours is 2 hours and the number of rainy days per month is 12. 40 mm of rainfall per month.


The average minimum temperature is -7°C and the maximum is +1°C.

Number of sunny hours — 4 hours, number of rainy days in a month – 10. 40 mm of rainfall per month.


The average minimum temperature is +2°C, and the maximum temperature is +11°C.

The number of sunny hours — 5 hours, the number of rainy days per month – 10. 40 mm of rainfall per month.


The average minimum temperature is +8°C and the maximum temperature is +18°C.

Number of sunny hours — 8 hours, number of rainy days in a month – 10. 73 mm of rainfall per month.


The average minimum temperature is +11°C, and the maximum temperature is +22°C.

Number of sunny hours — 10 hours, number of rainy days in a month – 10. Rainfall is 63 mm per month.


The average minimum temperature is +12°C, and the maximum temperature is +23°C.

Number of sunny hours — 9 hours, number of rainy days in a month – 10. Rainfall is 63 mm per month.


The average minimum temperature is +12°C, and the maximum temperature is +22°C.

The number of sunny hours — 8 hours, the number of rainy days per month – 10. 82 mm of rainfall per month.


The average minimum temperature is +8°C, and the maximum temperature is +17°C.

Number of sunny hours — 6 hours, number of rainy days in a month – 9. Rainfall is 45 mm per month.


The average minimum temperature is +4°C, and the maximum temperature is +11°C.

Number of sunny hours — 3 hours, number of rainy days in a month – 10. Rainfall is 45 mm per month.


The average minimum temperature is -1°C and the maximum is +3°C.

Number of sunny hours — 1 hour, number of rainy days in a month – 13. 65 mm of rainfall per month.


The average minimum temperature is -8°C and the maximum temperature is – 3°C.

The number of sunny hours is 1 hour and the number of rainy days per month is 13. Rainfall is 42 mm per month.

Картинки по запросу беларусь природа фото

Photo by way.by

Weather in cities and resorts of Belarus

At Gismeteo website you can find out the weather for a given period. It always publishes the latest data.

Weather in cities depends on their location.

Weather in Minsk

Minsk and its resorts are located on the southeastern slope of Minsk Upland. Therefore, summers are warm here, but not hot, while winters are mild and with private thaws.

Wheather in Brest

The city is located in the southwest of the country. Therefore, the weather here is appropriate: mild winters and moderately warm summers.

Weather in Vitebsk

Vitebsk is in the north of the country. Therefore, it is quite cold in winter and not very hot in summer.

Weather in Gomel

Gomel is located in the southeast of the country and is the warmest city. Therefore, winter here is shorter than in other cities and summer is hotter.

Weather in Grodno

The city is located in western Belarus. Winter here begins in late November and lasts about 3 and half months with an average temperature of -3°C. Summer is warm and humid, with an average temperature of -17 ° C.

Weather in Mogilev

Mogilev is the east of Belarus. The average annual temperature is 6°C with warm, but not hot summers and mild winters.

Climate change in the Republic of Belarus

What factors form the climate indicators of Belarus?

  • Location in the temperate continental climate zone.
  • The western part is influenced by the air masses of the Atlantic, which form the transitional climate from the sea to the continental one.
  • The flat topography of the territory.

What climate indicators characterize the climate in Belarus?

The climatic indicators include temperature, precipitation and wind.

When is the best time to go on vacation to Belarus?

If you are planning a summer holiday, it is best to come in June-July in order not to get under the August downpours. In addition, if it’s winter, then in February or January, when the frost is not as severe as in December.

However, regardless of the weather conditions, Belarus is always beautiful, and its residents are happy guests.

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Climate of Belarus

Belarusian climate is moderately continental, a transitional form from maritime to continental climate with mild and humid winters, warm summers and damp autumns. During last decades the continental component has become less pronounced with winters becoming warmer.



The climate’s general properties are conditioned by the country’s location in middle latitudes, domination of flat relief and relative remoteness from the Atlantic Ocean.

Average July temperatures range from +17 C to +18.5 C, January temperatures vary from -8 C to -4.5 C. The period with temperatures above zero lasts about 230-263 days.

Belarus is situated in the zone of sufficient moistening.

The average rainfall is 600-700 mm; in the uplands the average is 650-700 mm and in the lowlands it is 600-650 mm. About 70% of yearly precipitation falls on the warm period. Occasional draughts and floods are conditioned by spatial and time precipitation changeability.

Snow is an important feature of Belarusian climate determining its severity and moistening degree. The period with steady blanket of snow lasts 75 days in the southwest and 125 days in the northeast of the country. Average snow depth ranges respectively from 15 to over 30 cm.

Distribution of atmospheric pressure in Belarus is conditioned by general atmospheric processes typical of middle latitudes of the Eurasian continent, by Belarus’ geographic position and relief.

The climate of Belarus was changing throughout the Earth’s history. During the period of instrumental observations (1881-2004) the average annual temperature rose by 1 C and average winter and spring temperatures rose even more.

During this period two significant rises in temperature have been observed. The rise of temperature by 3-4 C is forecast by the end of current century.

In Belarus, the climate is continental, with cold winters and relatively warm summers, and two short intermediate seasons. The degree of continentality increases from northwest to southeast, that is, as you move away from the sea and enter the great plains of Eastern Europe.

However, the country is exposed to different air masses, Russian or Arctic, Atlantic or Mediterranean, so it can experience sudden changes in temperature and weather.

Winter in Belarus is cold, with temperatures normally below freezing (0 °C or 32 °F) even during the day for a few months. The western cities (see Brest, Hrodna) are less cold, and have an average temperature in January about -3 °C (27 °F), while proceeding towards the east, the average reaches -4.5 °C (24 °F) in Minsk and -6 °C (21 °F) in the eastern areas.

In the eastern part of the country, snow covers the ground for about a month longer than in the western part (about four months instead of three).

The coldest periods are those in which the Siberian Anticyclone reaches the country, though it has happened more rarely in the last decades. During these periods, the temperature can drop to -30 °C (-22 °F), but in the worst winters of the past century (when the average temperatures were a few degrees lower than today, especially in winter), they could drop to as low as -40 °C (-40 °F).

In spring, the temperatures increase rapidly. The thaw occurs between March and April, which is also a difficult time for travelling because of the mud, at least outside of the cities and on unpaved roads. While in early April there may still be snow and frost, at the end of the month, the first warm days can occur, with temperatures above 25 °C (77 °F).

Summer in Belarus is quite warm, and unlike in winter, it tends to become progressively warmer as you move from the north to the south. The average maximum temperature in July is 23.5 °C (74.5 °F) in the northern cities (Polatsk, Vitebsk), 23.5/24 °C (74.5/75) in the central cities (Hrodna, Minsk, Mogilev), and 24.5/25 °C (76/77) in the southern cities (Brest, Pinsk, Gomel).

During summer, there are hot periods, with highs approaching 30 °C (86 °F), alternating with cooler periods, when cool and humid Atlantic currents prevail.

Despite some frontal systems of Atlantic origin, the amount of sunshine in this season is acceptable.

Autumn is a short season, during which the temperature decreases rapidly, and the weather quickly becomes cloudy, rainy and foggy. The first snowfalls usually occur in November, and sometimes even in October.



Here are the average temperatures of Minsk, the capital city, located in the center of the country.

Minsk — Average temperatures (1991-2018)

Month Min (°C) Max (°C) Mean (°C) Min (°F) Max (°F) Mean (°F)
January -6 -2 -4.3 20 28 24.3
February -6 -1 -3.7 21 30 25.4
March -3 4 0.8 27 40 33.4
April 3 13 7.9 38 55 46.3
May 8 19 13.7 47 66 56.7
June 12 22 17.1 54 72 62.8
July 15 24 19.5 58 76 67.1
August 14 24 18.6 56 74 65.4
September 9 17 13.1 48 63 55.6
October 4 10 6.8 39 50 44.3
November -1 3 1.4 31 38 34.5
December -5 -1 -2.7 23 31 27.1
Year 3.7 11.2 7.4 38.6 52.1 45.5

Precipitation in Minsk amounts to around 700 millimeters (27.5 in) per annum, and it is evenly spread throughout the year, although it is more abundant in summer because of afternoon thunderstorms. Here is the average precipitation.

Minsk — Average precipitation

Month Millimeters Inches Days
January 40 1.6 10
February 35 1.4 10
March 40 1.6 9
April 40 1.6 9
May 60 2.4 9
June 85 3.3 11
July 90 3.5 11
August 70 2.8 9
September 60 2.4 9
October 50 2 9
November 50 2 11
December 55 2.2 12
Year 675 26.6 119

The sun in Belarus is rarely seen from November to February, while from May to August, it shines for just over half the time (the days are very long, so the total amount of sunshine is not low).

Minsk — Sunshine hours

Month Average Total
January 1.5 45
February 2.5 65
March 4.5 135
April 6 180
May 8.5 255
June 9 275
July 8.5 270
August 8 240
September 5.5 165
October 3 95
November 1 35
December 1 25
Year 4.9 1790

When to go and what to pack in Belarus

© Copyright Climatestotravel.com. 

Climate Belarus has its own characteristics, which are due to the geographical location of the country. The climate and weather conditions are of considerable importance, so much attention is paid to this.

Information on the history of observations of climatic changes in Belarus

To be interested in the question of what kind of climate inBelarus, became in 9-10th centuries. The oldest data on the climatic conditions of Belarus are found in the annals and notes of travelers. In Mogilev, the first meteorological station was opened in 1809, then in Vitebsk (1810), Brest (1834), Gorki (1841), Minsk (1849). However, only after the October Revolution did a deeper study climate. The year 1930 was significant because at that time different weather services began to function, and methods for forecasting frosts appeared.

climate of belarus

The first who detailed the climateBelarus, which is still reliable information, was AI Kaigorodov. At the moment, there was complete information on the climatic conditions of large cities, agroclimatic zoning of the country was conducted. From now on, automatic meteorological stations and satellites are used for weather forecasts, mapping. This information is very important for scheduling work in agriculture.

The main characteristic of the climate of Belarus

The climate of Belarus is moderately continentalwith Atlantic cyclones. As for the winter, it is moderately cold, characterized by prolonged thaws. If you look at summer, you can say that it is moderately warm. The amount of precipitation per year on average ranges from 550 mm in the south to 750 mm at elevations.

The climate of the Republic of Belarus and its featuresare due to the geographical position of Belarus in the temperate latitude zone, where the flat relief prevails, there are no orographic obstacles, and also a great distance from the Atlantic Ocean.

The angle of incidence of the sun’s rays and the duration of the day andsunshine are determined by the latitudinal location of the territory of the republic in the zone 56 ° and 51 ° north latitude. The amount of penetrating solar radiation also depends on this. For a year the amount of solar radiation varies from 3400 to 4050 MJ / m2.

The change of air masses over the country depends oncirculation of the atmosphere. The frequent appearance of moist air masses results in the predominance of Western transport in the lower layers of the atmosphere. In the eastern regions, the influence of the ocean decreases, and the continentality of the climate intensifies.

Because of the dominance of the Western transfer,Western cyclones that bring moist air. There are thaws, precipitation and slight warming in the cold season, and in the summer the weather becomes cool, rains come. Cyclones from the north-west appear much less frequently.

The thermal regime is positiveair temperatures on average for the year, which rise to the south and south-west. The average temperature in the north is 4.4 ° C, in the south-west 7.4 ° C. In January in the south-west, the temperature averages -4.1 ° C, and in the north-east -8.4 ° C. July average temperature has a value of +17 ° C to +19.7 ° C.

what is the climate in Belarus

The Republic of Belarus is located in the regionsufficient moistening. The average annual precipitation is due to the relief of the territory and has an indicator of 500-600 mm in the lowlands, and on the elevations 550-700 mm. In the period from April to October, 70% of precipitation falls. In general 70-80% of precipitation comes in the form of rain, 9-16% — in the form of snow, the remaining amount — in the form of mixed precipitation. In late February and early March, the highest snow cover is observed, which is 15-40 cm. The high humidity is caused by a significant amount of precipitation and the fact that the air temperature is low. Relative humidity more than 80%. May is characterized by a minimum relative humidity. Due to high humidity, cloudiness, fog formation is observed. 85% of the time in the autumn-winter period cloudy, cloudy weather predominates.

The general circulation of the atmosphere affects the windmode. Western transfer prevails. In winter, winds blow mainly from the south-west. Winds blow from the northwest in the summer. The average wind speed for the year is about 4 m / s in open areas, in the basins — about 3 m / s. Sometimes there are storms and tornadoes.

Negative Climate Factors of the Republic of Belarus

The climate of Belarus has some negativefactors. These include weather instability in spring and autumn, mild winters, thaws, rainy summers, insufficient moisture at the beginning of summer, and frost. Various natural phenomena, such as tornadoes, dust storms, halos, directly depend on the characteristics of the atmospheric processes that take place.

Weather and climate in Belarus in different seasons

What is the climate in Belarus during each season? The location of the territory of Belarus in temperate latitudes led to a change in the seasons of the year. The duration of each season of the year is 3 months. But it should be noted that the beginning of the phenological pore in the republic usually does not correspond to the dates of the calendar. When comparing the north-eastern and south-western regions of the country, the most significant differences are observed in these indicators.

Climatic conditions in the spring

The phenological spring in Belarus begins in the first decade in the south-west. In the northeast begins in late March with the transition to Air through zero degrees upwards. The spring season ends at the end of April, beginning of May, when the temperature passes through +10 degrees Celsius upwards.

climate of the Republic of Belarus

The weather is characterized by instability,There is frequent change of warm and cold air masses. The amount of precipitation increases, the snow cover and ice on the rivers melts, evaporation occurs, birds fly in, the vegetation process of plants starts, and also agricultural work begins. In the spring, the number of sunny days increases. Air and earth are gradually heated.

Summer and its climatic features

Phenological summer begins in early May in the south and in the middle of May in the north. The average daily temperature during the transition period is +12 aboutWith the increase in the indicator at the beginning of summer and, accordingly, the temperature gradually decreases at its end. The average temperature in July, in the warmest month of the season, is +17 … + 20 aboutFROM. In general, the summer in Belarus is warm, in places there is a heat. Precipitation in summer falls in the form of rains, often long. A high temperature with a low enough humidity, as well as storms and strong winds, refer to unfavorable weather phenomena in the summer season.

weather and climate in belarus

Summer ends at the end of the second, beginning of the third decade of September in the north and east, at the end of the third decade of September and the beginning of the first decade of October in the south and south-west.

Characteristics of autumn

The beginning of autumn is the date when the average daily air temperature passes through 10 aboutC. The number of sunny days is decreasing by October. The appearance of a snow cover indicates the end of autumn. There is a decrease in air and soil temperature, rains, the wind increases, but the total amount of rainfall decreases.

climate characteristic of Belarus

In the beginning of autumn, after a considerable cooling,comes a sharp warming, which is called «Indian Summer». The weather becomes dry and clear. During this period, a second flowering of some plants may occur.

Weather conditions in winter

What is the climate in the Republic of Belarus in the winter? This is the coldest season of the year. Lowering the temperature below 0 aboutC is taken for the beginning of winter. At the end of winter, the temperature gradually exceeds this figure.

what is the climate in the republic in Belarus in winter

Winter is characterized by cold airmasses, protracted drizzling rain, which are replaced by snow, unstable snow cover, ice, snowstorms. The weather in this season is mostly overcast, fogs, frost, frost, fog and frost periods occur frequently.

Climate change in Belarus

Climate change in Belarus and its causes are a topic,the study of which has been taken very seriously in recent times. There are many reasons why the weather is changing. The peculiarities of the climate of Belarus during this period include changes in the parameters of the earth’s orbit, the greenhouse effect, anthropogenic causes, which represent various types of human activities that entail changes in the environment. The process of global warming is growing more and more. It’s impossible to stop it. It affects agriculture, flora, fauna and human health itself. This is the climate of Belarus.

the climate change of Belarus and its causes

Over the past 100 years there have been 3 periodswarming in the country, after which there was a sharp cooling. The first warming was at the end of the 20th — the beginning of the 21st century. The next, the greatest warming, was observed in the 30s. The third warming was noted in the 50-60’s. The air temperature during the second warming period exceeded the average over the last decade by 0.4-0.6 ° C. The first third of the 20th century was characterized by the largest amount of precipitation. Analyzing all the temperature data for the country, it can be noted that the temperature has increased by almost 1 degree. Special changes are visible in the winter season. The climate has become softer, less continental. Winter has on average become warmer by 5-6 degrees, compared with 60 years. The amount of precipitation at a very low temperature in the beginning of winter exceeds the norm.

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Hello! My name is Masha. I want to tell you about summer and summer’s month in Belarus.
The weather in summer in Belarus is very changeable.
June is often rainy, wet and cloudy. You can see drizzles, showers, heavy rains and thunderstorms in June in Belarus. But June is usually warm month-average temperature in June is about 22 degrees above zero.
July is the finest and the driest month of the year. In July you can’t see heavy rains and thunderstorms. Drizzles are usually warm. Average temperature in July is about 24-26 degrees above zero.
August in Belarus is hot and dry too. But the nature starts to get ready for autumn.
Many trees and flowers are blossom and ripe in summer in Belarus, and animals are especially active.

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  • The Weather and Climate Fluctuations
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Belarus has a temperate-continental climate with moderate features which is characteristic for Central Europe, with hot summers, long, cold winters and very distinct seasons. Abundant Snowfall may occur throughout the country from December to sometimes early March.

The annual average temperature is about 7°C. In general, there are no significant differences between the districts of Belarus, due to the small size of the country. Daytime temperatures vary from -5-0°C in the winter and 25-30°C in summer months. The winter usually last between 100 and 120 days, and sometimes the weather can be very harsh then, with strong northeasterly winds and snowstorms. However, in some years the winters are mild with westerly winds and temperatures around or even above zero.

The summer lasts about 150 days in Belarus, and is most of the time sunny and dry. Local thunderstorms are quite common in the late afternoon and evening and can be very heavy sometimes. Spring and Autumn can be damp and rainy when low pressure systems from the Atlantic have more influence on the Weather; the first snow can already fall mid October in some years.

Annual average rainfall is about 600mm. It can rain throughout the year; in general, Spring is the driest season.

Required clothing:
Lightweights are worn in summer, Warmer clothes are needed in winter. Rainwear is recommended throughout the year.

Koeppen-Geiger classification:
there are two different climate zones in Moldova; Most regions have a Dfb Climate; a humid Snow climate with the warmest month between 10°C and 22°C, the coldest month below -3°C and at last four or more months above 10°C. The climate of the eastern regions regions can be classified as BSk Climate; a cold, dry Climate with a dry summer and annual average Temperatures under 18°C.

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