Сочинение на английском языке дом милый дом

Три примера рассказа о доме, которые можно использовать в качестве образца, при написании сочинения. Топики не большие, подходят для среднего уровня, все тексты даны с переводом. Можно выбрать исходя из места, где вы живете: в квартире в городе, в большом доме за городом или в деревне.

Для начала, известные высказывания о доме на английском языке

«My house is my fortress».
«Мой дом — моя крепость».

«East or West, home is the best».
«В гостях хорошо, а дома — лучше».

«Home, home, sweet home».
Дом, милый дом.

«A house is built by hands, but a home is built by hearts».
Дом строится руками, а уют в доме создается сердцем.

«There is no place like home.»
Нет ничего лучше, чем свой родной дом.

# 1 My home, sweet home

Home is definitely a lot more than just a roof, four walls, windows and a door. Home is where we learn the first lessons in life. Home is the symbol of human togetherness — a place where all of us learn the first steps of life. No matter how far and how long I’m travelling, there’s always something special about coming home. ‘East or West, home is the best’ as the saying goes.

I was born in Moscow. All the facilities such as, markets, schools, hospitals, banks, museums, parks etc. are all within a walk able distance. The building where I live has nine floors and each floor has four apartments. I live on the third floor.

I live in a two bedroom apartment and it is not a very large one, but it has nice rooms with two windows. Also it has wonderful balcony and a good kitchen. The balcony is not very large, it faces the main road. There is a car parking near the house and a small children’s playground where kids could play.

I live with my parents. We are three members in our family. My dad is working as a doctor in Sklifosovsky Institute. My mom is a designer. We all make our home. I love my parents and they in turn do all they can to make my life cheerful and enjoyable. When I return from school I feel great comfort at my house.

My home is the most important place in my life.
I feel fully safe and secure in my home.
I love my sweet home.


Мой дом, милый дом

Определенно дом — это намного больше, чем просто крыша, четыре стены, окна и дверь. В доме мы учимся первым урокам жизни. Дом — это символ единства людей — место, где все мы проходим первые этапы своей жизни. Независимо от того, насколько далеко и как долго я путешествую, всегда есть что-то особенное в возвращении домой. Как говорится: «В гостях хорошо, а дома.

Я родился в Москве. Вся инфраструктура: магазины, школы, больницы, банки, музеи, парки и т. Д., находится в шаговой доступности от моего дома. Здание, в котором я живу, имеет девять этажей, на каждом этаже по четыре квартиры. Я живу на третьем.

Я живу в двухкомнатной квартире, она хоть и не очень большая, но зато у нас комнаты с двумя окнами. Также у нас есть прекрасный балкон и хорошая кухня. Балкон не очень большой, он выходит на главную дорогу. Рядом с домом есть автостоянка и небольшая детская игровая площадка, где играют дети.

Я живу с родителями. В нашей семье три члена семьи. Мой отец работает врачом в Институте имени Склифосовского. Моя мама — дизайнер. Мы все делаем всё, чтобы сделать наш дом счастливым и милым. Я люблю своих родителей, и они в свою очередь делают все возможное, чтобы сделать мою жизнь жизнерадостной и приятной. Когда я возвращаюсь из школы, я чувствую большой комфорт в своем доме.

Мой дом — самое важное место в моей жизни. Я чувствую себя уверенным и полностью в безопасности в своем доме. Я люблю свой милый дом.

#2 My home is a happy home

There is nothing in the world as sweet as a home.
I live in Volgograd.
It is a big and beautiful city in Russia.

I live in a two storied cottage.
It was built by my father. My dad took pains to construct this house.
It has five bed rooms, one big living room and a kitchen. All rooms have floor carpets.

Our house is built of bricks. It has all the modern amenities of life. The bathroom is very large, airy and tiled. It has a shower. The dining room is tastefully decorated. There are a dining table is circular and the dining chairs. here are two big and beautiful paintings on the wall. The kitchen of my house is large and comfortable. It is near the living room. One of its door opens in a balcony. From there we have a beautiful view of a park.

The living room is neatly furnished with longing chairs and sofa/ There is a TV, a big black piano, two big shelves full of attractive toys and prizes that I have won in the school sports competition. There are a lot of flowers and book in the living room.

There are five members in my family — my parents, my two brothers and me. We all live together. My grandparents live separately in another house next towards us. My brothers and I share a room. While the drawing room we entertain our guests and watch TV.

In front of my house there is a beautiful garden. It is very airy and lit.
In the evening hours, we go to the terrace. It feels great to sit in the there in the evening hours and enjoy the nature.

The house has a little porch in front where my father keeps his car. There is a small patch of land behind the house which is used for cultivation of vegetables.

Our home is built by hearts.
A warm, welcoming and loving place is what my home is.


Мой дом — счастливый дом

В мире ничего нет прекрасней, чем дом.
Я живу в Волгограде. Это большой и красивый город в России.

Я живу в двухэтажном коттедже. Его построил мой отец.
Мой папа приложил все усилия, чтобы построить этот дом.
В доме пять комнат, одна большая гостиная и кухня. Во всех комнатах напольные ковры.

Наш дом построен из кирпича. Он имеет все современные удобства для жизни. Ванная комната выложена кафелем, она большая и просторная. В ванной есть душ. Столовая оформлена со вкусом: обеденный круглый стол и стулья, на стене две большие красивые картины. Кухня в доме большая и удобная. Она находится рядом с гостиной. Одна из дверей комнаты выходит на балкон. Отсюда открывается прекрасный вид на парк.

Гостиная мебелирована креслами и диваном. Есть телевизор, большое черное пианино, две большие полки, полные игрушек и призов, которые я выиграл, участвуя в школьных спортивных соревнованиях. В гостиной много цветов и книг.

В нашей семье пять членов семьи — мои родители,два брата и я. Мы живем все вместе. Мои дедушка и бабушка живут отдельно в другом доме рядом с нами. Я с братьями живу в одной комнате. В гостиной мы принимаем наших гостей и смотрим телевизор.

Перед домом расположен прекрасный сад. Он очень просторный и светлый. Вечером мы идем на террасу. Приятно посидеть там вечером и наслаждаться природой. У дома есть не большой подъезд, где отец ставит свою машину. За домом есть небольшой участок земли, который используется для выращивания овощей.

Наш дом построен сердцем.
Теплое, гостеприимное и любимое место — это мой дом.

#3 A house is a place where we live

Home is the place where we are born and live. It is the sweetest place in the world. When we sense danger elsewhere we find safety in our home. When there is joy, we share it with other members of our home.

I live in a villiage. My home is a two-storied building that is neither very big nor very small. It had designed it so well with lawn and a small garden. I am very fond of our garden. I water the flower plants at my leisure.

There are six members in our family. They are my father, mom, grandfather, grandmother, my sister and me. Each of us has a separate room. Also we have a room which is kept as a guest room. Sometimes the friends of my dad come and take dinner here. My father is a good host.

My dad is a farmer. My mom is a teacher. She works in the Primary School in our village. My sister is a student.

There is a spacious courtyard. We have also a cowshed with two cows and a little calf.
When my grandfather goes to the cowshed, I go with him. I often kiss the little calf. When someone of my home falls ill, I take proper care.

All the villagers respect our home. They say that ours is an ideal home.
For most people the very thought of home brings fond memories, nostalgic feelings and emotions.
Everybody loves home.


Дом — это место, где мы рождаемся и живем. Это самое милое место на земле. Когда мы где-то чувствуем опасность, мы находим защиту в нашем доме. Когда есть радость, мы разделяем ее с другими членами нашей семьи.

Я живу в деревне. Мой дом — это двухэтажное здание, ни большое и ни маленькое. Дом хорошо спроектирован, есть лужайка и небольшой сад. Я очень люблю наш сад. Когда есть время я поливаю цветы.

В нашей семье шесть членов семьи: мой отец, мама, дедушка, бабушка, и мы с сестрой. У каждого из нас есть отдельная комната. Также, у нас есть комната для гостей. Иногда друзья моего папы приходят к нам на обед. Мой отец — гостеприимный хозяин.

Мой папа — фермер. А мама — учительница. Она работает в начальной школе в нашей деревне. Моя сестра — студентка.

У нас просторный двор. Кроме того есть коровник с двумя коровами и маленьким теленком.
Когда мой дед идет в коровник, я иду с ним. Я часто целую маленького теленка. Когда кто-то из членов нашей семьи заболевает, я стараюсь заботиться о них.

Все жители деревни уважают наш дом. Они говорят, что у нас идеальный дом.
Для большинства людей сама мысль о доме приносит приятные воспоминания, ностальгические чувства и эмоции.
Все любят дом.


My apartment is very simple.
Моя квратира очень простая.

I live in an apartment.
Я живу в квартире.

We live on the second floor.
Мы живем на втором этаже.

It is not a very large one.
Квартира не очень большая.

It has two bedrooms, a kitchen, a wonderful balcony and one common living room.
В квартире две спальных комнаты, кухня, прекрасный балкон и обычная гостиная.

The kitchen of my house is designed by me.
Кухня в моем доме спроктирована мной.

Another room is shared by my parents.
В другой комнате живут родители.

The balcony is not too big and is facing the main road.
Балкон не такой большой и выходит на главную дорогу.

I love my house very much.
Я обожаю мой дом.
Я очнеь люблю мой дом.

Home… to me, it is my nest, my cave, my comfort zone for heart and soul, my safe haven. Home is also the place where I design my environment to reflect my personality, turning my surroundings into an extension of myself and making them part of me visually as well as ideologically. Home is where I come back to after an outing, and it awaits me with my worn slippers, my comfy recliner and my happy pets. Home is where I know every nook and cranny, every creak and groan, every smell and every patch of light and shadow. My home is my castle… I have the right to make it almost inaccessible to unwelcome intruders and welcoming to those I love and respect. It is my retreat from the world, the showcase for my treasures, and the stronghold of my values. Home… it is my second skin, my soil in which I am rooted, the roof over my head and the blanket for my soul. Sometimes I wonder how a professionally decorated house or apartment can be a real home to the people who live in it. To me, it seems as if that was the same as wearing a stranger’s clothes or somebody else’s prescription glasses. Sure, it may serve the basic purpose and it may look better than if you used your own things and ideas, but it’s just not you. Isn’t hiring somebody to create your living space, your home, a lot like having the secretary choose your friend’s birthday present flowers and put a birthday card in front of you to sign while making your dinner reservations? The birthday is remembered and observed, the employee quite possibly has impeccable taste and chooses well, yet the whole setup misses the original idea by miles. What about adding one’s own personal touches to a professionally created environment then? Would this fix the problem? It might – but usually, such a professionally designed environment is finely balanced, and changes or additions as small as a misfit picture frame in the wrong place or a chair pulled closer to the coffee table for comfort mar the professional’s composition and, in a way, defeat the purpose behind hiring a decorator in the first place. I personally believe that a home should grow over time and be cultivated by those who live in it, rather than be served like a classy but prefabricated dinner by a stranger. Strangers just never put the right amount of salt in it, if you ask me. Have you ever watched a dog turn ’round and ’round before finally lying down for a cozy nap? Some animals in the wild do the same thing, and I think the purpose of this is to create a sort of molded dip in the ground cover for added comfort. As for me, I like my slippers molded to my feet, my chair molded to my body and, generally, my home molded to my mind and soul. These things do add a lot of comfort to the dog bed part of life. Comfort is not the only reason for having things «just so», though. If you have a runaway brain cell (singular) like I do, you probably live pretty much on instinct at least some of the time. Living on instinct means, in part, that you don’t notice much of what you’re used to, but anything out of the ordinary makes you perk up your ears and squirt some adrenaline through your system just in case it’s needed. For me, any unfamiliar noise, smell or sight does it, and I get flighty without meaning to. At the same time, being in my familiar, second-skin surroundings at home gives me peace of mind and a feeling of security which is as intense as that nervousness is. I suppose you could say that there is a lot of mental and emotional security in old slippers and the faint buzzing of your refrigerator. Security. Have you ever noticed that your home is the only place in the world where your level of security is entirely up to you? You have choices ranging from unlocked doors to barred windows, both in the physical and the figurative sense. You have the option to keep out the unwelcome by way of locks, caller ID and the «off» button on the TV. Although there are exceptions such as determined criminals or junk e-mail over which we can’t always have control, the home is where we make the rules, where we decide what or who may be part of our personal lives. Whether we entertain friends, have a family get-together, take in stray animals or people, or post «No Trespassing» signs around our property and refuse the traveling salesman or missionary, it’s our choice.


  1. Introduction
  2. Difference between home and house
  3. Home reflects people’s character
  4. Home in our life
  5. Conclusion


Home, every person living on our enormous planet, Earth, understands this word in his/her own way. For one, it is a cozy apartment, for another it is the city where she or he was born, and some people perceive the whole country or the whole planet as their home.

Our ancestors put a lot in the concept of the home. Thus, according to the Bible the ark that saved Noah from the flood, became his home, and for the rest — a symbol of life, of a new, better civilization. If we make reference to the countless riddles, proverbs, sayings, for example, east or west home is best, home sweet, home, keep the home fires burning, my home is my castle an so on, we see that home symbolizes both the real and the spiritual world. Since the dawn of time, it was a talisman for man from the evil. Even a lot of the components of the inner and outer parts had their own special, not only domestic, but also spiritual purpose: the threshold, the stove, the window, etc.

Whatever our home is, a large country house, a cozy city apartment, a small bungalow or just a camper van, it protects us from the outside world, giving us a sense of security and safety. We associate it with the family nest where it is safe and secure.

Home is a symbol of both the Motherland and the family, and the continuity of generations, a symbol of childhood, spiritual memory. It is very important not to lose all this, and also to be able to build your own home, your own life.

I consider that home is the foundation on which our whole life is built, so it is very important for a person to feel comfortable, warm and good at home. At home you can always relax, get rest, gain strength and make important decisions.

Home is the place where any emotional wound is treated, the place where you are accepted for who you are.

Without a home there can be no inner harmony, which is always associated with a deep sense of home. A person without a sense of home as if does not live true life; life is postponed in this case.

Difference between home and house

So if we speak about home we should differentiate such notions as “home” and “house”. Both children and grown up people may use these words as synonyms and this is not right.

House is what you see in the street. It can be a block of flats, a bungalow, an office building, an abandoned house and so on. It’s not necessary that people live in this or that house. In this case we speak about it having in mind some type of building.  In other words, house is not always someone’s home.

Home is the place where you live. It can be anything. If you live in an apartment, then this is your home. And if you live in a tent or in a penthouse — that’s all you call home.

According to the oxford dictionary home is the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household[1] and house is a building for human habitation, especially one that consists of a ground floor and one or more upper stores[2]. Thus first of all house is the building and home is the place of living.

The word “home” provides us with the feeling of warmth, comfort and security. Probably, a pragmatist or a man without a hint of romanticism would say that home is the structure where people live. Or this is the place where he/she lives specifically. But in reality, home is something more than walls, floor, ceilings, windows and doors. Although, of course, all these attributes are usually extremely important and present its physical side. Home is a place where you feel protected.

Sometimes you can own a building, you can come to it every day after study or work, but you do not feel comfortable there, even if it is a luxury penthouse or a large private house. Is it possible to call this place home in every sense of the word? I think – not. It’s a house, not home. And there are cases when a person is absolutely happy when he returns every day just to a small room in a hostel or a small apartment without all modern conveniences. But man feels comfortable there. There he/she feels safe, relaxed, confident and comfortable. And in this case – it is home.

Home reflects people’s character

Not only people can tell about their homes but homes can tell a lot about their owners as well. Home is our reflection, the reflection of our state, our inner world. This place is a whole universe, hidden in a small space, capable of telling about different interesting things regarding the life of the owners.

When we cannot organize our everyday life, our living, we are trying to escape from home to other places, looking for harmony, rest and happiness. But if there is no happiness and harmony at home you would hardly find these things in other places too. No matter how many times a week you return home and how many hours you spend there — its walls should be your fortress, your real support.

There is no riddle in the fact that house as well as its condition affects the person. But the house is built by a human and all the inside accommodations are created by a human. So the person is fully responsible for his/her home.

Everything in our homes is filled with thoughts and feelings, and the walls absorb the energy of the people living in it like a sponge. Every detail: interior items, the color of the curtains, the arrangement of furniture, the lighting of the rooms — everything reflects the inner world of the inhabitant and tells about his/her character traits, worldviews, way of life. For instance, when we see a lot of old photographs, rare gizmos that dilute modern design in the apartment we can decide that the person who cherishes the memory of the ancestors and honoring family traditions lives here.

A folk wisdom says: «The gate shows the owner». So, if a person has permanent mess in the apartment, it means that he/she is unorganized, lazy and irresponsible. But when a person is disciplined, tidy, hardworking nature, the house is always kept clean and tidy.

Therefore, all things that we surround ourselves with are reflection of ourselves. Consequently, having estimated the home, its internal and external appearance, we can get information about the owner.

Home in our life

So, home plays an important role in the life of every person. Home is the place where any emotional wound is treated, the place where you are accepted for who you are.

Without a home there can be no inner harmony, which is always associated with a deep sense of home. A person without a sense of home as if does not live true life; life goes by in this case.

Unfortunately, home for many people becomes just a slug. But after all the most important moments of life happen at home. We build relationships, raise children, and become older at home.

Any person, especially a woman or a child needs home, the feeling of own home. Without this feeling of home, a person can easily fall ill, depressed and frustrated, without this feeling there can be no true harmony and inner comfort. Such a person does not seem to live but just exist; life is postponed for later. For a woman, home is her real kingdom, her universe. It is no coincidence that girls very often play houses in childhood. Probably, the desire to equip their homes is laid in them genetically; it’s like with birds — the need to build your own nest. For children, regardless of age, until they have their own family, home is the place where their parents live. And it is the responsibility of all parents to make home for their children a happy place. The climate that prevails at home plays a very important role for a child. If it is joyful and cozy at home, then the child will grow up with the right thoughts, because very often if the atmosphere in the house is bad and tense, the child is looking for comfort not among the native walls, but in the street and bad things may happen to him/her.

The theme of home is touched upon by many writers worldwide. The authors told us about different homes where various families live in their works. So, home helps the writers to describe their characters better, reveal their inner world, feelings and emotions.

Home is a place where human moral values, love for parents and a sense of responsibility for the actions are born and brought up. In childhood we often hear: “My home is my castle!” and it is not necessary that our home has thick walls and towers, but the main thing is that we feel comfort and warmth, support and protection there. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that a person may lose his/her home and then this person feels very miserable and unhappy.


The multiple concept of “home” allows us to speak of the unity of the small and the large, the ratio of the material and the spiritual, the external and the internal. Home is a huge responsibility. Home is the source of our strength and good emotions. People should treat it with respect and reverence and be careful not to defile own home with scandals, swearing and cursing, because all these negative things are deposited on its walls.

It depends on us what home we will have. Every day at your home can be happy and full of joy and delight, bring you satisfaction, and on the contrary the days here may be long and tense.

Our life starts at home and it is very important what it will be like, our beginning.

Of course, the outer world was and remains rather cruel and cool, so each person should have his/her own shelter, which will protect against all the troubles and failures. A good home is an excellent defense against this cruelty. It is the bridge between generations and contributes greatly to the preservation of traditions. It is impossible to overestimate the importance that we attach to our home. This place usually gives us comfort and safety; fence us off from the hustle and bustle of the outside world. Here our family lives and friends gather. At home, we can fully be ourselves, freely express our individuality and thoughts.

One more expression, said by a great Russian writer, L.N. Tolstoy, comes to my mind in conclusion: “Happy is the person who is happy at home.” I fully agree with this expression and I wish everyone to be happy at home! A person who does not have home can hardly feel completely happy.

  • https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/home

В топике Дом, милый дом я расскажу, чем является для меня мой дом или квартира, это не важно. Главное, чтобы каждый человек жил в тех условиях, которые ему удобны и приятны. Я считаю, что приглашать дизайнера для обустройства собственного жилья не очень правильно, ведь наш дом растет вместе с нами, и каждый год мы вкладываем в оформление и заботу о собственном доме много усилий и частичку души. Поэтому старые квартиры и дома так хорошо отображают личность своего владельца. Очень важный вопрос – это безопасность дома: надо соблюдать все простые правила, и тогда вас никогда не потревожат незваные и неприятные гости. Любите свой дом!

Home… to me, it is my nest, my cave, my comfort zone for heart and soul, my safe haven. Home is also the place where I design my environment to reflect my personality, turning my surroundings into an extension of myself and making them part of me visually as well as ideologically. Home is where I come back to after an outing, and it awaits me with my worn slippers, my comfy recliner and my happy pets. Home is where I know every nook and cranny, every creak and groan, every smell and every patch of light and shadow. My home is my castle… I have the right to make it almost inaccessible to unwelcome intruders and welcoming to those I love and respect. It is my retreat from the world, the showcase for my treasures, and the stronghold of my values. Home… it is my second skin, my soil in which I am rooted, the roof over my head and the blanket for my soul.

Sometimes I wonder how a professionally decorated house or apartment can be a real home to the people who live in it. To me, it seems as if that was the same as wearing a stranger’s clothes or somebody else’s prescription glasses. Sure, it may serve the basic purpose and it may look better than if you used your own things and ideas, but it’s just not you. Isn’t hiring somebody to create your living space, your home, a lot like having the secretary choose your friend’s birthday present flowers and put a birthday card in front of you to sign while making your dinner reservations? The birthday is remembered and observed, the employee quite possibly has impeccable taste and chooses well, yet the whole setup misses the original idea by miles. What about adding one’s own personal touches to a professionally created environment then? Would this fix the problem? It might – but usually, such a professionally designed environment is finely balanced, and changes or additions as small as a misfit picture frame in the wrong place or a chair pulled closer to the coffee table for comfort distort the professional’s composition and, in a way, defeat the purpose behind hiring a decorator in the first place.

I personally believe that a home should grow over time and be cultivated by those who live in it, rather than be served like a classy but prefabricated dinner by a stranger. Strangers just never put the right amount of salt in it, if you ask me. Have you ever watched a dog turn ’round and ’round before finally lying down for a cozy nap? Some animals in the wild do the same thing, and I think the purpose of this is to create a sort of molded dip in the ground cover for added comfort. As for me, I like my slippers molded to my feet, my chair molded to my body and, generally, my home molded to my mind and soul. These things do add a lot of comfort to the dog bed part of life.

Comfort is not the only reason for having things «just so», though. If you have a runaway brain cell (singular) like I do, you probably live pretty much on instinct at least some of the time. Living on instinct means, in part, that you don’t notice much of what you’re used to, but anything out of the ordinary makes you perk up your ears and squirt some adrenaline through your system just in case it’s needed. For me, any unfamiliar noise, smell or sight does it, and I get flighty without meaning to. At the same time, being in my familiar, second-skin surroundings at home gives me peace of mind and a feeling of security which is as intense as that nervousness is. I suppose you could say that there is a lot of mental and emotional security in old slippers and the faint buzzing of your refrigerator. Security. Have you ever noticed that your home is the only place in the world where your level of security is entirely up to you? You have choices ranging from unlocked doors to barred windows, both in the physical and the figurative sense. You have the option to keep out the unwelcome by way of locks, caller ID and the «off» button on the TV.

Although there are exceptions such as determined criminals or junk e-mail over which we can’t always have control, the home is where we make the rules, where we decide what or who may be part of our personal lives. Whether we entertain friends, have a family get-together, take in stray animals or people, or post «No Trespassing» signs around our property and refuse the traveling salesman or missionary, it’s our choice.

Топики по теме

  • How Did I Spend Last Summer
  • How Did I Spend My Summer Holidays
  • How I spent my summer holidays
  • Informal letter to the hoster family

Текст Home Sweet Home с переводом.

Home Sweet Home
Родной дом

Imagine living in a sweet little country house called ‘Rose Cottage’ or a huge Tudor-style house called ‘Woodlands’. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Not all British people are lucky enough to live in houses as nice as these, but they do live in a wide range of houses that can be newly-built or up to 500 years old. Представьте жизнь в милом маленьком загородном доме под названием “Розовый Коттедж” или в огромном доме, построенным в стиле 15-го века и называемым “Лесная местность”. Звучит прекрасно, не так ли? Не всем британцам повезло жить в таких замечательных домах, как эти, но они все-таки живут в широком спектре домов, которые могут быть новостройками или достигать 500 лет.
Detached & Semi-detached Houses Отдельно стоящие (одноквартирные) дома & дома с общей стеной (двухквартирные дома)
A lot of British people live in detached or semidetached properties. A detached house is not joined to another. A semi-detached is joined on one side to another house. They are brick houses built in various styles. They are made of either red or brown brick. Some of the houses were built in Victorian times between 1837 and 1901 were large villas. The exteriors are like works of art with steep slate roofs, stained glass panels in doors and windows, iron railings, tall chimney pots and large bay windows. They also had basements and attics. This type of house is often found in the suburbs, on the outskirts of a town or city or in villages. Много британцев живут в отдельно стоящих домах. Отдельно стоящий дом не присоединен к другому. Дом с общей стеной имеет одну общую стену с другим домом. Они являются кирпичными домами в различных стилях. Они строятся либо из красного либо бурого кирпича. Некоторые из домов были построены в Викторианские времена между 1837 и 1901 годом и являются большими виллами. Их фасад, как произведение искусства, с крутыми шиферными крышами, крашеными стеклами в дверях и окнах, железными перилами, высокими колпаками над дымовой трубой и большими стеклянными выступающими окнами. Этот тип домов часто встречается в пригородах, окраинах маленького или большого города или в деревнях.
Terraced house Дома с террасами
Most people who live in or near town centres live in terraced houses. Most terraced houses were built to house people who came to towns and cities to work in the factories and mills during the Industrial Revolution. Rows of houses were built back-to-back and they were joined together to save space. Each row of houses is a terrace and they only have two rooms downstairs and two rooms upstairs. Большинство людей, которые живут в центре или вокруг него, живут в домах с террасами. Большинство домов с террасами были построены, чтобы разместить людей, которые приезжали в малые и большие города для работы на фабриках и мельницах во время Промышленной революции. Ряды домов были построены плотно друг к другу, и они соединялись друг с другом для экономии места. Каждый ряд домов является террасой, и эти дома имеют по две верхних и нижних комнаты.
Flats & Council Houses Квартиры & Муниципальные дома
In inner-city areas, you can often find huge tower blocks of flats most of which were built during the 1950s and 60s. Some of these have been renovated and have recently become popular with wealthy young professionals. Others are council-owned or cheap-to-rent flats that were built after the Second World War to replace houses that had been destroyed or to clear urban slums. Also, in many cities and towns there are large council house estates. Внутри городов вы часто можете найти огромные многоквартирные дома, большинство из которых были построены в 1950-х и 60-х годах. Некоторые из них были отремонтированы и в последнее время стали популярными у богатых молодых профессионалов. Другие находятся под владением муниципалитета или являются дешевыми для съема квартирами, которые были построены после Второй Мировой войны, чтобы заменить разрушенные дома или для расчистки городских трущоб. Также во многих больших и малых городах есть большие муниципальные владения.
Bungalows Бунгало (одноэтажные дома)
A bungalow is a house which is only on one floor with no stairs. It may be joined to another bungalow or it might stand alone. Some of them have an extra room in the loft. These are called dormer bungalows. They are usually found in the suburbs or in villages. Retired or elderly people often live in these houses. Бунгало – это дом, у которого только один этаж без лестничной клетки. Он может быть присоединен к другому бунгало или может стоять отдельно. Некоторые из них имеют дополнительное помещение на чердаке. Они называются бунгало с мансардой. Они обычно встречаются в пригородах и деревнях. Пенсионеры и пожилые люди част живут в таких домах.

Источник: Spotlight, 11 класс

Sweet Home

does not matter what your home is like — a country mansion,
more modest detached
house, a
of flats

even a room
a hos­tel.
it is the place where you once move and start to
furnish and
to your own taste. It becomes your second ‘ego’.

second ‘ego’ is very big and disquieting if you have a house.
There is enough room for everything: a hall,
a kitchen
a dining

a lounge,
couple of bedrooms and storerooms,
a bathroom.
can walk slowly around the house thinking what else you can do to


come to the kitchen: kitchen furniture,
kitchen utensils, a
(fridge) with
a freezer,
cooker with
an oven.
nothing needs to be changed here.

dining room is lovely. A big dining
table with
the centre, a cup­board
sets and
sets. There
is enough place to keep all cutlery

spacious living room is the heart of the house. It is the place where
you can have a chance to see the rest of the family. They come in the
evening to sit around the coffee table in soft armchairs and on the
sofa. A fireplace and houseplants make the living room really cosy.

bedroom is your private area though most bedrooms are alike: a single
or a double bed, a wardrobe, one or two bedside tables and a dressing

look inside the bathroom: a sink, hot and cold taps and a bath.

are quite satisfied with what you have seen, but still doubt disturbs
you: ‘Is there anything to change?’ Yes! The walls of the rooms
should be papered,
in the bathroom and toilet — tiled!
of linoleum
should be a parquet
do it all, but doubt does not leave you. You start moving the
furniture around the bedroom, because the dressing table blocks
out the light.

who live in a one-room
may feel pity for those who live in houses. They do not have such
problems. At the same time they have a lot of privi­leges:
heating, running water,
… nice neighbours
like to play music at midnight. Owners
small flats are happy to have small prob­lems and
love their homes no less than those who live in three-storeyed
pal­aces. Home, sweet home.

the words with their definitions.

house a comfortable room in a house where people sit and relax

house a house which is not joined to another house

lounge a
room where things are stored

refuse-chute the
knives, forks and spoons that you use for
food (AmE silverware)

fireplace a
large open container for water, usually fixed to a wall and connected
to pipes that bring the water and carry it away

cutlery an
object used for controlling how much water comes out from a pipe (AmE

wardrobe a
long narrow pipe that slopes down so that rubbish can slide down it
from place to another.

storeroom a
house which is joined to another house by one
they share

милый дом

не имеет значения , что ваш дом, как
-загородный особняк , более скромный
отдельный или двухквартирный дом ,
квартиру в многоквартирном доме или
дажекомнату в общежитии . Во всяком
случае, это место, где вы когда-то
двигаться и начинать отделку и украсить
его по своему вкусу . Это станет вашим
вторым «я» .

второе «я» очень большой и тревожный
, если у вас есть дом . Существует
достаточно места для всего : холл , кухня
состоловой,гостиной илигостиная ,
несколько спален и кладовые , туалет и
ванная комната. Вы можете идти медленно
вокруг дома мышления , что еще можно
сделать, чтобы его отремонтировать .

приходите в кухне : кухонная мебель ,
посуда,холодильник ( холодильник) с
морозильной камерой , посудомоечная
машина,электрическая или газовая плита
сдуховкой. Наверное, ничего не нужно
менять здесь .

прекрасная . Большой обеденный стол со
стульями в центре,шкаф с чайные сервизы
и столовые сервизы . Там достаточно
места , чтобы сохранить все столовые
приборы дюйма

просторной гостиной является сердцем
дома . Это место, где вы можете
иметьвозможность увидеть остальные
члены семьи . Они приходят вечером сесть
за журнальным столиком в мягких креслах
и на диване. Камином и комнатных растений
делают гостиную действительно уютно .

спальня личные области, хотя большинство
спальни одинаковы :одно-илидвуспальная
кровать, шкаф для одежды, одна или две
прикроватные тумбочки и туалетный
столик .

смотрите в ванной :раковина, горячего
и холодного кранов и ванной.

вполне устраивает то, что вы уже видели,
но все еще беспокоит вас сомнения : ?
Есть ли что-то изменить : «Да ! Стены
комнат должно быть обоями , а в ванной
комнате и туалете — плитка ! Вместо
линолеума должен быть паркетным полом
. Вы делаете все это, но сомнения не
оставит вас . Вы начинаете двигаться
мебель вокруг спальне, потому что
туалетный столик блокирует свет.

кто живет воднокомнатной или двухкомнатной
квартире может чувствовать жалость к
тем, кто живет в домах. Они не имеют таких
проблем. В то же время у них есть много
привилегий : центральное отопление ,
водопровод,мусор и парашют … хорошие
соседи , которые любят играть музыку в
полночь. Владельцы небольших квартир
счастливы иметь небольшие проблемы , и
они любят свои дома не меньше, чем те ,
которые живут в трехэтажных дворцов.
милый дом .

слова с их определениями.

комфортабельный номер в доме, где люди
сидят и расслабиться

дом , дом, который не подключен к другому

комната , где хранятся вещи мусорного
желоба ножи, вилки и ложки, которые вы
используете для пищи (AME серебро)

большую открытую емкость для воды, как
правило, крепится к стене и подключены
к трубам, которые приносят воду и унести

приборы объект, используемый для
управления, сколько воды выходит из
трубы (AME крана)

длинную узкую трубу с уклоном вниз так,
что мусор может соскользнуть с места
на другое.

дома, который соединен с другим домом
на одной из стен, что они разделяют

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Мой дом сочинение на английском языке (my house 3 топика с переводом)

Примеры сочинений с переводом

Тексты разделены по уровням лексики (от простого к сложному), объёму и построению предложений. Образцы могут быть использованы для учащихся разных классов.

My lovely place of living

I would like to give a talk about my native house. My family lives in an own house. It is big and nice. It has three floors. In the ground there are a large living room, a kitchen, a dining room and а bathroom. In the first floor there are four bedrooms for each member of our family and a bathroom. In the second floor there is a library, my father’s study and two guest’s rooms.

My room is light. It has two windows. There is a desk, a chair, a bed, two armchairs, a wardrobe in it. There are also four bookshelves and many different pictures on the walls of my bedroom, because I prefer reading and painting.

In front of the house we have a beautiful garden. There are a lot of trees and flowers. My mum likes to grow plants. There is a small swimming-pool in our yard, but we can use it only when the weather is hot. Also my dad has his own garage.

I love my home very much.

Моё любимое место для жизни

Мне бы хотелось рассказать о своем родном доме. Моя семья живёт в собственном доме. Он большой и симпатичный. И имеет три этажа. На первом этаже находится большая гостиная, кухня, столовая и ванная комната. На втором этаже расположены четыре спальни для каждого члена семьи и ванная. На третьем этаже есть библиотека, кабинет отца и две комнаты для гостей.

 рассказ про дом на английском

Моя комната светлая. В ней два окна. Там есть письменный стол, стул, кровать, два кресла и шкаф. Также на стенах спальни есть четыре книжных полки и много различных картин, потому что я предпочитаю чтение и рисование.

Перед домом у нас есть красивый сад. Там много деревьев и цветов. Моя мама любит выращивать растения. Во дворе находится небольшой плавательный бассейн, но мы можем использовать его, только когда погода жаркая. Еще у моего папы есть собственный гараж.

Я люблю свой дом очень сильно.

An unusual accomodation

Some years ago our school teacher gave us an interesting task. We had to write a project about unusual shapes of houses. At the lesson pupils presented their works. There were many bright pictures of different buildings.

My story was about a tree house. It seemed so simple to make, that I decided to realise my project. I asked my grandpa to help me. We chose an old tree in his backyard. My grandparents live in the country and have a wonderful garden. We were building it from wood for two weeks.

When stairs, a floor, walls and a roof were ready. I didn’t know how to furnished my new accomodation. My dad proposed me to make every piece of furniture from large logs. And I began to work. We did every part of the house by ourselves. It was very hard but really interesting experience.

Now the tree house looks usual outside but inside it’s amazing. It has only one big and light room. There are three windows, one of them is on the roof I can watch the night sky and stars lying on the bed, bookshelves, a wooden table and a chair.

There is a soft carpet on the floor. I needn’t too much. It’s a perfect place for spending summer holidays.

Необычное место обитания

Несколько лет назад наш учитель дала нам интересное задание. Мы должны были написать проект о домах с необычными формами. На уроке ученики представили свои работы. Было много ярких картинок различных зданий.

 my house topic

Моя история была о домике на дереве. Казалось таким простым сделать его, что я решил реализовать мой проект. Я попросил своего дедушку помочь мне. Мы выбрали старое дерево на заднем дворе. Мои бабушка и дедушка живут за городом и у них удивительный сад. Мы строили его из дерева в течение двух недель. Когда лестница, пол, стены и крыша были готовы, я не знал, как обставить моё новое место жительства. Мой папа предложил мне сделать каждую часть мебели из больших брёвен. И я приступил к работе. Мы сделали каждую часть дома сами. Это был очень трудный, но действительно интересный опыт.

Теперь дом на дереве выглядит обычным снаружи, но внутри он удивителен. Там только одна большая и светлая комната. В ней три окна, одно из них расположено на крыше и я могу наблюдать за ночным небом и звёздами, лёжа на кровати, книжные полки, деревянный стол и стул.

На полу лежит мягкий ковёр. Мне не нужно слишком много. Это идеальное место для проведения летних каникул.

Sweet home

There are a lot of different topics to discuss, but one of me favourite is about place where people can live. We live in a flat. It is not big, but I like it. There is a kitchen, two bedrooms (for me and my parents), a small living room and a bathroom. We have all necessary modern conveniences: hot and cold running water, gas, heating, internet connection, electricity, a refuse chute.

Мой дом сочинение

Our kitchen is bright, its walls are blue with pictures of vegetables and fruits. There is a table, four chairs, a fridge, a stove, some cupboards and a basin. My mum is a cook. I adore to help her with cooking meals. In the living room we have a cozy sofa, a coffee table in the middle of the room and a TV set. We usually spend our evenings together playing table games or watching films.

My bedroom is not large, but there is everуthing I need. I like to spend mу free time there. There is a comfortable bed with two soft pillows, a desk with a computer, an armchair and a small bookcase in it. I use a wood commode for my clothes. There is also a window with white curtains.

The building of flats has 7 storeys, that’s why there is a lift. Our apartment is on the 5th storey. The house is situated in the centre of the city. We can get anywhere quickly and without any problems, because there is a bus stop near the house. The district where we live is quiet and green.

May be our accommodation is not perfect, but this is my sweet home.

Милый дом

Существует много различных тем для обсуждения, но одна из моих любимых — это место, где могут жить люди. Мы живём в квартире. Она небольшая, но нравится мне. Есть кухня, две спальни (для меня и моих родителей), маленькая гостиная и ванная комната. У нас есть все современные удобства: горячая и холодная вода, газ, отопление, интернет-соединение, мусоропровод.

 мой дом на английском

Наша кухня очень яркая, её стены голубые с картинками овощей и фруктов. Там есть стол, четыре стула, холодильник, плита, несколько посудных шкафов и раковина. Моя мама — повар. Я обожаю помогать её с приготовлением пищи. В гостиной комнате у нас стоит удобный диван, письменный столик в центре комнаты и телевизор. Мы обычно проводим наши вечера вместе, играем в настольные игры или смотрим фильмы.

Моя спальня небольшая, но в неё есть всё, что мне нужно. Мне нравится проводить своё свободное время там. Комфортная кровать с двумя мягкими подушками, письменный стол с компьютером, кресло и маленький книжный шкаф находятся в ней. Я использую деревянный комод для своих вещей. Также в комнате есть окно с белыми шторами.

В многоквартирном здании 7 этажей, вот почему здесь есть лифт. Наши апартаменты на 5-м этаже. Дом расположен в центре города. Мы можем быстро добраться куда — угодно и без каких-либо проблем, потому что рядом с домом находится автобусная остановка. Район, в котором мы живём, спокойный и зелёный.

Может быть, наше место обитания не идеальное, но это мой милый дом.

Общие вопросы

Письменное сообщение является развёрнутой и полноценной информацией для основных вопросов о жилье. Правильный перевод — основа для успешного ответа. Перед тем как описать собственный дом, уместно ознакомиться с рядом распространённых вопросительных предложений, которые помогут при составлении эссе:

 my house

  1. Where do you live? (Где ты живёшь?)
  2. What does your house look like? (Как выглядит твой дом?)
  3. How many rooms are there in it? (Сколько в нём комнат?)
  4. What do you have inside or outside? (Что есть внутри или снаружи?)
  5. Do you like your accomodation? (Тебе нравится твоё место обитания?)

Нельзя не учитывать распространённые ошибки и недочёты.

My house сочинение

Есть ряд пунктов, на которые стоит обратить внимание при проверке письменного ответа:

  • орфография и пунктуация;
  • правильность структуры предложений;
  • логическая связность текста;
  • грамотность при переводе на русский язык.

При соблюдении простых правил, используя образцы, написать сочинение «Мой дом» очень просто, важно знать соответствующую лексику и перепроверить написанное после окончания.

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