Сочинение на тему школа будущего на английском

If you ask me how I see school of the future, I will use my imagination a lot. I always had many ideas about perfect school of future. Maybe one day I can share my ideas with government and students will have more interesting education. Today unfortunately pupils lost interest to study well, so it’s been high time already to change something.
I think school of future will have more excursions. Yes, it’s important to learn the rules, formula and phrases, but real life is going on outside. How can we know which profession to choose, if I know only few basic things about each profession. So I hope school will pay more attention and will help us to make the right choice.
Studying of foreign language is important, but how can we be motivated. It would be great if school can organize travels abroad for those students who want to succeed in foreign languages. 1-2 weeks in Great Britain or in the USA can motivate me more to speak English than conversations with all my teachers of English.
I would also change mark system. I want to be a brilliant pupil, but I understand languages and history better, than maths or chemistry. Low marks on these subject always make me sad and I want to give up. Besides I have already known that I want to study history in future, but still I spend a lot of time for maths for example. I could spend this time to improve my knowledge in history.
School of future could give us possibility to choose subjects, teachers and time to study. I am a late person and I prefer to go to school in the afternoon. Also it would be nice to have possibility to choose a teacher. All teachers are good, but sometime we can have problems and teacher can give attitude.
In general I understand that all these ideas look strange, but I think they could improve our knowledge and motivate us more.

Школа будущего

Если вы спросите меня, какой я вижу школу будущего, мне придётся подключить своё воображение. У меня всегда есть много идеи, чтобы наша школа стала лучше. Может, однажды я поделюсь своими соображениями с государством и образование для учащихся станет более увлекательным. К сожалению, сегодня ученики абсолютно теряют интерес и плохо учатся, поэтому, сейчас самое время что-то менять.
Я думаю, школа будущего должна проводить больше образовательных экскурсий. Конечно, важно выучить правила и разные фразы, формулы, но реальная жизнь проходит мимо нас. Как мы можем выбрать свою профессию, если знаем совсем немного о той или иной специальности. Я надеюсь, школа обратит на это внимание и поможет нам сделать правильный выбор.
Изучение иностранных языков важно сегодня, но как нам себя правильно мотивировать. Было бы здорово, если бы школа организовывала поездки за границу для тех учащихся, кто хотел бы преуспеть в иностранных языках. 1-2 недели пребывания в Великобритании или США могут мотивировать меня куда больше, чем беседы со всеми моими учителями английского.
Я бы также изменила систему отметок. Я хочу быть отличницей, но понимаю историю и языки гораздо лучше, чем математику и химию. Низкие отметки по этим предметам огорчают меня и мне хочется сдаться. Кроме того, я уже знаю, что в будущем хочу изучать историю, но все же должна тратить много времени на математику, скажем. Я бы могла подтянуть знания по истории.
Школа будущего даст нам возможность выбирать предметы, учителей и время обучения. Я – сова и предпочла бы ходить в школу после обеда. Также было бы здорово иметь выбор учителя. Все учителя, конечно, хороши, но порой у нас возникают проблемы с ними и учителя начинают мстить.
Вообще я понимаю, что все эти идеи выглядят немного странно, но так мы могли бы подтянуться в учебе и получить правильную мотивацию.


Technology is flourishing every day. With new technological discoveries, our lives are changing for the better at a rapid pace. Every walk of life is being influenced by these advancements in technology. Schooling and conventional education are also under the heavy influence of these changes. More and more students and teachers are adapting to the internet-based online education system. Now people have started wondering about the future of the education world. In this essay, we will discuss how schools will look and perform in the future.

School In The Future Essay – 700 Word Long Essay


I believe schools of the future will be very different from the current ones mainly due to modernization. Technology is bound to be a  major contributor to the development of ideas about future schools. With the introduction of various technologies applicable in learning processes, the education world is expected to go digital. This means most learning activities will be carried out digitally. We can also expect a total shift from the current classroom setup which has been in existence for more than six decades.

The educational system in the future will likely change the relationship between teachers and students. Conventional classroom setup that works on strict school curriculum-based learning for all students will surely change. Every student and teacher having an internet-connected computer will be able to connect from anywhere in the world. Besides, it will be possible for students to use the internet to find information according to their area of concern. This will also help all students to converse with experts in certain subjects while being away from the classroom setup.

The modern educational system will enable every learner to get an education wherever they are. This means that no student will have to travel long distances to learn. They will also save time by not waiting for school buses, teachers, and other school preparations. It will also cut costs by a fair margin. In the future learners will not have to spend on hard copies, hard books, pens, colors, and any other thing except tuition expenses. They will only require multimedia computers with the internet to learn and explore the world.

With the advancement of video editing machines, virtual reality is developing more rapidly than ever before. It seems like virtual 3d modeling will soon help students see their teacher standing in front of them while sitting in their homes. This will enable students to observe the teacher, make eye contact with the teacher, and even observe their body gestures while learning. Virtual 3d modeling will eliminate all problems with online education that we have right now. Doing this will also help schoolboys develop better social skills, emotional skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

Soon teachers will act mostly as a facilitator instead of knowledge keepers. Students will have access to information from various sources. This will significantly reduce the over-reliance on teachers. Problem-solving skills, emotional skills, and conventional group discussions would also change in the future. With enormous information available on the internet students will no longer have to completely rely on their instructors. Students would be connected around the world and will be free to ask questions and get help in real-time. Students will also have the facility to discuss subject matters with both local and global experts. Thus the future structure of schools will help solve all sorts of problems.

In the future, both private and public schools will be equipped with effective research tools for all age groups. Online services will put an end to conventional school days and one portable computer is all that will be required to get lessons from colleges and the university. School in the future will increase collaboration between various institutions. The availability of advanced technology will facilitate real-time connection of various institutions, sharing of ideas and information hence close relationships and working together.

In conclusion, online education is transforming the education system for the better. Internet-based education along with virtual 3d-modeling will allow each student to not only hear but see their instructors individually. However, more rapid innovation is needed to turn this dream into a reality.

The School Of The Future Essay – 300 Word Short Custom Essay About Future Schools


Modernization and technological advancements have taken the whole world by storm. The last decade has been a period of great inventions and innovations. Based on how the world is progressing the education system is also adapting and rapidly moving towards advancements. We can now assume how the future of education is going to be in the near future. In this essay, we will make assumptions and discuss how schools in the future are going to function.

The future school structure will promote in-expensive learning while saving lots of time. Students will be able to attend classes wherever they are. They will no longer have to travel long distances to reach the school and then reach their home. this means that parents and children will have more time to spend together. Education will become cheap because items such as pens, hard books, and school bags will be eliminated from online classes. The digital era has witnessed the introduction of advanced equipment such as portable personal computers, tablets, and smartphones. These devices have a large memory to store information and all kinds of data. Therefore, they will act as the best alternatives to carrying heavy loads of books for every subject.

School of the future will increase creativity in students. Students will be able to develop ideas and seek quick assistance from the global community. The development in technology will enable every student to quickly adapt to the changing creativity trends.

School of the future will also promote student equality. Students from all institutions will have equal opportunities to learn from the best teachers from all around the world. They will be able to acquire skills and knowledge just like students from advanced countries. On the other hand, educators will have an easy time teaching students. Once a teacher will deliver a lecture it will also be recorded and the teacher will never have to repeat the same things.

In conclusion, a much-needed change in the education system will surely take over the traditional education system. Everyone should welcome these changes and adapt to these technological advancements to transform the learning experience.

FAQ About Dogs Are Better Than Cats Essay

What Will Schools Look Like In 2050?

In 2050 everyone will shift to online internet-based learning. Teachers and students will connect using portable computers and the learning experience will become better and cheaper.

How To Describe In Your Own Words The School Of The Future?

Educational facilities of the future will be easily accessible. Everyone will have an equal opportunity to learn and explore whenever and wherever they are.

Schools in future will have good equipment such as computers, tablets for students. There will be interactive boards in every class for students and teachers to be able to show presentations, videos. I think learning program will be changed completely and will become much more interesting and effective. Students from high school will be able to choose subjects they need for their profession. Maybe we will have our classes outside in summer or spring when it is warm. I hope learning will become childrens favourite exercise.В школах будущего будет хорошее оборудование вроде компьютеров, планшетов для учеников. Будут интерактивные доски,чтобы учителя и ученики могли представлять презентации и показывать видео. Я думаю, что учебная программа полностью изменится и станет намного интереснее и эффективнее. Ученики старшей школы смогут выбирать какие предметы изучать для их будущей профессии. возможно, наши уроки будут проходить на улице в хорошую летнюю или весеннюю погоду. Надеюсь, что учёба станет любимым занятием детей.

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Классная комната с партами

Школа моей мечты

I am Sophia Kuzinkova from Stary Oskol. I study at school in the 7th form. My school is OK but sometimes I find it is a bit boring and tiring because of lots of homework. Я Софья Кузинкова из Старого Оскола. Я учусь в седьмом классе. Моя школа хорошая, но иногда она мне кажется немного скучной и утомительной из-за большого количества домашнего задания.
So I would like to make some changes. If I were a principal of the school I would cancel homework — I think it is wasting time! Then, I would make the breaks between lessons longer. Next, I would also improve the menu in school canteen — most of food is absolutely disgusting. I think students need more salads, fruit, and vegetables. Поэтому мне хотелось бы изменить кое-что. Если бы я была директором школы, я бы отменила домашние задания — я думаю, что это напрасная трата времени. Затем, я бы сделала длиннее перемены между уроками. Я бы также улучшила меню в школьной столовой — большая часть еды просто отвратительная. Думаю, школьникам нужно больше салатов, овощей, и фруктов.
The next step is holidays. Summer holidays are long enough but I would make autumn, winter and spring holidays longer to let pupils to spend more time out or to travel. Следующий шаг — школьные каникулы. Летние каникулы достаточно длинные, но я бы удлинила осенние, зимние и весенние каникулы, чтобы позволить школьникам проводить больше времени вне дома или путешествуя.
My favourite school subject is Biology so in my ideal school I would like to have the subject every day. It is a good idea to have more practice and different researches or projects. Мой любимый предмет в школе — биология, поэтому в моей идеальной школе я бы хотела иметь этот предмет каждый день. Хорошо было бы иметь больше практических занятий, разных исследований или проектов.
Sports, Music, Arts and Crafts should be main subjects and the teachers have to be friendly, happy and experienced. So they have to be well paid! Спортивные, и музыкальные занятия, изобразительное искусство следует сделать основными предметами и преподаватели должны быть дружелюбными, веселыми и опытными. Следовательно, их работа должна хорошо оплачиваться.
In the school of my dream I would also include more excursions and school trips in the schedule. I think it is very important to travel with classmates and to share impressions. В расписание школы моей мечты я бы включила больше экскурсий и путешествий. Я думаю очень важно путешествовать со своими одноклассниками и делиться впечатлениями.
This is the idea of the school of my dream. Вот идея школы моей мечты.

Моя идеальная школа

The school I would like would have a swimming pool. В школе, которая бы мне понравилась, был бы плавательный бассейн.
I’d have one for the first and second years and also for the third and fourth years. The playgrounds would be separate, one for the young children and the other for the senior forms. A wall would be separating them and there would be a door from one playground to the other. Я бы занимался там в первый и второй годы обучения, а также в третьем и четвертом классах. Площадки были бы отдельными: одна — для младших школьников, а другая — для старшеклассников. Их бы разделяла стена с дверью.
The classrooms would have carpets instead of lino. The desks would be painted and the chairs would have cushions. The chairs would also be painted. В классных комнатах вместо линолеума лежали бы ковры. Парты были бы разукрашены, а на стульях были бы подушки. Стулья тоже были бы разукрашенными.
There would be a computer for every table in the classroom. There would be at least 12 videos for each classroom. The hall would be very big, about 40 metres long and 30 metres wide. На каждом столе был бы компьютер. В каждой классной комнате было бы, по меньшей мере, двенадцать видеомагнитофонов. Коридор был бы очень большой: около 40 м в длину и 30 м в ширину.
The lessons would be interesting. There would be lots of French and German and English. Уроки были бы интересными. Проводилось бы много уроков французского, немецкого и английского.
There would be four floors at the school. There would be a lift to take us up. The staffroom would be much bigger than the one we have now. Школа была бы четырехэтажной. В ней был бы лифт, чтобы подниматься вверх. Учительская была бы намного больше, чем сейчас.
It would be light and cosy. There would also be a big library. There would be a lot of instruments: flutes, guitars, drums, etc. Она была бы светлой и уютной. В школе была бы большая библиотека, много музыкальных инструментов: флейты, гитары, барабаны и т. д.
The school meals would have different food every day. There would be lots of visits to concerts and parks. Питание в школе было бы разнообразным. Организовывались бы посещения концертов, парков.
The tests would be easier for children. Контрольные были бы легче.

Источник: https://iloveenglish.ru/topics/shkola/moya-idealnaya-shkola

Источник: https://iloveenglish.ru/topics/shkola/shkola_moej_mechti

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На английском языке

School of the future
My name is Ann. I’m thirteen years old. I’m a pupil of a state secondary school. At the moment I’m studying in the 7th form. In a few years I’ll finish the school and I’m planning to enter a university. I wonder what the school of the future will be like. I think it will change a lot for the better. For example, at the moment my school is situated in quite an old building, but our principal says that in the nearest future some renovations will take place. So I believe that in two or three years the school will look much better and newer. Another thing I would change in my school is the size of the rooms. Our group consists of twenty-eight pupils and some classrooms are so small that there is hardly enough space for all of us. So I’d like the classrooms to be larger and lighter. We have recently started learning computer science and there is a new well-equipped classroom for this subject. We love attending computer lessons, but sometimes there aren’t enough computers for everyone. Besides they are quite big and occupy lots of space in the room. I’m sure that in the future everybody will have a personal computer and the school will buy more modern technology for its pupils. We also enjoy PE (Physical Education) but I’d like those lessons to become more interesting. We only play in the schoolyard and do some exercises. I think that swimming lessons in summer and skiing in winter would be a good idea. I hope that some changes will take place before I finish school.

Перевод на русский язык

Школа будущего
Меня зовут Анна. Мне 13 лет. Я ученица средней общеобразовательной школы. На данный момент я учусь в 7-м классе. Через несколько дет я окончу школу, и планирую поступить в университет. Мне интересно, какой станет школа в будущем. Я думаю, она очень изменится в лучшую сторону. Например, сейчас моя школа расположена в довольно старом здании, но наш директор говорит, что в скором будущем проведут ремонтные работы. Поэтому я верю, что через два или три года школа будет выглядеть гораздо лучше и новее. Ещё, я бы поменяла размер комнат в школе. Наша группа состоит из 28 учеников, и некоторые классы такие маленькие, что нам едва хватает всем места. Поэтому, я бы хотела, чтобы классные комнаты были больше и светлее. Недавно мы начали изучать информатику, и появился новый хорошо-оборудованный класс для этого предмета. Мы любим ходить на уроки информатики, но иногда компьютеров не хватает для всех. Более того, они довольно большие и занимают много места в комнате. Я уверена, что в будущем у каждого будет свой персональный компьютер и школа купит более современное оборудование для своих учеников. Нам также нравится физкультура, но я хотела бы, чтобы эти уроки стали более интересными. Мы только играем в школьном дворе и делаем некоторые упражнения. Я думаю, что уроки плавания летом, и катание на лыжах зимой были бы хорошей идеей. Я надеюсь, что некоторые перемены произойдут до того, как я окончу школу

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