Сочинение на тему выживание на английском

Survival — Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

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  1. 📘 Free essay examples for your ideas about Survival
  2. 📚 Essay topics examples and ideas on Survival

    • 🏆 Best Essay Topics on Survival
    • ⚡ Simple & Survival Easy Topics
    • 🎓 Good Research Topics about Survival
  3. ❓ Questions and Answers
  1. 1

    How to Survive a Wildfire?

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    Wildfires kill lots of people every year. It also spreads quickly and is hard to contain immediately. Wildfires not only kill and spread quickly but also the people who survive will not have a shelter or anything else. However, there are a lot of ways to survive wildfires. You will need to prepare for wildfires. Some examples you can do to prepare when wildfires when they occur, include making an emergency pack, knowing what to do when evaluating and your…

    FireNatural DisasterSurvival

  2. 2

    Survival Theme in A Lesson Before Dying

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    What happens when people are forced to survive on their own while also seeing others live in wealth? Ernest J. Gaines wrote the novel “A Lesson Before Dying” in 1930 with the goal of showing the general population the subtleties of residual racism in the nineteenth century. His main outlet for showing how America has not been kind to the African American population was Jefferson, a man who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was falsely…

    RacismSurvivalThomas Jefferson

  3. 3

    Survival Through Suffering

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    A discussion of how the main characters from ‘Crime and Punishment’ and ‘One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich’ cope differently with each of their own sufferings.Survival Through Suffering How the main characters from ‘Crime and Punishment’ and ‘One Day in the Life of I van Denisovich’ cope differently to each of their own sufferings. Survival trough suffering is a general theme running through the novels. Different forms of survival occur because in different scenarios. In One Day in…


  4. 4

    Pressures Threaten The Survival Of Mountain Gorillas Environmental Sciences Essay

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    Tropical moist woods cover about ( 10-15 % ) of the Earth ‘s surface country, and contain about ( 50-90 % ) of the universe ‘s zoology and vegetation species ( Struhsaker, 1987 ; Grove, 1997 ) . Of the staying tropical moist woods in Uganda, merely about ( 4 % ) is lawfully protected from marauding development ( Lanly, 1982 ; Myers, 1984 ) . Tropical moist woods likely covered more than ( 6 % ) of Uganda ‘s…

    BiodiversityData AnalysisEcologyEnvironmentExtinctionScience

  5. 5

    How to Make a Survival Bracelet: Parachute Cord?

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    Did you know that a bracelet can save your life? You can make a survival bracelet that can be used in an emergency situation. The survivor bracelet is made out of parachute cord (also paracord or 550 cord), originally used for parachutes during World War II. Paracord is a light weight nylon rope. The inner strands of the cord can be removed to be used as sewing threads, fishing line, trip wire or laces. In an emergency such as a…


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    An account of survival on Titanic

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    In act 5, Scene 1 of William Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ the Prince says «Some shall be pardon’d and some shall be punished.» If you agree with the Prince, what do you think should happen to; (a) the Nurse; (b) Benvolio; (c) the Friar; and (d) the Parents. In the play ‘Romeo and Juliet’, written by William Shakespeare in 1594-1596, the Prince of Verona condemns all who were involved in the plot of the two dead lovers. I will decide…


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    Ecosystem Survival

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    The analogy is based on the provocative ecosystem model calling attention on the basic condition of natural recycling systems or round put systems. In ecosystems, waste equals food, and the energy is cascaded along the food chain while the only input to the system is the solar energy from the sun. The basic philosophy in the approach is then to enhance the emergence of system that relies on co-operation between the actors involved, in that they use each other’s waste…

    EcologyEcosystemEvolutionNatureRenewable EnergySurvival

  8. 8

    Survival Of The Fittest Philosophy

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    In the current essay we will review the survival of the fitters, different issues and theories connected with it. Survival of the Fittest – is the aphorism, introduced by Herbert Spencer and Darwin said in “Origin of Species” (1859) as the main factor of the theory of natural selection. This theory states: (A) reproduction in any species implies a certain degree of natural variations in results; (B) Any change that increases the survival ability of some members of the species…

    Charles DarwinEvolutionNatural SelectionPhilosophySurvival

  9. 9

    Business Survival in a Recession

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    The key to business survival in recession is leadership” To what extent do you agree with this view? There are many different ways in which a business can use techniques to survive in a recession and here leadership is the key focus. To explain fully I will be focusing upon such ideas as the type of leadership management used, motivational effects where a business motivates the demoting factors such as ‘cuts’, for example sack employees to reduce costs that may…


  10. 10

    Cafe Latte

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    The business was formed as a limited partnership between three siblings and a friend, Cynthia, Stuart, and Rob Chan, along with Jeff Burns, respectively. The Chans are somewhat knowledgeable about running a business since their parents have operated a restaurant for years, and Stuart Chan continues to manage the restaurant. The three siblings are the principals in the business, while Jeff Burns is primarily a partner for financial purposes only. Cynthia, having the most free time, has spent the most…

    BusinessConflict ResolutionHumanManagementMediationSurvival

  11. 11

    Survival of Tsarist Rule vs New Political Ideologies

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    How far were divisions among its opponents responsible for the survival of Tsarist rule in the years 1881 — 1905 Internal and external divisions amongst opposing political groups of the Tsar were important and somewhat responsible to the survival of Tsarist Russia. However, other factors such as religion and repression were also effective in keeping the Tsar in a state of power. On the one hand, one of the main reasons why divisions among its opponents were responsible for the…


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    Survival in Auschwitz

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    Primo Levi was arrested and brought to Auschwitz along with six hundred and fifty other people.  Only one hundred and fifty people were allowed into the prison camp of Auschwitz, however.  The remaining five hundred and fifteen people were immediately killed in gas chambers.  Levi happened to be one of the survivors.  All the same, the kind of survival experienced by most people in Auschwitz, as described in Levi’s autobiographical book, Survival in Auschwitz, merely consisted of breathing, eating, and…

    BrainFree EssaysPsychologySurvival

  13. 13

    The Survival of Non Alcoholic Beverages in Malaysia

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    Introduction The largest consumer markets in the world today are the Muslims. Whereby, Muslims count for an estimate of 1. 6 billion of the world population (Central Intelligence Agency, 2008 as cited in Zakaria and Abdul-Talib, 2010) which gives rise to the market for Halal goods and services. Today the Halal goods and services exported globally is worth US$2. 1 trillion (Central Intelligence Agency, 2008 as cited in Zakaria and Abdul-Talib, 2010). Furthermore, the increase in the population of Asia…


  14. 14

    Richard Parkers Attributions to Pi’s Survival

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    Life of Pi is an intriguing story about a young indian boy named Pi, who embarks on an incredible journey across the Pacific ocean from India to Canada on a lifeboat. On his adventure, Pi is forced to confront and overcome the most daunting of obstacles and face some of the toughest survival tasks, all while accompanied by a 450 pound bengal tiger. His perspective of the tiger changes over the course of the book, and they become emotionally attached…

    Cast AwayLife of PiSurvival

  15. 15

    Summer Assignment: Survival of the Sickest

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    Introduction (1)What is the “big” question the book will attempt to answer? «Why would evolution allow seemingly harmful genetics t be passed through the gene pool?» Chapter I (2)The author points out many ways in which iron impacts life. Identify/describe at least five. 1. Hemoglobin to carry oxygen 2. oceans «seeded» with iron can hold more oxygen producing organisms. 3. Parasites feed on human iron. 4. Cancer cells thrive on human iron 5. High levels of iron can counter-act the…


  16. 16

    Desert Survival Situation

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    The desert survival scenario taught me how to think rationally and demonstrate effective interpersonal skills. There is a certain time when we need to act as a group to achieve a goal, maybe to survive. The SDI and the desert survival scenario were intertwined especially during discussions. In a group. In SDI, we have four colors red, hub, blue and greed and each represent behaviors. Red characteristic behaviors tend to be competitive, forceful risk taker and self confident, Blues trust,…


  17. 17

    Cannibalism: Crime or Survival?

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    Cannibalism has gone through stages of acceptance to morally corrupt and unspeakable. When faced in a dire situation, such as isolation and deterioration of the mind and body, cannibalism becomes an option of survival. When people confess of their actions, is it fair for us to judge? What would a person do in that situation, and can one honestly punish another for survival of the fittest? Cannibalism dates back as far as the earliest signs of human life. By definition,…


  18. 18

    How to Survival Middle School?

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    Graduating elementary school is an exciting mile stone, but then comes middle school. Middle school is a very tough place for most people. Hormones start to kick in and work load gets amplified. Drama takes over the school and learning how to balance it all is a skill. With these new emotions its difficult to balance both friends, relationships, and school work. There are a lot of new challenges a student has to take on, but with a few key…


  19. 19

    Book Review on Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement

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    Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement by Kevin M. Gilmartin, Ph. D. is a book that seeks to inform and instruct those seeking to be in law enforcement, law enforcement professionals and their families of the realities of a career in law enforcement- professionally and personally. And how to best prepare for emotional survival of “on-duty and off-duty” life. It also compares and contrasts what happens to officers at the beginning of this journey and what typical happens to officers overtime;…

    Book ReviewHuman NatureLawPsychologySurvival

  20. 20

    Analysis of Human Behavior in Survival of the Prettiest

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    Nancy Etcoff, the author of the “Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty,” sought to acknowledge how aesthetics influence human behavior. As a psychologist, engaging in continuing education in the field, particularly in areas concerning beauty and aesthetics and its relations to the workings of the mind, and in the application of psychology through teaching in Harvard (“Nancy Etcoff,” N. D. & “Nancy Etcoff,” 2009), Etcoff has gained a wide perspective on how beauty compels and guides human behavior.…


  21. 21

    Survival Through Harship – The Hunger Games

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    One motivating idea in ‘The Appetite Games’ by Suzanne Collins is survival through difficulty. In the unique, this concept is shown when Katniss endures the Cravings Games. It is inspiring since we discover that, even though there may be obstacles in our method, if we overcome hardships greatness can follow. The idea of enduring through difficulty is revealed throughout Katniss’ life in the novel. She resides in the Seam, the poorest location of her district and given that her dad…


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66 месяцев назад

Have you ever thought what it would be like to survive one week living in the jungle? A wild tiger is not the only one danger. You could also die from a mosquito, dirty water or a poisonous plant. Weather in a jungle is not pleasant. You need to bring some things that will help you to survive. You might need a kind of a head-net for protection from mosquitoes, book about plants and animals, a water filter or a plastic bag, container to store water, some clothes and of course, matches or a lighter. Please remember following rules: don’t eat any mushrooms, plants with seeds, thorns, white or yellow berries. Also, you must avoid brightly colored insects and uncommon fruits. Hope you won’t die!

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Чудесное спасение/ Miraculous Escape с переводом на русский язык.

Miraculous Escape Чудесное спасение
Many amazing events happen in the world of every day. Often people somehow survive in air crashes and escape from imprisoned buildings. Dolphins push divers from depths to the surface, and dogs find lost people in the mountains and warm them by their warmth. Such stories always impress me. I don’t know how many of them are really truthfully, but I would like to believe that miracles really do exist. В мире ежедневно происходит множество удивительных событий. Часто люди невероятным образом выживают в авиакатастрофах и спасаются из погребенных под завалами зданий. Из морских глубин дельфины выталкивают ныряльщиков на поверхность, а собаки находят потерявшихся в горах и согревают их своим теплом. На меня такие истории всегда производят сильное впечатление. Не знаю, сколько из них действительно правдиво, но хотелось бы верить в то, что чудеса на самом деле существуют.
Most of all I remember the story about the amazing rescue of a geologist Douglas Mawson in the ice of Antarctic Continent. My father told me about that person in my childhood. In the winter of the 1912, a small squad of polar explorers went to the research expedition to the far coast of Antarctica. There were only 3 persons in the group: Mawson, Ninnis and Mertz. On the way back, when there were only 500 km remained before the base, Ninnis with the sledge, food and the tent fell into a deep crevice and died. Mawson and Mertz had to continue their trip together practically not having supplies of food. To survive, the explorers ate meat of sick dogs which traveled with them. That food became deathful for Mertz, and after a while he died. Having buried his friend, Mawson continued his way alone. By that time, he suffered from abdominal pain, got serious frostbitten hands, legs and face, but despite everything, went ahead. When Mawson was already close to reach the base, he fell into a crevasse in the ice. By some miracle, the geologist managed to find way out to the surface. After a few days, being ill and exhausted, he still could return to his camp. Больше всего мне запомнился рассказ об удивительном спасении геолога Дугласа Моусона во льдах Антарктиды. Про этого человека еще в детстве рассказывал мне мой отец. Зимой 1912 года небольшой отряд полярников отправился в исследовательскую экспедицию к дальнему побережью Антарктиды. В группе было всего 3 человека: Моусон, Ниннис и Мерц. На обратном пути, когда до базы оставалось 500 км, Ниннис вместе с санями, провизией и палаткой провалился в глубокую расщелину и погиб. Моусону и Мерцу пришлось продолжить свой путь вдвоем, не имея практически никаких запасов еды. Чтобы выжить, полярники ели мясо путешествовавших с ними больных собак. Такая пища оказалась смертельной для Мерца, и через некоторое время он скончался. Похоронив друга, Моусон продолжил свой путь в одиночестве. К тому времени он сильно страдал от болей в животе, получил серьезное обморожение рук, ног и лица, но, несмотря ни на что, шел вперед. Когда Моусон уже был близок к тому, чтобы дойти до базы, он провалился в трещину на льду. Чудом геологу удалось выбраться на поверхность. Через несколько дней он, больной и измученный, все-таки смог вернуться в свой лагерь.
It seems to me that this story is an example of a truly miraculous salvation, which in many respects was not so much due to coincidence, but thanks to courage, endurance and fortitude of Douglas Mawson. This story shows how many troubles and hardships a person can endure to save the most precious thing he has, which is his life! Мне кажется, что эта история — пример действительно чудесного спасения, которое во многом произошло не столько благодаря удачному стечению обстоятельств, сколько мужеству, выносливости и силе духа Дугласа Моусона. Этот рассказ показывает, сколько бед и лишений может перенести человек ради того, чтобы сохранить самое ценное, что у него есть — свою жизнь!


The inventive method makes it possible to reduce the time of recovering of people working in extreme conditions.

A number of species can survive and even flourish in extreme conditions.

The radio is designed to operate in extreme conditions.He conducted extensive research on the physiological changes in animals and humans in extreme conditions.Temporary typists have also had to work at times in extreme conditions, such as the corridors or in shifts.Owing to the wide variety of extreme environments, deep-sea ecosystems provide examples of molecular adaptation to extreme conditions, all of which may help understand the selective processes that allow evolution and persistence of life forms in extreme conditions.The inequality and plurality which are reflected in extreme conditions among the indigenous peoples are considered to be unresolved key national problems that will have an impact on the definition of the model of national development in the economic and political spheres.

Текст An Amazing Rescue с переводом.

An Amazing Rescue
Удивительное спасение

On that windy autumn day, Greg Gibson, a member of the helicopter rescue unit with the US coastguard, had just started his shift. He was drinking a steaming hot cup of coffee when a distress call came in. В тот ветреный осенний день Грег Гибсон, член спасательной вертолетной команды береговой охраны США, только что заступил на свою смену. Он пил дымящуюся горячую чашку кофе, когда поступил звонок о бедствии.
A freighter with a crew of 26 onboard had run aground in the Bering Sea. Two helicopters including Greg’s and a coastguard boat started a rescue operation to save the crew of the sinking ship. The sea was rough and strong gusts of wind rocked the helicopters, but despite the terrible weather, the rescue mission was going like clockwork and 18 people were quickly airlifted to safety. The helicopters refuelled and went back to pick up the final crew members, but just as the second chopper was ready to return something awful happened. Грузовое судно с командой в 26 человек на борту село на мель в Беринговом Море. Два вертолета, включая вертолет Грега, и лодка береговой охраны начали спасательную операцию, чтобы спасти команду тонущего корабля. Море было неспокойным и сильные порывы ветра раскачивали вертолет, но несмотря на ужасную погоду спасательная команда работала, как часы, и 18 человек были быстро доставлены по воздуху в безопасное место. Вертолеты пополнили запасы топлива и отправились обратно, чтобы забрать остальных членов команды, но ровно тогда, когда второй вертолет был готов вернуться, случилось кое-что ужасное.
A gigantic wave hit the ship and sent a huge wall of water up into the air. Greg and the other rescue workers watched in horror as it swallowed the helicopter and sent it crashing into the sea. Greg leapt into action instantly. “Quick! Let’s get them out of here!”, he yelled. Hovering 150 feet above the water, Greg lowered the rescue basket with such accuracy that he was able to collect the survivors from the stormy sea without wasting a single second. Гигантская волна ударила о корабль и подняла в воздух огромную огромную водяную стену. Грег и другие спасатели в ужасе смотрели, как она поглотила вертолет и обрушила его в море. Грег инстинктивно приступил к действию. “Быстро! Давайте вытащим их оттуда!” – крикнул он. Паря на высоте 150 метров над водой, Грег опустил спасательную люльку так точно, что смог забрать пострадавших из бушующей воды, не потратив напрасно ни единой секунды.
After an exhausting few hours, everyone was safe and sound and recovering in hospital. “I’m glad that’s over,” Greg said and he and his crew were relieved that they were all back on dry land and their friends and co-workers were alive. A few months later, Greg was awarded a gold medal in recognition of his skilful and brave performance under pressure. Через несколько изнуряющих часов все были живы и здоровы, поправляясь в больнице. “Я рад, что это закончилось”, – сказал Грег, и он со своей командой почувствовали облегчение от того, что все вернулись на сушу, и что его друзья и коллеги были живы. Спустя несколько месяцев, Грега наградили золотой медалью в качестве признания его мастерского и храброго поступка в экстремальных условиях.

Источник: Spotlight, 11 класс


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Нужно написать сочинение на тему выживание в джунглях и чтобы там были наречия: can,can’t,must и т.д. нужно срочно!!!

Назар Арумов

Вопрос задан 1 августа 2019 в

1 — 4 классы,  

Английский язык.

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    İn the summer I was in the Thailand.And we live on the island.In the iland was a jungle.We ate a fruit.

    -Can you get a cocounut on tree?

    No,i can’t

    -Johny you musn’t climb up on the tree is very dangerous.But you must

    play a ball.-ask a mum


    Пётр Бильдушкинов

    Отвечено 1 августа 2019

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