Сочинение наруто на тему

  • Сочинения
  • Свободная тема
  • Наруто мой любимый мультфильм

Сочинение Наруто мой любимый мультфильм

Несмотря на то, что все в мире уже привыкли к Наруто, считают его чем-то примитивным и типичным, всем известным аниме для детей, на котором выросли и помешаны многие не только дети, но и подростки и даже более взрослые люди, я всё равно считаю Наруто очень важным и глубоким мультфильмом, в котором раскрываются важные жизненные темы, кроме битв и несерьёзных и смешных кривляний.

Говорить про Наруто не удивительно, так как все и так уже знают, что это непоседливый и целеустремлённый мальчишка, который вечно ввязывается в разные неприятности и совершает подвиги, если так можно сказать. Но у меня есть кое-что получше. Когда я начала смотреть это аниме, то сразу поняла, что Наруто — классика. Классика, но глубокая и важная. Взять только начало, где все в окружении насмехаются над Наруто, говорят ему, что он занимается ерундой, пытаются убить его мечту и жизненную цель — стать Хокаге.

Особенность главного героя в его силе духа, в его в глубине души сильной личности, которая не боится выглядеть глупо, не боится делать рискованные поступки и поступки, которые приведут его к цели. Разве этот с первого взгляда глупый мальчик не может стать примером для детей и не только, которые боятся людей, себя, всего мира, боятся рисковать, защищать близких, быть смелым и мужественным. Вспоминаю интересную ситуацию, которая тогда очень вдохновила меня и дала мне определенные осознания, когда Наруто убедил маленького Инари в том, что он сильный, но просто боится признать это и раскрыть свою силу.

Разве стоит недооценивать его? Я считаю, что Наруто — мультфильм для людей всех возрастов, потому что учит их всегда защищать то, что им дорого: цели, близких, точку зрения. За кучей несерьёзных вещей, которые часто могут рассмешить зрителя, кроется что-то более глубокое, и я не раз замечала такие вещи при просмотре.

Кроме всего этого, присутствует также множество трогательных моментов, моментов дружбы, любви, ненависти. Все они дают нам много поводов для размышлений, вдохновения, переосмысления своих ценностей, мировоззрения. Мы можем выносить для себя определенные смыслы, и для меня ценность Наруто именно в этом. Без сомнений, этот персонаж достоин того, чтобы быть кумиром для детей и взрослых, так  как в нём хранится немало духовной силы, которая может придать сил тем, кто сдался, боится или разочарован.

Наруто учил не сдаваться, и в этой фразе много смысла. Это аниме —  не просто развлекательный мультик для детей, но и целая философская энциклопедия зла и добра, жизни и смерти.

Также читают:

Картинка к сочинению Наруто мой любимый мультфильм

Наруто мой любимый мультфильм

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Сочинение на тему Понимание роли Узумаки Наруто и его влияния

  • Опубликовано:

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Мое вдохновение

Два месяца назад на уроке английского меня попросили написать о вымышленном персонаже, который вдохновил меня. Я сразу подумал о Наруто, моем любимом персонаже всех времен.

Узумаки Наруто – главный герой популярной манги, аниме Наруто и Наруто Шиппуден. Будучи сиротой в возрасте 12 лет и не имеющей родственников, взрослые из деревни избегают Наруто из-за инцидента, произошедшего 12 лет назад. Во время рождения Наруто, Девятихвостый Лис Демона напал на его деревню, и отец Наруто, который в то время был главой деревни, решил запечатать демона внутри Наруто, пожертвовав его жизнью и матерью Наруто. Запечатывание Лисы Демонов в вашем новорожденном ребенке не очень хорошее воспитание, но намерение Четвертого Хокаге состояло в том, чтобы Наруто запомнился как сосуд, в котором находится Лиса Демонов, которая почти уничтожает Деревню.

К сожалению, для Наруто, даже без ведома Лисы Демонов внутри него, жители деревни обвиняли его в своих потерях. Взрослые жители деревни относились к нему как к постороннему, как к самой Лисе Демона. В результате он вырос один без социального взаимодействия. Он часто плакал, но продолжал говорить себе, что ничего не будет достигнуто плачем. В конце концов он стал шутником, чтобы прикрыть свою глубокую неуверенность в отчаянной потребности в признании.

При поступлении в Академию ниндзя Наруто поставил перед собой цель. Целью было стать Хокаге, лидером Деревни, надеясь, что это принесет ему признание и уважение. Во время своего обучения Наруто развил яростную решимость. Поскольку история продолжается, Наруто в конце концов узнал о Лисе Демона внутри себя, с этим знанием Наруто не остановился, фактически, Наруто стал более решительным. Решимость Наруто никогда не отступать была адаптирована другими персонажами. Наруто также развил способность изменять других, благодаря этой способности Наруто завоевывает уважение и дружбу.

В некотором смысле, Наруто и я похожи. Я не рос с моими настоящими родителями, но в отличие от Наруто без родственников, я был благословлен другими людьми, такими как Глэдис, моя другая мать, бабушка и дедушка, которые терпят меня, когда им не нужно, тетю Мари Жорж, которая принимала я, Надин и Джефф, моя будущая тетя и дядя, которые интересовались моей жизнью. Я также считал их своими лучшими друзьями. Как бы то ни было, в детстве я получал все, что хотел, но это не мешало мне думать о том, каково было бы расти вместе с моими настоящими родителями, и иногда мне становилось немного грустно. Я также был другим, не в смысле принятия демона, а в том смысле, что я вырос в уважительной, образовательной и религиозной семье, поэтому я всегда был ребенком, чтобы сказать правду, ребенком, который шел прямо из школы домой , Я был «хорошим ребенком». У меня не было друзей; Меня не приглашали на вечеринки по случаю дня рождения или на любые другие вечеринки. Как Наруто, я был один.

Наруто чистая решимость и уверенность вдохновляли и мотивировали меня много раз. Например, когда я приехал в Соединенные Штаты, я жил летом в Нью-Йорке, когда я начал смотреть Наруто, а в июне я переехал в Мэриленд. Первая неделя в школе была полной катастрофой. Я не хотел возвращаться на следующей неделе. Это была самая длинная неделя в моей жизни. Кажется, что каждый день длиннее другого, но благодаря Наруто у меня появилось вдохновение никогда не отступать, я прошел через неделю и вернулся на следующей неделе. Моей первой проблемой был размер школы. Я был поражен этим. Вернувшись в Гаити, вы могли видеть практически все классные комнаты школы у ворот. Моей следующей проблемой был язык. Мой английский был немного средним. Я мог это понять, но я не мог говорить на нем очень хорошо, и я был немного неуверен в своем английском, поэтому мне было очень трудно общаться. В первый день я терялась так много раз, что чувствовала себя потерянным щенком, в какой-то момент я просто пошла в комнату и села, что было не тем классом. Когда я впервые получил свой график, меня сопровождал гид, но у нее был сильный испанский акцент. Я не мог понять слова, которое она говорила, все, что я мог сделать, это покачать головой на все, что она сказала. Я расстроился и отчаялся уйти; колокол прозвенел так много раз, когда пришло время идти домой, я не знала, что делать, поэтому, когда я следовала за всеми снаружи, именно тогда я знаю, что идти домой.

Еще один пример: летом 2008 года я начал искать работу. Охота на работу была удручающей, все мои собеседования начинались и заканчивались одним и тем же вопросом: «Вы когда-нибудь работали раньше?» В течение трех месяцев я ходила на пять собеседований. Перед моим последним собеседованием в Макдональдсе я пообещал себе, что получу эту работу несмотря ни на что. После интервью менеджер сказал, что я неопытный, когда я вошел в дверь, одна из знаменитых цитат Наруто прозвучала в моей голове: «Я никогда не вернусь к своему слову, это мой путь ниндзя», я остановился и вспомнил обещание, что Я сделал для себя, а затем я обратился к руководителю, с решимостью и вежливостью, я попросил его в течение двух дней после этого он может решить, что я не подходил для этой работы. С улыбкой на лице менеджер ответил: «Ладно, к завтрашнему дню».

Не в каждой ситуации мне нужно вдохновение для решения проблемы или этой жестокой, несправедливой жизни. В жизни есть моменты, которые формируют вас, моменты, которые определяют, кто вы есть, поэтому я должен разобраться с этими моментами сам. Однако также полезно знать, что вы не единственный, кого избивает жизнь, есть другие, которые хуже вас, и они не сдаются. Даже думал, что этот человек вымышленный персонаж. Как сказал Рокки в «Рокки Бальбоа», «дело не в том, как сильно тебя ударили. Речь идет о том, как трудно вы можете получить это и продолжать двигаться вперед ». Таким образом, каждый раз, когда жизнь сильно бьет меня и пытается прижать, я встаю и продолжаю двигаться вперед.

Зарегистрируйся, чтобы продолжить изучение работы


Комментариев нет

Клавдий, новый король Дании, и его жена Гертруда во время трубного расцвета входят в свою каюту в компании различных придворных, включая принца Гамлета, помощника Клавдия

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Комментариев нет

Томас Джефферсон был человеком с высокими моральными качествами, которого на протяжении последних 30 лет регулярно оскорбляли исторические ревизионисты и презентанты. Его приверженность Америке и его

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Комментариев нет

Узнай особенности своего персонажа Знаете ли вы, что характеризует особенности вашего персонажа? Или вы рисуете общие глаза, носы и формы лица? Эта первая часть не

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Сочинение на тему «Мой любимый персонаж — Наруто»

В Японии появился новый друг для взрослых и детей – Наруто Удзумаки. Этот мальчик завоевал сердца не только своих соотечественников, но и многих читателей и зрителей со всего мира. Наруто появился на страницах комиксов, которые рисовал сам Масаси Кисимото – автор всей истории. А потом вышел аниме-фильм, который покорил не только детей, но и взрослых.
Наруто – настоящий герой. Он очень похож на своих родителей. Свой характер он взял от мамы – Кусине Удзумаки. Кажется, что мальчик простой деревенский весельчак и шалопай, который не любит учиться. А на самом деле – он просто хочет завоевать любовь и доверие окружающих его односельчан. А вот на отца — Минато Намикадзе – Наруто очень похож внешне. Но, главное, что как и отец, Наруто Удзумаки готов пожертвовать своей жизнью ради друзей и ради общего дела.
Очень здорово быть похожим на мальчика Наруто. Наруто доказывает, что врага никогда нельзя победить только кулаками, враньём и подлостью. Но стать победителем сообща с друзьями всегда получится. Наруто учит простым правилам: быть честным, надёжным, бескорыстным – и тогда всего можно достичь. Но для того чтобы чего-то добиться — мало быть простым добродушным парнем. Обязательно надо вырабатывать характер. Надо уметь разозлиться и преодолеть трудности. Ведь Наруто хочет стать настоящим ниндзя с непревзойдённым мастерством. А для этого надо уметь трудится, перебороть в себе лень и боль. Научиться быть внимательным, трудолюбивым. Научиться прощать. Героя Наруто полюбили за то, что выигрывая жестокие битвы и сражения, мальчик остаётся обычным простым подростком. Он вспыльчивый, немного ленивый, суеверный. Но когда наступает время собраться с силами – Наруто сразу настраивается только на победу. Он просто не оставляет своему врагу ни единого шанса. И поэтому всегда побеждает.

Комментарии ()

Нет комментариев. Ваш будет первым!


Узумаки Наруто – главный герой популярной манги, аниме Наруто и Наруто Шиппуден. Будучи сиротой в возрасте 12 лет и не имеющей родственников, взрослые из деревни избегают Наруто из-за инцидента, произошедшего 12 лет назад. Во время рождения Наруто, Девятихвостый Лис Демона напал на его деревню, и отец Наруто, который в то время был главой деревни, решил запечатать демона внутри Наруто, пожертвовав его жизнью и матерью Наруто. Запечатывание Лисы Демонов в вашем новорожденном ребенке не очень хорошее воспитание, но намерение Четвертого Хокаге состояло в том, чтобы Наруто запомнился как сосуд, в котором находится Лиса Демонов, которая почти уничтожает Деревню.

К сожалению, для Наруто, даже без ведома Лисы Демонов внутри него, жители деревни обвиняли его в своих потерях. Взрослые жители деревни относились к нему как к постороннему, как к самой Лисе Демона. В результате он вырос один без социального взаимодействия. Он часто плакал, но продолжал говорить себе, что ничего не будет достигнуто плачем. В конце концов он стал шутником, чтобы прикрыть свою глубокую неуверенность в отчаянной потребности в признании.

При поступлении в Академию ниндзя Наруто поставил перед собой цель. Целью было стать Хокаге, лидером Деревни, надеясь, что это принесет ему признание и уважение. Во время своего обучения Наруто развил яростную решимость. Поскольку история продолжается, Наруто в конце концов узнал о Лисе Демона внутри себя, с этим знанием Наруто не остановился, фактически, Наруто стал более решительным. Решимость Наруто никогда не отступать была адаптирована другими персонажами. Наруто также развил способность изменять других, благодаря этой способности Наруто завоевывает уважение и дружбу.

В некотором смысле, Наруто и я похожи. Я не рос с моими настоящими родителями, но в отличие от Наруто без родственников, я был благословлен другими людьми, такими как Глэдис, моя другая мать, бабушка и дедушка, которые терпят меня, когда им не нужно, тетю Мари Жорж, которая принимала я, Надин и Джефф, моя будущая тетя и дядя, которые интересовались моей жизнью. Я также считал их своими лучшими друзьями. Как бы то ни было, в детстве я получал все, что хотел, но это не мешало мне думать о том, каково было бы расти вместе с моими настоящими родителями, и иногда мне становилось немного грустно. Я также был другим, не в смысле принятия демона, а в том смысле, что я вырос в уважительной, образовательной и религиозной семье, поэтому я всегда был ребенком, чтобы сказать правду, ребенком, который шел прямо из школы домой , Я был «хорошим ребенком». У меня не было друзей; Меня не приглашали на вечеринки по случаю дня рождения или на любые другие вечеринки. Как Наруто, я был один.

Мы изучаем — Сочинение Наруто мой любимый мультфильм. Подсказки школьнику

Несмотря на то, что все в мире уже привыкли к Наруто, считают его чем-то примитивным и типичным, всем известным аниме для детей, на котором выросли и помешаны многие не только дети, но и подростки и даже более взрослые люди, я всё равно считаю Наруто очень важным и глубоким мультфильмом, в котором раскрываются важные жизненные темы, кроме битв и несерьёзных и смешных кривляний.

Говорить про Наруто не удивительно, так как все и так уже знают, что это непоседливый и целеустремлённый мальчишка, который вечно ввязывается в разные неприятности и совершает подвиги, если так можно сказать. Но у меня есть кое-что получше. Когда я начала смотреть это аниме, то сразу поняла, что Наруто — классика. Классика, но глубокая и важная. Взять только начало, где все в окружении насмехаются над Наруто, говорят ему, что он занимается ерундой, пытаются убить его мечту и жизненную цель — стать Хокаге.

Особенность главного героя в его силе духа, в его в глубине души сильной личности, которая не боится выглядеть глупо, не боится делать рискованные поступки и поступки, которые приведут его к цели. Разве этот с первого взгляда глупый мальчик не может стать примером для детей и не только, которые боятся людей, себя, всего мира, боятся рисковать, защищать близких, быть смелым и мужественным. Вспоминаю интересную ситуацию, которая тогда очень вдохновила меня и дала мне определенные осознания, когда Наруто убедил маленького Инари в том, что он сильный, но просто боится признать это и раскрыть свою силу.

Разве стоит недооценивать его? Я считаю, что Наруто — мультфильм для людей всех возрастов, потому что учит их всегда защищать то, что им дорого: цели, близких, точку зрения. За кучей несерьёзных вещей, которые часто могут рассмешить зрителя, кроется что-то более глубокое, и я не раз замечала такие вещи при просмотре.

Кроме всего этого, присутствует также множество трогательных моментов, моментов дружбы, любви, ненависти. Все они дают нам много поводов для размышлений, вдохновения, переосмысления своих ценностей, мировоззрения. Мы можем выносить для себя определенные смыслы, и для меня ценность Наруто именно в этом. Без сомнений, этот персонаж достоин того, чтобы быть кумиром для детей и взрослых, так  как в нём хранится немало духовной силы, которая может придать сил тем, кто сдался, боится или разочарован.

Наруто учил не сдаваться, и в этой фразе много смысла. Это аниме —  не просто развлекательный мультик для детей, но и целая философская энциклопедия зла и добра, жизни и смерти.

Все сочинения

  • #31

Naruto always innocent, not many people hate him actually. This essay never changes my view of him.

You should make an essay in defense of Sasuke Uchiha

people always misunderstood this little sharingan user, and his goals

  • #32

Naruto always innocent, not many people hate him actually. This essay never changes my view of him.

You should make an essay in defense of Sasuke Uchiha

people always misunderstood this little sharingan user, and his goals

Not meant to change your view, rather just try and defend Naruto from all the hate he’s been getting lately.

I might. I’m actually considering that. Sasuke is actually my favorite character next to Naruto.

  • #33

Hmm actually I just don’t like characters that are obnoxious, loud, and well, stupid. I know, that is what makes Naruto Naruto but I just can’t like him all that much. Add some overwhelming Sasuke-obsession (yea, I know he cares, and it’s his nindo and all; it’s just that it gets too unbearable that his only short-term goal right now is to save Sasuke) and some obvious ignorance (who the heck would think that Sasuke would return to Konoha after defeating Oro? Umm… why did he leave in the first place? Isn’t it all about this certain man called Itachi?), and you get a character I can barely tolerate.

Also, you said it doesn’t matter that he has a limited variety of jutsu, as long as he gets the job done. I think it does matter. I read this manga to get entertained, to find moves and jutsu that make me go «wow» and all that. Naruto hasn’t provided me with any of that, post-skip (in non-Kyubified form).

Actually what I find annoying about him is how he forces everyone around him to think like him. What’s worse is everybody got instantly converted. Gaara was an awesome psychotic killer and was turned into the caring and bonding Gaara, just from one encounter with Naruto. Neji completely changed his life view after that fight with Naruto. (I don’t like the «destiny» crap Neji was spouting but I think it was just too unbelievable for someone to change after one single fight like that.) Sai went from emotionless to bond-protecting and all. Basically Naruto thinks he’s been through everything and goes around telling people what to do with their lives, in the most arrogant way «Hey you, you are wrong!»

I guess I don’t hate Naruto but more like disappointed in how Kishi handled him. There are just so many cooler characters than him (I don’t hate underdogs at all. In fact, I adore Rock Lee and his persistence.) =|

  • #34

I think what I like about you/people acknowledge you for is you always put 100% in everything you do, riema :).

I was only able to skim (for now, I have to get to bed :) but I’ll surely read this when I get back tomorrow.

  • #35

Not meant to change your view, rather just try and defend Naruto from all the hate he’s been getting lately.

I might. I’m actually considering that. Sasuke is actually my favorite character next to Naruto.

He’s not the most hated character but Sasuke is..

And someone who can change many people’s view of Sasuke by making an essay about him, I will say that person is god.

  • #36

This is one great post my friend!

  • #37

Hmm actually I just don’t like characters that are obnoxious, loud, and well, stupid. I know, that is what makes Naruto Naruto but I just can’t like him all that much. Add some overwhelming Sasuke-obsession (yea, I know he cares, and it’s his nindo and all; it’s just that it gets too unbearable that his only short-term goal right now is to save Sasuke) and some obvious ignorance (who the heck would think that Sasuke would return to Konoha after defeating Oro? Umm… why did he leave in the first place? Isn’t it all about this certain man called Itachi?), and you get a character I can barely tolerate.

Another opinion thing. That’s fine. Each to their own. ^^

But in reality, Naruto and his «Sasuke obsession» has gotten alot better.

Also, you said it doesn’t matter that he has a limited variety of jutsu, as long as he gets the job done. I think it does matter. I read this manga to get entertained, to find moves and jutsu that make me go «wow» and all that. Naruto hasn’t provided me with any of that, post-skip (in non-Kyubified form).

It’s better to master a jutsu than screw 10 of them up. With the amount he has, he can do several different things with them all.

KN4 was pretty neat IMO. =P If you read TenshiOni’s My take on the whole «Naruto lacks jutsu» thing essay/thread, you will see how it’s not that he lacks jutsu, it’s how he uses them that mix people up. ^_^

Actually what I find annoying about him is how he forces everyone around him to think like him. What’s worse is everybody got instantly converted. Gaara was an awesome psychotic killer and was turned into the caring and bonding Gaara, just from one encounter with Naruto. Neji completely changed his life view after that fight with Naruto. (I don’t like the «destiny» crap Neji was spouting but I think it was just too unbelievable for someone to change after one single fight like that.) Sai went from emotionless to bond-protecting and all. Basically Naruto thinks he’s been through everything and goes around telling people what to do with their lives, in the most arrogant way «Hey you, you are wrong!»

I guess I don’t hate Naruto but more like disappointed in how Kishi handled him. There are just so many cooler characters than him (I don’t hate underdogs at all. In fact, I adore Rock Lee and his persistence.) =|

He doesn’t «force» people to think like him. He acts himself and they see that he is right. Proving dropouts can change was not a force ment. It was Naruto trying to prove that they are capable of changing. Neji did not have to choose to listen to Naruto. He did that on his own. As for Sai, it was because he stayed with Naruto, Sakura, Yamato, etc… that his mind started to change. Not Naruto alone. Sai saw the bond between Naruto and Sasuke, and saw they were like brothers. He also has a brother. Besides, Sai always read books as far as we know. Those books were all about bonds.

It’s your own opinion if you believe there are cooler characters than him. I just don’t think he deserves as much hate as he’s recently been getting. ^^

I think what I like about you/people acknowledge you for is you always put 100% in everything you do, riema :).

I was only able to skim (for now, I have to get to bed :) but I’ll surely read this when I get back tomorrow.

Thanks! Hey, I speak my mind. ^_^

Okay, no problem. Take your time. :nod

He’s not the most hated character but Sasuke is..

And someone who can change many people’s view of Sasuke by making an essay about him, I will say that person is god.

Never said Naruto was the most hated. But he’s been getting too much hate lately. Sasuke has been getting less. Hard core Sasuke fans should be happy. :tem

I’m sure someone can lessen one’s hate, but not completely take it away.

This is one great post my friend!

Thank you!

  • #38

Never said Naruto was the most hated. But he’s been getting too much hate lately. Sasuke has been getting less. Hard core Sasuke fans should be happy.

I’m sure someone can lessen one’s hate, but not completely take it away.

Happy what? Perhaps you only see me and a few hardcore Uchiha fans, but anti-Sasuke FC is more active than before, his haters always coming and joining.

  • #39

Happy what? Perhaps you only see me and a few hardcore Uchiha fans, but anti-Sasuke FC is more active than before, his haters always coming and joining.

Who cares about Sasuke haters? They will always exist. The manga speaks for itself when concerning Sasuke. =D

  • #40

I’ve always loved your posts and essays, Rie. You did a great job on this. Naruto is a great character for who and what he stands for. Reps. <3

  • #41

Cool!smile-big I especially liked this:

t was apparent that Naruto was thrown into a cold world of hatred and scorn by a destiny beyond his control. Throughout his childhood, he is hated, and unloved by almost the entire village.

Nevertheless, he never let it show. Keeping a constant smile, and swearing to become the greatest Hokage the village has ever known, so that he would gain respect and acceptance. In gist, he wants to overcome the hate and show them all that he is actually worth something. He was the only one to fail the Genin Exam, yet he proved himself later on to earn the title. He makes mistakes, but he learns from them. He gets frustrated and angry, but he never forgets what his goals are and what really matters. He is the number one, unpredictable, hyperactive, knuckle-headed Ninja. He gradually gains respect among many, including the members of Team 7; his important bond of friendship.

you Are right. And because he is not perfect is exactly why I love him too:love


on a Forums Break

  • #42

this wall of text crushed me, ate me, spat me out, ate me again, and burned me alive. Great job

  • #43

Excellent post. I agree whole heartedly with everything you’ve said here Rie.

I think there was one part you missed in your arguement. The point in the manga/anime where Naruto brings back Tsunade to heal Sasuke. If you see the range of emotions he shows in the anime it’s heart-wrenching. Here he was expecting some recognition and praise from Sakura, getting recognition, getting heart broken, and then resignation.

The range of emotion shown was so deep that even Tsunade made a comment about it.

I almost felt like crying for him.

  • #44

I’ve always loved your posts and essays, Rie. You did a great job on this. Naruto is a great character for who and what he stands for. Reps. <3

Thank you. <3

Cool!smile-big I especially liked this:

you Are right. And because he is not perfect is exactly why I love him too:love

Thank you! ^^

this wall of text crushed me, ate me, spat me out, ate me again, and burned me alive. Great job

You survived! :omg Thanks. ^_^

Excellent post. I agree whole heartedly with everything you’ve said here Rie.

I think there was one part you missed in your arguement. The point in the manga/anime where Naruto brings back Tsunade to heal Sasuke. If you see the range of emotions he shows in the anime it’s heart-wrenching. Here he was expecting some recognition and praise from Sakura, getting recognition, getting heart broken, and then resignation.

The range of emotion shown was so deep that even Tsunade made a comment about it.

I almost felt like crying for him.

Thanks! :D

Ah, yeah. Thank you for pointing that out. I guess I forgot because I am very anti-NaruSaku. Though that scene was actually pro-SasuSaku. Ah well. Naruto accepted her feelings in the end anyway. 8D

  • #45

Read it all and agree with it all! Great job! You have a wonderful way of putting things into perspective.

  • #46

Read it all and agree with it all! Great job! You have a wonderful way of putting things into perspective.

Thank you! ^_^ In truth, I was scared to post this, in fear of getting flamed by mad Sasuke fans or anti-Naruto fans. :sweat

I’m happy that the comments are mostly positive.

Though you must get over your fears.

Which is what Naruto did. With his vow [blood] in the beginning of the series. :kloff

  • #47

@riema — I love ur writing style and how u use words ;P nicely done thread.


  • #48


Ah, yeah. Thank you for pointing that out. I guess I forgot because I am very anti-NaruSaku. Though that scene was actually pro-SasuSaku. Ah well. Naruto accepted her feelings in the end anyway. 8D



I’m anti-NaruSaku too!

:nuts :nuts

  • #49

@riema — I love ur writing style and how u use words ;P nicely done thread.


Thank you! ^^ I tried with my word choices. Can’t say something wrong. :bees




I’m anti-NaruSaku too!

:nuts :nuts

anti-NaruSaku fans unite! :evil

  • #50

The only time Naruto really pissed me off was during the save Gaara arch.

Instead of listening to Kakashi, Naruto went off on his own to fight Deidara. If Chioyo wasn’t as good as she was, Sakura would have gotten killed. It’s as if Naruto failed to learn the lesson of the 1st bell test in part 1 despite passing the second bell test.

I felt as if Naruto should have been sent back to the academy for putting his own team mates in danger. If had turned into KN4, I would understand, but Naruto had enough control to follow Kakashi’s orders.

With that said, this is an isolated incident, and Naruto hasn’t done anything to really piss me off since.

  • #51

rated this thread with 5 stars…it was a must.

  • #52

The only time Naruto really pissed me off was during the save Gaara arch.

Instead of listening to Kakashi, Naruto went off on his own to fight Deidara. If Chioyo wasn’t as good as she was, Sakura would have gotten killed. It’s as if Naruto failed to learn the lesson of the 1st bell test in part 1 despite passing the second bell test.

I felt as if Naruto should have been sent back to the academy for putting his own team mates in danger. If had turned into KN4, I would understand, but Naruto had enough control to follow Kakashi’s orders.

With that said, this is an isolated incident, and Naruto hasn’t done anything to really piss me off since.

It’s true that Naruto sometimes does not think before he acts, but he still has good intentions. As I stated in the essay, he’s gotten better with «disobeyment». When Kakashi and Yamato lay down the line now, he is less argumentative about it.

He wanted to keep his promise of saving Gaara. Naruto is not perfect and he has flaws. He is a drop that usually pulls through. All of this was in the beginning of part two. Since then, Kishi has slowly been coming around with Naruto’s character.

rated this thread with 5 stars…it was a must.

Aw… Thank you. :amuse <3

  • #53

Great Essay, Darkhope. You’ve done well. :)

  • #54

As usual, your essay makes a LOT more sence than the hate NAruto gets daily, and using your essay as reference, I do believe that many aspects that could be labeled negative have been put down elegantly, making clear the course of his growth. Maybe now, people will find something that’s reasonable enough a reason to hate him, since this has blown almost all things asunder.
My humble comments on a job very well done. Noshing short of what one would expect from you :noworry
Thanks for sharing this with us, it helps :kthumb

  • #55

Great Essay, Darkhope. You’ve done well. :)

Thanks! ^^

As usual, your essay makes a LOT more sence than the hate NAruto gets daily, and using your essay as reference, I do believe that many aspects that could be labeled negative have been put down elegantly, making clear the course of his growth. Maybe now, people will find something that’s reasonable enough a reason to hate him, since this has blown almost all things asunder.
My humble comments on a job very well done. Noshing short of what one would expect from you :noworry
Thanks for sharing this with us, it helps :kthumb

MS22-san! :glomp

Thank you very much. :amuse In reality, Naruto isn’t as hated as he is loved. Only recently did it really start to flare up, that’s why I decided to post this. The most frequent Naruto bash as of late is «Sasuke > Naruto» which I find totally ridiculous, because Kishimoto is far from finished with both (especially Naruto) of their characters. But you know… *shrugs* X’D

  • #56

Thank you very much. :amuse In reality, Naruto isn’t as hated as he is loved. Only recently did it really start to flare up, that’s why I decided to post this. The most frequent Naruto bash as of late is «Sasuke > Naruto» which I find totally ridiculous, because Kishimoto is far from finished with both (especially Naruto) of their characters. But you know… *shrugs* X’D

Doomo arigato rie-sama :bow
I kinda noticed the recent uproar myself, and he’s even brought up in pairing debates for that end, which is totally uncalled for, not to mention without any reason. Those are indeed 2 very different individuals that share a special bond, so one could say that they complete each other in terms of…everything? Isn’t that why they were both in Team 7 in the first place? To balance each team? Meaning of course, now, they are about equal, but Kishi will show us what he wants, and we all know that whoever has the Sharingan has an advantage, but I’m fine with it, so long as no character is bashed, fandom-based always :amuse

  • #57

naruto uzumaki is a good guy, nice essay and well said, one of the only times i actually kept wanting to read such a long essay on any character

  • #58

Doomo arigato rie-sama :bow
I kinda noticed the recent uproar myself, and he’s even brought up in pairing debates for that end, which is totally uncalled for, not to mention without any reason. Those are indeed 2 very different individuals that share a special bond, so one could say that they complete each other in terms of…everything? Isn’t that why they were both in Team 7 in the first place? To balance each team? Meaning of course, now, they are about equal, but Kishi will show us what he wants, and we all know that whoever has the Sharingan has an advantage, but I’m fine with it, so long as no character is bashed, fandom-based always :amuse

Pairing debates? Man, I went on a LAPing spree a few days ago, and after writing this monster, I believe I will just sit back and let the manga speak for itself. :sag

Sasuke and Naruto are different, but they share many similarities too. Which is a reason why they

get along so well lawl

have the deepest bond that was explored throughout the series. Team 7 has never exactly been «balanced». (I honestly think Naruto was a third wheel when it came to Sasuke and Sakura) But once Sasuke returns, it will be like the old days again. Sure, Sasuke has the Sharingan, but Naruto has a Fox. :kukuku

naruto uzumaki is a good guy, nice essay and well said, one of the only times i actually kept wanting to read such a long essay on any character

That he is. And thanks! ^_^

  • #59

Pairing debates? Man, I went on a LAPing spree a few days ago, and after writing this monster, I believe I will just sit back and let the manga speak for itself. :sag

Sasuke and Naruto are different, but they share many similarities too. Which is a reason why they

get along so well lawl

have the deepest bond that was explored throughout the series. Team 7 has never exactly been «balanced». (I honestly think Naruto was a third wheel when it came to Sasuke and Sakura) But once Sasuke returns, it will be like the old days again. Sure, Sasuke has the Sharingan, but Naruto has a Fox. :kukuku

All your pairing debates produce LAPs that we enjoy studying for future occurences. And what you say is the sanest course of action :amuse

True indeed, but at some extend, «what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger», if we take VotE into consideration. That bond was never broken as some claim. But that’s OT, and I think that with recent events, the future Team 7 WILL be quite balanced, although more like the new Sannin squad is a better name for it. Lucky number 7 I suppose :p
They each have their strengths and flaws but we love them all :amuse

  • #60

All your pairing debates produce LAPs that we enjoy studying for future occurences. And what you say is the sanest course of action :amuse

True indeed, but at some extend, «what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger», if we take VotE into consideration. That bond was never broken as some claim. But that’s OT, and I think that with recent events, the future Team 7 WILL be quite balanced, although more like the new Sannin squad is a better name for it. Lucky number 7 I suppose :p
They each have their strengths and flaws but we love them all :amuse

Thank you. I enjoy your LAPs as well. :)

Good point. That goes along with the saying «You learn from your mistakes». Or along those lines. Both Sasuke and Naruto will have to learn the hard way. :p I’m not so sure if Team 7 will be completely balanced, because nothing really is. However, I have hope for them all! =D

Now I must be going to bed. It is 4:43AM and I have to get up in 3 hours. :nuts Will check back tomorrow! :whoo

  • #31

Naruto always innocent, not many people hate him actually. This essay never changes my view of him.

You should make an essay in defense of Sasuke Uchiha

people always misunderstood this little sharingan user, and his goals

  • #32

Naruto always innocent, not many people hate him actually. This essay never changes my view of him.

You should make an essay in defense of Sasuke Uchiha

people always misunderstood this little sharingan user, and his goals

Not meant to change your view, rather just try and defend Naruto from all the hate he’s been getting lately.

I might. I’m actually considering that. Sasuke is actually my favorite character next to Naruto.

  • #33

Hmm actually I just don’t like characters that are obnoxious, loud, and well, stupid. I know, that is what makes Naruto Naruto but I just can’t like him all that much. Add some overwhelming Sasuke-obsession (yea, I know he cares, and it’s his nindo and all; it’s just that it gets too unbearable that his only short-term goal right now is to save Sasuke) and some obvious ignorance (who the heck would think that Sasuke would return to Konoha after defeating Oro? Umm… why did he leave in the first place? Isn’t it all about this certain man called Itachi?), and you get a character I can barely tolerate.

Also, you said it doesn’t matter that he has a limited variety of jutsu, as long as he gets the job done. I think it does matter. I read this manga to get entertained, to find moves and jutsu that make me go «wow» and all that. Naruto hasn’t provided me with any of that, post-skip (in non-Kyubified form).

Actually what I find annoying about him is how he forces everyone around him to think like him. What’s worse is everybody got instantly converted. Gaara was an awesome psychotic killer and was turned into the caring and bonding Gaara, just from one encounter with Naruto. Neji completely changed his life view after that fight with Naruto. (I don’t like the «destiny» crap Neji was spouting but I think it was just too unbelievable for someone to change after one single fight like that.) Sai went from emotionless to bond-protecting and all. Basically Naruto thinks he’s been through everything and goes around telling people what to do with their lives, in the most arrogant way «Hey you, you are wrong!»

I guess I don’t hate Naruto but more like disappointed in how Kishi handled him. There are just so many cooler characters than him (I don’t hate underdogs at all. In fact, I adore Rock Lee and his persistence.) =|

  • #34

I think what I like about you/people acknowledge you for is you always put 100% in everything you do, riema :).

I was only able to skim (for now, I have to get to bed :) but I’ll surely read this when I get back tomorrow.

  • #35

Not meant to change your view, rather just try and defend Naruto from all the hate he’s been getting lately.

I might. I’m actually considering that. Sasuke is actually my favorite character next to Naruto.

He’s not the most hated character but Sasuke is..

And someone who can change many people’s view of Sasuke by making an essay about him, I will say that person is god.

  • #36

This is one great post my friend!

  • #37

Hmm actually I just don’t like characters that are obnoxious, loud, and well, stupid. I know, that is what makes Naruto Naruto but I just can’t like him all that much. Add some overwhelming Sasuke-obsession (yea, I know he cares, and it’s his nindo and all; it’s just that it gets too unbearable that his only short-term goal right now is to save Sasuke) and some obvious ignorance (who the heck would think that Sasuke would return to Konoha after defeating Oro? Umm… why did he leave in the first place? Isn’t it all about this certain man called Itachi?), and you get a character I can barely tolerate.

Another opinion thing. That’s fine. Each to their own. ^^

But in reality, Naruto and his «Sasuke obsession» has gotten alot better.

Also, you said it doesn’t matter that he has a limited variety of jutsu, as long as he gets the job done. I think it does matter. I read this manga to get entertained, to find moves and jutsu that make me go «wow» and all that. Naruto hasn’t provided me with any of that, post-skip (in non-Kyubified form).

It’s better to master a jutsu than screw 10 of them up. With the amount he has, he can do several different things with them all.

KN4 was pretty neat IMO. =P If you read TenshiOni’s My take on the whole «Naruto lacks jutsu» thing essay/thread, you will see how it’s not that he lacks jutsu, it’s how he uses them that mix people up. ^_^

Actually what I find annoying about him is how he forces everyone around him to think like him. What’s worse is everybody got instantly converted. Gaara was an awesome psychotic killer and was turned into the caring and bonding Gaara, just from one encounter with Naruto. Neji completely changed his life view after that fight with Naruto. (I don’t like the «destiny» crap Neji was spouting but I think it was just too unbelievable for someone to change after one single fight like that.) Sai went from emotionless to bond-protecting and all. Basically Naruto thinks he’s been through everything and goes around telling people what to do with their lives, in the most arrogant way «Hey you, you are wrong!»

I guess I don’t hate Naruto but more like disappointed in how Kishi handled him. There are just so many cooler characters than him (I don’t hate underdogs at all. In fact, I adore Rock Lee and his persistence.) =|

He doesn’t «force» people to think like him. He acts himself and they see that he is right. Proving dropouts can change was not a force ment. It was Naruto trying to prove that they are capable of changing. Neji did not have to choose to listen to Naruto. He did that on his own. As for Sai, it was because he stayed with Naruto, Sakura, Yamato, etc… that his mind started to change. Not Naruto alone. Sai saw the bond between Naruto and Sasuke, and saw they were like brothers. He also has a brother. Besides, Sai always read books as far as we know. Those books were all about bonds.

It’s your own opinion if you believe there are cooler characters than him. I just don’t think he deserves as much hate as he’s recently been getting. ^^

I think what I like about you/people acknowledge you for is you always put 100% in everything you do, riema :).

I was only able to skim (for now, I have to get to bed :) but I’ll surely read this when I get back tomorrow.

Thanks! Hey, I speak my mind. ^_^

Okay, no problem. Take your time. :nod

He’s not the most hated character but Sasuke is..

And someone who can change many people’s view of Sasuke by making an essay about him, I will say that person is god.

Never said Naruto was the most hated. But he’s been getting too much hate lately. Sasuke has been getting less. Hard core Sasuke fans should be happy. :tem

I’m sure someone can lessen one’s hate, but not completely take it away.

This is one great post my friend!

Thank you!

  • #38

Never said Naruto was the most hated. But he’s been getting too much hate lately. Sasuke has been getting less. Hard core Sasuke fans should be happy.

I’m sure someone can lessen one’s hate, but not completely take it away.

Happy what? Perhaps you only see me and a few hardcore Uchiha fans, but anti-Sasuke FC is more active than before, his haters always coming and joining.

  • #39

Happy what? Perhaps you only see me and a few hardcore Uchiha fans, but anti-Sasuke FC is more active than before, his haters always coming and joining.

Who cares about Sasuke haters? They will always exist. The manga speaks for itself when concerning Sasuke. =D

  • #40

I’ve always loved your posts and essays, Rie. You did a great job on this. Naruto is a great character for who and what he stands for. Reps. <3

  • #41

Cool!smile-big I especially liked this:

t was apparent that Naruto was thrown into a cold world of hatred and scorn by a destiny beyond his control. Throughout his childhood, he is hated, and unloved by almost the entire village.

Nevertheless, he never let it show. Keeping a constant smile, and swearing to become the greatest Hokage the village has ever known, so that he would gain respect and acceptance. In gist, he wants to overcome the hate and show them all that he is actually worth something. He was the only one to fail the Genin Exam, yet he proved himself later on to earn the title. He makes mistakes, but he learns from them. He gets frustrated and angry, but he never forgets what his goals are and what really matters. He is the number one, unpredictable, hyperactive, knuckle-headed Ninja. He gradually gains respect among many, including the members of Team 7; his important bond of friendship.

you Are right. And because he is not perfect is exactly why I love him too:love


on a Forums Break

  • #42

this wall of text crushed me, ate me, spat me out, ate me again, and burned me alive. Great job

  • #43

Excellent post. I agree whole heartedly with everything you’ve said here Rie.

I think there was one part you missed in your arguement. The point in the manga/anime where Naruto brings back Tsunade to heal Sasuke. If you see the range of emotions he shows in the anime it’s heart-wrenching. Here he was expecting some recognition and praise from Sakura, getting recognition, getting heart broken, and then resignation.

The range of emotion shown was so deep that even Tsunade made a comment about it.

I almost felt like crying for him.

  • #44

I’ve always loved your posts and essays, Rie. You did a great job on this. Naruto is a great character for who and what he stands for. Reps. <3

Thank you. <3

Cool!smile-big I especially liked this:

you Are right. And because he is not perfect is exactly why I love him too:love

Thank you! ^^

this wall of text crushed me, ate me, spat me out, ate me again, and burned me alive. Great job

You survived! :omg Thanks. ^_^

Excellent post. I agree whole heartedly with everything you’ve said here Rie.

I think there was one part you missed in your arguement. The point in the manga/anime where Naruto brings back Tsunade to heal Sasuke. If you see the range of emotions he shows in the anime it’s heart-wrenching. Here he was expecting some recognition and praise from Sakura, getting recognition, getting heart broken, and then resignation.

The range of emotion shown was so deep that even Tsunade made a comment about it.

I almost felt like crying for him.

Thanks! :D

Ah, yeah. Thank you for pointing that out. I guess I forgot because I am very anti-NaruSaku. Though that scene was actually pro-SasuSaku. Ah well. Naruto accepted her feelings in the end anyway. 8D

  • #45

Read it all and agree with it all! Great job! You have a wonderful way of putting things into perspective.

  • #46

Read it all and agree with it all! Great job! You have a wonderful way of putting things into perspective.

Thank you! ^_^ In truth, I was scared to post this, in fear of getting flamed by mad Sasuke fans or anti-Naruto fans. :sweat

I’m happy that the comments are mostly positive.

Though you must get over your fears.

Which is what Naruto did. With his vow [blood] in the beginning of the series. :kloff

  • #47

@riema — I love ur writing style and how u use words ;P nicely done thread.


  • #48


Ah, yeah. Thank you for pointing that out. I guess I forgot because I am very anti-NaruSaku. Though that scene was actually pro-SasuSaku. Ah well. Naruto accepted her feelings in the end anyway. 8D



I’m anti-NaruSaku too!

:nuts :nuts

  • #49

@riema — I love ur writing style and how u use words ;P nicely done thread.


Thank you! ^^ I tried with my word choices. Can’t say something wrong. :bees




I’m anti-NaruSaku too!

:nuts :nuts

anti-NaruSaku fans unite! :evil

  • #50

The only time Naruto really pissed me off was during the save Gaara arch.

Instead of listening to Kakashi, Naruto went off on his own to fight Deidara. If Chioyo wasn’t as good as she was, Sakura would have gotten killed. It’s as if Naruto failed to learn the lesson of the 1st bell test in part 1 despite passing the second bell test.

I felt as if Naruto should have been sent back to the academy for putting his own team mates in danger. If had turned into KN4, I would understand, but Naruto had enough control to follow Kakashi’s orders.

With that said, this is an isolated incident, and Naruto hasn’t done anything to really piss me off since.

  • #51

rated this thread with 5 stars…it was a must.

  • #52

The only time Naruto really pissed me off was during the save Gaara arch.

Instead of listening to Kakashi, Naruto went off on his own to fight Deidara. If Chioyo wasn’t as good as she was, Sakura would have gotten killed. It’s as if Naruto failed to learn the lesson of the 1st bell test in part 1 despite passing the second bell test.

I felt as if Naruto should have been sent back to the academy for putting his own team mates in danger. If had turned into KN4, I would understand, but Naruto had enough control to follow Kakashi’s orders.

With that said, this is an isolated incident, and Naruto hasn’t done anything to really piss me off since.

It’s true that Naruto sometimes does not think before he acts, but he still has good intentions. As I stated in the essay, he’s gotten better with «disobeyment». When Kakashi and Yamato lay down the line now, he is less argumentative about it.

He wanted to keep his promise of saving Gaara. Naruto is not perfect and he has flaws. He is a drop that usually pulls through. All of this was in the beginning of part two. Since then, Kishi has slowly been coming around with Naruto’s character.

rated this thread with 5 stars…it was a must.

Aw… Thank you. :amuse <3

  • #53

Great Essay, Darkhope. You’ve done well. :)

  • #54

As usual, your essay makes a LOT more sence than the hate NAruto gets daily, and using your essay as reference, I do believe that many aspects that could be labeled negative have been put down elegantly, making clear the course of his growth. Maybe now, people will find something that’s reasonable enough a reason to hate him, since this has blown almost all things asunder.
My humble comments on a job very well done. Noshing short of what one would expect from you :noworry
Thanks for sharing this with us, it helps :kthumb

  • #55

Great Essay, Darkhope. You’ve done well. :)

Thanks! ^^

As usual, your essay makes a LOT more sence than the hate NAruto gets daily, and using your essay as reference, I do believe that many aspects that could be labeled negative have been put down elegantly, making clear the course of his growth. Maybe now, people will find something that’s reasonable enough a reason to hate him, since this has blown almost all things asunder.
My humble comments on a job very well done. Noshing short of what one would expect from you :noworry
Thanks for sharing this with us, it helps :kthumb

MS22-san! :glomp

Thank you very much. :amuse In reality, Naruto isn’t as hated as he is loved. Only recently did it really start to flare up, that’s why I decided to post this. The most frequent Naruto bash as of late is «Sasuke > Naruto» which I find totally ridiculous, because Kishimoto is far from finished with both (especially Naruto) of their characters. But you know… *shrugs* X’D

  • #56

Thank you very much. :amuse In reality, Naruto isn’t as hated as he is loved. Only recently did it really start to flare up, that’s why I decided to post this. The most frequent Naruto bash as of late is «Sasuke > Naruto» which I find totally ridiculous, because Kishimoto is far from finished with both (especially Naruto) of their characters. But you know… *shrugs* X’D

Doomo arigato rie-sama :bow
I kinda noticed the recent uproar myself, and he’s even brought up in pairing debates for that end, which is totally uncalled for, not to mention without any reason. Those are indeed 2 very different individuals that share a special bond, so one could say that they complete each other in terms of…everything? Isn’t that why they were both in Team 7 in the first place? To balance each team? Meaning of course, now, they are about equal, but Kishi will show us what he wants, and we all know that whoever has the Sharingan has an advantage, but I’m fine with it, so long as no character is bashed, fandom-based always :amuse

  • #57

naruto uzumaki is a good guy, nice essay and well said, one of the only times i actually kept wanting to read such a long essay on any character

  • #58

Doomo arigato rie-sama :bow
I kinda noticed the recent uproar myself, and he’s even brought up in pairing debates for that end, which is totally uncalled for, not to mention without any reason. Those are indeed 2 very different individuals that share a special bond, so one could say that they complete each other in terms of…everything? Isn’t that why they were both in Team 7 in the first place? To balance each team? Meaning of course, now, they are about equal, but Kishi will show us what he wants, and we all know that whoever has the Sharingan has an advantage, but I’m fine with it, so long as no character is bashed, fandom-based always :amuse

Pairing debates? Man, I went on a LAPing spree a few days ago, and after writing this monster, I believe I will just sit back and let the manga speak for itself. :sag

Sasuke and Naruto are different, but they share many similarities too. Which is a reason why they

get along so well lawl

have the deepest bond that was explored throughout the series. Team 7 has never exactly been «balanced». (I honestly think Naruto was a third wheel when it came to Sasuke and Sakura) But once Sasuke returns, it will be like the old days again. Sure, Sasuke has the Sharingan, but Naruto has a Fox. :kukuku

naruto uzumaki is a good guy, nice essay and well said, one of the only times i actually kept wanting to read such a long essay on any character

That he is. And thanks! ^_^

  • #59

Pairing debates? Man, I went on a LAPing spree a few days ago, and after writing this monster, I believe I will just sit back and let the manga speak for itself. :sag

Sasuke and Naruto are different, but they share many similarities too. Which is a reason why they

get along so well lawl

have the deepest bond that was explored throughout the series. Team 7 has never exactly been «balanced». (I honestly think Naruto was a third wheel when it came to Sasuke and Sakura) But once Sasuke returns, it will be like the old days again. Sure, Sasuke has the Sharingan, but Naruto has a Fox. :kukuku

All your pairing debates produce LAPs that we enjoy studying for future occurences. And what you say is the sanest course of action :amuse

True indeed, but at some extend, «what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger», if we take VotE into consideration. That bond was never broken as some claim. But that’s OT, and I think that with recent events, the future Team 7 WILL be quite balanced, although more like the new Sannin squad is a better name for it. Lucky number 7 I suppose :p
They each have their strengths and flaws but we love them all :amuse

  • #60

All your pairing debates produce LAPs that we enjoy studying for future occurences. And what you say is the sanest course of action :amuse

True indeed, but at some extend, «what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger», if we take VotE into consideration. That bond was never broken as some claim. But that’s OT, and I think that with recent events, the future Team 7 WILL be quite balanced, although more like the new Sannin squad is a better name for it. Lucky number 7 I suppose :p
They each have their strengths and flaws but we love them all :amuse

Thank you. I enjoy your LAPs as well. :)

Good point. That goes along with the saying «You learn from your mistakes». Or along those lines. Both Sasuke and Naruto will have to learn the hard way. :p I’m not so sure if Team 7 will be completely balanced, because nothing really is. However, I have hope for them all! =D

Now I must be going to bed. It is 4:43AM and I have to get up in 3 hours. :nuts Will check back tomorrow! :whoo

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