Участница городского конкурса сочинений «Письмо папе» к 23 февраля
Предварительный просмотр:
Цыпурина Анастасия,
МОАУ СОШ №15, 4 класс
г. Райчихинск
Амурской области
Здравствуй, папочка!
Сегодня я хочу рассказать тебе, как мы в школе готовимся к празднику День защитника Отечества. Это праздник для всех, кто защищает или будет защищать Родину. Мальчики — будущие солдаты и их в этот день ждут сюрприз от нас, девочек. Мы делаем им спиннеры (вращающиеся игрушки). А еще наш класс будет участвовать в городском смотре-конкурсе строя и песни. Репетируем каждый день, учимся маршировать в ногу. Со стороны смотреть смешно: девочки выполняют команды лучше мальчишек! Папочка, когда ты служил в армии, у тебя все сразу получалось? Но мы очень стараемся, очень хочется победить. Оксана Геннадьевна нами довольна, и мы не подведем.
Папочка, я знаю, что ты любишь читать мои письма, и сейчас я вижу, как ты улыбаешься. Я очень тебя люблю. За нас не беспокойся, у нас все хорошо. Поздравляю тебя с наступающим праздником, желаю крепкого здоровья и успехов твоей нелегкой службе. Я сочинила для тебя стихотворение.
Как можно жить без папы?
Совсем не понимаю.
Мой папа- самый лучший!
Я это точно знаю.
И папу своего я просто обожаю!
Поздравляю , папочка, с праздником тебя.
Ты же в армии служил и награду получил.
Будь здоров и счастлив, береги себя.
Поцелую в щечку! Доченька твоя!
До свидания. Крепко тебя целую! Твоя дочь Настя.
2 место в муниципальном конкурсе «Письмо папе»
- 26 ноября 2011
Конкурс «Волшебное перышко – 2011»
Номинация «Проза» – 12-16 лет
Об авторе
Анастасия – ученица 10 класса средней общеобразовательной школы п. Уральский. Учится на «отлично», занимается в музыкальной школе по классу гитары, в студии модной одежды, прекрасно вяжет и шьёт. Мечтает поступить на факультет журналистики УрФУ.
Настя – активная участница молодежных журналистских сборов Свердловской области. Анастасия победительница региональных литературных конкурсов, победительница и участница региональных олимпиад. Общительная, ответственная и серьёзная, она постоянно стремится реализовать себя как в учёбе, так и творчестве.
Настя постоянно сочиняет, отдавая предпочтение эпистолярному жанру и очерку. Поэтому на суд читателей она отправляет своё письмо папе, написанное от сердца в ожидании приезда одного из самых дорогих людей.
«Письмо ПАПЕ»
Папа, папочка, папуля! Здравствуй, дорогой!
Ты уже месяц в командировке, я так соскучилась, вот пишу тебе письмо. Словом, пишу-то я домашнее сочинение на тему: «Герой нашего времени». Представляю, как округлились твои большие голубые глаза!? Что удивляешься?! Да, я считаю тебя героем нашего времени, потому что на таких, как ты, держится мир! Теперь объясню, почему!
Почему так дорого слово «ПАПА» для ребенка, как много оно значит для меня лично!
Ты для меня, папа, человек, который всегда поможет и подскажет, посочувствует и поддержит. В моменты, когда нужна справедливость и строгость, ты строг, когда нужна забота, ласка и доброта, ты добр.
Милый мой папочка, ты образованный, умный человек – человек военной закалки. За твоими плечами военное училище, служба в РВСН, и сейчас ты подполковник таможни. Я знаю, как важна для тебя работа, как тебя ценят и уважают на работе коллеги. А твоё увлечение спортом, машинами и умение мастерить что-нибудь своими руками! Этот список может быть бесконечным!
Я наблюдала, пап, когда ты работаешь, твоё лицо становится серьезным и сосредоточенным, голубые глаза слегка прищуриваются, а руки проделывают колоссальную важную работу.
Папа, ты учишь меня таким качествам, как мужество, ответственность, решительность, смелость. Правда, у меня не все получается, но все еще впереди.
Говорят, «есть такая профессия родину защищать». Я думаю, что это высказывание относится именно к тебе, папа, и могу гордиться тобой! Папа, а ещё я очень горжусь тем, что ты офицер.
Говорят: «Если в доме нет отца, значит, в нем нет одной стены». Я рада, что в моем доме, в моей семье, в моей жизни есть все стены – есть папа. Я люблю и уважаю тебя, папочка, за строгость, хоть и иногда не слушаю тебя.
Спасибо тебе, мой папа, мой герой, за понимание, которое всё-таки присутствует между нами, за заботу, которая обеспечивает тепло в отношениях, тепло в моей семье, в моей жизни. Я благодарна тебе за то, что ты предостерегаешь меня от неверных поступков и шагов, умея объяснить свою позицию на тот или иной вопрос.
Конечно, со многими секретами, проблемами и переживаниями дети привыкли обращаться к маме, но в моей семье я могу обратиться и к тебе, папочка, ты ведь всегда выслушаешь и поймешь меня. Правда иногда ты проявляешь излишнее любопытство и к моим личным делам, но я стараюсь понять тебя даже в этом вопросе, так как знаю, что ты желаешь мне добра, ты проявляешь заботу обо мне, и я стараюсь поставить себя на твоё место, тем самым понять тебя, потому что именно ты являешься источником силы, в котором я так подчас нуждаюсь.
Я люблю тебя, папочка! Ты в моем сердце, и я горжусь тобой!
P.S. Уже час ночи, и я будто пообщалась с тобой, папа! Письмо не отправлю, а на душе стало полегче! Приезжай скорей, герой нашего времени, ПАПОЧКА!
С любовью, твоя дочь Настя.
5, точнее 6 сентября 2011 года))))
Автор: Анастасия Куликова, 16 лет, ученица 10 класса средней общеобразовательной школы, п. Уральский, Свердловская область. Руководитель: Светлана Александровна Швед, учитель русского языка и литературы высшей квалификационной категории средней общеобразовательной школы, п. Уральский, Свердловская область.
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- Сочинения
- Про семью
- Письмо папе
Сочинение Письмо папе
Родной мой, любимый папа! Я очень рада, что каникулы закончились. Ты всегда был для меня хорошим примером. Мне кажется, что ты меня любил больше всех на свете. Я люблю тебя и всегда буду тебя любить. Помни об этом всегда. Пусть даже если жить будет нелегко, я очень хочу, чтобы ты всегда был сильным. Я буду любить тебя, не смотря ни на что! Хотя если честно, я я верю, что и ты меня всегда будешь любить и защищать.
Я хочу, чтоб ты был счастлив. Верь в себя. Ведь у тебя все получится. Я очень люблю тебя! Ты мне очень нужен. Я тоже очень тебя люблю. Твоя дочь Ирочка.
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A father may not explicitly show his affection for his son, but he always thinks about his children deep inside. So, a letter to a father from a son could be all about expressing gratitude and feeling emotional. A letter is also an excellent medium to communicate with your father as you may not be able to put certain things across to him face to face. It gives you a chance to speak your heart out. So if you are looking for words to make your dad feel loved and appreciated, take a cue from these inspiring sample letters given below. Swipe up!
Wondering what to write in a letter to your dad? Expressing your love, appreciation, and gratitude to your dad for his unconditional love can be difficult. How does one put words to such pure love! Well, we understand. So, we have put a few samples covering the sentiments that you can in your letter to your father.
1. Dear Dad,
Today, as I am writing this letter, I have millions of thoughts running through my mind.
Through this letter, I wanted to express my love for you that is honestly hard to put into words. You mean more than the world to me!
My memories of childhood and all that you have done to make our home a happy place are something I will never be able to thank you enough for. I can still recall the walks we took, the games we played, and those confidential chats we had while resting in the shade. This letter is to thank you, Dad – for everything you have done for me that shaped me and made me who I am. No words of mine can tell you, Dad, the things I really feel, but you must know my love for you is real and lasting.
Thank you for making my world a better place. I will keep these precious memories as cherished souvenirs.
Lots of love,
[Your name]
2. Dear Dad,
I know you to be warm-hearted and caring, loving, and nurturing. I know you to be soft and thoughtful. I know you to be a philosopher of sorts, a writer, an intellectual, a critic, and a thinker of deep thoughts. I know you to be mysterious, foreign, and a holder of sacred thoughts. I know you to be all of these things and more, even if no one else can see it. Dad, you are my hero and my role model and will always be.
Thank you for always been there for me and giving me this wonderful life. Your love and guidance have been and will always be my most cherished gifts in this lifetime.
With as much love as the world can contain,
[Your name]
3. Dear Dad,
There are so many things I would like to tell you in person, but I either lack the words or fail to find the right time or place. But in this special letter, Dad, you will find, at least in part, the feelings that the passing years have left in my heart.
I can still recall the walks we took, the games we played, and all the lessons you taught me – just truckloads of so many memories. This is to thank you for being my guiding light through my growing years, my role model, and my best friend. No words of mine can express the things I really feel, but you must know my love for you is lasting, warm, and real.
You made my world a better place.
Thank you, Dad, for being you and always being there for me!
Lots of love, Dad!
[Your name]
4. Dear Pop,
You are loving and nurturing, warm-hearted and soft, and caring and thoughtful. This not only makes me proud to be your son but also makes me cherish all the gifts life has bestowed upon me. There are no words to describe my immense love for you.
As I walk on the path you have shown me, pretty much in your footsteps, I dream and aim to be at least half as awesome as you. Pop, you have given me the best things in life: your time, your care, and your love. I am truly grateful to have you in my life.
You are the best father in the whole wide world, and I could not be prouder!
Your Son.
5. Dear Dad,
I just want to let you know that you mean the world to me. Only a heart as dear as yours would give so unselfishly. Even though you rarely tell how much you care, I know your love is boundless. I appreciate all that you do for us. Richly blessed is how I feel, having a father just like you.
Love you, Dad!
[Your name]
6. Dearest Papa,
Thank you for being there when I took my first steps in the world and for holding my hand until I got there. Thank you for being my partner in crime. There is no possible way I could pay you back for all that you have done for me growing up, but I greatly appreciate all your hard work raising me. I would not be who I am today without you.
Thank you for teaching me to never let go of my dreams and fight for them when I need to.
Thank you for believing, for hoping, for smiling, for laughing, for teaching, for loving, and for supporting me. I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for me.
I love you, Papa!
7. Dad,
I see your effortless dedication to taking care of us and loving us. I am thankful for all the things you prepared me for. You have always encouraged me to reach for the stars and have been my biggest cheerleader. Although you were never as vocal as Mommy, your influence and your quiet yet strong presence have always helped me.
Thank you for giving me this wonderful, privileged life, Dad!
No words can explain how much I love and adore you!
[Your name]
8. Dear Dad,
Thank you for all the adventures you brought us on when we were little. Many of those adventures must have been boring and mundane for an adult, but to our young minds, these little escapades created some of the best memories.
You would pile us in the car with no destination in mind, have lunch at off-the-beaten-path diners, and explore the world. You opened up my eyes to a sense of adventure that, until now, I carry with me at all times. And even though I am already an adult with responsibilities of my own, it was through you that I learned to crave for more out of life.
You instilled in me a zest for life that age cannot erase. Thank you for giving me this wonderful gift, Dad.
I love you tons!
[Your name]
9. Dear Dad,
I love you!
I wanted to write you a love letter and a ‘thank you’ note. I want to thank you for all of the hugs you offered me to squeeze the sadness out and all of the pep talks you gave me when I doubted myself. Most of all, thank you for being my partner. Thank you for being my best friend in the world. There is no one who can take your place.
Now that I am miles away from you, I am missing you. I am missing talking to you, sitting in front of you.
There is not a single moment in my life that does not remind me of you! My job, my skills, and my knowledge are all because of you. When people praise me for my work, I may not say it out loud, but I know in my heart that praise is because of you.
Love you, Dad!
[Your name]
10. Dearest Dad,
I know you are not much of a talker, and in a way, I always appreciated that. Mom was more of the type to tell me what to do and how to do things, but you were always the type to teach by example. Words may not have been your strong point, but you taught me what I needed to do by showing me how you would do things.
One of the most important lessons I learned from you was the value of keeping your word. Honesty has always been one of the most important virtues to you. You taught me the importance of keeping your word and fulfilling the promises you make to others. Because of you, I have been careful about who I give my word to. Thus, I am now known as a man of integrity. Thank you for the lessons you taught me. I would not be the man I am today without your guidance and love.
Lots of love to you, Dad!
[Your name]
Stylecraze Says
Think about the purpose of writing a letter to your father and take time to reflect on all the emotions. This can help you draft your letter better.
11. Dear Dad,
I want to thank you for always letting me carve my own path in life. Thank you for always being there to guide and support me in any endeavor I choose. Thank you for cheering me on in my pursuits, whether in athletics, academics, or the arts. Thank you for never pushing me toward a path you chose and, instead, guiding me toward one that you believe is the best for me. Thank you for never forcing me to become a “manly man” because you know that being a real man is more than chauvinistic machismo – a real man is one who is full of dignity and grace.
Thank you for teaching me to treat women well and to respect them as equals in any field. Lastly, thank you for doing your best to be a good father to us. Your love, guidance, and support are and will always be appreciated.
I just cannot imagine what I would have done without you in my life.
Thanks a lot, Dad! No words are enough to express my love and gratitude for you.
Kind regards and lots of love,
Your loving son.
12. Dear Daddy,
You are always loving, nurturing, warm-hearted, and thoughtful. There are no words to describe my immense love for you.
The one thing that is most distinguishable about your character is your humor. Your humor has seen me through many trials. Your way of dealing with things is what people see in me too. You are my tower of strength. I can never thank you enough for being an amazing example of a true man in my life. I am so thankful that you are my father!
Thanks for everything, Daddy! You are the best dad in the whole world.
Lots of love,
[Your name]
13. Dearest Dada,
You are not just my father but one of my closest friends. You are my one and only dad, and I will always have a special place in my heart for you. The older I get, the more I realize how important it is to have a father like you. You have provided stability in my life and the love and acceptance I needed.
Thank you for all the sacrifices you made to be able to provide for us. You showed me that when something has to be done, you should do your share in accomplishing it, no matter how simple or difficult the task. I am now a working man, and these lessons you have imparted are always in my mind. Because of this, I have learned to appreciate my opportunities in life, and I owe it all to you.
There is no possible way I could pay you back for all that you have done for me growing up, but I greatly appreciate all your hard work raising me. I would not be who I am today without you.
Thanks a ton, Dad, for always being there.
Your loving and dear son,
[Your name]
14. Dear Dad,
I just thought I should let you know how much I love you. As a father myself, I am always guided by the lessons and examples you set for me. I want their upbringing to be like mine under the father I hold in such high esteem. I teach them that being a good person means embracing humanity and treating everyone with respect. I will teach them that showing emotions is not weakness but a sign of humanity. I will teach them to have empathy for their neighbors and show compassion for those who need it the most.
These are the lessons I have learned from my greatest role model in life – you. And, in turn, I hope that these lessons will be passed down to my children and their children after them. Thank you for giving me something to aspire to.
[Your name]
15. Dearest Papa,
I may not tell you this very often, but I love you the most, and you really inspire me. When I was a kid, I would always find you so strict compared to all the other dads of my friends, and I used to feel that you are so unfair. But now that I have grown up, I realize that you were probably the best dad because you were guiding me to become a better person.
Though we meet very often, I still want to meet you more because I have started to realize that whenever I spend time with you, the child inside me is so happy, and the man on the outside has so much to learn.
I must admit that I have never enjoyed your company more, and I feel that is because we both have started to understand each other better. This is the kind of relationship I have always wanted to have with you.
You are the best dad in the whole world!
I love you.
16. Dear Dad,
Thank you for molding me into the person that I am today. My morals, character, and anything decent about me – I owe it all to you.
Thank you so much for being you and making me, me!
Your loving son,
[Your name]
17. Dear Pops,
I wanted to thank you for everything you have done for me so far. I am truly and incredibly blessed to have you as my dad. You are my biggest supporter, my best bud, my rock, and my inspiration. I know I can always count on you in every ugly situation.
I have no doubt that God took a piece of you to make me for the person I am. Your unending belief in my potential empowers me every single day. I cannot thank my stars enough for having you in my life. You are and always will be the best gift I got from life.
Love you to the moon and back!
[Your name]
18. Dear Father,
In the line between cringe and cool, you always somehow manage to be on the cool side. I know there is a stereotype that dads are super un-cool, with their dad jokes, their dad bods, and their daily dad outfits (the loose shirt, denim shorts, and horrendous socks with sandals). And while dads have their own reasons for being the way that they are, I have never been more glad to have a father who is on the same wavelength as me. You opened my eyes to your music even though mom thought it was too loud for a little kid.
You showed me all the cool things you used to do in your youth, from going on cross-country adventures to see your favorite band to shutting down pubs in town. I understand that you did these things with wild abandon, but I believe that there is a part of me that will want to do these things too. You are the coolest dad in the whole wide world, and I can only hope to be half as cool as you someday!
I could not have asked for a more awesome dad!
Thank you so much for showering me with immense love and guiding me throughout my life, Dad.
I love you loads!
[Your name]
Stylecraze Says
Use simple sentences and ensure there are no grammatical or spelling errors. You may also insert a picture of you two to make the letter a lot more impactful.
19. Dear Dad,
You are the most awesome father ever. I will always love you for your guidance, comfort, and encouragement. More than a dad, you have been my playmate, hero, coach, and mentor.
You always pushed me to become the strong person I am today. I cannot thank you enough for the endless love and support you showered upon me all these years. It means more than anything to me.
When I look back, I clearly remember all the beautiful moments I had with you. As a dad, you were strong, caring, and a man of values.
Love you more than anything!
Lots of love,
[Your name]
20. Dear Daddy,
First and foremost, thank you for accepting me for who I am as a person. You always knew I was different from everyone else, and yet you still held my hand through all the bullying and tears. I have always been insecure and unsure of myself, but it was you who taught me to accept who I am instead of fighting it.
Now that I am an adult, I have learned to embrace who I am. People may say that it was through bad parenting that I turned out the way that I did, but I believe that I am the best person I can be thanks to you. Dad, I love you from the bottom of my heart.
[Your name]
Infographic: Short And Thoughtful Letters To A Father From His Son
Communication between many fathers and their sons isn’t particularly open-ended. Sons are raised to be strong and independent, and society does not value emotional sensitivity as a sign of strength. Contrary to popular belief, however, emotional transparency, kindness, and vulnerability can actually deepen the link between fathers and sons. We have rounded up three short, thoughtful letters to help you pen your thoughts and show gratitude to your father for everything they have done for you. Check it out.
Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
Many fathers do not have a very communicative and affectionate relationship with their sons. It is because sons are raised to be tough, and society doesn’t see emotional vulnerability as a sign of strength. However, expressing your feelings for your special people helps build emotional intelligence, making you and your loved ones feel great about the bond you share with them. These samples of letters to father from son are packed with the love and gratitude that sons may wish to convey to their fathers. You can take inspiration from these samples to write a personalized one for your father. They will surely appreciate it.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you make your dad feel special?
Fathers are not very emotionally expressive. They feel their responsibilities are to provide for and protect their family and not expect anything in return. The best way to make your dad feel special is to let them know you acknowledge their efforts and are grateful for them. Remember the little things they do for you and return the deed to let them know you would do the same for them.
What does a father mean to a son?
Fathers are the closest example of worldly men for their sons. Sons who have an involved father look up to them and idolize them. They wish to grow up to be like the heroes their dads are. They look to their fathers for guidance on how to survive the world outside the nurturing embrace of their mothers.
How do you describe your father’s love?
A father’s love is steady, reassuring, humble, and can be seen in their actions more than their words.
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A father may not explicitly show his affection for his son, but he always thinks about his children deep inside. So, a letter to a father from a son could be all about expressing gratitude and feeling emotional. A letter is also an excellent medium to communicate with your father as you may not be able to put certain things across to him face to face. It gives you a chance to speak your heart out. So if you are looking for words to make your dad feel loved and appreciated, take a cue from these inspiring sample letters given below. Swipe up!
Wondering what to write in a letter to your dad? Expressing your love, appreciation, and gratitude to your dad for his unconditional love can be difficult. How does one put words to such pure love! Well, we understand. So, we have put a few samples covering the sentiments that you can in your letter to your father.
1. Dear Dad,
Today, as I am writing this letter, I have millions of thoughts running through my mind.
Through this letter, I wanted to express my love for you that is honestly hard to put into words. You mean more than the world to me!
My memories of childhood and all that you have done to make our home a happy place are something I will never be able to thank you enough for. I can still recall the walks we took, the games we played, and those confidential chats we had while resting in the shade. This letter is to thank you, Dad – for everything you have done for me that shaped me and made me who I am. No words of mine can tell you, Dad, the things I really feel, but you must know my love for you is real and lasting.
Thank you for making my world a better place. I will keep these precious memories as cherished souvenirs.
Lots of love,
[Your name]
2. Dear Dad,
I know you to be warm-hearted and caring, loving, and nurturing. I know you to be soft and thoughtful. I know you to be a philosopher of sorts, a writer, an intellectual, a critic, and a thinker of deep thoughts. I know you to be mysterious, foreign, and a holder of sacred thoughts. I know you to be all of these things and more, even if no one else can see it. Dad, you are my hero and my role model and will always be.
Thank you for always been there for me and giving me this wonderful life. Your love and guidance have been and will always be my most cherished gifts in this lifetime.
With as much love as the world can contain,
[Your name]
3. Dear Dad,
There are so many things I would like to tell you in person, but I either lack the words or fail to find the right time or place. But in this special letter, Dad, you will find, at least in part, the feelings that the passing years have left in my heart.
I can still recall the walks we took, the games we played, and all the lessons you taught me – just truckloads of so many memories. This is to thank you for being my guiding light through my growing years, my role model, and my best friend. No words of mine can express the things I really feel, but you must know my love for you is lasting, warm, and real.
You made my world a better place.
Thank you, Dad, for being you and always being there for me!
Lots of love, Dad!
[Your name]
4. Dear Pop,
You are loving and nurturing, warm-hearted and soft, and caring and thoughtful. This not only makes me proud to be your son but also makes me cherish all the gifts life has bestowed upon me. There are no words to describe my immense love for you.
As I walk on the path you have shown me, pretty much in your footsteps, I dream and aim to be at least half as awesome as you. Pop, you have given me the best things in life: your time, your care, and your love. I am truly grateful to have you in my life.
You are the best father in the whole wide world, and I could not be prouder!
Your Son.
5. Dear Dad,
I just want to let you know that you mean the world to me. Only a heart as dear as yours would give so unselfishly. Even though you rarely tell how much you care, I know your love is boundless. I appreciate all that you do for us. Richly blessed is how I feel, having a father just like you.
Love you, Dad!
[Your name]
6. Dearest Papa,
Thank you for being there when I took my first steps in the world and for holding my hand until I got there. Thank you for being my partner in crime. There is no possible way I could pay you back for all that you have done for me growing up, but I greatly appreciate all your hard work raising me. I would not be who I am today without you.
Thank you for teaching me to never let go of my dreams and fight for them when I need to.
Thank you for believing, for hoping, for smiling, for laughing, for teaching, for loving, and for supporting me. I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for me.
I love you, Papa!
7. Dad,
I see your effortless dedication to taking care of us and loving us. I am thankful for all the things you prepared me for. You have always encouraged me to reach for the stars and have been my biggest cheerleader. Although you were never as vocal as Mommy, your influence and your quiet yet strong presence have always helped me.
Thank you for giving me this wonderful, privileged life, Dad!
No words can explain how much I love and adore you!
[Your name]
8. Dear Dad,
Thank you for all the adventures you brought us on when we were little. Many of those adventures must have been boring and mundane for an adult, but to our young minds, these little escapades created some of the best memories.
You would pile us in the car with no destination in mind, have lunch at off-the-beaten-path diners, and explore the world. You opened up my eyes to a sense of adventure that, until now, I carry with me at all times. And even though I am already an adult with responsibilities of my own, it was through you that I learned to crave for more out of life.
You instilled in me a zest for life that age cannot erase. Thank you for giving me this wonderful gift, Dad.
I love you tons!
[Your name]
9. Dear Dad,
I love you!
I wanted to write you a love letter and a ‘thank you’ note. I want to thank you for all of the hugs you offered me to squeeze the sadness out and all of the pep talks you gave me when I doubted myself. Most of all, thank you for being my partner. Thank you for being my best friend in the world. There is no one who can take your place.
Now that I am miles away from you, I am missing you. I am missing talking to you, sitting in front of you.
There is not a single moment in my life that does not remind me of you! My job, my skills, and my knowledge are all because of you. When people praise me for my work, I may not say it out loud, but I know in my heart that praise is because of you.
Love you, Dad!
[Your name]
10. Dearest Dad,
I know you are not much of a talker, and in a way, I always appreciated that. Mom was more of the type to tell me what to do and how to do things, but you were always the type to teach by example. Words may not have been your strong point, but you taught me what I needed to do by showing me how you would do things.
One of the most important lessons I learned from you was the value of keeping your word. Honesty has always been one of the most important virtues to you. You taught me the importance of keeping your word and fulfilling the promises you make to others. Because of you, I have been careful about who I give my word to. Thus, I am now known as a man of integrity. Thank you for the lessons you taught me. I would not be the man I am today without your guidance and love.
Lots of love to you, Dad!
[Your name]
Stylecraze Says
Think about the purpose of writing a letter to your father and take time to reflect on all the emotions. This can help you draft your letter better.
11. Dear Dad,
I want to thank you for always letting me carve my own path in life. Thank you for always being there to guide and support me in any endeavor I choose. Thank you for cheering me on in my pursuits, whether in athletics, academics, or the arts. Thank you for never pushing me toward a path you chose and, instead, guiding me toward one that you believe is the best for me. Thank you for never forcing me to become a “manly man” because you know that being a real man is more than chauvinistic machismo – a real man is one who is full of dignity and grace.
Thank you for teaching me to treat women well and to respect them as equals in any field. Lastly, thank you for doing your best to be a good father to us. Your love, guidance, and support are and will always be appreciated.
I just cannot imagine what I would have done without you in my life.
Thanks a lot, Dad! No words are enough to express my love and gratitude for you.
Kind regards and lots of love,
Your loving son.
12. Dear Daddy,
You are always loving, nurturing, warm-hearted, and thoughtful. There are no words to describe my immense love for you.
The one thing that is most distinguishable about your character is your humor. Your humor has seen me through many trials. Your way of dealing with things is what people see in me too. You are my tower of strength. I can never thank you enough for being an amazing example of a true man in my life. I am so thankful that you are my father!
Thanks for everything, Daddy! You are the best dad in the whole world.
Lots of love,
[Your name]
13. Dearest Dada,
You are not just my father but one of my closest friends. You are my one and only dad, and I will always have a special place in my heart for you. The older I get, the more I realize how important it is to have a father like you. You have provided stability in my life and the love and acceptance I needed.
Thank you for all the sacrifices you made to be able to provide for us. You showed me that when something has to be done, you should do your share in accomplishing it, no matter how simple or difficult the task. I am now a working man, and these lessons you have imparted are always in my mind. Because of this, I have learned to appreciate my opportunities in life, and I owe it all to you.
There is no possible way I could pay you back for all that you have done for me growing up, but I greatly appreciate all your hard work raising me. I would not be who I am today without you.
Thanks a ton, Dad, for always being there.
Your loving and dear son,
[Your name]
14. Dear Dad,
I just thought I should let you know how much I love you. As a father myself, I am always guided by the lessons and examples you set for me. I want their upbringing to be like mine under the father I hold in such high esteem. I teach them that being a good person means embracing humanity and treating everyone with respect. I will teach them that showing emotions is not weakness but a sign of humanity. I will teach them to have empathy for their neighbors and show compassion for those who need it the most.
These are the lessons I have learned from my greatest role model in life – you. And, in turn, I hope that these lessons will be passed down to my children and their children after them. Thank you for giving me something to aspire to.
[Your name]
15. Dearest Papa,
I may not tell you this very often, but I love you the most, and you really inspire me. When I was a kid, I would always find you so strict compared to all the other dads of my friends, and I used to feel that you are so unfair. But now that I have grown up, I realize that you were probably the best dad because you were guiding me to become a better person.
Though we meet very often, I still want to meet you more because I have started to realize that whenever I spend time with you, the child inside me is so happy, and the man on the outside has so much to learn.
I must admit that I have never enjoyed your company more, and I feel that is because we both have started to understand each other better. This is the kind of relationship I have always wanted to have with you.
You are the best dad in the whole world!
I love you.
16. Dear Dad,
Thank you for molding me into the person that I am today. My morals, character, and anything decent about me – I owe it all to you.
Thank you so much for being you and making me, me!
Your loving son,
[Your name]
17. Dear Pops,
I wanted to thank you for everything you have done for me so far. I am truly and incredibly blessed to have you as my dad. You are my biggest supporter, my best bud, my rock, and my inspiration. I know I can always count on you in every ugly situation.
I have no doubt that God took a piece of you to make me for the person I am. Your unending belief in my potential empowers me every single day. I cannot thank my stars enough for having you in my life. You are and always will be the best gift I got from life.
Love you to the moon and back!
[Your name]
18. Dear Father,
In the line between cringe and cool, you always somehow manage to be on the cool side. I know there is a stereotype that dads are super un-cool, with their dad jokes, their dad bods, and their daily dad outfits (the loose shirt, denim shorts, and horrendous socks with sandals). And while dads have their own reasons for being the way that they are, I have never been more glad to have a father who is on the same wavelength as me. You opened my eyes to your music even though mom thought it was too loud for a little kid.
You showed me all the cool things you used to do in your youth, from going on cross-country adventures to see your favorite band to shutting down pubs in town. I understand that you did these things with wild abandon, but I believe that there is a part of me that will want to do these things too. You are the coolest dad in the whole wide world, and I can only hope to be half as cool as you someday!
I could not have asked for a more awesome dad!
Thank you so much for showering me with immense love and guiding me throughout my life, Dad.
I love you loads!
[Your name]
Stylecraze Says
Use simple sentences and ensure there are no grammatical or spelling errors. You may also insert a picture of you two to make the letter a lot more impactful.
19. Dear Dad,
You are the most awesome father ever. I will always love you for your guidance, comfort, and encouragement. More than a dad, you have been my playmate, hero, coach, and mentor.
You always pushed me to become the strong person I am today. I cannot thank you enough for the endless love and support you showered upon me all these years. It means more than anything to me.
When I look back, I clearly remember all the beautiful moments I had with you. As a dad, you were strong, caring, and a man of values.
Love you more than anything!
Lots of love,
[Your name]
20. Dear Daddy,
First and foremost, thank you for accepting me for who I am as a person. You always knew I was different from everyone else, and yet you still held my hand through all the bullying and tears. I have always been insecure and unsure of myself, but it was you who taught me to accept who I am instead of fighting it.
Now that I am an adult, I have learned to embrace who I am. People may say that it was through bad parenting that I turned out the way that I did, but I believe that I am the best person I can be thanks to you. Dad, I love you from the bottom of my heart.
[Your name]
Infographic: Short And Thoughtful Letters To A Father From His Son
Communication between many fathers and their sons isn’t particularly open-ended. Sons are raised to be strong and independent, and society does not value emotional sensitivity as a sign of strength. Contrary to popular belief, however, emotional transparency, kindness, and vulnerability can actually deepen the link between fathers and sons. We have rounded up three short, thoughtful letters to help you pen your thoughts and show gratitude to your father for everything they have done for you. Check it out.
Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
Many fathers do not have a very communicative and affectionate relationship with their sons. It is because sons are raised to be tough, and society doesn’t see emotional vulnerability as a sign of strength. However, expressing your feelings for your special people helps build emotional intelligence, making you and your loved ones feel great about the bond you share with them. These samples of letters to father from son are packed with the love and gratitude that sons may wish to convey to their fathers. You can take inspiration from these samples to write a personalized one for your father. They will surely appreciate it.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you make your dad feel special?
Fathers are not very emotionally expressive. They feel their responsibilities are to provide for and protect their family and not expect anything in return. The best way to make your dad feel special is to let them know you acknowledge their efforts and are grateful for them. Remember the little things they do for you and return the deed to let them know you would do the same for them.
What does a father mean to a son?
Fathers are the closest example of worldly men for their sons. Sons who have an involved father look up to them and idolize them. They wish to grow up to be like the heroes their dads are. They look to their fathers for guidance on how to survive the world outside the nurturing embrace of their mothers.
How do you describe your father’s love?
A father’s love is steady, reassuring, humble, and can be seen in their actions more than their words.
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Папа, папочка, папуля. Только я могу так называть, потому что ты – МОЙ папа. Ты – моя опора, опора нашей семьи и опора для мамы. Ты – истинный глава нашей большой и дружной семьи. Свое письмо я хочу посветить тебе, любимый папа.
Ты всегда беспокоишься за меня и желаешь только самого лучшего. Именно поэтому ты иногда и строг со мной, и можешь запретить что-то. Да, сейчас я это понимаю, но порой крайне не согласна с этим, поэтому и ругаюсь с тобой. И могу во время ссоры сказать то, о чем совсем не думаю, и обидеть тебя этим. Прости меня, пожалуйста. Ты никогда не покажешь, что тебе больно и неприятно, но я то знаю, что душа и сердце у тебя ранимые. И их нужно беречь, словно хрустальную вазу.
Ты — яркий пример того, какого мужа я себе хочу в будущем. Да, мой муж непременно должен быть такой, как ты: ответственным, понимающим, любящим, трепетным. И этот список можно продолжать до бесконечности.
Говорят, родителей не выбирают. А я бы и не хотела другого папу! Ты научил меня всему, что я сейчас знаю и умею: собирать шкаф, прибить гвоздь и даже дать отпор мальчику (если он сильно настойчив).У нас с тобой есть свои секретики, о которых даже мама не знает. Все, чо я сейчас написала, я написала от души… Надеюсь, что когда ты прочитаешь строки этого письмо папе от дочери, они доведут тебя до слез радости и гордости за то, что ты создал большую и крепкую семью – нашу семью. ©
Короткие письма любимому папе от дочери от души
Папочка, наполняйся солнечным светом каждый день! Как губка, быстро и легко впитывай любовь и добро! Так же легко и отдавай тем, кто в этом нуждается. А все плохое – отторгай, ведь ему не место в твоей жизни! Никогда не будь гордым с теми, с кем твоя душа поёт, потому что из-за гордости можно потерять их. Про гордость не забывай, когда дело касается твоей чести и чести своей семьи. Будь самым любимым и счастливым! ©
Сегодня мне хочется пожелать тебе по жизни идти смело, быть мудрым и оставаться всегда рассудительным. И если нужно избегать общения с некоторыми людьми для того, чтобы защитить своё эмоциональное здоровье — не раздумывая, делай это. И это совсем не трусость или слабость. Это — мудрость, которая сэкономит тебе уйму нервов и потраченного впустую времени. ©
Папуля! Пускай госпожа Удача всегда будет благосклонна и снисходительна к тебе. Чтобы все задуманное удавалось и мечты непременно сбывались. Чтобы родные любили, чтобы на работе — прислушивались к твоим советам, а друзья — чтобы не предавали! Чтобы родной человек был всегда рядом: в сердце, в душе, в мыслях и в поступках! ©
Обновлено: 11.03.2023
Настя – активная участница молодежных журналистских сборов Свердловской области. Анастасия победительница региональных литературных конкурсов, победительница и участница региональных олимпиад. Общительная, ответственная и серьёзная, она постоянно стремится реализовать себя как в учёбе, так и творчестве.
Настя постоянно сочиняет, отдавая предпочтение эпистолярному жанру и очерку. Поэтому на суд читателей она отправляет своё письмо папе, написанное от сердца в ожидании приезда одного из самых дорогих людей.
Папа, папочка, папуля! Здравствуй, дорогой!
Ты для меня, папа, человек, который всегда поможет и подскажет, посочувствует и поддержит. В моменты, когда нужна справедливость и строгость, ты строг, когда нужна забота, ласка и доброта, ты добр.
Милый мой папочка, ты образованный, умный человек – человек военной закалки. За твоими плечами военное училище, служба в РВСН, и сейчас ты подполковник таможни. Я знаю, как важна для тебя работа, как тебя ценят и уважают на работе коллеги. А твоё увлечение спортом, машинами и умение мастерить что-нибудь своими руками! Этот список может быть бесконечным!
Я наблюдала, пап, когда ты работаешь, твоё лицо становится серьезным и сосредоточенным, голубые глаза слегка прищуриваются, а руки проделывают колоссальную важную работу.
Папа, ты учишь меня таким качествам, как мужество, ответственность, решительность, смелость. Правда, у меня не все получается, но все еще впереди.
Спасибо тебе, мой папа, мой герой, за понимание, которое всё-таки присутствует между нами, за заботу, которая обеспечивает тепло в отношениях, тепло в моей семье, в моей жизни. Я благодарна тебе за то, что ты предостерегаешь меня от неверных поступков и шагов, умея объяснить свою позицию на тот или иной вопрос.
Конечно, со многими секретами, проблемами и переживаниями дети привыкли обращаться к маме, но в моей семье я могу обратиться и к тебе, папочка, ты ведь всегда выслушаешь и поймешь меня. Правда иногда ты проявляешь излишнее любопытство и к моим личным делам, но я стараюсь понять тебя даже в этом вопросе, так как знаю, что ты желаешь мне добра, ты проявляешь заботу обо мне, и я стараюсь поставить себя на твоё место, тем самым понять тебя, потому что именно ты являешься источником силы, в котором я так подчас нуждаюсь.
Я люблю тебя, папочка! Ты в моем сердце, и я горжусь тобой!
P.S. Уже час ночи, и я будто пообщалась с тобой, папа! Письмо не отправлю, а на душе стало полегче! Приезжай скорей, герой нашего времени, ПАПОЧКА!
С любовью, твоя дочь Настя.
5, точнее 6 сентября 2011 года))))
Автор: Анастасия Куликова, 16 лет, ученица 10 класса средней общеобразовательной школы, п. Уральский, Свердловская область. Руководитель: Светлана Александровна Швед, учитель русского языка и литературы высшей квалификационной категории средней общеобразовательной школы, п. Уральский, Свердловская область.
- Светлана Александровна
- 26 ноября 2011
- 42554
- 51
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Удивительно, как среди ужасов войны, смерти, голода находится место обычным вещам: переживаниям за оценки, радости от встречи Нового года, катанию на коньках и походам в лес. Наш блогер, одиннадцатиклассница Катя Хасанова, собрала подборку детских писем, которые дети писали на фронт своим отцам.
Эти письма детей на фронт лучше любых исследований расскажут, почему больше никогда не должна повториться война*. (*Во многих сохранившихся детских письмах на фронт нет даты и нет указания адресата).
Письмо Ады Каримовой отцу на фронт:
Письмо Юры отцу на фронт:
Письмо Славы отцу на фронт:
Письмо Славы отцу на фронт:
Письмо В. Баглая отцу И. И. Баглаю на фронт:
Письмо Инны отцу на фронт (21.10.1944):
Письмо Инны отцу на фронт:
Письмо отцу на фронт:
Письмо Геры и Влада отцу на фронт:
Письмо Саши отцу на фронт (1942 год):
Письмо отцу В. М. Карганову на фронт:
Письмо школьников своему учителю А. Беневоленскому на фронт:
Письмо Кати Сусаниной отцу Петру Сусанину (12.03.1943, п. Лиозно):
«Дорогой, добрый папенька!
Пишу я тебе письмо из немецкой неволи. Когда ты, папенька, будешь читать это письмо, меня в живых не будет. И моя просьба к тебе, отец: покарай немецких кровопийц. Это завещание твоей умирающей дочери.
Папенька, мне сегодня исполнилось 15 лет, и если бы сейчас ты, встретил меня, то не узнал бы свою дочь. Я стала очень худенькая, мои глаза ввалились, косички мне остригли наголо, руки высохли, похожи на грабли. Когда я кашляю, изо рта идет кровь — у меня отбили легкие.
А теперь, папа, как взгляну на себя в зеркало — платье рваное, в лоскутках, номер на шее, как у преступницы, сама худая, как скелет, — и соленые слезы текут из глаз. Что толку, что мне исполнилось 15 лет. Я никому не нужна. Здесь многие люди никому не нужны. Бродят голодные, затравленные овчарками. Каждый день их уводят и убивают.
Живу я в дровяном сарае: в комнату мне входить нельзя. Один раз горничная полька Юзефа дала мне кусочек хлеба, а хозяйка увидела и долго била Юзефу плеткой по голове и спине. Два раза я убегала от хозяев, но меня находил ихний дворник. Тогда сам барон срывал с меня платье и бил ногами. Я теряла сознание. Потом на меня выливали ведро воды и бросали в подвал.
Сегодня я узнала новость: Юзефа сказала, что господа уезжают в Германию с большой партией невольников и невольниц с Витебщины. Теперь они берут и меня с собою. Нет, я не поеду в эту трижды всеми проклятую Германию! Я решила лучше умереть на родной сторонушке, чем быть втоптанной в проклятую немецкую землю. Только смерть спасет меня от жестокого битья.
Не хочу больше мучиться рабыней у проклятых, жестоких немцев, не давших мне жить. Завещаю, папа: отомсти за маму и за меня.
Прощай, добрый папенька, ухожу умирать. Твоя дочь Катя Сусанина…
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