Обновлено: 11.03.2023
Young years are very important for everyone. Some people believe that youth is the most exciting time in people’s life, while others disagree with this point of view.
In my opinion, when you are young, you have the most wonderful period in your life. There are a few reasons for that. Firstly, in these years you discover the world, learn many new things and do everything for the first time. Secondly, you are full of plans and ambitions, you set your goals for the future. Moreover, in this time of life you are the bravest and the strongest.
However, there are people who support a different opinion. They claim that youth is the most dangerous period in a person’s life. They explain that at this age you can make a lot of mistakes that will affect your life in the future.
For example, when you choose your education path, you must be sure that it is interesting and suitable for you or you will regret about it years later.
Personally, I do not agree with my opponents’ opinion. If a young person has good friends and family, they will help him/her not to make these mistakes.
To sum up, although there are different opinions about youth, I still believe that it is the best time of life.
Молодые годы очень важны для каждого. Некоторые считают, что молодость — самое замечательное время в человеческой жизни, в то время как другие не согласны с этой точкой зрения.
По моему мнению, когда ты молод, ты имеешь самый чудесный период в своей жизни. Для этого есть несколько причин. Во-первых, в эти годы вы открываете мир, узнаете много новых вещей и делаете все в первый раз. Во-вторых, вы полны планов и амбиций, ставите цели на будущее. Кроме того, в это время жизни вы самый смелый и самый сильный.
Однако, есть люди, которые придерживаются другого мнения. Они заявляют, что молодость — самый опасный период жизни человека. Они объясняют, что в этом возрасте можно сделать много ошибок, которые повлияют на вашу жизнь в будущем. Например, когда вы выбираете свое образование, вы должны быть уверены, что оно интересно и подходит вам, или вы будете сожалеть о нем годы спустя.
Лично я не согласен с точкой зрения моих оппонентов. Если молодой человек имеет хороших друзей и семью, они помогут ему не делать этих ошибок.
Подводя итог, скажу, что несмотря на разное отношение к молодости, я всё-таки считаю, что это лучшее время в жизни.
Если Вы заметили ошибку или опечатку, выделите текст и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.
Тем самым окажете неоценимую пользу проекту и другим читателям.
Слайд 1
Слайд 2
The general idea that the magazine is going to be based around is to unite people. We want a family to gather at the table, read this magazine because lately people spend little time with their family. The general idea that the magazine is going to be based around is to unite people. We want a family to gather at the table, read this magazine because lately people spend little time with their family.
Слайд 3
“Happy Family” . The magazine will be for everybody who wants to know information about: parenting , beauty, amazing places around the world, national food, celebrities “Happy Family” . The magazine will be for everybody who wants to know information about: parenting , beauty, amazing places around the world, national food, celebrities
Слайд 4
The first section is dedicated to kids and is called “Children’s time” .Young children will develop their skills enjoying time. The first section is dedicated to kids and is called “Children’s time” .Young children will develop their skills enjoying time.
Слайд 5
The second section is dedicated to teens and is called “Teenage kick”. Here you can find answers to numerous questions on psychology, healthy lifestyle, drinks, sport, use of social networks, creating relationships, rest for soul. The second section is dedicated to teens and is called “Teenage kick”. Here you can find answers to numerous questions on psychology, healthy lifestyle, drinks, sport, use of social networks, creating relationships, rest for soul.
Слайд 6
The third section is dedicated to adults and is called “Parents` Life”. Here you can find lots of information about secrets of a friendly family, parenting, relations with a difficult child, problems with health, places for rest, family future plans, love and rapport. This section will be made to establish relationships between family members and strengthen their ties. The third section is dedicated to adults and is called “Parents` Life”. Here you can find lots of information about secrets of a friendly family, parenting, relations with a difficult child, problems with health, places for rest, family future plans, love and rapport. This section will be made to establish relationships between family members and strengthen their ties.
Вы можете изучить и скачать доклад-презентацию на тему News for the youth. Презентация на заданную тему содержит 14 слайдов. Для просмотра воспользуйтесь проигрывателем, если материал оказался полезным для Вас — поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте наш сайт презентаций в закладки!
Top best songs. 1 Rihanna Diamonds 2 Bruno Mars Locked Out Of Heaven 3 Psy Gangnam Style 4 Alicia Keys feat. Nicki Minaj Girl On Fire 5 Adele Skyfall 6 Ke$ha Die Young 7 Maroon 5 One More Night 8 Swedish House Mafia feat. John Martin Don’t You Worry Child 9 new Will.I.Am feat. Britney Spears Scream And Shout 10 Pink Try
A new film. In this mouth released the second part of the Twilight of the Dawn. The film the first place in the world.
Rating movies. Twilight. Saga. Dawn: Part 2 The expendables 2 Prometheus So, the war Men in black 3 The dark knight 2: the Revival of the legend Loop of time The Evolution Of The Bourne Ice age 4: continental drift The hunger games 2
Top American stars. Jason Statham Robert Pattinson Angelina Jolie Johnny Depp Kate Beckinsale Jennifer Lopez Milla Jovovich Jessica Alba Channing Tatum VIN Diesel
Top American stars. 11. Taylor Lautner 12. Tom Cruise 13. Adam Sandler 14. Played By Jensen Ackles 15. Cheisea Staud 16. Sylvester Stallone 17. Gerard Butler 18. Tom Hardy 19. Michelle Rodriguez 20. Hilary Duff
Autobiography. Jason Statham was born on September 12, 1972 in London in a family of a famous singer and a dancer. Possessing artistic talent, Jason, however, chose in youth sports, giving all the forces of ski jumping. He reached in the form of such results, which was adopted in the Olympic national team and participated in the games of 1988, held in Seoul. Within the next ten years he was a member of the National Association for jumping into the water
Young years are very important for everyone. Some people believe that youth is the most exciting time in people’s life, while others disagree with this point of view.
In my opinion, when you are young, you have the most wonderful period in your life. There are a few reasons for that. Firstly, in these years you discover the world, learn many new things and do everything for the first time. Secondly, you are full of plans and ambitions, you set your goals for the future. Moreover, in this time of life you are the bravest and the strongest.
However, there are people who support a different opinion. They claim that youth is the most dangerous period in a person’s life. They explain that at this age you can make a lot of mistakes that will affect your life in the future.
For example, when you choose your education path, you must be sure that it is interesting and suitable for you or you will regret about it years later.
Personally, I do not agree with my opponents’ opinion. If a young person has good friends and family, they will help him/her not to make these mistakes.
To sum up, although there are different opinions about youth, I still believe that it is the best time of life.
Молодые годы очень важны для каждого. Некоторые считают, что молодость — самое замечательное время в человеческой жизни, в то время как другие не согласны с этой точкой зрения.
По моему мнению, когда ты молод, ты имеешь самый чудесный период в своей жизни. Для этого есть несколько причин. Во-первых, в эти годы вы открываете мир, узнаете много новых вещей и делаете все в первый раз. Во-вторых, вы полны планов и амбиций, ставите цели на будущее. Кроме того, в это время жизни вы самый смелый и самый сильный.
Однако, есть люди, которые придерживаются другого мнения. Они заявляют, что молодость — самый опасный период жизни человека. Они объясняют, что в этом возрасте можно сделать много ошибок, которые повлияют на вашу жизнь в будущем. Например, когда вы выбираете свое образование, вы должны быть уверены, что оно интересно и подходит вам, или вы будете сожалеть о нем годы спустя.
Лично я не согласен с точкой зрения моих оппонентов. Если молодой человек имеет хороших друзей и семью, они помогут ему не делать этих ошибок.
Подводя итог, скажу, что несмотря на разное отношение к молодости, я всё-таки считаю, что это лучшее время в жизни.
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Тем самым окажете неоценимую пользу проекту и другим читателям.
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environmental pollution, against extermination of all animals, not only rare species.
Some young people work in their church organizations: they help elderly people, reconstruct our historical monuments and monasteries. This work brings them closer to our history, teaches them to love their country and respect its past.
A lot of young people go in for sports, that is why schools and institutes have sport clubs and teams. Our young people are especially interested in football, basketball, hockey, etc. There also exists a great variety of different clubs in this country. They are: theatre clubs, where young people stage different literary works; clubs “What? Where? When?”, where they can enlarge their knowledge in differentfields of science and life, and so on.
Future belongs to the young, that is why the political life of this country is important to them. Many young people are engaged in political parties and organizations such as: “the greens”, the Union of Youth
Презентация на тему: » news for the youth проект по английскому» — Транскрипт:
The name of my magazine is >. This magazine will be about teenagers life, interests, hobbies, problems.
The general idea that the magazine is going to be based around is to unite teenagers
The first section is called «Parents and teenagers». Here you can find a lot of information about the secrets of a friendly family, raising children, relationships with a difficult child,, plans for the future of the family, love and mutual understanding.
The second section is dedicated to teens and is called Teenage kicks. Here you can find answers to numerous questions on psychology, healthy lifestyle, drinks, sport, use of social networks, creating relationships, rest for soul..
The third section is called Secrets of Beauty. There is going to be a special rubric for girls about makeup, hairstyles, fashion and cosmetics.
Thank you for attention!!!!
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Помогите написать текст По агнглийскому языку , на тему news for the youth»
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Environmental pollution, against extermination of all animals, not only rare species. Some young people work in their church organizations: they help elderly people, reconstruct our historical monuments and monasteries. This work brings them closer to our history, teaches them to love their country and respect its past. A lot of young people go in for sports, that is why schools and institutes have sport clubs and teams. Our young people are especially interested in football, basketball, hockey, etc. There also exists a great variety of different clubs in this country. They are: theatre clubs, where young people stage different literary works; clubs “What? Where? When?”, where they can enlarge their knowledge in differentfields of science and life, and so on. Future belongs to the young, that is why the political life of this country is important to them. Many young people are engaged in political parties and organizations such as: “the greens”, the Union of Youth
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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.
- Проект 1 – Мой собственный ТВ канал
- Проект 2 – Новости для молодежи
- Проект 3 – Добавь свою собственную рекламу!
Урок 10
1. Выберите проект, который вы хотели бы сделать.
Проект 1 – Мой собственный ТВ канал
Подумайте о своем собственном телеканале.
Нарисуйте эмблему для канала.
Подумайте или выберите программы и составьте теле гид.
Подумайте о телеведущих, которых вы хотели бы видеть на своем канале.
Сделайте рекламу для своего канала и его передач.
Нарисуйте рисунки или приложите несколько фотографий.
The name of my TV Channel will be “Hilarious TV”. I’d like to make programmes full of humour, jokes and simply funny stories. I think it would be great to have a programme where celebrities would tell about their ridiculous situations and share their life experiences. I’d like to have Sergey Svetlakov and Ivan Urgant as TV presenters on my channel. Welcome to “Hilarious TV” Channel. Here you won’t get bored. You will relax and laugh.
Название моего телеканала будет «Веселое ТВ». Я хотел бы сделать передачи, наполненные юмором, шутками и просто смешными историями. Я думаю, что было бы здорово организовать программу, где знаменитости рассказывали бы о своих нелепых ситуациях и делились своим жизненным опытом. Я бы хотел, чтобы Сергей Светлаков и Иван Ургант были телеведущими на моем канале. Добро пожаловать на канал “Веселое ТВ”. Здесь вам не придется скучать. Вы будете расслабляться и смеяться.
Проект 2 – Новости для молодежи
Подумайте о названии своего журнала или газеты.
Подумайте об общей идее, на которой ваш журнал или газета будут основываться.
Выберете и опишите три наиболее впечатляющих раздела и озаглавьте их. Подумайте о содержании каждого раздела.
Подумайте о стиле, языке, графике, картинках и т.д.
Нарисуйте картинки и прикрепите несколько фотографий.
The name of my magazine will be “The coolest teen”. This magazine will be about teenagers’ life, hobbies, interests, problems, games etc. The most impressive sections will be “My parents don’t understand me”, “Don’t pay much attention”, “Ask me any questions”. The first section will include the stories from real life, the second section will be about unserious teenage problems and the last section will include teens’ questions.
Мой журнал будет называться “Самый крутой подросток”. Этот журнал будет посвящен жизни подростков, их увлечениям, интересам, проблемам, играм и т.д. Самые впечатляющие разделы: “Мои родители не понимают меня”, “Не обращай внимания”, “Задавайте мне любые вопросы”. Первый раздел будет включать в себя истории из реальной жизни, второй раздел будет посвящен несерьезным подростковым проблемам, а последний раздел будет включать в себя вопросы подростков.
Проект 3 – Добавь свою собственную рекламу!
Подумайте о вещи, услуге и т.д., которую вы собираетесь рекламировать.
Подумайте о рекламе (для ТВ, радио или газеты)
Подумайте и используйте разные рекламные технологии: приведите факты, статистику, положительные причины. Подумайте о девизе. Используйте юмор и воображение.
Решите, как будет выглядеть ваша реклама: нарисуйте несколько картинок или прикрепите фотографии.
I’d like to tell you about English languages courses. These courses are your chance to learn English! Our teachers are smart, well-educated and helpful. They all have a good sense of humour, so your English lessons will be fun. Don’t waste your time, come to us and next time you will travel abroad, you will speak English fluently.
Я хотел бы рассказать вам о курсах английского языка. Наши курсы — ваш шанс выучить английский язык! Наши учителя умны, хорошо образованы и всегда готовы прийти на помощь. У всех педагогов отличное чувство юмора, так что ваши уроки английского будут веселыми. Не тратьте свое время, приходите к нам и в следующий раз, когда вы поедете за границу, вы будете говорить на английском языке свободно.
2. Представьте свои проекты и ответьте на вопросы одноклассников. Объясните свои идеи и выбор.
3. Обсудите все проекты и решите, чей проект – самый лучший.
Слайд 1
Описание слайда:
News for the youth
Слайд 2
Описание слайда:
The general idea that the magazine is going to be based around is to unite people. We want a family to gather at the table, read this magazine because lately people spend little time with their family.
The general idea that the magazine is going to be based around is to unite people. We want a family to gather at the table, read this magazine because lately people spend little time with their family.
Слайд 3
Описание слайда:
“Happy Family” . The magazine will be for everybody who wants to know information about: parenting , beauty, amazing places around the world, national food, celebrities
“Happy Family” . The magazine will be for everybody who wants to know information about: parenting , beauty, amazing places around the world, national food, celebrities
Слайд 4
Описание слайда:
The first section is dedicated to kids and is called “Children’s time” .Young children will develop their skills enjoying time.
The first section is dedicated to kids and is called “Children’s time” .Young children will develop their skills enjoying time.
Слайд 5
Описание слайда:
The second section is dedicated to teens and is called “Teenage kick”. Here you can find answers to numerous questions on psychology, healthy lifestyle, drinks, sport, use of social networks, creating relationships, rest for soul.
The second section is dedicated to teens and is called “Teenage kick”. Here you can find answers to numerous questions on psychology, healthy lifestyle, drinks, sport, use of social networks, creating relationships, rest for soul.
Слайд 6
Описание слайда:
The third section is dedicated to adults and is called “Parents` Life”. Here you can find lots of information about secrets of a friendly family, parenting, relations with a difficult child, problems with health, places for rest, family future plans, love and rapport. This section will be made to establish relationships between family members and strengthen their ties.
The third section is dedicated to adults and is called “Parents` Life”. Here you can find lots of information about secrets of a friendly family, parenting, relations with a difficult child, problems with health, places for rest, family future plans, love and rapport. This section will be made to establish relationships between family members and strengthen their ties.
Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:
1 слайд
News for the youth.
2 слайд
Top best songs.
2Bruno MarsLocked Out Of Heaven
3PsyGangnam Style
4Alicia Keys feat. Nicki MinajGirl On Fire
6Ke$haDie Young
7Maroon 5One More Night
8Swedish House Mafia feat. John MartinDon’t You Worry Child
9newWill.I.Am feat. Britney SpearsScream And Shout
10 PinkTry -
3 слайд
A new film.
In this mouth released the second part of the Twilight of the Dawn. The film the first place in the world. -
4 слайд
A new film.
Bella was «born to be a vampire,» but life in a new way, though, and is fraught with a lot of charm, but all the same is not devoid of problems. She enthusiastically run along the mountains and the valleys, giving the will of her vampire nature, but it will have to accustom ourselves to a strict diet and work on the development of their own and without the first-rate abilities. In the family too, is not without problems. Вольтури are going to punish negligent lovers who dare to get a child. We need to think about the salvation of his daughter, which «is growing by leaps and bounds», collect allies, bear dog Jacob, and the love for her husband Edward takes a lot of time. Вольтури will come, when the snow falls. The interchange will be hot. -
5 слайд
Rating movies.
Twilight. Saga. Dawn: Part 2
The expendables 2
So, the war
Men in black 3
The dark knight 2: the Revival of the legend
Loop of time
The Evolution Of The Bourne
Ice age 4: continental drift
The hunger games 2 -
6 слайд
Top American stars.
Jason Statham
Robert Pattinson
Angelina Jolie
Johnny Depp
Kate Beckinsale
Jennifer Lopez
Milla Jovovich
Jessica Alba
Channing Tatum
VIN Diesel -
7 слайд
Top American stars.
11. Taylor Lautner
12. Tom Cruise
13. Adam Sandler
14. Played By Jensen Ackles
15. Cheisea Staud
16. Sylvester Stallone
17. Gerard Butler
18. Tom Hardy
19. Michelle Rodriguez
20. Hilary Duff -
8 слайд
Chelsea Staub.
Was born on September 15, 1988 in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Chelsea daughter Becky and John Staub. In Phoenix, she graduated from high school, graduated from the youth theater (Valley Youth Theatre). She attended the school of the Saguaro (Saguaro High School) one-year, while she lived in Los Angeles.In 2007, she receives her first role, also its first theatre in the role of Meredith Baxter Димли in the film «Братз: the Movie». For the film the Chelsea sang two of the soundtrack.
In 2008, Staub co-starred in the film «the Conquerors of time» on the Disney channel. She got the role of Stephanie Jameson. The film made its debut on January 25, 2008. Also starred in one of the series «Wizards of Waverly».
Chelsea — star of the Disney TV series «Jonas Brothers» (in the series plays Stella Malone, stylist Brothers and best friends since childhood).
9 слайд
Jason Statham was born on September 12, 1972 in London in a family of a famous singer and a dancer. Possessing artistic talent, Jason, however, chose in youth sports, giving all the forces of ski jumping. He reached in the form of such results, which was adopted in the Olympic national team and participated in the games of 1988, held in Seoul. Within the next ten years he was a member of the National Association for jumping into the water -
13 слайд
Advice to girls.
1. Forget about the shortcomings.
2. Less than sit at home.
3. Know how to listen.
4. Don’t be afraid of change.
5. Be enthralled.
6. Arm yourself with candy.
7. Watch out for the steps.
8. Not wishing voice.
9. Take care of your hair.
10. Often smile.
. -
14 слайд
The story of my magazine.
I like to look magazines. When I grow up I want to release my Journal. Which is called «all about the stars.» In this journal is told about new movies, web-pages for girls. More about the ratings of movies and songs. In the magazine there is a page which shows about the coolest stars. And tell about their life in show business. My journal will not support advertising. All a pleasant message.