Представлено сочинение на английском языке Загрязнение воды/ Water Pollution с переводом на русский язык.
Water Pollution | Загрязнение воды |
Water covers over 70% of the Earth’s surface. It is very important resource for people and the environment. One of the most urgent problems of today’s life is pollution and especially water pollution. A lot of people can’t drink water from the rivers they live at or use tap water, because most of seas and rivers are used as dumps for industrial and nuclear wastes. These substances are harmful for life beings. | Вода покрывает около 70% поверхности Земли. Это очень важный ресурс для людей и окружающей среды. Одна из самых острых проблем современной жизни – загрязнение и особенно загрязнение воды. Многие люди не могут пить воду из рек, около которых они живут, а также пить воду из-под крана, потому что большинство морей и рек используются как свалки для индустриальных и ядерных отходов. Эти вещества вредны для живых организмов. |
This results in water poisoning, which kills fish and sea animals. When animals eat other animals that are already poisoned, the chemicals are passed up through the food chain and become even more harmful. Moreover this poisoned fish can be eaten by people and cause various diseases. Water pollution destroys ecosystems. | В результате происходит отравление воды, что убивает рыбу и морских животных. Когда животные едят других животных, которые уже заражены, химикаты передаются вверх по пищевой цепи и становятся еще вреднее. Более того, эту зараженную рыбу может съесть человек, что вызовет различные заболевания. Загрязнение воды разрушает экосистемы. |
The pollutants include fertilizers and pesticides, food processing waste, lead and other heavy metals and different chemicals. | Загрязняющие вещества включают в себя удобрения и пестициды, отходы от пищевого производства, свинец и другие тяжелые металлы, и различные химикаты. |
However, we should care about our future and our children’s future. Now more and more ecological organizations appear that try to struggle for pure water. They make protests against big factories that pollute rivers, seas and lakes. What can we do to prevent water pollution? | Однако мы должны заботиться о своем будущем и о будущем наших детей. Сегодня появляется все больше организаций, которые борются за чистую воду. Они устраивают протесты против больших фабрик, загрязняющих реки, моря и озера. Что мы можем сделать, чтобы предотвратить загрязнение воды? |
First of all, we should never throw rubbish anywhere and try to find a rubbish bin. We should also use water wisely – don’t keep the tap running when you don’t use it. Moreover, we can try to reduce the amount of water when washing or taking a bath. One more good idea is buying ecofriendly cleaning liquids that we use at home – all these measures can help to decrease water pollution. | Прежде всего, мы не должны просто бросать мусор, нужно находить мусорные баки. Мы должны благоразумно использовать воду – не держать кран открытым, когда мы его не используем. Более того, мы можем попытаться сократить количество используемой воды, когда стираем или принимаем ванную. Еще одна хорошая идея – покупать экологичные моющие средства, которыми мы пользуемся дома – все эти меры могут помочь предотвратить загрязнение воды. |
Water pollution is one of the famous and one of the largest problems in our world. People in Africa cannot drink clean water; their children die because a big part of our water has been polluted. Children in Kenya often have to go many kilometers to collect drinking water. At all over 2 million people don’t have clean water. And we do not know how it will be in future.
But the pollute water killed animals and plants too. There is no ocean or sea, which is not used as a dump. Many seas are used for dumping industrial and nuclear waste. This poisons and kills fish and sea animals. «Nuclear-poisoned» fish can be eaten by people.
Many rivers and lakes are poisoned too. Fish and reptiles cannot live in them. There is not enough oxygen in the water. In such places all the birds leave their habitats and many plants die. If people drink this water they can die too. It happens so because factories produce a lot of waste and pour it into rivers. So they poison water.
But we MUST keep our planet and water of our planet clean. If we want to live, we should guard our clean water and do not pollute them because we could live without food about a month but without water we could die in 4-5 days. Let’s keep our water clean!
Water topic in English contains all the information about the importance of water and how to conserve water. Nothing that can live on the planet without water , and all that information will be found here in water topic in English.
Water topic in English
There is no doubt that water is indispensable in the life of all living beings. Our duty is to protect it from pollution and misuse, all of this information will be here in Water topic in English .
Water is the basis of life on earth of all living beings without exception, and without it there is no life, no human, no animal or plant. The human body consists of seventy percent of its weight of water, and this is conclusive evidence of its importance.
Although water is three quarters of the planet, we suffer from severe shortages in most parts of the world, because most of the water bodies in the globe are in fact salty water that can only be drunk after long and costly treatment.
Therefore, we must all stop wasting water and rationalizing and consuming it . Water is a divine gift, and it is our duty to preserve it for us and for the next generations.
The need to drink water daily is two liters to maintain the composition and structure of the body, because it is the main component of blood, and for the health and composition of cells, and we need water for personal hygiene and for washing and cooking and cleaning .
Water is an important source for a very useful food source: seafood. Water is the basis of the beauty of the planet, it gives nature its green dress. Water gives the atmosphere the moisture that makes temperatures possible on the surface of the earth.
On the other hand, we need water to generate and produce energy; through water generators we can produce electricity. Water is also used for maritime and river navigation, where ships, vessels and boats are run in sea water, rivers and oceans.
We note that we must take all measures of savings related to the rationalization of water consumption, such as control of water taps, and prevent diversion, and avoid excessive waste.
It is also important to protect it against any source of pollution, such as sewage networks, chemical plant contaminants, pesticides and organic contaminants, because any pollution in water causes serious disruption of the ecosystem.
Finally, the water in our planet is not confined to anyone, and the duty to protect it from waste and pollution is the duty of all. Fortunately, there are now thousands of public and private associations and institutions established and supervised to preserve water wealth to preserve it for future generations to live in a balanced environment.
Topic about water
Water represents a very important and indispensable element on planet Earth, and benefiting from it requires non-pollution it and the continuation of its flow in the earth in the natural way, whether in seas or rivers.
Water is very important to all life on Earth. We can say that in the event of a single defect in the system on earth because of water, life will end in the true sense of the word.
When the rain falls and rivers are formed, trees, algae and microorganisms grow because of them, on which many microorganisms or fish feed on, then people feed on fish. This is just a simple example of how things happen on the planet.
This example can be cited in many models about the importance of water and its main role in creating life, whether for trees and the production of oxygen or for the organisms and animals that live on planet Earth.
Therefore, we must preserve the wealth that we have from water, and search for ways to benefit from the water without polluting it.
Water Topic
Water is important for the continuation of life on Earth. Where water represents one of the important elements without which all life on earth would cease and all creatures would become extinct.
Therefore, it is wonderful to preserve and appreciate it, and learn some lessons from the countries that owned water, and in the recent period, due to their neglect in the use of water, it suffered from a shortage like Turkey, where a whole lake of water dried up due to the great use of water.
Or we can see Africa and the extent of the impact of water shortage on their future, development and life, and the extent of its impact on their children and the injuries and diseases that come due to water shortage and pollution.
So we should be grateful for the grace that God has given us, preserve it and use it in the right way. Awareness and culture must be spread for the correct methods of use, whether for personal use or for companies and projects.
Where the water in the 21st century has become subject to pollution and shortage significantly in many countries.
Topic of water in English
Many of us have a long and stressful day, and the first thing we think about when we get home is to drink a lot of water.
The scientific fact is that the human body is made up of 80% water, and therefore for the human body, or many other organisms, water is an essential element that cannot be dispensed with.
Water also has therapeutic properties such as applying cold and hot water pressures, steam bath, water bath with oil flowers, all these treatments and others help in moisturizing the skin, relaxing the muscles and relieving spasms in the body.
To this day we use hot water to relax the muscles and the pain becomes less than it is. Or it can be used in the treatment of arthritis, or in other chronic pain conditions. Therefore, water is considered one of the most important and indispensable necessities of life.
Despite the continuous cultural and educational wealth, we find that the world largely ignores the continued pollution of rivers and seas, and the use of water in many unimportant services. In addition to the pollution resulting from factories, which greatly affects life on the planet.
Perhaps the whole world is not now moving in one direction, which is to preserve the wealth of water that we have,
but perhaps in the future, when we truly suffer from a shortage of potable water, we will understand the lesson and strive to preserve it and join hands to keep it clean on the planet.
Easy topic about water
Water plays a large and important role in the life of all creatures on Earth. It is the most important element required for the beginning of any life, and this is what humans have been searching for for many years on other planets.
So that they can secure the life of another planet, if any catastrophe occurs on the planet, they can move to another planet and live on it.
In the 21st century, we are witnessing a significant impact due to pollution, a noticeable increase in melting ice, and climate change that may lead to many natural disasters. And the extent to which many international organizations fear water, and that it may be affected in the coming years and will not be usable.
We can see many global alliances formed in the months of 11-2121. Which many world leaders met to talk about the climatic and environmental pollution that affects water significantly. Which may cause the sinking of many cities and countries, and become a source of great threat to the lives of millions of citizens.
There are many other associations that work to spread awareness and culture of water conservation, whether in the seas or rivers, and that pollution resulting from the incorrect use of humans affects many marine organisms that play a major role in the diet of other fish and organisms.
Which may affect the extinction of fisheries in the end and the loss of an important food source for humans.In addition to the important and basic role that water plays in human life, which cannot be dispensed with, and the need for it to remain clean and safe in order to live in safety, health and free of any diseases that may cause water pollution.
We have provided you with water topic in English, and you can read more through the following section:
- Water research topics
Сочинение на тему “Загрязнение воды” на английском языке с переводом на русский язык |
Water Pollution |
Загрязнение воды |
Nowadays the high development of the industry leads to the inevitable pollution of the environment all over the world. First of all, it has a negative effect on the hydrosphere because, anyway, waste water falls into a reservoir or go into the ground water through the soil. |
В настоящее время высокие темпы развития промышленности приводят к неизбежному загрязнению окружающей среды во всем мире. Прежде всего, это негативно сказывается на гидросфере, потому что сточные воды, так или иначе, попадают в водоем или в грунтовые воды. |
The problem of water pollution is a global one. So it considerably complicates the ways of its solution, because different countries have to cooperate in solving such problems. However there are some problems connected with such cooperation. For example, the Mediterranean Sea is the most polluted sea in the world, perhaps, because there are 22 different countries with coastlines on the Mediterranean Sea. There is a similar problem connected with the Atlantic Ocean. There is a huge number of countries using it for the transportation of goods. So it somehow pollutes the ocean. It should be mentioned that the oil industry have a negative effect on the hydrosphere. |
Проблема загрязнения воды является глобальной. Это значительно усложняет пути ее решения, поскольку разные страны должны сотрудничать в решении таких вопросов. Однако есть некоторые трудности, связанные с таким сотрудничеством. Например, Средиземное море является самым загрязненным морем в мире, возможно, потому, что Средиземное море омывает берега 22 стран. Существует подобная проблема, связанная с Атлантическим океаном. Существует огромное количество стран, которые используют океан для перевозки грузов, что, так или иначе, его загрязняет. Следует отметить, что нефтяная промышленность также негативно влияет на гидросферу. |
The common problem is the pollution of fresh water. People must understand that polluted drinking water is not only dangerous for people’s health and the environment, but also causes economic problems, because purification of it requires a lot of money. |
Общей проблемой является загрязнение пресной воды. Люди должны понимать, что загрязненная питьевая вода не только опасна для здоровья и окружающей среды, но и создает экономические проблемы, так как ее очистка очень дорогостоящая. |
Besides, it is necessary to say a few words about Lake Baikal. It is the largest natural reservoir of fresh water. We must do everything to keep the purity of this lake. |
Кроме того, необходимо сказать несколько слов о Байкале. Это самый большой естественный резервуар пресной воды. Мы должны сделать все, чтобы сохранить чистоту этого озера. |
Загрязнение воды в современном мире — очень опасная проблема, поэтому предлагаю поговорить о ней на английском. Water pollution — топик, который поможет вам при подготовке к экзаменам, обогатив ваш словарный запас.
Water is a liquid chemical substance which is vital for life. We use water for many purposes and we can’t do without it. We drink water, wash everything with it and produce many goods on the base of water.
In addition, other inhabitants of our planet need it not less than we do. Animals and plants drink it as well and some of them also live in water. So water is essential for the whole planet.
However, the water has been polluted disastrously. Seas, oceans, rivers and lakes have become a place into which factories pour poisonous chemicals and waste. After that water becomes polluted and dangerous to live in.
Millions of plants and fish die; animals leave their usual places of living as they have no water to drink. The same problem arises among people. People in Africa often have to walk many kilometers to find some potable water. Water in India has also a poor quality and people suffer from many diseases because of that.
Even if people from developed countries don’t have such problems, they don’t have to take water for granted. If we continue to pollute and to consume more water, its resources will be soon drained and we will die due to our carelessness.
We should care about our planet and try to improve the situation, not to make the things worse.
Вода – жидкий жизненно важный химический элемент. Мы используем воду для многих целей и без нее мы не справимся. Мы пьем воду, моем все водой и производим продукты на основе воды.
Более того, другие жители нашей планеты нуждаются в ней не меньше нас. Животные и растения тоже пьют ее и некоторые из них живут в воде. Поэтому вода важна для всей планеты.
Однако вода катастрофически загрязнена. Моря, океаны, реки и озера стали местом, куда фабрики сливают отбросы и ядовитые химикаты. После этого вода становится загрязненной и опасной для жизни.
Миллионы растений и рыб погибают, а животные покидают свои привычные места обитания, так как им становится нечего пить. Такая же проблема возникает и среди людей. Людям в Африке часто приходится идти пешком много километров, чтобы раздобыть немного питьевой воды. Вода в Индии также имеет низкое качество и по этой причине люди там страдают от многих болезней.
Несмотря на то, что люди в развитых странах не сталкиваются с подобной проблемой, они не должны воспринимать воду как должное. Если мы продолжим загрязнять и потреблять воду все больше, то вскоре исчерпаем ее ресурсы и погибнем из-за нашей безответственности.
Нам следует заботиться о нашей планете и стараться улучшать ситуацию, а не ухудшать.
Полезные выражения:
Substance – вещество
On the base of – на основе/базе
Inhabitant – житель
To pollute – загрязнять
Potable water – питьеваявода
To take for granted – воспринимать как должное
To drain resources – израсходовать ресурсы
Carelessness – беспечность, безответственность, халатность
- 13.11.2018
Тема по английскому языку: Загрязнение водоемов
Топик по английскому языку: Загрязнение водоемов (Water pollution). Данный текст может быть использован в качестве презентации, проекта, рассказа, эссе, сочинения или сообщения на тему.
Вода — это жизнь
Вода повсюду. Она является неотъемлемой частью всех живых существ, но нет в целом мире моря или океана, которые бы не использовались как помойная яма. Загрязнение водоемов не только уничтожает крупные популяции птиц, рыб и животных, но также в ряде направлений негативно влияет и на человека. Через несколько лет на Земле не останется пляжа или зоны отдыха, а также воды, которую было бы безопасно пить.
Виды загрязнителей
Существует несколько видов загрязнения водоемов. Самый опасный — нефтепродукты, такие как нефть, топливо и пластик, которые попадают в воду с кораблей и танкеров в результате протечки. Они чрезвычайно опасны для морского мира и зачастую приводят к гибели огромного количества морских обитателей.
Ядовитые химикаты
Следующий вид загрязняющих веществ – ядовитые химикаты. Попадая в реки и озера, они отравляют рыбу и животных, которые представляют серьезную угрозу для здоровья человека, когда их употребляют в пищу.
Промышленные предприятия
Промышленные и горнодобывающие предприятия и выхлопные газы автомобилей выбрасывают в атмосферу и водоемы такие тяжелые металлы как уран, радий, селен и т.д. Когда их концентрация в организме человека достигает высокого уровня, они способны вызывать хронические заболевания.
Болезнетворные микроорганизмы
Еще одной угрозой являются болезнетворные микроорганизмы, попадающие в воду с бытовыми и сельскохозяйственными сточными водами, а также ливневой канализацией.
Температурный режим
И наконец, большое беспокойство вызывает нарушение температурного режима. Зачастую вода, используемая на заводах и электростанциях, сливается обратно в озера и моря, будучи гораздо теплее, что некомфортно для многих видов рыб, поэтому они уплывают из этих мест. В результате, нарушается природный баланс.
Если люди хотят спасти водные ресурсы планеты, они должны принять срочные меры по их защите.
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Water pollution
Water is life
Water is everywhere. It’s an integral part of all living beings but there is no ocean or sea in the whole world which wouldn’t be used as a dump. Water pollution not only damages large populations of birds, fish and animals but also affects people in different ways. In several years there will be no beaches and recreational zones to have a rest and no safe water to drink.
Type of pollutants
Petroleum products
There are different types of water pollution. One of the worst ones is petroleum products such as oil, fuel and plastic which are accidentally spilled from ships and tankers as a result of the leak. They are very dangerous for our sea world and often cause massive death.
Poisonous chemicals
Another type of pollutants is poisonous chemicals. When they get into rivers and lakes they may infect fish and animals and when harvested they become a serious threat to people’s health.
Heavy metals
Pollutants represented by heavy metals such as uranium, radium, selenium and some others result from industry, car fumes and mines. When their concentration in the organism reaches quite a high level they may cause long-term health problems.
One more class of harmful pollutants is pathogens which penetrate into water by means of sewage, storm drains and runoff from farms.
Thermal pollution
Finally, thermal pollution is a great concern. Very often water used in factories and power plants is poured back into lakes and seas being much warmer which is not optimal for many species of fish, so they go away from those places. As a result, the whole balance is broken.
If people want to save our planet’s water resources, urgent measures must be taken to protect it.