Сочинение про биатлон на английском

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Биатлон/ Biathlon с переводом на русский язык.

Biathlon Биатлон
All the Olympic Games fans know what biathlon is. It is a very impressive winter sport when sportsmen ski very fast and shoot their rifles trying to hit the targets. These activities remind hunting. That’s actually true because that’s how biathlon was invented. Все поклонники Олимпийских игр, знают, что такое биатлон. Это очень зрелищный вид зимнего спорта, заключающийся в скоростной езде на лыжах по трассе и стрельбе из винтовки по мишеням. Такое сочетание действий очень напоминает собой охоту. И действительно, именно из этого занятия и родился биатлон.
A lot of people who lived in the North used to find food by ski hunting especially in winter. However, nobody have thought that this can be a fun sport game in the future. Охота на лыжах была свойственна многим северным народам, поскольку таким образом люди добывали себе пропитание в холодное время года. Но прежде никто и не догадывался, что можно превратить этот процесс в увлекательное состязание.
The Sweden and Norwegian border guards tried it for the first time in 1767. Despite the fact that the competition was very interesting it didn’t get popular. Only in 1924 biathlon was included in the Winter Olympic Games and it was declared a professional sport after the World War II. Впервые такую попытку сделали шведско-норвежские пограничники в 1767 году. Несмотря на то что соревнование получилось очень интересным, популярным оно так и не стало. Лишь в 1924 году биатлон впервые был представлен на зимней Олимпиаде, а официальным видом спорта его признали только после Второй мировой войны.
At first biathlon was a part of pentathlon but later it became an independent sport. So now biathlon fans can watch their favorite sportsmen during the Olympic Games as well as during the European championship and during different international competitions. Сначала биатлон входил в состав пятиборья, но позже он стал уже самостоятельным соревнованием. Поэтому теперь поклонники езды на лыжах и стрельбы по мишеням могут следить за успехами своих любимых спортсменов не только в период проведения Олимпийских игр, но и во время чемпионатов Европы или Международных состязаний.
Within the past couple of years a lot of different biathlon kinds were created that’s why it gets more and more interesting to watch this sport. For example, sometimes it takes place in summer as well as in winter. When it is warm sportsmen can run or use bikes and roller ski. За последние годы появилось много разновидностей биатлона, поэтому соревнования по этому виду спорта с каждым разом становятся все интересней. Например, теперь состязания могут проводиться не только зимой, но и летом. В теплое время года участники могут передвигаться по трассе бегом, на велосипедах или роликовых лыжах.
Biathlon is popular in our country as well. Russia has its own team and and our sportsmen became the Olympic Games winners several times. The names of Alexey Volkov, Dmitry Malyshko, Evgeniy Garanichev and Ekaterina Shumilova are well known in the world. We are all proud of our sportsmen and love watching them competing. Популярен биатлон и в нашей стране. В России существует своя сборная, члены которой не раз становились призерами Олимпийских игр. Так, имена Алексея Волкова, Дмитрия Малышко, Евгения Гараничева и Екатерины Шумиловой известны всему миру. И все мы гордимся нашими спортсменами, с интересом наблюдая за их выступлениями на соревнованиях.

метки: Биатлон, Любимый, Biathlon, Спорт, Сочинение, Любить, Sportsman, Military

What is a Biathlon?

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A biathlon is an athletic competition in which athletes compete in two sports. Although any combination competition could be considered a biathlon, the word is usually used to refer to a combination of skiing and shooting. In addition to being a listed Olympic sport, the biathlon is also very popular in Northern European countries and Russia, where regular competitions are held in addition to qualifying competitions for the Olympics.

Skiing may be part of a biathlon.

Unlike many other combined sports, the biathlon actually tests the abilities of the athletes to confront real world situations. It has its roots in military exercises dating back to the 1700s, in which soldiers would go on long skiing expeditions and hunt for food. Branches of the Norwegian military began to compete in a biathlon format in the late 1700s, and in the 1800s, many nations were fielding biathlon teams in competition. Many Northern European militaries still include a cross country skiing and shooting segment in their training.

In a biathlon, bouts of skiing are broken up by shooting from both standing and prone positions. After skiing a set distance, athletes shoot from shooting lanes, and then resume skiing. Typically, there are four skiing and shooting rounds in a single biathlon. During the ski phase, the athlete wears his or her rifle in a sling mounted to the back of the ski suit, and any style of skiing is permitted. Standings are judged both by the time it take to complete the biathlon, and on target accuracy.

Typically, each biathlete is expected to hit five targets during the shooting phase. 100% accuracy is required, and if athletes do miss a target, they must submit to a penalty. Typically, the penalty is an additional skiing distance in the next skiing round, although in some biathlons, the judges simply add a minute to the ski time for every shot missed, which will impact the time standing of the athlete.

Typically, a biathlon team comes from a nation with seasonal snow pack, as it is difficult to train for a biathlon when no snow is available to ski on. Some countries combine running or swimming and shooting for a different style of biathlon, while some enterprising athletes compete in skating biathlons, either on ice or roller skates. Some biathlons put the athletes in snow shoes, or force them to complete an orienteering course as part of the competition as well, further testing their potential military fitness.

6 стр., 2543 слов

Увлечение катание на велосипеде. «Мое хобби кататься на велосипеде. …

… jog — бегать to skating — кататься на коньках to skiing — кататься на лыжах competition — соревнование shape — форма health … идеи отступают на задний план, улучшается настроение. Катаясь на велосипеде, можно наслаждаться … на роликах, лыжах, йога, пилатес, танцы, аэробика, плавание. Некоторые хобби – это весьма полезные бытовые занятия, такие как кулинария, шитье или вязание. Что касается меня, мои …

Ever since she began contributing to the site several years ago, Mary has embraced the exciting challenge of being a wiseGEEK researcher and writer. Mary has a liberal arts degree from Goddard College and spends her free time reading, cooking, and exploring the great outdoors.

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@Tomislav- I know, serious biking gear is very expensive. I have a friend who works in a bike shop, and she gets things at cost, but the prices still astound me.

I wish I could do a biathlon. I have never done cross-country skiing or shooting, though, so it would likely take me a long time to work up to that point.

A duathlon is actually a triathlon without one of the events. A duathlon consists of running and cycling; but it has 3 legs of the event: running, cycling, and then some more running.

I had no idea a biathlon was skiing and shooting. I thought it would be a triathlon (typically biking, swimming, and running) with one less of its events like maybe running and swimming!

I was looking for my next athletic challenge as I have done some half-marathons and I was hoping for something that didn’t involve buying too much equipment. I had thought about triathlons; however, those bikes are actually quite expensive!

I hadn’t looked at bicycle prices since I was a kid so I am still not over the sticker shock of the price of specialty racing cycles!

So I thought biathlon events (again thinking it might be running and swimming) might be my next challenge. But I don’t think here in small town North Carolina that I will be able to train for skiing and shooting! Well maybe the shooting, I have found quite a few people like to skeet shoot here!

Also, it looks like biathlons require specific biathlon equipment too, so since that is the case I might as well buy a bike!

I have also heard about a duathlon is that the same thing as a biathlon?

Мой любимый зимний вид спорта биатлон (Сочинение на свободную тему)

Есть разные зимние виды спорта. Но мой самый любимый из них – биатлон. Хочу немного рассказать об этих состязаниях.

Надо признать, что этот вид спорта зародился из быта народов севера. Именно у этих народов принято охотиться зимой на лыжах. Это распространено в культуры ханты, манси, эвенков, чукчей, алеутов, эскимосов. И хотя некоторые из этих народностей живут и в России, и в США, но культура и быт у них примерно схожие. Зимняя охота на лыжах и снегоступах стала прообразом современного биатлона. Впервые, как соревнование, подобного рода двоеборье было организовано ещё в восемнадцатом веке. Но официального признания подобие биатлона достигло только в 1924 году. Тогда проходили Олимпийские зимние игры во Франции. И там было представлено состязание, которое назвалось соревнование военных патрулей.

6 стр., 2889 слов

Текст мой любимый вид спорта на английском языке

… что нравится и реализовывать свои природные способности. Поэтому тема «Мой любимый вид спорта» на английском языке важна для людей любых возрастов и уровней знаний. … о любимом виде спорта или физической активности. Итак, приступаем к занятию! Три примера сочинений о любимом виде спорта Sport in … на лыжах. Most of all I like ski jumping, biathlon and downhill. Ski jumping is a type of skiing …

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Учителя ведущих школ и действующие эксперты Министерства просвещения Российской Федерации.

Оно фигурировало на нескольких Олимпиадах, потом было исключено из их программ. И только лишь в 1954 году биатлон стал официальным видом спорта, а в 1960 году был включён в программу Зимних Олимпийских Игр. И вот теперь биатлон – совершенно официальный вид спорта, который признан во всём мире.

Мне он очень нравится, потому что сочетает в себе именно элементы двоеборья. Я сам занимаюсь лыжами. Мне очень нравится бег. Особенно люблю лесные трассы. Там всегда тихо, заснежено и красиво. Люблю бежать по лесу на лыжах. Этим я занимаюсь уже несколько лет. Поэтому моё любимое время года – зима. Потому что я могу в это время реализовать своё увлечение. Ну, а биатлоном я стал заниматься относительно недавно. Руководитель нашей лыжной секции предложил принять участие в двоеборье. Я немного попробовал потренироваться в стрельбе, и согласился. Поэтому теперь не только бегаю на лыжах на скорость, но и пытаюсь выбивать хорошее количество очков из винтовки. В стрельбе пока не очень хорошо получается, но я стараюсь. Надеюсь, что в этом я достигну таких же хороший результатов, которые я уже имею в лыжной гонке. Я продолжаю тренировки по этим двум дисциплинам. Мне очень нравятся эти занятия. Биатлон – мой любимый зимний вид спорта.

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My Favourite Sport

Сочинение на тему «Мой любимый вид спорта» на английском языке с переводом на русский язык

My Favourite Sport

Мой любимый вид спорта

All people all over the world like sport. Nowadays it is very popular to keep a healthy life style. I think that it is a quite good tendency.

Все люди во всем мире любят спорт. В наше время очень популярно вести здоровый образ жизни. Я думаю, что это хорошая тенденция.

I like sport. It plays an important role in my life. Due to the sport I could treat the lateral curvature. Though I am a dancer, my favourite kind of sport is skiing. I like all types of skiing and always watch ski competitions though I am not very good at skiing.

Я люблю спорт. Он играет важную роль в моей жизни. Благодаря спорту я смогла вылечить сколиоз. Несмотря на то, что я занимаюсь танцами, моим любимым видом спорта является лыжный спорт. Мне нравятся все виды лыжного спорта, и я всегда смотрю лыжные соревнования, хотя сама я не очень хорошо катаюсь на лыжах.

6 стр., 2987 слов

На английском языке Экстремальный спорт/ Extreme Sport с переводом …

… Сочинение на английском языке Экстремальный спорт/ Extreme Sport с переводом на русский язык Представлено сочинение на английском языке Экстремальный спорт/ Extreme Sport с переводом на русский язык. Extreme Sport Экстремальный спорт … на лыжах, сноубординг, прыжки с парашютом и парусный спорт. Люди могут выбрать абсолютно все, что хотят и что им нравится, … learn to surf. Skiing and snowboarding are …

Most of all I like ski jumping, biathlon and downhill. Ski jumping is a type of skiing when a sportsman jumps from a special jumping ramp. There is the particular sequence of the jump performance. The first stage is in-run, then a sportsman jumps, then he or she “flies” and the final stage is landing. I really admire these sportsmen, they are so brave.

Больше всего мне нравятся прыжки на лыжах с трамплина, биатлон и скоростной спуск (вид горнолыжного спорта).

Прыжки на лыжах с трамплина – это вид лыжного спорта, когда спортсмен прыгает со специального склона. Существует определенная последовательность выполнения прыжка. Первый этап – разгон, затем спортсмен прыгает, затем «летит», а последний этап – приземление. Я действительно восхищаюсь этими спортсменами, они очень смелые.

Biathlon combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting. It includes a ski race and shooting rounds. If a sportsman has the bad shooting performance, extra distance is added to his total distance which takes some period of time. The aim of the competition is to have the shortest total time.

Биатлон сочетает в себе лыжные гонки и стрельбу из винтовки. Соревнование включает в себя лыжную гонку и несколько раундов стрельбы. Если спортсмен при стрельбе не попал в цель, ему необходимо преодолеть дополнительное расстояние, которое занимает некоторое время. Цель соревнования – иметь минимальное общее время.

Downhill is a kind of alpine skiing. It is a quite dangerous kind of alpine skiing because the average speed is 130 km/h.

Скоростной спуск – это разновидность горнолыжного спорта. Это довольно опасный вид спорта, потому что средняя скорость составляет при спуске 130 км/ч.

In my opinion, skiing is a very interesting kind of sport. Actually, I like many winter activities but skiing is the most favourite one.

На мой взгляд, лыжные виды спорта очень интересные. На самом деле, мне нравятся многие зимние виды спорта, но лыжные – мои самые любимые.

Обновлено: 11.03.2023

My Favourite Sport

Мой любимый вид спорта

All people all over the world like sport. Nowadays it is very popular to keep a healthy life style. I think that it is a quite good tendency.

Все люди во всем мире любят спорт. В наше время очень популярно вести здоровый образ жизни. Я думаю, что это хорошая тенденция.

I like sport. It plays an important role in my life. Due to the sport I could treat the lateral curvature. Though I am a dancer, my favourite kind of sport is skiing. I like all types of skiing and always watch ski competitions though I am not very good at skiing.

Я люблю спорт. Он играет важную роль в моей жизни. Благодаря спорту я смогла вылечить сколиоз. Несмотря на то, что я занимаюсь танцами, моим любимым видом спорта является лыжный спорт. Мне нравятся все виды лыжного спорта, и я всегда смотрю лыжные соревнования, хотя сама я не очень хорошо катаюсь на лыжах.

Most of all I like ski jumping, biathlon and downhill. Ski jumping is a type of skiing when a sportsman jumps from a special jumping ramp. There is the particular sequence of the jump performance. The first stage is in-run, then a sportsman jumps, then he or she “flies” and the final stage is landing. I really admire these sportsmen, they are so brave.

Biathlon combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting. It includes a ski race and shooting rounds. If a sportsman has the bad shooting performance, extra distance is added to his total distance which takes some period of time. The aim of the competition is to have the shortest total time.

Биатлон сочетает в себе лыжные гонки и стрельбу из винтовки. Соревнование включает в себя лыжную гонку и несколько раундов стрельбы. Если спортсмен при стрельбе не попал в цель, ему необходимо преодолеть дополнительное расстояние, которое занимает некоторое время. Цель соревнования – иметь минимальное общее время.

Downhill is a kind of alpine skiing. It is a quite dangerous kind of alpine skiing because the average speed is 130 km/h.

Скоростной спуск – это разновидность горнолыжного спорта. Это довольно опасный вид спорта, потому что средняя скорость составляет при спуске 130 км/ч.

In my opinion, skiing is a very interesting kind of sport. Actually, I like many winter activities but skiing is the most favourite one.

На мой взгляд, лыжные виды спорта очень интересные. На самом деле, мне нравятся многие зимние виды спорта, но лыжные – мои самые любимые.

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Главный Попко

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Главный Попко

Winter Olympic sport that combines ski race with shooting a rifle. Biathlon is most popular in Germany, Russia, Austria, Norway, France and Sweden. C 1993 to the present, the official international biathlon competitions, including the World Cup and World Championships, held under the auspices of the International Biathlon Union (English International Biathlon Union, IBU — SME).Considered the ancestor of the biathlon competitions military patrols — a sport, the rules of which resemble the modern biathlon team race. Today, there are many varieties of biathlon, a combination of: cross country skiing and shooting sports bow (Acher biathlon), race on snowshoes and rifle shooting (biathlon snowshoe) race on skis hunting and shooting with a hunting rifle (hunting biathlon). Among non winter biathlon release Summer Biathlon — it combines running and shooting (cross biathlon), race on roller skis and shooting (roller ski biathlon), and the race on mountain-bikes and shooting (biathlon on mountain-bikes). Of all the varieties of biathlon only «classic» winter and summer biathlon biathlon (all three varieties) are supervised SMEs.

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Срочно нужен доклад про «Биатлон» на Английском языке.

Winter Olympic sport that combines ski race with shooting a rifle.

Biathlon is most popular in Germany, Russia, Austria, Norway, France and Sweden.

C 1993 to the present, the official international biathlon competitions, including the World Cup and World Championships, held under the auspices of the International Biathlon Union (English International Biathlon Union, IBU — SME).

Considered the ancestor of the biathlon competitions military patrols — a sport, the rules of which resemble the modern biathlon team race.

Today, there are many varieties of biathlon, a combination of : cross country skiing and shooting sports bow (Acher biathlon), race on snowshoes and rifle shooting (biathlon snowshoe) race on skis hunting and shooting with a hunting rifle (hunting biathlon).

Among non winter biathlon release Summer Biathlon — it combines running and shooting (cross biathlon), race on roller skis and shooting (roller ski biathlon), and the race on mountain — bikes and shooting (biathlon on mountain — bikes).

Of all the varieties of biathlon only «classic» winter and summer biathlon biathlon (all three varieties) are supervised SMEs.

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Очень нужен текс?

Очень нужен текс.

Описание берега моря.

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Срочно необходим доклад про цунами?

Срочно необходим доклад про цунами!

На английском языке, примерно на одну страницу.

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Написать текст с описанием танкового биатлона на английском языке.

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«Что любят и не любят подростки?

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Заранее спасибо огромное : ).

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Помогите пожалуйста, нужен текст на английском языке, про Казахскую народную музыку, заранее спасибо).

Нужен перевод текста на русский язык?

Нужен перевод текста на русский язык.

Вчера я с друзьями играл в футбол. Три дня назад я смотрел лигу чемпионов. Сегодня утром я помог маме прибраться дома.

Dad is doing repairs in our apartment asked me to prop the door open.

Me and my friends have decided to go to the beach. We took out our surfing boards, put them all in the car and went to catch the waves. As we arrived at the beach it seemed a bit too windy for us. Water started to splash our car and turned over th..

Держи, думаю поможет.

I go to school because I need for it.

It is always fun to visit a zoo. Both children and grown — ups like to watch different animals : mammals, reptiles and others. The problem is that not every city and every town has a zoo. In my opinion, we do not have to build a zoo on every place..

1) He said that he had seen a film about the war. 2)He said that he was not sure he knew the truth. 3)He asked me if I could tell him the way to the museum. 4)My mother told me to stay in bed , I was ill.

3. At present, farmers (are given) a set quota of sheep to produce in return for a subsidy under the common agricultural policy.

Tolerant — d) patient To succed in c) to win Threat — e) warning To be ashamed — b) to be shy Mad — a) crazy.

11 K 12 H 13 B 14 I 15 C 16 L 17 D 18 A 19 F 20 G.

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Дорогой ученик! В этом материале опубликованы зимние виды спорта на английском языке. Под английским текстом есть перевод на русский язык. Мы подготовили краткие описания 11 видов спорта.
*рассмотрены не все зимние виды спорта
**определения составлены на основе статей из Википедии

1. Biathlon (Биатлон)

The biathlon is a winter sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting.

2. Figure skating (Фигурное катание)

Figure skating is a sport in which individuals, duos, or groups perform on figure skates on ice.

3. Ski jumping (Прыжки на лыжах с трамплина)

Ski jumping is a winter sport in which competitors aim to achieve the longest jump after descending from a specially designed ramp on their skis.

4. Skeleton (Скелетон)

Skeleton is a winter sport in which a person rides a small sled down a frozen track while lying face down and head-first.

5. Snowboarding (Сноуборд)

Snowboarding is a winter sport that involves descending a snow-covered slope while standing on a snowboard attached to a rider’s feet.

6. Curling (Керлинг)

Curling is a sport in which players slide stones on a sheet of ice toward a target area which is segmented into four concentric circles.

7. Ice hockey (Хоккей с шайбой)

Ice hockey is a team winter sport played on ice, in which two teams use their sticks to shoot a puck into their opponent’s net to score goals.

8. Short track speed skating (Шорт-трек)

Short track speed skating is a form of competitive ice speed skating. In competitions, multiple skaters (typically between four and six) skate on an oval ice track with a length of 111.111 metres.

9. Nordic combined (Лыжное двоеборье)

Nordic combined is a winter sport in which athletes compete in cross-country skiing and ski jumping.

10. Snowboard cross (Сноуборд-кросс)

Snowboard cross, also known as boardercross, is a snowboard competition in which four to six competitors race down a course.

11. Slopestyle (Слоупстайл)

Slopestyle is a winter sport in which athletes ski or snowboard down a course with a variety of obstacles. Points are scored for amplitude, originality and quality of tricks.

Перевод на русский язык

1. Biathlon (Биатлон)

Биатлон – это зимний вид спорта, который сочетает в себе лыжные гонки и стрельбу из винтовки.

2. Figure skating (Фигурное катание)

Фигурное катание – это вид спорта, в котором индивидуальные спортсмены, пары или группы выступают на фигурных коньках на льду.

3. Ski jumping (Прыжки на лыжах с трамплина)

Прыжки на лыжах с трамплина – это зимний вид спорта, в котором участники стремятся достичь самого длинного прыжка после спуска со специально оборудованного трамплина.

4. Skeleton (Скелетон)

Скелетон – это зимний вид спорта, в котором спортсмен катится на маленьких санках по ледяному желобу, лежа лицом вниз и головой вперед.

5. Snowboarding (Сноуборд)

Сноуборд – это зимний вид спорта, заключающийся в спуске по заснеженному склону, стоя на сноуборде, прикрепленном к ногам гонщика.

6. Curling (Керлинг)

Керлинг – это вид спорта, в котором игроки пускают по льду снаряды в направлении мишени, которая разделена на четыре концентричных круга.

7. Ice hockey (Хоккей с шайбой)

Хоккей – зимний командный вид спорта, в который играют на льду, где две команды используют клюшки, чтобы забить шайбу в ворота соперника, тем самым зарабатывая голы.

8. Short track speed skating (Шорт-трек)

Шорт-трек – это вид конькобежного спорта. В соревнованиях несколько фигуристов (обычно от четырех до шести) бегут на коньках на овальной ледовой дорожке длиной 111,111 метра.

9. Nordic combined (Лыжное двоеборье)

Лыжное двоеборье – это зимний вид спорта, в котором спортсмены соревнуются в лыжных гонках и прыжках на лыжах с трамплина.

10. Snowboard cross (Сноуборд-кросс)

Сноуборд-кросс, также известный как бордер-кросс, – это соревнование по сноуборду, в котором состязаются в скорости от четырёх до шести спортсменов.

11. Slopestyle (Слоупстайл)

Слоупстайл – это зимний вид спорта, в котором спортсмены катаются на лыжах или сноуборде по трассе с разными препятствиями. Баллы начисляются за амплитуду, оригинальность и качество трюков.

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Winter Olympic sport that combines ski race with shooting a rifle. Biathlon is most popular in Germany, Russia, Austria, Norway, France and Sweden. C 1993 to the present, the official international biathlon competitions, including the World Cup and World Championships, held under the auspices of the International Biathlon Union (English International Biathlon Union, IBU — SME).Considered the ancestor of the biathlon competitions military patrols — a sport, the rules of which resemble the modern biathlon team race. Today, there are many varieties of biathlon, a combination of: cross country skiing and shooting sports bow (Acher biathlon), race on snowshoes and rifle shooting (biathlon snowshoe) race on skis hunting and shooting with a hunting rifle (hunting biathlon). Among non winter biathlon release Summer Biathlon — it combines running and shooting (cross biathlon), race on roller skis and shooting (roller ski biathlon), and the race on mountain-bikes and shooting (biathlon on mountain-bikes). Of all the varieties of biathlon only «classic» winter and summer biathlon biathlon (all three varieties) are supervised SMEs.

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Biathlon is a winter Olympic ski sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting. Biathlon is divided into male and female.


  • History of biathlon
  • Biathlon Rules
  • Race Stages
  • Shooting positions in biathlon
  • Track and shooting zone
  • Biathlon structures

History of biathlon

It is commonly believed that biathlon originates from ski hunting, which is widespread among many northern peoples. Rock paintings, which are 5000 years old and were found in Norway, prove this fact.

In 1767, frontier guards on the Swedish-Norwegian border arranged competitions vaguely resembling biathlon for the first time. The participants had to go down the slope of mean steepness and hit a specific target at a distance of 40-50 steps using a rifle.

The first-ever «military patrol competition» – a sport that was very similar to modern biathlon – was held at the Winter Olympics in Chamonix in 1924.

history of biathlon

In 1954, the International Olympic Committee officially acknowledged biathlon to be a sport, and on November 17, 1956, the International Modern Pentathlon Union approved the rules for conducting modern biathlon competitions.

Biathlon Rules

Racers start upon command of a referee. Depending on the discipline, the start can be joint or individual (athletes start at set intervals). After covering a certain distance, athletes have to shoot targets. In case of missing targets, the athlete is penalized by covering the penalty loops or simply gets a penalty time.

biathlon rules

During the race, athletes are prohibited from taking shortcuts, ignoring penalty loops, and exerting intentional physical effects on other athletes.

The winner of the race is the biathlete who set the best time in the race.

Race Stages

The stage of the ski race is self-explanatory, it is no different from the usual ski race. Athletes use a free skiing style. Let’s dwell on the stage of shooting targets in more detail.

race stages

Depending on the race, athletes can occupy shooting lanes at their discretion (sprint or race) or strictly in order (pursuit, race, and sprint with a mass start), starting with the first free one. In the case of the mass start, at the first shooting stage, the athlete shoots from the shooting lane, the number of which corresponds to its start number. In the case of relay races, the shooting lane is determined by the start number of the team.

In all types of races, except the relay race, each biathlete has 5 shots at their disposal at each shooting stage. In the relay race, the biathlete can use 3 additional cartridges at each stage.

Shooting positions in biathlon

Prone position. When shooting in a prone position, athletes must follow the following rules: a rifle can only touch the athlete’s arms, shoulders, and cheeks. The inside of the hand (the palm) that holds the rifle must be raised from the ground surface (snow cover).

prone position

Standing position. Athletes stand without any support; only arms, shoulders, cheek, and chest (the side corresponding to the shoulder) can touch the rifle; the arm holding the rifle can rest against the chest or thigh.

standing position

Track and shooting zone

The requirements for biathlon tracks are the same as the ones for regular ski race tracks:

  1. Biathlon competitions are held at the venues, which include the area of the central stadium, surrounded by a network of ski tracks. The stadium area usually includes a shooting zone, start and finish area, suitable for the mass start; 150-meter penalty loop, technical building, test area, team rooms for ski waxing, spectator area and the rest of the necessary infrastructure.
  2. Start and finish areas, shooting zone, penalty loop, and relay exchange zone must be located nearby, on the same level with a good competition viewing position for the majority of spectators. These areas and critical sections of the track must be fenced to prevent athletes from straying from the track during the competition and to protect non-participants from access. However, the height and number of fences must be minimized as much as possible so that it doesn’t interfere with organizing TV broadcasts.
  3. The starting line, which is perpendicular to the direction of the track, must be marked out in red.
  4. Starting tracks must be marked out with numbers according to their quantity. The number of markings must correspond to the number of teams participating in the race. The marking must be located to the left of each ski track and show the number on the front and back sides. The numbers on the markings must be at least 20 cm high and visible to athletes and television.
  5. A scoreboard with a diagram and profile of the track must be installed in the start area. A colored marking that shows the order, in which the competition track must be passed, must be located on the starting line.
  6. A start timer that is visible from the starting line must be located in the start area for individual and sprint races. A start timer must be located in each starting lane for a pursuit race. A timer that shows the current time of the day and is visible to athletes from this area must be located there as well or near the start area.
  7. The track must be marked in such a way that the athletes never doubt that they move in the right direction.

shooting zone

A shooting zone is a place where shooting is performed during biathlon training and competitions. It must be located in the central part of the stadium so that both the target and the shooting line are visible to most spectators. The shooting zone must be flat, horizontal and surrounded by safety banks on the sides and behind the targets. The location and equipment of the shooting zone must ensure safety on adjacent tracks, in the stadium area, and the surrounding area. The direction of fire (mainly to the north) must help create better lighting conditions during the competition. Safety equipment must not prevent spectators or television from watching the competition.

An area at least 25 m wide must be fenced off in front of the shooting zone for referees, technical staff and competitors. In finish and relay exchange areas, a food services area and warm changing rooms for each team must be equipped for the period of the competition.

A target in biathlon is a black circle in the recession of the plate, with a diameter of 115 mm. When shooting in standing position, hitting any section of the circle is scored, and when shooting in prone position – only hitting the black circle with a diameter of 45 mm, the center of which coincides with the center of the circle with a diameter of 115 mm, is considered to be scored.

Equipment of Biathlon

  1. The biathlon weapon is a small-caliber air rifle. The biathlon rifle is of 22 caliber and weighs no more than 3.5 kg. It is equipped with a trigger-locking mechanism, and reloading is done manually. Besides, clips are designed for only five cartridges.
  2. The biathlon skis. The minimum length of skis must be at least 4 centimeters less than the athlete’s height. Ski poles for biathletes are longer than the ones for ordinary skiers; as a rule, they are extended to the chin or mouth.
  3. A special one-piece suit that maintains body temperature and reduces wind resistance.

biathlon equipment

Types of races in biathlon

Sprint. In this discipline, the track is 10 km long for men, and 7.5 km long for women. Athletes must cover two shooting stages – one in standing position, and the other one in a prone position. If the biathletes miss, they must go to the penalty loop (which is 150 meters long). In this race, athletes run in turns. Sprint is the very first stage in biathlon competitions.

Pursuit. In this discipline, athletes start in the order, in which they finished the sprint. The track in the pursuit is 12.5 km long for men and 10 km long for women. In the pursuit (unlike the sprint), there are 4 shooting stages – 2 in a prone position and 2 in standing position.

Mass start. As the name implies, there is a mass start in this discipline. A distinctive feature of the mass start is the fact that the top 30 athletes in the current ranking of the year take part in this race. The mass start is 15 km long for men and 12.5 km long for women (with 4 shooting stages).

Individual race. This is the longest race in biathlon. The individual race is 20 km long for men and 15 km long for women (with 4 shooting stages). If athletes miss in this discipline, they get penalty minutes instead of penalty loops.

Relay. Teams of 4 athletes each take part in this race. Each of them passes their stage, which is 7.5 km long, and 2 shooting stages. It is important that if the athlete misses, they can use additional cartridges (3 pieces); reloading is done manually. Relay, like other types of biathlon, is held for men and women separately.

Biathlon cup competitions

  1. Biathlon World Cup. It consists of stages, each of which includes several male and female races. Competitions are held among men and women and include performances in the individual race, sprint, pursuit, mass start, relay, mixed relay, single mixed relay. Ranking of the best biathletes, both in individual disciplines and in the overall standings, is based on the results of the World Cup.
  2. Open European Cup (IBU Cup). As regards its importance and status, IBU Open European Championships is second only to the World Cup.
  3. North American Cup.
  4. South American Cup.
  5. Asian Cup.

Biathlon non-cup competitions:

  1. The Olympic Games are the most prestigious international biathlon competition.
  2. Biathlon World Championship is the largest international biathlon competition. As regards its prestige, it is second only to the Olympic Games.
  3. Open Biathlon European Championship.
  4. North American Championship.
  5. South American Championship.
  6. Asian Championship.
  7. Russian Biathlon Championship.
  8. Race of Champions is an annual commercial biathlon competition, which has been held in Russia since 2011.

World Team Challenge (which is better known as Christmas Biathlon Stars Race) should be mentioned when talking about commercial biathlon competitions.

Biathlon structures

International Biathlon Union (IBU) is an international biathlon federation, uniting national federations and other organizations representing biathlon. The headquarters of the union is located in Austria, in the city of Salzburg.

Winter Olympic sport that combines ski race with shooting a rifle. Biathlon is most popular in Germany, Russia, Austria, Norway, France and Sweden. C 1993 to the present, the official international biathlon competitions, including the World Cup and World Championships, held under the auspices of the International Biathlon Union (English International Biathlon Union, IBU — SME).Considered the ancestor of the biathlon competitions military patrols — a sport, the rules of which resemble the modern biathlon team race. Today, there are many varieties of biathlon, a combination of: cross country skiing and shooting sports bow (Acher biathlon), race on snowshoes and rifle shooting (biathlon snowshoe) race on skis hunting and shooting with a hunting rifle (hunting biathlon). Among non winter biathlon release Summer Biathlon — it combines running and shooting (cross biathlon), race on roller skis and shooting (roller ski biathlon), and the race on mountain-bikes and shooting (biathlon on mountain-bikes).

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