Сочинение про дома в россии на английском

We all live somewhere: in an
apartment, in a house, etc. As
the English say, «My home —
my castle!”. Our house is a
place where we spend most
of our life, in addition to
work, study and travel. We
strive to set up our home and
make it as comfortable as
possible. Whether it’s a room,
apartment or house, this is a
reflection of our preferences
and desires. We demonstrate
our home to others and try to
know how other people live.
I would like to describe my
apartment, my «castle». Our
family lives in the apartment
with two bedrooms and a
living room. Our apartment is
bright and cozy, though
small. Each room is good in
its own way.
Living-room is the largest
room in the apartment. There
is a large sofa and a coffee
table there. There are the
bookshelves on the walls. In
front of the sofa there is a TV
set. This is where our family
spends the evening time and
welcomes visitors.
My parent»s bedroom is
furnished by my mother’s
taste. There is a simple
wardrobe and a big soft bed
in it. The window is decorated
with beautiful burgundy
curtains. Everything is very
simple and rustic.
Finally, let me describe my
room. It is very light. I sleep
on the couch of a light color.
In my room, there are two
cases, one for clothing and
one for the books. Between
them there is the computer
table. I decorated the room
with posters and
photographs. In the bookcase
there are souvenirs and gifts
from my friends. It seems to
be a usual room, but for me
my room is the dearest.
Мы все живем где-то: в
квартире, в доме, и т.д. Как
говорит английская
пословица: «Мой дом — моя
крепость!» Наш дом это
место, где мы проводим
большую часть нашей
жизни, помимо работы,
учебы и путешествий. Мы
стремимся обустроить свое
жилище, сделать его
максимально комфортным.
Будь то комната, квартира
или дом, но это и есть
отражение наших
предпочтений и пожеланий.
Мы демонстрируем
окружающим наш кров и
стремимся оценить, как
живут другие.
Я бы хотел описать вам
свою квартиру, свою
«крепость». Наша семья
живет в квартире с 2
спальнями и гостиной. Наша
квартира светлая и уютная
хоть и небольшая. Каждая
комната хороша по-своему.
Гостиная – самая большая
комната в квартире. В ней
стоит большой диван и
журнальный столик. На
стенах висят полки с
книгами. Напротив дивана
стоит телевизор. Здесь
наша семья проводит вечера
и встречает гостей.
Родительская спальня
обставлена по маминому
вкусу. Простой шкаф для
одежды и большая мягкая
кровать. Окно украшают
красивые бордовые
гардины. Все очень просто
и уютно.
Ну и наконец, моя комната.
Она очень светлая. Я сплю
на мягком диване светлого
цвета. В моей комнате стоят
два шкафа, один для
одежды, другой для книг.
Между ними находится
компьютерный стол. Свою
комнату я украсил
плакатами и фотографиями.
В шкафу стоят сувениры и
подарки моих друзей. Вроде
бы обычная комната, но для
меня самая родная.

Светило науки — 7 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

In most cities of the country there are prefabricated houses having II-18 layout. To redesign the apartment buildings Series II-18/12 did not have to face special constraints. Therefore, it is possible to modify the premises, significantly improving the comfort of living.Overlapping of these houses are made of hollow-core slabs and walls made of gypsum concrete. Each room has plenty of comfortable height. This type of building is built mainly on the tower model, which has one entrance, however, can sometimes be found at home with several sections. The entrance of the building has two elevators for passengers.Residential buildings Series II-68 most popular areas of Moscow, they are block-panel houses with 12, 14 and 16 floors. Planning buildings Series II-68 were allowed to redevelop the premises, the wishes of residents.These homes include a number of standard sections or look like a lonely tower. To erect residential buildings Series II-68 until 2000. They have the following advantages — separate rooms, large enough kitchen (at the time) and the presence of the passenger elevator .Надеюсь помогла)

Наконец то написал : In Northern Russia, the house will always have built wooden, and not because they are not able to build the stone, but because wooden house warmer microclimate of it better than stone, and, well, because in Russia forest enough. All the matter in the thermal conductivity of wood and stone. Tree from one end of may burn (the temperature of this site will be about + 300 degrees Celsius), and the other end of the logs you are free to keep a hand. With the stone is not possible: if the stone from one end of the heat up to + 200 degrees, then to the other end you will not be able to touch you. Brick on the degree of thermal conductivity is also not far away from the stone. If our ancestors lived in stone castles, as the angles and Saxons, then us would not be in the light as ancestors in our climate simply died would have caught a cold and died out. Therefore, a wooden house is a condition of life in the Russian North. You can, of course, in the North live in яранге of hides, skins or in a plague, but then you’re not Russian, it will be quite a different culture. To live in яранге, it is necessary to reindeer herd (source skins) was a very great — not less than 30 deer per person.

So, Russia is a wooden houses, wooden architecture, wooden culture. It is no accident and its currency, the ruble, we call wooden. Wood in Russia made houses and ships, wagons, ploughs, harrows, tubs, cups, spoons, toys, … of God churches also were built of wood. It is no coincidence the most respectable professions in Russia were considered as carpentry and blacksmith’s work, and only on the third place stood a craft pottery pottery.

You can talk about the traditional Russian type house, which, most likely, is connected with ethnicity Varyags Russ. This type is available as a broad band from the coast of the White Sea along the river Onega, Vaga, Northern Dvina river Sukhona, Согожи, Kostroma, Volga from Uglich to Nizhny Novgorod. To the South of this type reaches the latitude of Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod.

Second, we call it the Uro-Finnish type, spread in the Republic of Komi (the basin of the river Vychegda), partly in the Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions, as well as in Karelia. In the ethnographic literature, this type of houses called северорусским.

Third I conditionally call Slovenian type. This house with a gable roof четырехстенные or пятистенные, but if пятистенные, a notch (the fifth wall is located along the house, and across, and the facade of the house of cut is not visible. This type is widely spread in the Novgorod, Pskov and Western part of Tver regions, as well as in the Smolensk region, in the South of Karelia and in a little narrow strip to the South of Moscow.

Наконец то написал : In Northern Russia, the house will always have built wooden, and not because they are not able to build the stone, but because wooden house warmer microclimate of it better than stone, and, well, because in Russia forest enough. All the matter in the thermal conductivity of wood and stone. Tree from one end of may burn (the temperature of this site will be about +300 degrees Celsius), and the other end of the logs you are free to keep a hand. With the stone is not possible: if the stone from one end of the heat up to +200 degrees, then to the other end you will not be able to touch you. Brick on the degree of thermal conductivity is also not far away from the stone. If our ancestors lived in stone castles, as the angles and Saxons, then us would not be in the light as ancestors in our climate simply died would have caught a cold and died out. Therefore, a wooden house is a condition of life in the Russian North. You can, of course, in the North live in яранге of hides, skins or in a plague, but then youre not Russian, it will be quite a different culture. To live in яранге, it is necessary to reindeer herd (source skins) was a very great — not less than 30 deer per person.
So, Russia is a wooden houses, wooden architecture, wooden culture. It is no accident and its currency, the ruble, we call wooden. Wood in Russia made houses and ships, wagons, ploughs, harrows, tubs, cups, spoons, toys,… of God churches also were built of wood. It is no coincidence the most respectable professions in Russia were considered as carpentry and blacksmiths work, and only on the third place stood a craft pottery pottery.
You can talk about the traditional Russian type house, which, most likely, is connected with ethnicity Varyags Russ. This type is available as a broad band from the coast of the White Sea along the river Onega, Vaga, Northern Dvina river Sukhona, Согожи, Kostroma, Volga from Uglich to Nizhny Novgorod. To the South of this type reaches the latitude of Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod.
Second, we call it the Uro-Finnish type, spread in the Republic of Komi (the basin of the river Vychegda), partly in the Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions, as well as in Karelia. In the ethnographic literature, this type of houses called северорусским.
Third I conditionally call Slovenian type. This house with a gable roof четырехстенные or пятистенные, but if пятистенные, a notch (the fifth wall is located along the house, and across, and the facade of the house of cut is not visible. This type is widely spread in the Novgorod, Pskov and Western part of Tver regions, as well as in the Smolensk region, in the South of Karelia and in a little narrow strip to the South of Moscow.

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