Сочинение про фестиваль на английском

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Фестиваль/ Festival с переводом на русский язык.

Festival Фестиваль
There are hundreds of festivals taking place every month all over the world. They are often connected with celebrations of certain holidays, for example, New Year Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Shrove Tuesday, Mother’s Day, May Day, Children’s Day, Halloween, etc. There are also some festivals, which are not connected with common holidays, but are cheerfully celebrated in certain countries. For example, Songkran – Thai New Year, La Tomatina, Oktoberfest, Glastonbury Festival, Guy Fawkes Night, Notting Hill Carnival, Holi. Каждый месяц по всему миру празднуют сотни фестивалей. Они часто связаны с празднованием определенных праздников, например, Нового года, Дня Святого Патрика, Масленицы, Дня матери, Первомая, Дня защиты детей, Хэллоуина и т.д. Есть также некоторые фестивали, которые не связаны с общими праздниками, но весело празднуются в некоторых странах. Например, Сонгкран — тайский Новый год, Ла Томатина, Октоберфест, Фестиваль Гластонбери, Ночь Гая Фокса, Ноттинг-Хиллский карнавал, Холи.
I think that everyone enjoys participating in such festivals. As for me, I would love to see the Notting Hill Carnival and Holi. These two festivals are so different from the ones we celebrate each year. The Notting Hill Carnival is a street carnival, which takes place in England in late August. It is named after the London district, where it’s held. This festival has been celebrated since 1966 and it is considered to be the inspiration of black immigrants. The Notting Hill Carnival lasts for several days and is attended by more than two million people every year. The participants wear shimmering costumes, sing Calipso songs, play drum music, and present group dancing. Perhaps, the most inviting part during the festival is the tasting of exotic food. Я думаю, что любой человек будет рад поучаствовать в таких фестивалях. Что касается меня, я хотел бы побывать на Ноттинг-Хиллском карнавале и Холи. Эти два фестиваля настолько отличаются от тех, которые мы празднуем каждый год. Ноттинг-Хиллский карнавал – это уличный карнавал, который проходит в Англии в конце августа. Он назван в честь лондонского района, где его и проводят. Этот фестиваль отмечается с 1966 года и был вдохновлен африканскими иммигрантами. Ноттинг Хиллский карнавал длится несколько дней, и в нем принимают участие более двух миллионов человек ежегодно. Участники одеты в блестящие костюмы, поют песни Калипсо, играют на барабанах и танцуют группами. Пожалуй, самой заманчивой частью фестиваля является дегустация экзотических блюд.
Holi is another festival I’d like to visit. It’s a spring festival, which marks the abundance of wheat harvest. It has originated in India and is celebrated for a couple of days. The main idea of the festival is to show the triumph of virtue over evil through bright colors. The participants are seen singing and dancing in small groups. They also throw colors at each other. On this day people stop any quarrels, forgive each other and with good luck. Еще один праздник, который я хотел бы посетить – это Холи. Это праздник весны, который знаменует обилие урожая пшеницы. Он возник в Индии и празднуется в течение нескольких дней. Основной идеей фестиваля является показать торжество добродетели над злом через яркие цвета. Участников можно заметить поющими и танцующими в малых группах. Они также бросаются друг в друга красками. В этот день люди прекращают любые ссоры, прощают друг друга и желают удачи.

Where? When? About what?

In the end of November, the Coffee Festival was started in St. Petersburg. The ticket price was cheap — 100 rubles or 2 dollars. About 700 people came to this festival. There were unforeseen problems with electricity, but no one left from this festival. There were excellent speakers. They told about:

  • the story of coffee;
  • how to cook it properly;
  • varieties of coffee.

One of the organizers’ goals for 2017 is to make this festival more ambitious. According to their plan, at the next festival should come no less than 2000 people.

My personal opinion

It was fantastic. I will recommend all my friends to come here. I hope that when I will be preparing coffee for relatives, coffee will be better.

Где? Когда? О чем?

В конце ноября, в Санкт-Петербурге прошел фестиваль кофе. Цена билета была низкой – 100 рублей или же 2 доллара. Около 700 человек пришло на этот фестиваль. Там были непредвиденные проблемы с электричеством, однако никто не покинул этот фестиваль. Там были великолепные ведущие. Они рассказывали о:

  • об истории кофе;
  • как готовить его идеально;
  • сортах кофе.

Одна из целей организаторов на 2017 год – сделать фестиваль более масштабным. Согласно их плану, на следующий фестиваль должно прийти не меньше, чем 2000 человек.

Мое личное мнение

Это было потрясающе. Я буду рекомендовать всем моим друзьям прийти сюда. Я надеюсь, что, когда я буду готовить кофе для близких, кофе станет лучше.

  • There are hundreds of festivals taking place every month all over the world. They are often connected with celebrations of certain holidays, for example, New Year Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Shrove Tuesday, Mother’s Day, May Day, Children’s Day, Halloween, etc. There are also some festivals, which are not connected with common holidays, but are cheerfully celebrated in certain countries. For example, Songkran – Thai New Year, La Tomatina, Oktoberfest, Glastonbury Festival, Guy Fawkes Night, Notting Hill Carnival, Holi. I think that everyone enjoys participating in such festivals. As for me, I would love to see the Notting Hill Carnival and Holi. These two festivals are so different from the ones we celebrate each year. The Notting Hill Carnival is a street carnival, which takes place in England in late August. It is named after the London district, where it’s held. This festival has been celebrated since 1966 and it is considered to be the inspiration of black immigrants. The Notting Hill Carnival lasts for several days and is attended by more than two million people every year. The participants wear shimmering costumes, sing Calipso songs, play drum music, and present group dancing. Perhaps, the most inviting part during the festival is the tasting of exotic food. Holi is another festival I’d like to visit. It’s a spring festival, which marks the abundance of wheat harvest. It has originated in India and is celebrated for a couple of days. The main idea of the festival is to show the triumph of virtue over evil through bright colors. The participants are seen singing and dancing in small groups. They also throw colors at each other. On this day people stop any quarrels, forgive each other and with good luck.
    Каждый месяц по всему миру празднуют сотни фестивалей. Они часто связаны с празднованием определенных праздников, например, Нового года, Дня Святого Патрика, Масленицы, Дня матери, Первомая, Дня защиты детей, Хэллоуина и т.д. Есть также некоторые фестивали, которые не связаны с общими праздниками, но весело празднуются в некоторых странах. Например, Сонгкран – тайский Новый год, Ла Томатина, Октоберфест, Фестиваль Гластонбери, Ночь Гая Фокса, Ноттинг-Хиллский карнавал, Холи. Я думаю, что любой человек будет рад поучаствовать в таких фестивалях. Что касается меня, я хотел бы побывать на Ноттинг-Хиллском карнавале и Холи. Эти два фестиваля настолько отличаются от тех, которые мы празднуем каждый год. Ноттинг-Хиллский карнавал – это уличный карнавал, который проходит в Англии в конце августа. Он назван в честь лондонского района, где его и проводят. Этот фестиваль отмечается с 1966 года и был вдохновлен африканскими иммигрантами. Ноттинг Хиллский карнавал длится несколько дней, и в нем принимают участие более двух миллионов человек ежегодно. Участники одеты в блестящие костюмы, поют песни Калипсо, играют на барабанах и танцуют группами. Пожалуй, самой заманчивой частью фестиваля является дегустация экзотических блюд. Еще один праздник, который я хотел бы посетить – это Холи. Это праздник весны, который знаменует обилие урожая пшеницы. Он возник в Индии и празднуется в течение нескольких дней. Основной идеей фестиваля является показать торжество добродетели над злом через яркие цвета. Участников можно заметить поющими и танцующими в малых группах. Они также бросаются друг в друга красками. В этот день люди прекращают любые ссоры, прощают друг друга и желают удачи.

  • Вашему вниманию представляем Топики и Сочинения по теме “Праздники”
    Праздники и их празднование является неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни. Есть конечно люди которым не нравятся праздники. Но большая часть людей просто не могут без них.
    В мире много праздников. У каждого отдельно взятого народа есть собственные традиции, которые они отмечают сами или со своими семьями и близкими. Но есть и всеобщие. Такие как “Новый Год” праздник Ёлки и Деда Мороза или
    “8 Марта” День когда все девушки мира получают максимум внимания от мужчин.
    Как же приятно когда все вокруг с хорошим настроением, когда все радуются и веселятся.
    Топики на тему “Праздники” Помогут узнать немного больше о празднованиях разнообразных праздников в разных частях мира.
    Все  Сочинения и Топики предлагаются с переводом и рядом вопросов по теме после каждого сочинения, а также списком наиболее интересных слов рекомендованных к изучению для лучшего запоминания и понимая английского языка.
    1.  Birthday – День рождения
    2.  Christmas day – Рождество
    3.  Christmas in Australia – Рождество в Австралии
    4.  Christmas in Great Britain – Рождество в Великобритании (1)
    5.  Christmas in Great Britain – Рождество в Великобритании (2)
    6.  Church Holidays – Церковные праздники
    7.  Easter – Пасха
    8.  Halloween – Хэллоуин
    9.  Holidays in Great Britain – Праздники в Великобритании
    10.  Holidays in Russia – Праздники в России (1)
    11.  Holidays in Russia – Праздники в России (2)
    12.  Holidays in Russia – Праздники в России (3)
    13.  Holidays in the USA – Праздники в США (1)
    14.  Holidays in the USA – Праздники в США (2)
    15.  Independence Day – День независимости
    16.  May Day – Первое мая
    17.  Maslenitza – Масленица
    18.  New Year in Great Britain – Новый год в Великобритании
    19.  New Year in the United States – Новый год в Соединенных Штатах
    20.  St. Valentine’s Day – День Святого Валентина (1)
    21.  St. Valentine’s Day – День Святого Валентина (2)
    22.  St. Valentine’s Day – День Святого Валентина (3)
    23.  Thanksgiving – День благодарения (1)
    24.  Thanksgiving – День благодарения (2)
    25.  The Christmas Feast and Santa Claus – Рождественский банкет и Санта-Клаус
    26.  The Day of Knowledge in Russia – День знаний в России
    27.  The History of Halloween – История Хэллоуина

  • Festival


    Festivals as a form of some performance or celebration have always been there. In ancient times they were connected with some mystical or religious traditions. Gradually new festivals had appeared. They could be connected with some national, family or personal celebrations.
    Праздники, как форма какого-то представления или празднования, всегда существовали. В древние времена они были связаны с некоторыми мистическими или религиозными традициями. Постепенно появились новые праздники. Они уже могли быть связаны с национальными, семейными или личными торжествами.
    Festivals can be religious. It means that they are connected with some religious events, for example, Saint Patrick’s Day which is held on the 17th of March. It is the death date of Saint Patrick, the foremost patron saint of Ireland. Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated in many countries all over the world. One more religious festival is Holi, a Hindu spring festival also known as “festival of colours”.
    Праздники могут быть религиозными. Это означает, что они связаны с некоторыми религиозными событиями, например, День Святого Патрика, который празднуется 17 марта. Это дата смерти святого Патрика, главного святого покровителя Ирландии. День Святого Патрика отмечается во многих странах по всему миру. Еще один религиозный праздник – Холи, праздник весны в индуизме, также известный как «фестиваль красок».
    Some festivals are national. They are national days. National day is a designated date on which celebrations mark some events which are of high importance for a nation. It can also be connected with the independence of a country or other important state events.
    Некоторые праздники являются национальными. Это национальные дни. Национальный праздник – это установленная дата, когда отмечаются события, имеющие большое значение для нации. Это также может быть связано с независимостью страны или другими важными государственными событиями.
    There are festivals which are celebrated in one country but attract people from all over the world. One of such festivals is Rio Carnival. People put on festive dresses, dance samba and make holiday. Many tourists visit Rio Carnival. All Brazilian samba schools take part in this carnival.
    Существуют праздники, которые отмечаются в одной стране, но привлекают людей со всего мира. Одним из таких праздников является Карнавал в Рио-де-Жанейро. Люди надевают праздничные костюмы, танцуют самбу и веселятся. Многие туристы посещают Карнавал в Рио-де-Жанейро. Все бразильские школы самбы принимают участие в этом карнавале.
    Festivals are an important part of everyday life. Some festivals have long history and some festivals have just appeared. Festivals can be celebrated in many parts of the world and some festivals are celebrated only by one family.
    Праздники – важная часть повседневной жизни. Некоторые праздники имеют давнюю историю, а некоторые образовались совсем недавно. Праздники могут отмечаться во многих частях мира, а некоторые праздники отмечает только одна семья.

  • The World’s Bizarre Festivals

    People of all
    nationalities celebrate festivals to mark a religious event, to
    commemorate some significant occasions in their history, to
    preserve their traditions and just for merry-making. Festivals
    are organized to unite people and to provide entertainment.
    Every country has its own unique customs and events. There are
    many famous festivals around the world such as the Carnivals in
    Rio de Janeiro and Venice. They are very large and colourful
    events which draw huge crowds of local people and tourists. But
    there are a lot of smaller festivals going on in different
    countries every day of the year. Some of them are quite usual.
    Others are bizarre and crazy.
    La Tomatina is a
    food fight festival held on the last Wednesday of August each
    year in the town of Bunol in the Valencia region of Spain. Tens
    of thousands of participants come from all over the world to
    fight in a brutal battle and to get a memorable experience. The
    tomato fight has been a tradition in Bunol since 1944 or 1945.
    No one is completely certain how this event originated. There is
    a theory that a simple tomato fight between a group of friends
    in the town’s main square – Plaza del Pueblo – has turned into
    the world’s largest food fight. Shopkeepers along the Plaza use
    huge plastic covers in order to protect their storefronts. At
    around 10 a.m. many trucks haul 90, 000 pounds of tomatoes into
    the center of the town. The festival does not begin until one
    brave person has climbed to the top of a two-story high,
    greased-up wooden pole and reached the ham at the top. But this
    process is very hard and takes a long time and the festival
    starts despite no one reaching the meat. During the fight the
    participants must squish the tomatoes before throwing for safety
    reasons. The fighting begins and ends within the space of an
    hour. Then the cleaning process begins: dirty combatants take
    showers and fire trucks spray water down the streets.
    The Cooper’s Hill
    Cheese Rolling is an annual event held on the second May Bank
    Holiday at Cooper’s Hill in Gloucestershire, England.
    Competitors race down the hill after a Double Gloucester cheese,
    and the first person over the line wins the cheese. Competitors
    are trying to catch the cheese, but it is almost impossible as
    it can reach speeds up to 70 mph. The festival has been going
    for over 100 years. The master of ceremonies wearing a top hat
    and a white coat releases the 7 pound cheese and allows the
    competitors to throw themselves down the hill. Such a risky
    adventure often results in minor and serious injuries and some
    people have to be carted off by ambulance. Children aren’t
    allowed to race, but there are a few uphill races for boys and
    There are
    eccentric and fun-loving people among Americans as well. If you
    want to remember your childhood and get muddy, the annual World
    Pillow Fighting Championships are for you. Anyone over the age
    of 14 can take part in the fight. Competitors have to stand on a
    slippery wet pole suspended over a pit of mud holding a wet
    feather pillow in one hand. The first contestant to topple his
    opponent into the mud wins the fall. On the whole the fight is
    rather entertaining and funny. ‘ The Finnish are fond of
    organizing odd festivals. One of them is the Wife Carrying
    Championships in Sonkajarvi. If a man wants to take part in the
    championships, he must bring a wife but not necessarily his.
    Carrying their wives contestants must negotiate a 253.5 metre
    course covering sand, grass and asphalt. It is rather difficult
    but the winner gets his wife’s weight in beer.
    There are a lot
    of other bizarre festivals in the world such as Great American
    Bathtub Race in Alaska, the USA, the World Sauna Championships
    in Heinola, Finland, the World’s Biggest Liar Competition in
    Wasdale, England, Camel Wrestling in the Aegean region, Turkey
    and many other festivals in different parts of the world. Maybe
    some of them are silly and crazy but they remind us that life is
    not boring at all and we should derive as much pleasure as we
    can from it. Besides laughter makes us healthier and lengthens
    our lives.

    1. Read the following sentences and circle TRUE or FALSE:
    1) La Tomatina is a food fight festival during which its
    participants throw apples at each other.
    – T F
    2) The fight takes place in the town’s main square – Plaza del
    – T F
    3) The Cooper’s Hill Cheese Rolling takes place in
    Gloucestershire, England three times a year.
    – T F
    4) It is very easy to catch the 7 pound cheese.
    – T F
    5) Children are allowed to race down the hill with adults.
    – T F
    6) Anyone over the age of 14 can take part in the World Pillow
    Fighting Championships.
    – T F
    7) If a man wants to take part in the Wife Carrying
    Championships, he must bring his wife.
    – T F
    2. Complete each sentence (A-H) with one of the endings
    A. People of all nationalities celebrate festivals to
    B. La Tomatina is a food fight festival held on the last
    Wednesday of August each year
    C. Shopkeepers along the Plaza use huge plastic covers in order
    D. The festival does not begin until one brave person
    E. Competitors race down the hill after a Double Gloucester
    cheese, and the first person over the line
    F. Such a risky adventure often results in
    G. If you want to remember your childhood and get muddy
    H. Carrying their wives contestants must negotiate
    1. wins the cheese.
    2. the annual World Pillow Fighting Championships are for you.
    3. has climbed to the top of a two-story high, greased-up wooden
    pole and reached the ham at the top.
    4. a 253.5 metre course covering sand, grass and asphalt.
    5. in the town of Bunol in the Valencia region of Spain.
    6. mark a religious event, to commemorate some significant
    occasions in their history, to preserve their traditions and
    just for merry-making.
    7. protect their storefronts.
    8. minor and serious injuries.
    3. Say a few words about the rules of each festival

    4. Answer the questions
    1) Why do people organize festivals?
    2) What do you think about La Tomatina? What adjectives would
    you choose to characterize this festival (crazy, silly,
    entertaining, hazardous, funny, etc)?
    3) Why must the participants squish the tomatoes before
    4) Why is the Cooper’s Hill Cheese Rolling a risky adventure?
    5) What is your attitude to the World Pillow Fighting
    6) What do you think about the Wife Carrying Championships? Do
    you agree that they may symbolize the hardships of marriage?
    7) Which festival would you like to take part in? Why?
    8) What other bizarre festivals do you know?

    5. Fill in the table
    The name of the festival
    la Tomatina
    the Cooper’s Hill Cheese Rolling
    the World Pillow Fighting Championships
    the Wife Carrying Championships
    6. Look at the pictures below and say which of the activities
    are the most bizarre to your mind. Use the words and word
    combinations from the table
    1. elephant riding;
    2. swamp soccer;
    3. bull riding;
    4. bathtub race;
    5. extreme ironing;
    6. hamburger eating contest
    to provide entertainment, merry-making, to draw crowds of
    spectators, to watch with amusement, risky and hazardous, to get
    muddy, to behave like a kid, to get a portion of adrenaline,
    foolhardy, to result in injuries, to overcome fear,
    participants’ adventurous nature, memorable experience, a huge
    animal, to lose one’s head, to derive pleasure, to leave other
    contestants far behind, to contend for a prize, to outsmart the
    infuriated animal
    Find some extra information on the topic ‘The World’s Bizarre
    Festivals’ and prepare a report.

    Give the definition of the word ‘festival’.
    B. Are you a fun-loving person? Read the text ‘The World’s
    Bizarre Festivals’ and say what you think about them.
    Из учебного пособия
    мир с английским языком. Современные темы для обсуждения.
    Готовимся к ЕГЭ” Юнёва С.А. 2012г.

  • There are many national holidays in Russia, when people all over the country do not work and have special celebrations. The major holidays are: New Year’s Day, Women’s Day, May Day, Victory Day, and Independence Day.
    The first holiday of the year is New Year’s Day. People see the new year in at midnight on the 31st of December. They greet the new year with champagne and listen to the Kremlin chimes beating 12 o’clock.
    There are lots of New Year traditions in Russia. In every home there is a New Year tree glittering with coloured lights and decorations. Children always wait for Father Frost to come and give them a present. Many people consider New Year’s Day to be a family holiday. But the young prefer to have New Year parties of their own.
    A renewed holiday in our country is Christmas. It is celebrated on the 7th of January. It’s a religious holiday and a lot of people go to church services on that day.
    Non-official “Men’s Day” is the 23d of February, it is a public holiday called “The Homeland Defenders Day”. All men in Russia are liable for call-up (including reservists), so they all are celebrities. On this day women usually give men small gifts.
    On the 8th of March we celebrate Women’s Day when men are supposed to do everything about the house and cook all the meals. This is pretty nice — at least once a year women can take a break and forget about all those dishes, cooking, kids, take a magazine and relax on a coach.
    The 1st of May is the Day of Labour. During Soviet time there were huge demonstrations on this day, as everybody was obliged to show his loyalty to the state; now only communists organize meetings on this date.
    The greatest national holiday in our country is Victory Day. On the 9th of May, 1945, the Soviet Army and its allies completely defeated the German fascists and the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War ended. A magnificent memorial on Poklonnaya Gora has been built to commemorate the Victory. Many veterans take part in the military parade and lay wreaths on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Radio and television broadcast popular war songs. A lot of guests from different countries of the . world come to Moscow to participate in the celebrations.
    Independence Day is anew holiday in our country. On the 12th of June, 1992, the first President of Russia was elected.
    The 1st of September is the Day of Knowledge — it’s the beginning of a school year. Children go to schools with flowers for teachers, there are meetings before the classes start.
    The 12th of December — the Constitution Day. This day the first Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted in 1993 (previous Constitutions were all Soviet Unions).
    Russians love to celebrate. We adopted the Western holidays such as St. Valentine, and Halloween. We also appreciate Chinese New Year, Muslim and Jewish holidays, as Russians are very tolerant to other religions.
    We also celebrate Easter and lots of professional holidays which are not public holidays and banks, offices and schools do not close.

  • My Favourite Holiday

    Мой любимый праздник

    Holidays have always been there. They can be connected with some national, family or personal celebrations. Some holidays are international ones such as New Year’s Day or Women’s Day. Some holidays which at first were national or religious have become popular all over the world, for example, Saint Valentine’s Day.
    Праздники всегда существовали. Они могут быть связаны с некоторыми национальными, семейными или личными торжествами. Некоторые праздники являются международными, такие как Новый год или Женский День. Некоторые праздники, которые вначале были национальными или религиозными, стали популярными во всем мире, например, День Святого Валентина.
    I like almost all holidays. Most of them are non-working days. One of my favourite holidays is New Year. People of all ages like celebrating it. New Year falls on the night of the 31st of December. So the 1st of January is the beginning of the year.
    Мне нравятся почти все праздники. Большинство из них – нерабочие дни. Один из моих любимых праздников – Новый год. Люди всех возрастов любят его праздновать. Новый год приходится на ночь 31 декабря. Итак, 1 января – начало года.
    I like this holiday because people seem to be kinder and better. Everyone feels this magic in the air. At the beginning of December almost all buildings are decorated with some festive things such as garlands, tinsel and figures of Santa Claus and deer.
    Мне нравится этот праздник, потому что люди кажутся добрее и лучше. Все чувствуют это волшебство повсюду. В начале декабря почти все здания уже украшены праздничными декорациями, гирляндами, мишурой и фигурками Санта-Клауса и оленей.
    One of the most important parts of celebrating this holiday is gifts. I think it is necessary to prepare them as early as possible. As for me, I prepare gifts in November or at the beginning of December. I pack them into the beautiful boxes which I make by myself. It is important to cook the dishes. Every year we set the table. We serve vegetable salads, pastry, baked chicken and so on. Of course, every year we buy Christmas tree and decorate it with toys and garlands.
    Одна из самых важных частей празднования – подарки. Я думаю, что необходимо подготовить их как можно раньше. Что касается меня, я готовлю подарки в ноябре или в начале декабря. Я упаковываю их в красивые коробки, которые я делаю сама. Важно приготовить блюда. Каждый год мы накрываем стол. Мы подаем к праздничному столу овощные салаты, печенье, запеченную курицу и так далее. Конечно, каждый год мы покупаем елку и украшаем ее игрушками и гирляндами.
    New Year is the wonderful time when wishes come true.
    Новый год — прекрасное время, когда желания сбываются.

  • A men needs rest after hard work. Very often we are eagerly looking forward to weekends and holidays to enjoy ourselves.
    The word “holiday” comes from the words “holy day”. Holidays were first religion festivals. Now many holidays have nothing to do with religion. Almost every country has holidays honouring important events in its history.
    Some holidays come on the same date of the same month, for instance, New Year’s Day or Cristmas. But some do not. Some, such as Easter, are movable holidays.
    New Year’s Day is very popular all over the world. It is my favourite holiday. We usually get together, we like celebrate this holiday at home.
    We celebrate the first day of Cristmas on the 7th of January. On the 6th of January people tidy the whole house, cook much tasty food because the day after we must not work, we must have a rest. On this day we have a sacred supper. It begins when the first star lights up. As the legend says, this star announced the birth of the God’s Son. We celebrate Christmas for two days. In the evening a group of boys comes. They sing songs. By these songs they congratulate on holiday, wish good crops, long life, no illness and so on. It is interesting to know that only boys must congratulate.
    Women’s Day is on the 8th of March.
    Then on the 1st of May goes next holiday the Day of Labor.
    Another religious holiday is Easter. It is movable. It is usually the first Sunday after the first fullmoon after the begining of spring. In Russia we have special attributes of Easter: Easter eggs, and Easter “paska” that are baked according to the special recipe. It is a very nice spring holiday.
    Victory Day is on the 9th of May. It is a sacred holiday for every Russian citizen. We are thankful to our grandfathers for the victory in the World War II.

    Перевод текста:

    Человеку нужно отдыхать после работы. Очень часто мы с нетерпением ждем выходных и праздников, чтобы как следует отдохнуть.
    Слово «праздник» происходит от слов «священный день». Первые праздники были религиозными. Сегодня же многие праздники не имеют ничего общего с религией. Почти в каждой стране есть праздники, которые отмечают важные события в ее истории.
    Некоторые праздники имеют фиксированную дату, например, Новый год или Рождество, другие нет. Некоторые, например, Пасха, — переходные праздники.
    Новый Год очень популярен во всем мире. Это и мой любимый праздник. Мы обычно собираемся все вместе. Мы любим отмечать этот праздник дома.
    Мы празднуем Рождество 7 января. 6 января убирают дом, готовят много вкусных блюд потому что на следующий день работать нельзя, следует отдыхать. В этот день — Святой вечер (Сочельник). Он начинается с первой звездой, ведь легенда гласит, что эта звезда означает рождение Сына Божьего. Мы празднуем Рождество два дня. Вечером мальчики приходят щедровать. Они поют песни. Этими песнями они всех поздравляют с праздником, желают хорошего урожая, долгой жизни, здоровья. Интересно, что щедровать могут только мальчики.
    8-го марта мы празднуем Женский День.
    Потом 1 мая идет следующий праздник — День Труда.
    Другой религиозный праздник — Пасха. У этого праздника нет фиксированной даты, она меняется. В России есть специальные атрибуты Пасхи: пасхальные яйца и пасхальные куличи («пасхи»). Пасха — очень хороший весенний праздник.
    9 мая — День Победы. Это священный праздник для каждого российского гражданина. Мы благодарны нашим дедам за победу во второй мировой войне.

  • Since 1968 every first weekend in July thousands of people gather near the city of Samara, on the Mastryukovo lakes. They come to attend Grushinsky Festival which is an annual Russian bard song festival. The festival takes its name from Valeri Grushin, a student and a singer-songwriter who died during a backcountry camping trip trying to save his drowning friends.

    During Soviet times, the festival was often attended by Yuri Vizbor, Tatyana and Sergey Nikitins, Bulat Okudzhava, Alexander Dolsky, Oleg Mitayev and other famous Soviet singer-songwriters.

    The major landmark of the festival is the stage built on the raft. It has the shape of a guitar, and its fingerboard serves as a bridge to the shore. The Grushin Mountain ridge serves as natural stands for thousands of visitors. The number of visitors increased every year, starting from only 600 in 1968 and reaching 140,000 spectators in 1997.

    In the late 1990s, the festival became commercialized, and attracted Russian rock musicians, such as Yuri Shevchuk of DDT.


    С 1968 года каждые первые выходные июля тысячи людей собираются возле города Самара, на Мастрюковских озерах. Они приезжают на Грушинский фестиваль — ежегодный фестиваль русской авторской песни. Фестиваль назван так в честь Валерия Грушина, студента и автора-исполнителя, который погиб во время туристического похода, пытаясь спасти тонущих друзей.

    В советское время на фестивале часто бывали Юрий Визбор, Татьяна и Сергей Никитины, Булат Окуджава, Александр Дольский, Олег Митяев и другие известные советские авторы-исполнители.

    Главная достопримечательность фестиваля — построенная на плоту сцена. Она имеет форму гитары, а ее гриф служит мостом к берегу. Склон Грушинской горы служит природной трибуной для тысяч посетителей. Количество посетителей фестиваля ежегодно увеличивалось, начиная с 600 в 1968 году и достигнув 140 000 зрителей в 1997 году.

    В конце 1990-х фестиваль стал коммерческим и привлек российских рок-музыкантов, таких как Юрий Шевчук из ДДТ.

    A festival is a celebration of some holiday, achievements, or other occasions for one or several days. Festivals can be religious, national, seasonal; they can be dedicated to arts, food, fashion, sports, etc. When working on a festival essay, it is essential to consider several aspects. For example, research the history and cultural meaning of an event.

    In our compilation of festival topics, we included many topics about festivals (Woodstock, Richmond Folk Festival, Film Festivals, and others). You will also find broad issues about festivals’ cultural heritage and history.

    Table of Contents

    1. 🏆 Best Festival Topic Ideas & Essay Examples
    2. 🥇 Most Interesting Festival Topics to Write about
    3. 📌 Simple & Easy Festival Essay Titles
    4. 👍 Good Essay Topics on Festival
    5. ❓ Essay Questions About Festivals
    6. 💯 Free Festival Essay Topic Generator

    🏆 Best Festival Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

    1. Festival in Greektown, Chicago:

      Due to the fact that this district is one of those that make up the community area, the festival offered to its citizens has to be community based. It is necessary to take care of […]

    2. How to fund a non profit community book festival

      Through online forums, the visitors of the website can be made aware of the community book festival and be requested to donate funds for the activity.

    3. The Live Concert by Aleksandr Rybak and the Electo Zoo Festival

      The lighting and the special effects became a valuable contribution to the performance, intensifying the impression from the beautiful music and the personal charm of the talented performers.

    4. Lantern Festival and Rice Ball

      Moreover, the rice balls are an essential component of the Lantern festival because they are the reason why the fire goddess spared the city of Chang’an.

    5. The Mimir Chamber Music Festival Concert

      The three characteristics were the dynamics, intonation and ensemble where the intonation was brought about by the string quartet playing, the dynamics brought by the careful modulation and the ensemble bringing in a complete experience […]

    6. Woodstock Music and Art Festival

      In this paper, we will explore on Woodstock Music and Art festival, the challenges that were faced, and the impact of the festival to the music industry.

    7. A Travel into the Korean Culture: 2012 Korean Festival in Houston

      One of the most vivid and memorable events in the Korean culture, the Korean Festival in Houston makes one dive into the Korean culture and understand the essence of the Korean dances.

    8. Charity Softball and Cultural Festival

      While the main event in the festival will be the softball tournament, the organizers of the charity softball and cultural festival hope to raise funds through several ways.

    9. Promotion Strategy for a Green Festival

      The main reason for planning the green festival is to get residents of Dubai and its environs to realize the importance of environmental conservation. Secondly, the venue of the green festival and how people will […]

    10. History of Mexican Festival

      The experience of attending the Mexican festival stretched my cultural perception as I discovered that Mexicans have a rich culture in terms of food, art, and music.

    11. School Music Festival Concert

      The preliminary rounds will be designed to ensure that only the participants who measure up to the high standards of the competition are allowed to go on to the next stage of the competition while […]

    12. Moomba Festival in Melbourne: Event, Significance of the Place, Infrastructure, and Effect on the City Image

      The reason for the event includes a number of factors that reflect the events that were held in the early 1950s and predestined the start of the festival.

    13. Spring Festival Gala Event

      The festival has led to massive public awareness on the Chinese culture The culture movement led to the realization of the importance of the support received from the mass media and the role the popular […]

    14. College Students’ Satisfaction of Music Festival in China

      Aquinas says that one of the reasons why music festivals are popular among the students is because they offer them the opportunity to express their feelings.

    15. Ajyal Film Festival and Youth Empowerment

      The DFI organizes the Ajyal Film Festival to present the film products of its most talented young actors and producers to the government and the business community, as well as the rest of the world.

    16. Woodstock Music Festival

      Even though the Woodstock Music Festival was intended to be a ticketed event, ultimately, the planners stopped collecting the tickets because the crowd started to cut away and to trample the fences which made even […]

    17. The Wollongong Music Festival Arranging

      The paper analyses the roles of the key stakeholders in the Wollongong music festival. Because of the location, the festival may cause major conflicts with the businesses adjoining the venue.

    18. The 2014 Joondalup Festival Details

      In addition, the report focuses on identifying the theme of the event, objectives associated with the event and the philosophy of the event, among other event aspects.

    19. Festival Organization Service Operations

      The increasing number of festivals in both Europe and other parts of the world reduces the efficiency and organisational mechanisms of the events leading to the emergence of other organisational bodies such as the American […]

    20. Michael Jackson Festival’s Start-Up Business

      The primary goal of this paper is to develop a detailed start-up business for the Michael Jackson festival with the assistance of the business model canvas.

    21. Festival of Britain, Its History and Success

      The rationale behind it was to point to the reconstruction of London and the incorporation of futuristic buildings in the architecture of the city.

    22. Made in America Musical Festival Planning

      Overall, festival planning involves many steps and stages that are crucial to the success of the event, as well as to the safety and security of all visitors.

    23. Richmond Folk Festival Performances

      The major goal the organizers of the festival pursue is to present the best traditional musicians found all across the country and to let the audience enjoy their unique talents.

    24. African Circumcision Festival and Western Attitude

      I would make sure that I want to visit this event for the elders to be sure that I am interested in the supportive environment at the workplace and the place, I am living.

    25. Dubai Jazz Festival Press Release

      James Blunt, who will be in Dubai for the third time, will perform on the first day of the festival together with Christina Perri.

    🥇 Most Interesting Festival Topics to Write about

    1. Qasr Al Hosn Festival Press Release

      The festival has been celebrated since the development of the fort in the 1760s. Apart from celebrating the Emirati history, the festival aims to give visitors a chance to appreciate the Emirati heritage that is […]

    2. The Dragon Boat Festival on Qi’ao Island

      The origins of the holiday are unknown, but there are many popular theories that suggest the holiday to be associated with the death of Qu Yang a famous Chinese thinker and poet.

    3. Calvin Jones Big Band Jazz Festival

      The most interesting feature of the show was the participation of bands from three different colleges the University of the District of Columbia Jazz Ensemble, the Howard University Jazz Ensemble, and the University of Maryland […]

    4. Lunar Vietnamese New Year’s Event: Flower Festival

      It should be noted that the festival is held for several days, and its primary purpose is to prepare the visiting people for the main celebration. The center of all activities that bring the majority […]

    5. Auckland Lantern Festival Event Management Plan

      The festival will supply the entertainment as well as the props necessary for the performers, but stallholders will have to pay for their spots at the venue.

    6. Melbourne Food and Wine Festival in Australia

      The Melbourne Food and Wine Festival is held throughout Melbourne showcasing the urban and regional life of the city and its various food and wine offerings to reinforce the position of the city of Melbourne […]

    7. Edinburgh Multi-Day International Festival: Event Evaluation

      The Edinburgh Festival follows a mission of being the most exciting, innovative, and accessible festival in the world in the realm of the performing arts, promoting the cultural, educational, and economic well-being of the people […]

    8. The Chicago International Film Festival

      As a matter of fact, the festival’s website points out that it has had a consistent objective that still remains to this moment, “…to discover and present new filmmakers to Chicago, and to acknowledge and […]

    9. Woodstock Music and Art Fair

      During the fun and revels of the Woodstock festival, the hippies and flower children were treated to an incredible roster of talented and legendary musicians.

    10. Benefits of a Non-Profit Bookfair Festival for a Major US City

      A book fair in San Antonio would be attended by panelists whose interest would be to discuss the future in books, lovers of poetry who would listen and enjoy recitations and publishers. Considering the fuss […]

    11. Flavours of Chittering Food & Wine Festival: Analysis

      As some of the local restaurants are based on cooking the food from the products grown in the valley, people are likely to learn about the real tastes of food in those restaurants because the […]

    12. Arts and Crafts Festival Event

      In addition to informing the people on the huge variety of arts and crafts the company has been able to collect from various parts of the world over time, this event will be a good […]

    13. Independent Arts and Crafts Festival: Event Safety

      However, for a festival of such to be successful much legal documentation has to be put in place and some of these are contracts and fees agreements and the acquiring of some legal documents for […]

    14. Statistics. Exploring the Festival Data

      From the histogram, we can observe that the festival data of day one is normally distributed about the mean of the data.

    15. Santa Barbara International Film Festival

      In its eleven-day span, the festival aims to enrich the local culture and enhance the awareness of film as a form of art.

    16. Ottawa Folk Festival Management Issues

      If the festival’s management would implement a no change scenario to the problem of a low level of attendance by young people, the state of affairs will stay the same: the festival will be only […]

    17. Music Festival Project Management

      The project is concerned with planning a one-day Music Festival that will take place on the 4th of June 2011, in Greenwich Park.

    18. Summer Music Festival: Event Project Management Plan

      The main objective of the festival is to raise funds for the Children Society of the United Kingdom. People below the age of fifteen years have low power and less interest in the event because […]

    19. Food Provision at the Annisburgh District Music Festival

      It will promote the careers of the local and international artists who will be performing at the event and raise the profile of the district leading to a positive reputation. Over the course of the […]

    20. Food Safety Policy for a Music Festival

      Several food businesses are expected to be at the festival thus posing a threat to the health of the participants should the right measures fail to be implemented to avoid the spread of food-borne diseases.

    21. The Orange F.O.O.D Week Festival in Australia

      Provenance refers to the origin of a particular object or phenomenon, and in this case, it is of food and wine of the Orange Region.

    22. The Negative Social Impacts of “Tomorrowland Music Festival”

      Despite the benefits of this festival for the local community, such as increased economic activity and employment, “Tomorrowland” has also been criticized for the presence of drugs on-site, the issues with cleaning up the location […]

    23. Transformative Festival Experience: A Comparative Analysis

      Other important aspect of the transformative component within the leisure experiences is, according to the article, the contrast between the event the question and the general daily experience of a tourist.

    24. The Woodstock Music Festival’s Organizational Challenges

      For the next Woodstock in 1994, the organizers decided to review their strategies, setting the $135 ticket price. After such a disaster, the festival’s project in 2019 was doomed to fail.

    25. Ultra Music Festival Twitter Marketing

      The first step of the marketing strategy development in this respect is the choice of a platform that corresponds to the goals of marketing.

    26. Ramadan Celebration: The Religious Festival

      To conclude, Ramadan month, a religious festival, is my favorite and most memorable event of the year. Individuals behaving better and kinder towards others during this month is another part of the festival that I […]

    27. The San Joaquin Asparagus Festival in California

      People from around the region travel to Stockton to join the locals in the celebration of the food that is currently regarded as belonging to individuals in the high-class category.

    28. A Maslenitsa Festival as a Cultural Event

      In the video, one could see how people sing, dance, play the accordion, cook and eat pancakes, play team games, such as tug of war and king of the hill, and build a fortress out […]

    📌 Simple & Easy Festival Essay Titles

    1. The Tibetan Freedom Festival Drives Forward the Cause for Tibetan People
    2. The History of the Bands of America National Concert Band Festival
    3. The Venice Film Festival And The Cannes Film Festival
    4. Understanding the UK: David Cannadine at Edinburgh International Book Festival
    5. The History and the Symbolism of the Festival of Pesach
    6. Tradition in Our Culture: the Mid-Autumn Festival
    7. Tomorrowland: Electronic Music Festival
    8. The History and Cultural Importance of the Dragon Boat Festival in China
    9. The Songkran Festival: Traditional New Year’s Day
    10. The Three Days of Peace and Music During the Woodstock Festival in 1969
    11. The San Fermin Festival And The Running Of The Bulls
    12. The On Matsuri Festival Of Kasuga Wakamiya Shrine
    13. The Festival of Politics: Karl Marx Lecture with Professor Gareth Stedman Jones
    14. The Role of Green-Festivals Affecting Pro-Environmental Attitudes: The Case of Glastonbury Festival
    15. The Epa headdress of the Yoruba Epa Festival
    16. The Impact of Edinburgh International Festival
    17. The Deployment of Mobile Base Transceiver Station During Lisabi Festival at Abeokuta
    18. The Role Of Festival In The Mayor Of Casterbridge
    19. The Implication of Road Toll Discount for Mode Choice: Intercity Travel during the Chinese Spring Festival Holiday
    20. Vietnam: Lunar New Year Festival

    👍 Good Essay Topics on Festival

    1. The Yulin Dog Meat Festival and American Views
    2. The Flaws and Brilliance of the Sundance Film Festival
    3. The Impact of the Woodstock Festival in America during the 1960’s
    4. The Concert At The International Chamber Music Festival Concert
    5. The Diwali Festival, Its Importance to Hinduism, and Pollution in Diwali
    6. The New Music Festival : Sound, Light, And Healing
    7. The Invalid American Views on the Yulin Dog Meat Festival
    8. The Evolution of Woodstock: A Rock Festival
    9. The Origin and History of the Interesting Festival of Halloween
    10. Woodstock Music and Art Festival
    11. The Largest Cultural Activity in Pakistan: Folk Festival or Lok Mela
    12. The Marketing of the Melbourne International Film Festival
    13. Western Festival in China
    14. The Traditions, Practices and the Processes in the Thaipusam Festival
    15. Whatever: Culture and Niagara Wine Festival
    16. The Cultural Impact of the Woodstock Music Festival to Society
    17. The Effect of Food Tourism Behavior on Food Festival Visitor’s Revisit Intention
    18. The Love Parade Festival Stampede 2010
    19. The Woodstock Festival and the Music of the 60s: A Peaceful Rock Revolution
    20. The History and Impact of Woodstock Music Festival
    21. The New Year Festival in Vietnam and in America
    22. The Night Nation Run – the World’s Running Music Festival

    ❓ Essay Questions About Festivals

    1. Are Film Festivals Still Necessary?
    2. What Are the Negative Effects of Festivals?
    3. What Problems Do Music Festivals Cause?
    4. Are Religious Festivals Just an Excuse for a Party?
    5. Why Are Festivals Bad for the Environment?
    6. How Much Waste Do Festivals Produce?
    7. How Are the Religious Festivals Harming Our Ecosystem?
    8. Are Religious Festivals Just an Excuse for a Party?
    9. What We Can Do for the Environment on Festivals?
    10. Why Do the Researchers Called Pollution the Flip Side of Festivals?
    11. How Much Waste Do UK Festivals Produce?
    12. What Do Festivals Do With Leftover Tents?
    13. How Do You Recover From Festivals?
    14. Where Are Some of the Largest Festivals Held in the United States?
    15. How Many Music Festivals Are There in the USA?
    16. How Rituals and Festivals Played a Crucial Role in Traditional European Life?
    17. What Are Traditional Festivals?
    18. What Are the Three National Festivals?
    19. Why Are American Festivals Important?
    20. What Are the Most Important Festivals in French Culture?
    21. How Do Festivals Bring Us Together?
    22. How Many Regional Festivals Are There?
    23. Are Festivals Important for a Country?
    24. What Are the Hidden Dangers of Music Festivals?
    25. What Is the Largest Attendance at The Music Festivals?

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    Обновлено: 11.03.2023

    The best holidays and festivals are those with specific traditions for celebrating

    All of us like holidays and we always happy to celebrate Christmas, New Year, birthdays and thanksgiving days. When all our family is together, there is nice dinner and many presents. Every family has its own traditions and we follow them every single year. Holidays help us to forget about everyday problems and to see our relatives all together.

    I respect traditions and my family has them as well. I think the best festivals are those with specific traditions for celebrating. These traditions came to us from past or because we like to do something all together. I like Maslennitsa a lot. In spring when it’s still cold you can go to the park to drink hot tea, eat pancakes and burn the scarecrow. I think this tradition exist only in few countries like Russia and Belarus. That’s why it’s so interesting to Europe and America. In summer we celebrate Kupalle and this is the right night for divination. Even people don’t believe in all these things are still curious about their future. What is more young people jump over the fire and make wishes.

    Also specific traditions are the traditions of each family. My parents buy at least one new thing to celebrate New Year. My friend’s family members ask each other for forgiveness. I think it’s really nice when you can bring some interesting tradition to your family.

    Other people think it’s so much better to celebrate holidays in a simple way. Today we are busy and work a lot, so we don’t have time for all these things.

    Personally I am sure we need some traditions. When I was a child I believed in magic and miracles. Today I believe in magic of holidays only because of specific traditions we still believe.

    Лучшие праздники и фестивали — это те, которые имеют особые традиции празднования

    Все мы любим праздники и всегда с удовольствием отмечаем Рождество, Новый год, дни рождения и дни благодарения. Ведь здорово, когда собирается вся семья, накрыт праздничный стол и много подарков. У каждой семьи есть свои традиции, а мы следуем им из года в год. Праздники помогают нам забыть о ежедневных проблемах и повидаться с родственниками.

    Я уважаю традиции и моя семья их тоже имеет. Я считаю, что лучшие фестивали — это те, у которых есть особые традиции празднования. Эти традиции пришли к нам из прошлого или нам просто нравится заниматься чем-то вместе. Мне очень нравится Масленица. Весной, пока ещё холодно, можно пойти в парк, попить горячего чая с вкусными блинами и поджечь чучело, чтобы попрощаться с зимой. Я считаю, что подобная традиция существует только в нескольких странах, например, в России и Беларуси. Вот почему эти традиции так интересны жителям Европы и Америки. А летом мы празднуем Купалле и это та самая ночь, когда можно погадать. Даже люди, которые не верят в гадание, хотят узнать своё будущее. Более того молодые люди прыгают через костёр и загадывают желания. Также особые традиции есть в каждой семье. Например, мои родители покупают по крайней мере одну новую вещь для празднования Нового года. А семья моей подруги просят прощения друг у друга, чтобы встретить год без обид. Мне кажется, это так здорово, когда ты можешь привнести какие-либо традиции в свою семью.

    А есть и такие, кто предпочитает празднование любых событий как можно проще. Сегодня мы заняты и много работаем, так что у людей не хватает времени на подобные вещи.

    Лично я уверена, что людям необходимы традиции. Когда я была ребёнком, верила в волшебство праздников благодаря традициям. И даже сегодня я продолжаю в него верить только потому, что существуют особые традиции празднования.



    Festivals as a form of some performance or celebration have always been there. In ancient times they were connected with some mystical or religious traditions. Gradually new festivals had appeared. They could be connected with some national, family or personal celebrations.

    Праздники, как форма какого-то представления или празднования, всегда существовали. В древние времена они были связаны с некоторыми мистическими или религиозными традициями. Постепенно появились новые праздники. Они уже могли быть связаны с национальными, семейными или личными торжествами.

    Festivals can be religious. It means that they are connected with some religious events, for example, Saint Patrick’s Day which is held on the 17th of March. It is the death date of Saint Patrick, the foremost patron saint of Ireland. Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated in many countries all over the world. One more religious festival is Holi, a Hindu spring festival also known as “festival of colours”.

    Some festivals are national. They are national days. National day is a designated date on which celebrations mark some events which are of high importance for a nation. It can also be connected with the independence of a country or other important state events.

    Некоторые праздники являются национальными. Это национальные дни. Национальный праздник – это установленная дата, когда отмечаются события, имеющие большое значение для нации. Это также может быть связано с независимостью страны или другими важными государственными событиями.

    There are festivals which are celebrated in one country but attract people from all over the world. One of such festivals is Rio Carnival. People put on festive dresses, dance samba and make holiday. Many tourists visit Rio Carnival. All Brazilian samba schools take part in this carnival.

    Существуют праздники, которые отмечаются в одной стране, но привлекают людей со всего мира. Одним из таких праздников является Карнавал в Рио-де-Жанейро. Люди надевают праздничные костюмы, танцуют самбу и веселятся. Многие туристы посещают Карнавал в Рио-де-Жанейро. Все бразильские школы самбы принимают участие в этом карнавале.

    Festivals are an important part of everyday life. Some festivals have long history and some festivals have just appeared. Festivals can be celebrated in many parts of the world and some festivals are celebrated only by one family.

    Праздники – важная часть повседневной жизни. Некоторые праздники имеют давнюю историю, а некоторые образовались совсем недавно. Праздники могут отмечаться во многих частях мира, а некоторые праздники отмечает только одна семья.

    The first burning of a small wooden man was performed in 1986 on one of San Francisco’s beaches by a group of friends. Now, once a year, thousands of people gather in Nevada’s Desert to create Black Rock City, a temporary metropolis dedicated to community, art and self-expression. The festival begins on the last Monday in August, at zero hours one minute. The last day is Labor Day, an official holiday, which is celebrated on the first Monday of September. Culmination takes place on Saturday after sunset, when people burn the huge wooden statue. For a week, fantastic-shaped works of modern art are installed in the desert. Some of them are burned by creators. All transport is banned, except bikes and mutant vehicles, which are creatively altered cars and trucks. Many participants wear costumes of animals, fictional characters and monsters. Artists give performances and DJs work day and night on several dance floors. However, each member is responsible for his life and cleaning of any traces of his stay. Первое сожжение маленького деревянного человечка было проведено группой друзей в 1986 году на одном из пляжей Сан-Франциско. Теперь раз в году тысячи людей собираются в пустыне Невада, чтобы создать город Блэк-Рок, временную столицу объединения, искусства и самовыражения. Фестиваль начинается в последний понедельник августа, в 00.01. Последний день — это День труда, официальный праздник, который празднуется в первый понедельник сентября. Кульминация происходит после заката, когда люди сжигают огромную деревянную статую. На неделю в пустыне устанавливаются произведения современного искусства фантастических форм. Некоторые из них сжигаются создателями. Весь транспорт запрещен, кроме велосипедов и машин-мутантов — причудливо измененных автомобилей и грузовиков. Многие участники носят костюмы животных, вымышленных персонажей и монстров. Артисты проводят выступления, а диджеи работают днем и ночью на нескольких танцполах. Однако, каждый участник ответственен за свою жизнь и уборку всех следов своего пребывания.

    Where? When? About what?

    In the end of November, the Coffee Festival was started in St. Petersburg. The ticket price was cheap — 100 rubles or 2 dollars. About 700 people came to this festival. There were unforeseen problems with electricity, but no one left from this festival. There were excellent speakers. They told about:

    • the story of coffee;
    • how to cook it properly;
    • varieties of coffee.

    One of the organizers’ goals for 2017 is to make this festival more ambitious. According to their plan, at the next festival should come no less than 2000 people.

    My personal opinion

    It was fantastic. I will recommend all my friends to come here. I hope that when I will be preparing coffee for relatives, coffee will be better.

    Где? Когда? О чем?

    В конце ноября, в Санкт-Петербурге прошел фестиваль кофе. Цена билета была низкой – 100 рублей или же 2 доллара. Около 700 человек пришло на этот фестиваль. Там были непредвиденные проблемы с электричеством, однако никто не покинул этот фестиваль. Там были великолепные ведущие. Они рассказывали о:

    • об истории кофе;
    • как готовить его идеально;
    • сортах кофе.

    Одна из целей организаторов на 2017 год – сделать фестиваль более масштабным. Согласно их плану, на следующий фестиваль должно прийти не меньше, чем 2000 человек.

    Мое личное мнение

    Это было потрясающе. Я буду рекомендовать всем моим друзьям прийти сюда. Я надеюсь, что, когда я буду готовить кофе для близких, кофе станет лучше.

    Эту работу Ксения выполнила для участия во Всероссийском конкурсе «Наша страна — Наше наследие!» и получила сертификат участника. Эту работу также можно найти и на сайте издательства Просвещение.

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    Предварительный просмотр:

    Hello! My names is Ksenia. I am twelve years old. I study at school №89 in the fifth form. I’m lucky, because Tatarstan is my native land. The capital of Tatarstan is Kazan. I think it is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in the Volga region.

    There are a lot of different holidays and festivals in my city. The most popular festival is Sabantuy. As it is impossible to imagine the Greeks without the Olympic Games, the Spaniards without their bullfights, it is also impossible to speak about a way of life of Tatars without the Sabantuy. Sabantuy is the most ancient and traditional festival of Tatar people. It is “a celebration of the plough” This holiday takes place at the end of June when the villagers finish their spring work in the fields.

    There are more than 20 national and common types of sport competitions and games in the Sabantuy program. The major competitions are the Tatar national wrestling- “Kuresh” and the horse races. There are also a lot of funny competitions and sport games, for example, egg-races, “running-in-sacks” races. Climbing up a high pole is rather difficult, but very funny. The prize is a big cock, sitting on the top! All competitions of the Sabantuy are accompanied by concerts of national ensembles, dances and songs, fair of crafts, products of decorative art. Everyone tries to show his or her skills and talent.

    Nowadays, I think, the Sabantuy festival is very popular with people of all nationalities. We have a lot of guests from all over the world. Every year my family and I have a nice time. We have a picnic, take part at the different competitions, sing and dance. I like this festival very much.

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