Сочинение про гая фокса на английском языке

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Guy Fawkes Night Ночь Гая Фокса
This holiday is known in Britain as Bonfire Night. It’s one of the most cherished holidays in the country. Each year it’s celebrated with massive fireworks and bonfires. According to a calendar, the holiday falls on the 5th of November and commemorates the failure of Gunpowder Plot. Этот праздник известен в Британии, как Ночь костров. Это один из самых почитаемых праздников в стране. Каждый год его празднуют крупными фейерверками и кострами. Согласно календарю, праздник выпадает на 5 ноября и отмечает провал Порохового заговора.
Some historic facts prove that this evil project was led by a person named Guy Fawkes in 1605. He was a member of a Catholic group that tried to set some explosives beneath the Houses of Parliament while the king was in the building. The plotters were caught and convicted in high treason. Некоторые исторические факты доказывают, что этот зловещий проект был подготовлен во главе с человеком по имени Гай Фокс в 1605 году. Он был членом католической группы, которая пыталась установить взрывчатку под зданием парламента, пока король был в здании. Заговорщики были схвачены и осуждены в государственной измене.
The tradition to light bonfires on this day has a different background, but is well connected with the idea of the holiday. As it’s almost the end of autumn people find it necessary to burn all their garden rubbish. In larger cities the authorities organize collective bonfires in a communal space. There are also professional fireworks at park zones. In some regions people keep the tradition of dressing up into spooky thematic outfits. Традиция жечь костры в этот день имеет иное толкование, но хорошо сочетается с идеей праздника. Так как это конец осени люди считают необходимым сжечь весь свой садовый скарб. В крупных городах власти организуют коллективные костры в общем пространстве. Также, устраиваются грандиозные фейерверки в парковых зонах. В некоторых регионах люди придерживаются традиции переодеваться в устрашающую тематическую одежду.
Children’s favorite part during Gay Fawkes Night is the tasty food sold in streets. For example baked potatoes, homemade toffee apples, sausage rolls, popcorn etc. Любимое детское развлечение в Ночь Гая Фокса — это вкусная еда, которую продают на улицах. Например, печеный картофель, яблоки в карамели, сосиски в тесте, попкорн и т.д.
However, not everyone favors this legendary holiday and certainly it’s not a public holiday. All schools and public organizations are open as usual. Transport works according to its habitual timetable. There were many cases of injuries, connected with fireworks. That’s why many people are against loud celebration. Однако не все поддерживают этот легендарный и, конечно, не государственный праздник. Школы и общественные организации открыты, как обычно. Транспорт работает в привычном режиме. Бывало немало случаев травматизма, связанных с фейерверком. Вот почему многие люди против шумных празднеств.

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Guy Fawkes Night

Guy Fawkes Night is a public holiday that is celebrated in the United Kingdom on November 5th. It is a day that commemorates the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605, in which a group of conspirators, led by Guy Fawkes, attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London.

The holiday is marked by a number of different traditions, including bonfires, fireworks displays, and the burning of effigies of Guy Fawkes. It is a day that is steeped in history and tradition, and it is an important part of the cultural calendar in the UK.

One of the most well-known traditions of Guy Fawkes Night is the lighting of bonfires. These bonfires are often adorned with effigies of Guy Fawkes and other figures, and they are a central part of the celebrations. Another popular tradition is the setting off of fireworks, which are often displayed in public parks and other open spaces.

Guy Fawkes Night is a day that is filled with tradition and celebration. Whether it’s lighting bonfires, setting off fireworks, or simply enjoying the company of friends and loved ones, Guy Fawkes Night is a day that is full of fun and excitement.

Текст на английском языке с переводом. Guy Fawkes Night — Ночь Гая Фокса

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Текст на английском Перевод
Guy Fawkes Night is a public holiday that is celebrated in the United Kingdom on November 5th. Ночь Гая Фокса — государственный праздник, который отмечается в Соединенном Королевстве 5 ноября.
It is a day that commemorates the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605, in which a group of conspirators, led by Guy Fawkes, attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London. Это день памяти неудавшегося Порохового заговора 1605 года, в ходе которого группа заговорщиков во главе с Гаем Фоксом попыталась взорвать здание парламента в Лондоне.
The holiday is marked by a number of different traditions, including bonfires, fireworks displays, and the burning of effigies of Guy Fawkes. Праздник отмечается по целому ряду традиций, включая костры, фейерверки и сжигание чучела Гая Фокса.
It is a day that is steeped in history and tradition, and it is an important part of the cultural calendar in the UK. Этот день пропитан историей и традициями, и он является важной частью культурного календаря Великобритании.
One of the most well-known traditions of Guy Fawkes Night is the lighting of bonfires. Одна из самых известных традиций Ночи Гая Фокса — зажигание костров.
These bonfires are often adorned with effigies of Guy Fawkes and other figures, and they are a central part of the celebrations. Эти костры часто украшают чучелами Гая Фокса и других фигур, и они являются центральной частью празднования.
Another popular tradition is the setting off of fireworks, which are often displayed in public parks and other open spaces. Другой популярной традицией является запуск фейерверков, которые часто демонстрируются в общественных парках и других открытых местах.
Guy Fawkes Night is a day that is filled with tradition and celebration. Ночь Гая Фокса — это день, наполненный традициями и праздником.
Whether it’s lighting bonfires, setting off fireworks, or simply enjoying the company of friends and loved ones, Guy Fawkes Night is a day that is full of fun and excitement. Будь то разжигание костров, запуск фейерверков или просто наслаждение компанией друзей и близких, Ночь Гая Фокса — это день, полный веселья и радости.

 Полезные слова:

  • public — общественный.
  • to commemorate — чтить память.
  • Gunpowder Plot — пороховой заговор.
  • to lead — управлять.
  • to attempt — пытаться.
  • to blow up — взорвать.
  • to mark — отмечать.
  • bonfire — костер.
  • effigy — чучело.
  • to adorn — украшать.
  • to set off – запускать (фейерверки).
  • to be filled with smt — быть наполненным чем-либо.
  • to enjoy — наслаждаться.
  • excitement — восторг.


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 Факты проверены       Текст проверен, ошибок быть не должно

On 5 November, people across the UK celebrate Bonfire Night (or Guy Fawkes Night). All over the country there are firework displays and bonfires with models of Guy Fawkes, which are burned on the fire.

It’s a special day in honour of a historic event. It’s the anniversary of a failed attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605. This was called the Gunpowder Plot.

The history

A group of men made a plan to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London. An enormous explosion was planned for 5 November. Guy Fawkes was part of the Gunpowder plot.

Did they succeed? No, they didn’t. The police caught all the men involved in the plot.

This was because of religion. England was a Protestant country and the plotters were Catholic. They wanted England to be Catholic again, and thought they could force change if they killed King James I and his ministers.

  • English Traditions – Английские традиции »

  • Tourist attractions in Great Britain – Достопримечательности Великобритании »

  • Tourist attractions in London – Достопримечательности Лондона »

Перевод на русский язык

5 ноября по всей Великобритании празднуют Ночь костров (или Ночь Гая Фокса). По всей стране устраиваются салюты и костры с чучелами Гая Фокса, которые сжигаются на костре.

Это особый день в честь исторического события. Это годовщина неудачной попытки взрыва здания парламента в 1605 году. Оно известно как Пороховой заговор.


Группа людей подготовила план взрыва здания парламента в Лондоне. Мощный взрыв был запланирован на 5 ноября. Гай Фокс был участником Порохового заговора.

Удалось ли им это? Нет. Полиция поймала всех участников заговора.

Это было из-за религии. Англия была протестантской страной, а заговорщики были католиками. Они хотели, чтобы Англия вновь стала католической, и думали, что смогут добиться перемен, если убьют короля Якова I и его министров.

  • Краткий текст на английском языке про Лондон »

  • The British Museum – Британский музей »

Сочинение на тему «Ночь Гая Фокса»

на английском языке с переводом на русский язык

Ночь Гая Фокса

Every year on November 5 British people celebrate an unusual holiday – Guy Fawkes Night. It may seem strange to call this night “a holiday”, because it is dedicated to a gloomy and scary event – the Gunpowder Plot, a conspiracy of a group of Catholics who tried to kill King James I. How an assassination attempt could become a memorable date?

Каждый год 5 ноября британцы отмечают необычный праздник – ночь Гая Фокса. Может показаться странным, что эту ночь называют «праздником», поскольку она посвящена мрачному и пугающему событию – Пороховому заговору, сговору группы католиков, которые пытались убить короля Якова I. Как же попытка убийства могла стать памятной датой?

Guy Fawkes was an English gentleman and a convinced Catholic. British Catholics hoped that James I would support them, but after his rise to power he started to show sympathy for Protestants. Some Catholics including Guy Fawkes could not accept this situation in the context of the Reformation and religious wars and organized a conspiracy. They planned to set fire to the barrels full of gunpowder in the basement of the Westminster Palace and blow up the House of Lords building during the Parliamentary session. However, one of participants of the conspiracy betrayed them and told everything to a lord who warned the King. Fawkes and three his accomplices were executed.

Гай Фокс был английским дворянином и убеждённым католиком. Британские католики надеялись, что Яков I поддержит их, но после прихода к власти он начал проявлять симпатию к протестантам. Некоторые католики, в т. ч. Гай Фокс, не смогли принять эту ситуацию в контексте Реформации и религиозных войн и устроили заговор. Они планировали поджечь бочки с порохом в подвале Вестминстерского дворца и взорвать здание Палаты Лордов в ходе заседания Парламента. Однако один из участников заговора предал остальных и рассказал всё лорду, который предупредил короля. Фокс и три его сообщника были казнены.

Nowadays Guy Fawkes Night is full of fire: bonfires and fireworks symbolize the punishment of criminals who endangered the state security and order. People have fun and burn a scarecrow representing Fawkes, which explains other names of this event: Fireworks Night or Bonfire Night. This unusual holiday plays a great role in mass culture: it is often used in films, comics, and series. Perhaps the most famous attribute of this night is Guy Fawkes’s mask from the comics “V for Vendetta”.

В наши дни ночь Гая Фокса полна огня: костры и фейерверки символизируют наказание преступников, которые поставили под угрозу безопасность государства и порядок. Люди веселятся и сжигают чучело Фокса, что объясняет другие названия этого события: Ночь фейерверков и Ночь костров. Этот необычный праздник играет огромную роль в массовой культуре: он часто обыгрывается в фильмах, комиксах и сериалах. Наверное, самый известный атрибут этой ночи – маска Гая Фокса из комикса «V» значит Вендетта».

  • сочинения

Сложность: Уровень C1

Every year, on November 5th in England, they celebrate Guy Fawkes Night. Another name for this celebration is Bonfire Night or Fireworks Night. This holiday originated from political events in 1605. At that time England was ruled by King Jacob the First. The king was at odds with the Catholic Church. The king imposed heavy fines on religious figures and restricted them in every way possible.

Catholics long demanded that the fines and restrictions be lifted, but the king was adamant. Then a chap called Guy Fawkes put together a group of men and planned to murder King James the First on 5 November 1605. But someone on Guy Fawkes’ side told outsiders about the plans and news of the assassination plot reached the king.

The king ordered that Guy Fawkes be found and put in prison. In prison, he was tortured for a long time, after which he told all his plans and gave up his associates. In the end, all his supporters were publicly executed. Guy Fawkes himself was quartered. That night, the people of the country held a great feast, lighting fires in the streets in honor of their king. Since then, the night of Guy Fawkes has been celebrated annually.

Nowadays, the holiday is celebrated in England in a family circle. The traditional symbol of the holiday is the effigy of Guy Fawkes, which is set on fire on the night of the holiday. Mashed potatoes and grilled sausages are served on the table that evening. In some homes, the potatoes are baked over charcoal and eaten with a pinch of salt. Another must-try dish is barbecued chicken legs. It is served with coleslaw and vegetable salad. For dessert, a baked apple and fruit syrup are served. Few people know the origins of this feast, but the English are strict about their traditions.

Праздник Ночь Гая Фокса или Ночь костров 

Каждый год, 5 ноября, в Англии праздную ночь Гая Фокса. Другое название этого праздника – Ночь костров или Ночь фейерверков. Этот праздник берет свое начало с политических событий в 1605 году. Тогда Англией правил король Яков первый. У короля были разногласия с католической церковью. Король наложил большие штрафы религиозным деятелям и всячески их ограничивал.

Католики долго требовали отмены штрафов и ограничений, но король был непреклонен. Тогда парень по имени Гай Фокс собрал группу людей и 5 ноября 1605 года планировал убийство короля Якова первого. Но кто-то из единомышленников Гая Фокса проговорился сторонним людям о планах и новость о подготовке убийства дошла до короля.

Король приказал найти Гая Фокса и поместить в тюрьму. В тюрьме его долго пытали, после чего он рассказал все свои планы и выдал своих единомышленников. В итоге все его единомышленники были публично казнены. Самого Гая Фокса четвертовали. В ту ночь жители страны устроили большой пир, разжигая костры на улицах в честь своего короля. С тех пор ежегодно стали отмечать ночь Гая Фокса.

В настоящее время этот праздник отмечается в Англии в семейном кругу. Традиционный символ праздника – чучело Гая Фокса, которого принято поджигать в ночь праздника. На стол в этот вечер подают картофельные пюре с сосисками на гриле. В некоторых домах картофель запекают в углях и едят с щепоткой соли. Еще одно обязательное блюдо – куриные ножки барбекю. Его подают вместе с овощным салатом coleslaw. На десерт подают запеченное яблоко и фруктовый сироп. Немного людей знает происхождение этого праздника, но англичане строго относятся к своим традициям.


Guy Fawkes Night 

In 1605 King James I was on the throne. As a Protestant, he was very unpopular with Roman Catholics. Some of them planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament on the 5th of November of that year when the King was going to open Parlament. Under the House of Lords, they had stored thirty-six barrels of gun powder, which were to be explored by a man called Guy Fawkes. 

However one of the plotters spoke about these plans and Fawkes was discovered, arrested and later hanged. Since that day the British traditionally celebrate 5th of November by burning a dummy, made of straw and old clothes, on a bonfire, whilst at the same time letting off fireworks. 

This dummy is called a ‘guy’ (like Guy Fawkes) and children can often be seen on the pavements before 5th November saying, «Penny for the guy». If they collect enough money they can buy some fireworks. 


В 1605 году король Джеймс I был на престоле. Как протестант он был очень непопулярен среди католиков. Некоторые из них планировали взорвать здание парламента 5 ноября того года, когда король собирался открыть парламент. Под палатой лордов они хранили тридцать шесть баррелей пороха, которые должен был осмотреть человек по имени Гай Фокс. 

Однако один из заговорщиков рассказал об этих планах, и Фокс был обнаружен, арестован и впоследствии повешен. С того дня британцы традиционно празднуют 5 ноября, сжигая манекен из соломы и старой одежды на костре, одновременно выпуская фейерверк. 

Этот манекен называется «парень» (как Гай Фокс), и до 5 ноября на тротуарах часто можно услышать слова детей: «Пенни парню». Если они соберут достаточно денег, они могут купить фейерверки. 

Ночь Гая Фокса3.3 out of
based on
9 votes

Childhood & Early Life

Guy Fawkes was born in 1570, in Stonegate, York. The exact date of his birth is not known. Some records claim that he was baptized on April 16. As baptism is generally held three days after the date of birth, it is assumed that Fawkes was born on April 13. His father, Edward Fawkes, was a proctor and an advocate at the consistory court in York. Fawkes was the second of the four children of Edward and his wife, Edith.

Fawkes’s family followed the ‘Church of England,’ but his mother’s family followed the recusant Catholics, who were loyal to the pope. When Fawkes was 8 years old, his father expired. Following his father’s death, Fawkes’s mother married Denis Bainbridge, who was a Catholic.

Fawkes attended the ‘St. Peter’s School,’ in York. The teachers at the school were known for their recusant Catholic beliefs. Due to his Catholic family connections and the education from a Catholic school, Fawkes became a staunch Catholic believer.

After completing his studies, Fawkes joined the service of Anthony Browne, 1st Viscount Montagu. The viscount was not happy with Fawkes and dismissed him. Later, he joined the services of Anthony-Maria Browne, 2nd Viscount Montagu.

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In October 1591, Fawkes sold the estate that he had inherited from his father and traveled to other European countries. He joined the war for Catholic Spain, against the Dutch Republic. From 1595 to 1598, he fought against France. Fawkes joined Sir William Stanley, who was an English Catholic and a veteran soldier. Fawkes started as a junior officer and fought bravely beside Sir Stanley’s troops. Later, he was recommended for a captaincy.

In 1603, Fawkes traveled to Spain to seek the support of King Philip III, in starting a Catholic rebellion in England. Fawkes changed his name to its Italian version, “Guido.” He claimed that King James I was trying to wipe out the Catholics from England. However, King Philip III refused to support Fawkes.

In 1604, Fawkes became acquainted with a group of English Catholics, who were planning a rebellion in England. Robert Catesby was the leader of the group. They were planning to assassinate the king and to hand over the reign to his daughter, Princess Elizabeth. The first meeting of the five main conspirators took place in May 1604, at the inn ‘Duck and Drake,’ in London.

Catesby had formed a plan to cause an explosion in the ‘Parliament of England’ using gunpowder. To execute the plan, they needed external support. One of the conspirators, Thomas Wintour, set off on a mission to garner outside support. He was introduced to Guy Fawkes by the exiled Welsh spy Hugh Owen. Fawkes had been away from England for many years, and was relatively unknown in the country. Thus, he was included in the plan to blow up the ‘Parliament of England.’

In 1604, Fawkes returned to England, to fulfil his mission. He used the false name “John Johnson” to hide his real identity. Thomas Percy, who was one of the main conspirators, was also in the royal service. He appointed Fawkes as one of his servants. Fawkes and his associates planned to construct a tunnel to the ‘House of Lords,’ from one of the nearby buildings. While tunneling, the conspirators got access to one of the underground storage cellars below the ‘House of Lords.’ This made things easy for them.

The conspirators used the undercroft to store gunpowder for the explosion. They gathered 20 barrels of gunpowder. However, due to the looming threat of a plague outbreak, the opening of the ‘Parliament of England’ was postponed. Fawkes then traveled to other countries to seek support for Catholics.

Fawkes returned to England in August 1605. By then, all the gunpowder stored in the undercroft had decayed. The conspirators brought fresh supply and finalized their plan. Fawkes was given the key role of lighting the fire, after which he was to escape across the Thames. Simultaneously, they planned to capture Princess Elizabeth, too.

Some of the conspirators feared about the safety of their loved ones, who would be present at the opening of the ‘House of Lords.’ They leaked out the information, which ultimately reached the king. The king ordered an examination of the underground cellars, and Fawkes was found guarding the gunpowder.

On November 5 1605, Guy Fawkes was captured by the king’s army, following his unsuccessful attempt to assassinate the king. During the initial interrogations, Fawkes was defiant and claimed he was “John Johnson.” He was then taken to the ‘Tower of London.’ Severe torture followed. Eventually, Fawkes revealed his name and the names of his fellow conspirators. Fawkes’s signature after his capture looked shaky and scribbled, which proved that he had undergone extreme torture.

All the conspirators of the ‘Gunpowder Plot’ were captured. Their trial began in January 1606. The jury found them guilty of high treason, and they were all sentenced to death. They were to be “put to death halfway between heaven and earth as unworthy of both.”

On January 31, 1606, Fawkes and three of his fellow conspirators were dragged from the ‘Tower of London’ to Westminster. His friends were hanged, and Fawkes was the last to stand on the scaffold. He begged for forgiveness before climbing the ladder. He then fell from the ladder and broke his neck, thereby escaping half of the execution. It is not clear whether he had jumped to his death or the rope had been incorrectly fixed. This was the end of the famous antihero of England’s history.

Personal Life

Not much is known about the personal life of Guy Fawkes. Some sources claim that he was married and had a son. However, there are no records to prove this.

On November 5, 1605, the people of London celebrated the king’s escape from the assassination plot, by lighting bonfires. The practice has continued over the years. An act of the ‘Parliament of England’ stated November 5 as a day of thanksgiving. This act was in force till 1859.

November 5 is still celebrated in England as ‘Guy Fawkes Night,’ or the ‘Bonfire Night.’ It has become a part of the cultural celebrations of London. On this day, kids make effigies of Guy, using old clothes and newspapers. The effigy gets a Guy Fawkes mask and is burnt with the accompaniment of fireworks.

In 1841, English novelist William Harrison Ainsworth wrote the novel ‘Guy Fawkes; or, The Gunpowder Treason.’ The novel portrayed Fawkes in a sympathetic light, which changed the public perception about Fawkes to a large extent. He was also portrayed as an action hero in children’s comic books.

According to historian Lewis Call, Fawkes is “a major icon in modern political culture,” whose face has become a “potentially powerful instrument for the articulation of postmodern anarchism.”

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