Сочинение про гольф на английском

Golf report in English Golf as we know it today was orginated in Scottland in 1421. It started off by players hitting a pebble around a natural course of sand dunes, rabbit runs and tracks using a club. Historians have came to believe that Kolven from Holland and Chole from Belgium influenced the game. However with the game of golf there was one litle problem, there was no hole. Druing the mid 15th century , Scottland was preparing for war with the Englsih. Since the game of golf became so widley popular in Scottland, King James 2 had to ban the sport in 1457 in order to keep the military in tact. For 30 years golf remained silent until 1502 when the Treaty of Glasgow lifted the ban withthe king himself taking up the sport. Golf s status and popularity quickly spread throughout the 16th century due to it s royal endorsement. From here the game was quickly introduced into England and France, and then through the rest of Europe.

Golf is one of the most popular outdoor sports in the world. It is played on a golf course. Players try to hit a golf ball into a small hole with as few strokes as possible. Millions of men and women around the world play golf for fun, thousands play tournaments and millions around the world watch golf on TV.

A golf course

Golf courses have different sizes and shapes. Most of them have 18 holes that are between a hundred and 500 metres long. If you have finished playing all 18 holes you have played a round of golf.

Each hole has a starting place, called a tee. This is a small area from which the golfer takes the first stroke or drive. The grass between the tee and the green is called the fairway. Sometimes fairways can be very long and golf players need a few strokes to get to the green. The land on the left and right of the fairway is the rough. It is made up of tall grass, bushes and trees.

The green is the round area at the end of the fairway. It has special grass that is very short. In the middle of the green is a hole. It has a flag placed in it so that golfers can see where it is.

Almost all golf courses have hazards. These are small lakes, sandy areas and bunkers. They make it more difficult for players to hit the ball.

Golf equipment

A golfer needs a ball and a set of golf clubs to play golf. A golf ball is made of rubber and has a plastic covering. It weighs about 1.62 ounces (46 grams).

Golf clubs

In a tournament golf players can use up to 14 different types of golf clubs. Each club is used to play the ball in a different situation. Generally, there are two basic categories of clubs: woods and irons. They are numbered from 1 to 9.

Woods were originally clubs that had a wooden head. Today they have heads made of steel or titanium. Golfers use woods to hit the ball over long distances. A number one wood is also called a driver. Players use this club to start their game at the tee.

Irons have heads that are thinner and flatter. Instead of iron, the club has a head made of steel or another metal. Irons are used for shorter shots and shots where you must play the ball very accurately. The putter is a club that is used on the green for very short distances.

Rules of the game

The rules of a golf game are very simple. Starting from the tee a golfer must hit the ball towards the hole. You must not to touch or move it. It must be played from wherever it lands. If the ball lands in one of the hazards the golf player may take it out or use a new ball but then gets an extra stroke as a penalty.

Scoring and handicaps

In order to see how well you doing every hole on a golf course has a standard score known as par. Par is the number of strokes it would take a very good golfer to hit the ball into the hole. There are 3- , 4- and 5-par holes. Golfers have special names for the number of strokes they need compared to par.

Eagle = two strokes under par.
Birdie = one stroke under par.
Bogie = one stroke over par.

In a few cases a golfer may hit the ball into the hole from the teeing ground. This is called a hole-in-one.

So if you finish a round of golf on par you can think of yourself as a very good player.

The handicap system allows weaker and better players to compete with each other. Based on a very complicated formula a weaker player is allowed more strokes to finish the round.

Golf can be played in two ways. In match play the player who hits the ball with the fewest number of strokes wins that hole. The player who wins the most holes wins.

Stroke or medal play is more common. In this competition the player with the fewest number of strokes for the whole 18-hole round wins.

History of golf

Although the Romans may have played golf with a bent stick and a ball filled with feathers golf, as we know it today, started in Scotland in the 14th century. Saint Andrews is called the birthplace of golf because its golf course is over 500 years old. The first rules of the game were also set there.

Golf spread from the British Isles to the overseas colonies. The oldest golf club outside of Britain was founded in Calcutta, India. Golf came to the USA and Canada towards the end of the 19th century. Although British golfers dominated the sport at first, great American golfers emerged at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1916 they formed a professional organization, the PGA, in which they started to earn money through golf.

Players like Severiano Ballesteros of Spain, Bernhard Langer of Germany or Gary Player of South Africa made golf popular in Europe and other continents. In the last two decades the American Tiger Woods has dominated the game.

In the 1960s more and more companies, private sponsors and television networks started to pour money into golf. Today the best golfers in the world earn millions of dollars in prize money every year. Tiger Woods became the first athlete to become a billionaire.


Golf report in English Golf as we know it today was orginated in Scottland in 1421. It started off by players hitting a pebble around a natural course of sand dunes, rabbit runs and tracks using a club. Historians have came to believe that Kolven from Holland and Chole from Belgium influenced the game. However with the game of golf there was one litle problem, there was no hole. Druing the mid 15th century , Scottland was preparing for war with the Englsih. Since the game of golf became so widley popular in Scottland, King James 2 had to ban the sport in 1457 in order to keep the military in tact. For 30 years golf remained silent until 1502 when the Treaty of Glasgow lifted the ban withthe king himself taking up the sport. Golf s status and popularity quickly spread throughout the 16th century due to it s royal endorsement. From here the game was quickly introduced into England and France, and then through the rest of Europe.


Отчет о гольфе на английском языке Гольф в том виде, в каком мы его знаем сегодня, был создан в Шотландии в 1421 году. Он начался с того, что игроки били по гальке по естественной полосе песчаных дюн, по кроличьим бегам и дорожкам с помощью клюшки. Историки поверили, что на игру повлияли Kolven из Голландии и Chole из Бельгии. Однако с игрой в гольф была одна небольшая проблема, не было дыры. В середине 15 века Шотландия готовилась к войне с англичанами. Так как игра в гольф стала настолько популярной в Шотландии, в 1457 году королю Джеймсу 2 пришлось запретить этот вид спорта, чтобы вооруженные силы были в такте. В течение 30 лет гольф молчал до 1502 года, когда Глазгоский договор отменил запрет, когда король сам занялся спортом. Статус и популярность гольфа быстро распространились в 16 веке благодаря его королевскому одобрению. Отсюда игра была быстро введена в Англию и Францию, а затем через всю Европу.

Golf is a game in which players must hit a small, white ball into a small circular cup embedded in a circle of mown grass. To get to this cup, players must hit their ball over or through a landscape that includes rough grass, trees, and brush , as well as small lakes or streams and areas of sand. There are 18 cups, or holes, on a golf course, and players must complete each hole (numbered 1 to 18) before they can move on to the next one.

Players use different wood- and metal-faced clubs to do this. The player who completes the game with the least number of hits, or strokes , wins. The modern game of golf was first played near St. Andrews, Scotland, in the 1400s. Players used a stick or club to hit pebbles around the area’s sand dunes. At some point, hand-sewn leather balls filled with feathers replaced pebbles. Wooden clubs continued to be used because they did not rip the leather balls. The first rules of golf were set out by the Honorable Company of Edinburgh golfers in 1744. Around 1850, a solid, molded rubber ball was created. In 1905, a new technique improved the balls so that they were sturdier and could be hit farther with heavier clubs. Iron clubs were introduced in the early 1900s. Steel clubs were developed in 1925 and used until the 1980s.

Today, clubs are designed by computers and use space- age materials such as titanium and zirconia. During the 1800s, the British built golf courses in India, South Africa, Egypt, Hong Kong, and Australia. In North America, the first recorded game of golf was played near Montreal, Quebec, in 1826. The Royal Montreal Golf Club was founded in 1873, the first in North America. In 1888, Yonkers, New York, became home to the first golf course in the United States.

Pre-Reading Warm Up Questions

  1. Have you ever played golf?
  2. Is golf a popular game in your country?
  3. Do you know when and where golf was first played?
  4. Do you know what a golf course looks like?
  5. Do you know what materials were used to make the first golf balls and clubs?

A golf course

Golf courses have different sizes and shapes. Most of them have 18 holes that are between a hundred and 500 metres long. If you have finished playing all 18 holes you have played a round of golf.

Each hole has a starting place, called a tee. This is a small area from which the golfer takes the first stroke or drive. The grass between the tee and the green is called the fairway. Sometimes fairways can be very long and golf players need a few strokes to get to the green. The land on the left and right of the fairway is the rough. It is made up of tall grass, bushes and trees.

The green is the round area at the end of the fairway. It has special grass that is very short. In the middle of the green is a hole. It has a flag placed in it so that golfers can see where it is.

Almost all golf courses have hazards. These are small lakes, sandy areas and bunkers. They make it more difficult for players to hit the ball.

Golf equipment


golfer needs a ball and a set of golf clubs to play golf. A golf ball is made of rubber and has a plastic covering. It weighs about 1.62 ounces.

Golf clubs

In a tournament golf players can use up to 14 different types of golf clubs. Each club is used to play the ball in a different situation. Generally, there are two basic categories of clubs: woods and irons. They are numbered from 1 to 9.

Woods were originally clubs that had a wooden head. Today they have heads made of steel or titanium. Golfers use woods to hit the ball over long distances. A number one wood is also called a driver. Players use this club to start their game at the tee.

Irons have heads that are thinner and flatter. Instead of iron, the club has a head made of steel or another metal. Irons are used for shorter shots and shots where you must play the ball very accurately. The putter is a club that is used on the green for very short distances.

Rules of the game

The rules of a golf game are very simple. Starting from the tee a golfer must hit the ball towards the hole. You must not to touch or move it. It must be played from wherever it lands. If the ball lands in one of the hazards the golf player may take it out or use a new ball but then gets an extra stroke as a penalty.

Scoring and handicaps

In order to see how well you doing every hole on a golf course has a standard score known as par. Par is the number of strokes it would take a very good golfer to hit the ball into the hole. There are 3- , 4- and 5-par holes. Golfers have special names for the number of strokes they need compared to par.

Eagle = two strokes under par.
Birdie = one stroke under par.
Bogie = one stroke over par.

In a few cases a golfer may hit the ball into the hole from the teeing ground. This is called a hole-in-one.

So if you finish a round of golf on par you can think of yourself as a very good player.

The handicap system allows weaker and better players to compete with each other. Based on a very complicated formula a weaker player is allowed more strokes to finish the round.

Golf can be played in two ways. In match play the player who hits the ball with the fewest number of strokes wins that hole. The player who wins the most holes wins.

Stroke or medal play is more common. In this competition the player with the fewest number of strokes for the whole 18-hole round wins.

History of golf

Although the Romans may have played golf with a bent stick and a ball filled with feathers golf, as we know it today, started in Scotland in the 14th century. Saint Andrews is called the birthplace of golf because its golf course is over 500 years old. The first rules of the game were also set there.

Golf spread from the British Isles to the overseas colonies. The oldest golf club outside of Britain was founded in Calcutta, India. Golf came to the USA and Canada towards the end of the 19th century. Although British golfers dominated the sport at first, great American golfers emerged at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1916 they formed a professional organization, the PGA, in which they started to earn money through golf.

Players like Severiano Ballesteros of Spain, Bernhard Langer of Germany or Gary Player of South Africa made golf popular in Europe and other continents. In the last two decades the American Tiger Woods has dominated the game.

In the 1960s more and more companies, private sponsors and television networks started to pour money into golf. Today the best golfers in the world earn millions of dollars in prize money every year. Tiger Woods became the first athlete to become a billionaire.


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