Сочинение про голубя на английском

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Pigeon is a bird.

 It  lives in close to humans.

There are a lot of  different species of pigeons.

The most common
type of pigeon lives in the cities.

They  have grayish plumage.

 During the First and Second World War pigeons
were used as mail carriers.

They saved
numerous lives by delivering information on the enemy’s fire.

Pigeons are plant-eaters.
They eat seeds, fruit and various plants.

Pigeons are
social animals.

They  live in the groups of 20 to 30 animals.

Pigeons are very
 intelligent animals. They can  find same people on two different pictures.
They are able to recognize themselves in the mirror.  
People like these birds because of their beauty and intelligence.


Главатских Елена

pigeon is a bird familiar to everyone. Going outside, we will definitely see a
pigeon basking in the sun, flying or drinking water from a puddle. They are
called the «bird of peace», they are a symbol of purity and innocence of the
soul. But few people know what kind of creatures they are in general – what do
they live and eat?

have been living side by side with humans for a very long time, they have
always settled in places where they could feed themselves. These are wild
birds, so they are afraid of people and fly away if they are frightened. Since
they have very well developed eyesight and hearing, they notice something
dangerous right away. But pigeons, which are often fed by people, begin to get
used to them and are not even afraid to sit on their hands.

birds are not afraid of cold weather, but sometimes they still fly to warmer
places. They have many enemies, for example, street dogs and cats, pigeons do
not die most often from infections or from the wheels of cars.

of pigeons

the moment, scientists count about 30 breeds of pigeons, but this number is
constantly growing.

blue pigeon. This is the most common type of pigeons found on the streets of
our city. They have a gray color with a purple-green tint on the neck and
breast. They are distributed in Asia, Europe and North Africa.

dove. Unlike the blue pigeon, this bird has light blue plumage, a green tint
and lives in the north of Kazakhstan, China and Turkey.

This is a very beautiful bird of bright blue color, its peculiarity is the
crest, which can rise and fall, depending only on the mood of the pigeon. This
species also has very long legs. These birds live only in hot countries.

and English Modena. These pigeons almost do not fly because of their
massiveness. They have a monophonic color – white, brown or black and breed
them for food, their weight can reach one kilogram!

pigeon. A kind of decorative pigeon. It has a lush tail, almost like a peacock
and is very popular at weddings and photo shoots.

Belgian carrier pigeon. Everyone has heard about such an unusual mail as
pigeon. And it is this species that is its best representative. They have a
wide chest and are very well oriented in space.

are very interesting birds, they have many very beautiful and unusual species.
For this reason, people will never get tired of studying these birds and
breeding more and more new species.

Write 610 sentences about any bird.


ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. UNIT 4. Step 1. Номер №10


Перевод задания
Напиши 610 предложений о какой−то птице.


I want to tell you about pigeons. All of us know this bird and you have seen it many times. This bird is larger than a sparrow but smaller than a crow. It can be blue−grey, grey, sometimes white or brown. Some time ago people used them to carry short letters. These days you can see them in the streets and parks. People like to feed them on the squares.

Перевод ответа
Я хочу рассказать вам о голубях. Все мы знаем эту птицу, и вы видели ее много раз. Эта птица крупнее воробья, но меньше вороны. Она может быть сине−серой, серой, иногда белой или коричневой. Некоторое время назад люди использовали их, чтобы носить короткие письма. В наши эти дни вы можете увидеть их на улицах и в парках. Люди любят кормить их на площадях.

Pigeons are birds that areEyes — small size. The width of the wings reaches no more than 45 centimeters. The length of the paws is about 15 cm. The bean is a slate-black, with a pronounced whitish color of the wax in the base. The movement of the fingers is under the conscious control of the bird, although limited in directions, which do not cause significant stress during the flight spread throughout the planet, except Arctic and Arctic zones. It is known that there are more than 300 species of pigeons. Pigeons are the size of a sparrow to a chicken. Opener — depends on the species, it is rigid, solid, tightly adjacent to the body. Under the cover, powder is formed like a talc that protects feathers from dying. In the most commThe artistic description of the dove of the Pigeon is a symbol of love and tenderness. Therefore, people always care about birds of gray-and-blue color, hoping for goodness and peace on the planet. I really love feeding pigeons when we go with But a beak: it’s not a beak, but a bird is a grain, a niche, a pink … The neck is proud, not long and not short, the back is bent, the minute is a trumpet, and the penis is about thirty six at least. And the wings, apparently, are as light and strong as the fluff, the body is worn.arents and do not walk to the park. They are all different, but I remember a single pigeon very well. And the pigeon was wonderful! Somehow there was a sivak of coppers, and a clean, clean robe that seemed to be deliberately when the dove was all black, took it and even drank it to the whining. Only the croutons on the tail and on the wings remained black, like the ink dipped in. But what is the head: small, elegant, not round, but oblong!on blue pigeons, the color of gray, black, ore, or white color that shines in blue or green in color. Head — small size, curved beak.

Famed for their ability to find their way home and trusted so much that they were used during WWI to carry messages over enemy lines, the humble pigeon is a master of navigation. There are many different theories about how these birds manage to find their way, involving almost all of their senses.

Some think these birds use visual clues, following landmarks to where they need to go. Others believe it’s the pigeon’s sense of smell that guides them. Scientists have also recently found a protein in their eyes that let them perceive the Earth’s magnetic field under certain wavelengths of light so they can follow routes home. There are others still who have tested pigeons’ sensitivity to the gravitational field and gained excellent results.

We don’t know for sure yet, but it’s likely to be a combination of super avian senses that guide these birds home to roost.


Знаменитый своей способностью найти дорогу домой и заслуживший доверие настолько, что его использовали во время Первой мировой войны для передачи сообщений по линиям противника, скромный голубь является мастером навигации. Есть много разных теорий о том, как этим птицам удается найти свой путь, включая почти все их чувства.

Некоторые думают, что эти птицы используют визуальные подсказки, следуя ориентирам там, куда им нужно лететь. Другие считают, что это обоняние голубя, которое руководит им. Ученые также недавно обнаружили белок в их глазах, который позволяет им воспринимать магнитное поле Земли при определенных длинах волн света, чтобы они могли следовать по маршрутам домой. Есть еще те, кто проверил чувствительность голубей к гравитационному полю и получил отличные результаты.

Мы пока точно не знаем, но, скорее всего, это будет комбинация супер-птичьих чувств, которые ведут этих птиц домой к насесту.

Как голуби находят дорогу домой? (How do homing pigeons find their way back?)4.5 out of
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11 votes

Сочинение – описание птиц

на английском языке с переводом



Birds are some of the most amazing creatures on the planet. They come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny hummingbirds to huge eagles. Each bird has its own unique look, abilities, and behaviors. Some of the most well-known and common birds are the pigeon, tit, sparrow, and crow.

Птицы – одни из самых удивительных существ на планете. Они бывают всех форм и размеров, от крошечных колибри до огромных орлов. Каждая птица имеет свой уникальный внешний вид, способности и поведение. Одними из самых известных и распространенных птиц являются голубь, синица, воробей и ворона.

The pigeon is one of the most widespread birds in the world. These greyish brown birds have a distinctive cooing vocalization, and usually nest in groups. They have strong claws that allow them to navigate urban and rural environments.

Голубь – одна из самых распространенных птиц в мире. Эти серовато-коричневые птицы обладают характерным “воркующим” голосом и обычно гнездятся группами. У них сильные когти, которые позволяют им передвигаться в городских и сельских условиях.

The sparrow is another common bird found throughout the world. They have a distinctive chirping sound, and various species can be recognized by the variety of their coloring. These birds are very social, often living in large flocks, and can be seen foraging for food in city parks and gardens.

Воробей – еще одна распространенная птица, встречающаяся по всему миру. У них характерный чирикающий звук, а различные виды можно узнать по разнообразию их окраски. Эти птицы очень социальны, часто живут большими стаями, и их можно увидеть в городских парках и садах в поисках пищи.

The tit is a small bird belonging to the family of passerines. It is usually found in the  forests, gardens, and parks. These colorful birds have iridescent blue and green feathers and cute little crests on their heads. They are known to build intricate nests in trees and shrubs.

Синица – небольшая птица, принадлежащая к семейству воробьиных. Обычно ее можно встретить в лесах, садах и парках. У этих красочных птиц переливающиеся голубые и зеленые перья и симпатичные хохолки на голове. Известно, что они строят замысловатые гнезда на деревьях и кустарниках.

Finally, the crow is the biggest of all of these birds, with powerful wings and a loud, harsh cry. Its black feathers make it easy to spot, even from a distance. Crows are highly intelligent, and have been known to use tools, similar to how chimpanzees do in the wild.

Наконец, ворона – самая крупная из всех этих птиц, с мощными крыльями и громким, резким криком. Благодаря черным перьям ее легко заметить даже издалека. Вороны обладают высоким интеллектом, и известно, что они используют орудия труда, подобно тому, как это делают шимпанзе в дикой природе.

  • сочинения
  • сочинения о животных

The blue pigeon  (Latin Columba livia) is a widespread bird of the pigeon family, home to South Europe, Southwest Asia and North Africa. Even in ancient times, these birds were tamed by man, resulting in the withdrawal of so-called domestic pigeons (Columba livia var. Domestica). At the time of the Great Discoveries, a man carried all his possessions, including pigeons, with him. Subsequently, feral pigeons (Columba livia var. Urbana) spread widely in the world and became synanthropes, habitual inhabitants of cities and villages .
In the wild, a blue dove usually settles on coastal rocks, in mountain canyons or along steep river banks, often near shrubbery or agricultural land . Their semi-domestic descendants easily adapted to life near human habitation, as stone buildings resemble natural habitats, and food waste serves as a reliable fodder base at any time of the year. Despite early domestication and various habitat conditions, wild blue pigeons and their urban relatives freely interbreed with each other, which, according to ornithologists, can lead to degradation and the gradual extinction of the first . In nature, birds usually live no more than three to five years, when breeding at home they often live to the age of 15, and individuals and up to 35 years of age . Folk names of birds are sizak, sisar .

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