Сочинение про грузию на английском


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Georgia. Грузия


Georgia is located at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe. It is bounded to the west by the Black Sea, to the north by Russia, to the south by Turkey and Armenia, and to the southeast by Azerbaijan. The capital and largest city is Tbilisi. Georgia covers a territory of 69,700 square kilometres, and its 2015 population is about 3.75 million. Georgia is a unitary, semi-presidential republic, with the government elected through a representative democracy.

Georgia is divided into 9 regions, 1 city, and 2 autonomous republics. These in turn are subdivided into 64 districts and 12 self-governing cities.

Georgia is situated in the South Caucasus. It is a very mountainous country. The Likhi Range divides the country into eastern and western halves. Historically, the western portion of Georgia was known as Colchis while the eastern plateau was called Iberia. Because of a complex geographic setting, mountains also isolate the northern region of Svaneti from the rest of Georgia.The highest mountain in Georgia is Mount Shkhara, and the second highest is Mount Janga.

The climate of Georgia is extremely diverse, considering the nation’s small size. There are two main climatic zones, roughly corresponding to the eastern and western parts of the country. The Greater Caucasus Mountain Range plays an important role in moderating Georgia’s climate and protects the nation from the penetration of colder air masses from the north. The Lesser Caucasus Mountains partially protect the region from the influence of dry and hot air masses from the south.

Tourism is an increasingly significant part of the Georgian economy. According to the government, there are 103 resorts in different climatic zones in Georgia. Tourist attractions include more than 2,000 mineral springs, over 12,000 historical and cultural monuments, four of which are recognised as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Georgia is developing into an international transport corridor through Batumi and Poti ports, an oil pipeline from Baku through Tbilisi to Ceyhan, the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline and a parallel gas pipeline, the South Caucasus Pipeline.


Грузия расположена на пересечении западной Азии и восточной Европы. Она омывается Черным морем на западе, на севере граничит с Россией, на юге с Турцией и Арменией, а также на юго-востоке с Азербайджаном. Столица и крупнейший город страны — Тбилиси. Грузия занимает территорию 69,700 квадратных километров, а ее население составляет около 3,75 миллиона. Грузия является унитарной, полу-президентской республикой, с правительством избранным путем представительной демократии.

Грузия разделена на 9 регионов, 1 автономный город и 2 автономные республики. Они, в свою очередь, подразделяются на 64 районов и 12 самоуправляющихся городов.

Грузия расположена на Южном Кавказе. Это очень горная страна. Горный массив Ликхи делит страну на восточную и западную половины. Так исторически сложилось, что западная часть Грузии была известна как Колхида, а восточное плато называлось Иберия. Из-за сложной географии, горы также изолируют северный регион Сванетии от остальной части Грузии. Самая высокая гора в Грузии— гора Шхара, а вторая по величине гора Джанга.

Климат Грузии весьма разнообразен, учитывая небольшие размеры страны. Существуют две основные климатические зоны, примерно соответствующие восточной и западной частям страны. Большой Кавказский хребет играет важную роль в климате Грузии и защищает страну от проникновения холодных воздушных масс с севера. Малый Кавказский хребет частично защищает регион от влияния сухих и горячих воздушных масс с юга.

Туризм становится все более значительной частью грузинской экономики. По данным правительства, есть более 103 курортов в различных климатических зонах в Грузии. Туристические достопримечательности включают в себя более 2000 минеральных источников, более 12 тысяч исторических и культурных памятников, четыре из которых признаны в качестве объектов Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО.

Грузия становится международным транспортным коридором через порты Батуми и Поти, нефтепровод из Баку через Тбилиси в Джейхан, газопровод Баку-Тбилиси-Джейхан и параллельный Южно-Кавказского газопровод.

Топик Грузия рассказывает о государстве, расположенном в западной части Закавказья на восточном побережье Черного моря. Гостеприимная Грузия привлекательна суровой красотой горных храмов, харчевнями старого Тбилиси, лезгинкой и простодушным искусством Пиросмани. Больших городов здесь немного: Тбилиси с его соборами, театрами, серными банями, уютными улочками и шашлычными, древний Кутаиси — столица Колхидского царства, Батуми — южный коктейль из старинных зданий и современного морского курорта, а также более скромные, но все же интересные Гори, Зугдиди, Поти и Рустави. Аджария славится реликтовыми лесами, пляжами теплого Черного моря и субтропическим климатом, Мцхета — своей духовностью и святыми местами паломничества. Гурия интересна храмами из черного камня и черными песками Уреки, горная Сванетия — тысячами башен. В Грузии насчитывается около 2 тысяч источников целебных минеральных и термальных вод, лечебных грязей и волшебные магнетитовые пески. Главные святыни Грузии расположены в первой столице государства — Мцхете, часто именуемой Вторым Иерусалимом. Знаменита и грузинская кухня: все, без исключения, виды мяса и птицы, фантастическое разнообразие сыров и молочных продуктов, овощи, зелень и ароматические травы плюс соусы — вот портрет грузинской кухни. Вино на территории древней Грузии (Сакартвело) стали производить уже в 5 тысячелетии до н.э., и сегодня в стране культивируется более 500 разновидностей виноградной лозы, благодаря чему вин здесь великое множество. Достопримечательности Грузии — это множество старинных храмов, церквей и крепостей, карстовые пещеры и скальные города, дворцы грузинских королей и самобытные деревеньки Верхнего Сванети, национальные парки и монастыри, и знаменитые пещерные сооружения.

Brief History of Georgia

Georgia — the country of remarkable history and culture. Its special geographical location justify the cultural identity that distinguish Georgia from other countries. On the one hand it is at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, and at the same time, Georgia occupies a central place in the Caucasus between the Black and Caspian Seas, where it has always played a significant role.

According to archeological excavations in the territory of Georgia there are the first hominids in Europe 1.8 million years ago. It is believed that they were the first Europeans, and that Georgia is a country where they have spread to other parts of Europe.

Study the unique culture Shulavery (6000 — 4000 BC. Er.) showed that in Georgia, the first in the world, began to grow vineyards and wineries. Based on these facts, Georgia is considered the birthplace of wine making. On the territory of Georgia are still encountered several dozen varieties of grapes, and Georgian wines are popular around the world.

Based on the special geographical location, Georgia from ancient times within the scope of interests of travelers and traders. Among them were the Argonauts — Greek sailors, a story about journeys which have survived to this day thanks to the Greek myths. The aim of the expedition of the Argonauts in Georgia has been associated with the task they are even seize the Golden Fleece. Myth of the Golden Fleece reflects the history of the early bonds of ancient Greece and Georgia. According to legend, the gold on the slopes of the Caucasus, in Georgia, was extracted by immersing in a sheep’s skin gold-water river. This method of gold mining still occurs in the mountains of Georgia — Svaneti region.

In ancient times, after the collapse of the Achaemenid Empire of Iran and Alexander of Macedon, Silk Road which connects Asia with Europe, was under threat. This influenced the fact that this road bypassing Syria and Iran, runs across Georgia. Influence from the west — first from Rome, and then her right heir to the Byzantine Empire, and at the same time, the influence from the East — from Iran and the Islamic Caliphate, as the spread of other oriental civilizations has enabled Georgia to be dedicated to the incredible cultural values. In Georgia, was created a unique alphabet, which is one of the 14 original scripts, known to date throughout the world. At the same time, Georgian architecture has reached unprecedented peaks, which is primarily manifested in a variety of churches and monasteries, most of which are still standing in Georgia. Next to the Georgian Orthodox Church can be seen Gregorian and Catholic churches, as well as Jewish synagogues and Muslim minarets.

In Georgia, in some cities, you can meet each other at a distance of less than 100 meters of churches of different religious denominations that historically characteristic of Georgian culture and a peaceful co-existence of different religions emphasizes tolerance of Georgian culture.

Zenith of Georgian culture and statehood is the period of King David IV the Builder (1089-1125) and Queen Tamara (1184-1210), when the Georgian art, architecture and literature reached their highest recognition. XII century in the history of Georgia called Golden Era.

Despite the political disintegration and partial loss of independence in the XIII-XVIII centuries, Georgian culture remain to be selected for its rich tradition and revival of regional centers, in different ways reflected in all the historical parts of Georgia.

From 1801 to 1991, despite the first conquest of Georgia by the Russian Empire and then the Soviet regime, Georgian culture has preserved its traditions and protect themselves from extinction.

In 1991, Georgia regained its independence (from the first it happened in 1918, but that time only three years), and 2003 after the Rose Revolution, it became the path of economic development, as well as reconstruction and establishment of the European tradition culture. This in turn led to a revival of tourism in Georgia.

Rich Georgian culture makes it even more interesting traditional distinction and diversity of historical regions of the country. Culture of these regions in Georgia that are in the same time historical provinces of the country, they differ from each other with life and traditions. But at the same time they add each other and together create a multiface Georgian culture. For example, Kakheti known for ancient tradition of wine making; Kartli region – for many ancient and medieval cities (Uplistsikhe, Dzalisi, Mtskheta, Tbilisi, Samshvilde); Javakheti — unique healing spas and mineral waters, Abkhazia and Adjara — the seaside resorts; Samegrelo — a variety of beautiful dishes; Imereti — historical monuments, Svaneti — unique medieval towers, Racha-Lechkhumi — unforgettable mountains, etc.

And all these historic regions of Georgia unites the rich history and unique cultural heritage, the variety of recipes and widely known of all Caucasians, hospitality — all these features for centuries was admired and still admire visitors to Georgia.

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Топик Грузия рассказывает о государстве, расположенном в западной части Закавказья на восточном побережье Черного моря. Гостеприимная Грузия привлекательна суровой красотой горных храмов, харчевнями старого Тбилиси, лезгинкой и простодушным искусством Пиросмани. Больших городов здесь немного: Тбилиси с его соборами, театрами, серными банями, уютными улочками и шашлычными, древний Кутаиси – столица Колхидского царства, Батуми – южный коктейль из старинных зданий и современного морского курорта, а также более скромные, но все же интересные

Гори, Зугдиди, Поти и Рустави. Аджария славится реликтовыми лесами, пляжами теплого Черного моря и субтропическим климатом, Мцхета – своей духовностью и святыми местами паломничества. Гурия интересна храмами из черного камня и черными песками Уреки, горная Сванетия – тысячами башен. В Грузии насчитывается около 2 тысяч источников целебных минеральных и термальных вод, лечебных грязей и волшебные магнетитовые пески. Главные святыни Грузии расположены в первой столице государства – Мцхете, часто именуемой Вторым Иерусалимом. Знаменита и грузинская кухня: все, без исключения, виды мяса и птицы, фантастическое разнообразие сыров и молочных продуктов, овощи, зелень и ароматические травы плюс соусы – вот портрет грузинской кухни. Вино на территории древней

Грузии (Сакартвело) стали производить уже в 5 тысячелетии до н. э., и сегодня в стране культивируется более 500 разновидностей виноградной лозы, благодаря чему вин здесь великое множество. Достопримечательности Грузии – это множество старинных храмов, церквей и крепостей, карстовые пещеры и скальные города, дворцы грузинских королей и самобытные деревеньки Верхнего Сванети, национальные парки и монастыри, и знаменитые пещерные сооружения.

Brief History of Georgia

Georgia – the country of remarkable history and culture. Its special geographical location justify the cultural identity that distinguish Georgia from other countries. On the one hand it is at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, and at the same time, Georgia occupies a central place in the Caucasus between the Black and Caspian Seas, where it has always played a significant role.

According to archeological excavations in the territory of Georgia there are the first hominids in Europe 1.8 million years ago. It is believed that they were the first Europeans, and that Georgia is a country where they have spread to other parts of Europe.

Study the unique culture Shulavery (6000 – 4000 BC. Er.) showed that in Georgia, the first in the world, began to grow vineyards and wineries. Based on these facts, Georgia is considered the birthplace of wine making. On the territory of Georgia are still encountered several dozen varieties of grapes, and Georgian wines are popular around the world.

Based on the special geographical location, Georgia from ancient times within the scope of interests of travelers and traders. Among them were the Argonauts – Greek sailors, a story about journeys which have survived to this day thanks to the Greek myths. The aim of the expedition of the Argonauts in Georgia has been associated with the task they are even seize the Golden Fleece. Myth of the Golden Fleece reflects the history of the early bonds of ancient Greece and Georgia. According to legend, the gold on the slopes of the Caucasus, in Georgia, was extracted by immersing in a sheep’s skin gold-water river. This method of gold mining still occurs in the mountains of Georgia – Svaneti region.

In ancient times, after the collapse of the Achaemenid Empire of Iran and Alexander of Macedon, Silk Road which connects Asia with Europe, was under threat. This influenced the fact that this road bypassing Syria and Iran, runs across Georgia. Influence from the west – first from Rome, and then her right heir to the Byzantine Empire, and at the same time, the influence from the East – from Iran and the Islamic Caliphate, as the spread of other oriental civilizations has enabled Georgia to be dedicated to the incredible cultural values. In Georgia, was created a unique alphabet, which is one of the 14 original scripts, known to date throughout the world. At the same time, Georgian architecture has reached unprecedented peaks, which is primarily manifested in a variety of churches and monasteries, most of which are still standing in Georgia. Next to the Georgian Orthodox Church can be seen Gregorian and Catholic churches, as well as Jewish synagogues and Muslim minarets.

In Georgia, in some cities, you can meet each other at a distance of less than 100 meters of churches of different religious denominations that historically characteristic of Georgian culture and a peaceful co-existence of different religions emphasizes tolerance of Georgian culture.

Zenith of Georgian culture and statehood is the period of King David IV the Builder (1089-1125) and Queen Tamara (1184-1210), when the Georgian art, architecture and literature reached their highest recognition. XII century in the history of Georgia called Golden Era.

Despite the political disintegration and partial loss of independence in the XIII-XVIII centuries, Georgian culture remain to be selected for its rich tradition and revival of regional centers, in different ways reflected in all the historical parts of Georgia.

From 1801 to 1991, despite the first conquest of Georgia by the Russian Empire and then the Soviet regime, Georgian culture has preserved its traditions and protect themselves from extinction.

In 1991, Georgia regained its independence (from the first it happened in 1918, but that time only three years), and 2003 after the Rose Revolution, it became the path of economic development, as well as reconstruction and establishment of the European tradition culture. This in turn led to a revival of tourism in Georgia.

Rich Georgian culture makes it even more interesting traditional distinction and diversity of historical regions of the country. Culture of these regions in Georgia that are in the same time historical provinces of the country, they differ from each other with life and traditions. But at the same time they add each other and together create a multiface Georgian culture. For example, Kakheti known for ancient tradition of wine making; Kartli region – for many ancient and medieval cities (Uplistsikhe, Dzalisi, Mtskheta, Tbilisi, Samshvilde); Javakheti – unique healing spas and mineral waters, Abkhazia and Adjara – the seaside resorts; Samegrelo – a variety of beautiful dishes; Imereti – historical monuments, Svaneti – unique medieval towers, Racha-Lechkhumi – unforgettable mountains, etc.

And all these historic regions of Georgia unites the rich history and unique cultural heritage, the variety of recipes and widely known of all Caucasians, hospitality – all these features for centuries was admired and still admire visitors to Georgia.

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Сочинение на тему моя любимая страна грузия на английском

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