Сочинение про испанию на английском языке

уроки испанского языка для детей

Spain is located in the southwest of Europe. The country has amazing nature, breathtaking views and unusual people. Each region of Spain is very different from the other and also has its own traditions. On top of that, the country has a huge variety of dishes that fit every taste.

One of the main attractions of Spain is its rich nature. About 8,000 plant species can be found here. Deer, wild boars and roe deer can often be seen in the northern forests of Spain. The southern part of the country is inhabited by foxes, lynxes and wolves. Ducks, flamingos, storks and geese can be found near the water bodies.

The population is over 45 million people. Most of the residents belong to one ethnic group or another. The main ones are Catalans, Basques and Galicians. Catholicism is the main religion in the country. The locals are different in terms of behavior that many foreigners find strange. For example, being late up to half an hour is considered okay.

Spanish cuisine deserves special attention. The streets are full of large restaurants and small cafés. Food portions are usually large and you can order one dish for two people. Spanish wines are famous among both locals and tourists. The most popular dishes are gazpacho, paella, jamon and many others.

This destination is equally suitable for active and relaxed rest. Everyone will find something to their liking. Many tourists prefer to lie on the beaches, combining it with going to a restaurant. Others, however, prefer hiking, visiting forests and waterfalls.

Испания расположена на юго-западе Европы. Страна обладает удивительной природой, захватывающими видами и необычными жителями. Каждый регион Испании очень сильно отличается от другого и также имеет свои традиции. Вдобавок ко всему в стране огромное разнообразие блюд на любой вкус.

Одной из главных достопримечательностей Испании считается ее богатая природа. Здесь можно найти около 8 000 видов растений. В северных лесах Испании часто можно увидеть оленей, кабанов и косуль. В южной части страны обитают лисы, рыси и волки. Около водоемов можно встретить уток, фламинго, аистов и гусей.

Население более 45 млн. человек. Большинство жителей принадлежать к той или иной этнической группе. Основные из них —  каталонцы, баски и галисийцы. Католицизм является основной религией в стране. Местные жители отличаются особенностями поведения, которые многие иностранцы считают странными. Например, опоздание до получаса считается нормальным явлением.

Отдельного внимания заслуживает испанская кухня. На улицах огромное количество крупных ресторанов и мелких кафе. Порции еды, как правило, большие и можно заказывать одно блюдо на двоих. Испанские вина известны как среди местных жителей, так и туристов. Наиболее популярными блюдами являются гаспачо, паэлья, хамон и множество других.

Данное направление одинаково подходит для активного и расслабленного отдыха. Каждый найдет себе занятие по душе. Многие туристы предпочитают отдыхать на пляжах, совмещая это с походами в ресторан. Однако другие предпочитают походы в горы, посещая леса и водопады.



Spain is one of the largest countries in Western Europe. It borders Portugal, Morocco, France, Andorra and Gibraltar. Spanish people, or Spaniards, speak mostly Spanish.  

This country is famous for its warm and sunny weather during the whole year, for the beautiful sandy beaches of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, and for the popular resorts with palm trees and yachts by the sea. Madrid, the capital, Barcelona and Ibiza – are the most popular tourist destinations in Spain.  

It is a country of rich history and culture, where you can find some incredible monuments of architecture, sculptures, palaces, castles and museums. There are 47 World Heritage sites in Spain. Everyone who visits Spain should try their national dishes: flavourful rice cooked with seafood, called paella; chilled vegetable soup Gazpacho and spicy and sweet sausage Chorizo.

Spaniards are very friendly and emotional. They love celebrations, festivals and carnivals. Almost every week a holiday or festival is held in different parts of the country. Spain is also known for its crazy and funny festivals. For example, La Tomatina, the tomato fight festival, in which people throw tomatoes at each other. Or the Pamplona Running of the Bulls, in which the bravest people run in front of a group of angry bulls.

Spanish love of football has no limits. The streets become empty when their favourite team is playing. Real Madrid, Barcelona and Atletico are the best Spanish football clubs with a huge army of fans all over the country.  

As we see, with such nice weather, rich culture and lots of festivals, Spain is the country that everybody should visit.



Испания — одна из крупнейших стран Западной Европы. Она граничит с Португалией, Марокко, Францией, Андоррой и Гибралтаром. Испанцы говорят в основном по-испански.

Эта страна славится теплой и солнечной погодой в течение всего года, прекрасными песчаными пляжами Средиземного моря и Атлантического океана, а также популярными курортами с пальмами и яхтами у моря. Мадрид, столица, Барселона и Ибица — самые популярные туристические направления Испании.

Это страна с богатой историей и культурой, где вы можете найти невероятные памятники архитектуры, скульптуры, дворцы, замки и музеи. В Испании 47 объектов всемирного наследия. Каждый, кто посещает Испанию, должен попробовать их национальные блюда: ароматный рис, приготовленный с морепродуктами, называемый паэлья; охлажденный овощной суп гаспачо и острую-сладкую колбаса чоризо.

Испанцы очень дружелюбны и эмоциональны. Они любят праздники, фестивали и карнавалы. Почти каждую неделю в разных частях страны проходит какой-то праздник или фестиваль. Испания также известна своими сумасшедшими и веселыми фестивалями. Например, «Ла Томатина» — фестиваль борьбы помидорами, на котором люди бросают друг в друга помидоры. Или «Памплонский забег быков», в котором самые смелые люди бегут перед группой разъяренных быков.

Испанская любовь к футболу не имеет границ. Улицы становятся пустыми, когда играет их любимая команда. Реал Мадрид, Барселона и Атлетико — лучшие испанские футбольные клубы с огромной армией болельщиков по всей стране.

Как мы видим, с такой хорошей погодой, богатой культурой и большим количеством фестивалей, Испания – это страна, которую должен посетить каждый.


Обновлено: 11.03.2023

Hi! I’ve lived in Spain and Japan and so I’m just going to talk about a few differences between the two countries that I’ve found.

Привет! Я жила в Испании и Японии и сейчас расскажу о некоторых различиях между этими двумя странами, которые я заметила.

In Spain, when you meet somebody you give them two kisses. First on the left and then on the right cheek, and in Japan there is definitely no public kissing at all, so that is definitely a faux paux. Here, in Japan, you just bow or you hand shake which is normal.

При встрече с человеком в Испании вы его дважды целуете. Сначала в левую, а потом в правую щёку. А в Японии на публике никогда не целуются: это считается нарушением общественных норм. Здесь, в Японии, просто кланяются или жмут друг другу руки — это нормально.

In Spain, also the people are very caliente, which means they are very warm and very open and extremely loud, extremely loud. In fact, when I was living in my host family’s house, the first few months when my Spanish wasn’t the best, I thought my host mom was mad about everything. I thought she was just, I thought she was at the point of just leaving the entire household for good, and then when I realized what she was saying it was just, «When are you going to take out the dog?» but screaming this mind you, or, «Let’s do your homework!» or even just like, «Pass me the salt!» Everything screaming. Japan people are very quiet. They, definitely don’t scream about things like that.

Ещё люди в Испании очень caliente, что значит тёплые в общении, очень открытые и чрезвычайно шумные. В первые месяцы проживания в одной семье в Испании, когда я ещё плоховато знала испанский язык, я даже думала, что хозяйка дома постоянно злится. Мне казалось, что она вот-вот навсегда уйдёт из этого дома. А потом, когда я поняла, что она всего лишь говорит «Когда ты, наконец, выведешь собаку на прогулку?», но при этом — учтите — кричит во весь голос, или говорит «Давай сделаем домашнее задание!» и даже просто «Передай мне соль!». И всё это с криком. В Японии люди очень спокойны. И никогда не будут кричать по поводу таких вещей.

Um, the food, ah, Spanish food is the best in the world. I really like Japanese food, but Spanish food they use a lot of olive oil, a lot of beans, a lot of vegetables and fruit. It’s a Mediterranean diet and lots of fish but it’s heavier food. In Japan they also use, eat a lot of fish, but it’s lighter and rice and seaweed, ah, but Spanish food is the best. The best in the world, definitely.

Э. насчёт еды. В Испании еда лучшая в мире. Мне очень нравится японская кухня, но испанская еда. Они едят много оливкового масла, бобов, овощей и фруктов. Это средиземноморская диета с большим количеством рыбы, но еда (там) более тяжёлая. В Японии они также едят много рыбы, но она легче, с рисом и морскими водорослями. Ах, но испанская еда — самая лучшая. Точно самая лучшая в мире.

уроки испанского языка для детей

Spain is located in the southwest of Europe. The country has amazing nature, breathtaking views and unusual people. Each region of Spain is very different from the other and also has its own traditions. On top of that, the country has a huge variety of dishes that fit every taste.

One of the main attractions of Spain is its rich nature. About 8,000 plant species can be found here. Deer, wild boars and roe deer can often be seen in the northern forests of Spain. The southern part of the country is inhabited by foxes, lynxes and wolves. Ducks, flamingos, storks and geese can be found near the water bodies.

The population is over 45 million people. Most of the residents belong to one ethnic group or another. The main ones are Catalans, Basques and Galicians. Catholicism is the main religion in the country. The locals are different in terms of behavior that many foreigners find strange. For example, being late up to half an hour is considered okay.

Spanish cuisine deserves special attention. The streets are full of large restaurants and small cafés. Food portions are usually large and you can order one dish for two people. Spanish wines are famous among both locals and tourists. The most popular dishes are gazpacho, paella, jamon and many others.

This destination is equally suitable for active and relaxed rest. Everyone will find something to their liking. Many tourists prefer to lie on the beaches, combining it with going to a restaurant. Others, however, prefer hiking, visiting forests and waterfalls.

Испания расположена на юго-западе Европы. Страна обладает удивительной природой, захватывающими видами и необычными жителями. Каждый регион Испании очень сильно отличается от другого и также имеет свои традиции. Вдобавок ко всему в стране огромное разнообразие блюд на любой вкус.

Одной из главных достопримечательностей Испании считается ее богатая природа. Здесь можно найти около 8 000 видов растений. В северных лесах Испании часто можно увидеть оленей, кабанов и косуль. В южной части страны обитают лисы, рыси и волки. Около водоемов можно встретить уток, фламинго, аистов и гусей.

Население более 45 млн. человек. Большинство жителей принадлежать к той или иной этнической группе. Основные из них — каталонцы, баски и галисийцы. Католицизм является основной религией в стране. Местные жители отличаются особенностями поведения, которые многие иностранцы считают странными. Например, опоздание до получаса считается нормальным явлением.

Отдельного внимания заслуживает испанская кухня. На улицах огромное количество крупных ресторанов и мелких кафе. Порции еды, как правило, большие и можно заказывать одно блюдо на двоих. Испанские вина известны как среди местных жителей, так и туристов. Наиболее популярными блюдами являются гаспачо, паэлья, хамон и множество других.

Данное направление одинаково подходит для активного и расслабленного отдыха. Каждый найдет себе занятие по душе. Многие туристы предпочитают отдыхать на пляжах, совмещая это с походами в ресторан. Однако другие предпочитают походы в горы, посещая леса и водопады.

Тема по английскому языку: Мой любимый город – Барселона

Основная информация

Барселона – второй по величине город в Испании и столица автономной территории Каталонии. Она расположена на северо-восточном побережье Иберийского полуострова и омывается Средиземным морем. Население города составляет 1 621 537 человек. Барселона поделена на 10 административных районов, каждый со своим местным органом самоуправления. Это двуязычный город, где официальными языками являются каталанский и испанский.


В Барселоне средиземноморский климат с умеренными и влажными зимами и теплым, сухим летом. Когда в город приходят атлантические западные ветра, там нет дождей. Однако, в августе, сентябре, октябре и ноябре выпадает больше всего осадков. Самые сухие месяцы – февраль, март, июнь и июль.


Барселона – это важный финансовый, коммерческий, культурный и образовательный центр.


Что касается здешней экономики, то имеется два главных сектора – промышленный и сфера обслуживания. Благодаря традиции искусства и ремесел, Барселона известна своим производственным дизайном.


Главные индустрии города – это текстильная, химическая, электронная, логистика, печатная, телекоммуникационная и некоторые другие. Аэропорт Барселоны – второй по величине аэропорт в Испании и самый большой на средиземноморском побережье. Барселона также является морским портом огромной коммерческой важности.

Сultural centre

Культуре Барселоны около 2000 лет. В городе большое количество театров и музеев. Самые известные из них – это Национальный театр Каталонии, Национальный музей искусства Каталонии, Барселонский музей современного искусства и некоторые другие.



Этот красивый испанский город действительно стоит посетить.


General information

Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain and the capital of Autonomous Community of Catalonia. It is situated on the northeast coast of the Iberian Peninsula and washed by the Mediterranean Sea. The population of the city is 1,621,537 people. Barcelona is divided into 10 administrative districts, each with its own council. It’s a bilingual city with Catalan and Spanish as official languages.


Barcelona has a Mediterranean climate with mild and humid winters and warm, dry summers. There are no rains when Atlantic west winds arrive in the city. August, September, October and November are the wettest months of the year. The driest are February, March, June and July.


Barcelona is an important financial, commercial, cultural and educational centre.


Regarding its economy, there are two main sectors – the manufacturing and the services. Due to Barcelona’s tradition of creative art and craftsmanship, the city is famous for its award-winning industrial design.

Main industries

The city’s main industries are textiles, chemical, electronic, printing, logistics, publishing, telecommunications and some others. Barcelona’s airport is the second largest airport in Spain, and the largest on the Mediterranean coast. Barcelona is also a big seaport of a great commercial importance.


Barcelona’s culture is about 2000 years old. There are a great number of theatres and museums in the city. The most famous are Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, the National Museum of Art of Catalonia, Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art and some others.


Barcelona has a long-standing sporting tradition. Football club “Barcelona” is known all over the world for its football team as it’s one of the largest in Europe.

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Madrid is officially declared one of the “greenest” cities in Europe. The name of the city of Madrid comes from the Arabic word “machra”, which means “water source”.

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Madrid is the “highest” capital of Europe, towering 650 meters above sea level.

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Главный футбольный мадридский клуб признан ФИФА самым успешным в 20 веке. За всю свою историю Реал Мадрид выиграл Лигу Чемпионов 13 раз. Данный футбольный клуб – бесспорно, является предметов гордости всех мадридцев.

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The main football club in Madrid is recognized by FIFA as the most successful in the 20th century. Throughout its history, Real Madrid has won the Champions League 13 times. This football club is undoubtedly the pride of all Real Madrid.

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Памятник города – медведь, которому установлен памятник на одной из крупнейших площадей Испании – Пуэрта-дель-Соль.

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The monument to the city is a bear, to which a monument is erected on one of the largest squares in Spain – Puerta del Sol.

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Зажигательный танец, вобъндиняющий в себе напряжение и страсть, нежность и искренность – непередаваемое зрелище, которое стремятся увидеть все туристы, приехавшие в Мадрид.

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Incendiary dance, encompassing tension and passion, tenderness and sincerity is an indescribable spectacle that all tourists who come to Madrid strive to see.

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Достопримечательности города: The city’s attractions:

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Arena Las Ventas.

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The most famous bullring in Spain is located in the bustling neighborhood of Salamanca. The construction of nearly a hundred years, it consists of a battlefield and numerous spectator zones, which are called “tenidos”.

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Корриды проходят на этой арене с марта до конца октября по воскресеньям и праздничным дням, а в мае, в связи с праздниками cв. Исидра, покровителя города, в течение 20 дней, в них участвуют лучшие матадоры.

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Corridas are held on this arena from March to late October on Sundays and public holidays, and in May, in connection with the holidays of St. Isidra, the patron saint of the city, for 20 days, the best matadors participate in them.

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Музей зародился с королевской коллекции, которая впоследствии пополнялась потомками монаршей династии.

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The museum originated from the royal collection, which was later replenished with the descendants of the royal dynasty.

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Собрание Прадо содержит более 8 тыс. картин и более 1000 скульптурных композиций. Но, несмотря на открытие в 2007 году нового корпуса, выставочное пространство вмещает лишь чуть больше четверти коллекции.

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The Prado collection contains more than 8 thousand paintings and more than 1000 sculptural compositions. But, despite the opening in 2007 of a new building, the exhibition space holds only a little more than a quarter of the collection.

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The Prado presents the gloomy frescoes of the great Goya, painted by him on the walls of his house in Madrid at the time of mental disorders. The most depressive of them is Saturn.

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Santa Cruz Palace

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Дворец Санта-Крус (Дворец Святого креста) — историческое здание в центре Мадрида, являющийся настоящей жемчужиной архитектуры эпохи правления Габсбургов в Испании.

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Santa Cruz Palace (Palace of the Holy Cross) – a historic building in the center of Madrid, which is a real gem of the architecture of the Habsburg government in Spain.

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Раньше в этом Дворце была тюрьма, узниками которой были довольно известные люди. Среди них – драматург Лопе де Вега, английский писатель Джордж Барроу, генерал Рафаэль де Риего, устроивший мятеж против Фердинанда VII и известный разбойник Луис Канделас.

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Earlier in this Palace was a prison, the prisoners of which were quite famous people. Among them – the playwright Lope de Vega, the English writer George Barrow, General Raphael de Riego, who staged a revolt against Ferdinand VII and the famous outlaw Louis Candelas.

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В середине XIX века в здании случился серьезный пожар, в результате которого дворец был практически полностью уничтожен. А уже в начале ХХ века правительство Испании выделило средства на реставрацию нескольких исторических памятников, в том числе Дворец Санта-Крус был восстановлен в своем оригинальном образе.

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In the middle of the XIX century there was a serious fire in the building, as a result of which the palace was almost completely destroyed. And in the early twentieth century, the Spanish government allocated funds for the restoration of several historical monuments, including the Palace of Santa Cruz was restored in its original form.

Надо рассказать о достопремичательностях Испании(если они есть)
В сочинение нужно рассказать о людях испании( рост,черты лица, цвет кожи, волос,глаз.
Где люди живут(в деревнях, в деревянных домах или где-то ещё)
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Чем люди занимаются( работа)
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Spain or the Kingdom of Spain is a country located mostly in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula.

Spain is known for its culturally diverse heritage, having been influenced by many nations and peoples throughout its history. Spanish culture has its origins in the Iberian, Celtiberian, Latin, Visigothic, Roman Catholic, and Islamic cultures.

Miguel de Cervantes is probably Spain’s most famous author and his Don Quixote is considered the most emblematic work in the canon of Spanish literature and a founding classic of Western literature

Spanish music is often considered abroad to be synonymous with flamenco.

Spanish cuisine consists of a great variety of dishes which stem from differences in geography, culture and climate. It is heavily influenced by seafood available from the waters that surround the country, and reflects the country’s deep Mediterranean roots. Spain’s extensive history with many cultural influences has led to a unique cuisine.

Spain or the Kingdom of Spain is a country located mostly in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula.

Spain is known for its culturally diverse heritage, having been influenced by many nations and peoples throughout its history. Spanish culture has its origins in the Iberian, Celtiberian, Latin, Visigothic, Roman Catholic, and Islamic cultures.

Miguel de Cervantes is probably Spain’s most famous author and his Don Quixote is considered the most emblematic work in the canon of Spanish literature and a founding classic of Western literature

Spanish music is often considered abroad to be synonymous with flamenco.

Spanish cuisine consists of a great variety of dishes which stem from differences in geography, culture and climate. It is heavily influenced by seafood available from the waters that surround the country, and reflects the country’s deep Mediterranean roots. Spain’s extensive history with many cultural influences has led to a unique cuisine.

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Audio File:
National anthem of Spain

Head Of Government:
Prime Minister: Pedro Sánchez
(2023 est.) 47,900,000
Currency Exchange Rate:
1 USD equals 0.944 euro
Head Of State:
King: Felipe VI

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Read a brief summary of this topic

Spain, country located in extreme southwestern Europe. It occupies about 85 percent of the Iberian Peninsula, which it shares with its smaller neighbour Portugal.

Spain is a storied country of stone castles, snowcapped mountains, vast monuments, and sophisticated cities, all of which have made it a favoured travel destination. The country is geographically and culturally diverse. Its heartland is the Meseta, a broad central plateau half a mile above sea level. Much of the region is traditionally given over to cattle ranching and grain production; it was in this rural setting that Miguel de Cervantes’s Don Quixote tilted at the tall windmills that still dot the landscape in several places. In the country’s northeast are the broad valley of the Ebro River, the mountainous region of Catalonia, and the hilly coastal plain of Valencia. To the northwest is the Cantabrian Mountains, a rugged range in which heavily forested, rain-swept valleys are interspersed with tall peaks. To the south is the citrus-orchard-rich and irrigated lands of the valley of the Guadalquivir River, celebrated in the renowned lyrics of Spanish poets Federico García Lorca and Antonio Machado; over this valley rises the snowcapped Sierra Nevada. The southern portion of the country is desert, an extension of the Sahara made familiar to Americans through the “spaghetti western” films of the 1960s and early ’70s. Lined with palm trees, rosemary bushes, and other tropical vegetation, the southeastern Mediterranean coast and the Balearic Islands enjoy a gentle climate, drawing millions of visitors and retirees, especially from northern Europe.

Spain’s countryside is quaint, speckled with castles, aqueducts, and ancient ruins, but its cities are resoundingly modern. The Andalusian capital of Sevilla (Seville) is famed for its musical culture and traditional folkways; the Catalonian capital of Barcelona for its secular architecture and maritime industry; and the national capital of Madrid for its winding streets, its museums and bookstores, and its around-the-clock lifestyle. Madrid is Spain’s largest city and is also its financial and cultural centre, as it has been for hundreds of years.

The many and varied cultures that have gone into the making of Spain—those of the Castilians, Catalonians, Lusitanians, Galicians, Basques, Romans, Arabs, Jews, and Roma (Gypsies), among other peoples—are renowned for their varied cuisines, customs, and prolific contributions to the world’s artistic heritage. The country’s Roman conquerors left their language, roads, and monuments, while many of the Roman Empire’s greatest rulers were Spanish, among them Trajan, Hadrian, and Marcus Aurelius. The Moors, who ruled over portions of Spain for nearly 800 years, left a legacy of fine architecture, lyric poetry, and science; the Roma contributed the haunting music called the cante jondo (a form of flamenco), which, wrote García Lorca, “comes from remote races and crosses the graveyard of the years and the fronds of parched winds. It comes from the first sob and the first kiss.” Even the Vandals, Huns, and Visigoths who swept across Spain following the fall of Rome are remembered in words and monuments, which prompted García Lorca to remark, “In Spain, the dead are more alive than the dead of any other country in the world.”

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In 1492, the year the last of the Moorish rulers were expelled from Spain, ships under the command of Christopher Columbus reached America. For 300 years afterward, Spanish explorers and conquerors traveled the world, claiming huge territories for the Spanish crown, a succession of Castilian, Aragonese, Habsburg, and Bourbon rulers. For generations Spain was arguably the richest country in the world, and certainly the most far-flung. With the steady erosion of its continental and overseas empire throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, however, Spain was all but forgotten in world affairs, save for the three years that the ideologically charged Spanish Civil War (1936–39) put the country at the centre of the world’s stage, only to become ever more insular and withdrawn during the four decades of rule by dictator Francisco Franco. Following Franco’s death in 1975, a Bourbon king, Juan Carlos, returned to the throne and established a constitutional monarchy. The country has been ruled since then by a succession of elected governments, some socialist, some conservative, but all devoted to democracy.


Spain is bordered to the west by Portugal; to the northeast it borders France, from which it is separated by the tiny principality of Andorra and by the great wall of the Pyrenees Mountains. Spain’s only other land border is in the far south with Gibraltar, an enclave that belonged to Spain until 1713, when it was ceded to Great Britain in the Treaty of Utrecht at the end of the War of the Spanish Succession. Elsewhere the country is bounded by water: by the Mediterranean Sea to the east and southeast, by the Atlantic Ocean to the northwest and southwest, and by the Bay of Biscay (an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean) to the north. The Canary (Canarias) Islands, in the Atlantic Ocean off the northwestern African mainland, and the Balearic (Baleares) Islands, in the Mediterranean, also are parts of Spain, as are Ceuta and Melilla, two small enclaves in North Africa (northern Morocco) that Spain has ruled for centuries.

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Spain accounts for five-sixths of the Iberian Peninsula, the roughly quadrilateral southwestern tip of Europe that separates the Mediterranean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean. Most of Spain comprises a large plateau (the Meseta Central) divided by a mountain range, the Central Sierra (Sistema Central), which trends west-southwest to east-northeast. Several mountains border the plateau: the Cantabrian Mountains (Cordillera Cantábrica) to the north, the Iberian Cordillera (Sistema Ibérico) to the northeast and east, the Sierra Morena to the south, and the lower mountains of the Portuguese frontier and Spanish Galicia to the northwest. The Pyrenees run across the neck of the peninsula and form Spain’s border with France. There are two major depressions, that of the Ebro River in the northeast and that of the Guadalquivir River in the southwest. In the southeast the Baetic Cordillera (Sistema Penibético) runs broadly parallel to the coast to merge with the mountains of the Iberian Cordillera. Along the Mediterranean seaboard there are coastal plains, some with lagoons (e.g., Albufera, south of Valencia). Offshore in the Mediterranean, the Balearic Islands are an unsubmerged portion of the Baetic Cordillera. The Canary Islands in the Atlantic are of volcanic origin and contain the highest peak on Spanish territory, Teide Peak, which rises to 12,198 feet (3,718 metres) on the island of Tenerife.

Spain has some of the oldest as well as some of the youngest rocks of Europe. The entire western half of Iberia, with the exception of the extreme south, is composed of ancient (Hercynian) rocks; geologists refer to this Hercynian block as the Meseta Central. It constitutes a relatively stable platform around which younger sediments accumulated, especially on the Mediterranean side. In due course these sediments were pushed by major earth movements into mountain ranges. The term meseta is also used by geographers and local toponymy to designate the dominating relief unit of central Iberia. As a result, the Meseta Central defined by relief is subdivided by geology into a crystalline west (granites and gneisses) and a sedimentary east (mainly clays and limestones). The northern Meseta Central, which has an average elevation of 2,300 feet (700 metres), corresponds to the tablelands, or plateau, of Castile and León, although it is in fact a basin surrounded by mountains and drained by the Douro (Duero) River. The southern Meseta Central (the Meseta of Castile–La Mancha) is some 330 feet (100 metres) lower. Its relief is more diverse, however, owing to heavy faulting and warping caused by volcanic activity around the Calatrava Plain and to two complex river systems (the Guadiana and the Tagus) separated by mountains. Its southern plains rise gradually to the Sierra Morena. The southeastern side of this range drops almost vertically by more than 3,300 feet (1,000 metres) to the Guadalquivir depression. Dividing the northern and southern Mesetas are the Central Sierras, one of the outstanding features of the Iberian massif. Their highest points—Peñalara Peak at 7,972 feet (2,430 metres) and Almanzor Peak at 8,497 feet (2,590 metres)—rise well above the plains of the central plateau. In contrast, the granitic Galician mountains, at the northwestern end of the Hercynian block, have an average elevation of only 1,640 feet (500 metres), decreasing toward the deeply indented (ria) coast of the Atlantic seaboard.

Part of Alpine Europe, the Pyrenees form a massive mountain range that stretches from the Mediterranean Sea to the Bay of Biscay, a distance of some 270 miles (430 km). The range comprises a series of parallel zones: the central axis, a line of intermediate depressions, and the pre-Pyrenees. The highest peaks, formed from a core of ancient crystalline rocks, are found in the central Pyrenees—notably Aneto Peak at 11,168 feet (3,404 metres)—but those of the west, including Anie Peak at 8,213 feet (2,503 metres), are not much lower. The mountains fall steeply on the northern side but descend in terraces to the Ebro River trough in the south. The outer zones of the Pyrenees are composed of sedimentary rocks. Relief on the nearly horizontal sedimentary strata of the Ebro depression is mostly plain or plateau, except at the eastern end where the Ebro River penetrates the mountains to reach the Mediterranean Sea.

A series of sierras trending northwest-southeast forms the Iberian Cordillera, which separates the Ebro depression from the Meseta and reaches its highest elevation with Moncayo Peak at 7,588 feet (2,313 metres). In the southeast the Iberian Cordillera links with the Baetic Cordillera, also a result of Alpine earth movements. Although more extensive—more than 500 miles (800 km) long and up to 150 miles (240 km) wide—and with peninsular Spain’s highest summit, Mulhacén Peak, at 11,421 feet (3,481 metres), the Baetic ranges are more fragmented and less of a barrier than the Pyrenees. On their northern and northwestern sides they flank the low-lying and fairly flat Guadalquivir basin, the average elevation of which is only 426 feet (130 metres) on mainly clay strata. Unlike the Ebro basin, the Guadalquivir depression is wide open to the sea on the southwest, and its delta has extensive marshland (Las Marismas).


Although some maintain that “aridity rivals civil war as the chief curse of [historic] Spain,” the Iberian Peninsula has a dense network of streams, three of which rank among Europe’s longest: the Tagus at 626 miles (1,007 km), the Ebro at 565 miles (909 km), and the Douro at 556 miles (895 km). The Guadiana and the Guadalquivir are 508 miles (818 km) and 408 miles (657 km) long, respectively. The Tagus, like the Douro and the Guadiana, reaches the Atlantic Ocean in Portugal. In fact, all the major rivers of Spain except the Ebro drain into the Atlantic Ocean. The hydrographic network on the Mediterranean side of the watershed is poorly developed in comparison with the Atlantic systems, partly because it falls into the climatically driest parts of Spain. However, nearly all Iberian rivers have low annual volume, irregular regimes, and deep valleys and even canyons. Flooding is always a potential hazard. The short, swift streams of Galicia and Cantabria, draining to the northwestern and northern coasts, respectively, have only a slight or, at most, modest summer minimum. The predominant fluvial regime in Spain is thus characterized by a long or very long summer period of low water. This is the regime of all the major arteries that drain the Meseta as well as those of the Mediterranean seaboard, such as the Júcar and the Segura: for example, from August to September the Guadiana River usually has less than one-tenth of its average annual flow. Only the Ebro River has a relatively constant and substantial flow—19,081 cubic feet (540 cubic metres) per second at Tortosa—coming from snowmelt as well as rainfall in the high Pyrenees. In comparison, the flow of the Douro is only 5,050 cubic feet (143 cubic metres) per second. The flow of many Iberian streams has been reduced artificially by water extraction for purposes such as irrigation. Subterranean flow is well-developed in limestone districts.


There are five major soil types in Spain. Two are widely distributed but of limited extent: alluvial soils, found in the major valleys and coastal plains, and poorly developed, or truncated, mountain soils. Brown forest soils are restricted to humid Galicia and Cantabria. Acidic southern brown earths (leading to restricted crop choice) are prevalent on the crystalline rocks of the western Meseta, and gray, brown, or chestnut soils have developed on the calcareous and alkaline strata of the eastern Meseta and of eastern Spain in general. Saline soils are found in the Ebro basin and coastal lowlands. Calcretes (subsoil zonal crusts [toscas], usually of hardened calcium carbonate) are particularly well-developed in the arid regions of the east: La Mancha, Almería, Murcia, Alicante (Alacant), and Valencia, as well as the Ebro and Lleida (Lérida) basins.

Soil erosion resulting from the vegetation degradation suffered by Spain for at least the past 3,000 years has created extensive badlands, reduced soil cover, downstream alluviation, and, more recently, silting of dams and irrigation works. Particularly affected are the high areas of the central plateau and southern and eastern parts of Spain. Although the origins of some of the spectacular badlands of southeastern Spain, such as Guadix, may lie in climatic conditions from earlier in Quaternary time (beginning 2.6 million years ago), one of the major problems of modern Spain is the threat of desertification—i.e., the impoverishment of arid, semiarid, and even some humid ecosystems caused by the joint impact of human activities and drought. Nearly half of Spain is moderately or severely affected, especially in the arid east (Almería, Murcia), as well as in much of subarid Spain (the Ebro basin). The government has adopted policies of afforestation, but some authorities believe that natural vegetation regrowth would yield more speedy and more permanent benefits.


Qoutes about spain
“Barcelona are my favorite team in Spain, let’s put it that way.” – Frank Lampard “In the last 1,000 years, the Arabs have translated as many books as Spain translates in just one year.” – Larry Elder

“It’s like a dream to come to Spain and stay for a couple of years and get somebody to teach me Spanish music.” – Lenny Kravitz

Table of contents

Introduction ___3

Country Geography – Climate ___ 4

History – Money – Population _____ _5

Political – Famous People 6

Interesting places to visit – Traditions & Culture______________ 7

Reference List 8

I choose to write about the Spain for our English A course project work because the country has always interested me due to its beautiful soccer and spectral climate.

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“ A country I like to visit – Spain ”

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I would rather call Spain the country of soccer, since two of the world’s best soccer teams are there; Barcelona and Real Madrid. But there is more to it; the summer of course. Travel to Spain would be a great experience for me since I have heard a lot about the country from friends and seen amazing pictures.

Besides the soccer, the country climate is one of the reasons I’d like to visit Spain for. They have a subtropical climate with wild winters and beautiful summers. Through this project work my knowledge will increase about this country, and the subjects I will bring up will be:

* Geography & Climate

* History and Language
* Politics & Money
* Population & Famous People
* Interesting places to visit
* Traditions

Basis facts
Official name:
Reino de Espana – Kingdom of Spain

504,030 km2


46 million estimated

monarchy, unitary state

Head of State:
King Juan Carlos

Prime minister:
Mariano Rajoy

Official language

Quick fact
Spain is a constitutional monarchy and is officially called the Kingdom of Spain.

The country’s capital is Madrid and Barcelona comes in as the second largest city in the country. The country is located in the Liberian Peninsula in southwestern Europe. The name Spain comes from the Roman name for Hispania.

National Day is 12th October.
The official language is Spanish.
Spain’s economy is the 7th largest in the world.
Spain is the main tourist destinations for Swedes (nearly 1 million passengers every year) and about 65 000 Swedish people living in the country. There are high mountains such as the Sierra Nevada and the Pyrenees, the highest point in Spain’s Teide on Tenerife and is 3,718 meters above sea level.

Country Geography

Spain is one of the countries that contain mostly mountains in Europe. The mountain chains Pyrenees and the Sierra Nevada is dominant in the northeastern and southern parts of the country, while the Cantabrian Mountain rises 2500 meters above sea level in the north. There is a high plain in the middle of the country with almost no trees, poor soils and a harsh climate. The highlands are surrounded by valleys, in many places formed by the rivers Ebro and Guadalquivir. The beach areas of north and along with south are grasslands. The heights matters between its regions which decide the climatic variations. The northern coast has a typical Atlantic climate, while further south is much warmer. In the central surroundings, it may be up to 40 degrees in summer and far colder than the rest of the country during the winter months. Nature disasters and fire from the hot temperature during the summer threatens the large forested areas in the country and the authorities have carried out growing programs to save the forests.


Spain is usually split in different climatic zones – the Mediterranean coast, the northern Atlantic coast and the Canary Islands. The area around the Mediterranean Sea has mild winters and a subtropical climate and high rainfall during spring and fall. The Atlantic coast has quite a lot of precipitation, even in winter, and calm summers. The Canary Islands have a subtropical climate, with fine and mild weather with temperatures between 18-24 degrees all year. The northern regions are cool and tropical, but the central plateau is cold in the winter and hot in the summer, Barcelona is a city located in this climate zone. Madrid has a winter average of 8°C and a summer average of 23°C. In the southern regions the climate is comfortable except in the summer.


The Phoenicians and Carthaginians ruled Spain until the year, 200 BC, when the Romans conquered the area and founded the province of Hispania. When the Roman Empire went under the 400-century, Spain fell under different rulers, before the country was conquered by Arab forces, and was under Bagdad Khalifas of 700’s. In the following centuries the Arabic Spain was advanced to a cultural, technical and economic center in southern Europe. In 1200s the Arabs lost control of Spain and was forced to the south and Spain was divided into several territories like today which later end of the 1400’s they counted as a single kingdom. Christopher Columbus’ trips to South and Central America made these areas belong into the Spanish Empire, later grew into the strongest in the West. During the 1500 – and 1600’s, when Spain experienced economic collapse and with population decreasing, a lot of people moved to the colonies in South America, which became more and more independent. In the 1800s Spain lost all its major colonies in South America and reduced back to an irrelevant European state. After years of dictatorship, the civil war exploded in 1936, a war that was won by the forces of the fascist Francisco Franco, who ruled the country with a strong hand until his death in 1975. With this history Spain has developed into an important country in the European and global politics and trade.


Spain’s GDP is around $ 11,200 per capital.
Spain’s currency is the Euro. 1 Euro is almost 9 Swedish Kr. The country’s economy depends mostly on tourism; it gets more than 70 million visitors per year. Ever since Spain joined the EU, there has been much better for them economically.


Spain is the fifth most populated country in Europe, and the third largest country in Europe. Throughout Spain, there are nearly 46 million citizens.
There are about 500 million people who mastered the Spanish language in the world. The majority of the population of Spain lives on the coast.
80% of the population lives in cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Sevilla. It is expected that the normal lifespan of men is about 73 years, and among women 83 years.

Almost 1.5 million Spanish citizens live in poorness in Spain and that more than half of the poor people are less than 25 years old, most of them on the border to Portugal. There are about 15 million families were there the adults does not have a job.


Spain is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy. Elections are held every four years. Parliament has two chambers: the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. The country is divided into 17 self-governing regions, with varying degrees of independent and their own regional parliaments and governments. The Constitution introduced 1978th that Spain is a member of the EU and NATO. Spain’s current politic is more like the Swedish one; with prime minister and the king as head of state. Much of Spain’s current politics was formed by the fact that Spain was a dictatorship until 1975. Franco named Juan Carlos as Head of State 1969. Juan Carlos started the voting for democratic process of Spain after Franco’s death, and among the very first thing he did was to call a general election. Spain’s current government José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero major tasks now compromises with Catalonia and the peace negotiations with ETA / Batasuna.

Famous people

Fernando Torres is a Spanish soccer player who have been playing English club Chelsea in the Premier League since 2011. Torres became historical when he became the youngest ever to play an A team game for Atlético Madrid and also the youngest to be appointed as captain when he was 19 years old.

Raúl González Blanco is a professional Spanish soccer player. He played for Real Madrid’s team since 1994 and has been captain since 2003, when Fernando Hierro left the club. He has played 741 games and made 323 goals, he’s club record for the number of matches, the number of goals in the league and the number of goals in total. Meanwhile, the club won the league six times and the Champions League three times.

Interesting place to visit

Barcelona is one of the most popular cities. It has an active nightlife, wonderful climate and spectacular soccer. Barcelona attracts people from all over the world and has become known as one of Europe’s largest entertainment cities. Tourist can visit museums and explore the bars in the center. And if you’re interested in historical buildings you can visit Madrid, which offers many beautiful buildings created in the past.

Traditions & Culture

Bull Fighting: An honorable sport, it was introduced by Gonzalo Argote de Molinain. The sport is practiced in two different ways, either the rider or his mount was to face the bull directly or they practically sideswiped the animal trying to spear it during the fight. This is one of the most dangerous and unique sport of Spain and an important part of the traditions in Spain.


Spain has an outstanding reputation in the world of football. The Spain’s follow passionately their national team and of course the successful squad – La Selection. The Spanish league is filled with star players from around the world. The league is one of the biggest – and most popular and followed by millions of fans around the world. The last few years have been very successful for Spanish football. Squad is the ruling European champion and was recently ranked first in the FIFA world rankings.

Flamenco in Spain

Flamenco is a Spanish art form with songs, music and dance, whose foundation is unknown. Musically influence shows that they come from many sources, such as India, Morocco, Egypt, Greece and several other countries along the Mediterranean Sea. The songs, which often show strong emotions, are told with music as handclaps, guitars, Cajon. It’s probably the most famous Spanish tradition.

Reference List
http://www.nationsencyclopedia.com/Europe/Spain-CLIMATE.html http://www.mapsofworld.com/spain/facts-about-spain.html
http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/spain.html#ixzz1oXJQN8hz http://www.idealspain.com/Pages/Culture.htm

http://gospain.about.com/od/spanishlife/tp/spanish_customs_traditions_spain.htm http://www.youthsoccerskills.com/stylesandculture/spain.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spain

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