Сочинение про кенгуру на английском

Рассказ про кенгуру на английском

На чтение 3 мин Обновлено 27 июня, 2022

Рассказ про кенгуру на английском с переводом поможет написать сочинение о известном животном Австралии.

Рассказ про кенгуру на английском языке

The kangaroo is one of the most well-known native Australian animals.
There are known over 60 different species of kangaroos. Some of them can be two meters tall with weight up to 90 kg. The others are much smaller in size. Kangaroos are unusual and wonderful animals.
He’s large and muscular hind legs adapted for jumping, a long strong tail for balance and a small head.
Kangaroos hop like rabbits to move around quickly. They can jump as far as about three times their own height. They walk on four legs when there is no need to move fast. Kangaroos are called marsupials because they carry their babies in a special bag on their paunches. Kangaroos are herbivore animals, they eat mainly grass and shrubs.
Kangaroos live about 9 -18 years, and some individuals live up to 30 years.

Кенгуру — одно из самых известных австралийских животных. Известно более 60 различных видов кенгуру. Некоторые из них достигают двухметрового роста и веса до 90 кг. Остальные гораздо меньше по размеру. Кенгуру — необычные и замечательные животные. У него большие и мускулистые задние лапы, приспособленные для прыжков, длинный крепкий хвост для равновесия и маленькая голова. Кенгуру прыгают, как кролики, чтобы быстро передвигаться. Они могут прыгать примерно в три раза выше собственного роста. Они ходят на четырех ногах, когда нет необходимости быстро двигаться. Кенгуру называют сумчатыми, потому что они носят своих детенышей в специальной сумке на животе. Кенгуру — травоядные животные, питаются в основном травой и кустарниками. Кенгуру живут около 9 -18 лет, а некоторые особи доживают до 30 лет.

Описание кенгуру на английском

Kangaroo is a herbivorous wild animal.
They fill their stomach by eating grass, leaves, and fruits, etc.
кенгуруThe kangaroo has four legs in which the back two legs are long.
The kangaroo moves by hopping. They hop on their powerful hind legs and use their tails for balance and for steering.
Kangaroos can make very long jumps.
They can hop at speeds of up to 60 km/h.
The kangaroo has a pouch on its stomach.
They hide their child in this pouch and feed milk.
Kangaroos are mostly found in Australia.
Kangaroo is the national animal of Australia.

Кенгуру — травоядное дикое животное.
Они наполняют свой желудок, поедая траву, листья, фрукты и т. д.
У кенгуру четыре ноги, у которых две задние длинные.
Кенгуру передвигается прыжками. Они прыгают на своих мощных задних лапах и используют хвосты для баланса и управления.
Кенгуру могут совершать очень длинные прыжки.
Они могут прыгать со скоростью до 60 км/ч.
У кенгуру есть сумка на животе.
В этот мешочек они прячут своего ребенка и кормят молоком.
Кенгуру в основном обитают в Австралии.
Кенгуру — национальное животное Австралии.

Светило науки — 1 ответ — 0 раз оказано помощи

Kangaroo is an Australian animal that is a symbol of this continent. Today, everyone knows about a kangaroo. And although an exotic animal lives only on the Australian continent, it’s not uncommon to see it on TV screens. Outwardly kangaroo — very interesting. They are different from the rest of the animals. A two-meter animal with a bag on the stomach is not in vain called marsupial. And the handbag is not easy, with a mystery. This is a large skin fold, for comfortable wearing kangaroo. Obviously, you noticed in the zoo how a small pair of eyes looks out of such a bag. The baby is born tiny, bare and blind. But he knows that this mummy’s feature protects him from cold and danger. Adult kangaroos have different colors — from gray to red. Two long rear paws allow you to move quickly and jump over long distances. On the paws of a kangaroo on four fingers with long claws. It helps to find delicious grass and tear the bark of trees. The weight of the animal is transferred to a long strong tail, and the paws can strike a pretty strong blow



 kangaroo b

Прилагательные, описывающие Кенгуру

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Read by George William Dole


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Look at the picture.

Посмотрите на картинку.

You can see a kangaroo.

Вы можете видеть кенгуру.

It has big white rotating ears.

У неё (есть) большие белые вращающиеся уши.

Its fur is light-brown.

Её мех светло-коричневый.

It has two eyes and a nose.

У неё (есть) два глаза и нос.

Its arms are short.

Её руки короткие.

It has sharp claws on them.

Она имеет острые когти на них.

Its legs are big because kangaroos don’t walk, they jump.

Её ноги большие, потому что кенгуру не ходят, они прыгают.

It also has a massive tail that it uses for balance.

У неё также есть массивный хвост, который она использует для баланса.

It can lean in it as well.

Она может также на него опираться.

There is a large pouch on its belly with a baby kangaroo in it.

На её животе (есть) большой мешок с маленьким кенгуру.

We can see its head sticking out of it.

Мы можем видеть его торчащую голову (из него).

These mother and baby kangaroo look cute.

Эти мама и малыш кенгуру выглядят мило.



esse edit

The kangaroo
is a wild animal which has large, powerful hind legs, a long muscular tail and
a small head. There are known over 60 different species of kangaroos and close
relatives. Some of them can be two meters tall with weight up to 90 kg.  The others are much smaller in size. Kangaroos
are unusual and wonderful animals. Kangaroos hop like rabbits to move around
quickly. They can jump as far as about three times their own height. They walk
on four legs when there is no need to move fast. Kangaroos are called marsupials
because they carry their babies in a special bag on their paunches. Kangaroos are
herbivore animals, they eat mainly grass and shrubs. They are common in
Australia. The kangaroo is one of the most well-known native Australian animals.
Although it can also be found in New Guinea kangaroo is the iconic animal of
Australia. It is even pictured on the coat of arms for Australia.

Кенгуру — это дикое животное, которое имеет большие, мощные
задние лапы, длинный хвост и маленькую голову. Известно более 60 различных
видов кенгуру и их близких родственников. Некоторые из них могут быть высотой
два метра с весом до 90 кг. Другие гораздо меньше по размеру. Кенгуру необычные
и удивительные животные. Кенгуру прыгают, как кролики, чтобы передвигаться
быстро. Они могут прыгнуть на расстояние в три раза, превышающее их рост. Они
ходят на четырех ногах, когда нет необходимости двигаться быстро. Кенгуру
называют сумчатыми, потому что они носят своих детенышей в специальной сумке на
своих животах. Кенгуру — травоядные животные, они питаются в основном травой и
кустарником. Они распространены в Австралии. Кенгуру одно из самых известных
австралийских животных. Хотя их также можно найти в Новой Гвинее, кенгуру — это
знаковое животное Австралии. Оно даже изображено на гербе Австралии.


Главатских Елена

is the national symbol of Australia, this amazing animal is even depicted on
the Australian coat of arms, because, thanks to the large tail and the special
structure of the hind legs, they can only move forward. Thus, this animal is a
symbol of progress.

adult kangaroo of large species weighs up to 80 kg. Height – about 1.5 meters,
sometimes 2 meters. The jump reaches 13 meters in length and 3 meters in
height. Kangaroos can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h. The kangaroo’s tail is
long, powerful at the base, helps to keep balance when jumping. Kangaroo fur is
grayish, reddish or reddish – to match the color of the habitat. Kangaroo ears
are quite large, very mobile, sensitive to catch the slightest sounds. The
front paws, compared to the hind ones, look absurdly small. With them, the
kangaroo can dig food out of the ground (tubers and roots), and at the moment
of danger it can «box» with the enemy. There are strong claws on the front and hind
paws. Kangaroos found in the wild in Australia are very curious, they are not
afraid of humans, but they do not attack without a reason. An angry or
frightened kangaroo can, leaning on its tail, deliver a very strong (sometimes
fatal) blow to the enemy with its hind legs.

is endemic to Australia, that is, an animal that lives only on this continent.

belongs to the family of marsupial mammals. On the belly of the females there
is a special bag for cubs, which is really very similar to a bag. The kangaroo
is born underdeveloped, it is no more than 3 centimeters in size, then it
crawls into the bag, where it stays there for 6-8 months until it grows and
gets stronger. Then for about a year the cub lives near the mother before it
begins an independent life. In nature, a kangaroo lives from 6 to 12 years, in
captivity it can live up to 20 years. It is an exclusively herbivorous animal,
besides it drinks very little – in arid times it can do without water for up to
5 months!

prefer to eat plant foods. Their favorite treats are various roots, fruits from
trees and grass. The kangaroo’s hind limbs are much stronger than the front
ones, the animal can move perfectly on them and even jump. Kangaroo jumps are
quite large, sometimes they can reach up to 2 meters. Due to the fact that the
kangaroo stands perfectly on its hind legs, it skillfully pulls fruits from the
branches. The kangaroo’s height is also not so small. They can grow up to
almost 2 meters. Males always weigh more than females, their weight can reach
up to 100 kilograms. There are about 50 species of kangaroos in nature. Most of
them live in Australia, but they are also found on the islands of New Guinea
and Tasmania.

like to occupy the territories of the shroud, where there will be a lot of
different grass. But there are also some species that prefer to occupy places
among the humid rainforest more. Adult kangaroos drink very little water, they
can go for weeks without it. Each type of kangaroo has its own characteristics
and color. In nature, there are not only huge individuals, but also small
representatives of this species live in Australia. Kangaroo animals prefer to
live in packs, this saves them from many predators. But it’s not scary for
flies, sometimes they attack an animal, they can get into their eyes and even
blind them. The locals of Australia have long adapted to build reserves for
kangaroos. In such a place, tourists can look at the everyday life of
kangaroos, take pictures, as well as feed them. Even today, the kangaroo is one
of the amazing and interesting animals, whose life many people like to watch.

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