Сочинение про коалу на английском языке 5 класс

Koala is a herbivorous marsupial animal that lives in Australia. Koalas are gray or red, they have a short thick fur, a short tail and funny furry ears of a round shape. This is a small animal that weighs about 6-12 kg and lives in eucalyptus forests, and spends most of his life on the trees. In the daytime koala sleeps on a branch, and in the night climbs on the trees and eats the leaves. Koala is very a slow and lazy animal, and for 16 hours a day the koala is not moving. Koala gets down on the ground only to move to another tree, which he can’t reach jumping from branch to branch. Also koalas can swim. Mother-koala usually has one cub that is smaller than 2 cm and weighs about 6 grams when he is born. The first 6 month of his life a koala cub lives in a bag on his mom’s stomach, growing and eating mother’s milk, and the next six months he spends riding on his mom’s back.  

Коала – это травоядное
сумчатое животное, которое обитает в Австралии. Коалы бывают серого или рыжего
цвета, у них короткая густая шерсть, короткий хвост и смешные мохнатые круглы
ушки. Это небольшое животное, которое весит 6-12 кг и живет в эвкалиптовых
лесах, и почти всю свою жизнь проводит на деревьях. Днем коала спит на ветке, а
ночью ползает по дереву и ест листья. Коала очень медленное и ленивое животное,
16 часов в день коала не движется. На землю коала спускается только для того,
чтобы перебраться на другое дерево, на которое не может перепрыгнуть. Также
коалы умеют плавать. У мамы-коалы рождается как правило один детеныш, размер
которого меньше 2 см., а вес – около 6 г. Первые полгода детеныш живет в сумке
на животе у мамы, растет и питается молоком, а потом ещё полгода катается на
спине у матери. 

Koala is a herbivorous marsupial animal that lives in Australia. Koalas are gray or red, they have a short thick fur, a short tail and funny furry ears of a round shape. This is a small animal that weighs about 6-12 kg and lives in eucalyptus forests, and spends most of his life on the trees. In the daytime koala sleeps on a branch, and in the night climbs on the trees and eats the leaves. Koala is very a slow and lazy animal, and for 16 hours a day the koala is not moving. Koala gets down on the ground only to move to another tree, which he can’t reach jumping from branch to branch. Also koalas can swim. Mother-koala usually has one cub that is smaller than 2 cm and weighs about 6 grams when he is born. The first 6 month of his life a koala cub lives in a bag on his mom’s stomach, growing and eating mother’s milk, and the next six months he spends riding on his mom’s back.  

Коала – это травоядное
сумчатое животное, которое обитает в Австралии. Коалы бывают серого или рыжего
цвета, у них короткая густая шерсть, короткий хвост и смешные мохнатые круглы
ушки. Это небольшое животное, которое весит 6-12 кг и живет в эвкалиптовых
лесах, и почти всю свою жизнь проводит на деревьях. Днем коала спит на ветке, а
ночью ползает по дереву и ест листья. Коала очень медленное и ленивое животное,
16 часов в день коала не движется. На землю коала спускается только для того,
чтобы перебраться на другое дерево, на которое не может перепрыгнуть. Также
коалы умеют плавать. У мамы-коалы рождается как правило один детеныш, размер
которого меньше 2 см., а вес – около 6 г. Первые полгода детеныш живет в сумке
на животе у мамы, растет и питается молоком, а потом ещё полгода катается на
спине у матери. 

Koala is a herbivorous marsupial animal that lives in Australia. Koalas are gray or red, they have a short thick fur, a short tail and funny furry ears of a round shape. This is a small animal that weighs about 6-12 kg and lives in eucalyptus forests, and spends most of his life on the trees. In the daytime koala sleeps on a branch, and in the night climbs on the trees and eats the leaves. Koala is very a slow and lazy animal, and for 16 hours a day the koala is not moving. Koala gets down on the ground only to move to another tree, which he can’t reach jumping from branch to branch. Also koalas can swim. Mother-koala usually has one cub that is smaller than 2 cm and weighs about 6 grams when he is born. The first 6 month of his life a koala cub lives in a bag on his mom’s stomach, growing and eating mother’s milk, and the next six months he spends riding on his mom’s back.

Коала — это травоядное сумчатое животное, которое обитает в Австралии. Коалы бывают серого или рыжего цвета, у них короткая густая шерсть, короткий хвост и смешные мохнатые круглы ушки. Это небольшое животное, которое весит 6-12 кг и живет в эвкалиптовых лесах, и почти всю свою жизнь проводит на деревьях. Днем коала спит на ветке, а ночью ползает по дереву и ест листья. Коала очень медленное и ленивое животное, 16 часов в день коала не движется. На землю коала спускается только для того, чтобы перебраться на другое дерево, на которое не может перепрыгнуть. Также коалы умеют плавать. У мамы-коалы рождается как правило один детеныш, размер которого меньше 2 см., а вес — около 6 г. Первые полгода детеныш живет в сумке на животе у мамы, растет и питается молоком, а потом ещё полгода катается на спине у матери.

Светило науки — 8 ответов — 10 раз оказано помощи

The koala is a small bear-like, tree-dwelling, herbivorous marsupial which averages about 9kg (20lb) in weight. Its fur is thick and usually ash grey with a tinge of brown in places. Koalas live in eastern Australia, where the eucalyptus trees they love are most plentiful. During the day they doze, tucked into forks or nooks in the trees, sleeping for up to 18 hoursThe koala is a small bear-like, tree-dwelling, herbivorous marsupial which averages about 9kg (20lb) in weight. Its fur is thick and usually ash grey with a tinge of brown in places. Koalas live in eastern Australia, where the eucalyptus trees they love are most plentiful. During the day they doze, tucked into forks or nooks in the trees, sleeping for up to 18 hours. When not asleep a koala feeds on eucalyptus leaves, especially at night. Koalas do not drink much water and they get most of their moisture from these leaves. Each animal eats a tremendous amount for its size—about two and a half pounds of leaves a day. Koalas even store snacks of leaves in pouches in their cheeks.


Главатских Елена

refers to a representative of the Australian fauna. Many people, when they look
at them, imagine soft teddy bears in front of them, which are so loved by both
adults and children. Many people think that they are similar to a bear, but
koalas really belong to marsupials.

found out about them many years ago and she lived in the Blue Mountains then.
Koala has a very interesting and funny appearance. Their muzzle is wide, but their
eyes are very small. The ears are always alert and always ready to feel the
danger on themselves. Their nose is slightly curved. And the wool is soft and
fluffy. She constantly sits on a tree and looks around the neighborhood from
different sides. Its weight is only fifteen kilograms. They don’t have a tail.

you scare them, they will cry very loudly, and this crying will resemble the
crying of a child. But in order to warn other koalas, she starts screaming very
loudly. There are always more females born than males, that’s what nature has
ordered and nothing can be done about it.

breed once every two years. Pregnancy lasts only thirty days. They usually eat
eucalyptus leaves. Of course, they don’t eat all the leaves, but only some of
them. If it is very hot outside, then they choose only those leaves that
relieve inflammation and fever. During the day they can eat about a kilogram of
different leaves. They don’t drink water. Some leaves have water in them.

female has a small bag, which is located at the back. Inside this bag there are
two nipples that the cubs suck. The cub is born only six grams. The body weight
is about nineteen millimeters. The cub grows very quickly and therefore by
about 6 months its growth is eighteen centimeters. After a while, he leaves his
mother’s bag when he turns one year old.

like to travel and frolic at night more than anything else in the world. In
addition, they are once again too lazy to move or do something. If they are not
disturbed, they can sleep for about twenty hours. They also know how to swim

to their tenacious and strong nails, they grab onto the tree and can hang like
that for a very long time. They only don’t have a claw on their thumb. If you
compare a handprint with a human hand, they are very similar.

year the number of animals began to decrease very much and in order for this
species not to disappear at all, a ban on their hunting was introduced.


Автор ответа: tookoutrash


The koala lives in Australia and it is one of the symbols of Australia.People sometimes call it an Australian bear.It is grey or brown.It has got big funny ears.It has got big black nose.The koala is very lazy. It sleeps a lot.It sleeps about twenty hours over day and night.It eats mostly at night.Koala likes healthy food.He eats green leaves from trees.He gets water from the leaves.   Хватит?

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