Сочинение про пантеру на английском языке с переводом


Главатских Елена

panther is the most amazing animal that has a unique beauty and grace. It
belongs to the feline family of the mammal class. The feline family can be
divided into 4 subspecies: tiger, lion, leopard, jaguar. The panther, as a
separate independent subspecies, is not isolated, it belongs to jaguars and
leopards. If the color of a leopard or jaguar is black, then it is a panther.

live in South America, Africa, southern Asia and Europe. They can be found in
the tropical forests of Malaysia, in the mountains of Ethiopia and Kenya, and
in the steppes.

weight of an adult panther reaches 50 kg, and the weight at the withers is 70
cm. Males are much larger than females. Sometimes the weight of a male is much
more than 50 kg, but these are rare. Panthers live for about 12 years.

shape of the body is oblong, the panther moves on 4 paws. Paws are large and
strong, with long and sharp claws. The tail is very long, can reach a length of
half the body, which is approximately equal to 100 cm. The head is large and
elongated. The jaws are very well developed, there are sharp canines.

the leopard and jaguar females have a black color and they are called the
«black panther». The black color of the wool is provided by agouti, a special
coat color that regulates the distribution of black pigment in the hair shaft.
But if you look closer, the color is not completely black, faintly
distinguishable spots are visible. The skin of a panther can also be brown in
color with a black tint.

are the most bloodthirsty, strong, fast, hardy and dangerous predators on
earth. They like to relax and sleep in trees in a very interesting position,
stretched out on a branch and hanging their paws and tail down. Panthers run
very fast, the speed can reach 60 m / s. And they jump perfectly to a height of
6 meters.

breed all year round. The ability to bear cubs in a female appears by the age
of 3 years of life. Pregnancy lasts about 3 months. For childbirth, the female
chooses a quiet, secluded place. Basically, 1 or 2 babies are born. Babies are
born with a black coat color. Little kittens are born blind, and for the first
few days they drink only mother’s milk. The first year of life they stay near
their mother. Females are very caring about their offspring, teach them to move
independently, hunt.

panther is a carnivorous predator and an excellent hunter. It hunts mainly at
night and on smaller animals. But it may well overwhelm a large animal: a
hyena, a buffalo, a jackal. During the hunt, the panther tracks down the victim
in an ambush, sneaks up completely silently, then quickly jumps out and
attacks, if necessary, rushes after him. Panthers run great, they are able to
easily catch up with antelope, zebra and other animals. These predators move
very well in trees, so they can guard the victim from a tree, while remaining
unnoticed by others. The remains of food are hidden on a tree, among the
branches. There are cases of panthers attacking domestic animals, such as cows,
horses, goats. Panthers are able to go without food for up to 5 days.

are known for their wayward and aggressive nature, it is not uncommon for a
panther to attack a person. It practically does not lend itself to training, so
it is very rare to see them in the circus. The panther is not afraid of a man
at all, and when he meets him, he does not try to run or hide.

Panther — is a very beautiful and graceful animal. The body length reaches 91-180 cm, tail — 75-110 cm, the weight is usually 32-40 kg, but rarely exceed 100 kg. There are only in tropical countries, especially a lot of them on the island of Java. Black individuals may appear at parents spotted on a par with the kittens, which, as parents, have spots. But later, as it happened in Java, the Panthers gradually separate and interbreed only among themselves. Some zoologists say that there is a probability, a complete separation from the Panthers Leopards in the near future that will turn them into a separate species. Often, this predator lives near human settlements, held by one and goes hunting at night. It perfectly climb trees, often settling there for a day or vacation in an ambush, and sometimes even catching monkeys trees. However, in general, the panther hunts on the ground. Sleeping Panther on the trees, stretched out on the branches and legs dangling down. They can jump on the trees up to 5.5 meters high. There is one significant feature that distinguishes leopards from other big cats: it a habit to drag their prey into trees. Therefore, their food is still intact and will not get other predators — lions and hyenas.

Думаю это подойдёт!

Panthers — the genus of large animals in family cat’s, consists of four well-known types: tiger, lion, leopard and jaguar.

Have a special structure of the throat, allowing to publish a roar. The matter is that representatives have sorts the hypoglossal device not completely stiffened — on a place of one of stones in it there is the flexible sheaf allowing a throat to be inflated. Besides, their vocal chords undivided also form the tubular structure functioning as very effective sound device.

Перевод:Панте́ры — род крупных животных в семействе кошачьих, состоит из четырёх общеизвестных видов: тигр, лев, леопард и ягуар.

Имеют особое строение гортани, позволяющее издавать рёв. Дело в том, что у представителей рода подъязычный аппарат не полностью окостеневший — на месте одной из косточек в нём находится гибкая связка, позволяющая гортани раздуваться. Кроме того, их голосовые связки неразделённые и образуют трубчатую структуру, функционирующую как очень эффективное звуковое устройство.

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