Сочинение про пчелу на английском языке

Bees are insects that make honey. They are the closest men’s friends. Long ago people have domesticated bees and now they build for the bees special houses-hives. The place where there are a lot of hives is an apiary.
The honey is obtained from the sweet juice of flowers — nectar. A bee collects it with his proboscis.
Bees live in their houses with their families. All bees are busy. Working bees fly for nectar, other bees build new honeycombs, bees-nurses take care of the Queen and her larvae. Bees work all the time, storing up honey. They feed on this honey in winter. They make so much honey that people – beekeepers can take lots for themselves. 
Bees are very usefull.  They pollinate plants. Besides honey, bees produce beeswax and propolis. Even bee venom is used in medicine as a cure for many diseases.
Пчелы это насекомые, которые дают мед. Они самые близкие друзья человека. Люди давно приручили пчел и они строят для пчел специальные домики, которые называются ульями. Место, где стоят улья, называется пасекой.
Мед получается из сладкого сока цветов — нектара. Пчела собирает его своим хоботком.
Пчелы живут в своих домах семьями. Из воска они строят соты.Все пчелы заняты делом. Рабочие пчелы летают за нектаром, строители строят новые соты, няни ухаживают за маткой и личинками. Пчелы все время трудятся, запасают мед. Этим медом они кормятся всю зиму. Они запасают его так много, что люди – пчеловоды могут его брать для себя. 
Пчелы приносят большую пользу людям. Они опыляют растения. Кроме меда, пчелы производят воск, прополис. Даже пчелиный яд применяют в медицине как лекарство от многих болезней.

Сочинение – описание пчелы

на английском языке с переводом на русский язык



Bees are flying insects with a hairy body.

Пчелы – это летающие насекомые с волосатым телом.

The bee has antennae, which are sensory organs used to detect smells, vibrations and air currents. They also help the bee identify flowers to collect nectar and pollen. The antennae are mainly used for balancing and navigating, and can even help the bee detect changes in the environment and climate.

У пчелы есть усики – это органы чувств, используемые для обнаружения запахов, вибраций и воздушных потоков. Они также помогают пчеле определять цветы для сбора нектара и пыльцы. Антенны в основном используются для балансировки и навигации, и даже могут помочь пчеле обнаружить изменения в окружающей среде и климате.

The bee has a proboscis, the long nose, which it uses to feed on nectar and pollen.

У пчелы есть хоботок  –  длинный нос, который она использует для питания нектаром и пыльцой.

Bees are known for their role in pollinating flowers and producing honey.

Пчелы известны своей ролью в опылении цветов и производстве меда.

Bees have an interesting and complex social structure. They are divided into three main castes: queens, drones and workers. The queen is the only female to lay eggs and is responsible for producing all the offspring. The drones are the males. The workers are the female bees who are responsible for collecting nectar, pollen and water for the colony and for protecting the hive from predators.

У пчел интересная и сложная социальная структура. Они делятся на три основные касты: королевы, трутни и рабочие. Королева – единственная самка, которая откладывает яйца и отвечает за производство всего потомства. Трутни – это самцы. Рабочие – это самки пчел, которые отвечают за сбор нектара, пыльцы и воды для колонии, а также за защиту улья от хищников.

Bees are important to the environment because they help pollinate plants and flowers.

Пчелы важны для окружающей среды, потому что они помогают опылять растения и цветы.

Without bees, many plants would not be able to reproduce and grow. Bees are essential for a healthy and balanced ecosystem. Bees are incredibly hardworking insects and their importance cannot be overstated.

Без пчел многие растения не смогли бы размножаться и расти. Пчелы необходимы для здоровой и сбалансированной экосистемы. Пчелы – невероятно трудолюбивые насекомые, и их важность невозможно переоценить.

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Светило науки — 3 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи

The ancestors of modern honeybees have long lived single. What was the impetus that they began to live as families? Millions of years ago, the young solitary bees, reared by the female, leaving the cells under favorable conditions immediately scattered and began an independent life. This is favored by warm and mild climate and permanent (summer and winter) the abundance of melliferous plants. But as you know, on earth, warm periods were followed by sharp cold. Then, when the climate was changing and to get food was difficult, young insects stayed in the family. This helped the bees to mutually warm up and better tolerate cold, unfavorable periods. Such cohabitation was gradually entrenched in the heredity of bees. This gave the bees the many advantages in the struggle for its existence and saved them from extinction, despite the fact that bees have many enemies among insects, birds and even mammals. Joint lifestyle the family was for bee ordinary and necessary. Currently in the same hive in the summer can accumulate up to 70 thousand insects. Before the discovery of America the Indians didn’t see the bees and did not have in their language the words «bee» . When this insect was brought from Europe to America, the Indians called it «insect white man» . Transported it across the Atlantic in the seventeenth century, probably in 1638, to the place where he settled the Anglo-Saxons. About a hundred years later (in 1763 ) the English brought bees to Florida. This time they fell to the Spaniards in Cuba. And by the end of the eighteenth century spread across the Northern continent. In Brazil, bees began to spread in the nineteenth century. Honey is eaten as a delicacy, used in the manufacture of various cookies and drinks. Before the preparation of the so-called «drinkable» honey had a very wide circulation both in Germany and other countries, and we, in Russia, especially in the boyar times before the reign of Ivan the terrible in his tenure.. . тебе хватит

Bees are insects that make honey. They are the closest men’s friends. Long ago people have domesticated bees and now they build for the bees special houses-hives. The place where there are a lot of hives is an apiary.

The honey is obtained from the sweet juice of flowers — nectar. A bee collects it with his proboscis.

Bees live in their houses with their families. All bees are busy. Working bees fly for nectar, other bees build new honeycombs, bees-nurses take care of the Queen and her larvae. Bees work all the time, storing up honey. They feed on this honey in winter. They make so much honey that people — beekeepers can take lots for themselves.

Bees are very usefull. They pollinate plants. Besides honey, bees produce beeswax and propolis. Even bee venom is used in medicine as a cure for many diseases.

Пчелы это насекомые, которые дают мед. Они самые близкие друзья человека. Люди давно приручили пчел и они строят для пчел специальные домики, которые называются ульями. Место, где стоят улья, называется пасекой.

Мед получается из сладкого сока цветов — нектара. Пчела собирает его своим хоботком.

Пчелы живут в своих домах семьями. Из воска они строят соты. Все пчелы заняты делом. Рабочие пчелы летают за нектаром, строители строят новые соты, няни ухаживают за маткой и личинками. Пчелы все время трудятся, запасают мед. Этим медом они кормятся всю зиму. Они запасают его так много, что люди — пчеловоды могут его брать для себя.

Пчелы приносят большую пользу людям. Они опыляют растения. Кроме меда, пчелы производят воск, прополис. Даже пчелиный яд применяют в медицине как лекарство от многих болезней.


Главатских Елена

everyone knows the funny little bear Vinnie, who faced a formidable swarm of
bees threatening to remove him. And not only this character was scared by these
insects. After all, frankly, we are also afraid when a bee flies up to us.
However, few people know that they not only intimidate everyone around them,
but also benefit. Any of us will say that in the treatment of all kinds of
diseases and as a cosmetic means, honey is used, which is produced in hives by
bees.  There is even a saying about her tireless diligence: «She works like a
bee.» Despite the fact that she lives only a month, she can pollinate about
seven thousand flowers in a day, because all her organs are built in such a way
that it is possible to collect nectar on plants that bloom.

honey, they thus store up food for themselves for the winter, since nothing
grows in winter, and these insects are also awake. That’s why they have to work
all summer. They make stocks not only for themselves, but also for people. By
the way, the larvae of future bees live in the honeycomb, which also feed on
honey and pollen from flowers. If you catch a bee, then do not rush to destroy
it, because in them, when they die, a special substance is released from the
body that can lead to irritation of its relatives. A nest of bees located not
far away threatens you with a dangerous attack, because bees, catching a
chemical alarm signal, fly out to protect their home.

has been noticed for a long time that when communication with bees helps spiritual
enrichment, raises the mood, develops observation. Beekeeping, of course, is
troublesome, but pleasant. After all, the more information you get about them,
the more exciting it is to work with them. However, in order for such an
activity to bring pleasure and profit, you need to be careful, attentive and
always in a good mood. After all, bees, like humans, feel the attitude towards
themselves, and treat you the same way.

are insects that live in families. The number of bees in one family reaches 80
thousand. There are three types of bees in the hive: queen bees, worker bees
and drones.

are very hardworking insects. Responsibilities in a friendly team are
distributed. Every bee knows what it has to do. When the bulk of the worker
bees leave in search of nectar, others guard the hive, and others take care of
the small larvae. Young bees are not sent to collect nectar. They help build
and guard the hive. Only adults fly long distances.

are divided into three groups: the queen bee, the drone and the worker bee.
They even differ in their structure. The body of an insect can be divided into
three parts: the head, chest and abdomen. These parts are connected by a solid
and very strong chitin shell. Bees also have legs and wings.

the uterus, the head has a rounded-triangular shape, in worker bees it is
triangular, and in drones it is round. By the way, the brain of a worker bee is
larger than that of a drone.

chest of bees is filled with muscles that help to move the wings and legs. Bees
have three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings. There are small baskets on the
hind legs. In them, bees bring pieces of pollen to the hive.

is a sting at the end of the abdomen. When an insect stings someone, the sting
gets stuck. To get free, the bee tears off the sting, but at the same time
damages the internal organs, which leads to the death of the insect.

collect nectar, which gets into a special department in the abdomen. Nectar is
abundantly supplied with bee saliva. This is how the transformation of nectar
into honey begins. In a day, one individual can bring only a couple of grams of
honey. A family of bees produces more than a hundred kilograms of valuable
product per year.




Ответ дан

6 лет назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

напишите мне что-нибудь о пчелах НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ.8-10 предложений.Не пишите ,пчелы умеют летать у них есть крылья,напишите ,что правда будет интересно.


(6 оценок)



6 лет назад

Светило науки — 30 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

1) Bees are very useful. 2) they get us honey. 3) not only to us, but also animals. 4) Bees are very hard working, a whole year they gather honey on a handful of palm. 5) bees extract nectar from different plants. 6) and bring to his uly. 7) I am very fond of bees. 8) and love their honey

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