Сочинение про рэп на английском

Напишите сочинение про реп на английском



Rap is a style of music that has been popular in Britain and the United States for over ten years. The noun “rap” comes from the verb “to rap”. This is an informal word meaning to talk quickly and a lot. Rap music has developed along with movements in fashion, dance and art. They all form part of what is called hip hop culture, which first developed among black young people in American cities. These young people are called usually kids in an American way. Hip-hop kids developed their own look and their own vocabulary. They go around in small gangs, called posses, wearing huge sports shoes, baggy jeans, back-to-front baseball caps and hoods. A small beard is a good idea for the men, as well.

Rap places a great importance on words, which are spoken rather than sung. Matty, rapper with the group “Credit to the Nation”, says of his song writing: “I think of the lyrics first… whenever I do my music… Each word… has got to mean something”.

One particularly important word in the language of hip hop is respect. Giving someone respect in the hip-hop sense means that you think someone is great and won’t say anything against them. So words are central in hop culture. Hip hop language shows that young people have great faith in words. They pay a lot of attention to them. By changing words,   they hope they can change the society they live in.


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2019-03-31 06:37:25

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to shout – кричать
inner-city – городские
the hardships – трудности

Rap is a modern musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words in time to music with a steady beat. Rap music is a style of popular music.

Rap music beginnings in African-American inner-city street culture. This type of music often deals with the hardships of inner-city life.

Rap music is sounded in 1970. This music is popular among people of all ages and backgrounds.

Rap songs are often known for their focus on controversial themes, such as gang violence. Often, however, musicians sing about a wide range of events and themes. They often express their political and social views, and they may discuss their own lives or even write love songs. Performers have even been known to write rap songs about fictional events.

Such artist as Eminem or group «House of Pain» are leaders in this style.

House of Pain

House of Pain

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Rap is the performance of a verbal recitative to rhythmic music. The rapper reads the text under the beat, which can also be accompanied by electronic music. The subject of the texts is absolutely any, as well as the main message

Travis Scott is one of the brightest personalities of American rap culture. Going out, the performer seems to charge the audience with his explosive mood.

Under his tracks, you can not only pump up, they make you think about the deep.Travis Scott has always been interested in music and has been playing drums since he was three years old.That means one thing — he was born to do it. After starting playing the drums, he also learned to play the piano, although he only played for two years.

For me, this is a talented and outstanding performer who is in the top of my favorite rappers.

  1. Hip Hop is a music genre and culture. It involves rapping, beatboxing, DJing, and dancing. Influences of hip hop include African American and Latino music, street dancing, spoken word poetry, and DJ block parties.
  2. Clive Campbell is often called the “Father of Hip Hop”. He was born in Jamaica and moved to the US at the age of 11. His school friends called him Hercules because of his size. Clive Campbell grew up listening to Jamaican DJ battles. When he became a DJ in the 70’s, Clive Campbell named himself Kool Herc.
  3. Kool Herc’s special technique of mixing records became very popular. DJs learned to buy two copies of an album. They remixed the tracks to prolong the drum solos or “breakbeats” . Rhyming, scratching, break dancing and emcee battling became part of the new hip-hop culture. Hip hop dancers were called b-boys or b-girls. The “b” stood for break, breaker, or break dancer.
  4. The term “rap music” was coined in 1978. The word “rap” was an African American English word meaning “to say” or “to converse”. Rap music refers to speaking in rhymes to a musical beat. Rap crews began to form in the late 70’s, and rap singles hit the music charts soon after. The world famous Beastie Boys formed in 1981. By 1983, Ice T had introduced a new kind of hip hop called gansta rap. Gansta rap lyrics reflected the violent lives of inner city youths.
  5. Early rap music was often about street life. In the late 80’s and 90’s, hip hop artists often rapped about political issues . Prior to the 2008 Presidential election, many hip hop rappers began endorsing Barack Obama. They did this by using his name in lyrics, such as “Critics say we can’t, but Barack says we can.”
  6. Eminem is sometimes referred to as the “King of Hip Hop”. This rapper from Detroit burst on to the scene in 1999. Eminem’s real name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III. Eminem also goes by the name Slim Shady. In 2000, Eminem’s second album sold 1.76 million copies in its first week. Eminem set many world records, including fastest selling album and most liked “living” person on Facebook.

Pre-Reading Warm Up Questions

  1. What words do you think of when you hear the word “hip hop”?
  2. What is the difference between rap and hip hop?
  3. Do you enjoy hip hop music? Why or why not?
  4. What is the role of a DJ?
  5. Why might a reading about hip hop mention Barack Obama?

Моё любимое направление в музыке это Рэп.Музыка в стиле рэп - вот что  перевод - Моё любимое направление в музыке это Рэп.Музыка в стиле рэп - вот что  английский как сказать

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Моё любимое направление в музыке эт

Моё любимое направление в музыке это Рэп.
Музыка в стиле рэп — вот что я люблю! Я считаю ,что в музыке важно не только красивое , разнообразное звучание мелодий ,но и глубокий смысл в песне.
Я отдаю свое предпочтение ,и очень уважаю репера Рем Диггу. Он очень ответственно подходит к своей работе, поет о реальных ,жизненных вещах. У него очень приятный мелодичный голос. Он всегда добивался того ,чего хотел. Когда он был молодым, он любил развлекаться , прыгал по крышам домов и сочинял новые песни,однажды произошла трегаедия,после которой он стал инвалидом. Но , он не сдался ,и продолжает дальше писать рэп.Это мой любимый исполнитель на сегодняшний день.


Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]


My favorite trend in music is Rap.Rap music is what I love! I believe that music is important not only beautiful, rich sounding melodies, but the deeper meaning in the song. I give their preference, and really respect trihedron Rem Diggu. It very responsibly in their work, sings about real life things. It has a very pleasant melodious voice. He always had what he wanted. When he was young, he liked to entertain, hopped on the roofs of houses and wrote new songs, once tregaedija occurred, after which he became an invalid. But he did not give up and continues to forward to write rap is my favorite artist to date.

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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]


My favorite kind of music is rap.
Music rap — that’s what I love! I believe that music is not only beautiful, varied sound of tunes, but also a profound meaning in the song.
I give my preference, and have great respect for the frame Rem Digga. He is a very responsible approach to their work, sings about real, living things. He has a very nice melodious voice. He always achieved what he wanted. When he was young, he loved a good time, jumping on the roofs of houses and composing new songs, once tregaediya occurred, after which he became an invalid. But he did not give up and continues to write on rep.Eto my favorite artist today.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]


my favorite course in music this rap.rap music is what i love! i believe that music is not only beautiful, diversified their melodies, but also the deep meaning in the song.i give their preference, and really respect reference frame диггу rehm. he takes her job very seriously, singing about real life things. he has a very nice melodic voice. he always got what he wanted. when he was young, he loved to have fun, jumping on rooftops of homes and composing new songs, there was трегаедия, after which he became disabled. but he didn’t give up, and continues to the next write рэп.это my favorite artist to date.

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Rap is a style of music that has been popular in Britain and the United States for over ten years. The noun «rap» comes from the verb «to rap». This is an informal word meaning to talk quickly and a lot. Rap music has developed along with movements in fashion, dance and art. They all form part of what is called hip hop culture, which first developed among black young people in American cities. These young people are called usually kids in an American way. Hip-hop kids developed their own look and their own vocabulary. They go around in small gangs, called posses, wearing huge sports shoes, baggy jeans, back-to-front baseball caps and hoods. A small beard is a good idea for the men, as well.

Rap places a great importance on words, which are spoken rather than sung. Matty, rapper with the group «Credit to the Nation», says of his song writing: «I think of the lyrics first … whenever I do my music … Each word … has got to mean something».

One particularly important word in the language of hip hop is respect. Giving someone respect in the hip-hop sense means that you think someone is great and won’t say anything against them. So words are central in hop culture. Hip hop language shows that young people have great faith in words. They pay a lot of attention to them. By changing words, they hope they can change the society they live in.

Rap’s Affect On Society Essay, Research Paper


When you listen to a rap song, what are you listing to? You are listening to words that kids shouldn?t listen to. All you hear are explicit lyrics. This kind of music is being sold to young children without any thought or concern. When many children listen to this kind of music they think that was being said in the songs is not wrong or against the law. The lyrics in many songs contain violent and explicit lyrics that usually talk about killing someone along with sounds of gunshots in the background. It is also music that refers to women as “bitches,” “whores” and sex-dispensing “hoes”(Saunders B29). “Gangster rap ” has been criticized and debated over for its graphic sexual content, violent imagery and misogyny.

When rappers were asked why they refer to women as bitches and hoes their replies were similar. “Snoop” says, “that it is just for the women who are like that and if you’re a real women, you’re classy and elegant. Those lyrics wouldn?t necessarily affect you. You?d just groove to the music,” (Farley 78). Richard Shaw, Bushwick Bill, says, “I call women bitches and hoes because all the women I’ve met since I’ve been out here are bitches and hoes.” When asked, what he calls his mother at the [National Association of Black Journalists] convention, he says he calls his mother a, “I call her a ‘woman’, but I’m not f—ing my mother. If I was f—ing you, you’d be a bitch.” He then apologized for what he said to the reporter. (Raspberry A21) “If you don’t give a f— about a bitch/ Then you’re rolling with the row,” are lyrics from Doggystyle. If all people were to think like this what respect would women have? Some say, “If we don’t have respect for our women, why should anyone else?” (Raspberry A21). Do these rappers think that they own women and can treat them any way they want to? If this is the way some people think, that the own women and can disrespect them then what footsteps are the children going to follow in.

Young children and adults, 14, 15 and 16 years of age, that listen to and memorize these rap songs, think that it is acceptable behavior. “Gangster rap” is hardly the only source of violence, but it is a potent one.

Ortiz 2

Not only is the music violent but the rappers lifestyle is also. Many rappers have rap sheets and young people see that and say, “Hey, they?re rich and money talks.” Today most young people think that if a person is rich and famous they can get away with anything. Not all rappers have run-ins with the law, but the ones that do are very well known.

Tupac Shakur, who was murdered three years ago, had many run-ins with the law. Shakur was arrested for aggravated assault, charged with shooting two off duty police officers in Atlanta in 1993, but the charges were later dropped. He was accused of beating a limousine driver in Los Angeles and found guilty of threatening a fellow rapper with a baseball bat in Michigan. He was also found guilty of sexual abuse in 1994 and was serving time up to 4? years in prison (Sims E3). In some raps he glamorized the life of a gangster and fun gunplay. He lived the life tattooed on his stomach, “Thug Life,” and died doing it. ?Gangster Rap” has attracted a high-profile of enemies and no one may ever know who really killed Tupac. The police are still not sure of who shot and killed Tupac, but they think that it may have been linked to Death Row Record’s ties with rival gangs. There are no witnesses who can identify the driver or shooter in the Cadillac that pulled up next to Tupak and driver, Marion Knight.

Calvin Broadus, better known as Snoop Doggy Dogg, was arrested in 1993 on murder-conspiracy charges. He pleaded not guilty and was acquitted. He also has a police file that (Hawkins 3) identifies him as a member of Long Beach Insane Crips, a notorious street gang (Cheevers A1). He was also a drug dealer and user. His music also glorifies violence and demeans women. Andre Young, a.k.a. Dr. Dre, served five months in a halfway house in 1993 for violating his probation for breaking another rap producers jaw in 1992. He was also convicted of hitting a New Orleans police officer in a hotel brawl and of slamming a TV talk-show host into a wall at a Hollywood club in 1991 (Sims E3). His music demeans women and generates bad vibes against police officials.

The Chronic, an album by Dr. Dre and Snoop Doggy Dogg, has many explicit lyrics and unnecessary foul mouthing. In one song they say, “That if you f— with Dre you f— with death row…? more or less saying that if anyone messes with them they will have to worry about everyone that is with Death Row Records. In the same song they tell a woman, referring to her as a bitch, to yell-187 (police code for someone that has been

Ortiz 3

killed). In another song they ask another black man why he has been talking *censored* about them, he says I didn?t do it. Then they put a gun in his mouth asking him, “What’s wrong can’t talk with a gun in your mouth? Do you know Lucifer?? he replies, “No”, and they tell him, “Well you’re about to meet him”(Rap).

All of the songs on this album contain foul language, violent and sexually explicit lyrics, drugs and misogyny. Is this the kind of music that young children should be able to listen to? William Drayton, Flavor Flav of the group Public Enemy, was arrested for attempted murder. The police were lead to his home after a source told them that shots were fired at a neighbor during an argument. The police found a loaded 38-caliber semiautomatic handgun with one round missing. His music also glorifies violence. (Hawkins 4)

Eric Wright, known as Easy-E, has also generated bad vibes against police officials. He died at 31 years of age after revealing that he had the virus AIDS. From his deathbed he urged young people to learn about the disease. His music also talked about having the lifestyle of being promiscuous and that lifestyle killed him. All of these rappers criminal records depict their lifestyles. They say that their music depicts the harsh reality of life in the hood. To these rappers, people dying young and going to jail is an everyday thing (Marriott 75). Tupac says that violence is all we know and telling it like it is is a way of getting the people to listen to what is really going on.

Ice-T’s controversial album Body Count, produced by Warner Bros. Records, had provoked a sharp debate in 1992 when the album first came out. The song “Cop Killer,” with obscene and violent lyrics, forced Time Warner to stop selling the album with the song on it. The lyrics on the song said it was dedicated to the L.A.P.D. It also talked about “dusting some cops off,” with sounds of gun fire he then asks the listener to sing along for their freedom-”Cop Killer” (Ice Body). “Cop Killer” is not the only song on the album that glorifies violence. Even though the song was cut from the album the other songs on it were just as bad. Another song talks about killing his mother by setting her on fire, hitting her with a “Louisville slugger” and then cutting her up with a carving knife, all because she was racist. Is this reality and was really going on in the world today? In other songs the lyrics talk about being promiscuous (giving very explicit sexual lyrics) and yet the album was still being sold to young children.

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It has been debated on whether foul mouth trash should be censored. Many think it should and are trying to do something about. Delores Tucker denounced (Hawkins 5) companies claiming that “pimped porno rap” is being sold to children. She asks, “What would Martin Luther King say about these rappers that demean women and glorify thugs, drug dealers and rapists?? and “What kind of role models are those for young children living in the ghetto?” (Philips A18). U.S. Representative Cardiss Collins, a chairwoman of the congressional panel, complained the industry executive to cut out vulgar and violent lyrics little was doing that. She said, “a sticker is not enough” (Congesswomen 7).

Some censorship has been incorporated in the radio industry. Inner City Broadcasting has put a stop to playing hard-core rap and other misogynous and violent rap. It hopes to be a model for other radio stations to follow (Cleaning 22). Most radio stations now do not allow that kind of music on the air. Even though the radio has stopped playing hard-core rap, record companies are still producing this kind of music. Death Row Records, the top producer of rap music, has been under a lot of fire not only by Dolores Tucker, but by Bob Dole and others conservatives. Death Row Records has recently had its own wake-up call. The companies CEO, Marion “Suge” Knight, has recently been arrested for violated his probation and is in jail. He was charged with assault with a deadly weapon in 1992 and was sentenced to five years probation plus 30 days in a halfway house. A hearing later will decide on what kind of sentence he will receive. Knight could face up to five to nine years in prison if convicted. The company may suffer a great loss because no business actions or even phone calls are allowed from prison. Before he began his fortune as CEO he was an All-American defensive end and was on the dean’s list at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He the played pro-football for the Los Angeles Rams but later quit to become a concert promoter.

Soon (Hawkins 6) after this his run-ins with the law started with his arrest for trafficking guns. After other run-ins with the law Knight began recording “The Chronic,” which refers or a type of marijuana, with Dr. Dre. He then was approached by Interscope Records, who wanted him to produce records. He negotiated a $10 million deal to start up Death Row Records (Cheevers A1). Now Death Row Records is known as the only label that can do whatever they want. To some listeners Death Row’s music is powerful and is also reality, but to others their music celebrates drugs, murderers and misogyny. The FBI says that this rap label has ties to gangs

Ortiz 5

and drugs. They are still trying to determine whether the company was involved in cocaine trafficking, money laundering and racketeering (Leeds B1). The FBI has been investigating Death Row Records and the individual members. Death Row Records is not the only record company to promote rap, Time Warner has also been producing rap records.

Time Warner has pledged to do something about obscene and rude lyrics in rap music. The new chairman of Warner Music Group, Michael J. Fuchs, was asked to talk with critics of rap lyrics and to work with other record companies to come up with some regulations for warning labels (Landler D2). Warning labels have been placed on albums with provocative lyrics, but these warnings do little to prevent the lyrics from reaching children. The chairman and chief executive claim that “music is not the cause of society’s ills.” That may be true but do they have an influence on the people that listen to the music. Many say yes and many say no. An experiment done by James D. Johnson shows that violent rap tends to perpetuate the acceptance of the use of violence and an anti-education mind-set. He thinks that this kind of music should have some regulation. He refers to rap music being like nicotine- it is addictive; it is mood (Hawkins 7) altering and it is available with some strains (Raspberry, “Does” A27). A person has to be 18 years old to buy cigarettes, rent X-rated movies, or get into a strip bar/nightclub and has to be 21 years old to drink or buy alcohol.

There are age limits on these things that can endanger young people and there should also be an age limit on buying albums with explicit lyrics on them. Even though there is a warning label on the albums young children can still buy them because there is no law to prohibit sale. There are a lot of people who agree something should be done about the explicit lyrics on albums. Stanley Crouch, a music critic and writer, says that rappers are “a bunch of opportunists who are appealing to an appetite that America has for vulgarity, violence and anarchy inside Afro America” (Sims 3).

Kevin Powell, a writer for Vibe magazine, believes that rap music is a legitimate art form, but thinks that the genre has gone too far and the music industry is to blame for not exercising some degree of control (Sims 3). He also thinks that it has made black children think that being hard is the definition for being black in the 1990’s. There are many people who feel this way, but many rappers and defenders of rap disagree. Most rappers do not think that their music causes violence and that they have no influence on their listeners. Before

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Easy-E died his lawyer read a letter from the rapper that said, “anyone could get AIDS, that it does not discriminate” (Marriot 74). After the letter was read the Minority AIDS Project in South-Central Los Angeles reported an 80 percent increase in requests for AIDS testing.

This was more of an increase than when Magic Johnson made his announcement (Marriot 74). His influence was seen in warning people about the AIDS virus just as Magic did when he found out he had HIV. “Snoop” says that he hopes that listeners will see that any black man out Hawkins 8 of the ghetto can do something positive with his life if he is dedicated (Farley 78). He also says that if parents were as strict as his that there would not be as much violence nowadays, yet he was in a gang, a drug dealer and user and he arrested for murder-conspiracy charges. Rapper Juice, half of the duo of Juice with Soul, says that listeners should realize that these rappers do not hang around the hard street life, they go home to their fancy cars and houses. Another rapper, Masta Ace, agreed with Juice, say that listeners should realize that rappers are creating characters to sell records. Biz Markie says that critics take it to seriously and it is strictly entertainment (Marriott, “Hard-core” A1+). Joseph Simmons, known as Run of Run D.M.C., says that he has seen a rise in disrespect to women lately. But he thinks that it has more to do with the parents rather than the rappers.

M.C. Lyte, a pioneer among female rappers agrees that parents need to take more responsibility for how their children act and behave. She also thinks that rap should not be the blame for what young people are doing today because movies also show violence, rapes, and people being killed (Marroitt, “Hard-core” A1+). Russell Simmons, CEO of Def Jam Recordings, says that no truly in-touch person believes that the state of society is the result of rap music. He goes on to say that each type of music that comes later seems more violent than before. There was a time when everyone thought that rock and roll was the “devils’ music”. He says that many of these songs are like horror films and cannot be taken literally (Proffitt M2). He also points out the good views of rap–that it is so diverse and there are a lot of positive messages in the songs. Simmons thinks that rap are just expressing the outrage of there community. His most important point would be that when kids in Beverly Hills Hawkins 9 listen to rap they will know a little bit better how the kids in the ghettos think (Profitt M3). Other rap experts point out the genre turning points. In the 1990’s the messages about black empowerment that started

Ortiz 7

national slogans and the wearing of African pride medallions were replaced by messages of drug selling and survival in inner-city neighborhoods.

The marketing strategy of the record companies began to promote label with images of black swaggering men carrying guns and drinking beer. This resulted the new “gangster” look. This made young rappers that were hungry for fame and fortune take on the look of being thugs themselves. The move of raps’ homeland, New York, to the West Coast caused a dramatic change to the sound. People tend to miss the true skill rather that all the violence and how many people that get killed. Rap’s image is being tainted by all the scandals of the top rappers shackled in the courtrooms. The inspiration and energy from rap reflects what goes on in the streets and in black life in America (Williams B1+). Maxine Waters also agrees that “gangster rap” is a new art form to describe the pains, fear and frustrations that young people express to adults. She also thinks that just because some people do not like the way the rappers use lyrics should not be a cause for censorship (Jet 7). A professor of black studies thinks that many rappers have distorted what black life really is and that white record companies are eager to sell black stereotypes.

Rappers have distorted and divided black life and tried to incorporate it into street life. Now people are doing what they hear and they want to shoot people and be rich (Marroitt, “Hard-core” A1+). If this is true should not there be a warning label-prohibiting sale to minors. Rap music that pimps pornography and violence to young children and that has messages of violence should have some kind of censorship. Defenders of rap say that censorship is taking Hawkins 10 away their right to free speech stated in The First Amendment. The First Amendment states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise there of; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances”(McNally 29). Censoring music would be taking the right of free speech away. Most of the lyrics are protected by The First Amendment and cannot be censored on the albums or records. Censorship has been made in the radio industry so that the songs with explicit lyrics cannot be heard. Even though these rappers say that they are reflecting what really happen on the streets rappers before them do not have these explicit lyrics in their messages. Rappers such as Afrika Bambataa, Kurtis Blow, MC Shan and the Fat Boys used music for fun and release to show good-hearted

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Territorial rivals. Now it is about guns, treating women like trash and drinking malt liquor. Rap has changed for the worse taking the art form and transforming it into trash with some positive messages that are hard to grasp from the music. If the whole album is about death, violence, misogyny and drugs except for one or two songs, what kind of message is going to be placed first. If what can be heard on a porno film can be heard on a rap album, then the album should have a age limit for sale. Since there is no age limit on TV, today many inventions are being made to prevent children from viewing violence and nudity. Is this not some form of censorship for children? If there is enough concern to censor programs on TV that contain violence and harsh language should there not be concern for children that listen to hard-core gangster rap.

When I asked my brother how easy it was to buy a CD that cares explicit lyrics, he said it was easy. When you buy a CD that carries bad mouth lyrics the store is suppose to card you. They have never once carded him when he has bought a CD. Than I asked him what he liked about the lyrics? He said he like the way the talk about killing people, I had sex with these many women, and about the drugs, and money they rap about (Ortiz). He says ?the music pumps him up to do things?(Ortiz). As you can see what kids my brother age get influenced to do and listen to when they hear that music. My brother is only 17.

Parents should take more responsibility for what their children listen to and view. (Hawkins 11) Parents can take charge of what there children view on TV and listen to on the radio while they are in the house, but what kind of authority can they take when their children are not home. Parent cannot control the kind of music their children buy on their own. That is when it is left up to the law. Not taking away the rappers? right to free speech, but rather prohibiting sale to minors just as cigarettes. There is only so much that parent?s can do to keeps their children out of harm. Violence is a reality, but should it be preached about like it is okay and make it sound like fun and games. The answer is no and something should be done about it.


When you listen to a rap song, what are you listing to? You are listening to words that kids shouldn?t listen to. All you hear are explicit lyrics. This kind of music is being sold to young children without any thought or concern. When many children listen to this kind of music they think that was being said in the songs is not wrong or against the law. The lyrics in many songs contain violent and explicit lyrics that usually talk about killing someone along with sounds of gunshots in the background. It is also music that refers to women as “bitches,” “whores” and sex-dispensing “hoes”(Saunders B29). “Gangster rap ” has been criticized and debated over for its graphic sexual content, violent imagery and misogyny.

When rappers were asked why they refer to women as bitches and hoes their replies were similar. “Snoop” says, “that it is just for the women who are like that and if you’re a real women, you’re classy and elegant. Those lyrics wouldn?t necessarily affect you. You?d just groove to the music,” (Farley 78). Richard Shaw, Bushwick Bill, says, “I call women bitches and hoes because all the women I’ve met since I’ve been out here are bitches and hoes.” When asked, what he calls his mother at the [National Association of Black Journalists] convention, he says he calls his mother a, “I call her a ‘woman’, but I’m not f—ing my mother. If I was f—ing you, you’d be a bitch.” He then apologized for what he said to the reporter. (Raspberry A21) “If you don’t give a f— about a bitch/ Then you’re rolling with the row,” are lyrics from Doggystyle. If all people were to think like this what respect would women have? Some say, “If we don’t have respect for our women, why should anyone else?” (Raspberry A21). Do these rappers think that they own women and can treat them any way they want to? If this is the way some people think, that the own women and can disrespect them then what footsteps are the children going to follow in.

Young children and adults, 14, 15 and 16 years of age, that listen to and memorize these rap songs, think that it is acceptable behavior. “Gangster rap” is hardly the only source of violence, but it is a potent one.

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Not only is the music violent but the rappers lifestyle is also. Many rappers have rap sheets and young people see that and say, “Hey, they?re rich and money talks.” Today most young people think that if a person is rich and famous they can get away with anything. Not all rappers have run-ins with the law, but the ones that do are very well known.

Tupac Shakur, who was murdered three years ago, had many run-ins with the law. Shakur was arrested for aggravated assault, charged with shooting two off duty police officers in Atlanta in 1993, but the charges were later dropped. He was accused of beating a limousine driver in Los Angeles and found guilty of threatening a fellow rapper with a baseball bat in Michigan. He was also found guilty of sexual abuse in 1994 and was serving time up to 4? years in prison (Sims E3). In some raps he glamorized the life of a gangster and fun gunplay. He lived the life tattooed on his stomach, “Thug Life,” and died doing it. ?Gangster Rap” has attracted a high-profile of enemies and no one may ever know who really killed Tupac. The police are still not sure of who shot and killed Tupac, but they think that it may have been linked to Death Row Record’s ties with rival gangs. There are no witnesses who can identify the driver or shooter in the Cadillac that pulled up next to Tupak and driver, Marion Knight.

Calvin Broadus, better known as Snoop Doggy Dogg, was arrested in 1993 on murder-conspiracy charges. He pleaded not guilty and was acquitted. He also has a police file that (Hawkins 3) identifies him as a member of Long Beach Insane Crips, a notorious street gang (Cheevers A1). He was also a drug dealer and user. His music also glorifies violence and demeans women. Andre Young, a.k.a. Dr. Dre, served five months in a halfway house in 1993 for violating his probation for breaking another rap producers jaw in 1992. He was also convicted of hitting a New Orleans police officer in a hotel brawl and of slamming a TV talk-show host into a wall at a Hollywood club in 1991 (Sims E3). His music demeans women and generates bad vibes against police officials.

The Chronic, an album by Dr. Dre and Snoop Doggy Dogg, has many explicit lyrics and unnecessary foul mouthing. In one song they say, “That if you f— with Dre you f— with death row…? more or less saying that if anyone messes with them they will have to worry about everyone that is with Death Row Records. In the same song they tell a woman, referring to her as a bitch, to yell-187 (police code for someone that has been

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killed). In another song they ask another black man why he has been talking *censored* about them, he says I didn?t do it. Then they put a gun in his mouth asking him, “What’s wrong can’t talk with a gun in your mouth? Do you know Lucifer?? he replies, “No”, and they tell him, “Well you’re about to meet him”(Rap).

All of the songs on this album contain foul language, violent and sexually explicit lyrics, drugs and misogyny. Is this the kind of music that young children should be able to listen to? William Drayton, Flavor Flav of the group Public Enemy, was arrested for attempted murder. The police were lead to his home after a source told them that shots were fired at a neighbor during an argument. The police found a loaded 38-caliber semiautomatic handgun with one round missing. His music also glorifies violence. (Hawkins 4)

Eric Wright, known as Easy-E, has also generated bad vibes against police officials. He died at 31 years of age after revealing that he had the virus AIDS. From his deathbed he urged young people to learn about the disease. His music also talked about having the lifestyle of being promiscuous and that lifestyle killed him. All of these rappers criminal records depict their lifestyles. They say that their music depicts the harsh reality of life in the hood. To these rappers, people dying young and going to jail is an everyday thing (Marriott 75). Tupac says that violence is all we know and telling it like it is is a way of getting the people to listen to what is really going on.

Ice-T’s controversial album Body Count, produced by Warner Bros. Records, had provoked a sharp debate in 1992 when the album first came out. The song “Cop Killer,” with obscene and violent lyrics, forced Time Warner to stop selling the album with the song on it. The lyrics on the song said it was dedicated to the L.A.P.D. It also talked about “dusting some cops off,” with sounds of gun fire he then asks the listener to sing along for their freedom-”Cop Killer” (Ice Body). “Cop Killer” is not the only song on the album that glorifies violence. Even though the song was cut from the album the other songs on it were just as bad. Another song talks about killing his mother by setting her on fire, hitting her with a “Louisville slugger” and then cutting her up with a carving knife, all because she was racist. Is this reality and was really going on in the world today? In other songs the lyrics talk about being promiscuous (giving very explicit sexual lyrics) and yet the album was still being sold to young children.

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It has been debated on whether foul mouth trash should be censored. Many think it should and are trying to do something about. Delores Tucker denounced (Hawkins 5) companies claiming that “pimped porno rap” is being sold to children. She asks, “What would Martin Luther King say about these rappers that demean women and glorify thugs, drug dealers and rapists?? and “What kind of role models are those for young children living in the ghetto?” (Philips A18). U.S. Representative Cardiss Collins, a chairwoman of the congressional panel, complained the industry executive to cut out vulgar and violent lyrics little was doing that. She said, “a sticker is not enough” (Congesswomen 7).

Some censorship has been incorporated in the radio industry. Inner City Broadcasting has put a stop to playing hard-core rap and other misogynous and violent rap. It hopes to be a model for other radio stations to follow (Cleaning 22). Most radio stations now do not allow that kind of music on the air. Even though the radio has stopped playing hard-core rap, record companies are still producing this kind of music. Death Row Records, the top producer of rap music, has been under a lot of fire not only by Dolores Tucker, but by Bob Dole and others conservatives. Death Row Records has recently had its own wake-up call. The companies CEO, Marion “Suge” Knight, has recently been arrested for violated his probation and is in jail. He was charged with assault with a deadly weapon in 1992 and was sentenced to five years probation plus 30 days in a halfway house. A hearing later will decide on what kind of sentence he will receive. Knight could face up to five to nine years in prison if convicted. The company may suffer a great loss because no business actions or even phone calls are allowed from prison. Before he began his fortune as CEO he was an All-American defensive end and was on the dean’s list at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He the played pro-football for the Los Angeles Rams but later quit to become a concert promoter.

Soon (Hawkins 6) after this his run-ins with the law started with his arrest for trafficking guns. After other run-ins with the law Knight began recording “The Chronic,” which refers or a type of marijuana, with Dr. Dre. He then was approached by Interscope Records, who wanted him to produce records. He negotiated a $10 million deal to start up Death Row Records (Cheevers A1). Now Death Row Records is known as the only label that can do whatever they want. To some listeners Death Row’s music is powerful and is also reality, but to others their music celebrates drugs, murderers and misogyny. The FBI says that this rap label has ties to gangs

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and drugs. They are still trying to determine whether the company was involved in cocaine trafficking, money laundering and racketeering (Leeds B1). The FBI has been investigating Death Row Records and the individual members. Death Row Records is not the only record company to promote rap, Time Warner has also been producing rap records.

Time Warner has pledged to do something about obscene and rude lyrics in rap music. The new chairman of Warner Music Group, Michael J. Fuchs, was asked to talk with critics of rap lyrics and to work with other record companies to come up with some regulations for warning labels (Landler D2). Warning labels have been placed on albums with provocative lyrics, but these warnings do little to prevent the lyrics from reaching children. The chairman and chief executive claim that “music is not the cause of society’s ills.” That may be true but do they have an influence on the people that listen to the music. Many say yes and many say no. An experiment done by James D. Johnson shows that violent rap tends to perpetuate the acceptance of the use of violence and an anti-education mind-set. He thinks that this kind of music should have some regulation. He refers to rap music being like nicotine- it is addictive; it is mood (Hawkins 7) altering and it is available with some strains (Raspberry, “Does” A27). A person has to be 18 years old to buy cigarettes, rent X-rated movies, or get into a strip bar/nightclub and has to be 21 years old to drink or buy alcohol.

There are age limits on these things that can endanger young people and there should also be an age limit on buying albums with explicit lyrics on them. Even though there is a warning label on the albums young children can still buy them because there is no law to prohibit sale. There are a lot of people who agree something should be done about the explicit lyrics on albums. Stanley Crouch, a music critic and writer, says that rappers are “a bunch of opportunists who are appealing to an appetite that America has for vulgarity, violence and anarchy inside Afro America” (Sims 3).

Kevin Powell, a writer for Vibe magazine, believes that rap music is a legitimate art form, but thinks that the genre has gone too far and the music industry is to blame for not exercising some degree of control (Sims 3). He also thinks that it has made black children think that being hard is the definition for being black in the 1990’s. There are many people who feel this way, but many rappers and defenders of rap disagree. Most rappers do not think that their music causes violence and that they have no influence on their listeners. Before

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Easy-E died his lawyer read a letter from the rapper that said, “anyone could get AIDS, that it does not discriminate” (Marriot 74). After the letter was read the Minority AIDS Project in South-Central Los Angeles reported an 80 percent increase in requests for AIDS testing.

This was more of an increase than when Magic Johnson made his announcement (Marriot 74). His influence was seen in warning people about the AIDS virus just as Magic did when he found out he had HIV. “Snoop” says that he hopes that listeners will see that any black man out Hawkins 8 of the ghetto can do something positive with his life if he is dedicated (Farley 78). He also says that if parents were as strict as his that there would not be as much violence nowadays, yet he was in a gang, a drug dealer and user and he arrested for murder-conspiracy charges. Rapper Juice, half of the duo of Juice with Soul, says that listeners should realize that these rappers do not hang around the hard street life, they go home to their fancy cars and houses. Another rapper, Masta Ace, agreed with Juice, say that listeners should realize that rappers are creating characters to sell records. Biz Markie says that critics take it to seriously and it is strictly entertainment (Marriott, “Hard-core” A1+). Joseph Simmons, known as Run of Run D.M.C., says that he has seen a rise in disrespect to women lately. But he thinks that it has more to do with the parents rather than the rappers.

M.C. Lyte, a pioneer among female rappers agrees that parents need to take more responsibility for how their children act and behave. She also thinks that rap should not be the blame for what young people are doing today because movies also show violence, rapes, and people being killed (Marroitt, “Hard-core” A1+). Russell Simmons, CEO of Def Jam Recordings, says that no truly in-touch person believes that the state of society is the result of rap music. He goes on to say that each type of music that comes later seems more violent than before. There was a time when everyone thought that rock and roll was the “devils’ music”. He says that many of these songs are like horror films and cannot be taken literally (Proffitt M2). He also points out the good views of rap–that it is so diverse and there are a lot of positive messages in the songs. Simmons thinks that rap are just expressing the outrage of there community. His most important point would be that when kids in Beverly Hills Hawkins 9 listen to rap they will know a little bit better how the kids in the ghettos think (Profitt M3). Other rap experts point out the genre turning points. In the 1990’s the messages about black empowerment that started

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national slogans and the wearing of African pride medallions were replaced by messages of drug selling and survival in inner-city neighborhoods.

The marketing strategy of the record companies began to promote label with images of black swaggering men carrying guns and drinking beer. This resulted the new “gangster” look. This made young rappers that were hungry for fame and fortune take on the look of being thugs themselves. The move of raps’ homeland, New York, to the West Coast caused a dramatic change to the sound. People tend to miss the true skill rather that all the violence and how many people that get killed. Rap’s image is being tainted by all the scandals of the top rappers shackled in the courtrooms. The inspiration and energy from rap reflects what goes on in the streets and in black life in America (Williams B1+). Maxine Waters also agrees that “gangster rap” is a new art form to describe the pains, fear and frustrations that young people express to adults. She also thinks that just because some people do not like the way the rappers use lyrics should not be a cause for censorship (Jet 7). A professor of black studies thinks that many rappers have distorted what black life really is and that white record companies are eager to sell black stereotypes.

Rappers have distorted and divided black life and tried to incorporate it into street life. Now people are doing what they hear and they want to shoot people and be rich (Marroitt, “Hard-core” A1+). If this is true should not there be a warning label-prohibiting sale to minors. Rap music that pimps pornography and violence to young children and that has messages of violence should have some kind of censorship. Defenders of rap say that censorship is taking Hawkins 10 away their right to free speech stated in The First Amendment. The First Amendment states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise there of; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances”(McNally 29). Censoring music would be taking the right of free speech away. Most of the lyrics are protected by The First Amendment and cannot be censored on the albums or records. Censorship has been made in the radio industry so that the songs with explicit lyrics cannot be heard. Even though these rappers say that they are reflecting what really happen on the streets rappers before them do not have these explicit lyrics in their messages. Rappers such as Afrika Bambataa, Kurtis Blow, MC Shan and the Fat Boys used music for fun and release to show good-hearted

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Territorial rivals. Now it is about guns, treating women like trash and drinking malt liquor. Rap has changed for the worse taking the art form and transforming it into trash with some positive messages that are hard to grasp from the music. If the whole album is about death, violence, misogyny and drugs except for one or two songs, what kind of message is going to be placed first. If what can be heard on a porno film can be heard on a rap album, then the album should have a age limit for sale. Since there is no age limit on TV, today many inventions are being made to prevent children from viewing violence and nudity. Is this not some form of censorship for children? If there is enough concern to censor programs on TV that contain violence and harsh language should there not be concern for children that listen to hard-core gangster rap.

When I asked my brother how easy it was to buy a CD that cares explicit lyrics, he said it was easy. When you buy a CD that carries bad mouth lyrics the store is suppose to card you. They have never once carded him when he has bought a CD. Than I asked him what he liked about the lyrics? He said he like the way the talk about killing people, I had sex with these many women, and about the drugs, and money they rap about (Ortiz). He says ?the music pumps him up to do things?(Ortiz). As you can see what kids my brother age get influenced to do and listen to when they hear that music. My brother is only 17.

Parents should take more responsibility for what their children listen to and view. (Hawkins 11) Parents can take charge of what there children view on TV and listen to on the radio while they are in the house, but what kind of authority can they take when their children are not home. Parent cannot control the kind of music their children buy on their own. That is when it is left up to the law. Not taking away the rappers? right to free speech, but rather prohibiting sale to minors just as cigarettes. There is only so much that parent?s can do to keeps their children out of harm. Violence is a reality, but should it be preached about like it is okay and make it sound like fun and games. The answer is no and something should be done about it.

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