Сочинение про русские народные костюмы на английском

Traditional clothes express the people’s identity through the national costumes. They often look nice and colourful. As a rule, they show the wearer’s role in society, his rank or social status as well as his marital status and age. National costumes also have to protect the wearer from cold or bad weather.

Probably the best-known traditional pieces of clothing in Russia are sarafans and rubakhas. The sarafan was the main part of the female wardrobe. It’s a long sleeveless dress which was often worn on top of a rubakha. The rubakha was a linen oversize shirt or blouse. Russian people hand-painted linen fabric, sewed shirts and sarafans and decorated them with embroidery.

Traditional man’s outfit consisted of a rubakha, long narrow trousers, leather  boots, a kushak (a waistband), a woolen hat and a kaftan (a light woolen coat). In summer people in Russian villages wore lapti (shoes woven from bast fiber). Traditional winter footwear was valenki (felt boots).

Russian women in the past wore sarafans, aprons, blouses, leather shoes or valenki, kokoshniks and jewellery. The kokoshnik is an amazing  national women’s headwear, usually decorated with river pearls, decorative stones, golden and silver needlework.

Traditionally, Russian clothing had two main colors: white and red. Festive clothing was richly decorated with ornaments and embroidery. There were differences between the clothing of young women, married women and older women. Clothing of older women had fewer ornaments and was made in darker tones.


Традиционная одежда выражает идентичность народа при помощи национальных костюмов. Они часто выглядят очень красиво и красочно. Как правило, они демонстрируют роль их владельца в обществе, его положение или социальный статус, а также семейное положение и возраст. Национальные костюмы также должны защищать их хозяина от холодной непогоды.

Возможно, наиболее известными традиционными предметами одежды в России являются сарафаны и рубахи. Сарафан был основной частью женского гардероба. Это длинное платье без рукавов, часто надеваемое поверх рубахи. Рубахой считалась льняная рубашка или блуза большого размера. Русский народ вручную красил льняную ткань, шил рубашки и сарафаны и украшал их вышивкой.

Традиционный мужской наряд состоял из рубахи, длинных узких брюк, кожаных сапог, кушака (пояса), шерстяной шляпы и кафтана (легкого шерстяного пальто). Летом люди в русских деревнях носили лапти (обувь, плетеную из лыка). Традиционной зимней обувью были валенки (войлочные сапоги).

Русские женщины в прошлом носили сарафаны, фартуки, блузы, кожаные туфли или валенки, кокошники и украшения. Кокошник – это удивительный национальный женский головной убор, обычно декорированный речным жемчугом, камнями, золотой и серебряной вышивкой.

Традиционно, в русской одежде преобладали два основных цвета: белый и красный. Праздничная одежда была богато украшена узорами и вышивкой. Существовали различия между нарядами молодой девушки, замужней женщины и женщины престарелого возраста. На одежде пожилых женщин было меньше узоров, и шили ее из ткани более темных оттенков.

Национальный русский костюм (National Russian costume)4.3 out of
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24 votes

Обновлено: 11.03.2023

Throughout history, people all over the world have expressed their personality and status through their clothes. Recently, young Russians have become interested in studying national costumes. — На протяжении всей истории люди во всем мире выражали свою индивидуальность и статус через одежду. Не так давно, русская молодежь заинтересовалась изучением национальных костюмов.

Spotlight on Russia stops by a Moscow school where national costume is a very popular subject — Spotlight on Russia делает остановку у московской школы, в которой очень популярен урок национального костюма.

National costumes have been the focus of attention in recent years, not only for practical work but also for school project work. National costumes, like all clothes, have to protect the wearer from environmental conditions and should look nice. However, all costumes also have a social function. They show people the wearer’s role in society, their rank or social status as well as other details such as age or marital status.

However, not all of the original meanings of the individual details and elements of the costume are known today.

One project about Russian national costumes completed by students at the school was called ‘The traditions of ethnic motives in Russian national costumes’. It included several women’s costumes from different social layers. The presentation displayed the colourful costumes and also demonstrated traditional Russian musical instruments like the balalaika.

Through school projects like this many of our students have the chance to see that national costume is not only one of the most precious legacies of folk art and social history, but also one of the richest resources for studying ethnicity and its links with national identity.

Национальные костюмы в последнее время в центре внимания не только в качестве практики, но и в качестве школьной проектной деятельности. Национальные костюмы, как и любая другая одежда, должны защищать от погодных условий и хорошо выглядеть. Однако, все костюмы также несут и социальную функцию. Они показывают людям роль людей, которые их носят, в обществе, их ранг или социальный статус, а также другие детали вроде возраста и семейного положения.

Далеко не все изначальные значения отдельных деталей и элементов костюма дошли до наших дней.

С помощью подобных проектов многие наши студенты получают шанс увидеть, что национальный костюм это не только ценное наследие народного искусства и истории общества, но и богатейший источник для изучения этноса и его связей с национальной идентификацией.

Do you find national costumes interesting? Why (not)? — Вам интересны национальные костюмы? Почему да или нет?

I’ve never been really keen on national costumes. But I think we have to know the history, traditions and customs of Russian people. So I know about Russian national costume enough to understand its historical and social significance. But I don’t know many details about national costume, can’t design it or do dressmaking because it’s not my cup of tea.

Я никогда по-настоящему не увлекался национальными костюмами. Но я думаю, что мы должны знать историю, традиции и обычаи русского народа. Поэтому я знаю о русском национальном костюме достаточно, чтобы понимать его историческую и социальную значимость. Но я не знаком со многими деталями национального костюма, не умею его разрабатывать или шить, поскольку это не мое.

Have you ever worn a national costume? — Вы когда-нибудь одевали национальный костюм?

I don’t remember exactly. Probably I wore national costume during some children’s matinee when I was a child. — Я точно не помню. Возможно, я одевал национальный костюм во время детских утренников, когда был ребенком.

Where could you wear a national costume? How do you think you would feel? — Где вы могли носить национальный костюм? Что вы по этому поводу чувствуете?

I couldn’t wear a national costume in real life. But I know such costumes were worn by people during theme performances of traditional holidays, for example, Maslenitsa festival. — Я не мог носить национальный костюм в реальной жизни. Но я знаю, что такие костюмы надевались во время тематических представлений или традиционных праздников, например, во время Масленицы.

Do some research on the national costume for a man or a woman from your region and find or sketch a picture. Send it to us and explain as many of the different elements as you can. — Проведите исследование национального костюма для мужчин или женщин вашего региона и найдите (или нарисуйте) изображения.

Russian national costume

Traditional Russian women’s costume came from ancient times and reflected the traditions and customs of the Russian people. Colours and ornaments varied depending on the region of Russia.

(Здесь можно вставить информацию об отличительных особенностях национального костюма в вашем регионе. Мы для примера выбрали Самарскую область.) For example, in Samara province, embroidery not only decorated clothes but also had mystical significance. According to popular belief, embroidered patterns should bring happiness, luck, plenty and health. Thus, traditional women’s shirts were decorated with embroidered drawing or braid. Embroidered cross decorated sleeves, lower hem and shirt neck. The patterns used were usually symbolic red and black.

However, the main elements of the costume remained unchanged. The women’s costume consisted of a long loose-fitting shirt made of cotton, linen or silk, usually white or red. Hems, sleeves and shirt necks were decorated with stitched patterns. A long, straight, colourful sarafan or homespun woollen skirt with an apron, were worn over the shirt. The required element of the costume was a belt around the waist. The headwear depended on woman’s age and marital status. The girls’ headdresses were quite simple: ribbons, bandages, hoops, wreaths. Married women wore so-called kichka and headkerchief on top of it. Kokoshnik was a married woman’s dress hat.

Русский национальный костюм

Традиционный русский женский костюм пришел из древних времен и отражал традиции и обычаи русского народа. Цвета и орнаменты различались в зависимости от региона России.

Например, в Самарской губернии, вышивка не только украшала одежду, но и имела мистическое значение. По народным повериям, вышитые узоры должны были приносить счастье, удачу, достаток и здоровье. Так, традиционные женские рубахи украшались вышитым рисунком или тесьмой. Вышивкой крестом украшали рукава, нижнюю часть подола и горловину рубахи. В качестве узоров обычно применялись символические орнаменты красного и черного цветов.

Однако основные элементы костюма оставались неизменными. Женский костюм состоял из длинной просторной рубахи из хлопка, льна или шелка, обычно белого или красного цвета. Подол, рукава, воротник рубах украшались вышитыми узорами. Поверх рубахи надевался длинный прямой цветастый сарафан или понёва, длинная домотканая юбка с передником. Обязательным элементом костюма был пояс вокруг талии. Головной убор зависел от возраста и семейного положения. Девичьи головные уборы были довольно простыми: ленты, повязки, обручи, венцы. Замужние женщины носили так называемую кичку и платок поверх нее. Кокошник был парадным головным убором замужней женщины.

Tatar national costume

The women’s Tatar national costume was based on a long loose-fitting shirt and baggy trousers. The women’s trousers were monotonous. Shirts with collar-resistant were made from monotonous cotton, atlas or silk. An elongated and richly decorated velvet or brocade jacket wore on top of the shirt.

Female Tatar headwear is a velvet cap with embroidery and headkerchief. Tatars preferred leather boots with a soft sole. The women’s heel boots were richly decorated with colourful patterns.

Colour has great importance in dressmaking. And it’s not because of fashionable trends. The Tatar national costume shows the position of a person in society. The colour of the clothes also helps to determine marital status and age of the wearer. In ancient times, the red colour was particularly important. He symbolized the nobility of man and his financial solvency. However, the red colour lost its importance later. Red-coloured clothes were worn at celebrations. The white colour of most Tatars is considered a symbol of mourning or old age. The clothes of such colours were chosen by elderly women and people going to funerals.

Nowadays, the Tatar costume is filled with bright and juicy colours. You can often see green, lilac, emerald or blue colours in men’s and women’s clothes. They are combined with ornaments and contrast decorations. Embroidery is usually done with gold or silver threads, which give the clothing individuality and prestige.

Татарский национальный костюм

Основу женского татарского национального костюма составляют длинная просторная рубаха и штаны-шаровары. Женские штаны были однотонные. Рубахи с воротником-стойкой шили из однотонного хлопка, атласа или шёлка. Поверх рубахи надевался удлиненный, богато украшенный вышивкой камзол из бархата или парчи.

Женский татарский головной убор – это бархатная шапочка с вышивкой и платок. В качестве обуви татары предпочитали кожаные сапоги с мягкой подошвой. Женские сапоги на каблуке были богато украшены разноцветными узорами.

В наш дни татарский костюм наполнен яркими и сочными оттенками. Часто в мужских и женских вещах встречается зеленый, сиреневый, изумрудный или синий цвет. Они гармонично сочетаются с орнаментом и контрастной отделкой. Для вышивки обычно выбирают золотистые или серебристые нити, которые придают одежде индивидуальность и престижность.

My Russia

Русский национальный костюм родился в 12-13 веках, и до 18 века его носили почти все слои русского общества — цари и бояре, купцы, р.

Символы – официальные и неофициальные, пропагандистско-стререотипные и лингво-культурные — играют важную роль в формиров.

My dear friends, Sorry, my computer was broken and I couldn’t post the new topics last two months. Дорогие мои друзья, К сожалению, мой .

The Pancake Day — Maslenitsa — February 27 till the beginning of March Масл е ницу называют также Масл я ной неделей ил.

The Russian 1970s was a period of the intensive flowering of both the children’s films and children’s song. The eminent profession.

Русские люди обычно едят три раза в день: утром, до работы – завтрак, потом днём, в 1-3 часа — обед и вечером, после работы — ужин.

Мне часто задают один и тот же вопрос: почему русские не улыбаются, почему они всегда безрадостные или сердитые? Честно говоря, этот вопро.

Blog Archive


Monday, 17 January 2011

Russian traditional costumes

Русский национальный костюм родился в 12-13 веках, и до 18 века его носили почти все слои русского общества — цари и бояре, купцы, ремесленники и крестьяне.

Historians suppose that traditional Russian costume started taking its shape in the 12th-13th centuries. Up to the 18th century it fitted well all layers of Russian society: it was worn by tsars, boyars, merchants, craftsmen, and peasants.

After Peter’s decrees (18 th century) Russian nobility and the city costumes have undergone Europeanization. However, the national (folk) Russian costume was popular in the villages till the beginning of 20 th century.

The Russian women’s costume was based on the “rubakha” ( a linen shirt or blouse). It was made flaxen embroidery, silk lace, golden threads and spangles. Collars and sleeves were decorated extensively.

By the early 20th century the most widespread women costumes were of two types: the South Russian one with poneva, i.e. a homespun woollen skirt, and the Mid-Russian one with a sarafan, i.e. a kind of sleeveless dress. The typical color of the sarafan and skirts was red, as this color literally translates to “beautiful”.

На праздник голову украшали кокошником, который был вышит жемчугом, стразами и золотыми и серебряными узорами. Кокошник был семейной ценностью и передавался из поколения в поколение. Он был обязательной частью свадебного приданного .

One of the most common type of festive head-dress was the «kokoshnik», it was masterfully decorated with river pearls, meshwork of pearls, golden and silver needlework, coloured foil and decorative stones. The head-dress was treasured in the family and handed down, and was an integral element of a well-off bride ’ s dowry.

В мужской костюм входила длинная (до колен) рубашка-косоворотка, порты (штаны), пояс-кушак, картуз ( headdress ) и лапти (позже сапоги). Рубаху носили на выпуск и обязательно с поясом. Лапти плели из берестяного лыка.

В конце 19 века стал широко популярен в России картуз – фуражка, шапка с козырьком, которую украшали цветком.

Men’s costume was composed of a long shirt (rubakha- kosovorotk — a shirt with a stand-up collar fastening on the side ) , trousers (porty) , a belt (poyas- kushak) , and bast shoes (later boots). The woven shoes commonly made from fibres of the birch tree. No longer worn in modern times, today they are a decorative piece hanging in people’s homes. The cap (kartuz) came into being in the late 19th century, and it was decorated with a flower .

Зимой надевали шубы и в аленки . Шубы носили и крестьяне, и знатные бояре, и царь. На Руси было принято шить шубы мехом внутрь. Каким бы дорогим не был мех, он служил лишь подкладкой. Сверху шубу покрывали материалом: бедные люди – сукном, богатые — парчой или бархатом. Зимой мужчины носили шапку- ушанку или треух . Женщины зимой повязывали шерстяные расписные шали или вязанные пуховые платки.

In winter, Russians wore the fur coat ( shuba) and wool felt footwear (valenki). It was extremely practical and effective in a cold northern climate. Shubas were made of fur turned inside or ‘wrong-side out’. The traditional male warm hat with flaps – ushanka (derived from the word ushi – ears) or treukh — was used to protect the ears from cold. Woman worn the traditional Russian knitting shawls and beautiful 100% wool Pavlov Posad scarves.

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Ответы и объяснения 2

Russian national costume — formed for centuries the traditional set of clothes, shoes and accessories, which has been used by Russian people in everyday and holiday items. It has notable features depending on the particular region, gender (male and female), destination (holiday, wedding and everyday) and age (children’s, girl’s, a married woman, an old woman).
With the general similarity in the cut and receptions in Russian costume jewelry had its own peculiarities. In the north of Russian peasants wore clothes, significantly different from the peasants of the southern regions. In central Russia wore a suit similar in nature to the north, however, in some individual areas could be seen with the features of South Russian suit of clothes.
A distinctive feature of Russian national costume — a large amount of clothing. Clothing union and the swing. CAP clothing worn over the head, swing was slit from top to bottom and end to end fastened to hooks or buttons.
Clothing nobility — Byzantine type. In the XVII century clothes were borrowing from Poland: Polish coat, polish coat. In order to protect the national identity of the decree of August 6, 1675 steward, solicitors, the nobles of Moscow, residents and their servants were not allowed to wear clothes of a foreign sample].
The costumes of the nobility were made of expensive fabrics, with gold, silver, pearls, buttons expensive. Such clothing hereditary. Style clothing has not changed for centuries. fashion concepts did not exist.
Russian national costume became less common after Peter I in 1699 forbade the wearing of national costumes for all but the farmers, monks, priests, and deacons. First Hungarian dress was introduced, and then the upper-Saxon and French, camisole and underwear — German. Women had to wear German dress. From all entering the city in the Russian dress and beard were taking a toll: 40 cents a foot and 2 rubles a horse].

Каждая нация или этническая группа имеет традиционный костюм, отражающий сильные элементы культуры. В большинстве стран, где носят национальную одежду, она пользуется популярностью не только по праздникам, но и во время приятного досуга, например, во время прогулки с друзьями после работы. Люди осознают, что народный костюм выглядит здорово, ярко и позитивно. Есть в нем что-то магическое и увлекательное. Очень важно для каждого человека знать свое происхождение, корни и многовековые традиции, так как это дает чувство защищенности и значимости. На формирование любого народного костюма, его покроя и орнаментов влияют различные факторы, такие как географическое положение, климатические условия, экономическая структура, исторические и социальные процессы и т.д. Иногда национальный костюм может подчеркнуть возраст людей, их фамильное происхождение. В России он всегда был важной составляющей национальной культуры и традиций. Национальный костюм играет особую роль в каждом регионе по праздникам и будням. По наряду можно было даже определить, откуда происходят люди. До первой половины двадцатого века национальный костюм был важной частью российского сельского населения. Люди надевали его на свадебные церемонии, на семейные торжества и по ряду других случаев. В конце концов, традиционные костюмы это просто одежда, но то, что выделяет их из обыденности это намерение группы людей выказать дань и уважение своему культурному наследию.

На английском языкеNational Costume
Every nation or ethnic group has its traditional costume which reflects strong elements of their culture. In most countries wearing the national dress is popular not only on holiday occasions, but also during the enjoyable leisure activities, such as outings with friends after work. People understand that folk costume looks very joyful, bright and positive. There is something magical and fascinating in it. It’s very important for each person to know the origins, roots and centuries-old traditions, as it gives a sense of security and significance. The formation of any folk costume with its cut and ornaments is influenced by various factors, such as geographical location, climatic conditions, economic structure, historical and social processes etc. Sometimes national dress can emphasize the age of people, their family background. In Russia, it has always been an important component of national culture and traditions. National costume has played a particular role in every region on casual and festive occasion. According to the outfit one could even tell where people came from. Until the first half of the twentieth century national costume had been an integral part of Russian rural population. People wore it on wedding ceremonies, family gatherings and several other occasions. Ultimately, traditional costumes are simply clothes, but what makes them to stand out is the intention to present a group of people who follow and respect their cultural heritage.

Items of clothes1. Kokoshnik2. Kosovorotka3. Perednik4. Sarafan5. Kaftan6. Tulup

№ слайда 2

Items of clothes1. Kokoshnik2. Kosovorotka3. Perednik4. Sarafan5. Kaftan6. Tulup (or polushubok)7. Poneva8. Porti9. Onuchi 10. Lapti 11. Valenki

Kokoshnik Kokoshnik is the most common type of festive headdress. It was worn in

№ слайда 3

Kokoshnik Kokoshnik is the most common type of festive headdress. It was worn in 14th — 19th centuries. Kokoshnik could be pointed or round. It was tied at the back of the head with a ribbon in a large bow. Usually it was decorated with gold, silver, pearls and decorative stones. Because of this it was very expensive and it was handed down from grandmother to granddaughter.

Kosovorotka (or Rubakha) Kosovorotka is a type of peasants’ shirt with long slee

№ слайда 4

Kosovorotka (or Rubakha) Kosovorotka is a type of peasants’ shirt with long sleeves. Kosovorotka could be worn every day and on special occasions. Men’s shirts were to their knees and women’s ones were to their ankles. Kosovorotka was worn many centuries. It was made of white, blue and red cloth and decorated with contrast elements.

Perednik Perednik (apron) served to keep the clothes (especially dresses) clean

№ слайда 5

Perednik Perednik (apron) served to keep the clothes (especially dresses) clean and protect them from dirt. It was worn by peasants. Women used it in the kitchen or in the garden. When they worked outside they wore aprons made of coarse fabric. Not only women wore peredniks. It was used by men too. For example blacksmiths wore leather peredniks. On holidays it was a decoration with patterns typical for the region.

Sarafan Sarafan (pinafore) was worn by girls and young women. It is a long sleev

№ слайда 6

Sarafan Sarafan (pinafore) was worn by girls and young women. It is a long sleeveless dress covering feet and having the form of a high skirt with straps buttoning in front. It was worn in 14th-18th centuries. Sarafan was typical for Russian north, especially Archangelsk and Vologda province. Peasant women wore sarafans during the workdays and on holidays. In the end of 18th century it became very popular all over the country. It could be lilac, cherry blossom, raspberry pink, blue and yellow and was made of taffeta. Petty bourgeois and merchant women wore sarafans too.

Tulup (or Polushubok) Tulup or polushubok was one of the most important items of

№ слайда 7

Tulup (or Polushubok) Tulup or polushubok was one of the most important items of clothes in Russia. In winter both men and women wore sheepskin overcoats usually with fur on the inside. It could be also made of hare fur. Rich people wore a long fur coat named “shuba” made of sable, fox or beaver fur. People put on fur coats not just in winter but in hot summer days as well to show how rich they were.

Kaftan The word “kaftan” came from Arabic language and meant “man’s dress” It wa

№ слайда 8

Kaftan The word “kaftan” came from Arabic language and meant “man’s dress” It was worn in the medieval Rus. A typical kaftan was with long sleeves. In winter people put on kaftans with very long sleeves instead of gloves. There were different types of kaftans for different occasions. For example: home, rain, riding, festive kaftans and others. They were made of velvet, taffeta, satin, etc. Festive kaftans were made of expensive fabric and decorated with gold and silver buttons, pearls and jewel stones.

Poneva Poneva is a woolen three-piece skirt, made of home-made cloth, usually ch

№ слайда 9

Poneva Poneva is a woolen three-piece skirt, made of home-made cloth, usually checkered or stripped. It was ornamented with embroidery, lace, spangles and beads. Poneva was as typical item of Russian women’s costume as sarafan. Fragments of it were found in Slavic barrows of 10-13th centuries. It was worn by married women. There were different patterns and design depending on the region.

Porti Porti are men’s trousers made of rough linen. They were long, not wide, na

№ слайда 10

Porti Porti are men’s trousers made of rough linen. They were long, not wide, narrowed down to ankle. They were fixed with a string tied around waist. Rich people wore woollen and even silk porti. They tucked their porti into their boots. Peasants wrapped their porti with onuchi and put on lapti over them.

Lapti (bastshoes) Lapti are bast shoes which were worn over homespun onuchi (nar

№ слайда 11

Lapti (bastshoes) Lapti are bast shoes which were worn over homespun onuchi (narrow strips of cotton). They were spread in Rus in old times. Lapti were used in the countryside up to 1930s. They were made of lime-tree, elm, or birch bast. Lapti were tied to legs with cords twisted from the same bast. They were not made in all regions but they were worn everywhere. Lapti were a type of “currency” and an item of trade.

Onuchi Onuchi are long narrow strips of cloth up to 2 meters in lengths over whi

№ слайда 12

Onuchi Onuchi are long narrow strips of cloth up to 2 meters in lengths over which lapti were worn. They were different colours: white, black or brown. Peasant wore them. Onuchi became a prototype of modern socks. They wrapped feet and shins. In summer people wore onuchi made of linen or hemp cloth. In winter they were woolen ones.

Valenki Valenki are traditional Russian winter footwear. In Russian language the

№ слайда 13

Valenki Valenki are traditional Russian winter footwear. In Russian language the word “valenki” means made by felting. Valenki can be white, black or grey. They are made of sheep wool and are worn on frosty days for walking on dry snow. There is some evidence that Russian people began to make valenki in Nizhegorodskaya province in the end of 18th century. Perhaps they became “grandchildren” of Asian nomads’ felt boots. Valenki are still worn in Russian villages.

Many thanks for your attention! Наталья Акатова ЦО №1694 Москва Bibliography and

№ слайда 14

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Items of clothes 1. Kokoshnik 2. Kosovorotka 3. Perednik 4. Sarafan 5. Kaftan 6. Tulup (or polushubok) 7. Poneva 8. Porti 9. Onuchi 10. Lapti 11. Valenki

Kokoshnik Kokoshnik is the most common type of festive headdress. It was worn in 14th — 19th centuries. Kokoshnik could be pointed or round. It was tied at the back of the head with a ribbon in a large bow. Usually it was decorated with gold, silver, pearls and decorative stones. Because of this it was very expensive and it was handed down from grandmother to granddaughter.

Kosovorotka (or Rubakha) Kosovorotka is a type of peasants’ shirt with long sleeves. Kosovorotka could be worn every day and on special occasions. Men’s shirts were to their knees and women’s ones were to their ankles. Kosovorotka was worn many centuries. It was made of white, blue and red cloth and decorated with contrast elements.

Perednik Perednik (apron) served to keep the clothes (especially dresses) clean and protect them from dirt. It was worn by peasants. Women used it in the kitchen or in the garden. When they worked outside they wore aprons made of coarse fabric. Not only women wore peredniks. It was used by men too. For example blacksmiths wore leather peredniks. On holidays it was a decoration with patterns typical for the region.

Sarafan Sarafan (pinafore) was worn by girls and young women. It is a long sleeveless dress covering feet and having the form of a high skirt with straps buttoning in front. It was worn in 14th-18th centuries. Sarafan was typical for Russian north, especially Archangelsk and Vologda province. Peasant women wore sarafans during the workdays and on holidays. In the end of 18th century it became very popular all over the country. It could be lilac, cherry blossom, raspberry pink, blue and yellow and was made of taffeta. Petty bourgeois and merchant women wore sarafans too.

Tulup (or Polushubok) Tulup or polushubok was one of the most important items of clothes in Russia. In winter both men and women wore sheepskin overcoats usually with fur on the inside. It could be also made of hare fur. Rich people wore a long fur coat named “shuba” made of sable, fox or beaver fur. People put on fur coats not just in winter but in hot summer days as well to show how rich they were.

Kaftan The word “kaftan” came from Arabic language and meant “man’s dress” It was worn in the medieval Rus. A typical kaftan was with long sleeves. In winter people put on kaftans with very long sleeves instead of gloves. There were different types of kaftans for different occasions. For example: home, rain, riding, festive kaftans and others. They were made of velvet, taffeta, satin, etc. Festive kaftans were made of expensive fabric and decorated with gold and silver buttons, pearls and jewel stones.

Poneva Poneva is a woolen three-piece skirt, made of home-made cloth, usually checkered or stripped. It was ornamented with embroidery, lace, spangles and beads. Poneva was as typical item of Russian women’s costume as sarafan. Fragments of it were found in Slavic barrows of 10-13th centuries. It was worn by married women. There were different patterns and design depending on the region.

Porti Porti are men’s trousers made of rough linen. They were long, not wide, narrowed down to ankle. They were fixed with a string tied around waist. Rich people wore woollen and even silk porti. They tucked their porti into their boots. Peasants wrapped their porti with onuchi and put on lapti over them.

Lapti (bastshoes) Lapti are bast shoes which were worn over homespun onuchi (narrow strips of cotton). They were spread in Rus in old times. Lapti were used in the countryside up to 1930s. They were made of lime-tree, elm, or birch bast. Lapti were tied to legs with cords twisted from the same bast. They were not made in all regions but they were worn everywhere. Lapti were a type of “currency” and an item of trade.

Onuchi Onuchi are long narrow strips of cloth up to 2 meters in lengths over which lapti were worn. They were different colours: white, black or brown. Peasant wore them. Onuchi became a prototype of modern socks. They wrapped feet and shins. In summer people wore onuchi made of linen or hemp cloth. In winter they were woolen ones.

Valenki Valenki are traditional Russian winter footwear. In Russian language the word “valenki” means made by felting. Valenki can be white, black or grey. They are made of sheep wool and are worn on frosty days for walking on dry snow. There is some evidence that Russian people began to make valenki in Nizhegorodskaya province in the end of 18th century. Perhaps they became “grandchildren” of Asian nomads’ felt boots. Valenki are still worn in Russian villages.

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Russian traditional costumes

Русский национальный костюм родился  в 12-13 веках,  и до 18 века его носили  почти все слои русского общества  — цари и бояре, купцы, ремесленники и крестьяне.

Позже, после  культурных преобразований Петра I, костюм  получил разделение по социальному статусу на «городской» и  «сельский» =крестьянский. Городской стал следовать западноевропейским образцам, а  крестьянский сохранил свое национальное своеобразие до начала 20 века.

    Historians suppose that traditional Russian costume started taking its shape in the 12th-13th centuries. Up to the 18th century it fitted well all layers of Russian society: it was worn by tsars, boyars, merchants, craftsmen, and peasants.

After Peter’s decrees (18th century) Russian nobility and the city costumes have undergone Europeanization. However, the national (folk) Russian costume was popular in the villages till  the beginning of 20th century.

Основой женского костюма была длинная рубаха. Рубаху  обычно украшали богатой вышивкой, иногда — жемчугом. Поверх рубахи носили сарафаны (платья без рукавов) или понёвы ( домотканные юбки). Самым  лучшим и красивым  цветом для сарафанов и юбок считался красный (слово «красный» в старо-русском языке и означало «красивый»).

    The Russian women’s costume was based on the “rubakha” ( a linen shirt or blouse). It was made flaxen embroidery, silk lace, golden threads and spangles. Collars and sleeves were decorated extensively.

By the early 20th century the most widespread women costumes were of two types: the South Russian one with poneva, i.e. a homespun woollen skirt, and the Mid-Russian one with a sarafan, i.e. a kind of  sleeveless dress.  The typical color of the sarafan and  skirts was red, as this color literally translates to “beautiful”.


На праздник голову украшали кокошником, который был вышит  жемчугом, стразами и золотыми и серебряными узорами. Кокошник был семейной ценностью и передавался из поколения в поколение. Он был обязательной частью свадебного приданного.

     One of the most common type of festive head-dress was the «kokoshnik», it was masterfully decorated with river pearls, meshwork of pearls, golden and silver needlework, coloured foil and decorative stones. The head-dress was treasured in the family and handed down, and was an integral element of a well-off brides dowry.

В мужской костюм входила длинная (до колен) рубашка-косоворотка, порты (штаны), пояс-кушак, картуз (headdress)  и лапти (позже сапоги). Рубаху носили на выпуск и обязательно с поясом. Лапти плели из берестяного лыка.

В конце 19 века  стал широко популярен  в России картуз – фуражка, шапка с козырьком, которую украшали цветком.

     Men’s costume was composed of a long shirt (rubakha- kosovorotk —  a  shirt with a stand-up collar fastening on the side), trousers (porty),  a belt (poyas- kushak), and  bast shoes (later boots). The woven shoes commonly made from fibres of the birch tree. No longer worn in modern times, today they are a decorative piece hanging in people’s homes. The cap (kartuz) came into being in the late 19th century, and it was decorated with a flower.

Зимой надевали шубы и валенки. Шубы  носили и крестьяне, и знатные бояре, и царь. На Руси было принято шить шубы мехом внутрь. Каким бы дорогим не был мех, он служил лишь подкладкой. Сверху шубу покрывали материалом: бедные люди – сукном, богатые    парчой или бархатом. Зимой  мужчины носили шапку- ушанку или треух. Женщины  зимой повязывали шерстяные расписные шали или вязанные пуховые платки.

      In winter, Russians wore the fur coat (shuba) and wool felt footwear (valenki). It was extremely practical and effective in a cold northern climate. Shubas were made of fur turned inside or ‘wrong-side out’.  The traditional male warm hat with flaps – ushanka (derived from the word ushi – ears) or treukh — was used to protect the ears from cold. Woman worn the traditional Russian knitting shawls and beautiful 100% wool  Pavlov Posad scarves.


Куклы в русских костюмах

Russian national suit is being used from ancient times and until present. It has notable features depending on region. Can be festive or casual. Distinctive feature of russian national suit — huge amount of clothes. Clothes can be union and swing. Suits of majors were made of expensive fabrics, with applications of gold, silver, pearls, costly buttons. Such suits were passed by inheritance. Style of the outfit haven’t been changed by centuries. Definition of fashion didn’t exist. Russian national suit became less popular when Peter I in 1699 has forbidden wearing of russian national suit for everybody, except rednecks, monks, priests and lectors. Base for a man’s suit was a shirt or undershirt. Over the shirt men put on zypun made of home cloth. Base for the woman’s suit was long shirt. Shirts used to be decorated with fringes or embroidery, sometimes with pearls. Married women should have necessarily cover their hair, thus they wore volosniks and povoyniks and binded their hair with shawls, and when leaving the house they put on ornated kiks or kokoshniks.


Сочинение на тему «Национальный костюм» на английском языке с переводом на русский язык

National Costume

Национальный костюм

National costume is an important part of every culture. It is a symbol of a nationality, the way people can identify it.

Национальный костюм-это важная часть культуры. Это символ национальности и способ её идентификации.

Now there are some details about traditional clothes. The symbols of Russian folk costumes are sarafan (a long clothing for women, a kind of a dress), kaftan (it is similar to a tunic), kokosnic (a female headdress). Russians also have their own shoes: bast shoes (its raw is fiber from the trees,s bark) and valenki (they are made from wool for cold winters). However, Russia is a multinational country; other nations can have their traditional clothes. Countries in central Asia are famous for khelat (a loose robe), tubeteika (a cap), chapan (it is similar to a coat). One of Japan symbols is kimono – a T-shaped clothing. Sometimes national costumes are different in several regions of one country. For example, in Austria there are some variants of traditional clothes. The most famous one is a Tyrol costume. Different tribes in Kenya also have their own variants of dressings. Certainly, nowadays many people wear modern clothes such as jeans and T-shirts. However, there are some exceptions.  In the Middle East countries it is obligatory for women to wear special clothes in public.

 Сейчас будут раскрыты некоторые детали традиционной одежды. Символами русского национального костюма являются сарафан (длинная одежда для женщин, разновидность платья), кафтан (он похож на тунику), кокошник (женский головной убор). У русских есть своя обувь: лапти (материалом для них выступает древесное лыко) и валенки (их изготавливают из шерсти для холодных зим). Однако, Россия-это многонациональная страна; у других наций также может быть своя традиционная одежда. Страны центральной Азии знамениты халатом (широкий предмет одежды), тюбетейкой (головной убор), чапаном (он напоминает пальто). Одним из символом Японии выступает кимоно-это одеяние по форме напоминает букву «Т». Иногда национальные костюмы отличаются в зависимости от конкретного региона. Например, в Австрии существует несколько вариантов традиционной одежды. Самым известным является тирольский костюм. Разные племена в Кении также имеют свои варианты одежды. Конечно, сейчас многие одеваются в современную одежду, такую как джинсы и футболки. Однако, есть свои исключения. В странах Ближнего Востока женщинам обязательно носить специальную одежду на публике.

It goes without saying that it is necessary to remember your history and culture. You can get to know more about traditions of your and other nations with the help of folk dresses. Moreover, sometimes ethnic clothes are very fashionable and stylish.

Несомненно, необходимо помнить свою историю и культуру. Можно узнать больше о традициях своей и других наций с помощью народной одежды. Более того, иногда этнические одеяния очень модные и стильные.

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Традиционный русский костюм состоит из сарафана яркого цвета, белой ру перевод - Традиционный русский костюм состоит из сарафана яркого цвета, белой ру английский как сказать

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Традиционный русский костюм состоит

Традиционный русский костюм состоит из сарафана яркого цвета, белой рубахи под ним, головного убора (платка, кокошника и прочего) и сапожек с лаптями у женщин. Мужчины же носят яркую рубаху, пояс, шаравары и сапоги или лапти.
Сарафаны и рубахи шьются из натуральных материалов: льна, хлопка. Традиционный русский костюм очень древен, невозможно сказать, когда он появился. Сейчас до сих пор можно увидеть его в деревнях, на реконструкциях.


Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]


Traditional Russian costume consists of bright-colored sundress, white shirt underneath, headgear (headscarf, kokošnika and others) and boots with bust shoes for women. Men wear a bright shirt, belt, šaravary and boots or shoes.Sarafans and shirts are made from natural materials such as linen, cotton. Traditional Russian costume very Dreven, you cannot tell when he appeared. Now you can still see it in the villages for reconstruction.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]


a traditional russian costume consists of сарафана vivid color, a white shirt underneath, headgear (handkerchief, кокошника and others) foul with лаптями women. men wear a shirt, beltшаравары and boots or way.
sun dresses and shirts шьются of natural materials: linen, cotton. a traditional russian costume is very ancient, it is impossible to say when he showed up.now i can still see him in the villages at the restoration.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Russian national dresses are a combination of different colours and a large number of details. A few centuries ago, just one suit could tell where the wearer came from. In addition, Russian craftsmen created different festive outfits for each special event.

Russian traditional outfits have always been divided into casual and festive. Our ancestors very clearly separated simpler clothes made of coarse fabrics with a minimum number of decorative elements from more colourful outfits for special events. Red clothing was considered the most luxurious.

The main materials for sewing dresses were cloth, linen and silk. The role of the lining was performed by a special lining fabric.

The images differed significantly depending on the regions. So, for example, people from the Northern regions of Russia put on more outerwear.

Clothing for the nobility also deserves special attention. It was, of course, more expensive and luxurious. Dresses for the nobility were embroidered with gold or silver threads, decorated with pearls and other decorative elements. Such an expensive outfit was worn for years. As a rule, it was passed down from generation to generation, keeping it in its proper form.

Русские традиционные наряды всегда делились на повседневные и праздничные. Наши предки очень четко отделяли более простую одежду из грубых тканей с минимальным количеством декоративных элементов, от более красочных нарядов для особых событий. Наиболее роскошной считалась одежда красного цвета.

Основными материалами для пошива нарядов были сукно, лен и шелк. Роль подкладки исполняла специальная подкладочная ткань.

Образы существенно отличались между собой в зависимости от регионов. Так, к примеру, люди из северных регионов России облачались в большее количество верхней одежды.  

Отдельного внимания заслуживает и одежда для знати. Она, конечно же, была более дорогой и роскошной. Наряды для знати расшивались золотыми или серебряными нитями, украшались жемчугом и прочими декоративными элементами. Такой дорогой наряд носился не один год. Как правило, его передавали из поколения в поколение, сохраняя в надлежащем виде.

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