Представлено сочинение на английском языке Биография Михаила Ломоносова/ The Biography of Mikhail Lomonosov с переводом на русский язык.
The Biography of Mikhail Lomonosov | Биография Михаила Ломоносова |
Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was born on November 19th, 1711, in Arkhangelsk province. He was a famous Russian scientist, polymath and a writer, who had greatly contributed into national literature, science and education. He was also the founder of Russian literary language and a talented poet. The spheres of science that he was interested in included chemistry, physics, natural science, history, philology, art and some others. Lomonosov was the first to discover the atmosphere of Venus. | Михаил Васильевич Ломоносов родился 19 ноября 1711 года в Архангельской губернии. Он был известным русским ученым, эрудитом и писатель, который в значительной степени способствовал развитию национальной литературы, науки и образования. Он также был основателем русского литературного языка и талантливым поэтом. Сферы науки, которыми он был заинтересован, включали химию, физику, естественные науки, историю, филологию, искусство и некоторые другие. Ломоносов был первым человеком, открывшим атмосферу Венеры. |
He was born to a family of a prosperous peasant and fisherman. When he was young he liked fishing with his father. Lomonosov’s mother was a deacon’s daughter. At the age of ten he started accompanying his father in business ventures. However, the boy was keen on studying and getting knowledge than business. He spent every spare minute with books. | Он родился в семье зажиточного крестьянина и рыбака. Когда он был молод, он любил ездить на рыбалку с отцом. Мать Ломоносова была дочерью дьякона. В возрасте десяти лет он начал сопровождать отца в деловых поездках. Однако, мальчик был более увлечен изучением и получением знаний, чем бизнесом. Он проводил каждую свободную минуту с книгами. |
At the age of nineteen Lomonosov decided to go to Moscow on foot because he wanted to study. He entered the Slavic Greek Latin Academy and lived on three kopecks a day, living off only black bread and kvas. However, he made a rapid progress in studies. Soon, he was awarded a scholarship to Saint Petersburg State University, and then he got a two-year grant to study in Germany. Arriving back to Moscow, Lomonosov was made a full member of the Russian Academy of Science and named professor of chemistry. He established the Academy’s first chemistry laboratory. In 1755, wishing to improve Russian education system, Lomonosov together with his patron Count Ivan Shuvalov founded the Moscow State University. Most of his accomplishments were almost unknown outside Russia until long after his death. | В возрасте девятнадцати лет Ломоносов решил пойти в Москву пешком, потому как хотел учиться. Он поступил в Славяно-греко-латинскую академию и жил на три копейки в день на одном черном хлебе и квасе. Тем не менее, он быстро добился успехов в учебе. Вскоре он получил стипендию в Санкт-Петербургском государственном университете, а затем он получил двухлетний грант на обучение в Германии. Прибыв в Москву, Ломоносов стал полноправным членом Русской академии наук и стал профессором химии. Он основал первую химическую лабораторию в Академии. В 1755 году, желая улучшить систему образования в России, Ломоносов совместно со своим покровителем графом Иваном Шуваловым основал Московский государственный университет. Большая часть его достижений была почти неизвестна за пределами России еще долго после его смерти. |
Lomonosov died in 1765 in Saint-Petersburg. He is still known as the father of Russian science and founder of Moscow State University. | Ломоносов умер в 1765 году в Санкт-Петербурге. Он до сих пор известен как отец русской науки и основатель Московского государственного университета. |
Russia is the native country of many renowned scientists. They made discoveries in various fields, from physics to ophthalmology, and also found practical application of their theories. People across the world use their inventions.
Mikhail Lomonosov
Lomonosov made many discoveries in various fields: he is regarded as the first to
discover the law of mass conservation (1760) and to establish mechanistic caloric theory and the
chemistry of minerals and glass. Lomonosov is the founder of Russia’s first classical university –
Moscow State University (1755).
Nikolay Lobachevsky
The founder of hyperbolic geometry (1829) which was later recognized as a valid
alternative to Euclidean geometry. Graduated from Kazan
University where he later held the position of professor and then rector.
Pafnuty Chebyshev
Made several breakthrough discoveries in mechanics and mathematics. Chebyshev
designed over 40 mechanisms still used in the modern automotive industry and instrumentation.
Sofia Kovalevskaya
Made a series of discoveries in mathematics. She was awarded the Prize of the Royal
Swedish Academy of Sciences for her thesis on integrable rigid body motion (1888).
Aleksander Stoletov
Russian physicist who worked in electrical engineering, optics and molecular
physics. He designed and constructed the first photoelectric element, a device which transforms the
energy of photons into electricity.
Dmitri Mendeleev
Mendeleev formulated the Periodic Law and created his own version of the periodic
table of elements (1869). The system that he devised made it possible to correct the properties of some
elements that had already been discovered and also to predict the properties of elements yet to be
discovered. His discovery is viewed as the most significant contribution to materials chemistry.
Alexander Popov
He was one of the first to find practical applications of electromagnetic waves,
particularly in wireless communication. He designed and built a state-of-the-art radio receiver that was
unique for its time (1895).
Alexander Butlerov
Butlerov is one of the principal creators of the theory of chemical structure. He
was a graduate of Kazan University.
Later he taught at St. Petersburg University.
Sergey Botkin
Botkin created the theory of a living organism as a unified whole. He was the first
to suggest that catarrhal jaundice (hepatitis) or Botkin’s disease was caused by an infection.
Nikolay Pirogov
Pirogov is considered the founder of field surgery, regional anatomy and the
founder of the Russian school of anesthesia. Surgery became a science thanks to him.
Ivan Pavlov
Pavlov is the founder of physiology of higher nervous activity. He is the first
Russian Nobel Prize winner (1904). He received awards for physiology of digestion.
Élie Metchnikoff
The founder of comparative pathology, evolutionary fetology and immunology.
Mechnikov discovered phagocytosis. Mechnikov is the founder of gerontology. He was awarded a Nobel Prize
for his contribution to the study of the immune system (1908).
Alexander Mozhaysky
Mozhaysky was a naval officer and inventor. He designed, built and tested one of
the world’s first airplanes (1882).
Nikolay Zhukovsky
Zhukovsky is the founding father of Russian aeronautics. He is also the founder of
modern hydrodynamics. A graduate and later a professor at Moscow State University.
Vladimir Zworykin
An engineer and inventor. Born and educated in Russia. One the founding fathers and
pioneers of television. He invented the cathode ray tube (1929), iconoscope (1931), electrooptical
television system (1933) and laid the basis for colour television (1940s).
Pavel Cherenkov
Cherenkov is the author of several groundbreaking discoveries in physical optics,
nuclear and high-energy physics. He was awarded a Nobel Prize for Physics in 1958.
Nikolay Vavilov
Vavilov was a botanist and geneticist, best known for establishing the scientific
bases of selection and the study of world centres of the origin of cultivated plants. He is the author
of the doctrine of plant immunity.
Lev Landau
Landau is the author of the «Course of Theoretical Physics», which has been
republished many times in 20 languages. He made major contributions to all spheres of physical science,
from quantum mechanics to plasma physics. In 1962 he received the Nobel Prize for Physics for his
research of the superfluidity of helium.
Nikolay Basov
One of the creators of the first quantum generator and a range of lasers. Nobel
Prize winner for Physics in 1964. A graduate of the Moscow Engineering Physics
Alexander Prokhorov
A inventor of laser technologies. He created a range of lasers. Nobel Prize winner
for Physics in 1964.
Pyotr Kapitsa
Leonid Kantorovich
A mathematician, economist, and the founder of linear programming. A winner of a
Nobel Prize for Economics in 1975.
Nikolay Semyonov
One of the founders of chemical physics. He is mostly known for his research of
chain reactions. A winner of a Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1958. He graduated from the department of
physics of Petrograd University and taught at Tomsk Polytechnic Institute and Tomsk University. One of the
founders of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.
Igor Kurchatov
Author of several breakthrough discoveries in nuclear physics. Among them: the
first nuclear reactor in Europe, the first Russian A-bomb and the first fusion bomb. In 1954 he was in
charge of building the first nuclear power plant in Obninsk, USSR
Andrei Sakharov
A pioneer of controlled thermonuclear research. One of the leading figures in the
Soviet thermonuclear bomb project (1953). A renowned human rights activist and winner of the Nobel Peace
Prize in 1975.
Sergey Korolev
Korolev was a leading Soviet rocket engineer and spacecraft designer and is
considered by many as the father of practical astronautics. Among his major achievements are the first
successful launch of an orbiting satellite (1957) and the first manned space flight of Yuri Gagarin
Andrei Tupolev
Aircraft designer. In 1968, Tupolev introduced the world’s first supersonic
airliner, the Tu-144. Over 70 types of aircraft were designed and put into mass production under his
Svyatoslav Fyodorov
An ophthalmologist and microsurgeon. In 1962, in cooperation with Valery Zakharov,
he created one of the world’s most rigid intraocular lenses. In 1973, he developed a new surgical
technique to treat the early stage of the glaucoma. Consequently his method became widely used.
Zhores Alferov
An author of over 500 scientific papers and around 50 inventions in semiconductor
and quantum electronics. In particular, Alferov invented the first stable transistor. He was awarded a
Nobel Prize for Physics in 2000. A graduate of the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute.
Grigori Perelman
One of the most renowned contemporary mathematicians. He solved the Poincaré
conjecture, one of the seven Millennium Prize Problems (2002).
Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov
Graduates of the Moscow
Institute of Physics and Technology. Winners of a Nobel Prize for Physics in 2010 for their study of
graphene, the material which is supposed to define the future of electronics.
Yuri Oganesyan
Leads research aimed at the synthesis of new chemical elements. From 1999–2010, he
and his colleagues were the first to synthesize 6 superheavy elements ahead of their western
Alexei Starobinsky
A pioneer of the «inflation theory» that explains the birth of the universe. Winner
of the Kavli Prize for Astrophysics (2014).
Rashid Sunyaev
One of the authors of the theory currently known as the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect
under which electrons associated with gas in galaxy clusters gradually scatter cosmic microwave
background radiation. Winner of the Kyoto Prize (2011), an award given for making the world better.
Mikhail Lukin
Graduate of the Moscow
Institute of Physics and Technology. Professor at Harvard University. He proved that a beam of light
can be halted in an environment and then controlled with a laser. The technology he developed can be
used in quantum computers – a new step in the technological development of humanity.
Artem Oganov
A graduate of Lomonosov Moscow State University who worked at the Moscow Institute of Physics and
Technology. Professor at Stony Brook University (New York). He is known mostly for his work on the
discovery of computational materials and crystal structure prediction. He holds numerous prestigious
prizes, including an ETH Latsis Prize, Research Excellence Medal of the European Mineralogical Union,
and three most-cited paper awards from Elsevier. He created laboratories in China and in Russia.
Dmitry Svergun
Graduate of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Gained worldwide recognition for new
practical applications of X-ray radiation. Professor, Habil. PhD. He is the head of the European
Molecular Biology Research Laboratory in Hamburg.
Vladimir Krasnopolsky
Made several discoveries concerning our Solar System. He was one of the creators of
spectrometers for the first Soviet interplanetary probes. He discovered the ozone layer, helium and
methane in the atmosphere of Mars.
Alexander Holevo
Author of 170 papers, including books published abroad. He made a substantial
contribution to the mathematical foundations of quantum information science. He is the holder of three
international awards: Quantum Communication Award (1996), Alexander von Humboldt Research Award (1999)
and Claude E. Shannon Award (2016). Graduate of the Moscow Institute of Physics and
Eugene Kaspersky
A world-renowned expert in cyber security. He is the creator of anti-virus software
that is designed to protect users against computer viruses, trojans, spyware, and unknown threats.
Eugene Kaspersky is listed by Foreign Policy as one of the Top-100 Global Thinkers of 2012. He holds an
Honorary Doctorate of Technology degree from Plymouth University.
- 13.11.2018
Тема по английскому языку: Михаил Ломоносов
Топик по английскому языку: Михаил Ломоносов (Mikhail Lomonosov). Данный текст может быть использован в качестве презентации, проекта, рассказа, эссе, сочинения или сообщения на тему.
Русский ученый
Михаил Ломоносов был первым русским всемирно известным специалистом в области естествознания. Он был также поэтом, заложившим основы русского литературного языка.
Михаил Ломоносов родился в 1711 году в семье рыбака в деревне, расположенной неподалеку от Архангельска. Так как он был сыном крестьянина, ему было отказано в принятии в городские школы. Однако Ломоносов очень желал получить образование, поэтому в 1730 он прошел весь путь в Москву пешком.
Михаил вынужден был скрыть свое происхождение, чтобы его приняли в Славяно-греко-латинскую академию Москвы, где он начал свое образование в возрасте 19 лет. Ломоносов был признан лучшим студентом и завершил свое образование в Санкт-Петербурге и Германии.
Первым русский профессор химии
Ломоносов стал первым русским профессором химии Петербургской Академии наук в 1745. Его основные научные достижения были в области физической химии, наряду с другими знаменательными открытиями в области астрономии, геофизики, геологии, металлургии и минералогии.
Научная работа
Ломоносов был основателем Московского Университета, который в 1940 году по случаю своей 185-ой годовщины, был назван в его честь. Он является автором первой научной грамматики русского языка. Ломоносов опубликовал первую историю России в 1760 и изобрел новую систему стихотворного размера в своей поэзии. Он также возродил искусство мозаики и построил фабрику из мозаики и цветного стекла.
Ломоносов изобрел первый барометр газа, разработал методы точного взвешивания, разработал кинетическую теорию теплоты. Он доказал органическое происхождение масел, каменного угля и янтаря.
Ломоносов умер 15 апреля 1765.
Михаил Ломоносов был первым русским ученым мирового значения. Он обладал энциклопедическими знаниями, интересами и способностями, и он также известен как поэт, художник, астроном и русский историк, который внес важный вклад в литературу и науку.
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Mikhail Lomonosov
Specialist in natural science
Mikhail Lomonosov was Russia’s first world-famed specialist in natural science. He was also a poet who laid down the foundations of Russian literary language.
Mikhail Lomonosov was born in 1711 in the family of a fisherman in the village not far from Arkhangelsk. Since he was the son of a peasant, he was refused admission to the town schools. However, Lomonosov was eager to get an education, so in 1730 he travelled all the way to Moscow on foot.
Mikhail had to conceal his origin in order to be admitted to the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy of Moscow, where he started his education at the age of 19. Lomonosov was recognized as an excellent student and completed his education in St. Petersburg and in Germany.
First Russian professor of chemistry
Lomonosov became the first Russian professor of chemistry at St. Petersburg Academy of Science in 1745. His major scientific accomplishment was in the field of physical chemistry, with other notable discoveries in astronomy, geophysics, geology, metallurgy and mineralogy.
Scientific work
Lomonosov was the founder of Moscow University, which in 1940 on the occasion of its 185th Anniversary was named after him. He is the author of the first scientifical grammar of the Russian language. Lomonosov published the first history of Russia in 1760 and invented a new system of meter in his poetry. He also revived the art of Russian mosaic and built a mosaic and colored-glass factory.
Lomonosov invented the first gas barometer, developed the methods of exact weighting, brought up the kinetic theory of warmth. He proved the organic origin of oils, stone coal and amber.
Lomonosov died on April 15, 1765.
Mikhail Lomonosov was the first Russian natural scientist of world importance. He had encyclopedic knowledge, interests and abilities, and he also is known as a poet, artist, astronomer and Russian historian, who made important contributions to both literature and science.
Outstanding personalities in RussiaThe names of many Russian scientists and inventors are known in all parts of the world. The contribution of many Russian biologists, physicists, chemists, physiologists etc. to the development of international science is really great. The names of Lomonosov, Mendeleyev, Sechenov, Popov, Tsiolkovski, Korolev, Pavlov, Sakharov are internationally acclaimed. There are very many branches of science where the Russian inventors and scientist have made great discoveries bringing the mankind to the whole new level of its development.
Имена многих русских ученых и исследователей известны во всем мире. Вклад многих русских биологов, физиков, химиков, физиологов в развитие международной (мировой) науки поистине огромен. Имена Ломоносова, Менделеева, Сеченова, Попова, Циолковского, Королева, Павлова, Сахарова являются всемирно известными. Существует очень много научных областей, где русские исследователи и ученые сделали великие открытия, выводящие человечество на совершенно новый уровень развития.
The first university in Russia was found by the first Russian philosopher of nature (natural scientist), historian, painter and literary figure at once. His name was Lomonosov. He has written many scientific works on different topics: on history, physics, astronomy, biology, geology, philology, chemistry, mineralogy. He also was a very important statesman.
Первый университет в России был основан первым российским естествоиспытателем, ученым, историком, художником и литературным деятелем одновременно. Это был Ломоносов. Он написал много научных трудов на различные темы: по истории, физике, астрономии, биологии, филологии, химии, минералогии. Он также был важным политическим деятелем.
The Russian scientist Mendeleyev discovered the Periodic Table of the Elements. It became the basic law for future discoveries in chemistry. In 1895 the Russian scientist Popov invented the radio. The names of such great Russian physiologists as Sechenov and Pavlov are known worldwide.
Русский ученый Менделеев открыл периодическую таблицу элементов. Она стала основой для будущих химических открытий. В 1895 русский ученый Попов изобрел радио. Имена таких русских физиологов, как Сеченов и Павлов, широко известны во всем мире.
The scientific theory of space flights was worked out by the Russian scientist Tsiolkovski. He also called into being a new research field – astronautic science (star navigation).
Научная теории космических полетов была разработана российским ученым Циолковским. Им также было создано новое научное направление – астронавтика.
The Russian scientist, designer and manager of space system production Korolev constructed the first artificial satellite. Through his ideas and scientific inventions the first manned space flight became possible. The Russian spaceman Gagarin was the first human who orbited our Earth in 1961.
Русский ученый, конструктор и организатор производства космической техники Королев сконструировал первый искусственный спутник. Благодаря его идеям и научным открытиям стал возможным первый полет человека в космос. Русский космонавт Гагарин был первым человеком, которые в 1961 году облетел нашу Землю.
1) Albert Einstein-Альберт Эйнштейн 2) Albert Einstein-Альберт Эйнштейн 3) Alfred Nobel-Альфред Нобель 4) Andrei Sakharov-Андрей Сахаров 5) Charles Darwin-Чарльз Дарвин 6) Charles Darwin-Чарльз Дарвин 7) Dmitri Mendeleyev-Дмитрий Менделеев 9) Isaac Newton-Исаак Ньютон 10) Mikhail Lomonosov-Михаил Ломоносов Другие темы из категории «Известные люди — Famous people»
The names of numerous Russian researchers and innovators are known in all parts of the world. The contribution that numerous Russian researchers, physicists, scientific experts, physiologists, and others made to the advancement of worldwide science is absolutely invaluable. The names of Lomonosov, Mendeleyev, Sechenov, Popov, Tsiolkovski, Korolev, Pavlov, Sakharov are globally acclaimed. There are a lot of subdisciplines of science in which the Russian innovators and researchers have made incredible revelations leading humanity to the unheard improvements and achievements.
The first university in Russia was founded by Lomonosov who was a pioneer in Russian philosophy of nature, a student of history and a painter. He composed numerous scientific works on various subjects: on history, astronomy, physics, geography, philology, biology, and others. He played a significant role as a statesman as well.
Mendeleyev is famous for discovering and ordering the Periodic Table of the Elements. It turned into the fundamental law for future disclosures in science.
The scientific hypothesis of space flights was worked out by the Russian scientist Tsiolkovski. He is also known as the creator of a new field – astronautic science.
For Russian people space became real earlier than in other countries. Gagarin, the Russian astronaut, was the first human who circled our planet in 1961.
Имена многих исследователей и изобретателей нашей страны известны во всех уголках планеты. Вклад, внесенный многочисленными российскими исследователями, физиками, научными деятелями, физиологами и многими другими учеными в развитие мировой науки, неоценим. Имена Ломоносова, Менделеева, Сеченова, Попова, Королева, Циолковского, Сахарова признаны во всем мире. Во многих разделах науки российские деятели совершили невероятные открытия, которые привели человечество к небывалым улучшениям и достижениям.
Первый университет в России был основан Ломоносовым, который был первым философом нашей страны, студентом истории и даже художником. Он был автором многих научных работ, которые освещали различные темы и дисциплины: история, физика, география, филология, биология и многие другие. Он также сыграл значимую роль в качестве политического деятеля.
Менделеев известен тем, что открыл и упорядочил Периодическую таблицу элементов. Это открытие стало фундаментом для последующих прорывов в науке.
Научная гипотеза о полетах в космос была разработана нашим соотечественником, Циолковским. Он также считается основателем нового направления в науке – астронавтики.
Для русских людей космос стал реальностью раньше, чем для других стран. Гагарин, российский астронавт, стал первым человеком, облетевшим земной шар в 1961 году.
Полезные выражения
Researcher – исследователь
Contribution – вклад
Advancement – успех, прогресс, продвижение
Acclaimed – признанный
Unheard – небывалый
Statesman – политический деятель
Turn into – превратиться
Disclosure – открытие
Space – космос
Russia’s contribution to the world’s science can hardly be overestimated. People all over the world know the names of Russian scientists, Nobel prize winners and authors of important discoveries and inventions.
Russia’s first world-famed scientist was Mikhail Lomonosov (1711-1765). Eager to get an education, he left his home village Kholmogory and walked to Moscow on foot. The son of a poor fisherman became the first Russian professor of Chemistry at St. Petersburg Academy of Science in 1745. In XX century Moscow State University was named after M. Lomonosov to commemorate his scientific achievements and efforts to establish the system of higher education in Russia.
Another eminent Russian Scientist is Dmitri Mendeleev (1834-1907) – a famous chemist who arranged the 63 known elements into a periodic table based on atomic mass. Today every student is familiar with this table that bears the name of Mendeleev. The legend says that Mendeleev saw the periodical
system in his dream. He was also able to predict the discovery of several elements that were not known at his time and have been discovered recently.
Among famous Russian scientists who contributed to world’s science one should not forget Sofia Kovalevskaya (1850-1891) who became the first female professor of mathematics in the world.
One can also remember outstanding scientists from different fields of knowledge. Thus Alexander Popov (1859-1905) invented radio, Academician Ivan Pavlov (1854-1929) became the first Russian Nobel Prize winner in Medicine, the work by Nikolai Basov (1922-2001) led to the invention of the laser.
But this list is not over. Russian scientists, physicists, chemists, psychologists, surgeons and those who work in other spheres make new discoveries and breakthroughs. We can be proud of our scientists of the past and of the scientists who work today.
Российские ученые
Вклад России в развитие мировое науки едва ли можно переоценить. Во всем мире люди знают имена российских ученых, нобелевских лауреатов и авторов важных открытий и изобретений.
всемирно известным российским ученым был Михаил Ломоносов (1711-1765). Желая получить образование, он ушел из родной деревни Холмогоры и отправился в Москву пешком. Сын бедного рыбака стал первым в России профессором химии в Санкт-Петербургской Академии наук в 1745 году. В XX веке Московский Государственный Университет был назван в честь М. Ломоносова, чтобы увековечить его научные достижения и попытки установить в России систему высшего образования.
Еще один видный российский ученый – это Дмитрий Менделеев (1834-1907) – знаменитый химик, который организовал 63 известных элемента в периодическую таблицу на основе атомных масс. Сегодня каждый школьник знаком с этой таблицей, которая носит имя Менделеева. По легенде Менделеев увидел периодическую систему во сне. Он также смог предсказать открытие нескольких элементов, не известных в его время, которые были открыты недавно.
Среди известных российских ученых, которые внесли вклад в мировую науку, нельзя забывать и о Софье Ковалевской (1850-1891), которая стала первой женщиной-профессором математики в мире.
Можно также вспомнить выдающихся ученых из разных областей. Так Александр Попов (1859-1905) изобрел радио, академик Иван Павлов стал первым российским нобелевским лауреатом по медицине, работы Николая Басова (1922 – 2001) привела к изобретению лазера.
Но на этом список не заканчивается. Российские ученые, физики, химики, психологи, хирурги и те, кто работает в других сферах, делают новые открытия и прорывы. Мы можем гордиться нашими учеными прошлого и теми учеными, которые работаю сегодня.
Academy of Science – Академия Наук
achievements – достижения
arrange – размещать
breakthrough – научный прорыв
chemist – химик
chemistry – химия
commemorate – почтить память
to contribute – вносить вклад
contribution – вклад
discovery – открытие
eager – сильно желающий
effort – усилие, попытка
establish – учреждать, устанавливать
to be familiar with – быть знакомым с
invention – изобретение
lead (led) – приводить
nobel prize – нобелевская премия
outstanding – выдающийся
overestimate – переоценивать
periodic table – таблица Менделеева
scientist – ученый
to predict – предсказывать
to be proud of – гордиться
surgeon – хирург
world-famed – всемирно известный
Answer the questions
1. Who is Russia’s first world-famed scientist?
2. What is he famous for? What famous places were named after him?
3. What is D. Mendeleev famous for?
4. How did he make his discovery according to the legend?
5. Who became the first female professor of mathematics in the world?
6. Who was the first Russian Nobel Prize winner? What studies did he make?
7. What is the name of the Russian inventor of the radio?
8. In what sphere did N. Basov work?
Russian scientists – Российские ученые