Сочинение про скейтбординг на английском

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Skateboarding is a sport in which a person rides on a skateboard, a small platform with wheels, while performing tricks and maneuvers. It is a popular recreational activity that is enjoyed by people of all ages, and it is often associated with urban and youth culture.

Skateboarding requires balance, coordination, and agility, and it can be done on a variety of surfaces, including streets, skateparks, and ramps. Skateboarders use a variety of different skateboards, including shortboards, longboards, and cruisers, depending on their preferred style of skating and the type of terrain they are riding.

Skateboarding is a popular sport that is enjoyed by people around the world, and it has a strong following in places like California, Texas, and Florida. It is also a popular competitive sport, with skateboarding events ranging from street and park competitions to professional competitions.

Текст на английском языке с переводом. Skateboarding — Скейтбординг

Это сочинение на тему «Skateboarding» с переводом. Ниже вы найдете список полезных слов.

Текст на английском Перевод
Skateboarding is a sport in which a person rides on a skateboard, a small platform with wheels, while performing tricks and maneuvers. Скейтбординг — это вид спорта, в котором человек катается на скейтборде, небольшой платформе с колесами, выполняя при этом трюки и маневры.
It is a popular recreational activity that is enjoyed by people of all ages, and it is often associated with urban and youth culture. Это популярный вид отдыха, которым увлекаются люди всех возрастов, и он часто ассоциируется с городской и молодежной культурой.
Skateboarding requires balance, coordination, and agility, and it can be done on a variety of surfaces, including streets, skateparks, and ramps. Скейтбординг требует равновесия, координации и ловкости, и им можно заниматься на различных поверхностях, включая улицы, скейтпарки и рампы.
Skateboarders use a variety of different skateboards, including shortboards, longboards, and cruisers, depending on their preferred style of skating and the type of terrain they are riding. Скейтбордисты используют различные скейтборды, включая шортборды, лонгборды и круизеры, в зависимости от предпочитаемого стиля катания и типа местности, на которой они катаются.
Skateboarding is a popular sport that is enjoyed by people around the world, and it has a strong following in places like California, Texas, and Florida. Скейтбординг — это популярный вид спорта, которым увлекаются люди во всем мире, и он пользуется большой популярностью в таких местах, как Калифорния, Техас и Флорида.
It is also a popular competitive sport, with skateboarding events ranging from street and park competitions to professional competitions. Это также популярный вид спорта, в котором проводятся соревнования по скейтбордингу — от уличных и парковых соревнований до профессиональных соревнований.

Полезные слова:

  • wheel — колесо.
  • trick — трюк.
  • recreational — развлекательный.
  • to enjoy — наслаждаться.
  • urban — городской.
  • youth — молодежный.
  • to require — требовать.
  • agility — ловкость.
  • variety — разнообразие.
  • surface — поверхность.
  • to depend on sth — зависеть от чего-либо.
  • terrain — поверхность, рельеф.
  • around the world — по всему миру.
  • competitive — соревновательный.
  • event — мероприятие.
  • to range — варьироваться.
  • demanding — требовательный.
  • endurance — выносливость.


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If you are taking care about your health same like me, you are sure crazy about good food and sport. I think all kinds of sport are good if you do it with all your heart. If you are really crazy about this sport, it will become your lifestyle.

Football, basketball, volleyball, swimming and jogging are very good and can help you to keep fit. But there are different kind of sport in the world and today I would like to speak about extreme kind of sport.

All people call it also adventure sport or action sport is popular all over the world. This kind of activities involve high degree of risk. Usually these activities are connected with speed, height and a high level of physical exertion.

There are many different kind of extreme sport. For example, water skiing, air racing, gliding, surfing, windsurfing, kiteboarding, extreme skiing, snowboarding, parachuting and sailing. People can choose whatever they want and like, but you have to remember about the risk always.

I have never tried any of these kind of sport. But I am really curious about some of them.

Parachuting looks very attractive to me. I would like to do it at least once in the life, to see the view and to have this feeling of freedom. Of course it makes me scared and I would never risk to do it by myself.

Surfing looks also very interesting. It’s good for those people who live close to the ocean. I know Americans are crazy about it. There are even schools where you can learn to surf.

Skiing and snowboarding are very similar I think. Many Russian people go to Switzerland, Sochi in the mountains to challenge themself.

In general I think people need to have some hobbies. It’s only important that we have only one life and any of these kind of sport is a risk to be shaken or lose this life.

Экстремальные виды спорта

Экстремальный спорт

Extreme sports lately firmly strengthens its position in the choice of leisure among young people. Everyone knows that this sport is very dangerous for life. Immediately the question arises: for what? It turns out that many extremes like to get thrills, balance between life and death. For some, such a pastime helps to throw out negative energy. Others need to experience a heightened sense of life.

Extreme sport has become famous since 1950. These include rock climbing, parachuting, skateboarding, snowboarding, car racing, surfing, rodeo, diving and many others.

Basejumping is the most popular and dangerous sport. It represents jumping from high buildings, bridges, towers. In order not to break, jumpers use parachutes. A person must have courage, dexterity, and be able to accurately calculate when to open a parachute. Such jumps do not rarely lead to injury or death.

CAVE DIVING — diving under the water in caves that are very dangerous. Swimmers are sometimes forced to swim through narrow passages in total darkness, they do not always go up. With such dives there is a great risk of getting lost.

RAFTING — rafting on turbulent rivers in the mountains, where there are a lot of obstacles in the form of waterfalls, turbulent rapids and huge stones. This hobby is no less dangerous, because mountain rivers are very severe.

RODEO — dangerous and spectacular entertainment. The competitor needs to jump on the infuriated bull and hold onto it for 10 seconds. But victory does not always come easily, and often such jumps end in fatal injuries.

SURFING — gliding through the waves on special boards, which are very difficult to hold onto. And if a high wave is approaching, it is not known who will win this man’s battle with the ocean.

Экстремальный спорт последнее время плотно укрепляет свои позиции в выборе досуга среди молодёжи. Всем хорошо известно, что такой спорт очень опасен для жизни. Сразу возникает вопрос: для чего? Оказывается многим экстремалам нравиться получать острые ощущения, балансировать между жизнью и смертью. Для одних такое времяпровождение помогает выплеснуть негативную энергию. Другим необходимо испытывать обостренное чувство жизни.

Экстремальный спорт стал известным с 1950 года. Сюда относятся: скалолазание, парашютизм, скейтбординг, сноубординг, автомобильные гонки, сёрфинг, родео, дайвинг и многие другие.

БЕЙСДЖАМПИНГ — самый популярный и опасный вид спорта. Он представляет собой прыжки с высоких зданий, мостов, вышек. Чтобы не разбиться, прыгуны используют парашюты. Человек должен обладать смелостью, ловкость, и уметь точно рассчитать когда следует раскрывать парашют. Подобные прыжки не редко приводят к травмам или смерти.

КЕЙВ-ДАЙВИНГ — погружения под воду в пещерах, которые весьма опасны. Пловцы порой бывают вынуждены плыть через узкие проходы в полной темноте, не всегда поднимаются наверх. При таких погружениях велик риск заблудиться.

РАФТИНГ — сплав по бурным рекам в горах, где очень много препятствий в виде водопадов, бурных порогов и огромных камней. Это увлечение не менее опасно, поскольку горные реки очень суровы.

РОДЕО — опасное и зрелищное развлечение. Участнику требуется вспрыгнуть на разъяренного быка и удержаться на нем 10 секунд. Но победа не всегда дается легко, и часто подобные скачки заканчиваются смертельными травмами.

СЕРФИНГ — скольжение по волнам на специальных досках, удержаться на которых очень трудно. И если надвигается высокая волна, неизвестно, кто победит в этой битве человека с океаном.


Экстремальный спорт

Если вы заботитесь о своём здоровье также, как и я, вы, конечно, без ума от полезной еды и спорта. Я считаю, все виды спорта хороши, если вы занимаетесь этим со всей страстью. Если вы действительно без ума от спорта, он просто станет вашим образом жизни.

Футбол, баскетбол, волейбол, плавание и пробежки очень полезны и помогут вам поддерживать тело в тонусе. Но есть разные виды спорта в мире и сегодня я бы хотела поговорить об экстремальных видах спортах.

Люди ещё называют его приключенческий спорт или экшен спорт и он популярен сейчас во всем мире. Этот вид деятельности влечёт за собой высокие риски. Обычно такая деятельность связана со скоростью, высотой и высоким уровнем физической нагрузки.

Существует множество разных видов экстремального спорта. Например, водные лыжи, воздушные гонки, скольжение, сёрфинг, виндсёрфинг, кайтбординг, экстремальное катание на лыжах, сноубординг, прыжки с парашютом и парусный спорт. Люди могут выбрать абсолютно все, что хотят и что им нравится, но вы всегда должны помнить о возможном риске.

Я никогда не занималась ни одним из этих видов спорта. Но мне очень любопытно попробовать что-нибудь.

Прыжки с парашютом очень привлекают меня. Я бы хотела прыгнуть с парашютом хотя бы раз в жизни, чтобы полюбоваться видом и испытать чувство свободы. Конечно, прыжки меня немного пугают и я бы ни за что не рискнула своей жизнью ради прыжка.

Сёрфинг тоже выглядит очень интересным видом спорта. Он особенно хорош для тех людей, которые живут возле океана. Я знаю точно, что американцы без ума от сёрфинга. На побережье открыты даже школы, где можно научиться серфингу.

Лыжи и сноубординг кажутся мне достаточно одинаковыми. Многие русские люди ездят в Швейцарию, в Сочи в горы, чтобы бросить себе вызов.

В общем, я считаю, что людям очень важно иметь какое-то хобби. Главное помните, что у нас всего лишь одна жизнь и любой из этих видов спорта является риском остаться покалеченным или вовсе потерять свою жизнь.

Сочинение на английском языке Экстремальный спорт/ Extreme Sport с переводом на русский язык

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Экстремальный спорт/ Extreme Sport с переводом на русский язык.

Extreme Sport Экстремальный спорт
Many people today go in for extreme sports. Perhaps, they find ordinary sports too boring and unexciting. It is also known that extreme sports help to build character and form a strong personality. Многие люди сегодня занимаются экстремальными видами спорта. Возможно, обычные виды спорта им кажутся слишком скучным и неинтересным. Известно также, что экстремальные виды спорта помогают развивать характер и формировать сильную личность.
There are different types of extreme sports, for example, rock climbing, rafting, scuba diving, surfing, snowboarding, parachuting, hang-gliding, bungee jumping etc. These activities usually involve speed, height and a good level of physical training. However, they become more and more popular even among the beginners. Doing such sports people learn how to overcome difficult situations and how to survive in an emergency. It also develops patience and self-control, and helps to control your fear. More importantly, it gives the sense of achievement. Существуют различные виды экстремального спорта, например, скалолазание, рафтинг, дайвинг, серфинг, сноуборд, прыжки с парашютом, дельтапланеризм, прыжки с тарзанки и т.д. Эти виды деятельности обычно включают скорость, высоту и хороший уровень физической подготовки. Тем не менее, они становятся все более и более популярным даже среди новичков. Занимаясь такими видами спорта, люди учатся, как преодолевать сложные ситуации и как выживать в чрезвычайных ситуациях. Это также развивает терпение и самоконтроль, и помогает контролировать свой страх. Что еще более важно, это дарит чувство достижения.
I have always been scared of parachuting, but surfing or windsurfing don’t seem frightening to me at all. I like doing these sports. Some people might think that they are rather dangerous or risky. They simply don’t know how it feels to be out there standing on the surfing board. I think when you risk you learn how to use your head before acting. Nowadays, many young people find these activities entertaining and spend their free time paragliding or surfing. Я всегда боялся прыжков с парашютом, но серфинг и виндсерфинг мне вовсе не кажутся страшными. Мне нравится заниматься этими видами спорта. Некоторые люди могут подумать, что они довольно опасны и рискованны. Они просто не известны ощущения, которые испытываешь стоя на доске для серфинга. Я думаю, только рискуя, можно узнать, как использовать голову, прежде чем действовать. В настоящее время многие молодые люди считают такие виды деятельности занимательными и проводят свое свободное время за серфингом и парапланеризмом.
At the same time most adults think that there are safer sports, which also help to build your character. For example, swimming, football, ice hockey, skiing and some others. In conclusion I’d like to add that even though I don’t parachute or scuba dive myself, I admire people who dare to do such sports. В то же время большинство взрослых считают, что есть более безопасные виды спорта, которые также помогают развивать характер. Например, плавание, футбол, хоккей, катание на лыжах и некоторые другие. В заключение я хотел бы добавить, что, хотя я сам не прыгаю с парашютом или не занимаюсь дайвингом, я восхищаюсь людьми, которые осмеливаются заниматься такими видами спорта.
I think it requires a lot of courage and inner strength to do extreme sports. Я думаю, для того, чтобы заниматься экстремальными видами спорт требуется много мужества и внутренней силы.

Экстрим — мой выбор

Speed, excitement, danger. You can find all these in the different extreme sports that have become popular last 10 years. Take bungee jumping. You jump off a bridge and you fall and fall, and then, just before you hit the ground or water, an elastic rope pulls you back. In skysurfing you jump out of aeroplane and use a board to “surf” the air, doing gymnastics in mid-air! And extreme sports on land can be just as dangerous.

Winter sports have always an element of danger. For example snowboarding, which has all the excitement of surfing but on snow, is more dangerous even than skiing. Probably the most dangerous of all the new winter sports is snowrafting. You sit in a rubber boat and sail down a mountain at great speed – and you can’t control the boat!

Of course, water sports have always been fun. Ice diving, for those people who are absolutely crasy. You put on diving equipment and dive under a frosen lake. And, if that’s not enough, you try to walk upside down on the ice! I feel cold just thinking about it.

A lot of people are not fit nowadays. It’s a big problem today. If you want to feel fit you’d better go in for one kind of sport or another. I think that everyone must do all he can to be healthy. Good health is better than the best medicine. All kinds of physical exercises are very useful to make our bodies strong and to keep ourselves fit and healthy. To tell the truth I don’t do sports regularly and it is not an essential part of my daily life. In the morning I do some exercises just to awake. In summer I go swimming as there is a beautiful lake with pure water where my Granny lives. In winter I swim in the swimming pool. I like to ride the bike. I shouldn’t call myself a sports fan. Of course , I like to watch sports competitions on TV, like hockey or football. But most of all I admire extreme kinds of sport. I think they are really cool.


Скорость, азарт, опасность. Вы можете найти все это в различных экстремальных видах спорта, которые стали популярными за последние 10 лет. Возьмите банджи-джампинг, к примеру. Вы спрыгиваете с моста, и вы падаете и падаете, а затем, непосредственно перед ударом о землю или воду, упругая веревка тянет вас назад. В скайсерфинге вы выпрыгиваете из самолета и используя сопротивление воздуха, делаете гимнастику в воздухе! Экстремальные виды спорта на суше могут быть так же опасны.

Зимние виды спорта всегда имеют элемент опасности. Например, сноубординг, который также захватывает как и серфинг, но на снегу, является более опасным, чем даже лыжи. Наверное, самым опасным из всех новых зимних видов спорта является сноурафтинг. Вы сидите в резиновой лодке и спускаетесь вниз по горе на большой скорости — и вы не можете контролировать лодку!

Конечно, водные виды спорта всегда приносили удовольствие. Айс-дайвинг, для тех людей, которые абсолютно сумашедшие. Вы одеваете снаряжение для дайвинга и ныряете в замерзшее озеро. И, если этого не достаточно, вы пытаетесь ходить вниз головой по льду! Мне холодно даже просто думать об этом.

Многие люди нездоровы в наши дни. А это большая проблема сегодня. Если вы хотите быть бодрым и здоровым лучше заниматься тем или другим видом спорта. Я думаю, что каждый должен делать все от него зависящее, чтобы быть здоровым. Хорошее здоровье лучше, чем самое лучшее лекарство. Все виды физических упражнений, очень полезны для нашего организма, чтобы сделать его сильным и держать себя в хорошей форме. Сказать по правде, я не занимаюсь спортом регулярно, и он не является неотъемлемой частью моей повседневной жизни. По утрам я делаю упражнения просто чтобы проснуться. Летом я купаюсь, так как есть красивое озеро с чистой водой, там где живет моя бабушка. Зимой я плаваю в бассейне. Я люблю ездить на велосипеде. Я не считаю себя фанатом. Конечно, я люблю смотреть спортивные соревнования по телевизору по хоккею или футболу. Но больше всего я восхищаюсь экстремальными видами спорта. Я думаю, они действительно крутые.


Мы живем в очень динамичное и непростое время. Двадцать первый век – это время модернизаций и инноваций, которые происходят абсолютно во всех сферах жизнедеятельности человека. Вот и в спорте происходят серьезные изменения. На сегодняшний день человеку мало заниматься только общепризнанными видами спорта – волейбол, баскетбол, лыжные гонки, фигурное катание, легкая атлетика…и так далее. Человек хочет чувствовать и переживать очень яркие эмоциональные перегрузки, скорость и дерзость в выполнении невероятных порою, связанных с риском для жизни, спортивных упражнений. И называются эти виды спорта экстремальными.

Анализ литературных источников по данной теме исследования позволяет определить актуальность данной проблемы:молодые люди с риском для жизни занимаются экстремальными видами спорта, подвергая себя и своих близких опасностям, что ведёт к сокращению численности доли молодых людей нашего общества, которые могли бы приносить пользу и работать на благо Родины.

Целью работы является рассмотрение экстремальных видов спорта с двух точек зрения, как с положительного влияния, так и с отрицательного.

Задачи работы заключаются в следующем: раскрыть особенности наиболее известных видов экстремального спорта, определить степень влияния на человека и его окружение в целом.

При написании этой статьи я изучила разные пособия, проанализировала инструктивно-методические документы. Полученную информацию синтезировала и обобщила с собственным жизненным опытом и знаниями.

Sports. Тексты на английском языке про спорт

Задание. Read the text. Complete the passages using the words: board, becomes, practice, sport, foot,sometimes, body, balance, feet

Skateboarding has become a very popular 1. ______ . All a person needs to enjoy this sport is a skateboard, good 2._______ , and some 3. ________ . It is a good idea to use safety helmets and kneepads because even the best skateboarders fall 4._________. To begin skateboarding, put one foot on the skateboard and push forward with the other 5. ____. When you get moving fast enough put both 6._______on the 7. ____________. You keep your balance by moving your arms and 8._________. The more you practice the easier it 9.___________.

Что вы знаете о серфинге? Кажется, что этот вид спорта только недавно завоевал популярность, однако произошло это в 1960. Кстати, первыми сёрфингистами были … аборигены. Перед тем, как читать текст про сёрфинг, пройдите опрос.

What do you know about surfing? (вводный опрос)

  • practice — практиковать
  • report — сообщать
  • introduction — внедрение
  • fiberglass — стекловолокно
  • Maui — остров Мауи, второй по величине остров в архипелаге Гавайских островов (США)
  • Oahu — остров Оаху (Гавайи; США)
  • experience — испытывать

Surfing is popular all over the world. It is practiced on lakes and rivers, seas and oceans — anywhere with good wind.

Some people think that it is a new kind of sport. But it is not. It was first reported by the British explorer Captain Cook in 1778. It became popular with the introduction of mass-produced, lightweight (легкий) boards made of fiberglass in the 1960s.

The birthplace of surfing is Hawaii and today it’s home of the most famous surfing competition. Huge waves crash along mile after mile of beautiful sand, and every surfer dreams of experiencing surfing in Maui or Oahu.

The best time for surfing is when the waves are high. Serious surfers must be brave, love adventures and have lots of energy. Once they’ve experienced the excitement of a ride on the top of the waves, they never want to stop.

It takes time to learn to catch a wave at the right moment, stand up on your board and stay there. But during a hot summer day, who minds learning?

  • physical disability (disabled) — ограниченные возможности

The Paralympics is for people with a physical disability. They were first held in Rome in 1960 and sibce that time there have been 9 Paralympics. The athletes take part in 19 different sports. They play tennis and snookers. They do judo and ride a bike. Some athletes do weight lifting and some go swimming. A lot of athletes go running and jumping. Athletics is very popular. Playing table tennis is also very popular among disabled athletes.

Задание. Read the text. Complete the passages using the words: racing, until, goggles, almost, as long as, safety, splash, besides, ear plugs, prevent

Most Americans can swim, and 1_______ everyone likes at least to 2 _________ around in the waves on a hot day at the beach. Knowing how to swim is important for 3 _________but when you do it seriously, swimming is also one of the best exercises for your body.

4___________ water and swimsuit you don’t need much.
5___________keep irritating chlorinated water out of your eyes and let you watch where you’re going, A swimming cap makes you more streamlined for 6__________ and keeps your hair out of your face.

7 __________keep the water out and 8__________ear infections.

To get in shape, start by swimming twenty minutes three times a week. Add ten minutes 9 __________ you’re swimming for an hour each time. Vary your strokes to work different muscles. It’s okay to take short breaks, 10 ____________your heart rate stays up.

  • go back — зародиться
  • rub — натирать
  • were bound with — обвязаны
  • maim for life — остаться калекой
  • concede defeat — признать поражение
  • introduce — ввести в практику
  • space roped off — пространство, отгороженное канатом

Boxing is an old sport, going back to the days of ancient Greece, where it was an important part of the Olympic Games. The Olympics were held during the hottest part of the summer, and the boxers were rubbed with oil to limit perspiration. Their hands were bound with heavy leather strips often loaded with lead or iron. So fighters were frequently maimed for life. There were no rounds and no time limits — the men fought until one of them conceded defeat.

The sport passed from Greece to Rome, but after the fall of Rome it was unknown in Europe until the 18th century, when James Figg introduced gloveless fighting in England, and opened a boxing school in London. He built an amphitheatre with a square space roped off for the fighters. Figg didn’t believe in rest periods, and a fight continued without stop until one man had obviously won.

Basket-ball is perhaps the only sport whose origin we can speak of without fear of a mistake.

During the winter of 1891— 1892, James Naesmith, a college instructor in Springfield, Massachusetts, invented the game of basket-ball. He wanted his students to have physical exercise between the time when the football season closed and the baseball season opened. He hung fruit baskets on the walls at opposite ends of the gymnasium and organized nine-men teams to play his new game. The purpose of the game was to throw the ball into one basket and to attempt to prevent the opposing team from throwing the ball into the other basket.

There have since been many changes in the rules (for example, the number of players is now reduced to five), but the game is basically the same today as it was more than eighty years ago.

  • interlinked — связанных
  • chariot racing — гонки на колесницах
  • were resumed — были возобновлены

The world’s greatest international sports games are known as the Olympic games. The Olympic games proves that real peace can be achieved through sport. The Olympic emblem is five interlinked rings: blue, yellow, black, green and red. Any national flag contains at least one of these colours.

The Olympic Games began in ancient Greece in 776 B.C. These games were part of festival held every fourth year in honor of the God Zeus at the place called Mount Olympus.

It was great athletic festival, including competitions in wrestling, foot racing, and chariot racing, rowing and others. The games were for men only. Greek women were forbidden not only to participate but also to attend the Olympics.

The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. Then they were resumed in London after the Second World War. Since then the Olympics are held every fourth year in different countries.

The ancient Greeks had no winter sports. Only in 1924 the first Winter Olympic games were held in France. Now they are held regularly.

Some tribes of Native Americans played a game which was alike football, but it had a religious meaning. The winning team had to be executed as the one that had pleased the gods of the tribe.

Britain doesn’t often produce sportsmen or sportswomen who are successful in world championship, but it has been good at inventing sports and writing the rules of games.

Golf was first played in Scotland in the 15 th century and the most famous golf club, Saint Andrew in Scotland, is still the most respected authority on golf in the world.

Cricket was first played in England in the 16 th century and its rules were written in the 18 th century. It is a popular summer sport in England, but it is not played in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Football (soccer) has been played in one form or another for hundreds of years. First it was a very rude and hard game. There were no rules. But since 1863 it has been played with proper rules. That year the Football Association (FA) was started. Its first job was to get a set of rules for all games. By the end of the 19 th century almost every town had its own team.

Rugby is a form of football in which the ball can be handled (взят в руки). It was start as a game in the 19 th century. Rugby takes its name from Rugby school in the Midlands. In 1823, a boy playing football at the school picked up the ball and ran with it. Now it is one of the most popular games.

American football is different from soccer. It is played with an oval ball. American football and rugby are alike.

My mum is definitely against this kind of sport. But my father likes extreme. He considers skateboarding a great activity for young people.

c за скейтбординг

Майк: Вот пожалуйста, мама. Эй, послушай. у нас в школе новый учитель естествознания. Он действительно.

Майк: Он великолепен. Он так хорошо объясняет вещи, и он тоже действительно крут. Знаешь, он любит скейтбординг.

Мэри: Я считаю, что учитель должен быть образцом для молодежи, и я не думаю что скейтбординг это уместно! Подпрыгивать в воздухе перед своими учениками.

Майк: Да ладно тебе. Ты же не серьезно! Скейтбординг превратился в спорт. Проводятся международные соревнования. Скейтбордингом сейчас увлекаются все.

Фрэнк: Ну, если ты спросишь меня, нужно быть сумасшедшим, чтобы кататься на этих досках и выполнять все эти трюки.

Фрэнк: Да, Мэри, я понимаю, что ты имеешь в виду, но Майк большой мальчик. Есть специальное оборудование, чтобы сделать его менее опасным.

Фрэнк: Итак, мне кажется, что если он действительно уверен, что хочет начать кататься на скейтборде, ему следует купить хороший скейтборд, шлем и другое защитное снаряжение.

3 T072 Кто произносит эти предложения — Майк, Мэри или Фрэнк? Послушайте и проверьте. Затем потренируйтесь повторять предложения.

4 Прочтите текст о скейтбординге в России. Эти утверждения касаются разговора, текста или того и другого?

Скейтбординг очень популярен среди подростков во всем мире. Он популярен в России. Скейтбординг имеет богатую историю в этой части мира, и суровый климат не мешает людям заниматься им. Главное шоу экстремальных видов спорта в России — Адреналиновые игры — проводится два раза в год — зимой и летом. Это международный чемпионат мира по скейтбордингу. Зимой может быть холодно, а летом — дождливо, но здесь всегда много выступлений с российскими и иностранными скейтерами.

6 T073 Выберите правильную фразу в разговоре. Прослушайте и проверьте ваши ответы. Затем разыграйте диалог в парах.

B Я понимаю, о чем вы . Это правда, разговор может помочь вашим отношениям, но все зависит от того, о чем вы говорите.

3 A Разве вы не думаете, что если вы живете в доме своих родителей, вы должны делать то, что говорят родители?

7 Обсудите в группах одну из приведенных ниже тем. Используйте Speak Out и диалоги из Упражнения 5, чтобы помочь вам.

I think it is important for parents and children to talk to each other. I totally agree with the opinion that in this way parents become friends with their children, who can trust them in everything. So, children will make much fewer painful mistakes in their future adult life. Personally, I am very close to my parents. I even think that they are closer to me than my friends are. This feels right. Do you agree?

Я считаю важным, чтобы родители и дети разговаривали друг с другом. Я полностью согласен с мнением, что таким образом родители становятся друзьями своим детям, которые им могут во всем доверять. Так дети совершат намного меньше болезненных ошибок в будущей взрослой жизни. Лично я очень близок со своими родителям. Мне даже кажется, что они мне ближе, чем мои друзья. И это правильно. А как считаешь ты?

— In my opinion, parents should give more freedom to teenagers. Their children are not babies anymore.

— I see what you mean but I can understand their worries. They feel ok when they know where their children are.

— If you ask me my parents know all my friends and I always report where I am going to. My mum and dad completely trust me. We have a great relationship.

— Cool! But my parents disapprove of one of my friends. They forbid me to friend with him. What do you think I should do?

— Я понимаю, что ты имеешь в виду, но я могу понять их беспокойство. Они хорошо себя чувствуют, когда знают, где их дети.

— Если вы спросите меня, мои родители знают всех моих друзей, и я всегда сообщаю, куда собираюсь. Мои мама и папа полностью мне доверяют. У нас прекрасные отношения.

— Круто! Но мои родители не одобряют одного из моих друзей. Они запрещают мне дружить с ним. Что ты думаешь я должен сделать?


№ слайда 1


Skateboarding in USA Skateboarding was born in California (USA) in 50ies of last

№ слайда 2

Skateboarding in USA Skateboarding was born in California (USA) in 50ies of last year. And already in 1959 a first skateboard Roller Derby appeared in sale. It was not really similar to what we get used to call a skateboard. The similarity was that it had a “Deck”, which was smooth even without curving. Many teenagers look interest in the skateboard, they considered a deck with wheels to be “a means of movement” First skateboarders could do not much: to keep the balance and go round obstacles

SKATEBOARDING IN USA First person who look a new born hobby seriously was Larry

№ слайда 3

SKATEBOARDING IN USA First person who look a new born hobby seriously was Larry Stivenson, who worked in the magazine “Surf Guide” during that time it was he who began promoting actively new kind of sport into masses.In 1963 a first professional skateboard was constructed by Makaha company it gave a start for conducting the competitions among teenagers.First competitions took place near usual school in California. Skateboarding teams began to appear. The most famous showed unusual according to that time things: riding on hands, jumping from borders.

SKATEBOARDING IN USA Gradually skateboarding was developing and in 1964 a first

№ слайда 4

SKATEBOARDING IN USA Gradually skateboarding was developing and in 1964 a first magazine about skate appeared. That year first skateboarding company “Hobby Skateboards” with its leader Hobby Alter was founded. Hobie Alter was a former star of skateboarding. He was the first to popularize city streets skating. Mid sixties become the top point of skateboarding`s popularity. More than 50 million boards were sold in 3 years by Makaha company. A teenager with a skate could be met in every town of California. After popularity`s time come time of recession. According to unknown reasons next 8 years skateboarding was spread only in small American towns of western coast. There it continued its existence.

SKATEBOARDING IN USA Skateboarding’s second birth is related to 1974. He was con

№ слайда 5

SKATEBOARDING IN USA Skateboarding’s second birth is related to 1974. He was continued with technology perfection of deck and suspension brackets. Some companies constructed new types of brackets, allowing to go in for skateboarding more professionally. There appeared some ideas to make bearings and suspensions brackets more perfect, owing to which it became possible to make grinds Polyurethane wheels came into use. In 1976 in Florida a first professional skateboard was built, it gave an opportunity to skate in any weather. At this time street style became popular. The boards became wider, it allowed skaters to make friends easier and stable. More and more different tricks appeared and due to it people began to take great interest in skating.

SKATEBOARDING IN USA Here is the whole history of skateboarding,it has its ups a

№ слайда 6

SKATEBOARDING IN USA Here is the whole history of skateboarding,it has its ups and downs. People devoted to their business will remain forever. And the fact, if skateboarding will disappear in future or continue developing further depends on every skater. “Transworlds skateboarding”, one of the most popular magazines about this kind of sport was published in 1983.t It became possible for the first time to sign such a magazine.

SKATEBOARDING IN USA In 1984 Powell Pegata skateboarding company produced a firs

№ слайда 7

SKATEBOARDING IN USA In 1984 Powell Pegata skateboarding company produced a first skateboard video.In middle 80ies clothes and footwear Airwalk,Vans,Santa Cruz appeared.So skaters wear special clothes with logotypes of skaters brands and skated in boots specially designed for skateboarding.By the end of 90ies many skateboarders began to look for their sponsors in order to open their own companies.One of such people was Steve Rocco who founded world Industries. Steve and some of his friends gave a start to a new school of skateboarding based on ollie, flips and technical tricks. Then there was a wave of collapse came and many petty companies were broken

SKATEBOARDING IN USA In 1995 the fourth and the last wave of popularity came whi

№ слайда 8

SKATEBOARDING IN USA In 1995 the fourth and the last wave of popularity came which has been going on up to now. At the same time Extreme Games were organized.Now the wave of skateboarding seized the whole world and it has become one of the most popular extreme kind of sports.Hundreds of houses and swimming pools became out of use. Those swimming pools were very comfortable for skateboarding due to their round sides. There a new Style Pool Skating was born, after ramps were built, it gave a start to vert skateboarding.

SKATEBOARDING IN USA In 1978 Alan Gelfard learnt to jump without hands. In such

№ слайда 9

Титры и прочее Спасибо всем, кто нам помогал в создании этой презентации. Особен

№ слайда 11

Титры и прочее Спасибо всем, кто нам помогал в создании этой презентации. Особенно нашим родителям, которые произвели нас на свет Божий. Надеемся, что эта презентация будет оценена по достоинству.

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11-04-2017 23:18

 Skateboarding is an action sport which involves riding and performing tricks using a skateboard. Skateboarding can also be considered a recreational activity, an art form, a job, or a method of transportation. Skateboarding has been shaped and influenced by many skateboarders throughout the years. A 2002 report found that there were 18.5 million skateboarders in the world. 85% of skateboarders polled who had used a board in the last year were under the age of 18, and 74% were male. Skateboarding is relatively modern. Since the 1970s, skateparks have been constructed specifically for use by skateboarders, bikers and inline skaters.    ПЕРЕВОД: Скейтбординг является действием спорта, который включает в себя езду и выполняя трюки помощью скейтборд. Скейтбординг может также рассматриваться рекреационной деятельности, вид искусства, работы или способ транспортировки. Скейтбординг было сформировано и зависит от многих скейтбордистов на протяжении многих лет. В 2002 году докладе отмечается, что было 18500 тысяч скейтеров в мире. 85% опрошенных скейтбордистов, которые использовали доски в прошлом году были в возрасте до 18 лет, а 74% были мужчины. Скейтбординг является относительно современным. С 1970-х скейт-парки были построены специально для использования скейтбордистов, велосипедистов и роликовых коньков. 


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My hobby is skateboarding this is a worldwide sport in the X games. Skateboarding was invented a long while ago by Australian surfers when there weren’t any waves they attached wheels to their surf boards and ‘land surfed’. There has been many historic moments in skateboarding like when Tony Hawk did the world’s first 900 degree spin (2 ? urns) in the X games competition also Danny Way jumped the opening gate for the great wall of china also the latest historic moment is 16 year old Mitchie Brusco was the youngest to perform in the X games and also he was one of the only people to do a 1080 degree spin (3 turns).

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There are many makes for skateboarding from the most common of Plan B to the less know of Fracture but each skateboard is made the same its what the board is coated with which counts for the ‘pop’. Pop is the bounce of the skateboard deck the higher it bounces the more pop it has the better the pop the easier the trick is.

There are two different stances regular (left foot forward) and goofy (right foot forward) this can be determined by which hand you write with if your right handed you are regular and if you are left handed you are goofy but this isn’t the same with everyone though certain people can do things better there opposite side. Skateboarding tricks are very complex even starting with the Ollie (hop) because the foot positioning is very difficult to grasp but the easiest trick is in vert (ramps) it is when you grab the board in mid-air and this easy grab is called the Indy grab this is where you grab the board just behind our front foot.

There are a few key components to a skateboard like there is the deck (wooden part you stand on) trucks (metal that holds the wood and the wheels together) nuts and bolts (holds wheels to trucks and holds trucks to the deck) wheels (parts that make the skateboard move) bushings (help the skateboard to move and also they are located in the trucks) baseplate (attached to the deck and the trucks) kingpin (holds the trucks to the baseplate).

Different truck tightening affect the way people ride if your trucks are loose then you would probably prefer street skating because it’s easy to manoeuvre but with vert skating its more or less straight lines because its ramp to ramp there are many different ramps like there is a drop in which is a vertical drop ramp which can be in different sizes like from 3 foot to 20 foot a different ramp would be a jump box which is as it states it has a drop in one side and flat bank on the other, a flat ank is sloped ramp for beginners to build confidence, another ramp would be a fun box this is a ramp with a rail in the centre, a rail is metal pipes/cuboids the people jump on with the skateboard but land on the trucks and or the deck the last ramp to mention is a spine this is a double back drop in which is used to grinds and or jumping over.

3 pages, 1302 words

Skateboarding has been around since the early 1950’s, when surfers wanted a way to mimic surfing without the water. Skateboarding then, was known as “sidewalk surfing” to many local skateboarders. The name “sidewalk surfing” comes from skateboarders wanting to do surfing-like maneuvers while traveling at a high rate of speed. Then 1950’s were the opening era of skateboarding, but it was not very popular at this time. Many people disliked skateboards, because they destroyed property, and nearly ran over people.

Skateboarding became most popular in California, where it was founded. Over the years, skateboarding became more advanced, in terms of board shapes. The skateboard was first shaped in an oval form. It was soon changed to a slightly larger, oval wooden board. In these advances, new equipment started to become more efficient. Introducing new helmets, knee pads, and wrist guards. Soon enough, the first tick was preformed on the skateboard, which would be the turning point in the history of skateboarding. The 1960’s were a progressive time of the skateboarding era.

At this time, many companies started to produce mass amounts of skateboards, making it a popular item to buy. Skateboarding in the early 1960’s was mostly downhill slalom with a twist of freestyle added in. Competitions were held at these events, making this “dangerous” hobby a competitive challenge. By the end of the 1960’s, skateboarding had died out and was rarely seen for a while. “The skateboarding fad died as quickly as it had started, and the sport had entered its first slump. ” (Skatelog. com) The biggest change in skateboarding happened in the 1970’s.

2 pages, 967 words

The Homework on Advantages Of Changing The High School Start Time

Advantages of changing the high school start time. Education is very important part of our life, so no wonder that our government focuses great attention on both: education process and the students being the integral part of good educational system. The modern school educates children with one objective in mind: their academic success. There are many committees investigating the option of a later …

Although skateboarding was not seen as much, many companies went down, encouraging kids to make their own skateboards out of wood. Making these skateboards did not require any special materials, which was convenient. While skateboarding was already not safe, it posed as an increased risk for injury when kids were making their own skateboards. The most unsafe thing about skateboards, up until the 1970’s, would be the wheels of the skateboard. The wheels of a skateboard were made out of a hardened clay material. This made the wheels ide rough on hard surfaces like pavement and concrete. These wheels easily chipped off and wore out easily. It wasn’t until 1972 when a man named Frank Nasworthy, created the first safe and efficient skateboard wheel. The wheel Nasworthy created was made out of an urethane material. This made the wheel easier to control and more stable at high speeds. The urethane wheel made the skateboards bounce when a bump was hit. Nasworthy stated, “ I thought that if I could sell one set of wheels to each surfing shop, I would make a little bit of money. ” (Tony Roberts, People. om) The 1970’s in all, was a productive century in the skateboarding history. In addition, the 1980’s time period had a lot to offer to the skateboarding community. Then shape of the skateboard soon changed again, this time into a wider board. The wider design of this board made it easier to do tricks on. The previously introduced urethane wheels combined with the new shape of the skateboard, created a whole new was to perform maneuvers. The creation of skateboarding ramps began in the 1980’s. Skateboarding ramps were either small or large in size, wooden, with a metal coping at the top.

These ramps were usually called “kicker ramps” because they could launch a person on a skateboard at least 5 feet in the air. Other forms of skateboarding ramps include half pipes and bowls. Many businesses started creating what its known as “skate parks. ” These skate parks included ramps and obstacles for skateboarders to ride on. Local businesses did not allow skateboarding on their property because of the health risks involved and the damaging of property. Skate parks usually recreated an urban skateboarding environment, in a small or large warehouse.

2 pages, 728 words

The Essay on History Of Skateboarding Clay Wheels

Skateboarding has rich history of innovation and is full of intriguing stories. Many of these stories are documented in this book in great detail. However, this essay will provide you with an overview of the last nine decades. The first type of skateboards were actually more like scooters. These contraptions, which date back to the early 1900’s featured roller skate wheels attached to a two by …

These businesses who started skate parks could charge a fee to skateboard. With skate parks blooming and ramps being built, accidents on a skateboard became very often. This caused an increase in health insurance fees, and the reliability of the person or the skate park owner to take action. Injuries involved in skateboarding can range from mild to severe. Bruising to the skin and bones is a mild injury. This can happen when you fall off a skateboard and hit an object or the ground. They can usually be treated by resting the injured spot, or bandages. Broken bones fall in the severe category.

This happens when you fall from a long distance or height, to the direct pressure of a bone. Broken bones need to be professionally treated in order to be correctly treated. “Most skateboarding injuries involve the wrist, ankle, or face. ” (orthoinfo. aaos. org) In the 1990’s, skateboarding was pretty close to what it has become today. The shape of the skateboard changed back into an oval shape like before, only this time it had curved up sides. These curved up sides were known as concave. Concave gave the skateboard a way to get off the ground easier.

It gave the skateboard more “pop”. The “pop” refers to the actual snapping of the tail on the skateboard while doing a trick. In the 1990’s, skateboarding could be a choice in a career. Many skateboarding companies were sponsoring skateboarders who had talent. This would land the skateboarders in competitions that could result in huge paychecks. Nobody before this time in skateboarding thought skateboarding could become a career. This influenced many young skateboarders to step up their skateboarding and try to become a professional.

With all the people turning pro, the world needed a skateboarding competition where all the best can compete to be known as the best skateboarder in the world. This very own competition was known as the X-Games. This competition was a day at a time event that would push skateboarding to its limits. The ramps at the X-Games were four times as large as the ramps at a local skate park. Even though some skateboarders were not good enough to become pro, many people still enjoyed skateboarding as a hobby. Some pro skateboarders include: Tony Hawk, Rodney Mullen, Chad Muska, Bob Burnquest, and many more.

6 pages, 2972 words

The Term Paper on Skate Parks As A Context For Adolescent Development

Skate boarding was once, simply a past-time activity. One that surfers did during the summer between the tidal activities that produced waves that were conductive to riding. Over the past several decades it has taken its fair share of roller coaster rises and declines in popularity. Today, the sport of skateboarding has crossed oceans and landmasses to take hold in nearly every corner of the …

These skateboarders were some of the biggest names in skateboarding in the 1990’s. “Modern day skateboarding (2000-present), is at its peak. ”(skateboarding. com).

There are many new names in skateboarding, and still growing. Skateboarding has become more banned in business and privately own areas. Many businesses have security guards to protect the premises from skateboarders. The reason behind this, is because skateboarders doing tricks on these businesses grounds causes damage to the place, and can cause harm to the innocent people around the place.

It is estimated that skateboarders cause up to 2 million dollars worth of damage each year to cities. Many skateboarders do not mean to cause this damage, in which they just need a place to skate. In this economic position as of today, many skate parks are going out of business. The cost of running a skate park is increasing in taxes. Professional skateboarder Rob Dyrdek, is very popular in the skate park business. With all of his earnings from skateboarding, he created an organization to provide low income cities with a skate park for kids.

This organization is known as “Safe Spot Skate Spot. ” This would provide kids with a safe and reliable place to ride their skateboards without worrying about security and dangers of oncoming traffic. Skateboarding in general, has only reached its peak. Skateboarding is predicted to grown and get better in the future, which could result in a good thing or a bad thing. Skateboarding could grow into an economic expansion, or die away once again like in the 1960’s. Only time will tell which path the future of skateboarding will take.

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Эти предложения о разговоре, тексте или обоих?
conversation — 1. Skateboarders have a safety problem. – У скейтбордистов есть проблема с безопасностью.
both — 2. Young people in different countries like skateboarding. — Молодые люди в разных странах любят скейтбординг.
conversation — 3. You need special equipment for skateboarding. — Вам нужно специальное оборудование для скейтбординга.
the text — 4. There are international competitions in skateboarding. — Существуют международные соревнования по скейтбордингу.
Skateboarding in Russia
Skateboarding is very popular among teenagers all over the world. It is popular in Russia. Skateboarding has a big history in this part of the world, and the severe climate does not prevent people from doing it. Russia’s main extreme sports show, the Adrenalin Games, is held twice a year — in winter and in summer. It is an International World Cup Skateboarding event. The weather may be cold in winter and rainy in summer, but there is always plenty of action with Russian and international riders.
Скейтбординг в России
Скейтбординг является очень популярным среди подростков во всем мире. Он пользуется популярностью в России. Скейтбординг имеет большую историю в этой части мира, и суровый климат не мешает людям заниматься этим. Главное российское экстремальное спорт шоу, Адреналиновые Игры, проводится два раза в год — зимой и летом. Это событие является Международным Кубком мира по скейтбордингу. Погода может быть холодной зимой и дождливой летом, но всегда есть много действий с российскими и международными гонщиками.

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