Сочинение про тайланд на английском

В наши дни путешественники часто выбирают Таиланд для отдыха. Что же такого особенного в этой стране и почему она так привлекает туристов?

Today travellers often choose Thailand for holidays. What is so special about this country, why does it attract tourists so much?

Cultured, historic, warm and cheerful Thailand attracts tourists with its sparkling temples, tropical shores, grand cuisine, and the endless Thai smile.

Культурный, исторический, теплый и веселый Таиланд привлекает туристов своими сверкающими храмами, тропическими морскими берегами, великолепной кухней и бесконечной тайской улыбкой.

The abundant cuisine of Thailand (Роскошная кухня Таиланда)

Worshipped around the world, Thai cuisine emphasis on lightly prepared dishes with strong aromatic and spicy components. Thai dishes are prepared from fresh seafood, rice, raw or cooked vegetables, and local spices – lemongrass, chilli peppers. Thais believe that all four basic tastes: sweet, salty, spicy, and sour must be in the food.

Почитаемая во всем мире, тайская кухня делает упор на слегка приготовленные блюда с сильными ароматическими и пряными компонентами. Тайские блюда готовятся из свежих морепродуктов, риса, сырых или приготовленных овощей, а также местных пряностей — лимонника, перца чили. Тайцы считают, что все четыре основных вкуса: сладкий, соленый, пряный и кислый должны быть в пище.

Thailand nature (Природа Таиланда)

Thailand has a tropical monsoon climate with plenty of suns, high rainfall and high humidity. This climate leads to the fact that Thailand is rich in a huge variety of flora and fauna. There are lots of forests, mountains, rivers, valleys and gorges in Thailand that are great places to visit. Thailand is famous for its beautiful white sand beaches and clear blue seas.

В Таиланде тропический муссонный климат с большим количеством солнца, осадков и высокой влажностью. Этот климат приводит к тому, что Таиланд богат огромным разнообразием флоры и фауны. В Таиланде большое количество лесов, гор, рек, долин и ущелий, которые являются прекрасными местами для посещения. Таиланд славится своими прекрасными пляжами с белым песком и прозрачными синими морями.


Sacred Places of Thailand (Священные места Таиланда)

Thailand is a country with a great religious aspect, full of Buddhist temples, shrines, traditional healers and other spiritual masters. Visitors can see various statues and icons of Buddha. Stunning temples and golden Buddhas are everywhere. Fortune-bringing shrines decorate homes as well as modern malls. Tourists can join the meditation retreats and religious festivals.

Таиланд — страна с большим религиозным аспектом, полным буддийских храмов, святынь, традиционных целителей и других духовных мастеров. Посетители могут увидеть различные статуи и иконки Будды. Великолепные храмы и золотые Будды находятся повсюду. Приносящие удачу святыни украшают дома, а также современные торговые центры. Туристы могут присоединиться к медитационным ретритам и религиозным фестивалям.

Thailand. Beach resorts and relaxation (Таиланд. Пляжные курорты и отдых)

Thailand is an incredibly popular destination for tourists. This paradise offers plenty of hotels, resorts, restaurants, and other useful facilities. You’ll never be bored in Thailand. If you get tired of strolling along beaches and markets, there are many attractions. Enjoy expensive bars, live theatre, theme parks with white tigers, elephants, and bright exhibits. Thailand is the place where tourists can relax and enjoy the beautiful nature.

Таиланд — невероятно популярное место для туристов. Этот рай предлагает множество отелей, курортов, ресторанов и других полезных объектов. Вам никогда не будет скучно в Таиланде. Если вам надоело прогуливаться по пляжам и рынкам, есть множество достопримечательностей. Наслаждайтесь дорогими барами, живым театром, тематическими парками с белыми тиграми, слонами и яркими экспонатами. Таиланд — это место, где туристы могут расслабиться и насладиться прекрасной природой.

Если вы собираетесь в отпуск, изучите английские фразовые глаголы, которые могут вам понадобиться в путешествии.

мое путешествие в другую страну.Я посетила экзотическую страну Таиланд перевод - мое путешествие в другую страну.Я посетила экзотическую страну Таиланд английский как сказать

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мое путешествие в другую страну.Я п

мое путешествие в другую страну.
Я посетила экзотическую страну Таиланд.
Удивительная страна Таиланд, она привлекает меня своими чудесными пляжами, древней архитектурой, и непередаваемым животными.
Когда я посетила эту страну то там было очень жарко и душно.
И поэтому туда можно приезжать в любое время года и ты не пожалеешь.
Так вот там я посетила бесподобные заповедники, там ты себя ощущаешь себя как ежик в лесу.
Мне было очень страшно потому, что то место в котором я была есть сафари парк и это просто захватывающее место. Эти непередаваемые чувства которые я там испытала запомнятся мне на всю жизнь. Там были львы, гепарды, очень много змей и другие опасные животные.
Дальше я посетила маленький остров с очень красивым пляжем. Эти острова разбросаны по всему океану.Я на пляже чуть не сгорела, там на столько жарко что как только ты выходишь из воды ты сразу же попадаешь как будто в парилку.
Там очень старая архитектура и очень добрые люди потому что без их бы помощи я не нашла бы великолепный храм Ват Пхракэу, или храм «Изумрудного Будды». Он захватывает дух.
Ну вот примерно такое путешествие было у меня. До встречи.


Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]


мое путешествие в другую страну.Я посетила экзотическую страну Таиланд.Удивительная страна Таиланд, она привлекает меня своими чудесными пляжами, древней архитектурой, и непередаваемым животными.Когда я посетила эту страну то там было очень жарко и душно.И поэтому туда можно приезжать в любое время года и ты не пожалеешь.Так вот там я посетила бесподобные заповедники, там ты себя ощущаешь себя как ежик в лесу.Мне было очень страшно потому, что то место в котором я была есть сафари парк и это просто захватывающее место. Эти непередаваемые чувства которые я там испытала запомнятся мне на всю жизнь. Там были львы, гепарды, очень много змей и другие опасные животные.Then I visited a small island with a very beautiful beach. These islands are scattered throughout the ocean. I nearly burnt on the beach there is so hot that as soon as you step out of the water you immediately get as if in a steam room.There’s a very old buildings and very good people because without their help I would not have found would be splendid WAT Phrakjeu, or Temple of the Emerald Buddha. It is breathtaking.Well that’s about this trip was for me. See you.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]


my journey to another country.
I visited the exotic country of Thailand.
Amazing Thailand, it attracts me with its beautiful beaches, ancient architecture and indescribable animals.
When I visited the country and there was very hot and stuffy.
And so there you can come and you will not regret in any season.
So there I visited the matchless nature reserves, where do you feel like a hedgehog in the forest.
I was very scared because the place in which I have been a safari park, and it’s just an exciting place. These ineffable feelings that I experienced there will remember all my life. There were lions, cheetahs, lots of snakes and other dangerous animals.
Then I visited a small island with a very nice beach. These islands are scattered across the ocean. I’m on the beach almost burned down, there is much to hot that as soon as you get out of the water you immediately find yourself as if in a steam room.
There’s a very old architecture and very good people because without their help I would not have found a great Phrakeu Wat, or temple «Emerald Buddha». It is breathtaking.
Well, that is about the journey I had. See you.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]


my trip to another country.i visited an exotic country of thailand.an amazing country thailand, she attracts me with beautiful beaches, ancient architecture, and sensational animals.when i visited there was very hot and stuffy.and so you can come any time of year, and you won’t regret it.so that’s where i visited the divine nature, you feel like the hedgehog in the woods.i was very afraid because the place where i was a safari park and it’s just a fascinating place. these unspeakable feelings that i experienced, will be remembered for me for the rest of his life. there were lions, cheetahs, a lot of snakes and other dangerous animals.next, i visited a small island with a beautiful beach. these islands are scattered all over the океану.я at the beach almost burned down, it is so hot that as soon as you get out of the water, you immediately get like steam.there’s the old architecture and very good people because without them would help, i couldn’t find the magnificent temple of wat пхракэу, or temple of the emerald будды». it’s breathtaking.well that is a journey i have. prior to the meeting.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Thailand Essay, Research Paper


Thailand is a country in South East Asia. Its neighboring countries are Cambodia on the east, Burma (now called Myanmar) on the west, Laos on the north, and Malaysia on the south. The main river in Thailand is the Chao Phraya River which flows south out of the Mae Nam River. The word nam means water in Thai. Most of the rivers in Thailand start with Mae Nam something. For example: Mae Nam Ping, Mae Nam Yom, Mae Nam Wang, Mae Nam Songkram, Mae Nam Ngao, Mae Nam Tapi and Many others. The Chao Phraya River (pronounced chow pee-ah) starts near the city of Singha Buri and flows south through Bangkok, the capital, and into the Gulf of Siam (Aowthai).

The country of Thailand is a little bit less than 200,000 square miles in area. Texas is relatively the same size as Thailand. The size of Massachusetts is 8,000 square miles. That makes Thailand 25 times bigger than Massachusetts. The entire United States, however, is about 3.6 million square miles or 450 times bigger than Thailand.

Thailand’s population is 57,200,000 people. The population of the United States is 260,000,000 people. That means that the United States has 4 1/2 times more people than Thailand. Thailand’s population density is 285 people per square mile. The population density of the United States is 72.22 people per square mile. Thailand, even though it has a much smaller population and land area than the United States, has a much greater population density. The population of Massachusetts is 6,000,000 people or 9.53 times smaller than Thailand. Massachusetts population density is 750 people per square mile. Massachusetts population density is about 2.75 times larger tha that of Thailand.

The climate of Thailand is mainly sub tropical. Thailand has a mild winter, hot dry spring, hot wet summer, and jumps straight into winter again with no fall. This climate covers most of the northern part of Thailand. On the peninsula that juts out on the southern side the climate becomes totally tropical with a hot, wet, year-long summer.

The capital of Thailand is Bangkok which is located in the middle of the Central Region on the Gulf of Siam. Bangkok is Know as the “Venice of the east” because of its many canal/streets. On one of these canals is the famous floating market. The floating market is a place where people bring their boats full of produce or souvenirs or whatever they are selling. The tourists and other citizens then buy their wares. Bangkok is also famous for its many Buddhist temples and the Royal Palace. The three most famous temples are the Wat Phra Keo (Royal Chapel of the Emerald Buddha), the Wat Po (Reclining Buddha), and, across the river, the Wat Arun (Temple of Dawn). The word wat means temple in Thai. The picture on the cover is of the Wat Phra Keo. The two statues are garudas (temple guards). The Wat Po (Reclining Buddha) actually has a giant statue of a god lying down.

Chieng Mai (chang my), the next largest city to Bangkok, has a population of about 160,000 people. Bangkok has a population of 5,500,000 people. That means that Bangkok is 34.4 times larger than the next largest city. When the first largest city is much bigger than the second largest city this is called urban primacy. Thailand is the best example of urban primacy in the world. This is why Thailand has only one other major city; all the other cities have under 100,000 people in them. It is also the capital of the North Region. Chieng Mae is located near the top-center of the North Region of Thailand.

95% of the Thai population is Buddhist. People who follow the Buddhist religion are almost all very orthodox in their ways. They believe that pain and evil are caused by desire and that to conquer desire is to attain Nirvana. Nirvana is the highest attainable state of bliss in Buddhism, in which all desire and suffering are extinguished and the soul is absorbed into the supreme universal soul. The other 5% of the people are Moslems or followers of Islam. They face the holy city of Mecca and pray five times a day. They believe that if they die in a jihad (holy war) then they will go straight to heaven. Another way to get a “free ticket” to heaven is to make a trip to the holy city of Mecca sometime during their life. For one month out of the year they fast for Ramadan.

The major language of Thailand is of course Thai. The secondary language is Chinese. Many of the merchants in Thailand are Chinese. Few of the people speak both or anything else except for the tourists.

The main unit of currency used in Thailand is the baht. One baht is equal to 3.9 cents. This is what it was called since 1912. Before then the name for a baht was tical. 100 satangs equal 1 baht or 1 tical.

Thailand has a constitutional monarchy for its govornment. A constitutional monarchy is when a country has a king and/or queen primarily for ceremonial reasons. He/She/They don’t rule by law but by influence. The literacy rate in Thailand is 90% of the females, 96% of the males, and 93% everage.

Rice is the major agricultural product of Thailand. Thailand also grows corn, tapioca, and sugarcane. Almost 60% of the people of Thailand are farmers. As recently as 1970, the people of Thailand were 80% farmers. Despite this recent decline, farming is still definitely a major occupation of the people of Thailand. Thailand has a very large, flat, central lowland region. This is perfect for growing rice because rice paddies need to be flooded for the rice to grow. Putting rice paddies in flat lowlands keeps the water from flowing downhill and away from the rice. The United States most likely does not import agricultural products from Thailand because we can get them from other, closer countries. We do however import many manufactured goods from Thailand because of its inexpensive labor force.

Thailand mines antimony, tin, tungsten, iron ore, and natural gas. Thailand manufactures textiles, wood products, shoes, baseball gloves and other sporting goods, and cheap plastic toys you can buy in the Stop & Shop toy aisle. The United States imports almost all of these because they are sold so cheaply. They are so inexpensive because the Thai people work for next to nothing – mabye $6.00 a week. $6.00 X 52 weeks = $312. So how can the per capita G.N.P. be $1,570? This is because these type of jobs are done only by a small part of the Thai population. Alot of Thai people have better paying jobs which brings the average up to what it is. One of these higher paying jobs is swiftlet nest collecting. This is what my current event article is about. The nests are sold for $1,000 a pound and used for making birds nest soup. Scientists have also discovered that these nests may hold a cure to the disease of AIDS.

There are many famous places in Thailand like the Wat Po temple. It is a highly visited place by tourists because of its giant statue of a Buddhist god. Another great tourist attraction is the Temple of the Dawn (the Wat Arun). When people hear its name they think its neat and its a very beautiful temple besides that. Another nice spot to tour is the floating market. It is called that because that is what it is. A whole bunch of wide canoe-type boats filled with produce or souvenires are paddling around selling their stuff. In a James Bond movie there was a “boat chase” here.

The current king of Thailand, Bhumibol Adulyadej, was born in 1927 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He and his father both graduated from Harvard University. Bhumibol Plays the saxiphone and had a stamp made in honor of his 60th birthday in 1987. He is 67 years old.

The current event article that I found is from National Geographic. It is called Nest Gatherers of Tiger Cave. It was written by Eric Valli who went climbing with three Thai nest gatherers. Eric, Ip, Sahat, and Em, Sahat’s son were on the island of Phi Phi which is a few miles off the center of Thailand’s southern peninsula. The three Thai men do this for a living.

Visiting Thailand would be so awesome because I could go climbing in these caves and paddle a little boat down the canal/streets and see all the Buddhist temples.

Thailand’s standard of living is kind of low in some parts and very low in others. The children only have 6 years of compulsory schooling. That’s a 5th grade educationhere in the U.S. The per capita G.N.P. is only $1,630. The U.S. per capita G.N.P. is $22,240 or almost twenty times that of Thailand. The life expectancy is 69 years. In the U.S. it’s 76 years. The infant mortality rate is 35 out of every 1,000 compared with 9 in the U.S. 59% of the population are farmers. For every 5,000 people there is 1 physician. In the U.S. there are 13 physicians for every 5,000 people. In Thailand in 1970 there were 35 students per teacher. In the U.S. there were 27 students per teacher in 1970.

in Thailand. A tourist’s notes.

everyone. My name’s Helen. Today I’m going to tell you about my trip to
Thailand (if to be exact the Kingdom of Thailand). First of all it was the
longest flight in my life. It took me about 10 hours to get to Thailand from
Moscow. I was really tired after the flight, but Thailand met me gladly with
its bright sun, big green trees and delicious flowery smell.

is situated in South-East Asia. The official language is Thai. The capital of
Thailand is Bangkok. The currency of Thailand is Thai baht.

has wet tropical climate. The period from May till November is a rainy season
in Thailand, so it is not the best time for tourists. Remember that the coldest
months are December, January and February (the temperature is about 20-27 C).
The hottest months are April and May (about 35-40C). So the months from November
till April are the best for tourists.

is washed by the Andaman Sea, the South China Sea and the Gulf of Siam.
Thailand is a mountainous area. There are a lot of hills and mountains
everywhere, the Thai Highlands are in the North of the country. Because of the
wet and warm climate there are a lot of huge green trees and flowers in

most famous flowers are plumeria, orchid and lotus.

for animals you can meet a lot of monkeys everywhere. Also you can see a
leopard, a bear, a red wolf, a mongoose and many others. There are a lot of
snakes too.

is famous for its unique places of interest.

of all the nature of Thailand is a sight. There are a lot of green islands with
white or yellow sand where you can carelessly lie and think of nothing. They
are Phuket, Bamboo, the Phi-Phi Islands, Samui and so on. Also there are a lot
of nature parks (for example, Khao Lak) where you can walk through the deep
forest along the narrow path and find mangroves, where you can ride an
elephant, where you can go down a river in a raft, where you can come across a
cave temple with a lot of monkeys living near it and asking tourists for
bananas (for example, Khao Luang).

Temples (Wats). There are a lot of temples in Thailand because of their
religion – Buddhism. Wat Chalong Temple, for example, is situated on the Phuket
Island. There you can see the statue of  Buddha, you can tell fortunes about
your future with the help of special sticks. Also you can make a wish and throw
a small bomb (they are sold near the temple) into the special building. It is
the way to wake the heavens up, they will hear you and make your wish come

Shows. Snake shows. Adults like visiting night shows in costumes where Thai men
and women dance and sing for tourists. Children like snake shows where Thai men
and women do amazing tricks with their small friends.

As for me the most interesting and
pleasant thing is lying on a sandy beach somewhere in an island. I like Maya
bay best. It is a calm lagoon with white sand, warm and pure water, where the
film “Beach” with Leonardo Di Caprio was shooted. Our Russian weather differs
from the Thai weather completely. That’s why Thailand is very popular with the Russians
and people from cold countries.

You can buy different souvenirs: a magnet
with an elephant, a living orchid in a bottle (you can grow it at home), Thai
coins are good for friends, a figure of an elephant is excellent for relatives,
and of course you can send a colourful postcard. Women may buy jewelry with
precious stones, men may buy a pillow made of latex (material).

So if you want to visit Thailand take suntan
lotion, a cap or a hat, a T-shirt, shorts or a skirt, a dress and light shoes.
Don’t forget a camera of course. People in Thailand are very friendly, polite
and hospitable. Try not to touch them, don’t raise your voice – these are the
sights of disrespect. Seashells and corals are very beautiful but don’t try to
take them out from the country. It’s forbidden by the law. Good luck! Nice travelling
to you!

Audio File:
National anthem of Thailand

Audio File:
Royal anthem of Thailand

Head Of Government:
Prime Minister: Prayuth Chan-ocha
(2023 est.) 67,293,000
Currency Exchange Rate:
1 USD equals 35.120 Thai baht
Head Of State:
King Vajiralongkorn

Recent News

Mar. 6, 2023, 10:45 AM ET (AP)

Ashes of Thailand ‘cave boy’ released on Mekong River

Family members, monks and friends have watched from a boat as the ashes of one of the 12 boys rescued from a flooded cave in northern Thailand in 2018 were released into the Mekong River


Read a brief summary of this topic

Thailand, country located in the centre of mainland Southeast Asia. Located wholly within the tropics, Thailand encompasses diverse ecosystems, including the hilly forested areas of the northern frontier, the fertile rice fields of the central plains, the broad plateau of the northeast, and the rugged coasts along the narrow southern peninsula.

Until the second half of the 20th century, Thailand was primarily an agricultural country, but since the 1960s increasing numbers of people have moved to Bangkok, the capital, and to other cities. Although the greater Bangkok metropolitan area remains the preeminent urban centre in the country, there are other sizable cities, such as Chiang Mai in the north, Nakhon Ratchasima (Khorat), Khon Kaen, and Udon Thani in the northeast, Pattaya in the southeast, and Hat Yai in the far south.

Siam, as Thailand was officially called until 1939, was never brought under European colonial domination. Independent Siam was ruled by an absolute monarchy until a revolution there in 1932. Since that time, Thailand has been a constitutional monarchy, and all subsequent constitutions have provided for an elected parliament. Political authority, however, has often been held by the military, which has taken power through coups. During the last two decades of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st, parliamentary democracy steadily gained wider popular support. Although a crisis emerged in 2006, when the military, aligned with the monarchy, overthrew an elected government, new parliamentary elections were held—as promised by the interim government—in 2007.

Rose: Come here, darling. We need to talk.

Роуз: Подойди ко мне, дорогой. Нам надо поговорить.

John: Sure, my dear. What do you want to talk about?

Джон: Конечно, милая. О чем ты хотела поговорить?

Rose: About our honeymoon in Thailand. I’ve just come back from the travel agency. And I’ve brought some brochures. Let’s look through them. We should choose a package. Each package includes stay in a hotel and some trips. We can also choose some additional day trips if we want to.

Роуз: О нашем медовом месяце в Тайланде. Я только что вернулась из турагентства и принесла несколько проспектов. Давай с ними ознакомимся. Нам нужно выбрать тур. Каждый из них включает проживание в отеле и несколько экскурсий. Мы можем также выбрать несколько дополнительных однодневных экскурсий, если захотим.

John: OK. What do you think about this tour? Look, it includes stay at a five star hotel in Pattaya and six trips. Oh, I really want to go on the elephant safari!

Джон: Хорошо. Что ты думаешь об этом туре? Смотри, в него входит проживание в пятизвездочном отеле в Паттайе и шесть экскурсий. О, я ужасно хочу отправиться на сафари на слонах!

Rose: No way! You know that I’m afraid of big animals. What about something more calm? There are some splendid island trips. And this hotel is too expensive

and it doesn’t even have a spa.

Роуз: Ни за что! Ты же знаешь, я боюсь больших животных. Как насчет чего-то поспокойнее? Есть несколько прекрасных островных экскурсий. И этот отель слишком дорогой, а ведь в нем даже нет спа.

John: So let’s consider this one. The hotel has a spa and a large fitness center. Oh, and there’s a lovely view from the windows.

Джон: Давай тогда обсудим вот этот вариант. В отеле есть спа и большой фитнес-центр. О, и там чудесный вид из окон.

Rose: And look at the bathroom – it’s terrific! Could we stay in this hotel, please?

Роуз: И посмотри на ванну – она потрясающая! Давай остановимся в этом отеле? Ну, пожалуйста!

John: Will do. The trips included in the tour are quite interesting too. So what about day trips? We need to choose at least five.

Джон: Договорились. Экскурсии, включенные в тур, также довольно интересны. А как насчет однодневных экскурсий? Нам нужно выбрать как минимум пять.

Rose: I think we must visit Coral Island. I adore snorkeling with fish and turtles.

Роуз: Думаю, мы должны посетить Коралловый Остров. Обожаю плавать под водой с рыбами и черепахами.

John: And I would like to travel to Ayutthaya.

Джон: А я бы хотел поехать в Аюттхаю.

Rose: And what is this place famous for?

Роуз: А чем знаменито это место?

John: Its temples. They are fabulous!

Джон: Храмы. Они великолепны!

Rose: These old ruins?! Look at the temple near Chiang Mai and Wat Phra Kaew temple in the Royal Palace – they’re really fascinating!

Роуз: Эти старые развалины?! Взгляни на храм неподалеку от Чиангмая и храм Ват Пхра Кео в Королевском Дворце – они действительно завораживающие!

John: Actually, do you know what my favorite film is?

Джон: Вообще-то, знаешь, какой мой любимый фильм?

Rose: “Mortal Kombat”?

Роуз: “Смертельная Битва”?

John: Yes. Some scenes were shot in the temples of Ayutthaya. And I really want to see that very place where Liu Kang was fighting Shang Tsung!

Джон: Да. Некоторые сцены снимались в храмах Аюттхаи. И я мечтаю взглянуть на то самое место, где Лю Кан дрался с Шан Цзуном!

Rose: So be it, my dear movie maniac. And I want to see the famous floating markets. I’ve read about one of them recently. Look here, there is a trip to Damnoen Saduak Floating Market. I’d really like to buy a beautiful silk dress there!

Роуз: Так уж и быть, мой дорогой киноманьяк. А я бы хотела увидеть знаменитые плавучие рынки. Я недавно читала об одном из них. Посмотри, здесь есть экскурсия на плавучий рынок Дамноен Садуак. Я не прочь купить там красивое шелковое платье!

John: And I would like to visit the memorials by the river Kwai.

Джон: А я бы хотел посетить памятники на берегах реки Квай.

Rose: You mean the Death Railway and the War Cemetery? You are probably joking, aren’t you?

Роуз: Ты имеешь в виду Железную Дорогу Смерти и военное кладбище? Ты, должно быть, шутишь, не так ли?

John: No, I mean the famous bridge and the JEATH War Museum.

Джон: Нет, я имею в виду знаменитый мост и Военный Музей JEATH.

Rose: Alright. And let’s take a trip to Doi Inthanon National Park. You can enjoy the wild nature and I will be able to breathe some fresh air and watch lovely tropical birds and flowers.

Роуз: Ну, ладно. И давай еще съездим в национальный парк Дой Интханон. Ты сможешь насладиться дикой природой, а я – подышать свежим воздухом и полюбоваться прекрасными тропическими птицами и цветами.

John: Good idea. So, that’s it. And now it is time for you to choose the swimsuit and some gorgeous evening dresses.

Джон: Хорошая идея. Значит, решено. А теперь тебе пора выбирать купальник и шикарные вечерние платья.

Rose: It would be also necessary to take trainers, several pairs of shorts, some T-shirts and insect repellent spray.

Роуз: Было бы неплохо еще захватить кроссовки, несколько шорт и футболок, а также спрей от насекомых.


Привет, народ Таиланда!

Из какой бы страны мы ни были, какого бы цвета ни была наша кожа, у всех нас есть одна

общая черта: мы все люди мира.

Таиланд — прекрасная страна с культурой nich, немного южнее Китая. Люди называют это


Юго-Восточной Азии «по уважительной причине. Его тропический климат, белые песчаные пляжи и древние

храмы делают его идеальным местом отдыха. Что делает его действительно особенным, так это его люди.

Тайцы красивы. Они короткие с тонкими прядями. У них гок чёрный

волосы, темные глаза и светло-коричневая кожа. Тайцы — дружелюбные люди, которые известны своим бонгом.

щедрый и добрый. Мы счастливые люди, которые имеют сильную волю и особенно гордятся

наша история. «говорит Касем из Бангкока

Большинство людей в Таиланде живут в деревнях. Типичная деревня Thas состоит из деревянных домов

школа и буддийский храм. Большинство людей в деревнях — фермеры и рыбаки.

мужчины обычно работают на полях или ловят рыбу в реках, а женщины сажают урожай.

Семейная жизнь очень важна в Таиланде, и семьи часто едят вместе. Таль Луд очень

пряный и включает в себя кюри, рыбу, морепродукты, супы и лапшу. Мы едим хорошо с нашей едой и

При приготовлении пищи используйте много сильных специй », — объясняет Касем.

Тайцы любят получать удовольствие. Популярные занятия в свободное время включают тайский бокс и

смотреть традиционные танцевальные шоу. Тайцы также отмечают много фестивалей в течение года. W

любимый праздник Сурин, в ноябре, когда у нас всегда есть футбольные матчи слонов.


Таиланд прекрасная страна. Его захватывающие достопримечательности, богатая культурная история и теплые дни

люди делают это уникальным.


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