Сочинение про теннис на английском

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Теннис/ Tennis с переводом на русский язык.

Tennis Теннис
Tennis is one of my favourite sports. I’ve been playing it from a young age. In fact, I like both types of this game: table tennis and long tennis. Теннис — один из моих любимых видов спорта. Я играю в него с самого детства. На самом деле, я люблю обе разновидности этой игры: настольный теннис и большой теннис.
I’m quite good at table tennis, but I spend most of my free time at the nearest court training for long tennis. This game is rather old. It is believed to have originated in the fifth century B. C. There are even drawings on the walls of ancient caves which show different people hitting a ball back and forth. However, the modern game of lawn tennis originated in the 19th century in Great Britain and was considered to be the upper-class game. Я очень хорошо играю в настольный теннис, но я провожу большую часть своего свободного времени на ближайшем корте, тренируясь по большому теннису. Эта игра довольно старинная. Предположительно, она возникла в пятом веке до нашей эры. На стенах пещер даже сохранились рисунки, которые демонстрируют разных людей, бьющих по мячу. Тем не менее, современная игра в большой теннис возникла в 19 веке в Великобритании и считалась игрой высшего общества.
Today, it’s the fifth most popular sport in the world, after football, basketball, cricket and rugby. The game is played with a racket and a small, yellow ball and by two players or two pairs of players on the court divided by the net. Сегодня это пятый самый популярный вид спорта в мире, после игры в футбол, баскетбол, крикет и регби. В эту игру играют с ракеткой и небольшим желтым мячом двое игроков или две пары игроков на площадке, разделенной сеткой.
The sport is even included in the Olympic Games. It’s easy for me to understand why tennis became so popular and how it gained universal appeal. First of all, it provides health benefits. Those, who play tennis, have strong arms and legs. They are always in good shape. Secondly, tennis players are rather optimistic, energetic and self-confident. Tennis outperforms many other sports in developing positive personality characteristics. Thirdly, people who play tennis have better immune system and body coordination. And, finally, tennis players quickly develop strategic mind, social skills and high-level discipline. Этот спорт даже включен в программу Олимпийских игр. Мне несложно понять, отчего теннис стал настолько популярным, и как он получил мировое признание. Во-первых, он полезен для здоровья. Те, кто играют в теннис, имеют сильные руки и ноги. Они всегда находятся в хорошей форме. Во-вторых, теннисисты настроены весьма оптимистично, энергично и уверены в себе. Теннис превосходит многие другие виды спорта в развитии позитивных личностных характеристик. В-третьих, люди, которые играют в теннис, имеют более развитую иммунную систему и координацию. И, наконец, теннисисты быстро развивают стратегическое мышление, коммуникативные навыки и высокую дисциплинированность.
Apart from the Olympic Games, there are four Grand Slam tournaments, which are held annually and are considered to be prestigious. I never miss these spectacular events when they are on TV. However, my dream is to see at least once such a tournament in real life. Помимо Олимпийских игр, существует четыре Турнира Большого Шлема, которые проводятся ежегодно, и считаются престижными. Я никогда не пропускаю эти захватывающие события, когда их показывают по телевизору. Однако, моя мечта увидеть хотя бы раз такой турнир в реальной жизни.

Сочинение на тему “Теннис” на английском языке с переводом на русский язык



Sport plays an important role in our life. Nowadays there are many opportunities to do sports. There are many gyms and fitness centers everywhere. Everyone can choose the sport he or she likes most of all. Many people like playing tennis. Some tennis players are just amateurs. For example, they play it at the weekend. Other tennis players are sportsmen. They have been playing tennis for many years. They always take part in different competitions and championships.

Спорт играет важную роль в нашей жизни. В настоящее время существует много возможностей заниматься спортом. По всему миру есть много спортзалов и фитнес-центров. Каждый может выбрать вид спорта, который ему больше нравится. Многим нравится играть в теннис. Некоторые теннисисты – просто любители. Например, они играют по выходным. Другие теннисисты – настоящие спортсмены. Они много лет играют в теннис. Они всегда принимают участие в различных соревнованиях и чемпионатах.

Tennis is a racket sport. There are two ways to play tennis. You can play it individually against a single opponent. One more way is to play tennis in pairs: two teams of two players each. Tennis players use a tennis racket to strike a ball to over a net and into the opponent’s court. The aim of the game is to strike a ball in such a way that the opponent cannot strike it in return.

Теннис – это вид спорта с использованием ракетки. Есть два способа играть в теннис. Вы можете играть в нее индивидуально против одного противника. Еще один способ – играть в теннис парами: по две команды из двух игроков. Теннисисты используют теннисную ракетку, чтобы ударить по мячу так, чтобы он пролетел над сеткой и оказался в части корта соперника. Цель игры – ударить мяч таким образом, чтобы противник не мог отбить его.

Anyone who can hold a tennis racket can play tennis. There are no age or sex restrictions. Though there are many amateurs among tennis players, there are also many professional tennis players. Almost all people all over the world know such professional tennis players as Serena Williams, Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. There are many famous professional tennis players in Russia, for example, Maria Sharapova and Anna Kournikova. The most popular tennis tournaments are the Australian Open, the French Open, Wimbledon and the US Open.

Любой, кто может держать ракетку, может играть в теннис. Ограничений по возрасту и полу нет. Хотя среди теннисистов много любителей, есть также много профессиональных теннисистов. Почти все люди во всем мире знают таких профессиональных теннисистов, как Серена Уильямс, Роджер Федерер, Рафаэль Надаль и Новак Джокович. В России есть много известных профессиональных теннисистов, например Мария Шарапова и Анна Курникова. Самые популярные теннисные турниры – Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon и US Open.

I think that tennis is a very interesting sport. Everyone can try playing tennis.

Я думаю, что теннис – очень интересный вид спорта. Каждый может попробовать сыграть в теннис.

My Favourite Sport

Мой любимый вид спорта

All people all over the world like sport. Nowadays it is very popular to keep a healthy life style. I think that it is a quite good tendency.
Все люди во всем мире любят спорт. В наше время очень популярно вести здоровый образ жизни. Я думаю, что это хорошая тенденция.
I like sport. It plays an important role in my life. Due to the sport I could treat the lateral curvature. Though I am a dancer, my favourite kind of sport is skiing. I like all types of skiing and always watch ski competitions though I am not very good at skiing.
Я люблю спорт. Он играет важную роль в моей жизни. Благодаря спорту я смогла вылечить сколиоз. Несмотря на то, что я занимаюсь танцами, моим любимым видом спорта является лыжный спорт. Мне нравятся все виды лыжного спорта, и я всегда смотрю лыжные соревнования, хотя сама я не очень хорошо катаюсь на лыжах.
Most of all I like ski jumping, biathlon and downhill. Ski jumping is a type of skiing when a sportsman jumps from a special jumping ramp. There is the particular sequence of the jump performance. The first stage is in-run, then a sportsman jumps, then he or she “flies” and the final stage is landing. I really admire these sportsmen, they are so brave.
Больше всего мне нравятся прыжки на лыжах с трамплина, биатлон и скоростной спуск (вид горнолыжного спорта). Прыжки на лыжах с трамплина – это вид лыжного спорта, когда спортсмен прыгает со специального склона. Существует определенная последовательность выполнения прыжка. Первый этап – разгон, затем спортсмен прыгает, затем «летит», а последний этап – приземление. Я действительно восхищаюсь этими спортсменами, они очень смелые.
Biathlon combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting. It includes a ski race and shooting rounds. If a sportsman has the bad shooting performance, extra distance is added to his total distance which takes some period of time. The aim of the competition is to have the shortest total time.
Биатлон сочетает в себе лыжные гонки и стрельбу из винтовки. Соревнование включает в себя лыжную гонку и несколько раундов стрельбы. Если спортсмен при стрельбе не попал в цель, ему необходимо преодолеть дополнительное расстояние, которое занимает некоторое время. Цель соревнования – иметь минимальное общее время.
Downhill is a kind of alpine skiing. It is a quite dangerous kind of alpine skiing because the average speed is 130 km/h.
Скоростной спуск – это разновидность горнолыжного спорта. Это довольно опасный вид спорта, потому что средняя скорость составляет при спуске 130 км/ч.
In my opinion, skiing is a very interesting kind of sport. Actually, I like many winter activities but skiing is the most favourite one.
На мой взгляд, лыжные виды спорта очень интересные. На самом деле, мне нравятся многие зимние виды спорта, но лыжные – мои самые любимые.

Tennis is a very popular sport. Nowadays, there are two types of it: ping-pong (table tennis) and real tennis. Both of them are now played all over the world; however real tennis was originally called “the sport of kings”. In the XIX century it was known as the upper-class game.

Real tennis is played on a court which is divided by a net.The game is played with rackets and small yellow balls. Two or four players can take part in a game. Tennis is included in the Olympic Games. However, there are also several international competitions.

The most famous is an open championship of Australia. There are also open championships of France, England (Wimbledon) and the US. All these tournaments are called Grand Slam because a winner of these four tournaments becomes the owner of the “Grand Slam”.

Despite the fact that ping-pong was invented in England, British players are not very successful in this sport. The best ping-pong players are supposed to be the Chinese. Chinese players amaze the spectators with a fantastic speed and high porfessionalism.

Both types of tennis are adored by millions of people all over the world. These games are very impressive and emotive, so they make people cheer for their favourite players and watch all games.


Теннис – очень популярный вид спорта. На сегодняшний день существует два типа: пинг-понг (настольный теннис) и большой теннис. Сегодня в теннис играют по всему миру, однако большой теннис изначально назывался «спортом королей». В 19 веке он считался игрой высшего класса.

В большой теннис играют на корте, разделенном сеткой. В игре используются ракетки и маленькие желтые мячи. В игре могут принимать участие 2 или 4 игрока. Теннис включен в Олимпийские Игры. Однако существует и несколько международных соревнований.

Самым известным является Открытый Чемпионат Австралии. Также существует Чемпионат Франции, Америки и Англии (Уимблдон). Все эти турниры называются Турнирами Большого Шлема, потому что победитель этих четырех состязаний становится обладателем так называемого «Большого Шлема».

Несмотря на то, что пинг-понг был придуман в Англии, британские игроки не имеют особого успеха в этом виде спорта. Лучшими игроками в настольный теннис считаются китайские спортсмены. Китайские игроки поражают болельщиков фантастической скоростью и высоким профессионализмом.

Оба вида тенниса обожают миллионы людей по всему миру. Эти игры впечатляют и вызывают много эмоций. Именно это заставляет людей болеть за любимых игроков и смотреть все игры.

Полезные фразы:

Real tennis – большой теннис

Court – корт

Net – сетка

To take part in – принимать участие в…

Competition – соревнование, состязание

Tournament – турнир, состязание

Spectator – болельщик, зритель

To cheer for – болеть за кого-то (спорт)

настольный теннис текст на английском с переводом и аудио На этой странице вы найдете сочинение на английском языке на тему «Table tennis» («Настольный теннис»). Здесь вы найдете пример такого текста на английском языке с переводом и аудио.

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Table tennis

Table tennis, also known as ping-pong, is a popular racquet sport played on a table with small paddles and a lightweight ball. The game is played by two or four players and involves hitting the ball back and forth over a low net placed on the table.

To participate in table tennis, you will need a table tennis table, paddles and balls. It is also a good idea to wear appropriate clothing and footwear, such as athletic shoes with non-slip soles, to ensure good footing and movement around the table.

Table tennis is a fast-paced and strategic game that requires quick reflexes and good hand-eye coordination. Players must be able to return the ball with a variety of shots and must also be able to anticipate their opponent’s shots and be ready to defend and counterattack.

Table tennis can be played casually as a recreational activity or competitively in tournaments. If you are new to table tennis, it is a good idea to start with basic drills and techniques and work your way up to more advanced play as you gain experience and confidence. It is also a good idea to take lessons from a certified coach to learn proper techniques and tactics. With practice and dedication, you can improve your table tennis skills and enjoy this exciting and challenging sport.

Текст на английском языке с переводом. Table tennis — Настольный теннис

Это сочинение на тему «Table tennis» с переводом. Ниже вы найдете список полезных слов.

Текст на английском Перевод
Table tennis, also known as ping-pong, is a popular racquet sport played on a table with small paddles and a lightweight ball. Настольный теннис, также известный как пинг-понг, — это популярный вид спорта с ракетками, в который играют на столе с помощью маленьких ракеток и легкого мяча.
The game is played by two or four players and involves hitting the ball back and forth over a low net placed on the table. В игре участвуют два или четыре игрока, и она заключается в отбивании мяча туда и обратно через низкую сетку, установленную на столе.
To participate in table tennis, you will need a table tennis table, paddles and balls. Для игры в настольный теннис вам понадобятся стол для настольного тенниса, ракетки и мячи.
It is also a good idea to wear appropriate clothing and footwear, such as athletic shoes with non-slip soles, to ensure good footing and movement around the table. Также желательно носить соответствующую одежду и обувь, например, спортивную обувь с нескользящей подошвой, чтобы хорошо держаться на ногах и передвигаться по столу.
Table tennis is a fast-paced and strategic game that requires quick reflexes and good hand-eye coordination. Настольный теннис — это быстрая и стратегическая игра, требующая быстроты реакции и хорошей зрительно-моторной координации.
Players must be able to return the ball with a variety of shots and must also be able to anticipate their opponent’s shots and be ready to defend and counterattack. Игроки должны уметь возвращать мяч различными ударами, а также предвидеть удары соперника и быть готовыми к защите и контратаке.
Table tennis can be played casually as a recreational activity or competitively in tournaments. В настольный теннис можно играть как просто для отдыха, так и на соревнованиях.
If you are new to table tennis, it is a good idea to start with basic drills and techniques and work your way up to more advanced play as you gain experience and confidence. Если вы новичок в настольном теннисе, лучше начать с базовых упражнений и техник и по мере приобретения опыта и уверенности переходить к более сложной игре.
It is also a good idea to take lessons from a certified coach to learn proper techniques and tactics. Также полезно брать уроки у сертифицированного тренера, чтобы научиться правильной технике и тактике.
With practice and dedication, you can improve your table tennis skills and enjoy this exciting and challenging sport. Практика и усердие помогут вам улучшить свои навыки игры в настольный теннис и получить удовольствие от этого захватывающего и сложного вида спорта.

Полезные слова:

  • racket, paddle — ракетка.
  • back and forth – туда и обратно.
  • net — сетка.
  • non-slip — нескользкий.
  • sole — подошва.
  • to ensure — гарантировать.
  • footing – движения ногами, шаги.
  • fast-paced – быстрый, в быстром темпе.
  • to be able to do smt — быть способным делать что-либо.
  • to anticipate — предвидеть.
  • to defend — защищать.
  • to counterattack – контратаковать.
  • drill — упражнение.
  • advanced — продвинутый.
  • to gain — получить.
  • confidence — уверенность.
  • to take lessons — взять уроки.
  • proper — подходящий.
  • skill — навык.


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не нравится

My Favourite Sport (Tennis). Мой любимый вид спорта (Теннис)

My Favourite Sport (Tennis)

We all need exercise. This is true for young people as well as for adults. Even if you don’t plan to make sports your main occupation. This is my opinion and I feel like it is true.

As long as I can remember myself I was always keen on tennis. I love this sport with its old noble traditions, though I have never dreamed of becoming anything more than an amateur.

I watch attentively all tennis competitions and championships. There are a lot of them, but my favourite championship is Wimbledon because old tennis traditions remain there as they are. Some of the most well-known Wimbledon champions are: John McEnroe, Boris Becker, Steffi Graf, Monica Seles. My dream is to get a chance to watch at least one of them playing.

And meantime I play tennis with my friends. It is also a great opportunity to socialize with people who have similar interests.

Мой любимый вид спорта (Теннис)

Нам всем нужны тренировки. Это так же верно для молодежи, как и для старших людей. Даже если вы не собираетесь выбирать спорт в качестве профессии. Это мое мнение, и оно мне кажется правильным.

Сколько я себя помню, мне всегда ужасно нравился теннис. Я люблю этот спорт с его старыми благородными традициями, хотя я никогда не мечтала быть чем-то больше любителя.

Я внимательно слежу за соревнованиями и чемпионатами по теннису. Их существует очень много, но мой любимый — Уимблдон, потому что в нем старые теннисные традиции сохраняются такими, какими они были раньше. Некоторые из самых известных победителей Уимблдона: Джон Маккенрой, Борис Беккер, Штеффи Граф, Моника Селеш. Моя мечта — увидеть хотя бы одного из них.

А пока я играю в теннис со своими друзьями. Это еще и прекрасная возможность пообщаться с людьми со схожими интересами.

Другие материалы из раздела Топики по английскому языку

We all know that a pen is always mightier than a sword but the pen is not always effective if the writer is not able to frame his thoughts in a broad aspect. Though we all feel that writing inspiring words that help us grow the mindset and knowledge about people’s inspiration alone cannot be enough. We need to focus on the facts, grammar and a lot more things while writing and writing essays. And now we’ll be discussing such tips and tricks for writing an effective essay.

Steps for Writing an Inspiring Essay

  1. Have a clear understanding of the topic: Read the topic and understand what is expected from you over those words. Know exactly what is expected from you over the title and then dissect the idea into parts to think of prompt ideas for writing.

  2. Create a plan: Start brainstorming your ideas, organize your thoughts this will help you get a good overview of the topic and help you write an effective essay easily. A good idea is to make a hierarchical plan about the paragraphs you plan to write to support your ideas and give details about the same.

  3. Research: Here comes the most enthralling part of writing an essay. You need to at least go through 8-7 well-cited resources to get a brief idea of how to write your content. Use more idioms. phrases and quotes to make your essay more informative and quality worthy. While doing this make sure you never use someone else’s ideas as it is in your essay. SAY NO TO PLAGIARISM.

  4. Prepare a draft: Tadaaa! Now comes the part where we have to work our minds off and write down the brainstorming ideas into a well-formed informative essay. Usually, the first draft is considered as crap but if we work and organize our thoughts well using good informative words then our crappy ideas might turn out to be a gold gem.

  5. Make a good thesis: Now comes the important part of writing our strong ideas into the essay.

  6. Respond to the final prompts: The last moment kinks are always welcomed. If you’ve any last moment thoughts, add them up in the draft and get ready for the final round of writing your essay.

  7. Proofreading: This is an essential part. You must always read your essay at least twice to check if the sentences are well-formed and there are no grammatical errors in them.

Essay on Tennis

Tennis is a widely popular outdoor game which is being played in all regions of the world. Tennis was first played in the mid 19th century in Birmingham, England. Tennis has several variations in how it is played which include lawn tennis, table tennis, etc. Similar to cricket and soccer, tennis is a physically demanding sport. In this essay on tennis in English, how the sport influences one’s body and the effects it has on their body and mental health are discussed.

The Tennis Essay: All You Need to Know About the Sport 

Tennis is a kind of racket sport that is beneficial to one’s body in many regards. Although the majority of people concentrate on sports like cricket or football when they are young, oftentimes they cannot participate in those sports as they become older. However, tennis can be played and enjoyed by a wide group of people ranging from the very young to older people.

Here are Some of the Benefits of Playing Tennis

By playing tennis, one can acquire a better physique. Due to the several movements which are involved in the act of playing tennis, it is incredibly helpful in resulting in a better physique for one who plays tennis continually over a long period. 

Playing tennis results in a person having improved aerobic capacities as tennis is a physically demanding game that calls for an immense level of flexibility among its players.

Consistent practice of tennis helps in maintaining one’s blood pressure which further results in improved metabolism.

Tennis is a sport which can be played by people of different ages depending on their levels of stamina and the activeness of their bodies. Thus, tennis is a great physical activity for older people and it’s supremely enjoyable amongst people of all ages. 

One of the key advantages of a racket game like tennis is its list of required equipment which only includes a ball, a racket, and a net. Along with a ground to play in. Thus, it doesn’t require a ton of equipment or protective gear which makes tennis a readily playable sport. 

Tennis is an extremely helpful sport to reduce body weight, along with swimming. Because of the intense physical demand of this sport, tennis is considered one of the most effective sports for people with the desire of losing body weight.

Another advantage of playing tennis involves improving the reaction time of people. Because of the quick nature of the action, tennis helps increase the reaction time amongst its players.

Apart from these health benefits, tennis is also an effective way of reducing stress among people. According to various studies, playing tennis reduces stress and increases levels of happiness among people, especially older people. Studies prove that due to the physically demanding nature of tennis, it is helpful to people who experience stress. Tennis is also considered an extremely profitable career choice among people. 

Tennis players like Serena Williams, Venus Williams, Roger Federer, and Novak Djokovic are among the highest-earning sports persons in the world. Thus, the career of playing tennis is a profitable one as it can potentially earn its players relatively large amounts of wealth to establish and support their lifestyles. Along with considerable money, tennis also opens up several doors of recognition for its players. Professional tennis players are recognized and adored worldwide by legions of people which include those who admire them and are influenced by them. 

Types of Tennis Courts

  • Clay courts: These types of courts slow down the ball resulting in the ball bouncing higher compared to grass or hard courts. They are made from stone and crushed shale.

  • Grass courts: Fastest type of courts that consist of grass grown on hard-packed soil. These are high maintenance courts and have to be watered often and take a long time to dry. It’s difficult to play on such courts during the rainy season.

  • Hard courts: Made from a rigid material and are covered by acrylic surface layer thus offering higher consistency for bouncing of the ball.

  • Carpet courts: Any removable court covering. Used in the indoor arenas.

Interesting Facts

  • Tennis originated from ‘ Jeu de Paume’ which was played in France. Jeu de paume was a game played in the 12th century in France and was known as the game of palm. It is believed to be the forerunner of the sport.

  • Do you know? The oldest tennis stadium is located in London. The name of the stadium is Royal Tennis Court, which is a court palace in Hampton.

  • The scoring system is based on the clock face at one end of the court. The origins are 15,30 and 40 respectively. 

  • The US Open was won by Jimmy Connors on three different surfaces.

  • In a standard match, a tennis ball is usually played in the stadium for straight 20 minutes.

The Essay on Tennis: A Wrap-up

From the points that have been discussed and presented in this tennis essay, the benefits of the sport are clear. Tennis benefits a multitude of people in several different ways, ranging from health to social relations. Regular practice of the game helps to maintain and improve the physical fitness of an individual and helps reduce stress.

A Short Essay on Tennis

An Essay on My Favorite Game Tennis

Tennis is an outdoor game that is popular worldwide and played all over the globe. Several health benefits result from playing tennis, along with mental and social benefits. In this short essay on tennis, those benefits are discussed.

The Key Points

Due to its physically demanding nature, tennis is considered beneficial to the improvement of bodily fitness among people. Due to its various movements, tennis is proven to be helpful to people with stress reduction. The following part of my favorite sport tennis essay states the health benefits of the outdoor game:

  • Playing tennis results in achieving a better physique due to its various bodily movements.

  • Tennis results in better maintenance of human metabolism and blood pressure levels.

  • Tennis is incredibly helpful in losing body weight in people due to its intense physical nature.

  • Playing tennis helps increase aerobic capacities.

  • Tennis helps in improving muscle tone, strength and flexibility.

  • Tennis helps us improve reaction time as it makes us quite active people.

  • The above points in the tennis essay in English summarize the benefits of tennis in improving people’s physical agility and mental health.  

  • Tennis is a highly profitable career choice as professional players like Serena Williams and Roger Federer are among the highest-earning sports persons in the world.

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