Сочинение про турцию на английском

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Turkey is a very beautiful , historical , and interesting country with many ancient attractions. The culture of Turkey takes its roots from the Ottoman Empire. Straddling many countries, Turkey is the bridge between Europe and Asia. 75 million people live there. Turkey has many cities with ancient history, and largest and arguably the most beautiful city is Istanbul. Constantinople was the name of Istanbul a long time ago. One on the most famous attractions in Istanbul , the Hagia Sophia what is mean Holy Wisdom from Greek language. It is a great architectural beauty and an important monument both for Byzantine and for Ottoman Empires. Once a church, later a mosque, and now a museum, people from Turkey consider Hagia Sophia to be one of their most precious landmarks.

The Nemrut Mountain is another very ancient attraction in Turkey which located in the Province of Adyaman. The Commagene State was founded in the first century B.C. King Antiochus , who was known to be an art lover, decided that his grave should be at the summit of Nemrut Mountain and he said , » Those who come to visit my grave should wear their most beautiful clothes and the most fragrant perfumes».

And another historical and ancient place in Turkey name is Cappadocia. It is a geological wonderland which is sometimes considered to have covered a triangular area. Its vast grassland was ideal for raising horses, sheep and other small stock. Silver , copper and salt have been mined. In the Persian Language the word of Cappadocia , meant » Land of the well bred horses».

Pamukkale is another beautiful and historical place in Turkey. The Pamukkale , meaning «Cotton Castle» in the Turkish language, it is natural site in the province in southwestern Turkey. The city contains hot springs-terraces of carbonate minerals left by the flowing water. People have bathed in its pools for thousands of years.

The Ephesus is one of the most famous place in Turkey . The House of the Virgin Mary within this ancient city. Ephesus which was established as a port, used to be the most important commercial centre , as it played a great role in the ancient times with its strategic location.

Turkey has four seas. The names of the four seas are : The Black Sea, The Sea of Marmara, The Aegean Sea and The Mediterranean Sea.

Every year , millions of tourists travel to Turkey to visit and enjoy this great country.

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Обновлено: 11.03.2023

My best holiday I spent with my girlfriend. We rested for four weeks at the hotel Kempinski in Bodrum, Turkey. We flew by a plane to Turkey from Cyprus. It was the second time in my life because I was there the previous year with my boss and his children.

My holiday was exciting and full of joy. We saw a church, some museums and drawings of street scenes, landscapes, statues, some were of the most famous masters. As all tourists we bought unusual souvenirs.

We relaxed at the beach and we got a nice tan. During our travel across Turkey we saw several beautiful cities, for example Kusadasi and Izmir, and liked the culture of that places. There was a concert of Turkish Pop group, we went there to dance, laughed and enjoyed ourselves.

Every day I woke up with excitement, ready to go and explore new places. I enjoyed it immensely. It was a wonderful holiday in Turkey, holiday that was full of adventure. Every night I fell asleep and dreamt of what tomorrow would bring us. I am looking forward to going there again soon.

Мой лучший отдых за границей

Мой лучший отдых я провел со своей девушкой, мы отдыхали четыре недели в отеле Kempinski в Бодруме, Турция. Мы летели на самолете в Турцию из Кипра. Это был второй раз в моей жизни, потому что я был там в прошлом году с моим боссом и его детьми.

Мой отдых был интересным и полным радости. Мы видели церковь, несколько музеев и рисунки уличных сцен, пейзажи, статуи, некоторые самых известных мастеров. Как и все туристы, мы купили необычные сувениры.

Мы отдыхали на пляже, и имеем красивый загар. Во время нашего путешествия по Турции мы увидели несколько красивых городов, таких как Кушадасы и Измир, и я полюбил культуру этого места. Был концерт турецкой поп-группы, мы отправились туда, чтобы танцевать, смеялись и наслаждались этими днями.

Каждый день я просыпался от волнения, готов к исследованию новых мест. Мне понравилось очень. Это был прекрасный отдых в Турции; праздник, который был полон приключений. Каждую ночь я засыпал и мечтал о том, что завтра принесет нам. Я с нетерпением жду поездки туда еще раз в ближайшее время.

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Turkey is a very beautiful , historical , and interesting country with many ancient attractions. The culture of Turkey takes its roots from the Ottoman Empire. Straddling many countries, Turkey is the bridge between Europe and Asia. 75 million people live there. Turkey has many cities with ancient history, and largest and arguably the most beautiful city is Istanbul. Constantinople was the name of Istanbul a long time ago. One on the most famous attractions in Istanbul , the Hagia Sophia what is mean Holy Wisdom from Greek language. It is a great architectural beauty and an important monument both for Byzantine and for Ottoman Empires. Once a church, later a mosque, and now a museum, people from Turkey consider Hagia Sophia to be one of their most precious landmarks.
Turkey has four seas. The names of the four seas are : The Black Sea, The Sea of Marmara, The Aegean Sea and The Mediterranean Sea.
I really want to live there!
Турция очень красивая, историческая, и интересная страна с многими древними достопримечательностями.Культура Турции берет свое начало от Османской империи. Она граничит с многими странами, Турция является мостом между Европой и Азией. 75 миллионов человек живут там. Турция имеет много городов с древней историей, и самый большой и, пожалуй, самый красивый город Стамбул. Константинополь было название Стамбуле давно. Одна из самых известных достопримечательностей в Стамбуле, Собор Святой Софии, что является средним Софийский из греческого языка. Это большой архитектурной красотой и важный памятник, как для Византийской и Османской империй. После того, как церковь, позже сделали мечетью, а ныне музей, выходцы из Турции рассмотрели Собор Святой Софии который является одним из наиболее драгоценных памятников.
Турция имеет четыре моря. Имена четырех морей: Черноге море, Мраморное море, Эгейское море и Средиземное море.
Я очень хочу жить там !

A couple of years ago, I went travelling around Europe and I think my favorite country was Turkey. I didn’t see a lot of the country as such. I think we spent about 7 days in Istanbul, which was an amazing place. It was really, really interesting because you had the different cultures. It was slightly Westernized but mainly not and you’d hear the call to prayer five times a day and there was so much to see and do and they were really friendly there.

Пару лет назад я ездила по Европе, и больше всего мне понравилось в Турции — так я думаю. Как таковую, страну я не рассмотрела. Мы провели где-то 7 дней в Стамбуле — это удивительный город. Очень-очень интересный, потому что там смесь разных культур. Немного есть от Запада, но больше самобытного: по пять раз в день слышны молитвы, есть много чего посмотреть, чем заняться. И народ очень дружески настроен.

Um, the weather was great and then after our 7 days in Istanbul we went right to the middle of Turkey to a place called Cappadocia, which was basically a place where everyone lived in caves because it was so hot and that was so interesting to see their way of life and mainly I think they just made their money from carpets, so we went into of carpet shops. They tried to get us to buy, the whole tourist thing, but they were such friendly, welcoming people. And I really liked Turkey and I want to go back and do the coastline and more things but Istanbul and Turkey in general is a place I’d recommend.

Э. погода была отличная. А после 7 дней в Стамбуле мы поехали в самый центр страны — в Каппадокию. Главное в ней то, что там все из-за жары жили в пещерах, и было очень интересно посмотреть, как они живут. По-моему, в основном зарабатывают на торговле коврами — так что мы ходили в ковровые лавки. Нам пытались продать полный «туристический набор», но народ очень дружеский, гостеприимный. Мне очень понравилось в Турции, хочу ещё раз съездить, побывать на пляжах (побережье) и в других местах. Но я очень рекомендую Стамбул и вообще Турцию.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:


GREETING In Turkey, greet each other with a word “selam”

GREETING In Turkey, greet each other with a word “selam”

THE TURKEY REPUBLICK The name of the country comes from the people who live t.

THE TURKEY REPUBLICK The name of the country comes from the people who live there- the Turks. Full name — the Turkey Republic.

FLAG The red color of the Turkish flag originates from the ruler Umar, the co.

FLAG The red color of the Turkish flag originates from the ruler Umar, the conqueror of Palestine, Egypt and Mesopotamia. In the XIV century red became the color of the Ottoman Empire. The white crescent with star is a symbol of Islam.

ANTHEM “Independence March” - the official anthem of Turkey. It was official.

ANTHEM “Independence March” — the official anthem of Turkey. It was officially adopted on March 12, 1921. The author of the anthem is the Turkish poet Mehmet Akif Ersoy. It is about independence of the country.

ABOUT THE COUNTRY Turkey is on the crossroads of Europe and Asia, connecting.

ABOUT THE COUNTRY Turkey is on the crossroads of Europe and Asia, connecting the Black Sea with the Marmara and the Mediterranean. The population is about 70 million people. Turkey is the favorite holiday destination for most Russians and many Europeans, because in Turkey there is a clear warm sea, and long sandy beaches, and a rich history, and unique modern culture. Turkey’s currency is lira.

CAPITAL The capital of Turkey is Ankara.

CAPITAL The capital of Turkey is Ankara.

TRADITIONS Nowadays, Turkish sweets, Turkish carpets, tea and coffee in Turki.

TRADITIONS Nowadays, Turkish sweets, Turkish carpets, tea and coffee in Turkish and, of course, Turkish cuisine have become the business card of the country and part of the culture.

SWEETS Sweets - an integral part of the national food in Turkey. They are sol.

SWEETS Sweets — an integral part of the national food in Turkey. They are sold everywhere — from street vendors to shops. The most famous is baklava — a puff pastry cake in honey or syrup. Among desserts, Turkish delight and sherbet have earned great popularity.

TURKISH BATH HAMMAM In the hammam usually five rooms for bath procedures - by.

TURKISH BATH HAMMAM In the hammam usually five rooms for bath procedures — by the number of fingers. Turkish bath is one of the most popular types of bathing rest in the world. Hammam (Hammam) allows you to experience a special feeling of relaxation.

DANCE Turkey’s tradition, the dervish dance, originated more than seven centu.

DANCE Turkey’s tradition, the dervish dance, originated more than seven centuries ago.

A beautiful sight. Dervish hands are raised: right - palm up - to the sky, l.

A beautiful sight. Dervish hands are raised: right — palm up — to the sky, left — palm down — to the ground. Circling occurs counterclockwise at an increasing pace. The dancers’ clothes make the dance even more impressive. Unforgettable feelings.

SOME INTERESTING FACTS Istanbul is the only city in the world that is located.

SOME INTERESTING FACTS Istanbul is the only city in the world that is located on two continents. One on the most famous attractions in Istanbul , the Hagia Sophia what is mean Holy Wisdom from Greek language.

Cherry was first imported to Europe from northern Turkey. The world-famous D.

Cherry was first imported to Europe from northern Turkey. The world-famous Dutch tulips were introduced by the Turks in the XVI century. Russian tourists are often struck by the hospitality of the Turks. It is amazing because it is not simple hospitality, but to some extent intrusive.

RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TOURISTS It is prohibited to photograph women in black, a.

RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TOURISTS It is prohibited to photograph women in black, and even men should be asked permission. Entering a private house, the Turks always take off their shoes. The most annoying thing a foreigner can do is confuse a country with Greece.

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Дан 1 ответ

Turkey is a very beautiful , historical , and interesting country with
many ancient attractions. The culture of Turkey takes its roots from the
Ottoman Empire. Straddling many countries, Turkey is the bridge between
Europe and Asia. 75 million people live there. Turkey has many cities
with ancient history, and largest and arguably the most beautiful city
is Istanbul. Constantinople was the name of Istanbul a long time ago.
One on the most famous attractions in Istanbul , the Hagia Sophia what
is mean Holy Wisdom from Greek language. It is a great architectural
beauty and an important monument both for Byzantine and for Ottoman
Empires. Once a church, later a mosque, and now a museum, people from
Turkey consider Hagia Sophia to be one of their most precious landmarks.

Turkey has four seas. The names of the four seas are : The Black Sea,
The Sea of Marmara, The Aegean Sea and The Mediterranean Sea.

I really want to live there!


Турция очень красивая, историческая, и интересная страна с многими древними достопримечательностями.Культура Турции берет свое начало от Османской империи. Она граничит с многими странами, Турция является мостом между Европой и Азией. 75 миллионов человек живут там. Турция имеет много городов с древней историей, и самый большой и, пожалуй, самый красивый город Стамбул. Константинополь было название  Стамбуле давно. Одна из самых известных достопримечательностей в Стамбуле, Собор Святой Софии, что является средним Софийский из греческого языка. Это большой архитектурной красотой и важный памятник, как для Византийской и Османской империй. После того, как церковь, позже сделали мечетью, а ныне музей, выходцы из Турции рассмотрели Собор Святой Софии который является одним из наиболее драгоценных памятников.

Турция имеет четыре моря. Имена четырех морей: Черноге море, Мраморное море, Эгейское море и Средиземное море.

Я очень хочу жить там!


31 Март, 18

Скидки и подарки от лучших сервисов по изучению английского языка. Только для тех кто подпишется на нашу рассылку (без спама)

Куда поехать? Впечатления от Турции

Категория: Рассказы на английском языке
Сложность: начальный уровень
Продолжительность аудио: 1:10
Длина: короткий
Тематика: путешествие
Текст читает: Nicola (English)

Скидки и подарки от лучших сервисов по изучению английского языка. Только для тех кто подпишется на нашу рассылку (без спама)

A couple of years ago, I went travelling around Europe and I think my favorite country was Turkey. I didn’t see a lot of the country as such. I think we spent about 7 days in Istanbul, which was an amazing place. It was really, really interesting because you had the different cultures. It was slightly Westernized but mainly not and you’d hear the call to prayer five times a day and there was so much to see and do and they were really friendly there.

Пару лет назад я ездила по Европе, и больше всего мне понравилось в Турции — так я думаю. Как таковую, страну я не рассмотрела. Мы провели где-то 7 дней в Стамбуле — это удивительный город. Очень-очень интересный, потому что там смесь разных культур. Немного есть от Запада, но больше самобытного: по пять раз в день слышны молитвы, есть много чего посмотреть, чем заняться. И народ очень дружески настроен.

Um, the weather was great and then after our 7 days in Istanbul we went right to the middle of Turkey to a place called Cappadocia, which was basically a place where everyone lived in caves because it was so hot and that was so interesting to see their way of life and mainly I think they just made their money from carpets, so we went into of carpet shops. They tried to get us to buy, the whole tourist thing, but they were such friendly, welcoming people. And I really liked Turkey and I want to go back and do the coastline and more things but Istanbul and Turkey in general is a place I’d recommend.

Э… погода была отличная. А после 7 дней в Стамбуле мы поехали в самый центр страны — в Каппадокию. Главное в ней то, что там все из-за жары жили в пещерах, и было очень интересно посмотреть, как они живут. По-моему, в основном зарабатывают на торговле коврами — так что мы ходили в ковровые лавки. Нам пытались продать полный «туристический набор», но народ очень дружеский, гостеприимный. Мне очень понравилось в Турции, хочу ещё раз съездить, побывать на пляжах (побережье) и в других местах. Но я очень рекомендую Стамбул и вообще Турцию.

The capital of Turkey — Ankara. One of the largest cities in the country. In which a huge number of attractions. Turkey Area 798,000 square kilometers. Official language to Turkish. Turkey’s population of 77 milion chelovek.Natsionalnost I like all Muslim countries — Islam. In Turkey, the most important attractions -Efes ancient city on the western coast of Asia Minor, at the confluence of the rivers Kaistr.Svoey glory of Ephesus greatly obliged local cult eastern goddess of fertility, eventually identified as the Greek goddess Artemis.Another attraction is Cappadocia.  National Park and Cappadocia cave settlements are included in UNESCO World Heritage Site.Турция

Столица Турции — Анкара. Один из самых крупнейших городов страны. В котором огромной количество достопримечательностей. Площадь Турции 798 тысяч километров  квадратных. Официальный  язык -турецкий. Населений турции 77 милион человек.Национальность я как и у всех мусульманских стран — ислам. В Турции самые главные достопримечательности -Эфес  древний город на западном побережье Малой Азии, при впадении реки Каистр.Своей славой Эфес в большой степени обязан местному культу восточной богини плодородия, со временем отождествлённой с греческой богиней Артемидой.Еще одна достопримечательность это Кападокия. Национальный парк Гёреме и пещерные поселения Каппадокии входят в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО.

My summer holidays in Turkey.

Last summer my parents and I were abroad, in Turkey.The nature is very great in this country: beautiful palms, blooming bushes. Citizens in Tirkey were very kind. They were always ready to give a helping hand.

Turkey is famous for its Turkish baths named «Hamman». We visited them with pleasure.

Having a rest on the beach, I saw people paragliding . So we decided to try. Preparation for flight was very careful. So we took off the land. The view from the height above sea was shaking: high mountains and a blue sea. Flying over the sea, we saw a huge turtle. After a final landing we had been disussing the flight for a long time. All my family was delighted. I`ll never forget my first flight with a parachute.

The day of our departure came. I didn`t want to leave this country.

I liked my rest in Turkey very much. I hope we will visit it next holidays again.

Прошлым летом я с родителями были за границей в Турции. Природа там великолепная: красивые пальмы, цветущие кусты. Граждане Турции очень добрые, всегда готовые прийти на помощь.

Турция славится своими банями под названием «Хаммам». Мы их посищали с удовольствием.

Много раз, отдыхая на пляже, я видела как люди катались на парашютах. Вот мы и решили попробывать. Подготовка к полету была очень тщательной. Вот мы оторвались от земли. Вид с высоты был потрясающий: высокие горы, голубое море. Пролетая над морем, мы видели огромную морскую черепаху. После окончательного приземления мы долго обсуждали полет. Вся наша семья была в восторге. Я никогда не забуду свой первый полет на парашюте.

Приблизился день отъезда. Уезжать из этой страны не хотелось.

Мне очень понравилось отдыхать в Турции. Надеюсь на следующих летних каникулах мы снова туда поедем.

Преподаватель который помогает студентам и школьникам в учёбе.

Traveling is the most exciting way to change yourself for the better. They broaden our horizons and change our life and attitude towards it, our priorities and values, and help us grow and develop. Traveling is the best education in the modern world!

Each country has its own traditions and culture. Thanks to travel, we not only learn the worlds of different countries, but also enrich knowledge about life in general. Traveling also gives us the opportunity to meet new interesting people, learn new languages ​​and develop our abilities. That is why, if I had the opportunity, I would travel all my life and travel around all the countries of the world!

The best and, perhaps, the only trip in my life was to Turkey. It was almost 8 years ago, but I remember everything as if it were yesterday, and these memories warm my soul. At that time, it was very popular to give free trips to various countries to families in which parents worked in law enforcement agencies and had three or more children. And I was very lucky, as my mother also got such a ticket to Turkey!

At first, I was a little scared: a foreign country, the first flight on an airplane, completely strangers around. But I very quickly threw these thoughts aside, because the view from the airplane window was simply breathtaking! We flew about 3 hours. During this time, I managed to consider how diverse the clouds are and how the cities glow with colorful lights at dusk. I had not noticed this before, but then I was convinced that it was the most fantastic time in my life!

I flew with a small group of children and one adult — our counselor. During the flight, we met a little closer and even made friends with several guys: we discussed common interests, shared our opinion about the upcoming trip and played cards.

Upon arrival, we boarded a large double-decker bus and headed straight to the hotel. The journey took us about 40 minutes. Of course, we were very tired, but there was so much interesting around that we immediately forgot about fatigue and began to examine the hotel grounds.
In addition to a luxurious exotic setting, the hotel had various attractions, two swimming pools — an adult and a children’s, a gift shop and a huge beach! Since the time was later, we decided that it would be logical to consider more closely after a good sleep, and we went to the numbers.

The first day in Turkey was simply unforgettable! We spent the whole day on the beach, swimming in the warm sea and sunbathing in the sun, eating sweet fruits and various traditional dishes. It’s even tastier than in Russia! In the evening, we watched the performance of live artists right at the hotel and sang songs by the fire.

A few days later we went on a tour. At first I thought that we would consider some sights, but the tour was a trip to the local market. And, you know, that didn’t upset me at all, because the prices there were very small! In the market you could find anything you like, from colorful and silk fabrics to all kinds of sweets. For my $ 100 that my mother allocated for the trip, I bought a lot of Turkish delight with different tastes and a lot of souvenirs. I especially liked the Turkish delight with the taste of a rose. I have never tried such yummy! I was impressed by the variety of products in this market and its peculiar beauty.

The remaining days we spent at the hotel. Initially, our trip was supposed to last 6 days and 7 nights, but something went wrong, and our return home was delayed for a couple of days. But it was very welcome! On the last day, we took a lot of photos and even managed to mess up our number, for which later we had to pay a fine of $ 35.

Overall, the trip to Turkey was just awesome! I had a great time and got a bunch of amazing emotions. I hope that one day I can come back here again or visit other countries. After all, travel is so beautiful!


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