Сочинение про ворону на английском

Рассказ о птицах на английском языке

На чтение 2 мин Обновлено 7 июля, 2017

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Рассказ про ворону на английском языке

A crow is a common black bird that found everywhere. It has brown eyes, black legs, and a short tail. It eats fruits, grain, insects, warms and flesh. It has very harsh voice. It caws loudly. The common crow may usually live for about 7 years, although some have lived as long as 14 years in the wild.

A crow is a natural cleaner. The crow lives in a tree and in groups. It is very intelligent bird.

Moreover, they prove to be very useful when it comes to controlling pests that destroy crops.

There are various myths associated with crows. They are depicted in various forms in different cultures

Сочинение про ворону на английском языке с переводом

Ворона — обычная черная птица, которую можно найти везде. У нее коричневые глаза, черные ноги и короткий хвост. Она питается фруктами, зерном, насекомыми, червями и плотью. У нее очень суровый голос. Она громко кричит. Обычная ворона обычно может прожить около 7 лет, хотя некоторые из них живут до 14 лет в дикой природе.

Ворона — это натуральный уборщик. Ворона живет на дереве и в группах. Это очень умная птица.

Более того, они оказываются очень полезными, когда речь идет о борьбе с вредителями, которые разрушают посевы.

Существуют различные мифы, связанные с воронами. Они изображены в разных формах в разных культурах

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A crow is a common black bird that found everywhere. It has brown eyes, black legs, and a short tail. It eats fruits, grain, insects, warms and flesh. It has very harsh voice. It caws loudly. The common crow may usually live for about 7 years, although some have lived as long as 14 years in the wild.

Ворона — обычная черная птица, которая встречается повсюду. У него карие глаза, черные ноги и короткий хвост. Он питается фруктами, зерном, насекомыми, теплом и мясом. У него очень резкий голос. Он громко каркает. Обыкновенная ворона обычно живет около 7 лет, хотя некоторые живут в дикой природе до 14 лет

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Тут написано про ворону.

A crow is a common black bird that found everywhere. It has brown eyes, black legs, and a short tail. It eats fruits, grain, insects, warms and flesh. It has very harsh voice. It caws loudly. The common crow may usually live for about 7 years, although some have lived as long as 14 years in the wild. Moreover, they prove to be very useful when it comes to controlling pests that destroy crops. There are various myths associated with crows. They are depicted in various forms in different cultures


Главатских Елена

crow is a very intelligent bird. In her character there is caution, patience
and arrogance. This bird is mysterious and unique.

are large birds of the order Sparrow-like. They belong to the genus of Crows of
the Vranov family. These birds live almost everywhere. They can be found in
European countries, in Asia, in America, in Australia and even in the northern
regions of Africa.

length of the bird’s body is about 60 cm, and the average weight of the bird is
slightly more than 800 grams. The wingspan of the crow is about 1 meter, and
the wing length varies from 25 cm to 30 cm. The tail has a wedge-shaped shape.
The crow’s beak is very strong and sharp, and has a high bend. In nature, the life
expectancy of crows is 15 years. They can live up to 40 years in captivity.

color of the feathers of crows is gray or black, but purple, bluish, purple,
greenish shades prevail.

build nests on the edges of the forest or on trees among fields and meadows.
They build a nest high in the crown of trees. Branches, clay and moss serve as
their building material. They nest in separate pairs, not in flocks. In the
crow family, about 5 eggs appear, which are incubated by the female. After 25 days,
chicks emerge from the eggs.

crow can also be found in the city. They are frequent visitors to garbage cans,
as there are more chances to find food here. The favorite and familiar food of
crows is food waste. But mostly, crows eat animal food. For example: insects,
small rodents, fish, shellfish, grain, fruits, berries, nuts, likes to feast on
eggs from someone else’s nest.

genus of Crows includes several species: black, gray, bronze, Australian, South
Australian, white-necked, big-beaked, bristly, Bangai. Australian crows have a
distinctive feature – white edging around the eyes. But the bronze ones have a
white spot on the back of their head. Big-billed crows are the largest crows.
Their weight can reach more than 1 kg. Bristly have a black color with a blue
tint. They are found on the African continent from the northern regions to the
Sahara Desert. White-necked crows differ from others by having a white necklace
of feathers around their neck. Bangai crows live only on one island in
Indonesia. In size, they are the smallest of this genus. Sometimes albino white
crows are found in nature.

The medieval atmosphere of the fortress expressive complement of the legendary ravens of the tower, many hundreds of generations of which live on his lawn. 
The ravens that roam the tower and not simple. It’s the Royal bird, the descendants of the crow, who christened the name of the hated Edward, day in and day fought with Lord Mortimer, a prisoner in one of the basement. Tower ravens on the protection of the British monarchy. They live here a long time ago, and on the legal position passed from the moment when, according to legend, king Charles II issued a decree that six ravens, plus a reserve should be maintained constantly, because the English monarchy will stand as long as the tower is not transferred these ominous birds. However, during the Second World war, only one survived the crows, but the tower, as is known, survived. 
Due to the fact that in captivity, the crows do not breed, the number of birds occasionally have to refill. However, this is not done often. Because these birds are long-lived and can live more than 20 human years. For the maintenance of bird funding and full-time caretaker feeds them with food that will certainly contain raw meat.

The medieval atmosphere of the fortress expressive complement of the legendary ravens of the tower, many hundreds of generations of which live on his lawn.

The ravens that roam the tower and not simple. It’s the Royal bird, the descendants of the crow, who christened the name of the hated Edward, day in and day fought with Lord Mortimer, a prisoner in one of the basement. Tower ravens on the protection of the British monarchy. They live here a long time ago, and on the legal position passed from the moment when, according to legend, king Charles II issued a decree that six ravens, plus a reserve should be maintained constantly, because the English monarchy will stand as long as the tower is not transferred these ominous birds. However, during the Second World war, only one survived the crows, but the tower, as is known, survived.

Due to the fact that in captivity, the crows do not breed, the number of birds occasionally have to refill. However, this is not done often. Because these birds are long-lived and can live more than 20 human years. For the maintenance of bird funding and full-time caretaker feeds them with food that will certainly contain raw meat.

The medieval atmosphere of the fortress expressive complement of the legendary ravens of the tower, many hundreds of generations of which live on his lawn. 

The ravens that roam the tower and not simple. It’s the Royal bird, the descendants of the crow, who christened the name of the hated Edward, day in and day fought with Lord Mortimer, a prisoner in one of the basement. Tower ravens on the protection of the British monarchy. They live here a long time ago, and on the legal position passed from the moment when, according to legend, king Charles II issued a decree that six ravens, plus a reserve should be maintained constantly, because the English monarchy will stand as long as the tower is not transferred these ominous birds. However, during the Second World war, only one survived the crows, but the tower, as is known, survived. 

Due to the fact that in captivity, the crows do not breed, the number of birds occasionally have to refill. However, this is not done often. Because these birds are long-lived and can live more than 20 human years. For the maintenance of bird funding and full-time caretaker feeds them with food that will certainly contain raw meat.

Write 610 sentences about any bird.


ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. UNIT 4. Step 1. Номер №10


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Напиши 610 предложений о какой−то птице.


I want to tell you about pigeons. All of us know this bird and you have seen it many times. This bird is larger than a sparrow but smaller than a crow. It can be blue−grey, grey, sometimes white or brown. Some time ago people used them to carry short letters. These days you can see them in the streets and parks. People like to feed them on the squares.

Перевод ответа
Я хочу рассказать вам о голубях. Все мы знаем эту птицу, и вы видели ее много раз. Эта птица крупнее воробья, но меньше вороны. Она может быть сине−серой, серой, иногда белой или коричневой. Некоторое время назад люди использовали их, чтобы носить короткие письма. В наши эти дни вы можете увидеть их на улицах и в парках. Люди любят кормить их на площадях.

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