Today every ten minutes one species of animal, insect, bird, fish or plant dies out forever mainly because of the world’s environmental problems. However, some animals have become extinct because of human actions. People hunt, overfish and change wetlands and forests to croplands and urban areas.
The passenger pigeon, the dodo, the West African black rhino, the Caribbean monk seal, the Tasmanian wolf were hunted to extinction, for instance. The West African rhino became extinct due to being hunted for its horns. The dodo was last seen nearly 400 years ago on the East African coast. Unlike most birds, dodos couldn’t fly and were easy to be caught for meat.
Several major mass extinctions occurred in the past. Each time many animal species were wiped out. The worst mass extinction happened about 248 million years ago. This extinction included mainly invertebrates that lived in water. Another mass extinction occurred about 65 million years ago. It wiped out many of the planet’s land animals, including the dinosaurs. Scientists believe that a giant asteroid hit the Earth and caused that disaster.
About 10,000 years ago another mysterious animal extinction occurred. It was especially dramatic in North America, where woolly mammoths and saber-toothed cats disappeared. Some scientists believe that the climate change collapsed the food chain, animals had nothing to eat and couldn’t survive.
As global temperatures are rising nowadays, animals such as polar bears, penguins, walruses and the arctic foxes are becoming more and more under threat. The Great Barrier Reef, home to around 1500 different species, has lost over half its coral cover in just three decades, due to the climate change as well. Today a quarter of mammals is at risk of extinction according to the International Red List of Threatened Species.
Laws are trying to protect the world’s endangered species and their habitats from being polluted or destroyed. Some laws make it illegal to hunt endangered animals. Nevertheless, if nothing is done about wildfires, air, soil and water pollution, our planet will face disastrous consequences and one million species that are alive today will have become extinct in the nearest 20 years.
Сегодня каждые 10 минут один вид животного, насекомого, птицы, рыбы или растения вымирает навсегда, в основном, из-за мировых экологических проблем. Однако некоторые виды животных вымирают по причине человеческих поступков. Люди охотятся, истощают рыбные запасы, превращают болотистые места и леса в пахотные земли и городские застройки.
Странствующий голубь, додо, западно-африканский черный носорог, карибский тюлень-монах, тасманский волк были, к примеру, полностью истреблены охотой. Западно-африканский носорог вымер вследствие охоты на его рога. В последний раз додо был замечен около 400 лет назад на восточно-африканском побережье. В отличие от большинства птиц, додо не умел летать, и его легко было поймать ради мяса.
Несколько основных массовых вымираний произошло в прошлом. И каждый раз многие виды животных были стерты с лица земли. Самое страшное массовое вымирание произошло около 248 миллионов лет назад. Это вымирание касалось, в основном, беспозвоночных, обитающих в воде. Другое массовое вымирание случилось около 65 миллионов лет назад. Оно уничтожило многих наземных животных планеты, включая динозавров. Ученые полагают, что гигантский астероид врезался в Землю и привел к катастрофе.
Около 10 000 лет назад произошло еще одно загадочное вымирание животных. И драматичнее всего оно было в Северной Америке, где исчезли шерстистые мамонты и саблезубые кошки. Некоторые ученые считают, что климатические изменения разрушили пищевую цепочку, животным стало нечем питаться, и они не смогли выжить.
Поскольку глобальные температуры сегодня повышаются, такие животные, как полярные медведи, пингвины, моржи и песцы все больше и больше подвергаются угрозе. Большой Коралловый Риф, дом для 1500 видов животных, потерял более половины своего кораллового покрова всего лишь за три десятилетия также по причине климатических изменений. Согласно Международному Красному Списку Исчезающих Видов четверть млекопитающих находится сегодня под угрозой исчезновения.
Закон пытается защитить исчезающие в мире виды животных и их места обитания от загрязнения и разрушения. Некоторые законы объявляют охоту на исчезающие виды животных противозаконной. Тем не менее, если ничего не изменится в ситуации с лесными пожарами, загрязнением воздуха, почвы и воды, то наша планета столкнется с трагическими последствиями, и в ближайшие 20 лет один миллион видов животных, которые живы сегодня, вымрут.
Extinct animals (Вымершие животные) — 5.0 out of
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Тихменево 2018
Endangered animals |
Исчезающие животные |
Wild animals The fauna of our |
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Today the most well-known |
Сегодня самыми |
Blue whales, for example, die out for innutrition. The |
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A |
Снежного |
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The And |
Катастрофически И |
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Any |
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It is time to introduce proper order on the Earth, to break |
Пора |
There are many kind of animals in Russia. Each of them have their uniquess which amazing to see. Same like the other country, Russia offer various kind of animal – even exclusive can only seen in this country. But as the technology raising and cause of the human business, slow but sure they start to mess up with nature. Clean up the forest, hunting exotics animal, even the global warming some of them were endangered and will face extinction if Russian didn’t do anything. We will share 7 most endangered species of animals in Russia. Most of them are the top predator in their food chain. Who are they? Lets check this out.
1. Amur Leopard
The number one of the endangered species which will extinct if the government, or Russian society didn’t do anything to save this species. It was believed that only less than 60 are estimated to exist in Russia. The Amur Leopard , which well-known as Manchurian Leopard is have the critically endangered status and largely can be found in large swathes of northeast Asia, but because of the hunt, we believe this species only be found in native place at the Primorye Region in southeastern Russia.
What makes this leopard so famous because they have thick coat of fur with beautiful black spots. They have various colour of their coat from pale to deep yellow with the golden tinge. If we compare to another leopard, Amur Leopard is smaller than anyone. Because they live in snow terrain, they already adapt with the envoriment with long limbs. What makes this leopard close to extinction are poaching, forest fires, illness, and by human who encroachment into their habitat.
2. Polar Bear
Polar Bear is the iconic species in Russia. It is the world’s largest land predator . Weighing about 800 kilograms, not difficult for them to achieve the title of “ largest land predator”. This animals really famous because of the animation film called “ Masha and the Bear”, a funny animation film starred a girl and the Bear who lived together.
The estimated polar bear who still exist are 3,000 polar bear living in Chukchi Sea which make them endangered. However, it would not a exact number since Russian authorities did not allow scientist to estimate population of Polar Bear in Russia. So what make this exotic species decreased day by day?
Scientist believed that illegal hunting haunted the Polar Bear since decades ago and we need the authorities to act against the hunter. Finally in 1956, the illegal hunting of Russian Polar Bear has been banned . However, we still saw dead bodies of them and was claimed by self-defense from the locals. To ensure the existence of the species, the government made an agreement with their old foe, the United States. In 2000 the Russia and the united States signed bilateral agreement to save polar bear population in the Chuckhi Sea. Both countries are going to allow only the indigenous people to kill the polar bears with the limited permission by the number of bears to be hunted.
3. Snow Leopard
The snow leopard is the only permanent inhabitant of the Central Asia highlands. They found in the sub alpine and the alpine zones at altitude over 2,500 meters above sea level. This big cats is adapted with harsh climatic conditions. Optimal habitat conditions for this big cat are the presence of rock and snow cover.
Snow Leopard has natural habitat at the northwestern part in Russia. It has 60,000 square kilometres , the total area that probable can be use for snow leopard to habitate. The snow leopard is one of the most beautiful big cats found in Russia. The female is slightly larger than the male. In captivity, this cat can lives up to 28 years.
What you don’t know about snow leopard is the behaviour they have. They are very playful and love to roll in the snow. Sometimes they often slide down a steep hill at the back and at the end they quickly turn over and fall into the snow on all four paws. When they are in good mood, they just like house cat.
4. Lynxes
Lynxes is very unique animal. It is one of any of the four species within the medium-sized wild cat in Lynx genus. In Greek, Lynx is known by the Greek Mythology and “lynx” means seeing what others can’t, and have the role to revealing the hidden truth. The name comes from Greek – leukos meaning white or bright, maybe lynxes got the name by the way their eyes shine in the dark .
The main reason why this cat named lynxes wasnot by the eyes, but comes from the ears. This animal is well known by the tuft of black hair on the tips of its ears and it short or bobbed tail. All lynxes, both male and female have the tufts, until know we still don’t know what they are used for. Until now scientist believes that the tufts were made for enhacing the cat’s hearing.
Did you know, because of the habitat loss due to deforestation , prey loss due to game hunting, and illegal hunting and trapping for the fur trade are the main treat to Lynx. Hard to believe, but the population of this animal is decreasing by the time. For now, conservation status of Eurasian Lynx in Least concern or population stable thanks for the quick response from the authorities.
5. Beluga Whale
Beluga Whale is one of the endangered species in Russia. They often called the white whale and well-known for their impressive vocal abilities, flexible body , which is possible for them to move their head to all direction. This species not only have a bad condition in Russia, but across the world. The reason this friendly white whale endangered is because Eskimos. These eskimos hunt the whale for food and the needs. For those who don’t know, whale’s blubber ad shark liver were hunt for the lipstick. So if we don’t limit the hunt for this species, it will gone forever.
The species has the scientific names – delphinapterus leucas, which have the length about 15 feets for the male and females up to 14 feet. They have lifespan about 30 – 50 years. Reasonable if we see their big body. They have stunning weigh approx. 3,000 lbs for the male, and 2,000 lbs for the females.
The protection status for the endangered species act is endangered, while IUCN Red List is near-threatened and have appendix II status for their CITES.
So that’s all 5 Most Endangered Species of animals in Russia. Most of them really beautiful, and have a better lifespan if we don’t hunt for the needs or for food. We have to limit the hunting, because if we just do it without any control for the authorities, day by day their population will decreasing and our child will no longer see this animals forever. Since we still have time to protect and do something for them, lets make some change and do the best for their live.
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Вымирающие животныеEvery year the number of endangered species steadily grows. It would be good to define what the community of endangered species is. It is a population of organisms which is at risk of becoming extinct. More than 40 percent of all organisms are likely to become extinct soon, which is unbelievable. Some of them are simply few in numbers, some are threatened by changing environment. In most cases animal extinction, as well as other natural calamities, is a result of human actions. Many habitats are being destroyed around the world. It seems that endangered wildlife is everywhere around us. To think only that these cute little polar bears at the zoo are gradually going to become extinct. Human activity has strong influence on the process of animal extinction. People chop down numerous forests, leaving certain species without shelter and their natural habitat. They also build newer and newer factories, which release chemical wastes into ocean water. As a result, thousands of sea animal die out. Moreover, people often overexploit animals, buying and selling their valuable parts, such as skin, teeth, fat, tusks. Domestic animals are also badly treated. If people continue treating our environment in such way, we will soon be trapped in ecological disaster. There are many reasons for rare species’ conservation. Firstly, they have aesthetic value. Secondly, they are useful from medical point of view. And, finally, the ecology of our planet literally depends on them.
На русском языке:
С каждым годом количество исчезающих видов неуклонно растет. Было бы хорошо, дать определение самому сообществу исчезающих видов. Это собрание организмов, которые находятся под угрозой вымирания. Более 40 процентов всех организмов подвержены скорому вымиранию, что просто невероятно. Некоторые из них просто малочисленны, некоторые находятся под угрозой изменения окружающей среды. В большинстве случаев исчезновение животных, как и другие природные бедствия, это результат человеческих действий. По всему миру разрушают их естественную среду обитания. Кажется, что угроза исчезновения диких животных окружает нас повсюду. Подумать только, что эти милые маленькие белые медведи, которые живут в зоопарке, постепенно вымирают. Деятельность человека оказывает сильное влияние на процесс вымирания животных. Люди вырубают многочисленные леса, оставляя некоторые виды без крова и их естественной среды обитания. Также, они все время строят новые заводы, которые выпускают химические отходы в воду океана. В результате этого, тысячи морских животных вымирают. Помимо этого, люди часто чрезмерно эксплуатируют животных, покупая и продавая их ценные части, например, кожу, зубы, жир, клыки. С домашними животными тоже неважно обращаются. Если люди будут продолжать, так относится к нашей окружающей среде, то в скором времени мы окажемся в ловушке экологического бедствия. Существует множество причин для сохранения редких видов. Во-первых, они имеют эстетическую ценность. Во-вторых, они полезны с медицинской точки зрения. И, наконец, экология нашей планеты буквально зависит на них.
На английском языке | Перевод на русский язык |
Endangered Species | Вымирающие животные |
Every year the number of endangered species steadily grows. It would be good to define what the community of endangered species is. It is a population of organisms which is at risk of becoming extinct. More than 40 percent of all organisms are likely to become extinct soon, which is unbelievable. Some of them are simply few in numbers, some are threatened by changing environment. In most cases animal extinction, as well as other natural calamities, is a result of human actions. Many habitats are being destroyed around the world. It seems that endangered wildlife is everywhere around us. To think only that these cute little polar bears at the zoo are gradually going to become extinct. Human activity has strong influence on the process of animal extinction. People chop down numerous forests, leaving certain species without shelter and their natural habitat. They also build newer and newer factories, which release chemical wastes into ocean water. As a result, thousands of sea animal die out. Moreover, people often overexploit animals, buying and selling their valuable parts, such as skin, teeth, fat, tusks. Domestic animals are also badly treated. If people continue treating our environment in such way, we will soon be trapped in ecological disaster. There are many reasons for rare species’ conservation. Firstly, they have aesthetic value. Secondly, they are useful from medical point of view. And, finally, the ecology of our planet literally depends on them. | С каждым годом количество исчезающих видов неуклонно растет. Было бы хорошо, дать определение самому сообществу исчезающих видов. Это собрание организмов, которые находятся под угрозой вымирания. Более 40 процентов всех организмов подвержены скорому вымиранию, что просто невероятно. Некоторые из них просто малочисленны, некоторые находятся под угрозой изменения окружающей среды. В большинстве случаев исчезновение животных, как и другие природные бедствия, это результат человеческих действий. По всему миру разрушают их естественную среду обитания. Кажется, что угроза исчезновения диких животных окружает нас повсюду. Подумать только, что эти милые маленькие белые медведи, которые живут в зоопарке, постепенно вымирают. Деятельность человека оказывает сильное влияние на процесс вымирания животных. Люди вырубают многочисленные леса, оставляя некоторые виды без крова и их естественной среды обитания. Также, они все время строят новые заводы, которые выпускают химические отходы в воду океана. В результате этого, тысячи морских животных вымирают. Помимо этого, люди часто чрезмерно эксплуатируют животных, покупая и продавая их ценные части, например, кожу, зубы, жир, клыки. С домашними животными тоже неважно обращаются. Если люди будут продолжать, так относится к нашей окружающей среде, то в скором времени мы окажемся в ловушке экологического бедствия. Существует множество причин для сохранения редких видов. Во-первых, они имеют эстетическую ценность. Во-вторых, они полезны с медицинской точки зрения. И, наконец, экология нашей планеты буквально зависит на них. |
Вымирающие животные/ Endangered Species